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Polish-2013 84.Pdf 13 20 3 Contents Address by PAS President Medical Sciences ..................................... 91 Professor Michał Kleiber ........................... 3 International Relations ............................ 101 Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences ................................................. 5 Educational and Promotional Activity .....107 Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences .................................................. 7 Th e FNP Prizes for 2012 .........................112 Humanities and Social Sciences .................13 Selected Statistics .....................................116 Biological and Agricultural Sciences .......... 43 Foreign Scientifi c Centers ........................118 Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences .................. 56 Research Units and Branches ...................119 Engineering Sciences ................................. 74 Scientifi c and Task Force Committees ..... 126 Scientific Council: © Copyright 2011 Polish Academy of Sciences Marek C. Chmielewski – Editor-in-Chief Stanisław Filipowicz Offi ce of Science Promotion Andrzej Jerzmanowski PKiN, Pl. Defi lad 1, 00-901 Warsaw, Poland Marek Grad www.pan.pl Marian P. Kaźmierkowski Sławomir Majewski ISSN 1640-3754 Published by: On the cover: Th e vicinity of Halicz on the Josephine map of Galicia, Offi ce of Science Promotion 1779-1783, scale 1:28 800, fragment of sheet 300, original Edited by: (Image courtesy of the Kriegsarchiv, Vienna) Elżbieta Jamroz Medical and Surgery Academy, Warsaw (now: the Polish Katarzyna Kalinowska Academy of Sciences, Staszic Palace) by F.H. Röber after L. Kapliński, woodcut engraving. Reproduction from the Translated and proofread by: Archives of the Photographical Documentation Archives Daniel J. Sax of the PAS Institute of Arts. Graphic design: Robert Dobrzyński Printed and bound by: Wrocławska Drukarnia Naukowa PAN Computer setting: 53-505 Wrocław, ul. Lelewela 4 Dariusz Górski phone: 48 (71) 343 45 30 Elżbieta Malik fax: 48 (71) 343 87 79 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk Address by PAS President Professor Michał Kleiber Th e year 2012 marked the 60th jubilee of the Academy’s existence. To celebrate this occasion, the PAS held a special session of its General Assembly on 24 May 2012. Organized under the honorary patronage of Polish President Bronisław Komorow- ski, the jubilee celebrations prompted not only rec- ollections of the Academy’s origins and history but also deliberations on its current tasks, place, and role in the world of modern science as well as its duties to society. All those refl ections were sum- marized in the book Tradycja – współczesność – przyszłość. Refleksje jubileuszowe 1952-2012 (“Tradition, Modernity, Future: Jubilee Refl ections 1952-2012”). Even so, the year 2012 was not exclusively or even predominantly a year of anniversary celebra- tions. It was the fi rst year of multidisciplinary eff orts after the completion of the crucial stage of the Acad- emy’s transformations, which began in October 2010. Th e General Assembly adopted the Code of K. Rainka Ethics for Researchers, an important document much-awaited by the academic milieu, as well as a set of “Strategic Directions of Development for the scientifi c units and their established position in the Polish Academy of Sciences,” a result and synoptic academic milieu. Seventy institutes and auxiliary overview of a debate that had taken place in the units of the Academy won 881 out of a total of Academy’s various bodies for a long time. Just as in 4,360 grants. Among the PAS institutes, leaders of the previous years, the General Assembly discussed basic research include: the Nencki Institute of Ex- some of the most important problems in the state’s perimental Biology, the Institute of Physical Chem- science policy and the funding of science, with a spe- istry, the Institute of Animal Reproduction and cial focus on the role of the PAS institutes. Food Research in Olsztyn, the Institute of Biochem- PAS establishments performed superbly in do- istry and Biophysics, and the Institute of Physics. mestic competitions and ranking lists. As part of A signifi cant element of the Academy’s scientifi c consortiums formed with university faculties, the work is its international activity, chiefl y in the form status of Leading National Research Centers was of bilateral cooperation, engagement in interna- granted to the following institutes affi liated with the tional organizations, and the activity of the PAS PAS: the Institute of Mathematics, the Henryk foreign scientifi c centers. Other examples of the Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics in Academy’s active cooperation with foreign institu- Kraków, the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and tions are major scientifi c conferences organized by Surface Chemistry in Kraków, the Institute of Phar- the PAS, including especially “Potential and New macology in Kraków, and the Mossakowski Medical Challenges for Humanities and Social Sciences: Research Center in Warsaw. Cross-Border Academic Dialogue” (the fi rst joint Created on the basis of the results of 15 compe- conference of representatives of social sciences and titions announced and decided in 2011-2012, the humanities from the PAS institutes and the Leib- National Science Center’s ranking of basic research niz Association) and the international conference leaders confi rmed the considerable potential of PAS “Electronic Health and Medicine: Advances and ANNUAL REPORT 2013 3 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk Challenges” (devoted to the assessment of ongoing French minister of culture, the PAS president re- advancements in e-health technologies as well as ceived the Adam Mickiewicz Award, granted by the their advantages and disadvantages). Members of the Committee of Polish-French-German Cooperation. IAP Biosecurity Working Group, chaired by Poland, Also, the Academy granted its prestigious award, attended the plenary session of the meeting of the the Mikołaj Kopernik Medal, to Prof. Henryk party-states to the Biological Weapons Conventions Skarżyński. Medals of the Academy were given to: under the auspices of the United Nations. As an Prof. Leszek Pączek, Prof. Jerzy Szafl ik, Prof. Lech event complementary to the meeting, a conference Zimowski, Prof. Junichi Ueda (Japan), Prof. Alberto was held to present the Group’s activity and intro- Oliverio (Italy), Prof. Hans Rothe (Germany), and duce its members in the fi eld of promoting educa- the PAS Mammal Research Institute. tion and raising awareness of dual-use technology. Th e PAS president set up the Iuvenes Wratislavie award, granted by the PAS branch in Wrocław to In 2012, members of the Academy won numer- young employees of the Academy’s center in Lower ous scientifi c awards and prizes, including awards Silesia for outstanding scientifi c achievements that sponsored by the Polish Prime Minister, the Min- contribute to the development of science. ister of Science and Higher Education, and the In 2013, the Academy will continue to pursue Foundation for Polish Science, as well as awards its research and organizational goals, both the ones granted by the presidents of higher education es- it has been advancing for years and those taken on tablishments, cabinet ministers, domestic and for- in 2012. Looking to the future with optimism, we eign academic groups, and the highest state would like to express our conviction that the Acad- decorations. Ten individuals were awarded doctor- emy’s mission as well as its scientifi c and social ob- ates honoris causa. Prof. Michał Kleiber, president jectives will be advanced courageously, solemnly, of the Polish Academy of Sciences, received France’s and in compliance with the high ethical and intel- L’Ordre Nationale de Merite and the Japanese Order lectual standards applicable in the world of science. of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star. Together with Prof. Rita Süssmuth, former president of Ger- Michał Kleiber many’s Bundestag, and Prof. Jack Lang, former President of the Polish Academy of Sciences 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences President of the Academy Vice-Presidents of the Academy Michał Kleiber, Ordinary Member Marek Chmielewski, Corresponding Member of the Academy of the Academy Andrzej Górski, Ordinary Member of the Academy Mirosława Marody, Corresponding Member of the Academy Adam J. Zięcik, Corresponding Member of the Academy Chancellor of the Academy Dr. Zdzisław Hensel Representatives of the Divisions Stanisław Filipowicz, Ordinary Member Marian Kaźmierkowski, Corresponding of the Academy, Dean of Division I: Member of the Academy, Dean of Division IV: Humanities and Social Sciences Engineering Sciences Jerzy Duszyński, Corresponding Member Jacek Zaremba, Corresponding Member of of the Academy, Dean of Division II: the Academy, Dean of Division V: Medical Biological and Agricultural Sciences Sciences Marek Grad, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Dean of Division III: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences Chair of the council of provosts (for each Division) Jerzy M. Brzeziński, Ordinary Member of the Janusz Kacprzyk, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Division I: Humanities and Social Academy, Division IV: Engineering Sciences Sciences Jan Albrecht, Corresponding Member of the Stefan Malepszy, Corresponding Member of Academy, Division V: Medical Sciences the Academy, Division II: Biological and Agricultural Sciences Janusz Lipkowski, Ordinary Member of
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