Qallj Journal Mijlljjjjjfl ^M^L Association of Jewish Refugees
VOLUME 9NO.7JULY2009 QallJ journal mijlljjjjjfl ^m^l Association of Jewish Refugees Berlin - the eye of the storm ermany in the first months of 1945, of whom some 200,000 were 1945 experienced a firestorm Jews, between 200,000 and 350,000 Gof violence of almost unpara died. Nothing characterises the wanton lleled dimensions. Between January savagery inherent in the Nazi system 1945 and the end of the war in May more clearly than the way it attempted, 1945, it became the arena for destruc almost as a kind of automatic reflex, tion and killing on a vast scale, both on to continue the genocide of the Jews land and from the air. Hitler's war had by makeshift means at a stage when come home to Germany in full measure, Nazism itself was collapsing. and its final battles were fought out in The Nazi leadership, obsessed with the heartland ofthe Reich, including its avoiding another November 1918 and capital, Berlin. the humifiation of surrender, had no In the months after the Red Army strategy to offer than that of fighting launched its massive offensive of 12 on, against hopeless odds and in an January 1945, only halting when it took utterly desperate situation. The regime Berlin, the German army suffered its now had to make Germans, civilians greatest losses of the war. In January and soldiers, support a lost war and 1945, the number of German fighting conduct a pointless resistance against a men killed was over 450,000, far more superior foe, at enormous cost in human than the 185,000 soldiers who died in suffering and material destruction.
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