1997 by Randy Cook

Introduction box from Chesapeake to Virginia Beach. By a vote of 8-2 A “race feedback form” was given to the members at the board elected to keep it in Chesapeake. the races so they could tell their likes and dislikes. Pearl Ochs noted that a new point system created by Pearl Ibar- Ibarra instituted a point system to recognize volunteers at ra to recognize volunteers, went into effect in 1997. The the end of the year. The Tidewater Striders was the first Awards Banquet was a big success with more than 125 RRCA club to have a wheelchair division in some of its th Strider members in attendance. A new Strider logo ap- races. A 25 Anniversary Party for the Striders was held. peared in The Rundown and on race flyers. The March is- Youth runners Aspen Foster and Katie Keally achieved All sue of The Rundown mentioned that the Elizabeth River American status in 1997. Run 10K was the Eastern Regional 10K Championship, Several new initiatives were put in place to get feedback the Neptune Festival 8K was the Eastern Regional 8K from the members and to increase volunteer participation. Championship, and the Breezy Point Triathlon was the USA Triathlon Mid-Atlantic Regional Sprint Champion- Club Operations ship for 1997. At the March Board Meeting, Ochs reported The first Board Meeting of 1997 was called to order by that the RRCA Annual Convention would be in President Betty Belknap on January 20. Springs, Colorado. However, since it was the same week- The following offices were filled by secret ballot: end as the Breezy Point Triathlon, the Board decided not President: Ray Ochs to send a representative. Tommy Holland proposed to hold summer track meets for interested club members and in Vice President: Mike Hillinch exchange the Board gave him a Golden Runner number. Secretary: Pearl Ibarra Also in 1997, the club displayed the T-Shirt designs for the Treasurer: Dan Edwards. Elizabeth River Run 10K at the Shamrock Sports Fest, and had the runners vote on their favorite one. The Shamrock The Board members were: Tom Bashara, Chris Catoe, Marathon was televised on ESPN, in April. Bret Dattke, Dan Edwards, Blair Fackler, Pete Gibson, Mike Hillinch, Pearl Ibarra, Ray Ochs, Jacqueline Spitzli, The May issue of The Rundown mentioned that the Board Bill Spruill, and Paul Steele. members would be wearing dark blue polo shirts at the rac- es so they could be recognized if any members had ques- In 1997, the Shamrock Tune-up Series was moved to Fort tions for them. Ochs noted that the bad weather affected Story from Northwest River Park, near the North Caro- the Elizabeth River Run and lowered the participation to lina border. The move proved to be very successful as the a low of 1563; an amount not seen in over 10 years. The participation in the 10K races increased three fold and the Women’s Distance Festival would be blessed with good longer races increased about 25% over the previous year. weather in 1997; however, there were over 180 finishers The race schedule had 62 races. “The club had $64,000 in and 250 attended the after race beach party. Unfortunately, the bank and a working budget of $101,000,” according to the third race of the summer series in July was canceled Ray Ochs in The History of the Tidewater Striders. In the due to lightning. The events averaged 190 participants and January edition of The Rundown, Ochs mentioned several nearly 80 new members joined the club. On May 16th, the initiatives which allowed the club members a better line movie “Prefontaine” was brought to the Naro by Running of communications to the Board. One of those would be a Etc. It was a documentary about one of the greatest Ameri- race feedback form. can distance runners. In February, the Board discussed plans to celebrate the On June 11th, a group of “elite” runners led by Dave Mc- 25th Anniversary of the Tidewater Striders. Also, a lively Donald and Dave Coulter addressed the Board to discuss discussion was held concerning moving the club’s mail- team competition, and how to promote competitive run-

- 111 - The new members of the 1998 Board were Tom Bashara, Chris Catoe, Dan Edwards, Pearl Ibarra, Deanie Nelson, and Barbara Mathewson. Ray Ochs stressed the importance of getting more of the Strider races accurately certified so that state records could be set. At the time, only a few courses were certified.

Newsletter R. P. Kale and Margaret Duffy brought back the Strider Profiles with at least 2 profiles a month. Dr. Scott Banks and T. Roy Jarrett, III wrote an excellent article in the March Rundown on “Stretching and Warm- Up: What Really Works?” Nancy Clark, MS, RD wrote monthly columns titled, “Nu- trition News.” The May issue of The Rundown published the results of the member survey. Some of the more interesting results Running Etc arranged for Prefontaine to be shown at the were: Naro in Ghent. Photo courtesy Running Etc Wall of Fame • The majority of the members were in the 40-59 age ning. Taco Bell became the sponsor of the 1997 Women’s group. Distance Festival. Three new time machines were pur- • The majority live in Virginia Beach. chased at a cost of $800.00 each. • The preferred race distance is the 10K followed by the The Membership Chairperson reported that the club 5K. reached 1500 members as of July 22nd; up from January’s • The average member participates in 11-25 events a total of 1387. The club continued to add new areas. The year. August President’s column in The Rundown announced that a new Wheelchair Committee had been formed and a The cover of the October Rundown had a photo of 11 past Grand Prix for the Wheelchair participants would proba- presidents who attended the 25th Anniversary Party. Those bly be in place by next year. This would be the first Wheel- in attendance were Sonja Whitley, Jerry Bocrie, Ray Ochs, chair Division of any running club that was part of the K. E. Morgan, Betty Belknap, Randy Cook, Mike Fuller, Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). Dave McDonald, Mel Williams, Bob Jennings, and Bill Simmons. On September 20th, the Striders held a 25th Anniversary Party/Meeting. The October 20th Board Meeting had a The October newsletter congratulated Valerie and Benson lively discussion concerning which volunteers should be Porter on the birth of their son, on September 26, 1997. invited to the Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on Novem- Also, to Deanie Nelson and Barry Eldridge for their mar- ber 2. There were 230 members who had helped the club riage on September 27, 1997. in some capacity, but it was finally narrowed down to the Running 80 who were invited. The point system that would soon go • The Open Men and Open Women’s Teams placed 1st into effect would simplify matters. and the co-ed team placed 2nd at the Hampton Bay Days The Striders nominated Jerry Bocrie, Dave Harrison, and 10K. Betty Belknap for the RRCA 2,000 Hour Volunteer Award. • The Open Men and Open Women placed 1st at the Mul- Ray Ochs was nominated for the RRCA Race Director berry Island Half Marathon. of the Year for the Neptune Festival 8K. Betty Belknap was nominated for the RRCA Rod Steele Award and Paul • The Open Men’s Team was 1st at the Army 10 Miler. Steele chose three issues of The Rundown for submission • The Strider Open Women and Masters Women won for the RRCA Outstanding Newsletter for a large club. their divisions at the Pomoco Half Marathon, on De- Golden Runner numbers were given to James Dennis (the cember 7. DJ), and volunteer coordinators Kim Hux and Mickey • The Striders Masters Women’s Team won the Sham- Webb. rock Marathon. Team members were Peggy Frederick, Darcy Mahler, Dixie Levinsky, Diane Caracciclo, B. J. Samuels, and Susan Hall.

- 112 - • The Striders Masters Women finished 2nd in the Sham- rock 8K. Team members were Barb Mathewson, Joey Hallock, Jeanne Kruger, Suzanne Stansfield, Jeane Bowers, Evie Thompson-Lakey, and Kathy Manke. • The Striders Open Women’s Team won the Shamrock Marathon. Team members were Nancy Delaney, There- sa Hanner, Elizabeth Ware, Ellen Bollinger, and Karen Pica. • The Striders Open Women’s Team placed 2nd in the 19th Annual Elizabeth River Run. Team Members were Monica Allard (3rd overall in 40:24), Bee Andrews, Nancy Delaney, and Sheri Segal. • The Strider Open Men’s Team placed 1st in the Sen- tara Bay Days 10K, on September 13. Team members were Muluye Muluneh (32:04 and 3rd overall), Michael Stote Farnham and Allen Lester toast their 2nd and 3rd Mann, Dave McDonald (32:46 and 1st Master), Mike Place finish among Men 50+ at the Conchman Triathlon Colaiacova, and John Lomogda. in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas. Rivals and friends such as these are the real reason we run and tri! • The Open Women’s Team also won the Bay Days 10K. Photo courtesy of TriDuo Team members were Amy Chadwick, Sheri Segal, Lisa by the club. I will provide assistance in any way Buckman-Lewis, Jeanne Kruger, and Dorothy Winn. that I can. If interested, contact Paul Steele or any • The Striders Open Men’s Team won the Mulberry Is- board member.” land Half Marathon on October 4. Team members were Michael Harrison (1:09:41 and 1st overall), Patrick Multisport O’Rourke, and Muluye Muluneh. The weather proved to be ideal for the Breezy Point Tri- athlon as it would see approximately 550 participants. • The Striders Open Women also won at Mulberry Is- This would be the largest field to date, Ochs noted in his land. Team members were Laura Booth (1:28:23 and History of the Tidewater Striders. 1st overall), Lisa Buckman-Lewis, Jeanne Kruger, and Deborah Kopecky. Running Etc. hosted a “first-timers” triathlon clinic on January 29th with a panel of top triathletes to share their Walking training secrets and answer any questions. In his History of Walking in the Tidewater Striders, Jordan Ada and Allen Lester had monthly columns in The Run- Levitin noted that at the July Board of Directors Meet- down on training techniques, good locations to train on the ing, Secretary Pearl Ibarra stated that no one had stepped bicycle, and how to improve your swimming techniques. forward to chair the Walking Committee. Three potential candidates would be contacted and a notice put in The Pearl Ibarra reported that both the Open Men’s Triathlon Rundown. Members of the Board questioned the merits of Team consisting of Cole Fackler, Ray Ochs, and Blair the Walking Committee. The secretary recorded: Fackler, and the Open Women’s Triathlon Team consist- ing of Mimi Fackler, Lauren Fisk, and Jessie McDaniels “It was noted that there was little or no participa- won by large margins at the Outer Banks Triathlon on Sep- tion, and walking as a competitive sport had de- tember 9. clined for various reasons. Ibarra pointed out that the Walking Committee was a standing committee Youth Program prescribed in the constitution and to eliminate the At the April Board Meeting, Dan Edwards reported that committee would require a vote from the general there would be a running camp at Camp Lejuene, North membership.” Carolina for the youth runners. Tim Webb became a coach Levitin remarked, “Organized walking in the for the New Energy Youth Team. Tidewater Striders had reached the lowest point New Energy Team members participated in two National in its history. In the December issue of The Run- meets and placed 8th at the National level. Aspen Foster down, a list of coordinators and volunteers need- and Katie Keally were named All-Americans. ed included the following: Walking Committee Chair. Qualifications: Enthusiastic walker desir- The Tidewater Striders and Running Etc. sponsored the ing to promote the benefits and fun of walking. Seventh Annual Youth Grand Prix. It can be a very fulfilling task that is appreciated

- 113 - New Energy Runners in 1997: Some of the runners included are: Back Row: Kyle Foster, Matt Keally, Ryan Kent and Ernie Buchanan. In the front are Kristen DiCarlo (327), Aspen Foster (311), Katie Keally (313), Amanda Boswell (309), Laura Edwards (312), Lindsay Kent (334). We apologize to those we weren’t able to recognize. Photo courtesy Running Etc Wall of Fame Several Youth members excelled in summer meets. They son, and Kim Steele. The Virginian-Pilot ran a story on the included Kristin DiCarlo, Sarah DiCarlo, Laura Edwards, winners in the first week in June. Aspen Foster, Katie Keally, Lindsey Kent, Megan Kent, Erica Lowe, Marissa McCain, April Orleans, Rose Or- Miscellaneous leans, MacKenzie White, Ernie Buchanan, Kyle Foster, In May, Ray Ochs reported that health fairs were held at Ryan Kent, Mathew Keally, and Jason Lowe. Virginia Beach General Hospital, Oceana, and Dam Neck. The following Striders helped to man the booths: B. J. Key Awards for the Year – from the Awards Banquet Samuels, Barb Mathewson, John May, Pearl Ibarra, and Peggy Murphy was chosen the Volunteer of the Year. Ray Ochs. Ray Ochs presented Presidential Awards to the following Mailings were sent to all area track coaches to help recruit Strider members. new members. • Rick and Sharon Brown In May, 16 volunteers “reblazed” a portion of Long Creek • Paul and Sylvia Steele Trail by cutting back debris. The Tidewater Striders An- nual Picnic/Social was held on August 10th at Dam Neck • Mike and Pam Robinson and was attended by 142 members. Thanks went out to B. • Demo and Elaine Eleftherion J. Samuels, Chris Catoe, and their committee. • Doug Dugroo The October 2nd General Meeting was held at DePaul Hos- • Dan Edwards pital, in the Price Auditorium. The guest speaker was Anna Pittman and the topic was Yoga, Flexibility, and Running. • Deanie Eldridge The Seventh Annual Striders Golf Tournament was held • Pearl Ibarra at the Stumpy Lake Golf Course. The winning team was • Chris Catoe John Roadman, Kenneth Royall, Mike Fuller, and Patti • Betty Belknap Fuller. Longest drive winners were Melissa McNaull and Kenneth Royall. Closest to the pin winners were Melissa Scholarships McNaull and Robert Read. In 1997, the Striders increased the amount of money given October 21st was the First Annual National Run to Work for a youth scholarship from $500.00 to $1,000.00. The Day, and RRCA clubs were encouraged to look for cre- Scholarship Committee consisted of Chuck Lollar, Sheri ative, fun, and zany ways to support this event. Segal, Mimi Fackler, Blair Fackler, Ed Brinkley, and Tom Bashara. They had a very difficult task to narrow down the eight nominees to five finalists. The winners were Megan Kaminisky, Adrienne Parker, Danny Tepovich, John John- - 114 - 1998

Introduction by Dave HarrahJim Resolute – Walking. On the National level, the “National Distance Running The Board of Directors monthly meetings shifted to the th Hall of Fame” was established on July 11 , to honor those offices of “Heileg, McKency, Fraim and Lollar, P.C.,” on who had contributed to the sport of distance running. Many Newtown Road. The meetings during 1998 were held on of those who were inducted had achieved great success as the third Monday of the month and were open to all club runners, but some were enshrined for their ability to bring members. fame and recognition to the sport. Inductees for 1998 were , , “Boston” , Frank Early in the year, Rick and Sharon Brown decided to step Shorter and . 1998 would prove to be a down from many of their finish line duties (both had been fantastic year for our “Striders” with a lot of action and involved in providing critical volunteer support since the many highlights. mid 1980’s). Of historical note early in the year was correspondence Club Operations exchanged between President Ray Ochs and Board Mem- The Strider leadership began their year by holding the An- ber Mike Hillinch concerning “Policies and Procedures” nual Board of Director’s installation dinner on January (established 1997) and refining the morale and “image” of th 19 , returning to the ever popular Steak & Ale (located the Board of Directors. As a result, the Board established near JANAF Shopping Center). a working schedule which reminded them that an existing The following key Officers as Board Members were con- Constitution Chairperson was to ensure that all changes firmed: were to be distributed at the end of the year to all Board Ray Ochs – President members and that new Board members would receive cop- ies. At the time, there existed 21 policies and procedures. Pearl Ibarra – Vice President (also Audit/Banquet/ A review and update to these policies and procedures were Teams) to be conducted every five years. Barb Matterson – Secretary (also Election) The “Adopt-A-Highway” program continued as a wonder- Dan Edwards – Treasurer (also Youth Programs) ful community service by the Striders with over 35 people Tom Bashara - Scholarship participating in March and over 65 bags of trash collected. Ray Ochs commented in the April Rundown that “we man- Chris Catoe - Board aged to clean both sides of Shore Drive from the West to Deanie Eldridge - Membership the East entrance of Fort Story. When finished, the road Blair Fackler – Publicity & Public Relations looked fantastic for the 26th running of the Shamrock Marathon”. This program would be conducted many times Mike Hillinch – Programs (also Publications) throughout the year with great success and much appre- Kevin Kendall - Constitution ciation from the City of Virginia Beach. So much so that Steve Scudder – Triathlon (Multisport) Vice Mayor Will Sessoms presented a “City Certificate of Commendation” to the club, which was accepted by Rich Bill Spruill – Board. Hildreth (Committee Chair). Other key chairpersons within the club as Standing Com- The membership committee started a new membership mittee Chairs were: drive where gifts could be earned and discounts given K.E. Morgan – Advisory based on how many people one could sign up! Member- ship for the year peaked in August to 1700. Pete Gibson – Awards/Grand Prix R.P. Kale – Race - 115 - The annual picnic was held again in August with approxi- • Virginia Beach Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) 10 mately 140 members attending and was one of the big- Miler gest turnouts in club history (to date). The volunteer party • Turkey Trot 10K in November was also a huge success with over 70 club members attending to take a dinner cruise. The organizer • Distance Series 20K. for this event was Vice President Pearl Ibarra. The following are some key races during the 1998 season. The fall General Meeting was held at De Paul Hospital’s Unfortunately, results of some club races were not listed in Price Auditorium. A superb presentation was given on The Rundown, thus unavailable for this history: “running safety” followed by the monthly general meet- • The Distance Series (affectionately referred to as ing where nominations were taken for the 1999 Board of the “Winter Tune Up” Series) continued its popular- Directors. ity as a training tool for the Shamrock Marathon. The NOTE: As a result of a re-design of the Strider’s logo in 20K-25K-30K top men’s winner was 40 year old Bill 1997, window decals with the newer more rectangular de- Bustin with a combined time of 4:43:09 and top female sign could be seen all over Hampton Roads on all types of runner was Bee Andrews with an outstanding 5:15:19. vehicles. GO STRIDERS!!!! • The Cross Country Challenge 5K (GP) was won by Michael Mann in 16:07 with Deb Kopecky in 19:43. Newsletter th The Rundown continued to be the “outreach” document • The Run For Independence 5K, on March 7 , was won to the entire membership community. This monthly news by Tommy Holland in 15:06 and Leslie Willis in 18:44. source, edited by Paul Steele with assistant editorship • The 4th Annual Falcon 5K run, on March 14th, saw a from his wife Sylvia, was a continuation of over eight repeat performance by Tommy Holland, who ran an years of painstaking work to produce a quality newsletter outstanding 15:10 for men’s first place. Top female of that many would laude as the “BEST running club news- the day was Valerie Plyer in 18:28. letter in the country.” In future years this would become • The all popular Lions Journey For Sight (16th running) reality. Unfortunately, Paul decided to step down and, with 5K was run in March with Bryan Mordecai running an that, “up stepped” Evie-Thomson Lakey as the new editor. outstanding 16:11 and Dorothy Winn taking top honors Along with the standard fare of Board minutes, news ar- in 21:33. ticles, nutrition sections, race results/applications and ad- • 1998 marked the 26th running of the Shamrock Mara- vertising, The Rundown continued to highlight “Strider thon (GP) and 8K. Over 5000 runners were in atten- Profiles”. Many club members were extremely happy dance with six state age group records broken, four to see their individual story and picture provided to the of them by some of the FASTEST Striders at the masses. The following members were profiled: Michael time. The Marathon was won by Michael Harrison in Harrison, Barb Matterson, Phil Pasqualino, Cindy Hinkle, 2:27:52. State age group records broken included out- Michael Mann, Suzanne Stansfield, Cinda O’Dell, John standing runs by Sheri Segal (40-44) in 3:00:32, Jeanne Price, Edward Jefferson, Dorothy Winn, Priscilla Jaffee, Kruger (50-54) in 3:15:39 and Mel Williams (60-64) Rock Eason, Karen Miller and Ann Hirn. in 2:56:46. Setting a new state age group record for Running the 8K (age group 15 to 19) was Pam Edwards with The Grand Prix Series continued to be a very popular a time of 29:48. NOTE: A Tidewater Striders Men’s grouping of races offering friendly (and sometimes not too team took First Place in the Shamrock 8K. Team mem- friendly) competition within age groups. Grand Prix races bers consisted of Pete Gibson, Dave McDonald, Bill for 1998 included: Hart, Steve Frisk and Jeff Long. Two Women’s teams also garnished First Place honors. The Marathon team • Cross Country Challenge 5K consisted of Sheri Segal, Bee Andrews, Lisa Buckman- • Shamrock Marathon/8K Lewis, Laura Booth, and Cinda O’Dell. The Ladies 8K • Churchland Challenge 5K team consisted of Nancy Delaney, Leslie Willis, Kend- all Tata, Elizabeth Ware and Pearl Ibarra. • Elizabeth River Run 10K • The 11th Annual Churchland Challenge 5K run (GP), • Pungo Strawberry Festival 5K held on April 4th, saw Pete Gibson take first for men in • Women’s Distance Festival 5K 16:21 and Deb Kopecky haul in the female honors in • Striders 1 Mile (Track) 19:27. • Neptune Festival 8K • One of spring’s most popular races (with a field of close to 1000), the 20th running of the International Azalea Festival 8K (sponsored by the Optimist Club of Nor- - 116 - A reunion of Tidewater Striders in San Diego for the inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon. Enjoying a mexican Striders celebrate the completion of the bridge and over- dinner in Old Town San Diego are Ray Emerson, Bill look construction along Long Creek Trail in Seashore Kingsley, Jacinda Raiche, Rob Levinsky, Dixie Levinsky, State Park, now called First Landing State Park. and Bee Andrews. Photo courtesy of Bee Andrews Photo courtesy of Chris Catoe folk), resulted in some fast times to say the least. Top • A great fall race, the Virginia Beach FOP 10 Miler male running honors went to Gary Sullivan in 26:27 (GP), saw 300 runners of all abilities toe the line. Win- and top female was Amy Chadwick in 31:09. The top ning overall male was John Lomogda (who you might Military Team finishing was USS Leyte Gulf. see at Running Etc. these days) with a fine 54:13 and • The Elizabeth River Run 10K (GP), held May 2, was top female went to Kendall Tata in 1:04:08. (and still is) one of the most competitive races in the Out of area running was also popular with our members. region. Five Tidewater Strider teams were fielded. The Presented is just a few as listed in The Rundown during the “A” Team (as it was affectionately called) ran strong 1998 season: enough to capture the First Place crown. Team members • Jane Seymour with a 3:46 and Peggy Frederick with a were Dave McDonald (33:28), Pete Gibson (34:14), 3:34 (1st AG) at the Charlotte Observer Marathon. Reuben Beauchamp (35:31), Bill Hart (36:19) and Rob Levinsky (36:56). The Strider’s Ladies team finished • Rob Levinsky with a 3:00:53, Mel Williams with a first. Outstanding runs by Bee Andrews (39:54), Les- 3:02:30 and Sherry Celesia with a 3:58:53 at the Dis- lie Willis (39:02), Barb Mathewson (40:50) and Evie- ney marathon in Orlando. Thomson Lakey (44:37). • Nancy Delaney with an impressive 2:57:47 at the Bos- • The YMCA Independence Day 5K at Mount Trashmore ton Marathon. on July 4th was run in HOT weather, which matched • Pat Ewell and Mel Williams won their respective age the HOT competition. Top male honors went to Billy groups at the Marine Corps Marathon in McLaughlin in 15:42 and top female was Nancy Del- DC. Mel continues the streak!!!!!!! aney in 18:50. Walking • The heat of August did not stop Pete Gibson from win- In his writing of the History of Walking in the Tidewater ning the 20th Annual Run for Sight 5K in 16:00. The La- Striders, Buddy Levitin states that “Vice President Pearl dies top honor was captured by Kendall Tata in 19:02. Ibarra reported that Jim Resolute expressed an interest in • The Naval Base OPEN 8K was a popular race held on becoming the club contact for any interest in the area of the biggest Naval Base in the world, and in 1998 it was walking.” As a result of his volunteerism, Jim was listed held on August 8th with Mark Manny leading the field as Chairman of the Walk Committee in the service direc- in an outstanding 26:10 to capture the men’s title. Top tory of the newsletter. female went to Nancy Delaney in 31:29. Multisport • Today it’s called the “Strider Mile,” but in 1998 it was It should be noted that Ada and Allen Lester were very the “Charlie Falk Showcase Mile” (GP). Run in the instrumental during these years in providing great articles dead heat of summer on August 15th, the top Male Miler in The Rundown under the title of “Transition Zone”. Their was Mike Nestor in 4:46. Top female in this 4-lap 440 interesting and factual articles included stories from dif- was Pam Robinson in 5:31. ferent triathlons, training tips, and coverage of “out of area” competes, etc. You know them today as the club’s

- 117 - Enjoying the awards ceremony at Mako Mike’s for the Outer Banks Triathlon are: Front Row - Allen Lester, Ada Les- ter, overall female winner Nancy Lewis, Troy Lewis, Laura Hill, Joe Polinski; Back Row - Joe Gould, Bernie Thomp- son, Eddie Hill, Kevin Hupp. Mostly hidden is Joe Gould’s grandson. Photo courtesy of TriDuo great photographers, managing their business “TriDuo”, 30-34 Male and as current “Rundown” editors. Allen Walther (92)

Awards 35-39 Male Doug Dugroo and Pearl Ibarra were chosen as Volunteers Fesshaye Haile (116) of the Year for 1998. Additionally, Pearl placed fourth in 40-44 Male the National RRCA Rod Steele Volunteer of the Year com- Tom Blanchard (64) petition. Don & Ken Martin, and Paul and Sylvia Steele 45-49 Male also received National RRCA Volunteer recognition. Jim Duffy (111) • 1998 President’s Awards were presented to Dan Ed- 50-54 Male wards, Rick Brown and Mike & Pam Robinson. Hans Tall (132) • Winners of the 1998 RRCA 2000 Volunteer Hours Rec- 55-59 Male ognition Award were Jerry Bocrie, Dave Harrison and Mike Brownley (152) Betty Belknap. 60 & over • President Ray Ochs was named RRCA Race Director Mel Williams (200) of the Year for Virginia (Neptune Festival). Overall Female 1998 Grand Prix Award Winners (with total points earned) Debbie Kopecky (133) were: Open Master Female Overall Male Barb Matthewson (167) Pete Gibson (132) 19 & Under Female Open Master Male Katherine Hirsch (67) Rob Levinsky (117) 20-29 Female 19 & Under Male Amanda Yeates (157) Jeremy Dow (87) 30-34 Female 20-29 Male Lisa Buckman-Lewis (130) John Lomogda (54)

- 118 - The Striders donated $6000 to First Landing State Park. Presenting the check to Fred Hazelwood, Direc- tor, Seashore State Park, are Chris Catoe, Adopt-a-Trail Coordinator. Ray Ochs, Strider President and BJ Samuel (Publicity Chairman), Photo courtesy of Chris Catoe Miscellaneous The Tidewater Striders raised $6000 for the “Long Creek Bridge Project.” Heading up the fundraiser was long-time Strider Chris Catoe and BJ Samuel. The initial goal was set at $3000. Club President Ray Ochs presented the check in September to the District Manager at First Landing/Sea- shore State Park. RRCA National “Run To Work Day” was held nationwide on October 20. Tidewater Strider member Monica Allard presented a great example in the December Rundown to show success of this fantastic idea. “Corporate Landing Many New Energy runners competed at the AAU Na- Middle School’s Staff participated. Our group gathered tional Cross Country Championships in Knoxville; above at 6:30a.m., to prepare for the 2.5 mile run to the Middle is shoeless Kyle Foster in the 3K. School in Virginia Beach, where we work together with Photo courtesy of Evie Foster. 1700 students. Not only did we have staff participation, 35-39 Female but also our PTA President and several others from our Cinda O’Dell (137) Partners-In-Education at Dam Neck Naval Base.” 40-44 Female It was a great year for the club and as December rolled Dixie Levinsky (110) around, thoughts of Christmas presents and Holiday cheer filled everyone’s minds. 1999 was just days ahead and a 45-49 Female new chapter in the history of the Tidewater Striders. BJ Samuel (135) 50 & over Sheila Bailey (139).

Scholarships Five $1000 scholarships were given in 1998 to: • Matthew Bruckner • Mary Clifford • Adrienne Parker • Danny Tepovich • Brian Walsh.

- 119 - 1999 by Dave Harrah Introduction Other key chairpersons within the club as Standing Com- On July 10, 1999, the National Distance Running Hall of mittee Chairs were: Fame inducted four new members into its second class. K.E. Morgan – Advisory Deserving of such prestigious recognition was (who ran Boston 61 times), Nina Kuscsik (who Pete Gibson – Awards was the very first “official” female winner of the Boston BJ Samuel – Publicity and Public Relations Marathon in 1972 (3:10:26)) following the AAU’s 1971 R P Kale – Race Committee repeal of its prohibition against women in marathons. The other two Legend runners were and Francie Bill Buckman - Merchandise Larrieu-Smith. The Tidewater Striders Running Club had Mickey Webb – Volunteer greatness also, noting that 32 members ran the Boston Jim Resolute – Walking Marathon. The club, although solvent and strong, wasn’t without issues concerning races and awards. Older runners Doug Dugroo – Website wanted more awards and elite runners would want prize Bee Andrews – RRCA 2002 Convention (added in money and better prizes. The club would stick to recog- June). nizing everyone equally. Volunteers would take a “hit” as The 1998 membership drive for active Striders to each well, but the depth of volunteers in the club would always sign up someone for new membership proved to be a via- allow its directors and leadership to move on conducting ble and successful program. At the end of 1998, there were successful races throughout the year. approximately 1700 total members and at the end of 1999 Club Operations there were 1823 (an increase of 123). Analysis indicated In January, the Board was officially recognized for the that 53 current members had signed up 66 new members. year and confirmed: Membership cost was $20 Individual, $38 for two year in- Ray Ochs – President dividual, $14 youth, $160 Golden Runner and $100 Youth Golden Runner. Pearl Ibarra – Vice President (also Audit, Banquet and Teams) In was announced in the June Rundown that the Tidewa- ter Striders had won the bid for the 2002 Road Runners Barb Matthewson – Secretary (also Awards and Elec- Club of America (RRCA) National convention. Bee An- tions) drews would be the “Convention Chair” with the event Dan Edwards – Treasurer (also Budget and Youth Pro- being held in conjunction with the 2002 Elizabeth River grams) Run 10K. Tom Bashara – Scholarship The Board of Directors at the July meeting voted to dis- Chris Catoe – Community Service continue the designation of a “Tidewater Strider of the De- cade.” Although neither the constitution nor the by-laws Deanie Eldridge – Membership of the club documents a “Strider of the Decade” award, Don Greene - Board Member such an award was previously bestowed twice since 1972: Mike Hillinch – Publications (also Scholarship) Jerry Bocrie (1970s) and Charlie George (1980s). As club functions expanded throughout the 1990’s, the club be- Kevin Kendall – Constitution came increasingly dependent on volunteer involvement. Steve Scudder – Triathlons (also Military) The “SOTD” award would continue as the “Volunteer of Bill Spruill – Marketplace. the Year” and “President’s” award.

- 120 - The Striders continued with training for race data en- • Shamrock Marathon try and results, and had five people who could perform • Churchland Challenge 5K these tasks. The club also increased the number of people who could run the finish line phase of races. The techni- • Elizabeth River 10K cal “Race Director” computer program (utilization of this • Alltel 10K function started in 1998) was being used in 1999 by Demo • Women’s Distance Festival 5K Eleftherion. The new program was used for tabulating race results. • Strider 1 Mile (Track) Strider General Meetings remained popular with three in- • Neptune Festival 8K teresting meetings worth mentioning. On February 10th, • Virginia Beach Fraternal Order of Police 10 Miler Lori Tubbs, M.S. RD, gave a presentation on “Fueling for • Turkey Trot 10K Fitness in the New Millennium.” On May 19th, Tim Wil- lis, a visually impaired athlete spoke to the meeting group, • Distance Series 20K. and on September 29th, Bee Andrews spoke on the 1999 Highlights of the 1999 racing season include: RRCA National Convention. All meetings were held at • From the Race Director of the Distance Series, Betty DePaul Hospital. Virok. “We had a total of 201 athletes complete all three 1999 was a good year for Bill Buckman and the “Market- of the events, which is 36 more than the existing record. place,” with the introduction of many new items and mar- We had an average of 319 runners finish each of the dis- ketplace booths at many more events than in past years. tance races and we averaged 79 runners in each of the A complete inventory of Strider-owned equipment was 10K races”. Capturing the title of top male runner with conducted during the year with copies presented to the a combined time of 4:18:15 was Michael Harrison. The President and Treasurer with a copy to the Executive Race ladies winner was Debbie Kopecky in 5:21:59. Director. • The Cross Country Challenge 5K run (GP), on Febru- 1999 also saw the club step up the process of certifying ary 13th, in cold conditions saw John Lomogda take the more race courses, thanks to the work of John Price and men’s crown in 17:23 and Nancy Delaney pace the la- Mike Robinson. dies in 20:51. The race was held at Mount Trashmore’s famous “mud-a-rama” course and also started the year Newsletter long “Intra-Club Team Challenge”. The Rundown was selected as the 1998 “Outstanding • The Run For Independence 5K was (and is) a fun little Newsletter, Large Size Category” in the RRCA Regional race held at Independence Middle School in Virginia Journalism Competition. It was quite evident that the Strid- Beach. Held on March 4th, Danny Tepovich topped the ers had a distinctive newsletter that was creative, reflected male field with a fine 16:02 and Mary Davison captured club dynamics and showed that the contributors put in a Open female first place with a 19:03. lot of time, heart and soul. The newsletter continued to en- tertain and present such valuable information to our com- • The 5th Annual Falcon 5K was held on March 13th munity including nutrition notes, the “Transitional Zone” and Billy Edwards dominated the men’s field with an (edited by Ada and Allen Lester), youth news, Board of impressive 15:40. Leslie Fedon Willis took top female Director’s minutes, race results/applications including with a time of 18:32. coverage of out of area races, and much more. • In March, the Shamrock Marathon (GP) produced The July issue was dedicated to “Women and Running” some 4500 runners of all abilities. The weather was and centered around the Women’s Distance Festival 5K good enough to see seven new state records set, of run/1 Mile held on the 10th. which three were from Tidewater Striders. In outstand- ing fashion, Pat Ewell (female 65-69) ran an impressive Recognized in various issues during the year in “Strider 4:49:12. Mel Williams broke the state mark, male 60- Profiles” were Ada and Allen Lester, Grove Calvert, Ken- 64 in 2:54:45 and Cokey Damon (male 80-84) cruised dall Tata, Bill Hart, Michelle-Smith-Harden, Monica Al- in at 5:09:36. The Master’s 8K Strider’s men’s team lard and Bill Buckman. finished first. Team members were Pete Gibson, Dave Running McDonald, Bill Hart, Frank Schreier, Steve Frisk, Jeff 1999 was a year of fierce competition with a fantastic line- Long and Larry Coley. up for the all popular Grand Prix Series: • The Churchland Challenge 5K (GP), ran on April 3rd, • Distance Series 25K saw Patrick Comstock take the Male Open with a 16:50 and Debbie Kopecky hammer out an 18:50 for female • Cross Country Challenge 5K honors.

- 121 - • As the racing season heated up, Billy Edwards was making a statement at the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office 5K, on April 10. He posted an impressive 15:44 to take top male and Leslie Fedon ran an 18:09 to take first female. • The all popular Journey For Sight 5K (in its 17th year) saw some fast times with overall male winner Pete Gib- son in 16:30 and top female Nancy Delaney in 19:05. • For the running of the 1999 Elizabeth River Run 10K (GP), the Striders fielded an elite open team, an elite master team, a star studded veteran’s team, a “B” mas- ter’s team filled with three worn out - The 2000 draft session for the Intra-Club Team Chal- ers and a high quality mixed team. With conditions that lenge was serious business as each team selector ana- were near perfect, the men’s open, master and mixed lyzed the available runners and made their selections. team came away victorious. The Strider’s Open men’s Teams are recorded on the whiteboard. From left to right: team was led by Billy Edwards (2nd overall with a Mike Fuller, Bee McLeod, Dave McDonald, Jeremy Dow, 31:51), Mike Harrison (5th overall with a 32:34), Dave Jim Ross, Paul Guizard, Jim Murphy. What a great way Coulter (2nd 30-34, 7th overall in 32:47), Lanny Doan to meet more members and have some fun competition (1st master, 8th overall in 32:54), John Piggott (3rd 30- where participation can affect the event as well as speed. 34, 12th overall in 33:19) and Al Walther (4th 3-34 in Any volunteers available to revive this event? 35:40). Pete Gibson and Dave McDonald, who came to Photo courtesy of Bee McLeod the finish line together, led the Master’s team. • Colonial Half Marathon (Williamsburg) – Rueben • The Alltel 10K (GP), ran on June 5th, saw Matt Glynn Beauchamp in 1:20:12 (1st AG), Nancy Delaney in finish in 33:06 and Nancy Delaney continue her deadly 1:26:20 (1st AG/1ST Overall Female), Michael Harrison racing in 39:20. in 1:12:29 (1st Overall Male), Jeanne Kruger in 1:36:24 • The typically hot YMCA Independence Day 5K race (1st AG) and Mel Williams in 1:25:53 (1st AG). was won by Biren Bay in 15:53 (open male) and Mon- • Army 10 Miler. The Striders Women’s team placed ica Allard in 20:01 for female honors. second in the Open Women’s Division; very impres- • The Women’s Distance Festival 5K had just shy of 300 sive since there were 537 teams and 18 team Divisions. toe the line for some fine competition. Winning the Members of this power team were: Cinda O’Dell, Men’s open title was Muluye Muluneh in 15:53 and top Sheri Segal, Bee Andrews, Debbie Kopecky and Barb female in the Open category Debbie Kopecky in 19:35. Mathewson with total time of 4:34:37. • In October, many Striders competed in the Norfolk Walking Half Marathon, which was won by Michael Harrison Quoting Buddy Levitin in his Tidewater Striders Walkers in 1:12:45 and Missy Foy in 1:22:07. History “Beginning in 1999, a disclaimer appeared in The • The Turkey Trot 10K (GP), in November, was again Rundown stating it is published monthly by the Tidewater a tremendous success with over 1000 runners (setting Striders, a non-profit educational and recreational organi- a record). This race helped raise nearly $7000 for the zation for running and triathlon enthusiasts. Opinions ex- club scholarship fund. The men’s race was won by Billy pressed in The Rundown are not necessarily those of the Edwards in a time of 32:19. First place in the women’s editor or the Tidewater Striders Board of Directors”. The division went to Mary Davison in 39:34. Rundown disclaimer had ignored the constitution and by- • The winner of the 1999 (first year) Intra-Club Chal- laws of the very organization to which it was beholden. lenge series was team “Saving the best for last.” Mem- Seven years earlier, by establishing a standing commit- bers were Richard Raehl, Ryan Kent, Melvin White, tee for walkers and defining the duties of the committee, Lindsay Kent and Bob Williams. Striders had officially recognized walkers. Some “On the Road” (or out of area) performances: Multisport • FAT ASS 50K, Shannon Swords with a 3:53 and John Ada and Allen Lester continued their outstanding writings DeCarlo with a 5:21. in the “Transition Zone” of The Rundown and addressed such topics as triathlon coverage, training and swimming, • Myrtle Beach Marathon – Gina Pitrone with a nice proper nutrition, First Landing State Park notes, Breezy 3:39:31 and Bryan Davis in 3:18:21. Point Triathlon tidbits, bike “gearing” and the 2000 Olym- pic Triathlon.

- 122 - Another road trip for New Energy, this time they traveled to Illinois for the AAU National Cross Country Champion- ships. Runners in this picture include Kyle Foster, Drew Midland, Aspen Foster, Liam Arocho, Alex Yerkes, Kristen DiCarlo, Sarah DiCarlo, Lindsay Kent, Ryan Kent, Marise McCain, Sean McCain, Heather Murdoch, & Ian Mur- doch. Photo courtesy of Evie Foster. The Breezy Point Triathlon was again a great success un- The USATF Junior Olympics completed the season. Thir- der the guidance and leadership of Betty Virok. A co-ed teen runners had qualified earlier to compete in this event team comprised of Glenn Houseman, Mimi Fackler and that had 3000 youth runners from 48 states. Andrew Mid- John Lomogda competed with Glenn pulling third fastest land gained his first All American status by finishing in the swim split of the Division. top 25 of his age division. NEW ENERGY RUNNERS A few brave Striders managed to venture north into the AGAIN RANKED IN THE TOP 1/3 NATIONALLY. th rolling hills of Maryland to tackle the 5 Annual Spud Tri- Awards athlon. Leading the pack with a combined swim-bike-run Recognized by RRCA for 2000 Hour Volunteer awards time of 2:01:28 was John Dill. were Don & Ken Martin and Paul Steele. Youth Program Tidewater Strider Volunteers of the Year for 1999 (award- The Tidewater Striders, in conjunction with Sentara ed in 2000) were Deanie Eldridge and Chris Catoe. Healthcare, announced an attempt to increase race partici- 1999 Youth Grand Prix Award Winners (with total points pation by high school and middle school students in the earned) were: Year 2000 Elizabeth River Run. The Tidewater Striders/ Sentara Healthcare Youth Challenge would be modeled af- Girls 6 and under ter the Lilac Bloomsday Run; a 12K ran annually in Spo- Colleen Adams (42) kane, Washington. Girls 7-8 The 1999 Youth Cross Country season finished in Decem- Mary Margaret Peter (16) ber with two National events. In November, New Energy Girls 9-10 hosted the AAU and USATF state meet at Mount Trash- Lindsay Kent (40) more. Over 150 youth runners from Virginia participated Girls 11-12 in this event. Kristen DiCarlo (29) The Region 3 USATF meet was held in Spartanburg, SC. Girls 13-15 Twenty five runners participated in the various races (3K, Amanda Boswell (35) 4K and 5K) and more than half placed in the top twenty. Boys 7-8 Twenty-six runners participated in the AAU National Trevor Nichols (12) Cross Country race, ran on December 4. Andrew Midland (11-12) and Chris Lyons (15-16) received medals for plac- Boys 9-10 ing in top 25 nationally. DJ Jester (45) - 123 - Boys 11-12 Drew Midland (36) Boys 13-15 Ryan Kent (38). Adult Grand Prix winners were not listed in The Rundown.

Scholarships Three $1000 scholarships were awarded in 1999 to: • Kevin Rhue • Adrienne Parker • Danny Tepovich.

Miscellaneous The club raised over $4000 for cancer in the annual Relay For Life. There were 40 registered participants from the Striders in the actual event. The club won Second place in the most decorative campsite competition (there were 300 registered teams competing). Forty Strider participants helped man the track during the 24 hour relay event. The Summer Series at the Botanical Gardens was a great Jackie Tugman competed for VMI in Cross Country. success with over $10,000 in give-always distributed. Spe- Photo courtesy of Running Etc Wall of Fame. cial mention went to Mike and Pam Robinson as Directors of the series. Sixty new members were gained during the four Tuesday night events. The year had a tremendous moment of sadness with the passing of long time Tidewater Strider Tom Bashara. In recognition of his running history and association in many capacities with the club, the scholarship program was es- tablished in his name.

Not sure if these are the ones but one Summer Series Benny LeBon (496) and his wife asked if they could bor- Tom Bashara leads a pack of runners in an unknown race row the leftover bananas. “Borrow? As in return them?” before his battle with cancer began. “Yes, we’ll bring them back next week.” They returned Photo courtesy of Running Etc Wall of Fame. them the next Tuesday as banana bread to share with all. Photo courtesy of Mike Robinson - 124 - 2000 by Dave Harrah

Introduction Ada and Allen Lester – Triathlon The new decade and millennium arrived. Taking the reins Jim Resolute – Walking (Chair January to March, then as new president, Bee Andrews stated in the January Run- committee) down, “A Strider member for more years than I care to admit, I will freely admit that I think we have the BEST Rich Hildreth – Adopt A Highway. running club around. Our membership is strong, dedicated This was the year for the creation of a new award, the and enthusiastic about the sport. The caliber of our new “Jerry Bocrie Founder’s Award.” The award was voted Board of Directors, and the fresh ideas and their willing- and passed by the Board of Directors to honor an indi- ness to get the job done is impressive. The events we put vidual whose accomplishments far exceeded local levels on every weekend of the year with the dedicated efforts of and extended to national and international stature. The ac- our Executive Director and our volunteers are first class.” complishments to gain nomination for this award included evidence of running performance, promotion of running Club Operations endeavors, or a combination of the two, meriting consis- Installation of new Officers in January included: tent national, and possibly international recognition. The Bee Andrews – President (also Publicity and Public recipient of the award would receive lifetime Golden Run- Relations) ner status and be recognized each year (as awarded) at the Rob Levinsky – Vice President Annual Awards Banquet. The award idea was thought of and presented by our “old friend” Mel Williams. BJ Samuel - Secretary At the March Board of Directors meeting, Rod Whibley Dan Edwards – Treasurer/Budget (also youth) reported that he had met with the race committee concern- R P Kale – Executive Director (also Race Committee). ing a reduction in membership fees. Based on that meet- The Service Directory of the Rundown listed the follow- ing, Rod submitted written materials for a Board analy- ing additional Board Members: sis. BJ Samuel made a motion that was seconded by Mel Williams to reduce Golden Runner membership dues from Chris Catoe $160 to $145. The motion was defeated by a vote of four Deanie Eldridge (also Membership, Walking Chair in in favor, five opposed and one abstention. March) In May, four Tidewater Striders members had the honor of Mike Hillinch (also Programs, Publications, Scholar- representing the club at the 2000 Road Runners Club of ship) America (RRCA) convention in Peachtree City, Georgia. Pearl Ibarra (also Audit, Banquet, Teams) Rob and Dixie Levinsky, Karen Miller and Bee Andrews attended. This was significant in the planning stages for Barb Mattewson – (also Awards/Grand Prix) the Tidewater Striders and the City of Norfolk hosting the Raymond Ochs 2002 convention. Mel Williams – (also Advisory, Constitution). A “Back of the Pack” Recognition Program was proposed Other Chair Positions were: by Charlie Johnson which was designed as a means of en- couraging “mid- to back-of-the-pack” runners. Two run- Peg Murphy – Elections ners would be randomly selected to receive a special prize. Jim Murphy – Elections For the year 2000, they would be called “Penguin Award- ees”! Bill Buckman – Marketplace STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR THE CLUB: For the first Jeanie Kruger Williams – Nominations time ever, the Board of Directors and a few other members

- 125 - involved in key areas of operations participated in a pro- fessionally run two-day strategic workshop. Six key areas were identified for the Striders Club future success: race execution, annual calendar, volunteers, new programs/ini- tiatives, sponsorships and web site.

Newsletter The Rundown continued its “award winning ways” provid- ing the Tidewater Strider membership excellent coverage of all facets of the sports of running, walking and triathlon. Under the continuing editorship of Evie Thomson-Lakey, the monthly newsletter carried the standard format of Edi- tor’s notes, Presidents Corner, full page calendar of events covering two months each, letters from the membership, the “Transition Zone” (Multisport enthusiast), runner’s/ walker’s race results, out of area race results and those all Mike and Pam Robinson announcing results of Predict valuable race applications. There was also a recipe or two Your Time at the Summer Series. Pam and Mike directed and advertisements. the race series for a decade, the Striders’ most popular Honored in Strider Profiles for the year were: Diane Haupt, event. Photo courtesy of TriDuo.com. Jerry Meltsner, Bryan Davis, Terri Hounslow, Sherry Ce- in 17:26 and Bee Andrews capture the women’s crown lesia, Steve Spiers, Ally Ralston and the McCain Family. in 20:00. Running • The all popular Run for Independence 5K, run in The 2000 Grand Prix series lineup included: March, saw 236 finishers with John Johnson taking the Men’s Overall in 16:26 and Elizabeth Andrews as Top • Distance Series 25K Female Open in 18:53. • Cross Country Challenge 5K • The Shamrock Marathon (GP), held on March 18th, was • Shamrock Marathon its 28th running. With winds out of the Northeast at 20 • Norfolk Sheriff’s 5K plus MPH and gusts up to 30 plus MPH along with temperatures around 40 degrees at race time, it was a • Elizabeth River Run 10K very challenging day! The Tidewater Striders fielded • Alltel Communications 10K teams in seven of eight divisions, and placed first in • Women’s Distance Festival 5K three. The Women’s Open 8K team placed first with solid running from Mary Davison, Kendall Tata, Bee • Charlie Faulk 1 Mile (Track) Andrews, Debbie Kopecky, Leslie Fedon and Cinda • Neptune Festival 8K O’Dell. The Women’s Masters Marathon team won • Virginia Beach Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) 10 their division with great running from Sheri Segal, Miler Leisa Ensel, Evie Thomson-Lakey, Marlene Walker, Jane McNaught and Mimi Fackler. The Men’s Masters • Turkey Trot 10K Marathon team won their division with some solid run- • Distance Series 20K. ning by Fesshaye Haile, Bill Hart, Rueben Beauchamp The following Race coverage is provided and is not all and Chuck Lollar. inclusive: • The Norfolk Sheriff’s 5K (GP), ran April 8th, resulted • The January 1st Jennifer Braun 5K run (378 brave fin- in the “handlebar-mustached” Dave McDonald taking ishers) was won by Matt Keally with a time of 15:55 Men’s Overall with a 16:22. Diane Haupt fought off (Overall Male) and Diane Haupt in 18:52 (Overall Fe- Bee Andrews to win top female in 19:09. male). • The 21st Annual International Azalea Festival 8K, on th • The Distance Series saw only two of the three races April 28 , saw Martin Snyder pull off a victory in the run. The 30K was cancelled due to extreme bad weath- Men’s Division with a 28:35 and Kendall Tata take fe- er (ice on the course and snow). male top honors in 30:48. • The Cross Country Challenge 5K (GP), held in Febru- • Elizabeth River Run 10K (GP). Despite high tempera- ary, saw Tom Cary walk away with the Male Overall tures and humidity, the Open Women’s Team emerged victorious with a first place finish. Team members were Kendall Tata, Diane Haupt, Mary Davison and Moni- - 126 - ca Allard. Strong individual performances were given Mike Jones (11), George Kent (56), Rob Levinsky (43) by Billy Edwards (33:50), Mike Harrison (34:10) and and Sean McCain (10). Mark Shea (38:44). • On October 15th, half-dozen members of the Tidewa- • The 4th Annual Alltel 10K (GP), run on June 3rd, saw ter Striders Open Team ran against one of the deepest hot temperatures as Mike Harrison beat out a strong fields in the country at the Army 10 Miler. There were field to take men’s honors in 35:08 and Kendall Tata nearly 700 teams entered and the Tidewater Strid- continue her dominance with a 40:13. ers Open Team finished st1 among Open teams and 3rd • The Annual 4th of July 5K, at the Mount Trashmore overall. Team members included Billy Edwards, Larry YMCA, saw Alex Clayton win top Male in 16:27 and Doan, Mike Colaiacovo, Dai Roberts and Mike Mann. Kendall Tata win in 18:45. • Of note, Strider member and Virginia Wesleyan stu- • The Woman’s Distance Festival 5K (GP) was won by dent, Jessica Scott (age 19), completed the Walt Disney th Muluye Muluneh in 15:58 and Kristine Wilson as top World Marathon on January 9 in 3:54:03. This was Female in 18:37. Jessica’s first marathon. She placed in the top 8% for females, finished 310 out of 3,710 women and in the • Muluye and Kendall Tata would continue as outstand- top 17% overall out of 7,660 runners. ing runners for the year, both winning at the Naval Sta- tion 8K, on August 5th. Muluye would take the lead and Walking never look back with an excellent 26:12 and Kendall Walking had taken an increased interest to many. Quoting would do “what she does” in 31:01. Deanie Eldridge in The Rundown “A core group of us have • With over 50% of the Grand Prix races complete, the been training together for about a year and a half. We’ve Charlie Falk Mile saw Mike Nestor run an outstanding walked in the rain, snow, wind and cold and completed 4:45 and Kristine Wilson run a fine 5:27 on the track. the Shamrock and Chicago Marathons in 1999. And we’ve just come back from the Myrtle Beach Marathon. What we • Strider Masters dominated the competition at the do may be deemed power walking, race-walking or just Hampton Bay Days 10K. Four teams were sent to plain ole’ walking for hours on end to keep in shape, meet compete with the Peninsula Track Club and Colonial our training goals, and believe it or not, having fun! What Roadrunners. Strider Master Women placed first with we do isn’t easy, and our discipline and drive is as strong members Sheri Segal, Cinda O’Dell, Monica Allard, as any runner preparing for a big race.” Karen Miller, Becky Bean and Jeanne Kruger Wil- liams. The Strider Master men bested their rivals also The Walking Group trained each Sunday morning starting taking first place. Members included Mark Donahue, at 6:30 a.m. at various locations. Dave McDonald, Larry Ormond and Mike Fuller. The Multisport Strider Grand Master Men’s team also finished first The very first Striders program of 2000 was held at Inlet with members Jeff Long, Rod Whibley, Larry David Fitness on April 9th and the topic was “Triathlon Training” and Larry Coley. Finally, the Strider Senior Men (60 presented by Jerry Frostick. Forty-nine people attended plus) finished off the competition to take first. Those the session. During the year 2000, the Striders were proud members included Mel Williams, Chris Catoe, Ewin to announce the creation of the Triathlon Grand Prix Se- Ottinger, Michael Jackson and Ed Jefferson. ries. The establishment of this series would not have been • The Tom Bashara Memorial Scholarship 5K, run on possible if not sponsored and Final Kick came through to September 10th, was won by Brad Wilson in 16:57 and make that happen. For the inaugural year, the multi-sport Kendall Tata in 20:44. competitive races included: • The Virginia Beach FOP 10 Miler (GP) was won by Mi- • Breezy Point Triathlon chael Harrison in 55:20 and Kristine Wilson in 1:06:29. • Bay Sprint Triathlon • The Turkey Trot 10K (GP), always a very popular race • Braveheart held on Thanksgiving morning, was won by Alex Clay- ton in 32:47 for Male and Heidi Grimm in 38:35 for • Colonial Beach Triathlon Female. • Outer Banks Triathlon • To wind down the year, the Distance Series 20K saw • Sandman Triathlon. Dai Roberts bust out a 1:07:40 and Megan Brenner lead The proposal to establish this Grand Prix was presented the females in 1:22:55. at the February Board of Directors meeting by Ada Lester • The 2000 Intra-Club Challenge Competition was won and Ty Whitaker with an 8-1 vote to carry. The vote also by the “Old Guys and Young Dudes.” Team members included the Tidewater Striders becoming a USAT (United were Brad Beaty (10 years old), John DiCarlo (50), States of America Triathlon) registered club. - 127 - • Pembroke Meadows Elementary 1 Miler • Creeds Elementary 1 Miler • Alanton Elementary 1 Miler • Greenbrier Fitness Fest 1 Miler • St. Matthews Elementary 1 Miler • Charlie Falk 1 Mile (Track) • Larchmont RAT race 1 Miler • All American 1 Miler • Turkey Trot 1 Miler. (Individual race results were not available in The Run- Scott Beeler, Joe Polinski, and Wallie Polinski at the Bay down) Sprint Triathlon, unfortunately 2000 was the last year of William-Jesse Leggett, a graduate of the University of this fun event. Photo courtesy of TriDuo.com. Wisconsin Parkside and former youth runner and race Fifty-two Striders were ranked by USAT. John Dill earned walker with New Energy, was one of nine Americans USAT All American honors for 1999. competing for places on the Olympic Team for Sydney Two Tidewater Strider Triathletes completed the Ironman . Billy finished 8th in the 50K event in Sacra- World Championship at Kona, Hawaii, on October 14th. mento, . Jill Riblett had a total time of 11:07:57 and Max Carroll Alex Clayton of Tallwood High School and the New En- had a time of 11:11:25. ergy youth running club medaled 5th in the Intermediate Bee Andrews continued to get the recognition she de- Boys 1500 meters at the USATF Junior Olympics in Buf- served as an outstanding Duathlete. Not only did Bee take falo, New York. the top spot in her age group and USAT All American At the AAU National meet in Orlando, Florida, Liam Aro- Honors, she was also named an Inside Triathlon Magazine cho finished 7th in the 3000 midget (11-12) age Division. All American Duathlete. Awards Youth At the annual banquet in February, Cokey Daman received The 2000 Tidewater Strider Youth Grand Prix races in- a special award for his continued running excellence and cluded: status as Top Masters aged 80-84 in the WORLD! In ad- • Independence Middle School 1 Miler dition, the Virginian Pilot showcased Cokey on the front

Part of the New Energy team that competed at AAU Cross Country Nationals. L-R Coach Lawrence Peter, the Scott family with their runner, Danielle, Mary Margaret Peter behind Maddie Peter, Coach Laura Peter, Marilyn Ertel behind Hunter Ertel, Jennifer Jeffers behind David Jeffers. Photo courtesy Jennifer Jeffers - 128 - page of the Sports Section, citing his accomplishments of Female 30-34 two National Age Group awards and more. Cokey was al- Michele Lawson (40) ways an inspiration. Female 35-39 Key awards for the year: Christine McCain (25) • 2000 Charlie George Volunteer of the Year to Rob Female 40-44 Levinsky Susie Rowley (32) • 2000 President’s award to Mel Williams Female 45-49 • RRCA 2000 Hour awards to Demo and Elaine Elethe- Dixie Levinsky (27) rion and R P Kale. Female 50-54 2000 Grand Prix Award Winners (with total points earned) Barb Mathewson (20) were: Female 55-59 Male Overall Ann Hirn (20) Dai Roberts (40) Female 60-64 Male Masters Betty Munden (20) Larry Omerod (40) Female 65-69 Male 1-19 Pat Ewell (20). Justin Dandar (20) Scholarships Male 20-24 The 2000 Scholarship committee reviewed ten applica- Michael Peeler – (20) tions. Selected from the ten were the following: Male 25-29 • Kevin Rhue - Tom Bashara $1500 scholarship Brandon Johnson (35) • Katherine Hirsch - $1000 Male 30-34 • Adrienne Parker - $1000 Charlie Schindler, Jr. (35) • Brad Sorgren - $1000 Male 35-39 Bryan Mordecai ((30) • Ashley Whitaker $1000. Male 40-44 Miscellaneous Rob Levinsky (24) The Jennifer Braun Run 5K Into The Millennium was a Male 45-49 huge success with 382 participants raising over $15,000 to Dean Beatty (32) help families and children in need. Male 50-54 Some 60 Tidewater Striders participated in the Relay For Joseph Verdirame (32) Life on June 9 and 10. As a community, South Hampton Roads exceeded goals by raising over $1.6 million dollars Male 55-59 with some 10,000 participants. For its part, the Striders George Kent (24) organized into four teams that raised over $10,000 (double Male 60-64 1999 efforts). Relay officials recognized “hands down” as Mel Williams (40) the first place winner in the Healthy Picnic competition Male 65-69 (thanks to Deanie Eldridge and BJ Samuel). Chris Catoe (40) Attending the July General meeting was Olympian and Female Overall author, Jeff Galloway promoting his marathon training Mary Davidson (40) programs. Female Masters The First Annual Tom Bashara Scholarship 5K run/walk Jeanne Kruger Williams (24) was a great success. A total of $2,780 was raised at the race and stimulated an additional $5000 contribution to the an- Female 1-19 nual endowment fund. Lindsay Kent (20) Female 20-24 Yumi Iwasaki (20) Female 25-29 Julia Tippett (27) - 129 - 2001 by Dave Harrah Introduction Kevin Hupp As the months of 2001 were slowly etched into history, the Charlie Johnson Strider organization experienced an exceptional growth in every facet of its operations. Unfortunately, the year was Barb Mathewson (also Awards until May and Grand shattered for everyone with the tragic September 11th Prix) terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York. Reality Karen Miller (also Programs) strikes when you have been there to run the New York Brian Sagedy (also Marketplace) City Marathon, or to just visit, and have stood there look- ing up at those two huge buildings. President Bee Andrews Rob Whibley (also Audit) summed it up in her message to the membership in The Mel Williams (also Advisory and Constitution) Rundown, “I had planned on a WOW column following Committee Chairs included: the Inaugural Rock N Roll Half marathon. To steal a quote from a good friend, “we are waking up to a very different Pearl Ibarra – Banquet world today.” To all who had family or friends affected Peg & Jim Murphy – Elections by the tragedy on September 11th, my heartfelt thoughts Martin Snyder – Membership and prayers are with you. We live in the best country in the world, second to none. And the words UNITED WE Jeanne Kruger Williams – Nominations STAND have never been truer.” Being an athlete in our Ada and Allen Lester – Triathlon community took on new meaning…we couldn’t run, walk, Dixie Levinsky – Volunteer bike or swim without having a passing thought about those tragic moments. Our convictions and dedication to our Deanie Eldridge – Walking sports remained obvious, but were overshadowed by Sep- Mary Beth Marshall – Awards (May to December) tember 11. Many Striders ran the Marine Corps Marathon The Tidewater Striders were very pleased to announce in October and one noted there was absolute silence for early in the year its agreement with Elite Racing to work more than a mile as the runners trekked past the devastated together on some of the production aspects of the Inau- Pentagon. A few sobs could also be heard. gural Rock N Roll Half Marathon to be held in Virginia Operations Beach on Labor Day weekend. The Striders would be The installation of Officers for the 2001 Board of Direc- providing support services in three primary areas: course tors included: certification/Timer and Mile Marker team, Volunteer team and Water station team. Quoting President Bee Andrews Bee Andrews – President (also Publicity and Public in The Rundown, “We are thrilled they have decided to put Relations) on an event of this magnitude in Virginia Beach and look Rob Levinsky – Vice President (also Teams) forward to being a part of its success this year and in years BJ Samuel – Secretary to come. We are particularly pleased that Elite Racing has recognized the strengths of the Strider organization and Dan Edwards – Treasurer/Budget (also scholarship our volunteer capabilities.” and Youth) In 2001, the Awards Committee presented the Board of RP Kale – Executive Race Director (also Race com- Directors some changes designed to recognize and reward mittee) more of our most dedicated volunteers. Awards will be Other Board Members included: presented for Race Volunteer of the Year and for Club/ Mike Hillinch (also Publications and Scholarship) Community Service Volunteer of the Year. Three awards will be given in each category: Gold, Silver and Bronze. In - 130 - Ben Vaughan, Jeff Douglas, Martin Snyder, Craig Humes, and Curt Aasen running on an abnormally warm day at the Distance Series in Fort Story. Photo courtesy of TriDuo • Cross Country Challenge 5K The first Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon came to Virginia Beach and masses of runners came along also! Finishers • Shamrock Marathon crowd the boardwalk after they completed the 13.1 miles. • Run For the Gold 5K Photo courtesy of TriDuo • Elizabeth River Run 10K addition, the following awards were approved for this year • Alltel 10K in addition to the Grand Prix Series Awards: • Women’s Distance Festival 5K • Jerry Bocrie Founder’s Award • Tidewater Striders 1 Mile (Track) • Tidewater Striders Appreciation Award • Trigon Neptune Festival 8K • Outstanding Male and Female High School Cross Country Runner Award • Virginia Beach 10 Miler • Tidewater Strider Outstanding Male and Female Per- • Turkey Trot 10K formance Award • Distance Series 20K • Race Volunteer of the Year Award The following race highlights are provided and are not all • T-Shirt of the Year Award inclusive of the full race schedule: • Race Director of the Year Award • The Distance Series 25K, ran on January 6th, was domi- nated by Dai Roberts with a time of 1:26:09 and Mary Newsletter Davison in 1:46:36. The standard format carried over from 2000 with a nice ad- • The race results for the combined distance series (20- dition. Mel Williams and David Branch, who for years had 25-30K) saw Mike Harrison take the Male crown with presented the membership with “Coach’s Training Tip of a combined time of 4:27:18 and Lisa Buckman-Lewis the Month” brought us a new column titled, “Training with win the Female title in 5:35:19. the Tidewater Striders.” Mel and David wanted to high- light the training programs of various club members who • The Cross Country 5K (GP) was won by Dai Roberts had achieved a degree of success for their gender or age in in 17:15 and the Female title went to Mary Davison in sport competitions associated with the club. The very first 20:29. athlete selected was Dai Roberts, a Wales transplant (Brit- • March 17th saw the running of the Shamrock Marathon ish Navy) who was dominating in every distance from 5K (GP) with Mike Harrison capturing Male Open title in to Half Marathon. The August issue featured Mary Davi- 2:26:35 and Lisa Buckman-Lewis winning top Female son, Deanie Eldridge (walker) in September, Perry Lange honors in 3:08:48. (triathlete) in October, Mike Stoop (Bayside High School • The Run For the Gold 5K (GP), a new Grand Prix race, track and field) in November and Chris Catoe in Decem- was held on April 14th with top Open Male Dai Rob- ber. erts continuing his domination of early season races in Running 15:47 and Mary Davison following suit for top Female The following was the Grand Prix schedule for 2001: in 18:58. • Distance Series 25K - 131 - The Shamrock Masters 8K starts. Dave McDonald, who is partially seen on the right, finished 14th overall in 27:37 Photo courtesy of TriDuo • The Run For Independence 5K was held on March • The YMCA Independence 5K, at Mount Trashmore, 3rd with Dai Roberts again dominating with a time of saw Matthew Keally win Top Male in 15:42 and Almee 15:36 to capture the Men’s Open and Patrice Malloy Gibbs garnish Top Female in 18:55. finishing in 19:37 to take the top female spot. • The Women’s Distance Festival 5K (GP), held in mid- • March 12th was the 23rd running of the Elizabeth River summer on July 7th, had some hot running from Mike Run 10K (GP) with 1935 finishers. The Strider teams Colaiacovo in 15:53 (Male) and Catherine Casey in won all five of the divisions they entered and also the 18:41 (Female). head-to-head battle that pitted the Striders best Seniors • July 14th saw the one and only road race at Harbor Park (60+) against the Colonial Road Runners best seniors. in Norfolk; the Tide’s stadium that opened in 1993. ŠŠIn the Open Women – Mary Davison, Diane Haupt, Titled the “Norfolk Tides Joy Fund 5K”, the race saw Sheri Segal, Jamie Cornish and Lisa Buckman- Mary Davison “bust” a 19:23 and Steve Olson take Top Lewis. Male in 17:43. ŠŠIn the Master’s Women –Cinda O’Dell, Dorothy • The Norfolk Sheriff’s 5K, on July 21st, had Mark Man- Winn, Evie Thomson, Susie Rowley and Julie Tip- ny run an outstanding 15:58 in super heat to take the pet. ŠŠIn Mixed Team – John Adams, Dave Coulter, An- drea Kirchmer and Julie Tippet. ŠŠIn Men’s Open – Dai Roberts, Mike Mann, Mike Harrison and Charlie Schindler. ŠŠMaster’s Men – Dave McDonald, Larry Ormerod, Reuben Beauchamp, Mike Fuller and Craig Ruet- zel. ŠŠSenior Men – Mel Williams, Ed Brinkley, John Munday and Chris Catoe. • The Tom Bashara Memorial 5K, run on May 19th, saw Dai Roberts again dominate taking Male Open in 15:46 and Kendall Tata tale Top Female in 19:33. Fesshaye Haile and Chuck Lollar are clearing the Rudee • The Alltel 10K (GP), on June 9th, featured Dai Roberts Inlet Bridge during the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marthon. On continuing his hot running, taking Top Male in 32:43 the far left is Chad Simpson, another Strider. and Mary Davison take Top Female in 40:28. Photo courtesy of TriDuo - 132 - Men’s title and Kendall Tata run a blistering 19:36 for Top Female. • The Strider 1 Mile (GP), which was run on the track at Tallwood High School, featured Michael Stoay as the fastest Male Miler in 4:32. The Top Female was Diane Haupt in 5:30. • A large number of Tidewater Striders ran the Inaugural Rock N Roll Half Marathon, on Labor Day weekend. Some noteworthy performances include Chris Catoe (3rd AG) in 1:48:04, Mary Davison (4th AG) in 1:26:18, Diane Haupt (2nd AG) in 1:31:17, Dai Roberts (1st AG) in 1:10:56, Sheri Segal (3rd AG) in 1:30:27, Kendall Tata (5th AG) in 1:32:50 and Mel Williams (1st AG) in 1:29:33. • The Trigon Neptune Festival 8K (GP), on September 29th, saw Tommy Holland finish first in Open Male in 25:40 and Kendall Tata take top Female honors in A contingent of Striders, including Ty Whitaker, Ellen 32:25. Ruddock, and Mike Villani, competed at the Gulf Coast Triathlon in Panama City Beach, FL. • The Virginia Beach 10 Miler (GP), on November 3rd, Photo courtesy of TriDuo saw John Piggott finish strong with a 56:49 to take Top Male and Delores Ware finish with a nice 1:04:25 to Multisport take Top Female. The 2001 Triathlon Grand Prix schedule included: • The all popular Turkey Trot 10K (GP), held on Novem- • Breezy Point Triathlon ber 22nd, had close to 1000 finishers. Taking the crown • Allen Stone Memorial Run Swim Run as Top Male was Dai Roberts with a time of 33:07 and • Colonial Beach Triathlon Top Female Delores Ware with a time of 36:39. • Outer Banks Triathlon • The 2001 Intra-Club Team Challenge came to an end at the Tom Bashara 5K. The top team for 2001 was • Sandman Triathlon “Franchetti and the Guys”. Members were Mel Wil- Ada and Allen’s “Transition Zone” in The Rundown cov- liams, John Price, Bill Kingsley, Lisa Franchetti, Jim- ered such topics as hydration importance, preparations my Ferber and Glen Ruley. for the Gulf Coast Triathlon and other Triathlon travels, Here are a few “out of area” races highlighted in The Run- USAT competitive rules, flat tire changing, bike shifting down: and gearing and Grand Prix tidbits. • Boston Marathon in April: Bee Andrews in 3:26:14, The 2001 Breezy Point Triathlon was again a great success Goody Tyler in 3:39:50, Bill Bustin in 2:47:25, Craig thanks to the hard work of Betty Virok (Race Director) and Hymes in 2:56:39 and John Price in 4:21:59 her dedicated committee. Over 650 athletes finished the sprint distance triathlon. • Richmond Marathon in November: Dai Roberts (1st Masters) in 2:30:47 A letter was received and posted in The Rundown about the Allen Stone Memorial Run Swim Run. “This letter • Marine Corps Marathon in October: Mel Williams (1st is to thank everyone for their support of the Allen Stone AG) in 3:11:18 Run Swim Run. This event was a great success and could • Baltimore Marathon in October: Mike Fuller (3rd Mas- not have been done without the support of the Tidewa- ter) in 2:52:22 ter Striders and the City of Virginia Beach. We had 210 participants, 50 volunteers, and we raised $14,000 for the Walking Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad.” In the February Rundown, Deanie Eldridge (Walking Chairperson) encouraged runners to use walking as a Virginia had the 6th highest number of competitors at Iron- cross training activity. “Walking enhances the leg muscles man USA (Lake Placid on July 29). Included among that ability to burn fat.” Much-to-do about the Myrtle Beach group were over 35 athletes from Hampton Roads and 23 Marathon – early in the year – and how it had become a Tidewater Striders. Max Carroll and Mel Williams earned “walker friendly” marathon. slots to the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii, the mecca event for triathletes.

- 133 - • 800 Meter – Mary Margaret Peter (10) placed 8th in 2:57:15

Awards • The Tidewater Strider President’s Award was presented to Dan Edwards. • Race Volunteer of the Year (Gold) was presented to Jo- seph Hirn. • Community Service Volunteer of the Year (Gold) was presented to Dixie Levinsky. • Outstanding Female Performance Award was present- ed to Jill Riblett. • Outstanding Female High School Cross Country Award was presented to Jennifer Boyd. The 2001 Tidewater Grand Prix Awards were presented at the Annual Banquet in 2002 and are listed with total points earned: Male Overall Dai Roberts 132 Male Masters Rob Levinsky 137 Male 1-19 Jeremy Dow 157 Male 20-24 Michael Peeler 102 Doug Hamm (123) and Brad Kroll finish in their socks. Male 25-29 Due to rough weather the swim was canceled turning the Mohammed Chakhte 80 event into a run-bike-dash to the finish. Normally this Male 30-34 decision is a race director’s nightmare; due to the recent Tommy Neeson 148 events of 9-11....no complaints. Photo courtesy of TriDuo Male 35-39 The 2001 Grand Prix Series had over 240 Striders com- Bryan Mordecai 170 peting in at least one of the races. In 2000, 13 Striders did every event and 22 raced the entire Grand Prix in 2001. Male 40-44 Larry Ormerod 82 Youth Male 45-49 After five months of continued hard work and practice, John Price 127 16 youth athletes culminated their track season with out- standing performances at the AAU Junior Olympics, held Male 50-54 at Dick Price Stadium, Norfolk State University from July Rod Whibley 133 30 to August 4. Every state was represented with 6,300 Male 55-59 plus athletes in Track and Field. Here is a sampling of Lawrence Davis 205 some of the Striders AAU Junior Olympians and their re- spective performance: Male 60-64 Mel Williams 200 • Youth Boys 4 X 800M Relays – Drew Midland, Nick Oltman, Lance McDaniel and Liam Arocho place 16th Male 65-69 with a total time of 9:22:29 Chris Catoe 220 • 3000 Meter – Lindsey Kent (Sub Midget 11yo) placed Female Overall 12th in 12:03:26 Mary Davison 150 • 3000 Meter – Lance McDaniel (13-14) placed 14th in Female Masters 10:08:55 Sheri Segal 140

- 134 - Female 1-19 The 2001 Scholarship Award recipients were: Colleen Adams 120 • Pam Comstock (Tom Bashara Award) $1500 Female 20-24 • Kevin Rhue $1000 Aasta Pendersen 109 • Ashley Whitaker $1000 Female 25-29 Staci Studer 174 • Jeremy Dow $1000 Female 30-34 • Jeffrey Hedley $500 Liz Austin-Minor 133 • Edward Herbert $500

Female 35-39 Miscellaneous Lisa Buckman-Lewis 172 Results of the first annual Tidewater Striders Speed Golf Female 40-44 Tournament, held at Stumpy Lake on March 24th, saw Susie Rowley 95 Mike Weirich take first place in 60:15. HOW DID THIS Female 45-49 WORK? Mr. Dave “Handlebars” McDonald took the first Evie Thomson 142 swing at 6:15a.m. After that, the runners (golfers?) took off at three minute intervals. Hitting and running, trying to get Female 50-54 the little white ball in the cup as fast as they could! Yell- Jeanne Kruger-Williams 235 ing “fore,” they ran past each other laughing and breathing Female 55-59 hard. Eleven die-hards participated in this madcap. Ann Hirn 161 Chris Catoe was congratulated by President Bee Andrews Female 60-64 in The Rundown, stating “A very special thanks to Chris Betty S. Munden 140 and his committee for coordinating another successful Re- Winners of the 2001 Multisport Grand Prix Series were: lay For Life effort. All told, over $9000 was raised by our four Strider Teams – 53 relayers overall – for the Ameri- • John Lomogda can Cancer Society.” • Christine Allgeier Tidewater Strider Bob Callahan, a 51 year old adventure- Scholarships based counselor from Virginia Beach, was named “Ev- Dan Edwards made a motion at the May Board of Direc- eryday Champion” for the State of Virginia by Wheaties tors meeting to amend the “Scholarship Policy and Pro- Energy Crunch. Bob was selected as Virginia’s Everyday cedure” to reflect that the Tom Bashara Memorial Schol- Champion based on his athletic accomplishments as well arship will be $1500 and that the scholarship committee as his volunteer services. Bob had finished 75 Marathons, can recommend that a scholarship be split or shared in the 50 Triathlons and as of 2001, one Ironman World Cham- event of a tie. The motion was seconded by Mel Williams pionship. and unanimously passed.

L-R: Dai Roberts leads Mark Manny during the Turkey Trot 10K; Kevin Kendall and his son, Konner, warm-up at the Summer Series. Steve Speirs marks Shannon Ralston for her first triathlon at ri-Kids.T Photos courtesy of TriDuo.

- 135 -