1997 by Randy Cook Introduction box from Chesapeake to Virginia Beach. By a vote of 8-2 A “race feedback form” was given to the members at the board elected to keep it in Chesapeake. the races so they could tell their likes and dislikes. Pearl Ochs noted that a new point system created by Pearl Ibar- Ibarra instituted a point system to recognize volunteers at ra to recognize volunteers, went into effect in 1997. The the end of the year. The Tidewater Striders was the first Awards Banquet was a big success with more than 125 RRCA club to have a wheelchair division in some of its th Strider members in attendance. A new Strider logo ap- races. A 25 Anniversary Party for the Striders was held. peared in The Rundown and on race flyers. The March is- Youth runners Aspen Foster and Katie Keally achieved All sue of The Rundown mentioned that the Elizabeth River American status in 1997. Run 10K was the Eastern Regional 10K Championship, Several new initiatives were put in place to get feedback the Neptune Festival 8K was the Eastern Regional 8K from the members and to increase volunteer participation. Championship, and the Breezy Point Triathlon was the USA Triathlon Mid-Atlantic Regional Sprint Champion- Club Operations ship for 1997. At the March Board Meeting, Ochs reported The first Board Meeting of 1997 was called to order by that the RRCA Annual Convention would be in Colorado President Betty Belknap on January 20. Springs, Colorado. However, since it was the same week- The following offices were filled by secret ballot: end as the Breezy Point Triathlon, the Board decided not President: Ray Ochs to send a representative. Tommy Holland proposed to hold summer track meets for interested club members and in Vice President: Mike Hillinch exchange the Board gave him a Golden Runner number. Secretary: Pearl Ibarra Also in 1997, the club displayed the T-Shirt designs for the Treasurer: Dan Edwards. Elizabeth River Run 10K at the Shamrock Sports Fest, and had the runners vote on their favorite one. The Shamrock The Board members were: Tom Bashara, Chris Catoe, Marathon was televised on ESPN, in April. Bret Dattke, Dan Edwards, Blair Fackler, Pete Gibson, Mike Hillinch, Pearl Ibarra, Ray Ochs, Jacqueline Spitzli, The May issue of The Rundown mentioned that the Board Bill Spruill, and Paul Steele. members would be wearing dark blue polo shirts at the rac- es so they could be recognized if any members had ques- In 1997, the Shamrock Tune-up Series was moved to Fort tions for them. Ochs noted that the bad weather affected Story from Northwest River Park, near the North Caro- the Elizabeth River Run and lowered the participation to lina border. The move proved to be very successful as the a low of 1563; an amount not seen in over 10 years. The participation in the 10K races increased three fold and the Women’s Distance Festival would be blessed with good longer races increased about 25% over the previous year. weather in 1997; however, there were over 180 finishers The race schedule had 62 races. “The club had $64,000 in and 250 attended the after race beach party. Unfortunately, the bank and a working budget of $101,000,” according to the third race of the summer series in July was canceled Ray Ochs in The History of the Tidewater Striders. In the due to lightning. The events averaged 190 participants and January edition of The Rundown, Ochs mentioned several nearly 80 new members joined the club. On May 16th, the initiatives which allowed the club members a better line movie “Prefontaine” was brought to the Naro by Running of communications to the Board. One of those would be a Etc. It was a documentary about one of the greatest Ameri- race feedback form. can distance runners. In February, the Board discussed plans to celebrate the On June 11th, a group of “elite” runners led by Dave Mc- 25th Anniversary of the Tidewater Striders. Also, a lively Donald and Dave Coulter addressed the Board to discuss discussion was held concerning moving the club’s mail- team competition, and how to promote competitive run- - 111 - The new members of the 1998 Board were Tom Bashara, Chris Catoe, Dan Edwards, Pearl Ibarra, Deanie Nelson, and Barbara Mathewson. Ray Ochs stressed the importance of getting more of the Strider races accurately certified so that state records could be set. At the time, only a few courses were certified. Newsletter R. P. Kale and Margaret Duffy brought back the Strider Profiles with at least 2 profiles a month. Dr. Scott Banks and T. Roy Jarrett, III wrote an excellent article in the March Rundown on “Stretching and Warm- Up: What Really Works?” Nancy Clark, MS, RD wrote monthly columns titled, “Nu- trition News.” The May issue of The Rundown published the results of the member survey. Some of the more interesting results Running Etc arranged for Prefontaine to be shown at the were: Naro in Ghent. Photo courtesy Running Etc Wall of Fame • The majority of the members were in the 40-59 age ning. Taco Bell became the sponsor of the 1997 Women’s group. Distance Festival. Three new time machines were pur- • The majority live in Virginia Beach. chased at a cost of $800.00 each. • The preferred race distance is the 10K followed by the The Membership Chairperson reported that the club 5K. reached 1500 members as of July 22nd; up from January’s • The average member participates in 11-25 events a total of 1387. The club continued to add new areas. The year. August President’s column in The Rundown announced that a new Wheelchair Committee had been formed and a The cover of the October Rundown had a photo of 11 past Grand Prix for the Wheelchair participants would proba- presidents who attended the 25th Anniversary Party. Those bly be in place by next year. This would be the first Wheel- in attendance were Sonja Whitley, Jerry Bocrie, Ray Ochs, chair Division of any running club that was part of the K. E. Morgan, Betty Belknap, Randy Cook, Mike Fuller, Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). Dave McDonald, Mel Williams, Bob Jennings, and Bill Simmons. On September 20th, the Striders held a 25th Anniversary Party/Meeting. The October 20th Board Meeting had a The October newsletter congratulated Valerie and Benson lively discussion concerning which volunteers should be Porter on the birth of their son, on September 26, 1997. invited to the Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on Novem- Also, to Deanie Nelson and Barry Eldridge for their mar- ber 2. There were 230 members who had helped the club riage on September 27, 1997. in some capacity, but it was finally narrowed down to the Running 80 who were invited. The point system that would soon go • The Open Men and Open Women’s Teams placed 1st into effect would simplify matters. and the co-ed team placed 2nd at the Hampton Bay Days The Striders nominated Jerry Bocrie, Dave Harrison, and 10K. Betty Belknap for the RRCA 2,000 Hour Volunteer Award. • The Open Men and Open Women placed 1st at the Mul- Ray Ochs was nominated for the RRCA Race Director berry Island Half Marathon. of the Year for the Neptune Festival 8K. Betty Belknap was nominated for the RRCA Rod Steele Award and Paul • The Open Men’s Team was 1st at the Army 10 Miler. Steele chose three issues of The Rundown for submission • The Strider Open Women and Masters Women won for the RRCA Outstanding Newsletter for a large club. their divisions at the Pomoco Half Marathon, on De- Golden Runner numbers were given to James Dennis (the cember 7. DJ), and volunteer coordinators Kim Hux and Mickey • The Striders Masters Women’s Team won the Sham- Webb. rock Marathon. Team members were Peggy Frederick, Darcy Mahler, Dixie Levinsky, Diane Caracciclo, B. J. Samuels, and Susan Hall. - 112 - • The Striders Masters Women finished 2nd in the Sham- rock 8K. Team members were Barb Mathewson, Joey Hallock, Jeanne Kruger, Suzanne Stansfield, Jeane Bowers, Evie Thompson-Lakey, and Kathy Manke. • The Striders Open Women’s Team won the Shamrock Marathon. Team members were Nancy Delaney, There- sa Hanner, Elizabeth Ware, Ellen Bollinger, and Karen Pica. • The Striders Open Women’s Team placed 2nd in the 19th Annual Elizabeth River Run. Team Members were Monica Allard (3rd overall in 40:24), Bee Andrews, Nancy Delaney, and Sheri Segal. • The Strider Open Men’s Team placed 1st in the Sen- tara Bay Days 10K, on September 13. Team members were Muluye Muluneh (32:04 and 3rd overall), Michael Stote Farnham and Allen Lester toast their 2nd and 3rd Mann, Dave McDonald (32:46 and 1st Master), Mike Place finish among Men 50+ at the Conchman Triathlon Colaiacova, and John Lomogda. in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas. Rivals and friends such as these are the real reason we run and tri! • The Open Women’s Team also won the Bay Days 10K. Photo courtesy of TriDuo Team members were Amy Chadwick, Sheri Segal, Lisa by the club. I will provide assistance in any way Buckman-Lewis, Jeanne Kruger, and Dorothy Winn. that I can. If interested, contact Paul Steele or any • The Striders Open Men’s Team won the Mulberry Is- board member.” land Half Marathon on October 4. Team members were Michael Harrison (1:09:41 and 1st overall), Patrick Multisport O’Rourke, and Muluye Muluneh. The weather proved to be ideal for the Breezy Point Tri- athlon as it would see approximately 550 participants.
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