D03949 DIRECTORATE OF EVALUATION GOVERmiENT OF SEPTEl^ER, 198^ Si*>. 'S^rstems liiiii;: NatioTi i>T Ir st^ of E^uratitsal W a n m r p ? ‘■■.-a A mi "■

SLkljw :!:hiz . "** LS=5=S=L2=5 •“

One of the basic objectives of planned development is to bring about balanced growth of different areas in the State, Accordir/^ly special welfare ^^easures had been undertaken for the economic a.nd social upliftmexit of the tribal areas which were considered as most backward areas. For building up a new life and to create ^ •’"n of society in rural areas a nationwide programme of Community Development Project was initiated in 1952, Subsequently, the special programme for the tribal development was initiated in 195? in the form of Special Multipurpose Tribal Development Blocks. A modified version of this programme was taken up on a large scale during the Second Five Year Plan when the Tribal Development Blocks were started. However to meet with the long term development challengefiof the tribal areas it was felt. • tnat some more concentrated efforts were needed. Ultimately for special attention of the tribal areas a new programme known as Tribal Area Sub-Plan was launched ii:;^ the year 197^-75 • The main objective of the Tribal Area Sub-PIan is to narrow down the gap between the development of tribal areas and non--1a,“ribal areas of the State, To lmov7 the position prior to implementation of the T.A.S.P, programme a benciimark study was undertaken by the Directorate of Evaluation in 1 973-7'4- to m.ark the levels of development reached in various spheres of socio' 3conomic activities. After implement­ ation of T .A.S .P.-.prograiTime a follow up study has been undertaken to assess the i-n-nac^.t ci' the programme. Therefore an attempt has been madfe to compare the;-po.sitioi^-at two points of time i .e , prior to implementation of T .A .S .P , programme and at the end of Fifth Five Year Plan. This Directorate is very much thankful to the concerned Officers under District Panchayat, Bharuch and other State level Government Officers who supplied valuable information for enabl­ ing this office to compile this report.

G.D.Vasavada Director Gandhinagar, . Directorate of Evaluation, September 198m-. Gandhinagar, CONTENTS

Chapter ^age No, No.

'*** Socio Economic Situation At a Glance 1-5

1 . Introduction ^ 6-13

2. General Features of the District 14-3G

3. Demographic Characteristics 39-49

4 . Agriculture and Allied /^tivities 50-72

5. Industries and Power 73-79

6 . Transport and Communications - - 20-C5

7. Social Services 06-94 u. Summary and Conclusions ~ 95-107

Statements ■ 10G-1G9

Apoendix 190-192. Bench Mark^Year_^&^Follow-u 2 _,&tud^_^Year


Sr* Item Unit Tribal Area Non-TrilDal Area H o. Bench Follow Percent Bench Follow Percent Mark -up Incre- Mark -up Incre- Year Year ase/Dec Year Year ase/Dec -rease -rease 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9

Year 1971 1981 1971 1981 " .Rural Population 000 U63 567 + 1 7 .1 5 ^32 ^ 8 +12 .9 6 2 .Urban Population 000 26 29 + 1 1 .5 ^ 167 212 + 26.95 3 *Total Population 000 510 596 +1 6 .8 6 599 700 + 16.86 (a)Male 000 260 305 +1 7 .3 1 309 362 +1 7 .1 5 (b)Female 000 250 291 + 16 .^ 0 290 338 + 16 .55 ^.Population (a)Scheduled CasteOOO 13 1 ^ +17 .6 9 ^1 if6 +12.20 Percentage to total popula­ tion 2 .5 2 .7 + 0 ,2 6 ,8 6 ,5 - 0.3 (b)Scheduled Tribes 000 365 k-29 + 17 .5 3 122 1 ^ + 21 ^31 Percentage to total population 71 .6 72.0 + O.If 20 .3 21 .2 + 0.9 J.No.of inhabited villages No. 779 765 - 1 .80 358 358 + 0.00 No .of towns No. 1 ’> + 0.00 6 6 + 0 . 0c 6 .Total V/orkers 000 190 2^0 + 26 .31 202 2^2 +19.80 (1 )Cultivators 000 70 89 + 2 7 . 1 ^ 53 55 0 + 3 .7 7 (2)A g r i. Labourers 000 96 10^ + 8 .3 3 89 96 + 7.87 (3)Household industry, manufacture processing, servicing & repairs. 000 60 (^-) Other v/orkers 23 ^7 +10^.35 92 + 53.33 including marginal v/orkers.

• ♦ • .2/- ^s2;-

1 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 8 9

7 •Percentage of total workers to tot?^T population 37 + 3.0 3>+ 35 + 1 ,0

8 .Total non- workers 000 320 355 + I0.9i+ 398 V58 +15.08

9 .Percentage to tota,l non-workers to total population 63 60 - 3.00 66 65 - 1 .0 10,Density of population per sq . 1 2^- m-5 +1 6 .9!+ 163 192 +17.79 km.

11 .Literacy rate Percen­ (a)Male tage 35 ^7 +12.00 56 63 + 7.00 (b)Female It >15 2k- + 9.00 32 VI + 9 . 0- (c)Persons - n 25 36 +11.00 V5 52 + 7.00

12 .Sex Ratio Female per 963 956 - 0,73 939 932 - 0 .75 thous and males

13 .Percentage of Percen­ growth popula­ tage 1 6 .7^ 16.93 tion 1981 over 1971 1^.Agriculture Year 1973 1978 1973 1978 -7^ -79 -7>f -79 No.of land holders No. 52910 52170 + 1 ,lf0 68070 72V?8 + 6,1+5

Area held Hects.182335 173898 + I+.63 261+066 251+930 + 3 .V6

1^.Cro^s 1 3 i c e 00 13 7 1 6 2 +18.25 36 Mf + 2 2 , 2 2 Hects.

2 .VTlieat tr 30 22 -26.67 161 178 + 1 0 . 5 5

3 .Juwar 1! I4.23 530 + 2 5 .3 0 258 V f3 + 71 .7 1

..3 /- -s3:-

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

^ ^ a j r i 00 82 28 -65.85 92 32 -65.22 Hects # It 5 •Maize 21 36 +71 .^3 1 1 + 0.00 '*6 •Other food crops n 22 If 381 + 70.08 17 2 U3 2 +180.23 7 •Groundnut n 58 106 +82.76 11 11 + 0 .0 0 • n 8 ,Cotton 8lf9 536 -36.87 I55if 977 -3 7 .13 9*0ther non­ food crops n 15V 17 7 »1V.9>+ 221 262 +18.55 13 .Total II cropped area 1976 1979 + 0 .15 2506 2h29 - 3 .0 7 11 .Area irrig­ ated "by d iff, sources !! 213 17 2 -19 .2 5 28>+ 2h5 -13 .7 3 12.Percentage of gross Percen­ area ir r i­ tage 10.78 8.68 - 2.10 11 .35 10.10 - 1 .2 5 gated 16 •A.iim^ Year 197& 1977 19 72 1977 n is5a n ^^


1 .Total livestock 00 2809 2855 + 1 .6»+ 1738 1677 + 3 .5 1 2,Total cattle 00 1690 I62lf - 3.9 1 711 63>+ -10.33 3 .Cattle youngsfock 00 M o Mf9 + 9.51 97 8lf -1 3 . ^ ia)Male over 3 years 00 837 7 2 k- -13 .5 0 52if -1 1 .1+5

ib)Female over 3 years 00 iA-3 V5i + 1 .81 88 86 - 2 .2 7

^»Total Buffaloes 00 Uoo !+5l 1-12.75 536 518 - 3.36

5 .Other Livestock 00 719 780 + 8.U8 k-91 525 + 6 .9 2 6 ,Total Poultry 00 1120 170lf + 52.1>+ V7V 572 +20.68

. . . . V - -jl+s-

1 ^ a - 3 6 7 8 9

7 •Tractors No. 108 6? -37.96 37^ 2179 *25.1+0 8 .Gil engine with pump for C ^ irrigation purpose No. 2 791 2868 + 2.76 1113 1373 + 23 ^36

9 •Veterinary Ye ar 1973 1978 1973 1978 dispensaries -7^ -7^ -79 No. 5 + 0.00 6 6 0.00

17.Industries Year 1973 1977 1973 1977

1 .No.of working factories No. 21 + lf.76 67 110 +61+.18 2.Average No.of workers emp­ loyed No. ^91 ajB -k7.h5 8028 8327 + 3 .7 2 Year 1973-7^ 1978-79 1973-7^ 1978-79 3.No.of villages No. 128 3B6 +78.12 159 197 +23.90 and towns ele- Perce- ctrified ntage(3 8 .6 ) ( 7 2 ,6 ) (80.3) l-O.Bankg , , -, .. Tear 197>74- 197 9-79, - 1973-7^f 1978-7.9 1 .Scheduled : ' Bank'Offices' No. - 1 1 ' 13 • + 6 3 ,6»f ■27 + 70.37 2 iPopulation served per ^Bank offiC'-^ 000 if6. 23 -39.13 22 13 -ifO .91 3 .Cooperative Bank offices No. 11 •k3 + 18.18 19 27 +if2 .1 1 ^.Population served. ,p^r .Bank office 000 k6 . 39 -15 .2 2 32 , 22 -31 .25 n Year 1SV3-A ir/B-7 7 1973-7^ 1978-79 No,of primary coeoperatlve ■ spcieti,es No. ^ 8 fio +h6.55 550 691 + 2 5 .6V No .of members No. 79395 +86 *66 91367 112626 +23*27 20.Transport and Communication 1 .Road metn1 led kill. 507 6r,3 +3^.71 566 V99 + lf1 .17 . non-metalled km* ^17 >^63 +10 .0 3 U67 ^75 + 1 ,7 1 2 .Road per 1 00 ■per* 100 ■(a)Metalled sc^fkm . 12*3 16.5. +3^.15* 1 5 A 21 .7 +VO.91 ” (b)Ncn~metailed ' 10 .1 * 1 1 . 2 + 10.89 1 2 .7 12.9 + 1 .57 ____ 5/- -55s-

|1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

("i)yillages with railway stations No. 17 17 + Q.OO 31 31 + 0.00 ^ 973-7^ 197b-•79 1973-7^ 1978-79 1 ,Tillages with jrimary schools No, 6if1 698 + 8.89 3 ^ 35^ + 1 .72 2,iercentage of Tillages with schools to total Tillages Percent 82.3 89,6 + 7.3 97 .2 98.3 + 1 .1 3 •'Villages with secondary schools No« 3^ 36 + 5.88 83 88 + 6.02 ^.Percentage of villages with secondary sch­ ools to total villages Percent ^.6 + 0.2 22.8 2^-.2 + 1 22.M3dical Year 1973-7^ 1978-•79 1973-7^ 1978-79 1 .)Jo.of hospitals No. 1 1 + 0.00 2 2 + 0.00 2 .Dispensaries No. 28 28 + 0.00 32 32 + 0.00 3 .Doctors per 3ne lakh of population No. 5 5 + 0.00 6 6 + 0 .0 0 ^.■'Jurses per one lakh of population No. 9 17 + 88.89 12 17 + .67

Note’.~ Tribal area re:.-" " ■' t ■ the folloving talukas s-

(1 ) Jhagadia (2) Nanciod (3) Dediapada C^i-) Sagbara (5) Valia and Tribal Pocket of Ankleshi/ar Taluka.

Non-Tribal area refers to the following talukas

(1) Bharuch (2) (3) Vagra (^) Jarnbusar (5) Aiiiod and

(6) Ankleshwar (excluding tribal pocket) • ASSii;SSMia-vfT STUDY OF S0CIQ,EC0NQMJ^ UEVi^IiOPMENT ' ' OF AREAS OF BARUCH DISTRICT




Climate, rainfall and topography of a region influence i^eople inhabiting in it. This is also true for people residing in hilly terrains of Sahydri out- strrr^tches on the eastern border of the State, commenchg from semi-arid regions of Sabarkantha, Drought Prons

Areas of PanchMahals to the heavy and assured rainfall areas of , and Dangs districts. Total tribal population according to 1981 census of the State is

4o,48 lakhs tribal .persons constituting 14,2 percent of- total pcipulation of the State, The tribal population is concc=ntrated in 8 ciistricts on th-^ eastern border of the

State, viz. Sabarkantha, Banaskantha, Panchmahals,

Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Valsad and Dangs, Nearly 90 per cent of total tribalsoE the state reside in the? abov; districts. These tribal areas form the v/ater shed of inter-state rivers like Narmada, Tapi, Banas and Sabar- mati. The physical choracteric-tics of the tribal regions described above have subjected the area v;ith poor infras­ tructural development, inadequately dev.^loped economic activities and illiterate and primitive pfapulation, Lacjc of facilities like roads, power, irrigation, marketing etc. have insulated the area from outside influence of

-7- -7-

change and development and left the people unexposed to

modern skills and expertise. These people^ therefore,

pursued agriculture neglecting secondary and tertiary

sectors of occupations. Vast forest areas and moderate

mineral potential still await to be explored.

L.2^1 After independence constitutional provisions and

other legislations have enjoined the states to undertake

welfare measures to promote interests of the weaker

secti.'^ns of society and protect them from social injus­

tice. Protective measures such as Community Development

Programme and various sectoral schemes were taken to

uplift them. But the strategies adopted for development

prior to the Fifth Five Year Plan v/ere towards achieve­

ment of rapid economic growth. Efforts were^ therefore,

concentrated to evolve strategies for industrial deve­

lopment and thereby step up general growth rate. There

was an increase indeed in the national income and its

per capita distribution. However, no change was realised

in the life and living standards of people living below

the poverty line. During the Fifth Five Year Plan a

need was therefore felt to fill up the lacuna in the

redistributive mechanism in the strategies during pre­

vious Five Year Plans. There v;as no special integration

betvjeen macro level and micro level planning, for per­

colation of the benefits of development from micro

levels to grass root level. The development

-8- ^8-

process started previously under the Tribal Development

Blocks and thereafter by formulation of the Tribal

Development Corporation/ Community Development works

programmes etc, was inadequate to meet with the long

term development challenges of the region. An integrated

area development approach was the ultimate solution to

strengthen the infrastructural industrial base of

tribal areas^ and expose them to modern influences of

science and technology. A time bound programme to bring

about fundamental, improvement in their living standard

and automatically bring them on par with other areas

and people residing therein, was therefore envisaged

for focussing attention on accelarated development. A

single line control approach was to be adopted to impro­

ve the execution of the programme


1,3.1 ^ithin the frame-work of general plan and with

the dictum equitable distribution of national resources

and wealth development of all people and all areas, the

Tribal Area Sub-Plan was imolemented in the State in

1974. As per national aspirations^ the objectives of

the tribal area sub-plan are to narrow down the gap

between the levels of development of tribal areas and

other areas in the State. It is also sought to meet

with tribal problems^ to provide necessary inputs for

investment needs and socio-economic growth of the

-9- —9-

regions and their people. For controlling their expQIoi-

tation at various levels, cooperative base will be

strengthened, '■

1.3,2 ^ea__of __the__^ibal Sub-Pi an: The whole tribal area in the State is divided

into 9 viable units or projects on the basis of trib»a]l

populations. There would be one project for each

comprehensive continuous area with 5 0 percent or morie

of tribal population. There are in all 3 2 tribal

talukas and 15 tribal pcjckets covered under the 9

projects. One such project is located at Rajpipla in

Bharuch district covering Jhagadia^ N?4idod, Dediapada,,

Sagbara and Valia talukas and tribal pochet area of

Ankleshwar taluka.

5!2^£!^£t}_5istr4;Ct_under T^SP:

1.4.1 The ’area covered under tribal area sub-plan is-

about 4105 sq.kms, which comes to 45 percent of the

total geographical area of the district as against

state percentage of 13,87. Among 8 districts under

TASP in the state Bharuch stands fourth with 44,54

percent of tribal population* 'IVie project consists of

5 tribal talukas viz, Dediapada, Sagbara, Valia, Nandcr^d^,

Jhagadia and ;:art of Ankloshwar taluka under Tribal

Pocket, ^''hile other Five talukas viz, Bharuch, Hansot,,

V a g r a , , Amod and a part of Ankle shwar talukas

no t Covered by Tribal Pcx:ket have been termed as non-

tribal area. -lo-

S u rv e y :

Prior to implementation of the tribal area sub­

plan, an advance action survey was carried out by the

Directorate of Evaluation in 1973-74 to mark the levels

of development reached in various spheres of socio­

economic activities. After imi^lementation of the tribal f area sub-plan a follow up study is conducted to assess

the pregress of the programme. In this report an attempt

has been made to bring out the changes effected at two

points of time namely prior to the implementation of the

TASP programme and the position obtaining at the end

of the Fifth Plan after the implementation.

1.6 ^thodology and lim.itations _tiie_stud

1.6,1 Methodology and limitation of the study have

Deen discussed at lv.agth in the previous benchmark

report. Ey::ept few changes in the previous methodology

other points remain the same. Changes are given in the

following paragraph.

1.6.2 A taluka has been treated as a unit except in

case of tribal pockets for identifying it as a tribal

area. In case of tribal pockets^ villagewise available

data has been collected from various official records

available with different government departments only

for the villages included in tribal pockets and

presented in the report as a tribal part of that taluka,

-11- -11-

Thus the methodolog_ for assessment survey report only/

differs v;h‘3re the tribal pockets are in existence frcomn

thtj mn^tho^-lolugy for the bench mark survey report as a

taluka only had been treated as a unit at the time o£

bench mark survey rep^xt. Except above the me thodol ocgyy

and the limitations are the same as for the bench mairkc

survey report. An abstract showing methodology adopt(ed3

and limitations for the earlier bench m.ark survey

report is given in the appendix at the end of this

r e p o r t , In this report the analysis would be confined! tto^

bring out the changes effected over'the period of th^

implementation of the tribal are sub-pi an and at the.,,

end of the Fifth Plan. It may be ad^ed here that lYibal area sub-pi am

has laid much stress and thrust on the development oi£

the primary sector on which a majority of the tribals

der3end. Various investment and institutional

adopted during the Fifth Five Year Plan> have made

available cheap credit, v/ater inputs and organisatiomail

help to bring out radical change in agricultural

practices followed in the region, A period of 5 years

is too short for setting definite trends. However it

can give a picture of the economy and its directioa

through various socio-economic inputs made by the

sectoral programmes in this tribal region.

-12-. -12-

Priorities in the Tr\SP;

1.7»1 Development priorities of TASP were fixed in

accordance with the objectives. Eliminating tribals

from exploitation gained higher priority. Core sectors

of development was agriculture. Increased productivity,

employment generation, irrigation and development of

rural cottage and small scale industries for stepping

up rural industrialisation received the main attention.

The quality of life of the people would depend upon

an efficient delivery system of social services like

elementary education, improvement in the level of

secondary education, drinking water supply, expansion

and efficient distribution of health services. In the

cooperative sector which plays a crucial role in the

elimination of exploitation , provision of cheap

credit required for purchase of inputs and consumption

needs are being provided. Hjrticulture, pasture deve­

lopment, soil conservatir>n and afforestation are the

other important programmes taken in TASP v/hich will

augment agricultural productivity and will provide

supplementary income to the target groups. Training

programme is also i important impart skills

required to find gainful employment in local and small

scale industries. Sufficient v?eightages have therefore

been given to programmes onedtcation, health and

generation of full employment for miti in-j imbalances

in the development of different regions in the

-13- -13-

r e p o r t

1«8,1 The first chapter of the report gives the back-

grovincl ccmparing the different six:io-econoTiic charact—

ristics of Bharuch vis-a-vis the state. Important

features in regard to physio-geographic and economic

characteristics of the district by tribals and non-

tribal areas are provided in Chapter-2. The main

demographic characteristics as revealed by the Census

of 1981 are discussed in Chapter-3. Chapter-4 discuasie^s

development of agriculture and allied sector. The

information regarding industries, developments in tlhei

fields of banking and cooperative sectors are given

in Chapter-5. Transport and communication facilities

arc discussed in Chapter-6. Chapter-7 deals with

development in si')Cial services and basic amenities.

The last Chapter-8 gives a summary of the report.

Statements are furnished at the end of the report.

-14- CnJAPJSH - 2

Ge*ioral F'sj^tures of tiie Oisarlct M> Ml «»«»■■ W» M •• W M M)

2#1 Location :

2«l. 1 Bharuch district is situated on the southern part of the Gujarat State* It lies between 72^- 34^ and 73®- 12* East

Longitude and 21^- 2 5 and 22^- 1 5 * £^orth latitude. It is

Dounded by Khoda and in the i^'orth, by the

State in the East, by in the South and by tho

Gulf of Cambay in tho West.

2.2 Physio Geographical Features t

2*2.1 For administrative purpose, tho district is divided into

3VJ0 sub-divisions viz« Bharuch sub-division and Rajpipla sub­ division, Bharuch sub-division consists of Bharuch, Anklo3hvar|

Amod, Jambusar, Vagra and Hansot talukas vJhorcas Rajpipla sub­ division consists of kM'andod, Jhagadia, Valia, Dediapada and

sagbara taluteas which incidentally are tho tribal talukas of the district. There is a remarkable contrast in the physical features of these two sub-divisions. The district is largely an alluvial plain sloping towards tho Gulf of cambay. The

Bajpipla sub-division is mostly a hilly region full of forests, vith fertile and cultivable lands in tho t^orth and Ciorth^/i'st,

2 ,2 ,1 ,1 The maximum and minimum temperature in the district during the throe main seasons of tho year is normally as below* (a) Monsooa (July to OctobGr)- Maximum tomp. 36^ coatigra

(b) inter (I'lov* to Fobe; Maximum tcmp^ 33'^ centigrade Minimum tomp^ 6^ coatigrado

(c) Sammor (Marc!:i to^Juno) Maximum tempo 45^. centigrade Minimum t-T.ip,. 20 ccarigrado

2 . 2*23 2 Th.. ^"ai.aiall Rharuch disti'f.ct is fairly assured^

The rainfall uf last £ov year^^ broadly indicates that the

annual rainfall ranges bot'irccn UOOm.m* to 1500 m*in«

in five talukas of tribal area, while it ranges between

700 m*m* to 1200 m,m« in the talukas of the non-tribal arcai*

2»3*1 On the basis of broad topographical characteristics

lilce Soil conditions, land utilisation, crop pattern, availaliDi.

lity of irrigation facilities, tribal population etc*, tho

district can be divided into three regions as followss-

2,3c 1*1 aegicn-l consists oi Dediapada, Sagbara, N^andod,

Jhagadia and Valia taluka. This region is full of forests antd

has mountain ranges^ The region is inhabited by scheduled

tribes and it is declared as tribal area for the purposes of*

im^plementing schemes relating to Tribal Sub-Flan,

*“ 2*3*1«.2 Region-li consists of the western portion of the

district .comprising the talufcas of jambusar, Vagra and

Haasot, It has a coastal line of 80 kms. This region is

locally loiown as tho ^Bara tract*. Large areas in this regloxn

aro unsuitable for cultivation duo to Khar land and Salinity

in water, , -16-^ 2*3*1.3 RGgioa-iil coasists of contral part of tho district

and inc.Vidos Bhamidi, AakiiGS’ war aad Amod talukas* This

rogion is an indastrialisod cno and consists of rich oil

fields aroiind J^nkl-shwar, Black soil of this region is highly

fertile and as sudi it is rich in agriculturo,

2*4 ^

2*4*1 According to 1981 Census Bharuch district has geographical

area of 9038 sq.ions, and has population of 12,96 lakhs persons

which works out to 3.8 percent of total population of the State*

Tho density of population thus works out to 143 persons per* against 174 persons per sq,kni, in Gujarat State. It is

145 persons per sq.kni. in tribal area of the district. Details

are given in the fcllcwiiig table.

TABLE__-^ Area and population of Gujarat State and Bharuch District.

Xtem unit .1981 (FnJ a f 1 "Iff*ffAJafaf*Sftafu^*fitstfict*“ Total Tribal , Total Tribal Area Area "*• *"• *•# *•. *“• *“• *•* *"• 1 S 3 4 5 6 7 8 irat Sq.lffii. .195984 9045 4125 196024 9038 410S .... lopuLatica (000) 26697 1110 510 . 34086 1296 596

DalsLty v. f Sq.ta. 136 123 124 174 143 145 * r s o n

\’otc:- Figures of Area are as supplied by Surveyor General,

2 ,4 .1 .2 According to the Census of 1981, seven places

of tho district have been declared as urban areas. They

*17- -17-

arc Bharuch, Aabloshwar, Rajpipia, , Eansot, Amo>d

aa4' Jaiabusar, OALy Rajpipia town is within the triba.l ar

rogiou. iho urbaa popuiatic - to total population ia th(o

district worlis out to 18^63 pcrccat as against 31.08 pcorcoi?

uujarax. Stc^ov.* . wX jubal aroa noa-tribal area ia itho ^

district thoso porcontagGS aro 4«9l and 30*3 rospcctivcoly.

2.5,1 Tho district has a sisGablo populatioa of Schcduilod

Tribes as can bo soon tho following tablo t

PorcontagGS of scheduled tribes and scheduled castes popiuUatid to total population.

Class of Population Gujarat State Bharuch District

Persons Per cent District (000) as a wtioLo Tribal §roa.

Persons Percent Persons por (000) (000)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Sdieduled Tribes 4849 14.22 577 44.54 429 7^.98 Scheduled castes ?438.. . 7*16 60 4 .6 0 ^ 14 2.S5 Others 26799 78.62 659 50.86 ' 153 ^ 2aS*67 Total 34086 100,00 1296 100.00 596 10)0, 00


Scheduled Tribes 3734 13.98 487 43.87 365 7 ’1.57 Saheduled Castes , 1825 6.84 53 4.78 13 f2.$5 Others 21138 79.18 570 51.35 132 2.'5.88 Total 26697 100,00 1110 100.00 510 lOiO, 00 "• “• “* *"• —• "# -• “• “• "• ***• “• *“• *“• - ^jLa-

2 * 5 .l ,l It can be soon from tho abovo table that as por 198].

CcASus -14.54 porcoat of popuiatica of the district comprises of

Schedule ; tribes as against ,4#22 percent in tho Gujarat State,.

This percentage is as high as about 72 in the tribal area of

the district. It ic Worth noting that the tribal population . ,

of tho district accounts for 12 percent of the total tifibal

population of tho State, Tho scheduled castes population

in the district is 4*60 percent which is loss than the State

, percent of 7* 16* It is only 2*35 percent in tho tribal area

of tho district*

2,5,1*2. The details regarding area and population in the tribal

..area of. the, district,, co^isisting of live talufcas and one tribal

. poclcet are prosbnted in the table below 4-

XABIiEiii iM» M M* - 3 Area and Population of tribal talukas.

Item Year unit District Tribal Percontago of area share of Census tribal area

1 2 3 4 5 - 6 l*Aiea 1981 45o42 r\r-: 9038 4105 AW 4 X ^ n 903:6 4125 . 45o6l 2*Pcpulation 1981 . ^OOQ 1296 * 596 45^99 1971 « It 1110 510 45*95 '3..Tribal 1981 t'OQO ^ ‘ '577 429 - 74.35 ^ ’ 1 Population 1971 487 365 74*95 4#¥ill^gGS (a)iahabitod 1981 i^O* 1123 765 68.12 1971 N 1137 779 68.51 (b)Uainhabited 1981 UO* 66 62 93.94 1971 tr 73 -66 1 ^ 90.41 (c)lDtal 1981 iiOm 13B9 827 69.55 1971 n 1210 >845 69.83 5.Tovas 1981 Ko. 7 1 14.29 1971 It 7 1 14.29

-19- ■•1 9-% ‘itjad populatecm 2*5,1^3 Tho pcrGcatagG share of. aroa^iadGr tribal aroa^4^//^

^ the district totai is about 46 per coat each,

i^oarly 75 porcG^it of tho tri' population of tho <3istrict

resides ia tho tribal aroa. Tribal aroa accounts for inoro than

tv/o-third of in tho district.

2^5*1*4 IhG talukawiso aroas and population of 5 tribal talukas

a nd one tribal pocltot arc givon in the following table i

/u»ca and population of tribal talukas. -•* **• •“# *"* ■** *"« “ ♦ *“• *“• “ • * • Talulsa Year Area in iio.of Uomof:* "*• “'• ••• “• “• —'• “♦ *■ villages tOWl Total Iribal Percent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jhagadia 1981 812.5 128134 82329 64.2 168 1971 813 120000 73636 61.4 168 »■ wandod 1281 1119.7 179263 117191 65,4 205 I 1971 1131 148294 98379 66.3 209 1 Oediapada 1981 1027.9 88431 82545 93.3 214 mm 1971 1022 67683 6ijry48 94,2 214 — sagbara 1981 358.0 58585 52301 89^3 107 — 1971 400 52576 47724 90.8 121 - Valia 19i>l 514.0 94319 71089 76.3 95 1971 514 80927 61903 76.5 95 - Ankleshwar 1581 273 47042 2?S0l 47,8 38 Pocket 1S71 .345 40874 19972 48.9 38 Total 1981 4105 595774 428S56 72,0 827 1 1971 4125 510354 365362 71,6 845 1 "• "• "• “• "*• “• "• “*• "*• “*• *“• 2.5* 1 .5 Out of five talukas of the tribal region, Dediapada

has tho highest proportion of tribal population (93.3) followed

by sagbara (89.3) ®nd Valia (76.3) according to 1981 Ce*isus.

The lowest proportion was in Ankleshwar tribal pocket i .e .

about 48 percent.

-2o<- ^ 2,6 Literacy

2o6^1 AS rovoaloa ^.hu o/^Ci/iv i wf 19S1, thcro is aot

inuch Vu...^iaticn l.i the l i t o " ‘ "'y o.^ Bharudi district ana

that of tho Gujar-t Stc-to .wni_,ch oaa bo sgo a frcm tho follcvJing

tablo^ .

Literacy Rato by iSoxe “® ■> •“© •“# *“• ••* "^9 "*!* "*.♦ ~« ■”• ■"• “■# ”« *■? “*« "*• "“«» ”» 3o 3c '.-. Ouaajyat Stato Bbarach District ‘: -=" » . . . . ' populatica Tribal area . , ., ... . ^ .... ••e *“ • ■'r** »•« **•■(* “ o *’e •** •*c'** *^o o "s’ ^ , * i97l' 1*981 '• ■ -:a97l • >1981^ ^ 1971 , ^1981

»4 7

Malos, . 46^1 54*5 46<;4 ‘ '55c5

Foiija ios 24o7 32«3 24.5 ' 03^2

;: Total 35,8 43.7 35.7 44*7 25o4 35,9 >. *•© "*9 ""a •",

2.6,^le i Tho ^ above tabic rovoal that the J.ttcracy rato :Ui

.Bharach district is slight3-y higher v;hcn comparocl that

o£ tho State^ ^Xiririg tho (.ic ^aUo, tho .literacy rate ixi the

state has iAcroasp^^ from 35^a. pc3;*.oont to 43->;7 po-r*coat. ’’:h:‘.lo

in Bharuch district it has lac:?ca8o

44r.7 per cento As :rar ai/ t^^ibil rroa the'13-^concernGd j

the litcr.acy •'ate has goiio un from 25\4 pc-jcont' iri’' 1971 to ' u>‘ 35,9 psrceat ia 1981- i.;; X^V'i j f '■ . . 2*7 . Worl£iag Force a

2*7vlf , AS per Census of ixid^a 1901^ the proportion of ciain

wcrtcers ^to-total, popu-lation ■wgrkT> out to 37^2 percent^for tho

district as against 32o2 porcoat in -yio State. The details

- 2l» . -21-.^-

regarding tho proportion of ’wrrkcrs to total population by

sox arc given in the roIlcwl,ng tablo t

TABLE - 6 Forccntago of v/or tors to total population, J aox Gujarat State Bharuch District only ifl Iriball aro “*♦ “ • "*• "# “ • “ • " • ‘“•t “ • 1981 1371 1901 1971 1981 1971L

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ‘

Malos 52,2 51*8 54.9 52.5 56*4 53^ S

Feraalgs 11,0 10.3 18.5 17.2 23.6 2 0 *0 Total 32,2 31.4 37.2 35.3 4 0 .3 37«S

2 .7 » V 1 It can be scon that the proportion of worleers tio

total populatica among males au(3 fomalos is higher in thio

tribal area of tho district.

2.8 Glass ificaticn of or king population t

2*8«1 According to the Census of India 1981, as niaay as 7^1,3

porccnt of mam vjcrk^rs in tho district wcro classijfiod as;

agricultural vorkors. 2ho proportion of agricultural workears

to tho total vjorkors ia the district is more than that of the this Stato# Within the district L proportion is more (00*3 pejrcont in tribal area than that of. ' ia tho district

(71*3 percent). Details aro givon in tho fcllo-wiag table•

-22- -22~. IABI.E - 7

G3-asslfieatioa of vQfffeSre by Industrial Catogcricr,, '9 Sr. Gujarat Stato ’"laruch District Tribal ixoa

i^Oo Of Perce- iio* of Perce- wo* of Perce- vjorkcri^ ntagc workors vorlcc-rs ntaga 1* \ / " " ’ ^ ^ ^ o « . , o.-* c . o o , *•"*» “”a "=rj '■•'» •^n ■•»} '“o *"0 “ o **9 ""o ***• ■“o "•e '^***« •*« •“* *'*o ■•e “"*••» ■•• ••© “ o *"• *”c l,Gili:--v^sitorJi 41147M 37o5 14<;180 S9.9 88708 S3o? 2..Aaricalturo ^ 2^188300 22o7 199914 4.1c4 104319 43*4 IXbavc^Q'?^ SoHouSQhold Tndu3t:.?^, . _ . . -, ■ , > ...... ■ fa ctu:;:ing piOeesslng 267280 2 ^ 8881 1*8 4271 lo8 scrvlce & repalrrso ^eOthGT wo-«'-'^crSo 4i:i37l8 37.-4 110903 26^9 42893 17^9 ■" "“r* "“o •'<; *’ ,■ “*.i 9 k *•*“* * > ” • *'*• ” • *’« '■-■*<9 ' 2r.8,L>2 Co :?sr as liatrict ts coacoraoclg 7.V3 pGrcei:it of

ijorlcorn a:.;o ea'^agrci in ag:?im?.o3jro • arrainst 50»2 porccnt

:j.\ 1±lo ^:sLtOo iVDoAg?rb ongagod i n agrlciilturoj,

oA.l<; poroo^v';; arc c'rj..t%^r'tcvs ancl -^'1<»4 pcrcont aro

ag:o;leu.%v:rdl ’.abou^'ors la tiio coniparG^. to 37e5 porcon’c

a.^ cur/ '-' -'inu 22»7 porcont as agricultural labourers

ro^poctiroly in the Stato^ Eharucti {district has thus a largo

proportion of ■workers (41«4 no!?cont) agricultural labourorv^-^.

I'iithin the district the proportion of agi’icultiiral workoz’S

is still high (80o3 porccnt) in tribal arc:io

2e0 Agrimlturo ^

2o9ol ij^^i3::^oldings 2,9.*1«1 Tho following tablo g5-Vos tho diSGribution of -s23s- operational holdings and area of land held according to diflfererj

size of classes in Bharuch district on the basis of Agricultture

Census 1976-77. ■ .

No . of holders and area ox* land held hy them according to size of operation?.! .

Size class Gujarat State Bharuch District Tribal AreaCexxcludI of opera­ ing Tribal Poccket)' tional Year holdings No. of Area of No .of Area of No .of Area o f (In hects,) holders holding^ holders bolding holders holdimg (Hects, I (Hects.) (H e c ts.) 1 h 5 6 7 8 ► ♦**“ »' • Upto 2 1976-77 1196658 * 112 6 8 3 8 53165 55B12 23M 9 2 3 19 2 hects. (11 .1) (he.7) (1 3 . 0) (ifif.9) (1 3 .3 )) 1970-71 1 Oh?-736 930099 53939 5W 51 236lf6 21+198 ik-2.9) ( 9 .8 ) (»+:;-.6) (12.2) (Mf.7) ( 1 3 .3 )) 2 to 5 1976-77 856032 2 ;8i 967 38891 125520 17998 58088 hects. (3 1 . 6) ( 2 7 . 7 ) Gl .2) ( 2 9 .3 ) (3’+.5) (33.“+)) 19 70 -71 73111+e 2386'+66 38373 1 239M 18199 58>+13 . ( 3 0 . 1 ) (2 3 .9 ) (31 .7) ( 2 7 .3 ) ( 3 ^ . ^ ) (32.0)) 5 to 20 19 76 -77 638969 5 5 2 3 I 86 26951 230’+'! 6 10 5 U8 87097 hects. C2 3 .6) (5 ^ ,8 ) (21 ,&) (5 3 .7 ) (20,2) (50.1)) 1 9 7 0 -7 1 62561+0 569^902 27711 2’+388lf 1 0 7 1 2 ; ( 2 5 . 7 ) (5 6 .9 ) ( 2 2 .9 ) (5 ^ .6 ) (20.2) Above 20 1976-77 21»f78 6 ^ 5 3 " 620 17O8O 205 5 521 hects. (0.3) ( 6 oM-) (0 .5 ) ( ^ . 0 ) ( 0 .1+) (3.2) ^ lf- 19 70 -71 3 0 937266 902 2V12 5 / 353 (1 .3 ) ( 9 .W (0 .3 ) ( 5 .W (0 .7 ) ( § ! 8 Total 19 76 -77 27 13 1^ 7 1 UOy!+57l+ 12lf628 if28 8 2 8 52170 1 73898 (100) (100) (100) (lOO) (100) (100) 1970-71 2>-h32567 9999633 120980 ^^-6if01 52910 182335 ( 100) ( 100) ( 100) ( 1 0 0 ) (1 0 0 ) (1 0 0 ) Notes-(1) bracket represent the percentage to total. (2)'Villagewise data is not available. So Ankleshwar pocket is included in non-tribal area. -s2^s-

2,9 •'1 It be seen that in Bharuch district the proportion of land-holders having holdings upto 5 hects, of land was slightly larger (77*9 percent) than that of the State(75*7 percent) as a whole in 1976-77. This was ^till high(79,U- percent) in case of tribal area of Bharuch district* The proportion of snail farmers u'^to 2 hects. in the district was ^ . 7 percent against .M+.l percent in the State^ and percent in the tribal area of the district* Naturally the proportion of large holdings and the proportion of area of land held by.them in Bharuch were little less than the corresponding figures for the State and little more thcpa the corresponding figures for the tribal area of the district. It may be seen that’.the proportion of largest class of holding above 20 hects. being 0.8 percent in the S'tate accounted as large as 6.^ percent of total area whereas in

Bharuch district, the share of this size class is only 0.5 percent in total holder^ and ^+.00 percent in the area held. In the tribal area of the district O.if percent holders were possessing above

20 hects of land and they possessed 3 percent of total land held.

2.9»?- •

2.9.2,1 The area under different crops for different years is given in the table below

....25/- TABLE • 9 Area undor diffGroat crops, (Fgs*in*00 hocts.)

Sr* Item Gujarat state Bharuch District WO. -• -• -• *“• “ • ■"# •“* ••• •“# ■ —• *"• ••• *“• “*• **• . — 1970- 1376- 1977- 1378- 1970- 1976- 1977- 1978- 71 77 78 79 71 77 78 79 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 ' 10 !• RlCQ 4090 4740 5124 5291 225 186 191 205 (4 .6 ) (4 .6 ) (4 .9 ) (5 .0 ) (4 .9 ) (4 ,4 ) (4«5) (4 .6 ) 2* Whoat 5770 G014 5598 5523 223 306 211 200 (5 .5 ) (5 ,8 ) (5 .4 ) (5 .3 ) (4o9) (V.2) (4.9) ■ ^(4v5) ^ w 3, juwar 13340 11064 10981 1 0826 : 755 937 932 973 (i2.7) (10.6) (1 0 ,5 ) (1 0 .3 ) (1 6 .6 ) (22,0) (21.9) (2 2 ,1 ) 4* Kaiao 2640 , 3044 2891 29SH 18 67 41 37 (2 ,5 ) (2 ,9 ) (2.C) (2 ,8 ) (Q .4) (11*6) (1 .0 ) (0..C) 5*. sajri 17830 14153 13829 14537 S6 - 40 60 60 (16.9) (13.6) (13.2) (13,9) (2,1 ) (0 .9 ) (1*4) (1.4) 6* Ouier food crops 13780 11670 11602 12540 41C 548 614 S64 (13.1) (1 1 .2 ) (11.2) (1 1 .9 ) (9*1) (12.8) (14.3) (19.6) 7* Total focd crops 50240 50685 5D065 51711 1735 2o84 2050. 2339 (5 5 .3 ) (4 8 .7 ) (48. 0) (49.2) (38.-:) (48,9) (48. 0) (53i0) ov cotton 15820 1S556 19696 18222 2361 1582 1679 1513 (1 5 ,0 ) (17.B) (18,9) (17,3) ' i (37.2) (39,3) (34,3) 9;, Tobacco 270 - 1245 , 1256 1217 - 4 13 7 4 ( “‘Sv ,(1»2) (1 .2 ) (1 .2 ) ( o .r (0,3 ) (0 .2 ) (0 .1 ) lO.G;c*c’jUi4iut 17560 20766 20515 20855 87 178 135 . 117 (16.7) (20.0) (19.6) (1 ^ ,8 ) (1.9) (4,2 ) (2.1 5) (2 ,7 ) . 1 1 ^Total Fo< lor *A.« ,« li.A. . «A. tm 344 . 357 . ' CZ'^pS (8. 0) (3 .1 ) , 12:.0tner *rood 12890 12879 12853 13084^ opp 100 40 1 , 78 . crops . (1 2 .2 ) (1 2 .3 ) (12,3) C X2. 0} /'p. ‘3'^J (■3,4) (9*4) (1,8 ) xr^ .Total aon -food 47160 53356 54320 53378 2834 3174 2224 2059 crops (4 4 ,7 ) (51o 3) (52. 0) (5 0 ,8 ) £62.15 (ol. 1) (52o0) (47.0) 14wGross cro,)pad 105400 1C4041 ■ 104335 105089 4569 ■ 42oo 4274 4408 . (100) ' -1 n (100) ClOO) area US'O) : i o o ) (100) ClOO) • " • " s ' * * ’•t. *•;> "** "'‘ 4j , •»4> *“a "• **• *•« •'”* -i. **«, *•« Figures la bracliets rhow the porceritago tc total -26- i TABliE - 9 (Coatiauod) Ai?oa under dirfcroxit crops (Figs,in too hocts.)

Sr* Item Tribal aroa^^cluding Tribal pockct),

“ • *•# •“# •*« *"* *“* ^ m m ^ mm ^ M ♦1970- 1976- 1977- 197B- .71 77 78^ 79 ii ^0 -• “• -« “ « -» -» -« 1 2 11 12 '13 . 14

1*, Ricc ^ ! 101 135 148 162 (9.5) (6.9) C7.5) (G. 2) 2. Wheat IS , 30 , 27 22 . ■ Cq.s) (1.5) (1.3) (1.1) 3. Juwar 4i5 514 500 • 530 (21,9) (26.1) (25# 4) (26.0) 4. HaizG 17 30 40 3$ £ (0.9) (2.0) (2.0) (1.0) 5. Bajrl 4S 30 33 20 ^ (2i5) (2.0) (1.7) (1 .4 ) 6. Other food- crops > 214 300 339 3C2 :■ -■ (11.2) (15,2) (17,2) (19.3) .7* Total food crops 890 1055 1007 1130 (-53.7) (r;5.1) (50.6) C. cotton 701 600 5... ■ 536 m (41.1) (30.9) (■:-9,.5) ^ (27,1) 9* 'i. :>bacco 2 6 3 (0,1) iO.3) ( .2) (0,1) I0*c roundnut 70 133 1x0 IDS (3,6) (7.2) ( ^.1) (?.4) 11*'^ Ota 1 foddor crops •i* . m mm — 12.0thor non-food crops 163 56 r: 9 174 (C.1) (7^9) ( i .i ) (S.r>) 13*Total non-food crops 1011 909 s;'5 819 (53.2) (1Q.3) (•'i4.9) (11.4) i*x#C'^oss croppo4 aroa 1901 1964 1972 1979 (100) (100) (iOO) (100) -

♦cxcluuiils T-’ibal PocIcot. -21- •'-2 7- 2 ,9 ,2 ,2 5j?om tho above table it can bo soon that during; 197

to 1978-79 tharo is nogligiblo ciiaago in tho area uador orop

at dist-'ict aad tribal area icvol« Purceritago of aroa undior

food c.’cops to total gross croppod area has dGcrcasod by 65

purcoat duriug period at State level “While it has inici’ca;

by 15 perecnt at district level* Fcr tribal area this por’coati

has iAcrcased by 12 perceat* - ' ; among food cro| 2*9,2*3 la tho district, Juwar is the iinportaat croiZ^i^dl amo.j the a^a-food crops cotifcoa is/ importaat crop# la 1978-79, ccttcia aa,

juwar accouatod for 34»3 porccnt aad 22 *1 perceat rcspoct^ivel^

of total cropped area* The cottoa crop showeddowawar.d tre^ad U during ; 1978-79, 'VJhilo ju’war sh o i^a a upward tread L 1978-79* Si,mila: also tread i^^aoticod in case of tribal areas' of’ the district.*

; 2.10 Irrigation \

2* 10,-1 The folloylag tabic gives tho data oa gross area

irrigated .tc grcss area scwa.

Pr.rcoatago of gross ax-*ea irrigated to gross cropped area* (Figs.ia ^000 hoc^ts*)

^'•ItoK Bharuch District ’iribal area 1970 1976 1S77 1978 19701576*1^7 -71 -77 -78 -73 -71 -77 -78 -79 *1970 1976 197’7 191 ______.-71 -77 -78; -7S 5 ______Z _ _ i2_, _ 13;_ _M l,Gro5s* ...... crcppQd • . arod 10540 1040-1 10438 10509 457 426 427 440 190 196 197 19^ 2*GroSs ' • * ‘aroci 1494 1774 1936 2020 56 33 4 0 42 18 18 10 I'l irrigJitod - I S.Pcrdoatage - of gross area irrigated to ^ gross cropped ^ . area. 1 4 ,2 ^7^0 13^5 19.2 12.2 7*7 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.6^ • • “ • “ • —» —* —♦ —. —# —* —, •*. ••. *■. —. “ . “ • "*• ^ * excluding Tribal pocket.

-28- -28- - 2.1G.2 The prupcrtioa of irrigation la a^aruch district is Less

as compared to that ia tho Stato, By the ond of 1978-79

•j*5 pcrccat of the area to croppod aroa was irriga^o^ i^

tho district# For tribal aroa it was s*6 percont* Ia cas^ of

-dstrict as as tribal areas of tho district the porioat'dgos

irrigativA have decreased during 1970-71 to 1978-79*

fullcwiag table furnishes the information regarding tho ^oiirce-

vJise net area irrigated#

ivct Area irrigated by., different sourccs*(Figstin too hects.) riource Gujarat 3t?te Bharuch District Tiibal aroa of irx- *•* *“• ••# ■»# •• *“• ••• ■** *• **• *“• *"♦ ■•# •• *"• *• **• igaticn 1370 1D77 1978 1970 1977 1978 1970* 1977 L978 -71 -78 -79 -71 -78 -79 -71 -78 -79

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GanaXs 2364 3268 - 3257 23 67 94 10 15 L6 (17,3) (19.1) (18,3) (4.3) (17.5) (23.0) (5#6) (8.7) (^.S)

Tanks 372 330 319 7 5 7 2 3 i (2.7) (1.9) (2.0) (1.3) (1.3) (1.7) (1.1) (1*7) (2.5) l%^olls 10G31 13458 14109 451 2G3 261 106 137 130 (79,.0) (70.6) (73.2) (82.2) (68.5) (6»f,0) (59.6) (79.2) (78.5) Jube - , - - 29 29 -- wells (7.5) (7.1)

Other 111 93 97 67 20 17 60 18 1^ sources (1,0) (0,5) (C.5) (13.2) (5,2) (4.2) (33#7) (I0t4) (9.2)

Iptal 13708*17149'17812'540 38-i 408 178 173 163 (100) (100) (IOC) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (lOi^))

*-;^Giuctinj7, Tribal Pocicott

I t is ^bwcrvcd Itoin the abovu t^ble that wells formed

the niain source pf irrigation at State as well as district

and tribal az^oa level# Tho area irrigated by canals was 23#0

procent in the district in 197G-79 against the corresponding

-2 9-^ ' - 2 v - I figuro of lo#3 porccAt in tho State* The area Irrigatc^i by' ' and tubG-4Jolls was 79*2 percent in tho Stato against 7^*6 por«ccnt'- in the district in 1978-79* AS far as tribal area is conccracd, 4 porccntagG of irrigation by ’v/g II s and tubo-^.-Jolis has incroascd to 7 8 .5 pcrcont in 1978-79 from 59.6 porcont in 1970-71. Porcon- tago of irrigation by canals in tribal aroas of tho district was loss i*o . 9 .0 at the oad of 1978-79*

2 .1 1 LiVv^stocfc and Poultry s ,,

2.11.1 AS por-liivc=.stqci; Geasus of 1977, the tQtal livostock: ^ population .ia-tho district vas 4 .5 3 laIdis which was only 3 . I porccnt of the total livestock population in ..the State, Tho < proportion of poultry population in the district to the total poultry population in tho StatQWas 6*6 porcoat. The follcwiag, ^ . tabic givos tho ccmparativo position oi' livestock and poultry

,populati:,n in tho State and District. , -3 3-

Livostoc^ Populaticn* (ngs^ ia tOOO)

Gur‘xrat State Bharuch District Tribal aroa Item ; ■ l.;2 1977 1972 1977 1972 1977 -• -• -• *-• -• "» “ * “ • *"• “ • “ • ■"• *“• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 “ • "*• *”• “ » Cattio Male cvor 3 years 3065' 2876 136 119 04 72 ( 2 J* o) (20.0) (29.9) ;26,3) (29.9) (25,2) FGinalo over 3 years 1812 1697 53 53 44 45 (12.0) (13-, 8) (11.7) Cll,7) (15.7) (15,8) Yeung stock 1580 1433 51 53 4 1 • 45 (1C.5) (9.9 ) (11.2) "*• "•* *“• **• "*• “• "*• Total cattio 6-457 6^157 6006 240 225, 169 162 /' .'in uj % (41.7) (52,8) *"• "• ” “*,• —• —• Buffaloes Male ovoT 3 years '43' 43 _ 35 0.5 (0*3) (0.2) (0, 1) Fomalo over 3 years 2047 2093 , 56 60 24 28 (13.6) (14.6) (12,4) (13,3) (0.5 ) (9.0) Youf.g stock 137B 1345 37 37 16 17 (9.1) (9.3) (8.1 ) (8,1) (5 .7 ) (6.0) *“• ’• **. "* '• *“• *”• *”• *”• ““i Total 3468 97.5 40 '45 3473 93.5 , , ^ (23,0) (24.1) (20.6) (21.5) (14.2) (15.8)_ — * —* —, "# —* —* —* -» —• *"• —• “ • *"• "*• *“• “ • **• “ •

aiocp ...... 1722 /I o 6 .5 d . 2 U 9 2 (11,4) (11.1) (1.0 ) (1.4 ) (0.7 ) Goats 3209 ■ 3084 110 116 K .A . -73 (21.3) (21.4) (24.2) (25.6) (25.6) , Othors 3-41 6 .6 8 w .A . 3 251 ^ ’ <1.5^_(1.7) (1»4) (1.0 ) (1.1 ) —• “ • *"• *“• *“• “• “ • Tctel 5172* 121 130.5 72 *492778 * C26.6) (28.8) (25.6) (27.4) ’• —• —• “. •“* "*• *“• “ ♦ “*• Total livestock 454,5 453 281 285 (IOC) (100) (100) (100)

Poultry 2736 3496 220 112 170 Note: -Pv^rcwAtago ia braclcot iadicatos tho pGrccntagG tfe total I iv os t c k F o pu la t i -.a , ■ - 31-. - 3 1 '

2 ,1 1 ,2 cattle ana Buffaloos account for about 71 porcont o f the . •tl „ .y,vostqclc,,f)^:^liAt|GA*t is vcr^ sigAificaat that ^this difforcnco ^ ■' V ■' ' "'(26.3’percent) ' " -v' - - , . - ^ is. roainly- .dau .. . Xar.g-c. pr wpo2,t,l.onZaf; catt 1 g ma 1g population *

"Cf ovc3? '3 yoap.'>' ii/ ij-“di' strict-(26#-3 pcrcont) ,agains,t .2Q-porcQnt

■ in •tho ••State»-For- ' tribal e^i -71-poPCGiit of- ,v .tho .iiVQstocfc ...

is under the gr..up of Ga-utlo & Buffaloes, ono of tho important

roasoUs for this is that transport of forest pro

'bullocks as iircught anitnals. Proportion of goats to total

livestgcic ppDulaticn in tho district is jnc-fcu.rth. For tribal

area samo proportion is obscrvod# During the interval of 5 years

• 1972>^77 the total eattlO'p5;pulatioxi'has docroasod by 7 porconifc

vhilo buffaloes population has increased by 0* 14. percent, ..

population of'sheep hds dccroased by'7,5 pcrcont follov^cd by

goats 3,9 percent in^tho State, Similarly overall cattlo

population in tho dii?trict ha§ decreased by 6,3 percent vjhilo

buffaloes population'has increased by 4,3 percent and other

’ livestock'population has ii'icreased’"by'7,9 percent in 1977

compared to tno p.sitiw n of 1£^72 Livestock Census, As far as

tribal area>..rned, tho t^.'tal livestock population is

increased'by" 1,4 percent during 1972 to 1977, There is |

substantial decrease-, iii cattle populatioxi of raalo over 3 yoars.

The percentage, decrease comcs to about 11 percent. Similarly

parcoiitago incroaso^ in pcniltry* population to. abcAit

52-p or cent* ^

'■ 2 ,1 2 ’ ' Forosts' I . V-. .. - .. ■... ^

2 ,1 2 ,1 Bharuch district contributes i i percent of total fore-st j

r 3 2 r “ 1 - 32-- area of the State. Details aro givca in the foliowiag table,

S'lToa uadcr forests in sq, knis.

Item Gujarat State Bharuch District:

- 1D70-71 1973-74 1978-79 1970-71 1973-74 1978-7!

1 2 3 4 5 6. 7

UForest area in 15731 15G83 19712 1423 2127 2193 Sq,krriS*.

B.Gocgraphical area 19598*1 19598^1 196024 9045 9045 9038'

V 3,Porcentago'Of forest area to total googr- 8 ,0 8, 0 10.0 15.7 - 23.5 2^1.3 aphlcal area

2,12,2 -The area Tjui.:"cr forest in Bharuch district W':S 2193

sq,tos, as against 19712 sq,kms, in Gujarat State in 1978-79.

The table given above shows that the forest area accounts for

2^1.3 percent of total geographical area in the clistrict as

against ^ 10 percent in the State, It may be proper to poixit out

that most of the tribal area of the district have large forest

acoas axicl as sucii Bharuch district has vast potential for

development of its forest resources, in absonce of villagcwiso

data, separate information for tribal area could not bo made


2,13 in^^stries t

2,13.1 Bharuch district is cne of the industrially bacto/ard

districts of the State, At the end of 1977 there vjoro only

132 factories employing 9540 porsoas in Bharuch district

- 33-* ~ 33~

scc^uatlng icr 1*4 porcont of total registerfactories

and 2,4 pcrcoat of total Gm.pI^.yniQnt in tho Stato* Tho Import^it

iadustrlcs la the district arc GCtt^a giaaiag and pressing and

textile- rnanufacturiag* Ta.. r-. II.table indicates the growth

of registered factories and daily number of vJ^rliors eagagod

therein over a period of 9 yca;cs in Gujarat Stato^ Bharach distric

axid tribal area in tne district#

T^vBLE - 14 iip0 of vjorlcing factories and average no*of vorfccrs oniploycd#

Year Gujarat State Bharuch District Tribal area - Tribal Por*.! l i o » of Average I'io* of Avorago *•* *”• *"• "*• “ •u or king .no, of wGrilling no* of l i O m O f AveragiO factories workers factories workers Working no. of ftictorics. workcriS

1 2 3 4 5 :i 6- 7

1970 , 5544 437554 Oj^r>n 10530 21 2021

or-5 1973 6G39 501097 oo 102^18 21 2220

1977 9508 565lie 132 9540 22 1213

1P79 10511 639104 169 12692

2.13*2 Fr^m tho figures presented above, it is evidoA t t h a t t h e

pace of indij-Strial dovelopment i n B h a r u c h district is ,g r a d u a l l y 0 increasing, ine numbor of factories in the State increased fr ...‘ra

6839 in 1973 tw 1^611 in 1979j vmile in Bharuch district, the

number has increased fr.^m GO to 169 indicating an increase of

92 percent. Rich ^il field and natural gas has been fLuhd ar;..und

Axikleshwap^ Xndustrial dovelcpment is limited to non-tribal area

in the districts i>arlng 1970 to 1977 there was additiw:n of only

one vjurking factory in tribal area. Average no. of worlcers has

- 3 -:- ...... - 3 4 ^ ■

c‘.ocrGasc*a 2021 to 1213 during the sanio pG:**locl.

2.14 iclty x . end of 2.11.1 At the/thG year 1973-74? 287 villages (25.2 porcoat)

in tho 'district clcatrifiod as against 5674 viilagCiS

(31.04 porcGAb) in trxo otato,. At the ond of i-larch 1979j 425

villages of Bhariach district wore olcctrific<2, as against

9464 viHag;,s in tho Citato, in turms of proportion, 37*4 pcrc&nt

of villages of tho district 'Wcro oloctrifib<2 as coraparcd to

51 .8 s^crcen-c in the otato. -mS far as tribal area is concernecl

porceatago of villages, electrified to total no. of villages

vjas 16,4 p^-rccnt in 1973-7^ which has increased to 29.3

porccnt in 1978f79*

2.15 'rraasport i

2 .1 5 .1 Tho f:, Il:Wiag table presents the information regarding

railway liac length and bus facilitios, in the district and

the 3tate. - ^ T ^ ^ ^ 15 iailway liAe lengtn aad Bus stops in the State and district. (P&Sitlwfl as on 31-3-GO)

Iteii] Gujarat. Bharuch • • te District • . ^ “*• *“• *“#• *"• “• **• ‘■“♦’***• 1 2 3


Gauge » 3328 ■mm Gauge ^ 1120 214 5501 264 Yillages . ;ir>.^ctiy -^orvcd v.‘ith (S.T . )Dus :S'.rvi ccs Percentage Porooatago UTrir^u^hout 8057 43*57 360 31.66 j.Fair seas.^^a ..^ily G85G 37.08 '^i4 sa.05 mmtfmwrnmmptm 14913 80.65 o r \ y i 7 0 .7 1 ■ -35- • 8,15#2 It can be soc>a that la Bharudi district, the total I ioAgth cf railway liiio is 264 tans * agaiast 5601 kms* la Gu;jaralj I State, in Bharuch d istric t, 360 villages wore cliroctly coi-incctoil

With S.T, s or Vi CCS through cut the year and 44-1 villages woro |

connactod vJitli in fair season, whoroas the corrospondlTig

figures of the State were 0057 and 6G56 villages rGSpeGtivoly

as cn 31-3-80, Separate data for triljal area is not available*

2,16 C onrami ca t i ocis i

2.16*1 The- following table prc-sciits the information regarding

no* of post offlccs in the State, district and tribal area o.f

the district*

T A B ^ ^ - ^ 1 6 He, of post offices and post & telegraph offices in Gujarat State, Bharuch district and tribal ar^a of Bharuch district.

Gujarat State Bharuch Oistrict Tribal iirca Item 1973-74 1978-79 1973-74 1978-79 1973-74 1978-79

1 2 3 5 6 7

Post Offlccs 7209 7554 406 156 202 Post & Telegraph Offices G7^ 1322 ’ 26 50 10 ' 10 ■

2,16.2 It c'Mix C; 3 V,.cn that there were 406 post offic^-s in tho

district as against 7554 Such offices in Gujarat State, The ao.

of post offices increased from 3-14 in 1973-74 to 406 in

1978-79 in Bharuch district, while it has increased from 7209 in the State* to 75S1 during the sanio periodZ By tiie end of March 1979 thoro

were 35,7 percent villagos with post offices in the district,

against 4 3 ,8 percent in the State, Ixa tribal area there is no

- 36 - -36- ..

incroaso ia tho ac. of post & tolograph offlcos* Tho ao» of

post offices has iacfcasod ftom 156 in 1973-74 to 202 ia

1978-79. By the oaC. of March 1979 thoro vJoro 26 pore on t of

viLlagos with post offices’ in tribal area,

2# 17^1 Details rogar^Sing ao^ of primary schools in tho tribal

area, district and in tho Stato are givon in tho following tablo»

... , ■, V . Uom of villagos li6if!Lag primary schools.

Gujarat Stato Bharuch District Tribal area Item 1973 1978 1973 1978 1973 1978 -74 -79 -74 -79 -74 -79

1 r- 3 If ? 7 i^^'o.of villages with primary schools 16130 17042 98? 1053 61il 690 No.of primary schools 22079 23640 1298 1290 718 814

Percentage of villages with primary schools 87,2 92.2 8 7 ^ 92,4 82^3 3 9 ^

- .2*.17,l*2;^ 'It can be seen from tho above tablo that thoro v/oro

,'1298 prirnary schjcls in the district against 23640 primary at the end of 1978-79* ^ ^ schocls in the State/on 31st March 1979, 1053 villages

(92*4 percent) V/ore provided with primary schools in tho district

agaixist 17042 villages (92.»2 pcrcont) in tho Stato. As far as

tribal area is concornod, 698 (39^6 porcent) villages have boon

covered with the facility of primary schools by tho ond of

1978-79. -37- >-3 7-

2, IB BanklAg t

2 . 180I Tho follcwing tablo prcsonts the data on bank faclLitio

availabio in tribal aroa, district and in tho Stato*

r-r T A M ^ - 18

iiOp or scnoQUi-ocl an<2 cooperative bank o f f i c o s .

Sr* Item Gujarat > Stto Bhainich District Tribal area (including- TP) “*♦ “*• -• " 1973 1978 1973 1978 1973 1978 -74 -79 -74 -79 -74 -79

1 2 3 4 -.5 . 6 7 8

. - . • of pla'c^s ; ' J having bank offica‘'662‘~ •; ‘1011 . * 22 9 14 2ei'io*of bank offices 1409 . 2204 38 " 63 11 10 3dPopulation por^ ■ bank' office- , ~.- . 1 8 % 9 ^ . ,12113 29200 17338 46396 23353 ' ■ • 4aNo*of places hay-ing / ^ bank offices 690 24 31 9 11 .. .i' 5,Ii0a0f bank offices 748 1122 30 1+0 11 13 6*Populaticn .per Vv baxak officCo ' 35691 ' 23794' ^36987> 277^ 46396 39258

2*18*1,2 It can bo soon that Bharuch clistrict is rolativcly

poor in rcspcct of,t^aking’ faciiitios. At the ond of March 1979

there was one schochilGd bank office on an average to scrvo

17 thousan<3 persons im Bharuch district, as against a populatioJ

of 12 thousand in the State, On an average a cooporativo bank i£

tho district served a population of about 27 thousand persons,

against 24 thousand parsons in the State* As far as tribal area

-3 8- - 3C - ■ in tho district is coAccracc!, one schoclulod bank covcrcd tho

popuIati.,.a of 23 th'usand and avorago covoragc of cooperative bank is to the cxtout of 3D thousand p.-puLatioa by tho end of

lD7C-79j vhich - ladicatos that the district as a vholo is having bettor baakiag facilities than that ia the tribal area in tho


-3 9- GHAPTER^-^3

Demographic Characteristics

3* 1*1 This chapter deals with the aaalysis of the demographic

character is ties of the tribal area vis-a-vis the ao-a-tribal area

as revealed by the Ceasus, 1981* Density, sex ratio, literacy

rate, labour participation rate and industrial classification

are the important aspects covered in this analysis* Separate

data for tribal communities living in the tribal areas are

given wherever possible*

3*2 *

3*2.1 The tribal population acco'ants for 44*5 porcoat of total

population of the district^ In the tribal area 72 perc<3nt of the

total population belongs' to Scheduled tribes* The following tabic

pi^osonts the information of scheduled tribes and scheduled

castes in tribal non-tribal areas*

Population of scheduled tribes and scheduled castigs^in tribal and npn-tribal.area,of-district* *“• —* —* ■■* •“* •“* "•* —* —* —# —«•■« —* —»" • # “* —»“ category of Total population Scheduled Tribes Schodulcd Castcd area ... pc-rsons^t 000) persons(» ooo)

-j-if 1. -3-§7i. - JS f 1. - - _*1* * * * * *2* * .* 3 ...... 4* * * * V * * ,* .*6* * * *7* * * * * * *“• **• *“•*“ # ■?# "r# *•# •*“* “•* -•* ••* —* ■*» “•« ••* ■•d ••* ** "•* ■•* •-* ■•* *•* "•* ■*# —* ■"# ■ rrlbal area 596 510 429 365 14 13 (71.9) (71.6) (2,3) (2.5) iion- 700 600 . 148 -122 • 46 40 Tribal area (21.2) (20.3) (6.5) (6,8) “*• *“• "*• *“• ••• •"* ••• *•* ••• •*# ""m *•» —• **• *•* ■ District 1296 1110 577 487 60 53 ...... i'iotc *-Flguros ia bractajts ladlcato the percofltago to total populatioa ia tho rospoctivc catogory. - 40-. 3.2* 1*2 It may bo noted that the tribal area of tho district

has oAly 2«3 porcaat of popuiatica bGloagiag to schG<2uLGd

castes, Tho taiuteJisc Uata ^’ovcals that jainbusar taiuka of

aoa-tribal aroa has tho highost porccnt (8 .4 porcoat) of

schoduicd ^upaiatioA, folLov^cd by Haxisot taiuka

(7 ,6 porccnt). Dodiapada taluka has tho lav^ost porcoatago

(0,7 porccat).

3#3.1 The followiag tabic gives data rogardiag tho growth of

popuiatica betvjcoa 1971 aad 1981 for the tribal aad aoa-tribal


Ta lula ”* ”* '* ”* ”* 1071 "* * g* “* ■* * * "* “f’cfcon-Eago* tncrease' la 1981 ovor 1971 TZiiI'~'~irib&I T&tai*"*^f?ibal f6tar“’'f?ibar*“*“ popula- popula- papula- popula- popula- popuLa- tioa tica tion tioa tioa tioa

-* -* -' -* -* -* s W " -* S J J S r -* -* -* 1.Jhagadia 120* ' 73* * * *128* * * 83* * * *s W * *11.8 2.Haadod - 148 98 179 117 20*9 19.1 3,0ediapada 68. 64 88 82 30,7 29,5 4.Sagbapa 52 48 59 52 1 1 .4 9.6 5,Valia 81 62 95 72 1 6 .5 16.3 e.Mkloshwar T*P.41 20 47 23 15.1 1 2 .7 Total Tribal area. , 510 . 365- , 596 429 16,7 17,4 Noa- . Tribal area ,600 .. 122 700 - 14S 16.9 22.2 District ...... 1110 487 1296 577 16,8 18.6 *”• **. **. ***. *”• ***. **• **• '*’« *"• *”• **• **■ —• **• **• "*• **• **• "*• **. '

^ ^ " :.-ar -44.- .

3*3* 1*2. It is obsorvod that the grovJth of populatlcn during tho dccado 1971-81 vas slightly higher among tho tribals

(to .6 percent) than that of gonoral population (16#S- porcont). v/ithin tho district it is intorcstixig to point cut that as f^r as is concjGrnod, thoro is nogligiblo diffcruncG bGt'.vaoxi tribal arid non-tribal area, Hovjcvor for tribal population thi- difforonco is substautial,

3,4 Ssnsi^^of^ro^ula-ytk^ *

3*4#1 According to 1981 Gonsus tho avorago density of population por sq,jan« in the ,tr.ibal area is 145 porsoas as against 192 persons iu tho non-tribal area* Details aro given in tho foil owing tabic* t a b l e - 21 .*- Density of Population (1981)

Type of area Area in Pcpulati<^a Density of* population por sq^km.

1 2 3 4 Tribal area 1981 4105* 1 595774 145.0 1971 4125 510354 124.0 L''i on— 1981 3655,8 700677 392.0 Tribal area 1971 36S0 599247 163* 0 Figures of area are based on land use area (Statement No, 11S:12),

3.5 Rural Population t

3.5,1 The proportion of rural population to total population in Bharuch district is 8i«'4 percent, while the proportion of rural population in^tribal area is 95; 1 percent as against i 69,7 porcont in noa-tribal araa, X^.comparison with the

1971 Gcasus^ tho .proportion of rur’al'popjlatlon to' total

- > ■ ■ ■ - . • ^42 -42-

populatloA has registerod a slight doclinc. Trio accessary

clGtails arc given in the fclloviag tablo*

TAB-B^-^22 Proportion of Rural, Population to total population*

1971 1981 T;^^e of area "PofcOiltago Rftfa r* "• "• cfintago population to total population to total popalatioA population

1 2 3 4 5 Tribal area 4845S5 94:. 9 566548 95 .1 I'i c;n« Tribal area 432002 7 2 ,1 488394 69,7 District 916587 82,6 10S1942 81,4

3*6 Urban^Po£ulation i

3 *3 .1 Out of 7 towns in the district, only one town viz,

Kajpipla of the Dladocl taiuks is in the tribal area. The

proportion of urban population to total population in tribal

-area is only 4 « 9 percent, as against 30,3 percent of the

iion-tri')al area as can be ^ on from the information presoiitod


Percentage of urban population to total population, population

Type of area Total Urban Percentago of urban^to population population total population 1971 1981 1971 1981 1971 1981- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Tribal area 510354 595774 .25769 29226 5 .0 4 ,9 h cn- Tribal area 599247 700677 167245 2122C3 27,9 30,3 District 1109601 1296451 193014 241509 17*4 18,6 ^ 1 3 * .

3*7 Sex Ratio i

3 *7 , 1 The foLIavlAg tablo slvos tho sox patio o £ fomalos pc*p

1 0 0 0 malos la the tribal and aoa-trlbal areas of tho 4 ld tr lc t«

" ■-■•-V- ... Sex Ratio lA tribal aad aW-^tHtia’I -* -• -• -• -.-I «•. r* • • -• * • • • •• Typo of area . . Sox foiiiftlos pe»-l^

■, * - • ^ ^ '•W ?• **".# ••• 1 9 7 1 - c ‘ •>, », -I, -• -«<»• •?'» “• “• “• “ • "■•"» 1 - 8 *■''•;' • ‘'■..'T"'-3 . ,

T r ib a l ^^roa 9 6 3 ' ^ 6 ' i '• .' } ^ r y •■ ;.; .\ , •. iM a-J3?ribal area & 3 9 p3 2

District' .9^^ “• T* **• *• *"• **• “*• **• **• •• **•,•• •*• **• **• • • ••• *• 3*7«l#2 It oafl bo scoa that the ddx ratit^ la tho tribal area (966 feioalcs por 1000 malbs)-la sligh tly hlghi^x thajpi tho A<.A-tribal arga (932)# It is latorostlAg to point out ^hat lA Sagbara t^luka 9f ^ trib al area, thoro aro i023 fQiBales

per .lo^P. males,^

Jia sJK w r

3 . Gil - The data Oil literacy «^btaiAc5 ftom tho 19G1 CoASuf

Shews •wicio variation bctweon the literacy ratos 1A tho t?H „ ■ -. ’'^3 ,-• i '''; ^ ft ' V- ■ ’ ■■' ■: ' 3. ' V ' " ?»■ " ' S ' ■' aA^ AoA^trlba 1 aj^ea of tho distrlet* AccordlAg to 1 9 B I | ^ «

OAly 3 5 * 9 , percent of parsons Ia the tribaI area are»lltc^rate as a g a ^ t 5 2 . 1 porceAt 1 a tho ncn-trlbal aroa, fho fo llG f^ S A g

taUIe. i.furnishes tho literacy rates based on 1 9 7 1 ^ ^ 1 1 9 0 1

CensuS: data, _■ ■ ' -4A- ■ lABtE ■ 25 PorcoatagG of Literacy by sox# Typo of aroa 1971 1981 Malo Fomalo tBiDtal Malo ForaalG Total **• ••• ••• ••• ••• “ • “• "*• ••• *“• 1„ ... ,2 ' 3 4^.5, 6 ,7

1,Trtbal aroa 35.x X5.3 25.4 46.9 34.4 35»9 2,K'oa-’ . Tribal aroa 55.-9 - 35,4 44.5 .62*7 - 40.7 52.1 a ,® ta trlo J:..46*4--, ^*7 sw'55»S;.,..i-^a-v ,4^?: . ' "*• "•* *"• *"• *“• “ • “ i “* ••• "*• ••• ••• ^ 3«8«l«2 ComparisoA of literacy rates among males and foiaalbs botifooa 1971 ancl 1981 shows that thoro is a slgalflcant improvomoflt in tho literacy rate in tho tribal aa^ ncn^tribal aroas ^rin g the decade* Considering the lit piracy rate among different taluIsas in the tribal area, Oediapac^ and Sagbara talulsas show very low rate of literacy (between 22 to 29 peroQnt) rat e and the literacy / among females in these talukrs is still lowpr (botwoon ii to 17 percent)# Table beloW ; gives ^ up in this .ji^cgard for the tribal talufeas*

!II4BLB - 26 Talukawiso percentage of Literacy*

Talukas 1971 1981 *"• *■ *^* —• “'• -* -*- ••* ■•*"'• *•* '•’* ■•. *■'* ••* ^* Male Female Total Male PomalQ Total *“• ■“'•■•••* *•* *** —* —* -i, —, -• -. -* -* »•* -* -. < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "• *“• *"• "•* ■•. “. —. —* —, *•'. ••• •••' Jhagadia 38*4 17*9 28*4 48*7 26.9 38*1 Hadod 41*1 19*1 3.0*3 53*6 29*2 41.9 Dcdiapada 20,6 5*5 13#1 32*5 11*5 22.0 •Sagbara 22.9 5*9 14*4 41*1 17*2 29.0 Valia 35*1 16*0 25*7 45*4 25*0 35.3 Ankleshwar • Poclcet 42.9 21.3 32*3 52*6 43.2 Sub-Total Tribal area 35.1 15.3 25*4 46*9 24*4 35.9

- 4 5 - - 1 5 - - rate It caa bo scbA that literacy 'L 3>niong fomalcs in

trlbaL ajroa is ^33#1 pcrcGAt as comparod to 4 0 ,7 porccat la tho

ncn-trijal aroa. Similarly lio literacy rafee among males in

.tribal area is only 46.9 percent against 62*7 percent in

non-tribal area,

3 * 8 .1 ,3 She clata on literacy among the tribal commanities

W ill provide more precise picture about the spreacl of

education among tho tribal population. The following table

gives data on literacy rate of tribal community and general

population in the tribal and non-tribal areas,

f ■ TABLE - 2 7 C Literacy among tribal community and general population,

?ypo of area ILiteracy rate 'f.iteracy rato Total population Tribal population

1971 1981 1971 -1981 "•* *", “•# •• ••• ••• “• “ • •• ' . Malo .Female Total Male Female Total "• **♦ “*• ■*, "*• *•, ’■I* *■, *•# *“• “*• *“• “*• *•••■• *"• “ • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

;rlbai aroa ■25.4 35.9 23.2 5,2 14.3 36,4 13.8 25.2 ioii- ' ''■ ' :rlbal area 44,5 52-1 21,2 3.6 12,6 28.0 7.4 18.2

)istrlct 35.7 44,5 22,6 4,8 13,8 33.9 12.0 23.1 "*♦ *“♦ *“• —• “ • ” •

ot e t- As -Vi 11agewis g ’ data is not avai lab le y Aa Isloshwar ^ Po cket is included in non-tribal area*

3,8,l,If It caxi be noticed that in the tribal area the literacy

rate among tribal populatioi.'i is only 25,2 percent as compared

to about 35,9 percexit among total population. During the ^accadG, tho litG5?acy la tribal aad non-tribal areas amoixg the tribal commani4y iacroasod ftom ■"I 14.3 to 25*2 per coat ia tribal area and ft'ora 12,6 to 18*2 percoi

la aoA-tribal aroaj. Literacy rate In non-tribal area ig Icjwor ■

than tho literacy rate in tribal area among the tribal


3.C*1*6 Considering tho talulcay-iso details of literacy Mong

tribal cominanlty, it is observed th-"tc; in non-tribal area, tho

literacy rate is abuat 15 to 20 percent U\ a ll the fivo tal^tk^is

except ij.1 Jambusar talulsa (10 ,9 percent). It is interesting

to point oat that literacy rato among tribal community ia highest'(3 0 percent) in Nandod taluka^ follov/od by 26»0 percent

-i;'! Sagbara taluka. I t is lowest (19,3 percent) in Dodiapada


3,9 , Working Population | ' ^

. 3^9^1 The labour participation rates and industrial classific

tlon of worlding population provide useful data for studyiag th

level of economic dovolopment of a region* in this context,

the analysis of the v^orkiing population on the basis of data

available from the 1981 Census is attemptod in tho following


3#9#li2 Tho table bolov; gives the proportion of v or leers to

total population among males and fomalos in tho tribal and.,

n^n-tribal areas of the district,^

-4 7- : - 4 7 - .

TABLI3 - 2 8 Proportioa of i/^orkors to total populatioa la tho groups*

[Type of area workers Porcontagc of : workers ^ . to total population in the group# “*• *■# *"« ■“ Main Pomale Tital Male Female Total 1 2 3 . _.,4 5 . 6 7 . • “• "•* "• •“* —• ”“<» *"•“*• —• *•••• ■“« “* Erlbal area 1981 171627 68754 2403B1 5 6 ,4 23e6 4 0 .3 i 1971 139799 50100 189899 53o8 20,0 3 7 ,2

Ken- 1981 194639 47856 &12495 53a 7 14,2 a4.6 ETrlbal area 1971 159130 42720 201850 , 51,5 14.7 33.7

District 1981 366266 116610 482876 5 4 .9 18,5 3 7 .2 1971 298929 92820 391749 52#5 17.2 3 5 .3 “ • “*• *•» "*• “ • *"• *"• *"• *“• ••• *"• '

3#9* 1,3 I t can bo scon from tho above table that tho

proportion of persons reported as workers in tho tribal

. area (40*3 percent) is higher than the corresppn<31ng figure

^1.6 per coat) la aoa-trlbal aroa» It is significant to note

that the (difference between the tribal aad non-trlbal area is

larger in rgspcct of fcmalo participation raibs. in tribal area

about C3a6 percent females .crp workers as against 14«2 percent

of fomalos in non-tribal aroa^ During the year 1981, the propor-

tion of maie^ as workers in tribal area was.'

higher (56*4 percent) thaa tho percontago of workers in ,

non-tribal area (53* 7 porcent) in 1901« Similarly tho female f- participation rate was higher in" 1981 in tribal area and

, lower'in* aon-tribal area comparing with tho ccrresponding^

figs, of 1971 Census, in tribal areas,Dcdlapada talulfii has

tho highest female'participation rates(40,1 percent), followed

by valla(33,0 porcent), whereas the female participation ratos . • ' -4^-' -48-^' was lowest ia Sagbara(i3 ,3 porcoat) an<| jambusar(8,7 porccnt)

according to 1981 Gcasus.

3i9.1«4 AS rogarcls tho male participation ratoj the picture

. . sopa in tho tribal area is not at groat variance than lirhat

is scon in ncn-tribal area. The proportion of workiers amcng

males lies bctvjcon 50 an<3 58 percent in almost all talukas

either tribal or non-tribal areas of tho district*

3*10 *

3*10*1 AS observed earlier., a largo proportion :of workers in

tho tribal area are engaged in the agriculture* The following

table presents tho proportion of cultivators and agricultural

labourers to total workers in tho tribal and non-tribal areas.

TAB^^- 29 Proportion of cultivators and agricultural labourers to total worliGrSt;

Type of area Cultivators Agricultural Total Agri* Other labourers workers' Workers 1971 IBSl 1971 1981 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 O 4 5 6 7 8 9

Tribal area 36*9 36*9 50*7 43*7 87*6 80*3 12*4 19*7 ti on- Tribal area 26*2 22*8 44*3 39*4 70*5 62*3 29*5 37*7

District 31*4 29*9, 47*4 41*4 78*8 71*3 21*2 28*7

3*10.1*2 It is obsorvod that in the tribal area, 36,9 percent workers workers / have been reported as cultivators and 43*4 percent/as agricul­

tural labourers* Ta*. corresponding percentagos for tho

non-tribal aroa are 22*8 and 39*4 respectively* During tho

decade, there is a considorablo decline in the number of cultivators ia xua-tribai aroa aad total agricultural \'Jorliors

in the tribal and acjU-tribai aroas.

3.10,1*3 There is a aocliae in agriculiiiiral labourers 1981

Coasus as Gornparcd with 1971 Census both in tribal and non-tribal areas. There is a corresponding riso in the category of other vjrkers. The talukawicg details for the tribal area indicate that the proportion of agricultural labcurcrs is highest(61,6 percent)

ia valia taluka, followed by Ankleshvar Pocket(56*l percent) and

Jhagadia taluka(53.7 perccnt),. Dodiapada taluks has the

toJost percentage(22,7 percent). The highest proportion of

cultivators is in Dodiapada taluka.(67«7 percent), followed by

Sagbara taluka(4S,6 porcent), Jhagadia and Valia talukas have

the lowest percentage(26 pcrcent each)# In non-tribal area,

the highest proportion of cultivators is in vagra taluka

(36,9 percent) and lowest in Mkleshwar talulsa(l3#0 pcrcent)

(Statement iMo,20 & 21),

- 5 0 - CHAPTER - h


4,1 It is already observ-'^.d that 71 percent of the working

. population in Bharuch district is engaged in agriciLlture, ijhich and 41 porcont agric-altural lahour- Thus the economy of Bharuch district is highly dependent on

^riculture requiring a large man-power. This chapter attempts

to analyse the district characteristics of tribal and non-tribal

area in respect of agriculture and allied activities.

4.2^1 The following table gives the information regarding the

proportion of workers engaged in agriculture in tribal and

non-tribal area of Bharuch district, T^LE_^-^22 3?gpo3?tion,©f■’agricultural workers to total workers.

Taluka Total No.of agricul­ % of agricultural workers tural workers workers to total workers 1271 _ 1981* _ ____ 12^1*______IW 2 ,2._ - . § _ hagacLlalaia ^ 7 8 8 52C92 1+19<-’1 ’1+2299 89.5 80i6 iandod 5i8te 63>-'09 1+2210 -1+2986 81 ,1+ 67.8 ediapada 21 kh? k-?S37 19579 381+63 91 .3 90.1+ agbara 18712 201+60 17265 17510 9 2 .3 85.6 2-lia 35063 1+2381 31 720 37172 90 .1+ 87.7 nkleshwar Dcket _ 1 6047. . 19102 _ _13728_ J1+687_ 8 5 .2 ,Z6.9,

A r e l S i i 2 ^ 2 8 1 *_ "i 661+03_ 'l9Pl?_ 87i6 ' 80.3 Ulruch 72771 ’90025* ’ 1+0017 ' *+3297 5^.9 1+8.1 nkleshwar 19209 29919 10 6 15 13202- 55.3 1A-.1 (N:^T.) ^ns ot 1661+6 19269 13907 11+321 83.5 7^.1+ ^gra 235'^•0 22694 20810 17895 8 8 . 1+ 78.9 ambus ar i+M+68 ^9635 35775 36523 80.1+ 73.6 od _2g216_ 83.2 20253 21229 2^7i9 ' 81+.1 ' I •* • •• t • :otal 201850 21+21+25 '1^2353 J 2 0 2 7 Z 70.5. 62.2 act______^32^2^2 -308756 '78 ,8 .71*2 * Figures pertain only to main workers.

- 5 1 - ^+•3 It is seen from tjh© above table that 80.3 percent of the population is engaged iai agriculture in the tribal area as against 62.3 percent; In the non-tribal area. It is interesting to note that during the dlecade the percentage of agricultural j workers to total workers has decreased in all the talukas of ;

■ ! tribal and non-tribal area. As far as cultivators and agri^ult al labourers are concerned, it can be seen from the appended

Statements 20 and 21; that only in Dediapada and Vagra talukas the percentage of cultivators had increased. Similarly in

Sagbara and Amod talulkas,: the percentage of agricultural labourers had increased during the decade 197^1 to 1981. In all the talukaa of tribal area, more than 80 percent of workers except in Nandod talujka (6 7 .8 ^) and Ankleshwar Pocket- f, are agricultural workers* However in all the talukas of non-ti bal area, more than 70 percent of workers, except Bharuch

(kQAfo) and Ankleshwar N^T ,(^^i-.1^) are agricultural workers.

The proportion of cultivators to total workers is highest in

Dediapada taluka (67*7^) tribal area and lowest in Bharuci and non-tribal area of Ankleshwar talukas (1V.8^ and 13 ^ respectively) of non-trilbal area in 1981.

According to Agriculture. Census of 197^-77 Bharuch. district has about 1 .25 lakh agricultural holders covering ab< ^-.29 lakh hects. of land. The average size of operational holdings in the d,istrict was about 3- ^ hects. The following table gives details regarding the no. of holders ’and area of land held by different sizes of operational holders in. the--

distric t. . ■ ■

- 5 2 - T ^L E ^- ^ 21

No, of operational holders and a.rea of land held by operational holders. Figs .in hects•

Size of holdings Tribal _Non;Tribal Dis t rict ____ No. area No. Area Ho, area

1 2 3 >+ 5 6 7

Upto 2 hects. 1970-71 236^6 2lf198 3031+3 30253 53989 5M+51 (Mf.7) (1 3 .3 ) (W+.6)(11.5) (M+.6)(12.2) 1976-77 231+19 23192 3I+7I+7 32620 58166 55812 (Vf.9) (1 3 .3 ) (l4S.0)(12.8) (U6.7)(13.0) 2to 5 hects. 1970-71 18199 5sif13, 20179 65528 38378 1239^1 (3 2 . 0 ) (29 .6) (24,8) (3 1 .7 )(2 7 .8 ) 1976-77 17998 58088 20893 671+32 38891 125520 (34.5) (33 .V) ( 28 .8 ) (2 6 .1+) ( 3 1 .2 ) ( 2 9 .3) 5to 20 hects. 1970-7T' 10712 16999 15391? 27711 21+3881+ (20.2) (2 5 .0 ) (58.3) (22.9)(5‘+.6) 1976-77 1-05148 87097 161+03 11+3319 26951 2301+16 (20.2) (50.1) (22.6)(56.2)(21 .6)(53.7) : 20and above 1970-71 51+9 11+366 902 21+125 (0^7^ < ? ! § (0.8) ,(5.W (0 .8 ) ( 5 .W 1976-77 205 1+15 11559 620 I 7O8 O (0 .If) c l S (0.6) (1+.6) (0.5) (I+.O) Total 1970-71 52910 182335 68070 261+066 120980 l+lt61+01 (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) 1976-77 52170 173898 72^58 251+930 121(628 1+28828 ' (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100)

Figures in breakets . ' shov/ percentages to total. ^•5 distribution of lajid holdings by different size groups

of operational xxoluiiigs as per 1976-77 Agriculture Census shows

that about of the total operational holders are marginal

farmers (holdings upto 2 hects.) in tribal area as against

kS^ in non-tribal area. On the x^hole in the district as veil as

in the non-tribal area,the no.of land holders had increased,

Kowever in tribal area,non-tribal area as well as in the whole

district the total land holding has decreased during 1970 -7"! to

. • .53/- -s53;r. 1976-7 7 . Similarly the no* of land holders possessing land upto 5 hects. are 79 possessing ^.7^ of land in tribal area in

1976-77^as against 7 6 holders possessing 39*2^ of area of

land .in non-tribal area» Talukawise "break up of land holders

and holdings during 1976-77 is given in the Statement N o.23 .

^.6,1 The following table presents the data on area of land sown

under food crops and non-food crops in the tribal and non-tribal

area of the district.

Area sovm under food and non-food crops.

Item Year Tri'bal__area Non-Tribal area District Area Pej?- Area Per­ Area Per­ Hect. cent Hect • cent Hect* cent 1 2 3 If 5 6 7 8

Food 1973-7'+ 91566 U6 .3 72021+ 23.7 163590 3 6 .5 crops 1978-79 115970 58.6 1 1 79>+3 ^ • 6 233913 53.1 Non- 1973-7^ 1060lf9 P ‘7 178605 71 .3 281+65*+ 6 3 .5 Food 1973-79 81923 4-1 .If 121+975 51 206898 1+6.9 Crops

Total 1973-7^+ 197615 10 0.0 250629 1Q0.0 1+1*821+1+ 100.0 croppedi 978-79 197393 10 0.0 2i+2918 1 OO'.O 1A0811 100.0 area

^ ,7 The above t:ib],o ,r,eveals that in tribal area the percentage

of area under food-crops to total cropped area has increased

from ^ , 3 ^ in 1973-7^ to 58,6^ in 1978-79>while in non-tribal area it has increased from 28*7^ to ^ , 6 ^ during the same period.

The area under non-food crops has considerably declined both in

tribal and non-tribal area. In the district as a v/hole, it has

decreased from 63-5^ in 1973-7^ to k6.^o in 1978-79* This

decline is due to decline in area under cotton wliich will be

evident from the data given in the following table. ... .5>+/- Percentage distribution of gross area sown under different crops.(4rea in, hects.)

Item Tribal area Non--Tribal area District (including tribal

^pocket)__ _ . „ i"973-7>+’Average' 1978-79 'l973-7>+ Average 1978-79 1 973-7»f Average 1978-79 of 7^-75 of 7‘+-7? of ?h-75 to 78-29 . _ to 28=72 to 78-79 Rice 13701 1 V276 16167 357^ ¥f59 >+352 17 275 18735. 2051, (6 .9 ) (7.2) (8 . 2) (1 .^) (1 .9) (1 .8) (3 .9 ) (4.1+5 (1.6: Wheat 2955 26!+lf 2230 16052 15851 17800 19007 221+95 20030 (1.5) (1.3) (1 .1) ( 6 .C) (8 .7 ) (7 .3 ) (4 .2 ) (5 .3 ) (1+.5) Jowar h2276 50095 5298lf 2 5 8 ^ h266h ¥f299 68117 9291+8 97283 (21 ,^1-) (25.If) (2 6 .8 ) (10.3) (1 3.7) (18.2) ( 15. 2) (21,7) (22. 1) Bajri 3197 »+0l3 28^5 9226 3908 315^ 175+23 7921 (>+.1) ( 2 .0) (1 .>f) (3 .7 ) (1 .7) (1 .3 ) (3 .9 ) (1 .9 ) ( 1 . 1+) Maize 2078 ■ 3615 . 3612 80 222 121 2158 3837 3733 (1 .1) (1 .8) (1 .8) ( 0 .0) (0 .1) (0 .1) (0 .5 ) (0.9 ) (0 .9 ) Other food 22359 317^3 38132 17251 277>+1 1+8217 3, 6ro 29585 8631+9 crops ( 1 1 .3) (16.0) (19 .>+) (6.9 ) (12.1) (19.9) (6 .0) (6.9) (19.6) Total food 915667 106386 115970 7202if 988^5 1 1 79^3 163590 205230 233913 crops ( ^ . 3 ) (53.7) (5 8 .6 ) (28.7) (V3.2) (4 6 .6 ) (3 6 .5 ) (>+8.1) (53.1) Cotton 8 ^ 9 1 6 2512 536^5 155387 101326 9767“+ 2>+0278 16383? 1 5 1 3 1 ? (^3 .0 ) (3 1 .6) (2 7 .I) ( 62. 0) ( W . 3 ) (lfO.2) (5 3 .6 ) (38.1+) (31+.3) Groundnut 5807 117 6 7 10617 1 1 1 5 2333 1085 6922 11+600 11702 (2 .9 ) (5 .9 ) (5 .W (o'M (1 .2) (O.lf) (1 .5 ) (3.1+) ( 2 . 6) Tobacco . 222 351 296 ii5 279 120 337 629 1+16 ( 0 .1) (0 .2) (0 . 1) (0 .0) (0 .1) (0 ,0 ) ( 0 .1) ( 0 .1) ( 0 .1) Other non­ 15129 16932 17365 21988 25683 26096 3 7 117 1+2615 1+31+61 food crops (7 .7 ) (3 .6 ) (S .8 ) (8 .9 ) (11 .2) ( 10. 8) (8 .3 ) (10.0) (9 .9 ) Total non­ 1060if9 91562 81923 178605 130 122 1 2>+975 261+6 5>+ 221683 206898 food crops (5 3 .7 ) (>+6.3) (4i .C) (71.3) ( 56.8) (51 .>+) (6 3 .5 ) (51 .9) (1+6.9) Total cropp 19 76 15 1979if7 197893 250629 228967 2V2918 Mf82‘fl-!- 1+26913 1+1+OSII -ed area (100.0) ( 100,0) (roo.o) (100.0) ( 100.0) (100.0) (100,0) (100.6) (100.0) ( ) shows the percentage to total cropped are; - 5 5 -

^ •8 Rice, Jowar, other food crops and cotton are important

crops in the district. Area under Rice, Jowar, Maize and oth? food crops as v/ell as groimdnut, tobacco and other non-food c in tribal and non-tribal area has increased during 1973-7^ tcj

1978-79? while area under Bajra and Cotton has decreased. In tribal area, rico covered of total cropped area in 1973- which was increased to 8.2^ in 1978-79* Area under Jowar has increased from 21 to 26,8^, while area under cotton has decreased from hjfo to 27.1^ during the same period. In non-tr area, rice covered 1 ,8^ of area in 1978-79 s-^d 1 ^U-% in 1973-7

Jov/ar 10 ,3^ in 19 73 ~7^ ^'^^hd 18.2^ in 1978-79, while area under cotton has decreased from 62,0^ in 1973-7^ to hO.2% in 1978-7

Examining the average figs, of five years 197^-79, it is observed that the,area under rice, jow-ar, maize, groundnut, t and other food crops in tribal and non-tribal area has increa during 1973~7^ to 1978-799 whereas area under cotton has decreased. ■

,V.9 The analysis of "talukawise data shows that in case of

Sagbara and Dediapada talukas the percentages of area covered under food crops to total cropped area were 77*5% and 65.8^ respectively in 1978-79- In non-tribal o.rea, food crops cover' more than 5^% of total cropped area in a.11 the talul'Cas except

J"ambusar(21 ,6 ^ ), Rice, Wheat and Jowar are principal food cro] in tribal and'non-tribal areas. The percentages of area under

Rice and Jowar to total cropped area in Sagbara, talulca were

17^ and 39*3% which were highest among all tribal talukas. Thi coverage londer Jowar crop in tribal pocket is to the extent oi

- 5 6 - - 5 6 - ‘ W .5^* In non-tribal area in Hansot taluka 27.8^ of the total

cropped area was under Jowar, followed by 27.2^ in Ankleshwar

(N.T.) t'^luka, Vagra tal’olca accounted for 19^ of wheat crop

which is the highest among the non-tribal talukas• In Nandod

taluka of tribal area 39 • 7% of the total cropped area was under

cotton followed by in Valia taluka. In Jambusar taluka of

non-tribal area 7^*5% of the cropped area was under cotton

in 1978-79 which was highest among all talukas. Amod taluka

was h-ving the lowest coverage(3 6 .2 ^ ) .(Statement No,25)

^ .1 0 I^^^igation s

^-f.10,1 It is already stated earlier that the district is poor

in irrigation facilities. The following table gives the compara­

tive position in the tribal and non-tribal area of the district

in respect of irrigation facilities.

T ^LE_- _35 Percentage of gross area irrigated to gross area so\m»

‘Item ■ ■ Tribal Non- District area tribal area

1 2 ' 3 if

1973-7^ 1 0 .8 11 .M- 11 .1

F^ve years average 197>+-75 to 1978-79 9 .8 9 .8 9.8

1978-79 8 .6 ■ 10.1 9 .5

It is seen that in 1978-79> the proportion of area

irrigated to total area sown in tribal area was 8.6 percent

against 10,8 percent in 1973-7^. The five years average

(197^75 to 1978-79) in this regard was 9*8 percent. The

-5 7- -5 7 -

corresponding percentage for non-tribal area was 11.^ percent

in 19 73 -7^ and 10,1 percent in 1978-79, Considering talukav/ise

data in tribal area, it is noticed that Dediapada and Sagbara

talukas have the poorest irrigation facilities i.e. only 0,2

percent and ^.3 percent respectively in 1978-79• Similarly

in non-tribal area, Vagr^and Jambusar talukas have poor

irrigation facilities. The percentage of irrigated area was

higher in Nandod taluka ( 15«1 percent) compared to the correspd ing percentage of entire tribal area being 8.6 percent. Taluka

information is given in Statement No.26,

T^LE_- ^36

Percentage distribution -of net area irrigated by different sources , !

Sr .Source. Tribal area I'Jon-Tribal area D i s trie t T'jr- of irriga­• 1973-• Five ^ 1978 19 7 3 - Five 1978- 1973- Five 1978- tion 7^ years -79 7^ . years 79 7^ years 79 aver­ aver^ ave- age age rcige 7 ^ 7 9 7 ^ 7 9 7^-79 .

1 2 3 if . 5 6 7 8 9 "■10 11 ’ '1

1 .Canals 6 ,^. 8,6 10 .0 ^ .9 1 9 .5 31 .5 5 .5 1^ .6 23.0 " : 2 .Tanks 2 .5 1 .7 2 ,5 1 .5 .1 .2 1 1 .9 1 .^ 1 .7 3.V/ells ^ 6 .5 70.6 7^-0 8 8 .8 70 .2 ..57.2 71 70 .^ 6U^.O V.Tube V/ells 7.8 9 .0 13 .0 ^ .3 3 .2 7.6 7.2 7.'6 . 7 .1 5 .Other sources 31 .6 11.3 9 .2 1 .6 1 .5 0.9 l^-.o 6 .0 ^ .2 6 .Total net area irri- 100,0 100.0 1 00,0 1 0 0 .0 10 0 .0 100.0 10 0.0 100.0 100.0' ga.ted -50- V.12 ■ ’ Canals,and wells are the main sources of irrigation

in tribal and non-tribal^ areas- oi'-. the district . The proportion

of total area irrigated thrc igh wells in 1978-79 is 7k- percent

in tribal area, whereas the corresponding figure of non-tribal

arBa is 57..2 percent. During the interval of J years, the area

unier v/ells and canals in tribal area is increased, while area

unier v/ells is decreased and area under canals is • increased in non-tribal area. Examining the average of 5 years 197^79,

*_it is observed that the percentage of area irrigated by canals ‘

and wells in tribal area has increased as compared to the

corresponding figures of 19 73 -7^> while in non-tribal area the

proportion-of area irrigated by canals has increased while it

has decreased in case of wells and, tanks during 1973-7^ to 1978-79. The proportion of total area irrigated through canals

is 10 percent in tribal area against 31 #5 percent in non-tribal

area in 1978-79. - ^+.13 The talukawise data of area irrigated by different sources

shows that except Hansot talika well is the most important

scurce of irrigation in all talukas of tribal and non-tribal

areas. Canal is ■ ir^iportant source of irrigation in Hansot and

Valia taluka of non-tribal area and tribal area respectively,

(Statement No*26) ^.1^ Diesel oil_engineSj__Electric_motors_and_Tractorss

i-.i-.l^.l The following table gives information regarding oil

engines, electric-motors and tractors in tribal and non-tribal

areas of the district, -5T- -5 9- TABLE - 37 No* of diesel oil engines, electric motors and tractors in 1977*

Item TribRl area Non-tribal area D i s t r i c t Mo, Per No. Per No, Per »000 »000 *000

hects , hects, hects, of net of net of net oulti- culti­ culti­ vated vated vated area area area i ^ mm ^ mm .1 • ^ ♦ * * 1 2 3 If 5 6 7 Diesel oil 3:igines with 1977 2868 15 .8 1373 ^2^1 9 .6 p;ll:ipS , 1972 2791 1^.8 1 1 1 3 390^ 8 .6 Eldotric motors with 1977 ^93 2 ,7 1080 ^•1 1578 3-6 pumps, 1972 371 2 ,0 1 .7 82? 1 .8

Tractors, 1977 67 O.lf 279 1 .1 3^6 0,8 1972 108 0,6 37^ 1 A ^ 2 1 .1

All necessary data for the villages of tribal pocket of Ankleshwar taluka could not be made available for this teible and hence the entire Ankleshwar taluka has been treated as N.T.area i in the above table, ;

^f,l5 The No, of diesel oil engines per thousand hects. ' ;

of net cultivated land is higher in tribal area than in the

non-tribal area, while reverse is the case for electric motors ■

with pumps per thousand hect • of net cultivated area. There wer^

67 tractors (0.^- tractor per thousand hect, of cultivated land) I

in tribal area as against 279 tractors (1,1 tractors per

thousand hects. of cultivated land) in non-tribal area,

^,16 It is noteworthy that according to 1977 Cattle Census the

number of diesel oil engines per thousand hects,of net <

cultivated area was the lowest i,e , 8,^- in Dediapada taluka I

and the highest i,e, 21 ,5 in Valia taluka among the tribal

, . . -6D- - 6 0 - talukas of the district, v/nile in respect of the taliikas of non-tribal area^ it was the lowest i,e* 2,^ in Vagra and

Jambusar talukas and the hig^'est i.e * 12,9 in Ankleshwar taluka.

It is further observed that in tri'bal area highest no. of tractors were in Valia taluka(M) followed by Jhagadia taluka(l6) and

Nandod taluka C6).„ Thei^e was only one tractor in Sagbara taluka.

In nori-tribal area all the talukas were' having more than 10 tractors as per 1977 Cattle Census. Ankleshwar taluka was having the highest no. of tractors(90) followed by Bharuch(85) and Aniod(37) .(Statement No.27 & 28)


V.17.1 The extent of the use of improved seeds, chemical fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides which have a bearing on agricultural productivity are some of the useful indicators of the level of agricultural development in any region,

Talukawise consumption data regarding various agricultural inputs are not available, the available data on distribution of improved seeds, chemical fertilisers and insecticides reported by District

Panchayat have been used in compiling the requisite indicators for obtaining a broad idea of the development in agriculture through adoption of improved agricultural practices,

^ .1 8 Jl2Proyed___Seeds :

^.18,1 The following table gives position regarding the quantity of improved seeds distributed per hectare in the tribal and non-tribal areas of the district.

- 6 1 - -6 1 -..

TABLE - Quantity of improved seeds distributed per hectare of gross cropped area. (In kgs.)

Tyipe of area 1973-7if 1 976-77. 1977-78 1978-79 Average of 1976 -77 to 1978-79

1 . 2 3 5 6

Tribal area 3 .0 ^i-.9 2.8:;. ^ .0 3.9 Non- Tribal area 5.9 5.8 • 6 ,5 5.6 6 .0

District ^ .5 ^.8 ^ .8 ^ .9 ^+,8

^ .19 It is noticed that the quantity of improved seeds distributed per hect, in the tribal area is lower than that of non-tribal area for all the four years • The average quantity of improved seeds distributed ¥as about 3*9 per hect. in tribal area against 6 ,0 kgs. per hect, in . the non^^tribal areai

It is also seen that the quantity of improved seeds distributed per hect, (taking the average of three years) has increased, in tribal and non-tribal eireas,

^,20 Among the talukas of tribal area, the distribution of improved seeds per hect, of gross cropped area in 19 ?8“'79 was the lowest in Ankleshx^^ar Tribal Pocket (0 ,1 ) and the highest in Valia taluka (5*7) . In non-tribal area, the distribution of improved seeds per hect, of gross cropped area v/as the lowes"! in Bharuch taluka (2,2) emd the highest in Ankleshwar (N.T.) 1 tal’oka ( 1 5 ,9 ). (Statement No.30) -

-62- -62-

^f,21 Chemical^Fertilise s

^.21 ,1 Tho data on the quantity of chemical fertilisers distributed per hect. of gross cropped area in tribal and non-triba.1 areas of the district is given in the following table,

1 ^ L E __-_39 “ ...... Quantity of chemical fertilisers distributed per hect. of gross cropped area. Kgs.

T;>^e of area 1973-7V .1976-77 1977-78 1978-79

1 2 3 If 5

Tribal area 21 .5 13.5 15.9 18.7 Non- Tribal area.. .. ■ _ 35.1 . 8’+.2 87.6 District 30.6 52.7 _ 56.6

^•22 It is observed that in the year 1978-79^ the quantity of' chemipal fertilisers distributed per hect. was 18.7 kgs. in the tribal area which is much lower than that in the non-tribal

area (8?',6 kgs, per hect’. ) . It' is also seen that the' quantity of

cheTTiical^'fertilis'ers distributed per hect. in the tribal as well as non-tr'ilDal' areas shows "incre‘a~s ing' trend' during the' perio'd'' ‘ ♦

1976-77 to 1978-79. may be pointed out that the quantity of chemical fertilisers distributed per iiect, was decreased in tribal

area ,as compared to the position in 1973-7^r The figures for the tribal arec^ hov/ever, significantly low compared .to the

figures of non-tribal area during years.

- 6 3 - , - 6 3 - ^ ,2 3 V/ithin the tribal area, Ankleshwar tribal pocket has

reported the lowest average quantity ( 0»3 kg,) of chemical

fertilisers distributed per hect, of .gross cropped area.

Whereas Nandod taluka has reported the highest average quantit;^ (29.7 kg.) in 197S-79. (Statement No,30) >

1 •• - - ^,2^+.1 The followihg table gives the quantity of insecticides

and pesticides distributed per hect.- ofj^oss cropped'area in

the tribal and non-tribal areas of the .district.

Quantity of insecticides and pesticides distrlb^ited per hactv of gross ; cropped" area; ■' .1 . . | of area ' Powder"^Kg, ) Liquidllitre) ;

1973 1976 1977 1978 1973 1976 1977 1978 -71+ - 7 7 _73 _79 • _77 .78 -7 9

■ * l’ * * ■ * 2 ' ’ ‘3 * * ' ij. * ’ ‘ 5 ’ ’ ’ *’6*” *” 7'* * ‘s’ ’ ’ 9

Tribal area 2*6 ,*0.3 0*8 0,^-' .,^0,2^ 0*1 ' • X),1 '^'0*1 i'fon- Tribal area' ^f-.6 ^-,6 ^*9 5*^ O^h ^ 0*1 X> A ■ 0-3

District . 3*7 - 2.5 2.9 3^0 Q.3 ■ 0*1 O.A 0*2 :

^.2? It is observed that the quantity of inse^iticides xxi povdev form , distributed per hect* of gross cropped area .in the tribal area is significantly low compared to the quantity distributed per hect.. in | non--tTibal area* In tribal area, the quantity of insecticides in pov/der i fcrrn distributed per hect* of gross cropped area, was 0*lf- kg* as against |

5 .2 ke.r. during the year T9V8-79 in non-tribal area* ^ ^ . . -64- * ^.^6 Talukawise data of d-i.stribution of insecticides and pesticides indicates that the quantity of insecticides in povder form is highest in Aniileshwa.r pocket (1 ,7 kg,)and pesticides in liquid forai is highest in Yalia taluka(0,50 litre)' among the talUi^as in tribal area. Very low quantities of insecticides and pesticides are reported to i^ave been distributed in Vagra and J'anibusar t^.lukas in non-tribal area,(Statement No,32)

^h,27.1 Bharuch district c o v e r o n l y 3*1 percent of the total liTestock of the State.■ However,within the district, the tribal area covered 63 percent of the total livestock popula,tion of the district. The following table gives the data of livestock population in the tribal and non-tribal area of the district according to broad categories‘of livestock.

- 6 5 - TAKLB^~_^4l Livr;Gtock Pop Illation ...... (F ig .in »00)

Item 1972 J977,. r 9 • • • •* Tr ib al Fon- Dist- Tribal Non- Dist . . area. , - Tribal. rict ^ r e a . Tribal . rict area area

3 _ 4 _ - „7_ > • • • • CnttlG ri'^les over 3 years 837" 52 4 1361 72 4 464 1 1881 (29 .8 0 ) (3f'.lO) (29.95) (2 5 .3 5 ) (2 7 .6 9 ) (2 6.21 Fo'T'.'^Ios " i? 443 88 531 452 85 537 (15 .7 7 ) (5 .0 7 ) (11.68) (1 5 .8 3 ) (5.07) (11 .85 Y oL-’ngstock .. 4 1 0 '. . , . .97 . ■ 507 449 - - .-84- . . 5351 (14.59) (5.59) ( 1 1 . 1 6 ) (15.72) (5^.01 ) (.11 .76: Total - 1690 709 2399 1 625 .. 633 2258i ( 60.1 6) (-'’-0.84) (52.79) (5 6 .9 0 ) (3 7 .7 7 ) ( 49.82 ■^uix aloes Hales over 3 years 3 • 2 '5 4 '1 ‘ 5 (0 .1 0 ) (0 .1 2 ) (0.11 ) (0.1 4) (0 .0 6 ) (0.11 rcL’^^les - U 235 330 565 276 318 594 (8 .3 7 ) (1 9.11 ) (12.43) (9 .6 6 ) (13.98) (13.1 Y oimgstock 152 204 366 172 198 370 . „ (5 .7 ? } (11.751 18.05) (6 .0 2 ) (11.81 ) (8.1 • • • • • • Total Buffaloes 400 536 936 452 517 969 (1 4 .2 4 ) (30.88) £20.591(15.82) (3 0 .8 5 ) (21.3: Other 719 491 1210 779 526 1305 Livestock (2 5 .6 0 ) (28.28) (26.62)(27.28l (31.381 (28.8i Totci 2809 1736 4545 ''2856 "1676 4532 (1 0 0 .0 0 ) (1 00.00) £l 00.00) (1 00.00) (100.00) (1 0 0 .0 ( ) ShoiTS the poro entage to t otal« -

4*28 Oa.ttlG population in the tribal area covGr£<356,90 io

of t o t a l livestock population as against 31 in the

non-tribal area as per 1977 Livestock Census, Cattle

j)opulation in trib^^jl and non-tribal area in 1977 has

6 6 / - • -6 6 - decreased as compared to 1972* In case of buffaloes reverse is

the tribal area. The percentage of buffaloes population

to total livestock population in non-tribal area is double

the percentage in tribal area. In tribal area the percentage of other livestock population to total livestock population

(27.28^) is less than the corresponding figure( 3 1 *38^) of non-tribal area. ^-,28.1 The details of cows and she buffaloes in milk, dry

and not-calved are given J.n the following table,

T^LE^- _^2 No .of cows and she buffaloes used for milk GJid breeding purpose. • • •”* •” • 3r * Item 1972 ^ g 1977

Mo • T^Il5al * •DistrictxTf 11:5al area tribal xarea tribal area ------1 ‘ 3 • • • V * ' ’ *6* ' 8

cows 1 .In milk 16773 ^021 2079if I 6303 ^050 20353 (3 8 .0 8 ) (^ 6 .86) ( 3 9 .5 1 ) (36.15) (kS.^) (3 3.06) 2.D rj 2^318 i+087 28^4-05 25329 3699 29028 ( 5 5 . 20 ) (^ 7 .63)(53.97) (56.17) (W.l5) (5‘+.29) 3 .Not calved 2961 k-73 3*+3V 3>+62 629 W 91 ( 6 , 7 2 ) (5 .5 1 ) ( 6 . 5 2 ) ( 7 .68) ( 7 .5 1 ) (7 .6 5 ) ^ — M+052 8581 52633 ^509^ 8378 53^72 (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100)

1 .In milk 10780 19225 30005 1 5 1 2.7 21991 37118 ( 1*6 . 00) (58.3>+) (5 3 .2 1 ) (5V.6if) (69.6W (62.61+) 2 .Dry 11181 11880 23O6I 10306 7761 I 8O67 (>+7 .7 1 ) (36.06) (^ 0 . 90) ( 3 7 . 2 3 ) (21+.58) ( 3 0 .1+9) B.-^Jot calved 1if73 18>+6 3319 2250 182!+ 1+071+ 16.2?) (5.6 0) /2 * 8 9 ) _ (8 .1 3 ) ( 5 .Z8) (6 .8 7 ) 23>+3^ 32951 56385 27683 31576 59259 (100) (100) (100) (1 00) No.of animals pe (100) (100) 1 000 of human ;^o:^ulotion_____ 1 vGovs 32.9 6 .7 1 8 .7 31 .9 7 .0 18.3 (' JTotal 86 .3 IV .3 h?.k 8 8 .k Ilf.O 1+8 .19 2.3hs 5H££si222 (a )In milk 21 .1 3 2 .1 2 7 .0 29.6 36.7 3 3 .5 ( 0) Total ^5 .9 55.0 • 50.8 ^ 5U-.2 5 2 .z ______23.4-1 _ -6 7-. . ^+.29 It is observed that as per 1977 Census there were nearly

8 8 C0 V7S used for niilk per 1 0 0 0 human population in the tribal

area against 1 ^ cows used f c j milk per 1 0 0 0 human population in the non-tribal area. The proportion of cows in milk to total

cov/s is however lower in tribal area as compared to th^± in

non-tribctl area. The number of cows in milk per 1000 of human

populo.tion ( 3 1 .9 ) is much higher in the tribal area compared to

the. corresponding figure (7.0) ^or the non-tribal area. The position in respect of she buffaloes is reverse. The total number

of she buffaloes per 1 0 0 0 of human population in the tribal area and in the non-tribal area are 5^.2 a,nd 52,7 respectively. The

number of she buffaloes in milk per 1 0 0 0 persons is only 2 9 * 6 in

tribal areas as against the corresponding figure of 3 6 . 7 in

noh-tribal'area.'This is due to the f :\Gt tfiat the proportion'9 f

buffaloes in,milk to total buffaloes in non-tribal area ( 7 0 - percent) is'm.uch higher than^the corresponding* figure(*55 percent) in-the-tribal area. • - • ■

^ ; - . 3 0 V/ithin the tribal area, the percentage of cows in milk ► to total C0V7S used for milk (30^) is lowest in Dediapada taluka ’ and the percentage of she buffaloes in milk to total she

< buffaloes used for milk is lowest iks%) in Valia taluka. As regards the no. of cows and she buffaloes in milk per thousand

human population, it, i-s observed that- Sagbara taluka has the i

lov/est no. of cov;s in milk (28,9) Q-nd she buffaloes in milk(9 .V)

per thousand human population. In non-tribal' area, the no, o f cows in milk per 100') of human population is lowest in Bharuch

■ ' <2-.80,fcllbv7ed by .Vagra(^.8)> and Jambusar taluka(5.1) .(Statement No.36)

- - 6 J - -6'^- ■ ^•31 The follov/ing table gives details regarding iDullocks

used for v7ork per thousand hects. of gross cultivated area*

1^0 , of bullocks according their uses. Item • » ♦ • Tribal Non- Dist- Tribal Non- Dist. area tribal rict area TribaJ. rict (*) area if 7

used, (a)For breeding only 76 37 113 116 1?9 275 (b)For breeding and work 166 2kO if06 130 71 201 (c)For work only 78^-79 56681 13^160 ?1570 ^5936 117506

(cl)Not in use for bree-ding work 388 , 65 V53 690 151 8^1 ’ Total 79109 ‘ 57623 ’136132 * 72506 * ^6317 *118823

2 , No.of bulHiocks used'for work only per 1 000 ^13 212 296* 359 18^+ 262 hects,of culti­ vated area.

(*) excluding Tribal pock^c*

^ .3 2 The above table reveals that no, of bullocks used for

breeding a.nd v/ork has decreased in tribal and non-tribal ateas

during 1972 to 1977* The availability of bullocks for work only

per 1000 hects. of cultivated area is as high as 359 in the tribal ?.rea as against only 18^ in the non-tribal area as per

1977 Livestock Census • Thus the availability of bullocks in

relation to gross cultivated area in tribcil area is almost —6^— double the availability in non-tribal area.

^•33 It is interesting to point cut that all the talukas of thq f tribal area have higher number of bullocks lused for work per

1000 hecta, of cultivated area compared to the corresponding figures for the talukas in the non-tribal area. In fa.ct the no. of bullocks used for work per 1000 hects.of cultivated iand is the highest(6^5) in D.ediapada taluka of tribal area and the lowest(1^2) in Vagra taluka .qf .non-rtribal are a. (Statement

‘ Though the tribal area accounts for the sizeable livestock population of' the district, the development of milk societies in tribal area is comparatively poor. The follpwing table throws light in this regard.

Particulars of milk societies.

Item Year Tribal Non- District area tribal area

1 2 3 - 5- ■- ;

No. of societies 1973-7^ 13 - if3 ' 56 ’ 1978-79 113 189 307 Members 1 973-7^ 1683 652^ 1978-79 3585 167^5 25330

Members per society 1973-71+ . 129 113 116

1978-79 73 8^ ■83 ' 1

^,35 There is substantial increase in the no. of milk societies

In tribal area the no. of milk societies has incre?.sed from 13 in 1973“7^ to 113 in 1978-79 • In non-tribal area it has increased from ^3 to 189 during the same period.

- 70- - 7 > - h-,36 Talukawise data reveals that Dediapada and Sagbara talukas have the lov/est no. of milk societies i.e . 9 ^-nd 3 respectively in 1978-79•(Statement No.^1)

^.37 Poultry i

^ , 3 7 .1 The poultry population in the tribal area of the district is sizeable which can be seen from the following table.

Poultry Population. • •"* Item Year Tribal Non- District area Tribal area

1 .Fowls, hens and chickens.

'a)Deshi 1972 1 05106 ^2721 1 >+7827 19 7 7 , 16^f537 526^7 2 1 7 1 8l+ (b ) Improved • 1972 7030 W338' ' 1116 8 1977 '■ 5^26- 3683 9III+ (c)'Tc)tal • . . . 1972 1119 3 6 if70?9 1 58995 1977 169963 ?6335 226298

2.Other Poultry 1972 30 3“+7 377 1977 h-77 899 • 1376 3 •Total- 1972 1119 6 6 if?if06 159372 1977 170l4f0 5723^f 22767*+ U.No.of poultry per 1000 of 1972 219.4- 79.1 li+3.6 human popula- 1977 333-0 9 5.5 20 5.2

^.38 The above table reveals that during 1972 to 1977 improved variety of poultry had decreased in tribal and non-tribal areas, waile the deshi variety of poultry had increased substantially in tribal and non-tribal area*

^.39 It can be seen from the above table that poultry population is more in the tribal area compared to that in non-tribal area. - 7 1 - ThG no. of poultry birds por one thousand of human population

in the tribal area is as high as 333 as against the corresponding

figure of 95 for non-trilbal area. It ca.n be seen that Bharuch,

Jambusar and Amod talukas of non-tribal area have lowest no. of

poultry birds per 1000 of human population,(Statement No.39)

^,^0 Y^terinary^^Institu^ ;

^.^0,1 There is not a single veterinary hospital in Bharuch -fhere arc eleven v^^tcrinary dispensaries in the district district- 5 of these dispensaries are located in tribal area.

During the interval of 5" years, no. of veterinary institutions

in the district remains' the’same♦ The following table gives the

data regarding veterinary institutions and veterinary personnel,

Veterinary Institutions and Veterinary personnel. •

Tribal Non-Tribal District

1973 1978 1973 *1978 1973 *1978 -79 -7V ^79 ^ 7 L . u ^ 7 9

1 2 3 5 6

1 .Hospital

2 .Dispensaries 5 5 6 6 11 11

3.First aid

Veterinary centres. 21 21 8 8 ... ^9 29

... ^.Artificial Insemination Centres• 1 1 1 1 2 2

5 .Artificial Insemination Sub-Centres. — 1 1 . 1 1

Veterinary 1 .Veterina.ry officers 5 6 6 10 11

r_ .Stockmen 21 20 9 9 30 29 .

- 7 2 — -72- + A1 It can be seen that tribal area of the district have a larger number of first aid veterinary centres i*e. 21 and no* of stockmen i . e . 20 compared to the corresponding figures 8 and 9 respectively of non-tribal area. It may be due to the fa.ct that special attention ‘ " been given for tribal area Tribal Area


-73- CH^TER^-__5

Ii'idustrie s _ and_Power

5*1 Industrial development of a region can be appropriately judged from the extent of industrialisation in organised sector v/hich oan broadly be measured by the number of registered ffictories and the average daily employment in these factories registered under Indian Factories Act, 1 9 ^ . In this context

Bharuch is one of the backward districts of the State. There were only 132 factories employing 9 5 ^ persons in the district at the end of 1977# The following table gives an idea about the position of tribal area and non-tribal area of Bharuch district in respect of industrial development since 1965**

No#of factories and average no. of daily workers employed in working factories,

Year Tribal area Non-Tribal area D i s t r i c t — • Fact- v7orI:ers Pact- VIorkers Fact­ Workers “ ories ories ories 1 2 3 : If ■ ■ ? ■ 6' _7_ . 1965 20 182? 67 9612 87 10if37 ■ 1970 ■ 21 ■ 2021 67 8517 88 30538 19T3 21 2220 67 8028 88 1021+8 1977 22 1213 110 8327 132 9 ^

ITJB.s** V/hole Ankleshwar taluka is include,d an non-tribal 'area, ' , , , - as. s.eparat'e villagewise 'data was not available* - 7 4 ^

5*2 At the end of 1 9 7 ? there were only 22 factories with average daily employment of 1213 workers in the tribal area. Percentages of factories and workers in tribal area with district totals were 16.7 percent, and 12.7 percent respectively, whereas 110 factories (83*3 percent) and 8327 workers (87*3 percent) were in non-tribal area# Thus tribal area is lagging ♦ much behind in industrial development. During the j)eriod of 7 years, one more factory in tribal area and i+3 more factories in non-tribal area had been established making the total no# of factories 22 and 110 respectively in tribal and non-tribal areas of the district. 5*3 The talukawise date indicates that by the end of 1977, Dediapada and Sagbara talukas in the tribal area did not have ■a single registered factory, while Valia taluka had only five factories with average daily employment of 2?8 workers. Talukawise details are given in appended statement No.^3.

5.^.1 The-following table gives the number, of-Industrial Co-operative Societies and their membership.

^ ' Particulars Of Indastrial Co-operative Societies# Sr. It e m Year Unit Tribal Non- District*^ No. area Tribal area 1 2 k . 6 ■ 3 . ? . ' 7 ■ • ,1 . Societies 1973-7^ No. 1^ ^7 61 1978-79 No. 30 37 67 2. Members 1973-7^ No. k8k 3 ^ 5 39^9 1978-79 No. 2722 3315- 6036

- 7 5 - - 7 5 - ' 5.5 As far as the development in the field of Industrial

Co-operative Societies is concerned, it can be said'that' ’ .... substantial Tribal area has made/progress -in the establishment -of ^ ' ' ’

Industrial Co-operatives. There were 30 Industrial Co-operative Societies in tri>^?)l area with 2722 members at the end of

1978-79} whereas in non-tribal area, there were 37 industrial co-operative societies with 331^ members in 1978-79 • No« of societies and members in tribal area have increased from 1^* to 30 and kSk to 2722 respectively during 1973-7^ to 1978-79 • While during the same interval the no. of societies and members have decreased from ky to 37 and 3 ^ 5 to 331^ respectively in non-tribal area.

5.6,1 The economic development of a region is very much dependent on the availability of electricity. When economy id largely based on agriculture, the use of electricity for irrigation purposes is tr^ry important factor. The following table gives the percentage of villages electrified to total villages and the population covered by them in tribal and non-tribal area of the district.

T^LE^-^}f2 No.of villages electrified and population covered.

Item Year Tribal Non- Distri area Tribal area I J 3 A.Villages (1)Number of villages 1973-7^ 128 159 287 ■ electrified 1978-79 228 197 !425 (2)Total no.of villagesi973-7^ 779 3g8 1137 1978-79 779 358 1137 (3)Percentage to total 'igno^nh I 6 .k ■ villagesCi.e.percen-.qXq Aq 25.2 tage of 1 to 2) 29.3 55.0 37.^

-76- 3 5

(1 )Populr'.tion of the 1973,.-', 171 OC'i- 269591 M+0595 ^- villages electrified.1978-/ ^■ 2I-1-9192 313910 563102 (2)Total populatior 1973-7^+ ^1^^585 1^-32002 916587 (As per 1971 Census) 1973-79 kSk-5B5 '-1-32002 916587 (3 ) Percentage to total 1973^-7^3,^.3 62,h ^ . 1 population of villa-1978-79 5'1 72 o7 61 A gesCi.eepercentage of 2 to 1)

5»7 It can “be observed iron' tha r.bove tabi.e that at the end of 1978-79j 29 r3^ of vrMlages wero electrified in tribal c'^ea as against 55*0^ in the non-tribal area* The proportion of totrJL population covered by villages electrified vas 51 in the -^.riba area compared to 72'.7^ in the non-tribal area-of the distric-L,.

During the interval of 5 years,. 100 more villages were electrified in tribal area and 38 more villages were electrified

E in non-tribal area. It ,seems that the rate of increase of electrification of villages is more in tribal area than in the non-tribal area. The village"^ of Sagbara(l3.2^) and Dediapada talukas(l^.l^) of tribal, area j'-nrl 7agra taluka(25^)of non-'tribal area had poor faoil?lty of electrlci’i-y, j.aluliawise information is given in appended Statemcat Tv'c.-Vj "c V6, .

5.B §a^}king_s 1 i 5#8.1 There were 31 scheduled bank and co7oper,ative bank office together in the-tribal area as-agaj^ist 73^ in non-tribal area in

1978-79• The following table gives, the number of scheduled bank and co-operative bank officcs and.number of places covered by them. . ^

-7 7 - -77-

No. of scheduled and co-operative bank o ffic e s.

Item Year Tribal Non-Tribal District — — Sch. Coop. Sch. Coop. Sch. Coop. Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank 1 2 3 5 6 7 8

1 ,No .of places 1973-7^ 9 9 13 15 22 2k- with banks 1978-79 1i+ 11 20 20 3^ 31

2 .No ..of bank 1973-7^ 11 11 27 19 38 30 offices 1978-79 18 11 1+6 27 6^ W 5.9 As far as banking facilities are.concerned, tribal is area gagging far behind'-the-non-tribal area in the district.

Considering the popiilation covered by banks in the tribal §xea,

the per bank branch population comesto 28000

against I 3OOO in non-tribal area. During the interval of five years, 7 scheduled bank offices.and 2 co-operative banks were

added in tribal area, as against 19 scheduled bank offices and

6 co-operative banks in non-tribal area. Dediapada taluka in

tribal area and Hansot taluka in non-tribal area had very

poor banking facility, Dediapada and Sagbara talukas had very

poor facility of co-operative banking. Each of them had only

one Talukawise information is given in appended

Statement No.^7 and kS^

5 .10 .1 Co-operation plays a very important role in the

economic development of backward area. The tribal area of

the district covered more than ^2 percent of the total number

of primary co-operative societies at the end of 1978-79• The / following table gives the number of primary co-operative

-78- - 7 C - ‘ societies, their membership and no4 of members per 100 of population in the tribal as well as non-tribal area.

Total no*of primary co-operative societies and members.

Item Year Tribal Non- District area Tribal area

1 2 3 k 5

Number 19 7 3 -7^ 3^8 898 1 978-79 510 691 1201 Members 19 73 -7^ lf2?3‘f 91367 133901 1978-79 79396 112626 192022 No .of members per 100 19 7 3 -7‘f 8 15 12 of popiilation 1978-79 16 19 17

5.11 It is observed that only 16 out of 100 persons were reported to be the members of primary co-operative societies

in tribal area as against 19 in non-tribal area at the end of

1978-79 . During the interval of 5 years, 162 more societies in tribal area, and 1^+1 more sccieties in non-tribal area were

established. Talukawise data indicates that development in this taluicas, regard is extremely poor in Dediapada and SagbaraJ They had the lowest number of members (7 each)per 100 of population. Talukawise

information is given in appended Statement No .^9 & ?0.

5 .1 2 Co-operative development is closely related to development b e caus e in agriculture £ one of the important aims of co-operative movement is to meet the credit needs of agricultiire populatior

It would therefore be appropriate to examine the extent of membership in primary agriculture credit co-operative . ^

-79- ‘^ 7 9 - societies in relation to the population engaged in agricult.u.;:

The following table gives the number of primary agriculture

credit co-operative societies, their membership and no, of members per 100 agricultursil workers,

TABLE_-_^52 No, of members ox pj.-i.mary agricultural credit societies.

Item Year Tribal Non- District area Tribal area

1 2 3 5

Primary agriculture credit societies

(a)Number 1973-7^ 160 235 395 1973-79 159 235 39*+ (b)Members 1973-7^ 2391^ 35783 59697 1978-79 32397 35883 68280 (c)No,of members per 100 agricultural 1973-7^ 1^ 25 19 workers 1978-79 19 25 5^13 There were 159 primary.agriculture credit societi^c

in tribal area as against 235 such societies in non-tribal

area d^^ing 1978-79 • It is observed that for every 100 agric’Jil-

tural workers in tribal area, there were 19 members of primary

agricua-Gurc; credit occiety, whereas the corresponding fi§ufe

in the non-tribal area was 2 5 o 5*1^ Considering the talukawise data, it is noticed that

Sagbara taluka was extremely poor in this field* There were only

10 members of primary agriculture credit societies for every

100 agriculture workers in Sagbara taluka, Hansot taluka was

having the best facility(30 members per 100 agriculture woi'-ers).

The details are given in appended Statement No .^9 & 50\.

■80- SSSSSSSSSSXSSchapter - 6

6.1 Due to hilly tracts and scattered population in the tribal area of the district, transport and cormnunication are the basic infrastructure facilities and are of vital importance for the process of accelerated development of the tribal area.

Transport and communication facilities in such area not only provide link with the adjoining developed non-tribal areas, but also break the isolation of people residing in such areas.

They act as leading factors in stimulating the socio-economit development in the area.

6.2 The main aspects of the transport system reviewed here relate to facilities of roads, road transport and railways. Postal and telegraph facilities included in the

communication sector have also been discussed.

6.3 *

6.3*1 The details regarding length of metalled and non-metalled roads in the tribal and non-tribal areas are

given in the following table',.

-ni- Road length per 100 sq.kms^ of area and 1 ,00,000 of population,

I t e m Year Tribal Non- District | area Tribal area

1 2 3 if 5

(a)Metalled 19 73-7^ 507 .V 566.^ 1 073.8 1978-79 682.9 799.0 1 ^ 1 .9

(b)Non-Metailed 1973-7*+ 1+1 7 .0 ^ 6 . 6 883.6 1978-79 h62,6 ^7^ . 9. 937.5 (c)Total 1973-7*+ 92k.k- 1033.0 19 5 7 .^ > ' 1 978-79 . 11 *+5.5 1273.9 2^+19 II »f'^oad^length__in^kms .ger TD0]]s^T5msTof” area: (a)Metalled 1 973-7*+ 12.3 1 5 A 13 .8 • 1978-79 1 6 .5 2 1 .7 19 .0

(b)Non-Metailed 1973-7*+ 1 0 .r 1 2 .7 11 .3 1 978-79 1 1 . 2 12 .9 12,0 (c)Total 1973-7*+ 22 .if 28.1 2 5 .1 ■ 1 978-79 2 7 .7 3^.6 3 1.0 III ,Road_length in_kms.ger

(a)Metalled 1973-7*+ 99 95 97 1978-79 13 *+ 133 13 ^ (b )Non-Metailed 1973-7*+ 61 78 •80 1978-79 91 79 Sh (c)Total 1 973-7*+ 181 172 176 1978-79 22lf 213 218 !

6 A It can be seen from the above table that average lengt

of roads (met ailed and ailed) per 100 sq.knis* of area coij

to 2 7 .7 kms .in tribal area against 3^*6 kms .in non-tribal ares

at the end of 1978-79* The average length of metalled roads pe

- 8 2 - -82- • - 100 sq.kms, in tribal and non-tribal area are 16*5 kms. and

21 .7 kms • respectively* The length of metalled road in tribal ' ' ■ ’ '■ in 1973-7^ area has increased from 507'^ kras ./to ^^2.9 knis. in 1978-79*

It has increased from ^66 1973-7^ to 799*0 kms • in

1978-79 in non-tribal area. Considering the availability of road length, both metalled and non-metailed ro^ds per 1,00,000 of population, the position of tribal area was better(22^ kms.) compared to non-tribal area(213 kms.)in 1978-79* Within the tribal area, Sagbara and Dediapada talukas were the most backward in road facilities. The average length of roads per 100 sq.kms. in these talukas were 13*6 kms. amd 20,0 kms. respectively. The average_leogth of metalled roads was also extremely poor in these two talukas. Averages were 6.7 kms, and talukas 10,8 kms. in Sagbara and Dediapada/respectively. Talukawise deta.ils are given in the appended statements No.jl and

6.5*1 The following table gives an idea about availability of bus facilities during 197j-7^ and 1978-79 in the district.

- 8 3 - -33- T ^ L E - ^ Bus facilities.

1973-7>+ 1978-79

1 To^al no, of villages ’113 7 ’113 7 ’ 2* Total no, of villages ^ireptly^ served vith

Through out the year 2 6 k 3?^ During fair season only h28 h27 Total ■ 692 781 3, No*of villages availing of S,T^services from the nearest bus stop, Upio 0,5 km. 1? 1-1 0,5 to 1 km. 39 ^3 1 to 2 kms. 88 88 2 to 3 kms. 23 6^

Total upto 3 kms. 206 3 to 5 kms* 1^3 77 5 and above kms. .-23 Total beyond 3 kms. ^280 122 Gran)d Total 356

Source?- Hand Book of Basic Transport Statistics, Gujarat,

6 .6 The above table reveals that during the year 1973-7^ out of 113 7 villages, 26^ villages (23o2^) were directly connected v/ith bus services through out the year, whereas ^28 villages (37^6^) were connected with bus services in fair season only. Thus in all, 692 villages (60,8^) were served by the bus servicesy while in the year 1978-79 total 35^ villages

(31 .1^) were directly connected with bus services through out the year and ^27 villages(37*6^) were connected with bus services in fair season only, making the total 68*7^ villages

-84- -s8^s- served by the bus fa c ilitie s . Thus within a p.eriod of five years, bus facilities were extended to more 7*9^ villages. 6 • 7 Railways^ :; ■

6.7.1 Necessary details regarding railway facility in the district is' given in the fo llo w in g‘table, ■ - - -

It3in S22::S£iS^i----§ 1- _• _ i. 1 ___ ’^o*- . J ’______^2*______^ ______^ ___ - ! - [i.-.-!- *-!- !§!- !-i-!-!- '.-i-'.-.-' . - 3 !- '.-t-! - Villages with Railway Station, 1973-7*+ ■ ■ '.'17 2.2 -31: 8.7 ^ *f.2 1978-79 , . . -17 2.2 31 8.7 **8 ' ^ .2

6.7.2 It is revealed that in tribal ar^a 17(2,2^) villages are connep.ted with railway station against 31 villages (8.7%) in non-tr.ibal area in 19?^$79* All the villages of Dediapada and Sagbara talukas of tribal area and Hansot taluka of non-tribal ..areavh'aVe no railway facility. Talukawise details are given in appe"n&d Statements No ,53 ^ 5^*

6..8.1 The following table gives information about the post and telegraph offices in the tribal area and non-tribal area, T^LE^3__J6 ^Pogt and Telegraph Offices pe of area Post office Post -cum- T o t a 1 Telegraphic

■ ■ • j Office —•“ ,— »•“,— No . Per* 00 No. Per^ 00 No. Per* 00

^kms, s^,kms, sq,kms. 1 2 • 3 if 5 6 7 lAbal. area 1973-7^ 156 3.8 10 0.3 166 ^ .0 H-Tribal area 1973-7^ 188 5.1 16 O.lf 201+ 5 .5

.strict Total 3M+ 26 - 9-3 ^ ^ * * A A _ _ _ • • • • 9 • • • • • • • ^ ♦ J+i7. dbal area 1978-79*202* ^ . 9 10 0.3 212 5.1 n-*Tribal area 1978-79 204- 5.5 ^0 1 .0 2Mf 6,6 ■strict Total hoe 5,2 50 0,6 U-^6 5.8

6.9 At the end of the year 1978-79 the no, of post offices per 100 sq,kms, was V,9 in the tribal area as against 5.5 in non-tribal area. The no. of post-cum-telegraph offices per 100 sq.ians, in tribal area was only 0,3 as against 1 ,0 in non-tribal area, Dediapada a.nd Sagbara were the backward talukas in respect of this facility* No, of post office per 100 sq.kms, in Dediapada and Sagbara talukas were ^.8 and 3*7 respectively in 1978-79* ,.. ,85/- - There was no post-cum-tele^aph office in Dediapada while there was only one post-eiira^telegraph office in Sagbara taluka# Talukawise details are given in appended statements No *55 and 56 • ^ ^ Viiiages without post offices t ’6*10*1 The following table gives an idea about the ,nuniber of villages having post offices and no» of villages without post offices in the tribal and non-tribal area^. TABLE -> ^ 7 Villages with or without post offices ♦ ^ . T^e-(jr *afea- •- •" •-no-.orinnSDHid'^*"• ntaee * villages (1 9 7 1 ) Percentage With Without T«tal With Without post post post post offices offices offices offices 1 6 T r ^ b ^ 1973- 7^ tsa 623 779 20 lo' 80.0 1978-7? 202 577 m 25.9 7»f.1 Non-Tri.bal- 1973-7><- 1S6 170 35& 52.5 1^7.5 1978- 79 20>i: - , 1SW 358 57.0 >f3.0 District M 6 .1 1 It Is seen th at'in*tribaj.. area only 25.9^ of villages (202 villages) had post office, as against cot*i^sponding figures of 5 7 *0 ^ of villages(20^ villages) in non-tribal area in 1978-79 • Out of 731 villages without post office during 1978-79i 577 villages were situated in th,e tribal area» 7^*^% of villages were without post office in trib'al eSrea as against >3*0^ villages )of non-tribal ared at the end of 1978-79 • Percentage of villages without'^st offices to total no# of villages was highest in Sagbara taluka in tribal area(85«8j5) followed by Dediapada taluka(82,9^) and Nandod taluka(?6.^^) in 1978-79# In non-tribal area the highest percentage-was in Ankleshwar taluka(58«8^) followed by Jambusar and AxDod talukas (^*1J^ each) • Talukawise details are given in Statements No *55 & 56.

______8 6 / - CHAPTER^-_2

7,1 Among the social ser-^ices, educational facilities, medical and health services have been covered# Development of human resources require proper and adequate educational

•facilitiea* Moreover medical and health services are also equally important ' basic facilities for ensuring, better living conditions,

7#2,1 In the tribal area 89.6^ of the villages were provided with the facility of primary school within the village, whereas

in the non-tribal area 98.6^ of villages had such facility

in 1978«79. This means that about 1 of villages of the

tribal area were not having the facilities of the primary

education in the village t ill the end of 1978»-79 compared to

only 1 of villages in the non^-tribal area* The following

table gives the percentage of villages having p^*imary school

in the village in respect of each taluka of the .district'. -dl-

B^rcciat^>gc of viij. a^es v/ith p;rin^ry schools#

i.o. or li.^-74 lU7^-7i; Sr. TaXuka viii3.^’es‘ No. Ic^Tl •"“••."■o** CuIaSUS I\0. of /<* No# of p vi;?.la^es villages •with v/ith ,.rin?ry rin.^iry school s<5hool

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I* 164 137 Li3#5 lie 90 #2

200 177 n s.i 194 93#3

IX 1C. 7 62* V> 133 ?Bm2 [ » ■ •3r»=?0ara 10 6 9 3 . J7.7 03 07 #7

5 • 7 5Li?j U4 90 95,7 93 UC#9

6 * Ank.Lesh-..-7^r -ockot 37 37 1 37 I'-'vJ

Total ^ 4-r0a 77^ 'J41 -.1^.3 6UJ HsnzX£ibai_Aj:ss 7. :hc^‘iiGh U5 1^5 1 ~>K,‘ »'■> 1x5 l*-0

0 * ^ikiteshWRp 17 17 1 w ' lJ . V.-- 17 80‘.2

9*«. Hnnsof 45 45 45

1- .V3:^rR 65 '<:)5 • 6 lv.C.0

11. J '^musr-r .1 75 U2.G 7,:. DG.3

12 . /\.nOd 52 51 'JLj • 1 51 :^:i#l

ToiGri Hoii-Tri:!ai 35G 34J 97,2 354 9C, .3

District 1137 iv:i9 C7.0 1^.53 92,4

7.3 It is revoaioil In 3h?tructi, Ilriisot 7r;-:‘‘ n of noAj-tribei area r^nd 'ifilueshv;ar Pocket of QB ,’rir*rry school f acixitios in ^ach viLlafp Dediapada taluka(78.2^) is lagging far behind in primary school facilities during the.year 1978-79.

- 83- .1. :15. prlm'^ry scnodi.$, ntucGHts a^’id to?iCh«rs.

Jc ?3on- fo. Item Yo-i*- ’^1 ':ai Tribst r.‘.r6a •^rea To^.si .i .. ' 1 2 3 4 5 G

ao 1*- * of ,.rijnsry 1973-7^1: 71:; ko& ' 12014.. school 197 J-79 S K Uaif 1290

2 . NO. of students 1973-7^ 72*:49 97731 1701B0 1 197C-7U U':379 1073^^4 191SJ3 3# i‘jO* of tcschors I973*7i i : m 2Cyl7 4530 I97i>79 2632 2355 53J7

4*^10. of StUUQlKB l973-?a 3S*5 3 6 .9 37.6 i:or tofichor* 1973-79 33.3 37.6 35.6

7*4 It is ofcs vrvGvl tnr:itif^cro is not ?-;daitiQn of littXi:

10 tho'jsjgnd students from 1U73-74 to 1D73-79 in x:ri?jaiL

In non-tribal area 3*:ay 9 6 X stulbnts 5‘iavo Ijeon cluriiig tho G3:^3 period. no, of taaciiers the progr^^ss also in trib?u -r«a c/as/bettor during 1973-71 to l't>7T>79.

ICO, of tcachers 1a :ri-aX r?rea±:aoi\ic:SQa fron IJ-33 in 1j73-74

to 2532 . in 1973-79# Ko^ of students i-ar -anchor lias gono dovm frori 3 jo5 to 33#3 *3ur:lng li;73-?i to rJ7S-79 in ■ A r^rea#

7,5 :->ocon:;^ry 'i;cf.ucgtion ;

7 ,6 ,1 TH9 tri .ai arcsof ti-ie Jtsx^lct lias vory :.oor f nciilty in rospect of socondary ?JuoaiClon. At end of l'J>7J-*7J* of v i i i 2 *^cs aC :r i ai s-rea v/oro lisving secondnry sctiooLS coni;a?ea “of to 24*e;;, i(ri«:ie.ifc's U''Vlrj.g 3oconaDi*y scfioois in ciie iion-uri/.3i

- f ' ''rco# '!’^^is can .c soon fron the f 0 il0\^;ing

- 0 9 - gAlIS -S--

t-prcontas3 of viila%es h av i^ seconusry schools.

ST, i:c» KOw of Total „ FeycontegQ jiK'o* of Totai ,.Grcoa« ^ Vili^^s/ KO# of of ViliOiJGsi ftl3t€Sl.^yiiO« Of ta.j;8 cC towns Vi iLi a^os/ t owns towns viii. ac;as;tiil ag neirlng toms .■ * having tinvin^i towns> s/to w ns sQ c ond ary s ec omi kv y iiaconu r^y ti sving sciioois sohoois ich^lii socond« ary schools 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1.. JKa^iadla 9 lf34 5.6 H*) 164 4*9 2 •!•: ^ 'doti 16 2v-’y 7;7 IT 2QU ' Ii#l 3 •De^lapiicia 1 170 2 17o 1*2 1 106 ■ '■■ 2 .i 106 l.Q 5*- Vaiia ■6 .... >j% Q«4 e ' 6.4 ^^nkioshvrar Pocket 2j.7 Toca'i k 56 ' mn^^rioaiJ\rea 7«"(iaruch 37 b‘7 3utl 39 4.J.2

L0/iJClkXQStl\i;-.r 7 13 3i3*y 1l> 44 .4 ^•Harisot 7 46 15*2 7 46 16.2 a ■ eo ■*v#wf V r' 7 615 10.3 ll^Janbusor u 02 22.0 It; 32 23.2

12. ;4i'>',0vl 0 53 15.1 f * 53 15.1 • *• •*•••••• •• on-tri .;ai >3 3G^ <22 « 88 3 ^ 24.2 mmm m District 117 1144 10.2 124 1144 10.0 7*6 during the yerrs 1973-74 to 19';^-7D, 2 aoro vuiQgos

I n t r i a». /oro .roviaoa soconaary schools facility* in gli

tai^^^es in tri’jai ares, tiie proportion of viX X a ^ s h vixig

- 90 - - 9 0 -

sGcondsi’y schools vjrs SDich lower *;han rUa cor>espondir ^vovOTtlon in ctay tsluka of non-*Cpilai area* talukaj Sr-rlarn caxak^? tiia j/yrikiGsliJc-j Pocikat of tiri'.ai r^rca hr6 uiis roi/^-sr. .proportion of viixa^Qs Imviiig secona^^^ry schooxs (1#2^ 2*7^rospec^ivQiy) at tiia cna of 197':;-7D* "?(ia foHov/ing

rab^e gi^’c?s ttir? infoi^i^tion :*:‘e3 rraing nt:inbt?r of sQQonOrvy schools, teachers a-*d stadsnts uMr:lng ti\o ytTvrc iy73-?1r aid


Inxi^Gr of socona^'.ry scf-iooxs, stuaonts nncl teachers*

Aon- Itsn Vori* TrViuX a?ec .District:

1 2 3 4 5 v O* of sccoiiaery l'^73-74 31 -.3 117 schools li;73-7b ,3r: ■ 124 jvo* of students 1973-74 yOC6 2X22i; 3C23S lj7G-7y iC2?>i 250^2 3SyC6

;’0. of t^^chcrs XU73-7^x 31i2 7j9 Ilia l ‘J»7a-7J 425 975 14v^0

: 0 * of stuionts 1973-74 25%G 2G.6 25*6 For ueachor l;>^7G-79 24,2 26.3 25*7 iio* of schools ': o r '.1973-7^ 7 '11 ’ 1 ;OC;JD-of popai ntlczx 1973-79 7 13 11

7*7 It is S0en tci^t ths:'*o ‘^'ere 3^^ second0ry schooxs in tri ai area -nt i:he cir^ of lS^7e-79 as er’Btnst JO seconv5?ry schools In th0 non-trii:ai ^roa. ?s2” arching ao. of sChop».s i:or 1 x^kh i^:^ulatlon^ ^© W5>s ta^^gln^ ’^ahirui^ the non-tri .a?.


- 9 1 - -91- 7e8 According to the taJ.ukavrise position in tribal area,

Nandod taliika was having the highest no* of secondary schools

i , e , 17 followed by Jhagadi^. taliika having 8 secondary schools

and Valia taluka having 6 secondary schools. The lowest no.

of secondary schools were in Dediapada and Sagbara talukas

i*e. 2 in each taluka, whereas in non^tribal area the highest no* of secondary schools were in Bharuch taluka i.e . 39 followed by Jarribusar taluka having 19 secondary schools. The lowest no. of secondary schools were in Hansot and Vagra talukas i .e . 7

in each taluka. Talukawise details are given in appended Necessary details regarding the no.of Ashram statement No.60./Schools, . teachers and students are given in the following table. TABLE • 62

No. of Ashram schools , , teachers and students.

Sr. «1 Item Year Tribal < Non- Total No. area Tribal area

1 2 3 5 6

Schools 1973-7^^ 12 \ 16 1978-79 16 6 22

2. Teachers 1973-7*+ ^9 13 62 1978-79 , 58 20 78

3. Students 1973-7>+ 1^53 36^ 1817 1973-79 1697 570 2267

7.9 It is observed that more than 72 percent of Ashram schools in the district were located in the tribal area. In fact ashram schools ^ere specially started for the students of the tribal communities. During the years 1973-7^ to 1978-79, four more ashram schools haVe been added in tribal area, while two

«92- -r2- more ssbram schools tiavs beon addcj in non-tribal aroa.From L.9.!.u!ra./iSG dot.aila given in s'catonent Mo* 64 it is soen that in tribai me^cinun uo. of »>slxra3 iciiorxs v/ore in DGaisipgda tsaukaC?) toixo^^eC by Jhav3w3ia taiuka (3) in 197ii-7U«

7.1U •

7mllm 1 Out of 3 iiOs,ltals, 46 viis-onsfjries and 14 p,H, Cs», i 1 liosiJicsi, 20 dispensaries and XoceteO in cno tribal area# During 1^73-71 to lyT-l-Ty no* of hos,d‘-ais, constant ciisponsfarios and P.H.Cs* ronaln who / in didwrict as can be seen from the following table* - i^ A wLS. « 63

:,o. of hos;:itaia-^ dis ona orios and beds# ' Itom ^ Y-er J’ri jal Kcn- Area Tri.->ai arcs oiatpict 1 2 3 4 5 f JOS pi tot 3 1973-r^ t 2 3 197LJ-7U 1 2 3 Disixns^^rins 1L73-X 2Z 26 46 1^7C-79 20 26 46

Prir.nry -or^iia ly73-?a . G - 14 Cent, r os 1970-79 6 14 £eda l^r^'a^ljer 1973-74 147 216 363 lb:7C-79 212 261

2*?^r of 1973-71 3 3 3 L^opai. avion 197U-79 5 4 4 were 7.11 It is o-served i:titt thi© nunber of beds £. more i n i^on-trl jsi. .-.ocMs tarn in tribai are.-^, mt tne no* of per

- 93 « -93-, were - is luoi.o £ ‘r'ore (6 ) i>: \;ri^'sl erea

7#12 mlBQ.'Uet «d).s given in • s cpc-ndo;*! sta-enait

1.0 . o2 It. l 3- :'i>rit randod teiuka in tri3i?&t.vnraa end ;j^arucb

and J ambus ar taiukcs ia r.ori-trioai ar'5« ore fTOVidoS v;itn the

facility of Hos^lsai* 4s fit^r tno no* of i'ispensarlos is

concGTOdd, Jias-^r'dig tatuka V7SS ri-iving tho iii^Qsc no*, of

ais^-onssfios (7) f dy KeiiQud (5) and Valia (4) in t r i j ^

wiiiiLG In 4.on-t;ri ai ar^r ?harucli taiukts. v«*ns tieving .Max* inun no* of disix^nanrios (^ 0 ) foi.Xowod by yiilacshwar (iioii-tri

• ’:aL) ana Jaabus^ir waiuk.';^s (4 o^ch) in lU73-7i^#

7*13 . l^S3iS^.2^*ES2332i *

7*13*1 The foil owing tabio givos u.-.o I^j-oportion of dcc'Cors, wiw ••'***’ .... . • . ^ nurses, niawives r^cr 1-OC sq*kms.* of arcs per o'rxe lakh of

o^tit atirjn in \:iK3 t r lH ^ and non»\:rio?3i qtor of the ;:;istrlct* t?ABLB . *^34

Ivo* of doctors, nursQs ond 'liciv/ivqs*

jr* ,\o* ItQm Y;jr.r ‘Hri: ai Ijon- TriLfa district

1 2 3 5 G

. . Doctors 1 *: un ’:jc r 1» 73 23 3 4 .. ■...; 57

lLi71>79 27 3 7 , . •

" . /r:* . ' ■ . Y . . . , •■ 2 ..G T 10‘j0 sq* kms* li^73-% ‘ii lU'^-TO 7 10 7

3 .pG,r 1Q)XOO 0 motion 1973-7^ 5 6 6 li^76-79 5 6 6 4

-94- 1 2 3 4 6 5 l.ruT’ibcr 4G 6U 117 197C-79 104 192 2 • r 1 -'0 3 q.tkris • 1^73-7^ 12 19 15 l‘;7C-7U 21 2l: 21 3* Per ICGOOO i^ptu. ntion li;73-?i 9 22 11 107^-79 17 17 17 Kldwivcs SSSSSS.~SSS l«jiari]3r 1973-r^ 42 52 iJ7:>7i; 77 6C 145 2 .Per sq* knis. Iv. 14 12 li)7J-?U ll> 10 16

3 • ^-G c lv.- ./jv-0 po „ui Qtixon li>73»?S J 9 O 1U7G*79 16 11 13

Tho a;.ove tr-tyio revaais tnat aurlrig li>73-?i to

197U-79 thars is n^r^iara iiicroaso in t.iO no* cjf aocuors#;,

Ihore is subsiai'iti djl incro- so In -iio no. of nursos arti nidv/ives in tri 'ni rsnd »j^uas« TUo no, of' doctors £jnd nurses per iakti of popui rtlon a as ax:iosi; tUo sane in trll^at ana non-tx'ibai evoan jT --ae aistrict auriag ly7.v-79* iiowovcr in r o S i ^ C u of no. oi* raoUlcai ^:so'nno'i per I ’- ’X* sq» ^iL-ns* of in thQ cri ial one: non-tri-;d areas, tha position v;ns as unaer*

7.13 in tiiQ tribal tb'sTQ jQ'je on an avsrago V aoctorsi

21 nurses> anu f^.i^lwives .qt sq»kQS*j sS cociparod to

1C doctafs, 23 nurses and lo iawi.vss in the ncn»tril;al sraa

(during yc:'^T position of non-criaoi araa cor.pc*>i:‘ativoiy uctter x;aan uiiat of triuai sroa auring 197c;-7‘j » CH^TER^-^8

8.1 Five talukas viz, (1) Jhagadia, (2) Nandod, (3)Dediapa-

da, Cr) Sagbara, ( J) Valia and Pocket of Ankleshwar taluiica of

Bharuch district are included, in the Tribal Area Sub-Plan of

Gujarat State* In this study, the indicators have been compiled

at taluka level, taking the entire taluka as a unit except

Ankleshwar taluka for collection of data. In case of Ankleshwar

taluka, the villages under Tribal Pocket have been considered

under Tribal area and sepcirate data for these villages have been

collected. The rest of the part has been considered as non-tribal

area, A broad summary of the important findings observed during

the study is given in the following paragraphs•

8.2 • '

8 . 2 J According to the Population Census 1981, in the tribal

area of the district, nearly three*-fourth of the population

belongs to scheduled tribes v^rhile only 2*V percent of population

in the tribal are. belongs to scheduled castes •

8 ,3 lii Lxie trxoal area, the growth of tribal population was

higher (1?#^^) than that of general population(16.7^) during-the

decade 1971 ~81 • 1981 8.^ As per^opulation Census^ the percentage of rural

population to total population is 95*1 percent in tribal area,

v/hereas the corresponding figure is 69.7 percent in the non-tribal

area. There is only one tovni in the tribal area as against 6 towns

in non-tribal area. Tribal area consists of 765 inhabited villages

as against 358 such villages in non-tribal area.

. •. .96/- -s96

S*5 /,3 per PopuXGtion Census 1981 tho average density of

population p^r sqokm* in the tribal area is 1^5 persons

against 192 pe: sons in nun-tribaj. area®

8«6 iCd ia tribaX area is very xow« /iccording

to the population Census 1931, oiuy 35c9 percent of the

popu),ation in the tribal area was literate, whereas the correspond­

ing figure for non-tribaX area was 52,1 percent. The rate

anong females in the tribal area was very low i«e» 34«4 purcent

compared to 4 0 ,7 percent anong fanales in the non-tribgpt area®

During the decade 1971-Bl the literacy rate in the tribal area

has increased from 25,4^ in , 1971 to 35,95^ in 19B1 and from

44,5^ to 52,1^ in non-tribal area® inong tribal area, low

-literacy rate of 22 to 29 j^rcent were reported in Dediap^ada

end Sagbara taiukas. The position of females in these tgilukas

Was still poor « In these talukas the literacy rate wss 11 to

17 percent respectively^ Literacy has gone up both among males

&nd females during 1971 to 1981*

-a p The literacy rate among the triuai population in tbe tribal area was 25«2 percffiint in 1981, as against 14,3 percent in 1971, The literacy rate of scheduled tribes population in the non-tribal area was still lower (1 8 o2 percent),

8,8 According to 1981 Census, the proportion of persons reported ?s main workers in the tribal area is higher (40,3 percent) than the non-tribal are a (3 4 ,6 percent). There is signifi<5ant d^rforence in the females participation rote butween the tribal and non-tribal area# ibout 14 ,2 percent fem ^os are reported as v/orkers in the non-tribal area, v/hereas 23,6 percent females are reported ns workers in tribal area. Among tribal areas, the DediaPada t alnka hns/highest female participation rate (40^1%) the and/i, owe St in j ambus or taluka (8 ,7 ^) of non-tribal area® ••• ,97/- - 9 7 -

Bo9 In tribai area 30*3^ of ttie total main wockcrs are agricultural workers consisting of cixitlvators r^nd ngricuatura^. labourers in 1981 as against 62^;3 percetit of such main worJiars in non-triba\ area* Tfto proportion of the agricuiiurai labourers is/highest (61*6^) in Valia taiuka the ari(^lowest(22e7^) in Dodiapada taiuka* The highest proporL'ion of cultivators is in Dudiapada taiuka (67*7 percent), ro^xowod by 4. in Sagbara taiuka»

2*10 Agriculture ;

G*10,l Recording to the agriculture oonsus 1976-77, the

verage sirro of operational holdings in the district wns 3*44 h.jcoSo The distribution of land holdings by ■j different size groups of operational holdings shows that

4 7^ of total operational holders were marginal farmers i.e# with the hoiding upto 2 hects. The noe of land holders possessing land upto 5 hects® wore about 77®95S

of total holders holding 42^ of operational land holdings.

Tribal area has less no® of land holders (52170) and area of land hold hects*) as con^ared to non-tribal area (72453 land holders and 254930 hects® of land held respectively)®

B«ll Regarding the cropping pattern, the share of food crops ■ to total area sown was 53*6^ in the tribal are a as against 48*6$^ in non-tribai area in 1973-79* During

1973- 74 to 1978-79,food crops showed an upward tre^nd and non«-food crops showed a downward trend in both t r i b ^ and non-trlbai areas• • BLce, Juwar, other food crops and cotton were important crops in tribal and non-tribal areas*

®®98/- - • • 9 8 : -

Porcontages of aroa covered' iindur juwar, other food crops

nnd cotton to totaX cropped area were 26cB^, 19*4^ and

27.1% respectlveiy in tribai. area, the corresponding fig s. in 1 3 .2 ^ , non-tribal area wero/19^9^ and 4U®2^ respectively® In tribal area

Sag bar a and Dediapada taiukas accounted for 77*5^ and 65 #3^ respGctivexy of food crops to totax cropped area, while in accounted non-tribal area, all talukas except Jatnbusar/for nore than 5C^o of food crops in 1973-79, Rice, Wheat and Juwar were the important crops in tribal ^ d non-tribal areas. In tribal

area, Sagbara taiuka accomted for of Rice and of jmciv which v/ere the highest anong ail tribal taiukas*

The coverage under cribai R)cket for Juwar crop was to the extent of 4 4 «5^. In non-tribal area in Hansot taiuka

27*3% of the total cropped area wps under juwar followed by 27^2% area in ankieshwar non-tribai. taiuka* Vagra taiuka accounted for of wheat crop which was the

highest Diiong non-tribai taiuras. In Nandod taiuka of

Tribal area 39• 7 percent of the total cropped area was under cotton foo,o\r.jJl by 24.4 percent iii Valia taiuka*

In Jambusar taiuka of non-tribal area 70.5 percent of the total cropped area Was under cotton in 1973-79, which was the highest among all the taiukas* /irnod taiuka was having the lowest coverage(36,3^) under cotton in


3.12 according to the data of' 1973-79, about 3.6^ of tota-l aroa was irrigated in tribal area conpared to

10.1^ in non-tribal area. Dediapada (0.2^ of tota), crop;- ed area) and Sagbara taluka(4.3^) have the poorest ««9 9 /- . • . • -99- irrigation fa c ilitie s , The main sources of irrigation are v/9lls and canals in the tribal and non-tribal areas of the district. In .1978-79r of net irrigated area so\m was i'l'rigated by v/ells in tribal area, as against ^ 7 in' non-’tribal areaj while canal irrigation acco'uhted for 10^ in tribal area against 31 *5% in non-tribal area. The irrigated area under canals in tribal and non-tribal area increased while the irrigated area under vrells increased in the tribal area and decreased in the non-tribal area during

1973-7^ to 1978-79.

8,13 The number of diesel oil engines and electric motors per thousand hects, of net cultivated land was 15 ,8 and 2.7^^Sjjectively in tribal area in 1977 as against 1^.8 and 2.0 respectively in 1972. The corresponding figs, in non-tribal area were 5,3 and ^-{-.1 respectively in 1977 as against ^f-,2 a,nd 1,7 in in Tribal area had smaller no* oi tractors (67) than non-tribal area(279 ).

8.1^- The auanliity of improved seeds distributed per hsct, in area was h kgs. in 1978-79 s-s against 3 kgs, i-i 1973-7^:-. ^ov non-tribal area it was 5.6 kgs. in 1978-79 as against 5,9 kgs, in 1973-7^!*. The quantity of chemical fertilisers distributed per hect. in tribal area v;as lower i.e. 18.7 kgs. in 1978-79 as against 21.5 kgs. in base year 1973-7^. The corresponding figs, for non-tribal area were higher i.e. 87.6 kgs. in 1978-79 as against

39.1 kgs. in 19-73-7^f-. Ainong the talukas in tribal area, tlie distribution of improved seeds per hectare of gross' cropped area in 1978-79 the lowest in Ankleshwar

..100/- -s100;- the Tribal Pocket (0.1 kg.) and^ighest in Valia taluka (5»7 kgs.) while in non-tribal area it was the lowest in Bharuch taluka (2.3 kgs.) and the highest in Ankleshwar non-tribal taluka (1 5 .9 kgs.). As far as the distribution of chemical fertilisers is concerned, it was the highest in Nandod taluka of tribal area (29•? kgs. per hectare) and the lowest in Ankleshwar tribal pocket (0,3 kg. per hectare) in 1973-79.

8 .1 5 The quantity of insectisides in powder form distri­ buted per hectare of gross cropped area was significantly low in tribal area (0.1+ kg.) as against 5*2 kgs. in non- tribal area during 1978-79. Talukawise distribu-^^on of insectisides in powder form indicates that it was^^ighest in Ankleshwar tribal pocket (1 #7 kgs. per hectare) and pesticides in liquid form was the highest in Valia taluka ( 0.50 liter per hectare) among the talukas of non-tribal area. In non-tribal area very low quantity of insectisides and pestisides per hectare were distributed in Vagra and Jambusar talukas.

8 .1 6 •

8 .1 6 .1 As per 1977 Livestock Census, cattle population

in the tribal area accounted for about 5^.9^ of total

livestock population, as against 37.8^ in non-tribal area.

During I972 to 1977, cattle population had decreased both in tribal and non-tribal areas, while buffaloes

and other livestock population had increased during the

same period. Non-tribal area had more buffaloes (3 0 ,9^)

and other livestock population (3I .3^) than tribal area

( 1 5 .8^ and 27*3^ respectively) in 1977* There were 88.^ cows used for milk per 1000 of human population

. . , .1 01 /- 101 in triuai ?=>rea, against 14 cows for in non-trii^al srer»« Tbe ^a:»^portlon of eows usod for riixk ^^^as higher in tribal area (3i*9) than in non-tribai area{7 «0 ), whiia

position of bmTaioes ^>or 1000 of hunan popuiatiun in the

tribal and nun-tribai wae be tween 52 to 54, The no« oif buffaloes . used for riiik per 1000 of l»Hnan po^.uxation in the tribal and non-tribal area was betwoon 3 0 to 37® i^i;;iL>ng the tribal areas, Sagbara taluka had^iowest nuntor . of cows in niik(28e9) and the number of she buffaloes in nlik (9o4) per 1 0 0 0 of hunan poi.uiation«

3»17 Tho -availability of bullock used only for work per thousand hects.of gross cultivated area was as high as 359 in the tribni area, as a/;pinst 134 in non-tribai area in 1977® ‘U1 the taiukas of tho tribal area had higher no*, of bui.iocks us>^d fur work per 1000 hects« co.-ipared to corres,,'.-iiuing fig s « of non-tribai area*

DediaPada taiuka h?d che highest no® of bullocks used for work (645) per thousf^nd hects® of gross cultivated area®

B®10 During the interval of 5 years-, the number of nilk societies had increased fron 13 in 1973-74 118 in 1970-79 in tribal area® However in non-tribal area it had incre^^sed fron in 1973-74 to “169. in 1973-79®

Dodiapa-;a *^nd Sagbara taiukas had the lowest no^ of

:^-ilk societies i®e® 9 and 3 respectively in 1973- 79®

3®19 The no« of poultry birds, per thousand of hunan population in the tribal area Was as high as 333 against 95 in tho n.)n-tribal area in 1977®

102/- , ; -S102S- 8.20 As far as v/5terinai?y institutions are concerned, no significant increase was noticed during the interval’of five years either in tribal or non-tribal area. There were

5 veterinary dispensaries ana 20 first aid veterinary centres., iri triba?i. rea . against 6 such dispensaries and 8 first aid ve-cer^nary centres in non~tribal areas. Over and above there was one a rtific ia l insemination centre and one sub-cent re . in non-tribal area.

8.21 “

8.21 .1 During the years 1970 to 19739 there was no significant rise in industries in tribal area. There were 22 factories in 1977 against 21 in 1970 in tribal area, while in non-tribal area, there were 110 factories in

1977 against 67 in 1970. Dediapada and Sagbara talukas did not have a single registered factory, while Valia taluka had only 5 registered factories in 19 7 7 . 8*22 The tribal area accounted for ^5 percent of total industrial co-operativo societies at the end of

1978-79* However as far as the progress in the field of industrial co-opera.tive societies is concerned, there v/as substantial progress in the establishment of Industrial

Co-operative Societies in tribal' area. The no. of industrial co-operative societies had increa^sed from 1^ in 19 73 -7^ to 30 in 1978-79 in tribal area, whereas in non-tribal area the no. had decreased from h-7 to 37 during the same period ^ e .23 • 8 .2 3 .1 At -one end of 1978-799 29.3 percent of villages (228) were electrified in tribal area against l6,k-fo^ (128) villages in 1973-7^. In non-tribal' area, 55^ (19 7 ) villages ...1 0 3 /- sl03 ; w^-re GXGctrified the ond of 1973-79, nS against 44

(159) vixiagos in 1973-74® The ,:ropQrtion of total population coverad by vii4.r’343.s aiGctrifiad in 1973-79 w-s 51 o4;; in t.riba», nroa ?i?.inst 3 5 in 1973-74« ih.a currus ,:oncling figs® for non-triuai area wgtg 7 2«7^ in 1973-79 ?s ngainst 62^4^3 in 1973-74<, During tho intorvai of 5 yoars, 100 nqre viixagos wore eioctrifiod in tri 'jai. aroa as against 38 in non-tri.jai aroa® Sagbara

(13«2;0 and Dodiap ada C1 ^i1^) t axukas of tribal area and Vagra taluka (25'}?) of non-tribai area Had poor facility of GlGctriGityo

3 o24 xs far as banking faciiities are concerned, tribal area is lagging far b a bind ttie non-tribal area in tho districts Thjro wore 13 schedaiod bank offices

'^nd 13 co-o,Jorative bank offices in 1973- 79 as against

11 sc[iedili.Gd bank offices and 11 co-operative bank offices in 193-74 in tril, areao The corresponding figs® for non-tribai ar^a were 46 scheduled barik officGS and

2 7 cj-opoavatiVu bank offices as against 27 and 19 offices in 1973 - 74 0 3 o25 co-operation ;

C«25«l AS far as the no® ^nd nenbers of tiie pri^iary

/igricuxturai Credit Societies is concerned, the i:ri.jai arua is lagging far be bind tine non-tribal area*. There were 159 such societies with 32397 nenbers in i;ribal area in 1973-79 mieruas in the ncn-trijax area the corros ponding figures v;ore 235 societies and 35333

"lenbors in cbe ye-r 1973 - 7 9 * For every lOO agricuj.turai .«104/- - 104-

v/orkc-rs in trib-M, ''ro-, thort.-^ were 19 nenbdrs of primary Agricu^,turai Grudit -pciuties '^s ^i^rinst 25 nonbors in non-triLv^i. rrooo -Jitiiin tli^. district Hansot talukc W'^s iicving tao bust f cicities (JO nenbjrs psr 100 n.i5ricuituitiX workers), whcre^'S Sagbaro tnxukn v/ds uxtrtjnuxy poor (10 no^bors per ' ' c workers )•

S *26 Tti-a "^vor^;^8 of ror^ds (nitra.ied ?nu non-nutciXGd ) ,-or 100 sqoknso of r^roa 27c7 kmSo in tho tri ?i. inl973-79, as .'^.j^^inst 2 2 «4 Knis* in

1973-74* Tho corrtiSponding figs* for non-tribai area wuPG 3 4 ^ kms« in 1973-79 as“ a.i^r.inst 28«lICriSe In 1973-74®

Tdo n-aGtaUed together pur :inkti of po^.-uxation was highur(22^kns«) in tribal area conparod to (213 kns* ) in non-triuai area®

3a^’ -:^rn and iXidla,raa t-xukas woro'riost backward in ropd f^cii,itius» The avG;.’a,^u iun,^tli of ro.^d pur 100 sq^kns^ being 13.6 knse and 20«0kns* respectivexy «

3«2 7 In ■^.harucb dist'^ict ^•8«68v'; (73.1 )viii ages iiad bus f-cilitles v;ithin ^:!i v i i:\age, of which 31«13^j

(354 viii^^’Gs) w,3ro diroct:ly conn.;Cted with bus services throughout th: " '’'n 1973-79 as ^ ^ainst this, during

1973 -71, 23^21^ viuiages wore direc’uxy connected with bus sarvices and 37o04';t vixxagos wure corinected v/ith bas sorvicus in fair season onxy naking the i;otax

COoBS;^ vieinges Sv^rvcd by the bus f acilities. Thus w ithin a poriod of 5 ye rs/bus f-ciiiti-o'S were uxt^^nded to noru 7.33;^ viij.ageSo fi 4) 1' J 5 /** -105 s- B®20 Taur^ wero 43 vixxagys connuctGa with railway

strtiuns of v/iiicfi 17 vii..i..ogi.,3 woru j,uCc?t. d in trib^x rron

^na 31 viixogos WGTG in nuxi-triba-i, -reo in iy77-73g

3«>29 •• tliG . .'L 1U78-7U, in tri;;ja'i ares orajr

2 5,'9>j(202)vix.t.?;,"GS h.vd a post office r.s ^r^^alxist 20y^ VillCL.cQg (156 )/in'^iy73-74 wiiix in non-tribal spgg 57^^ (204)

viXiagQS hn'J a ,-ost offiCe, ns a.^oinsi 52.5>6 (IGG)

villages in iy73-'?^le Thu no, of lojst offices per

hunc’rod sq« kr.ise of aron in 1973-79 wns 4'*9 in tri.ja-i

^Tur- as ■■'gainst S®5 in non-tiniba-*. ar^.T® During tho

i-oriod frori 1973’*74 to 1973-79, 46 uoro ,-ust ufficus

in trij-i aro? ond 16 in nun-triboi arua haJ buun oponuac

3 »30 '^,aaG0 tion 3orvic..:s s

-^o30cl thj und of 1973-79, .^bout 3 9 of viilagos

in ‘crio) tribal -.roa woro ..roviaGci with tho f .^cliity of

,-rin'^ry schooi within tho viixago, ':S ag.^inst 32«3^^

of vii.iagGS in 1973-"4, whoroas in non-tnibax arua> 93«6^;^villages were having trio schoox f-'Ci.i.ity --s .vjainst 97«2;^ such

Vi 1.1 ago s in 1973-74^ DodiaP-da -caiuka w-s poor in this

res i,'Gct ;;s oiii.y 7bo2,;l vixxagos of tho taxuka had a

jL^ri iary schoox« is far as the prograss in res^^oct of

incrGrso in no« of students, increoso in no® of tecchers

and studGnts ,.or t^aohor ratio ore concGrnod, tnbax

ai'da in the district is in a jutter position® About

lOjOoO stu.:Gnts 'nd 649 teachGrs n.-ve buen added during

Lhis period in chu criuaj. area vniicG the corresponding

.®106/- -106- figures for the non-tribal area are about 9^00 students and 208 teachers. The students per teacher ratio has also gone from 3^^ *5 to 33-3 in tribal area, while it has increas.^^. 36.9 to 37.6 in, non-tribal area during the same period, .

8*31 he tribal area of the district had very poor facility in respect of secondary schools, as there v/ere only 4-.6 percent ( 36) villages v/ith secoMary schools in tribal area in' 1973-79 as against (3^ villages) in 1973-7^^. In non-tribal area, there v/ere 22.8^ (33) villages with secondary schools in 19 73-7^ and 2U-.2^

(88 villages) in. 1*978-79. Dediapada and Sagbara talukas are poor in this respect, having only 2 secondary schools, in each taluka. V/hereas the highest no. of schools were in Nandod taluka(1'7). In non-tribal area the highest no, of secondary schools were in

Bharuch taluka (39) and* the lowest were in Hansot and - .

Vagra talukas (7 in each), . '■ -

8 .32 Considering the-Qovernment and Grant-in- aid institutions in the” district, it is observed that out of 3 hospitals,'lf6--dispensaries and 1^ P.H.Cs, in the district, 1 hospitaly^'20 dispensaries and 8 P.H.C.s were located in 'the tribal area during the year I'-L 1973“7^> The posltxbn remained the same in 19 ?8-79 -

. . . 107/- -:10 7 s-

As far as the no. of dispensaries is concerned, Jagadia taluka was having the highest no. of dispensaries (7) while Valia taluka x/as having the lowesi'- (h) in tribal area. IVhereas in non-tribal area Bhariich taluka was having the highest no. of

dispensaries “^^jd Jambusar was having the lowest(^), The no, of beds in tribal area during 1973-79 were 212 as against

1^7 in 1973-7^'-. The no. of beds in non-tribal area were 26l

in 1970-79 -s against 216 beds in 1973-7^^'. The no. of beds per lOjOOO population in the tribal area was only 5 in 1973-79 as

against 3 in 19 73 -7^i- and in non-tribal area they were h and 3

in 1973-79 and 1973-7^ respectively. Thus the district has poor medical facilities .

3.33 At the end of 1973-79? there were 7 doctors per 1000

sg^.kms. in tribal '^.rea as against 6 doctors in "1973-7^• There were 10 doctors per 1000 sq.knis. in non-tribal area as against

9 doctors in i973-7^’-. However no. of doctors per lakh of population v/as 5 and 6 respectively in tribal and non-tribo-l

area in 1 973-7^f- as also in 'i ;-'73-79. -riqC'- Lj_gt of Statement

^'tcite Subject ^-^age No ment No. 1 2 3

1. List of Tribal Arja included in the Tribal Area Sub- Plan 1971 111-112 2. List of Tribal Area included in the Tribal Area Sub- Plan of Gujarat State 19C1 113-114

3. Scheduled Tribes Pooulation in different district of Gujarat St-, tc-1 "'VI 115

4. Scheduled Tribes Population in d iff .-rent district of Gujarat State 1'01 116

5 . i'^'5'imum and Minimum temioerature at t h e talu k a he^d quarters 117

6. Nu'iber of Rainy days and average rainfall at the Taluka headquarters IIC

7. Number of Rainy days and average rainfall at the Taluka headq'u3r t e r s 119

Population of Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled castes-1971 120

3, Population of Scheduled Tribes & Scheduled Castes-lS'Ol 121

10. Growth of Population 122

11. -^rea population and density of population-1971 123

12. Area population and density of population-19G1 124

13. Rural & Urban Cornpositlon of population by Sex-1971 125

1 4 . R ural 8c Urban Composition of population by Sex-19C1 126

*15. Percentage of literacy by Sex 127

16. Literacy among Scheduled Tribes-1971 123

17. Literacy among Scheduled Tribes-1901 129

10. Distribution of -oopulation by ^'^orkers & Ncn-^^'^orte rs 1971 130

19. Distribution of pooulation by Workers & Non-’'-'Workers 131 19G1

20. ^^ro'oortion of ogriculture v^orkers to total Workers 1^71 ’ 132

21., -Proportion of aqriculturalworkers to total '’orkers 19C1 13 3

-lO^r -109-

1. 2 . 3 .

22. Number and Area of land held by sire of operational holding© holdings 1970-71 134

23. Number and i' -iT G o r l 2 nd held by s i^ of holdings. 1976-77 135-136

24. Net Area sov/n per Agricultural Workers 137

25. Proportion of Area under principal food & Non-food crops 13o“145

26. Net Area irrigated by different sources 146-149

27. Number of Diesel Oil Engines Electric Motors and Tractors 1 "72 150

2 -. Number of Diesel Oil Engines Elv--ctric Motors and Tr:^ctors 1977 151

29, Distribution of Improved Sr-'is and Chemical ^erti- zers 1973-74 1 52

30, Distribution of Improved Seeds and Chemical Ferti­ l i z e r s 19 7 6 -7 7 to 1978-79 153

31, Distribution of Insecticides Sc Pesticides 1973-74 154

3 2 , Distribution of Insecticides & Pesticides 1976-77 to 197d-79 155

3 3. Number of Bullocks -1972 156

34. Number of Bullocks -1977 157

35. Number of Cov7s S< Buffaloes u n e d for milk & breading 150

3 6 . Num.ber of Cows & B u ffa lo e s used fo r m ilk and b read ing purpose 1977 159

37. Cattle census-1977 160

3 0. Number of pooitry-1972 161

39. Number of ooultry-1977 162

40. Number of Milk Supply Societi .s 1 ^"73-74 163 il. Number of Milk Supply Soc^’eties 1976-77 to l’'"7o-79 164

42. Number of Vet :nary Institution and personnel 165

4 3 . Number of ^?orking f o c t o r i e s and em.ploym.ent t h e r e in 166

44. IndustriaG. Co-oPerative Soci.-ties 167

- 110^ -no-

45, Number of villages Electrified 1'^73-74 160

46. Number of villages Electrified 1978-79 169

Number of Scheduled & Co-operative Bank Offices 1972-73 170

40. Number .^f Scheduled & Co-operative Bank Offices 197G-79 171

4 9. Number & Membership of primary Co-operative Societies 172 1973- 74

50. Number & Menibership of Primary Co-operative Societies 1970-79 . 173 51. Road length per 100 sq, kms. of Area and Per Ten Thousand of population 1973-74 174 52* Road length per 100 sq. kms. of area and per Ten Thousand of pDpulation 1970-79 175 53. List of Railwry Station 1973-74 176 54c List of Railway Station 1977-70 177 55. Number of post off-'ces Telegraph offices and villages without Port Offices 1973-74 170

56. Number of post offices Telegraph Offices and villages without ^ort "'ff ces 1970-79 179

57. Number of Primary Schools Pupils & Teachers 1973-74 ISO

S3. Number of Primary Schools Pupils & Teachers 1970-79 101

5 9. Number of Secondary Schools Pupils & Teachers 1973-74 102

^0. Number of Secondary Schools Pupils & Teachers 1970-79 103

61, Number of Medical and Health Institution 1973-74 104

52. Number of Medical and Health Institution 1970-79 105

63. Number of Ashramshala, Students & Teachers 1973-74 106

64. Number of Ashramshala ^Students & Teachers 1970-79 107

65. Number of Medical and Health personnel 1 73 ’ •

66. Number of Medical and Health personnel 1970-79 109

I 67. Appendix 190-192

-111- St 31 at No. i -111-

L ist of 'Tril -.1 ia’-ea incl-aded in the TribaZ Area Sub-Pl-pji ol* Gujarat St.ate (Year i 1 971)

Sr* District TaZulia Percentage of No, sched’oled tribes population - ■

1 4

1 • Sabarkaiitha 1* ViJa;^TLagar 7 2 ;6 2 ‘ Ivhodbralima 61 3; Bhiloda 49;6 4. Meghraj 3 3 .3 2 • P anc hmalial s 5 ; ^.ThoXod 8 5 :0 ; Dohad ■ 9 2 ;3 7i 3antraiiipiir 60:5 8.’ Limkheda 53 ;8 9 .'Devgadh Baria 2 8 ;5 1 0;Mora Pooket(Godhra) 53;3 n.ICathola Pocket(Hrdol) 55,0 3. Vadodara 1 2;Chhota-Udepur 83 *8 13.I"aBwadi 80.2 1 4. T il oJkwnda 43.6 1 5 • Dh a t,iu r 'Pcckct ( ankiioda) 51 .0 1 6, Karali Pocket( Jotpurpavi) I Jabt^am) 52 *6 1 7 .Vodeli ?ocket(Sanlchc-ca.) 65.6 A 8 .BhlMiapur*. Pocket ( Ja’b'cigam) 50.1 4* Bharucli 19,Dcdiapada 94*2 20. Barbara 90.8 21«V?JLia 76*5 22.Nc?ndod 76.4 23 • Jliag adia 61*4 24*An]iicsliwar Pockot ( Atikl c sliwar) 48 • 9 5* Surat 25.Uchhal ^ " 96,4 26*Yyara 96.7 27.Mahuva 80 ;4 28;MeBdvi 80;8 ?9*Ni^ar 75.6 30;Songadh 97;c 3i;Vnlod / 72; 9 3 2 ;Mrngr^^l / 68; 9 33;Bardoli 57;1 3^i-*Pal£^ana Pocket(Palsana) 50^2 35*Kpjnrej Pockct(KanirG.i) 50.0 -112- St at cme nt No, 1 c o nt.5


6, Vais ad ’ 36 .Dharojiipur 96 ill 373misda 93 #2 3S.ChiIdili. 69.5 3 9. ar d i 64^5 4C,Un'bergacn 56*9 41 . Aatgam Pocket (Vals ad)) 66,5 42 * Ranvcl Poo kct (V fils ad)) 43#Rahoj Pockot( Gaiidovi). 55*4 44«Sisodara Pockot(HavBari) 56*5 ?• Dangvi ' 45.Dangs 93.5 -113- Statement-2 list of T r ib a l Area in clu ded in the Tribal Area Sub-PI an of G u ja rat t a t e . Year :1 9 0 1

D is t r i c t Tala^c a Percentage of Schedule d T r ib e s to Total Population'

Sabarkantha 1 . Vij aynagar 72.1 2 . Khedbrahma 5 0 .7 3 . B h ilo d a 5 1 . 6 4 . ^''^eqhra j 3 4 .3

^^anchmahal 5 . J halod 0 5 . 7 6 . Do had 7 2 .0 7. Santrampur ■ 6 6 .4

• Limlcheda 5 0 .4 9. Devgadh Baria 3 0 .2

1 0 . Mora Pocket 5 6 .0 (Godhra) KathDla Pocket 5 4 .5 ( m i o i ) 11- .

Vadodara 1 2 . Chhota Uriepur 8 1 .9 1 3 . Naavjadi 01.5 1 4 . Tilakvjada 4 7 .7 15. Bhatpur Pocket 4 0 .1 (S a n k h e d a ) 1 6 . Bhikapur Pocket 66.3 (Jambunam) 1 7 . Karali Pockct 75.9 (Jambugam) in. Vadeli Pocket 6 3 .5 (Sankheda)

, Bharuch 1 9 . Dediapcida 9 3 .3 2 0 . Sagbara 9 4 .1 2 1 . V a lia 7 6 .3 22. Nadod 65.4 1 2 3 . Jhagadia 64.2 2 4 . A nkleshw ar Pocket 4 7 .0 (Anklr-r’sh w a r )

t ^ ^ ^ o * * « m m ^ m m

Surat 2 5 . Ubhhal 9 7 .4 2 6 . Vyara OS;. 3 2 7 . M^huva 0 0 .4 2C . Mandvi 7 7 .2 2 9 . Ni2rar 7 4 .9 3 0 . Songadh 3 1 .9 3 1 . Valod 7 3 .0 3 2 . Mangrol 6 6 .5 3 3 . Bardoli 75.3 3 4 . Palsana Pocket 5 0 .2 ( P a ls a n a ) 3 5 . Kamrej Pocket 5 4 . 9 (K a m re j)

«,*114#v.# -114- Statoment-2 Contd.,

1. 2. 4 .

6. Valsacl 36, Dharampur 9 4 .0 3 7 . Bansda 9 0 .0 3 8. Chikhali 6 9 .1 3 9. Pard i 5 6 .5 40. Umbargaon 5 5 .3 41,)[Atgam Pocket I 5 5 . 6 (V a l s a d ) 4 2 , 1 Ranvel Pocket 1 (^^alsad) 43. Hahej pocket 4G.3 (Gandevi) 44. Sisodara 6 3 .0 (G a n d e v i)

Dangs 4 5 . rpngs 9 2 .3 -115- St a 11 me r-it No. 3

Sohcdulod Tribes PopiAlation in diffcront districts of G-iij ara.t S t at o ...... ('YOar t 1971)

Sri Pistriot To'tal SchGdu- Porcon- Porccntage No. Popu­ Icd tago to share of lation Tribos total district in Popu­ popula­ totnl schodulod lation tion of tribes popula­ t h e . * . . tion" of .tho.... . diatriot State 1

1 . Xamnagar 1111343 2111 0 .2 0.1 2 . ...... 1624072 677 0 .0 5 . S urendranagar 845454 4812 0 .6 0.1 4. 14^5205 102 m 0 .0 5. i'jareli 0 1S730 321 F * 0 .0 6. 1656677 0305 0 .5 0 .2 7 . 40301 4 .7 1.1 • l^ h c h h 049769 0 . Bonaskantha 1265383 77750 6.1 2.1 9 .. Sabarkantlia 1187637 178004 15.1 4 .0 10. Matiesana 2092468 9136 0 ,4 0 .2 11 • G-an-diiina^ar 200642 406 0 .2 0 .0 1 2. /iiinodabad 2910307 20990 0 .7 0 .6 13. Elieda 2451307 "52^5 1 .0 0 .7 14, Panchnahols 10-K3004 71 27*. 3 3 8 .5 19.1 15.. Vado dara 1 980065 473 V 7 2 3 .9 1 2 .7 16, Bharuch 1109601 ^U3620^ 43.9 1 3 .0 17. Suxat ^ 1706924 02760: 46,3 22.2 1G. Valsad 1 4^0742 7762^ 5 54.3 20.0 19 . ‘Dangs*■ • '■ 94t05‘ ’ ■ 00020 ”9 3 .5 ' ‘ ■ ' 2 ; 3 ......

*T6tai‘ i ;734^r22- ' • ‘13.99 ”■' • 'io o ;o ......

* Nogligible, . ^ . . . i . Source; Census of India, 1971.

-116- -116. Statement No. Scheduled Tribes Population in different districts of G-uJarat State s 19o1

3r, District Total Bclied-uled Percentage Percentage No, pop-ulation Tribes to total share of pop’ul'^tion popiiLation district to of the total disti'ict tilbes 6

Jajnnagar 1 4200 0.3 0.1 Rajkot „.2093094 3039 P.2 0.1 Surendranagarl 034105 5962 0,6 0.1 A.r • Bhasmagar 1079340 2431 0.1 0 .0 ,5. ilnrcli 1079097 . 7,60 C .i 0 .0 6. Jimagadh 2100709 10750 0 .5 0 .2 7 , Eachchh..- — 1 Q30\ 63301 6.0 1 .3 • Banaakantha 1 6f79l4 111 93-6 6.7 2.3 9 , . SabaTkantha 15^2204 251127 1 6.7 5.2 •1^^. Mahep'tsa 25^10707 0429 ^ .3 0 .2 11 . Gandhinagar 289^80 1 672 0.6 0 .0 1 2. Ahnedabad 3075794 32501 ^ .0 0 ,7 13- Khoda 3^1 5^21 44670 1 .5 0 .9 1. Panchnahal 2321 609 969523 41 .0 20.0 1 5. Vadodain 2550092 6<40372 25.3 1 3 .4 16. Bhanach 1 296451 577393 44 r 5 1 U 9 17o Surat 2493211 103020 41 .6 21 .4 1 Oo Vais ad 1774136 960510 54.6 20.0 19. DaUgS 1 i366^ 104910 92.3 2.2 Totnl’State 34005799 4040506 1 4 .2 00.0

-117- 117- ' Statement No.5 - Maximum and Minimum temDerpture p't the t^^JLuka headquarters,

DlStfiCf -•Bhat'uch' ^ ' (Ih centigrade)

Sr; Taluka 1973 >iq74 1 975 1 976 1977 1978 No. he^'dquarters f!a5x““'Mini' - Mo'“T::'"Mini- MaxT-"“Mrni> Haxrr"l?ilni- faxi^ini- Maxl-I^rnr- . . , mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mun mun mun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tribal Area 1 • Jliagadia 47 13 41 13 N.A, N.A. 3-’^ . A a N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A 2. Nandod N .A . N*A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ;^9 19 40 20 32 18 30 3 , Dediapo.da 51 5 N.A. N.A. 50 7 H • . N.A# N .A . N .A . 15 4, Sagbara N * iL * N » A • N,A. N • ii • N .A* N .A . N.A. N.A. 31 17 20 15 5, Valia N#A* N»A« 41 21 42 20 N . A •» N.A. 43 16 41 17

Ss-E-Z £ 6. Bharuch •39 7 39 10 38 16 36 21 38 17 39 15 N.A. N.A. N.A.N.A. 7 . Ankleshwar 43 13 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.N.A. 8 . Hansot h . a ; N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N^A. K.A. N.A. N.A. 36 - N.A. N.A. 9.^ Yagra 39 27 N.A. N . ii» 35 16 17 ■M A 10. Jan busar N.A* N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N,A. N.A. ■V ^ • ii. • N .A . N.A. -20' 22 - ■ - 21 • • ■ “ Aiiod 41' "■ ^34 ■ ■ 42 ’ • * 18 • * • *4f * '20 • ‘ 4 f • '4t ■ • 41 * • '

Souxoe : District Statistical Officer, District Panohayat, Bhar\wh -113- Statement N o .6 - 1 1 8 - Number of rainy days axid average rainfall at the taluka headquarters.

District ; Bharuch

Sr. Headquarter 1970 -.1222— ^______1970 to 1973 , No* of Taluka Io7 0^"“Annual loT 0? Annual fo. o5 Annual No7of"Annual No.o? "“Snnu^' rainy rainfall rainy rainfall rainy rain- ' rainy rain- rainy rain- days (M.M.) days (M •) days iffall days fnll days fall

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ^ 8 ‘ 9 ' 10 " 11 '' 12

Tribal Area__ \ 1 , Jhagadia 73 1734 56 842 47 411 62 1171 60 1041. 2 , Nandod 74 1809 58 1013 32 686 64 1646 57 1289 3* Dediapada 67 987 62 985 54 872 87 132a 69 1043 4 . Sagbara 77 1912 56 1058 35 736 74 11 60 61 1211 > 5. V alia 72 1 500 57 1244 35 670 49 1329 53 1186 Non~Tribal_ Are a - 6, Bharuch 53 1 600 48 518 24 339 62 11.80 47 909 7# Anklesvar 53 1 721 49 723 31 51 7 5 930 48 973 8* Hansct :I4 1 665 40 474 39 473 •5^ 84^ 51 865 9*.Vagra '^3 1 511 49 561 36 363 4; 751 49 812 1 0 • Jamb us ar 57- 967 40 501 25 284 5'" 774 45 632 49 1123 34 919 29 S07 4^'-' 902 40 863

Source: District Statisticcil Officer, District Pane hayat, Bharuch.► -119- ^tatemGnt No. 7 - Number of rpiny dpys nnd ->ver'^ge r'^infp.ll at the tnluka headquarters Dis t ri 01-Bharueh Sr; Headquarter 1974 “1975 1976 1977 1973 No. of Taluka N 0. of Annual Nonof i\nnuQl No.of Annual No.of Annual No.px /jinual No*of /jinual rainy rain­ rainy rain- rainy rain- rainy rain- rainy rain- rainy rain- days fa ll days fall days fall days foil days fall days foil ( m ) ( m ) (nn) ( m ) (nn) (rxi) 1 2 ' ' ' ' 3 ' 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1♦ Jhagadia 43 367 78 1092 62 1974 52 979 33 1027 54 1092 2, Nandod 45 595 67 1646 75 2401 69 1558 62 1295 64 1496 5* Dcdiapada 52 547 74 11 56 77 2267 80 1 601 71 1536 71 1421 4. Sagbara 50 745 73 1206 70 2222 64 1743 64 1241 64 1 431 5, Val.ia 39 342 68 893 74 1947 70 1114 45 1030 59 1065

Non-Tribal .roa __ 6 . Bharueh — 33 247 63 1447 63 2453 65 877 42 867 53 1178 1002 Ankleshwa^ 3a 329 60 1147 58 1795 62 110 48 1030 53 8 . Hansot 35. .462 52 922 44 1777 60 635 42 903 41 9il4 9..Vagra -- 3.6 37,1 -50 .85^ 54 105.1 43 77,J 47 ' 767 46 768 10. Joinbusar 33 293 53 386 66 1 203 6^ 78J. 43 717 51 776 . . . . tt .iln6d...... ' '3^ • • •3 ' 5^ ■ 991' '58- *•1110— • n9^ 37* •“728- • “ 47 ■ ■ 773- • Source; District Stntistio'^l Officer, District Panchayat, Bhartcb - 1 2 0 " ____ Statement No.8 Population of Sched-aled Tribes and Scheduled Castes District-Bharuch' (Teai--197T)

Scheduled Tribes Sr; TaJLuka Total Scheduled Castes. Fo. Popi^lation Percentage Persons Persons Percentrage to total . . to - total ...... popiolation t ...... 2 ...... ;•

1 , Jhagadia 120000 .73.636 61 .4 3924 3*3 2 . Nandad. 1 48294 i^379 65.3 5587 3 .8 3, Dediapada 67681 63748 94.2 331 0 .5 4* Sagbara 52 576 47724 90.8 407 0 .8 5. V a lia 80927 61 903 7 6 .5 637 0 .8 6, iUikleL-ivar Pocket 40874 19972 48.9 1911 4 .7

Sub-Tot^ 510354 365362 7 1 .6 _ 12292 _ _ 2 .5

S2l--rS S 7. Bho.ruch 223557 45596 2 0 .5 13^25 6.1 8* ^ld.esvar (exclud.IlP) 56423 15958 26.5 2002 3 .5 9#- Hansot 45231 12814 2 8 .5 5505 7 .9 10# Vagra . 65037 16919 2 6 .0 4458 11. Jambusar 140355 15047 9.5 12078 8 .6 4 7 S 7 "- • '7 .0 - ' 1 2 . Ajnod 68664 - ■ ■17405...... ■ '2 5 . 5 ...... •

Sub-Total 299247 12J.519______2 0 . 2 ______40.632 6.8 . ■4 3 ;q - ...... ■ - ‘ A ■ n ...... District'Total‘ “''■'Tiogsot ■ • ■ ■ ■• ■ -4CS90T...... • -53452--- 4 .0 121- -^ 1 " ^tiatiGment: No, ^ Pop'olr-.tion, ScliGdulcd Tribes & Scheduled C-stcs. District~Bh^^tlcli T 981

Sr; Taluko. Total Scheduled^ Tribes__ _ Eo. Population fo. to totol . Persons fo .to total . populr.tion £OT0ulation TribaL Area 1 , Jhag^^xlia 1 28114 8 2 3 2 9 64.3 1925 3 .1 6A60 3.6 2. Hadod 1 792.6*5 11 7191- 65.4 Dodiaj^ada 88<1-51 82545 93.3 619 0.7 4, Sagbara 58585 52301 89-3 48 9 0.8 5. Valia 94319 71 909 76.3 808 0.9 6. . A.n kl.e s hwa r Pocket 470.'I-2 22501 47.8 1865 4.0 Sub—Total-' 428856 7 2 . 0 1 41 69 2.4 1 6053 6,1 7 , Bhanxil' 265093 55944 21.1 Ankleshwar(Excluding T.P,) 81 602 23607 28.9 2942 5 .6 9, Hr'iisot 50245 1 5525 30,5 5835 7 .6 10„ Vagra 654G7 1 6463 2 5 . 1 4245 6.5 3 .4 1 1 , Jn-'^busar 158516 1 4491 9.2 13294 12, Anod 79934 22707 28«4 51 55 6.fe D.g _ Sub-Totrj- 700677 J 4 0 ^ 5 2 _ 2 1.2 45524 59693 4 .6 District ' T b ta l. 1296451 577393 ■ 44.5-

- 1 2 2 - - 1 2 2 - statement No .10

Growth ot' Pop-uln.tinn D istric t' -' Bh'^ruch

Sr.‘ Tn.luka 1 971 19G1 over 1 971 No. m E l ---- ■~^riBaI TS^al---- ‘Trl-BnT*- fo^al---- ^ri5“J . Population Population Pop-ulation Population Popi0.ation Popul- 3 _ 4 5 6 7 ation TrilDgZ 1 . Jhagcidio. 12C000 73636 1 2G134 02329 6.7 11 .0 2. fedod 1 -"r0294 9G379 179265 117191 20.9 19.1 3 9 Dcdiapada 67685 63740 00431 0 2 5 4 5 30.7 2 9 . 5 Sagbara 52576 4 7 7 2 4 50 50 5 5 2 3 0 1 11.4 9.6 Valia CC927 61 903 9431 9 71 9 0 9 16.5 16.3 6 * /jild. Gs liwar P o c ko t 40074 ^ ' ' T9972 ■ ‘ ■ - 4 7 0 4 2 ■ ' ' '22501 ' ■ '15.1 1-2;7‘

Sub-Total 5tC354 ■ “ '365362 ■ ‘ • 5 9 5 7 7 4 • ■4 2 0 0 5 6 ' 1 6 ,c? ' • “ t7;4' gon~Tribal , , ., 7* Bhp^ruch.,- . .2 2 3 5 3 7 45396 265093 5''9.44 10.6 2 3 . 3 0, AiilrlOGhwa^ ('. xcl, T•P .) 56423 1 5950 81 Sc:’ 2 607 44.6 47. a 9». Hnxisot 45?34 1201 4 5 0 2 4 5 1 ^:3E5 11 .1 19.6 10. Vagra --- 65.057 1,6919 65407 U 463 0,7 -2.7 1 2.0 11 .1 11 , Ja’i^ibu. ar 1 4 0 3 5 5 13^^47 1 5031 6 1^491 1 2. iUiod •60664...... "t 7 4 ^ 5 ...... -•■7 9 9 3 4 - • 2 2 - 7 0 7 ' •1 6 ,4 ...... • -3 0 .5'- • . '■ Sub-Total ^ q q 2 4 7 ''• ^ 1 1 1 539...... ■ '7'^0677 ■ ■ ‘ 1 40537 16:9- ■ 2 2 2 mm ^ •m ^ ^ ^ ^ • • * * * € * “** District■ Tbtal...... ■ ' ■ ■ 4fl69<^1 t2>96451 577393 1 6 . 0 1 0 . 6 - -123- Statement No.11 /iToa, popvilr.tion raid density of population Dist ric t-Bharach (Yoar : 1971)

Population Density of Sr; Taluka Aroa __Nc^of villageg No. (sq^kns,) pop-^ation* No,of - i . "(pei* jliib.a'biY Uiilntav Tptal < ted bitod ' * " , «. ^ , ■ -3'■ ' ‘ “ ■^4' ^ : • f - • ■'■ •' '6 ' “ “ ^ 7 “ - *0' ■ ■ 9 ; ■ • •■- ,«- f. ~**r o — , "!•v> * «*-4|"* is “• ». T ri b al. ar aa- - 1 ; 015 20000 1 40 164 4 1 6G ■2;> Hadod . ” ' 1131 ■40^94 ?QS f 209 ' f, ' ' 3 ; Dodiapada 1 022 6d 17e 44 214 4: Ba^ibara. 4-00 151 10(5 1? 1 21 . . . *r . » ...... 5-: Vaiia\ . bt 4 ...... • • 00927. . . . . m ...... 94. . . . . „1 - - ^ - . AnklePockct -24-5 ..4C'D'74 167 57 •50 ^ C. •'T ^ r- , ^ • 'T" 4. V * “!• j ' Sub; :Total ^ ^ ^ 66 I'Tfcn-•Tribal ^area 7, Bharuch- « 666 225557 556 95 ^ 99 2 0 1 /in kl e s h 'im r('Elccj .T ,P ,)1 7 ^ 5^425 552 10 13 1 9. * Hcjisct 599 49251 115 45 46 1 1^: Vagra 805 65^57 74 60 69 1- 11 : J'anbusar 1 ^97 140555 1 20 01 01 1 1 Anod • 465 ' ■ • 60664 ■ ■ 140 52 52 1 CT " *• #*'* t*** # Sub-Total 5600 599247 165 55^^ 565 6

District Tot 1 (9045> ■i 1 09 601 (125)^- 1i5T 7':j 1210 7 7003+- 142+.

* Figures tis suppli od by Surveyor General* . Source: Census of In d ia , 1 971» + Figures based on land use area. -124- Area, popiiLation and Density o.f population* D istric t -Bh hirac h ’1 90f Ccristis • • - St. ToZuka Ai*<5a * Population Dons it y 'No. of villagos ■ ■ No, of towns No. Sq.Ens a 19C1 of pop­ .THEa-’^“tlninSa- To^aX ulation , . b itc d . .b ite d ...... ' * ' ‘3 ‘ ...... 4 - - - t)cr‘ m , ■ \...... ------D ^ 7 8 9

Tribal^a^a- - . - ' ___ • 1 ; JKagadia C1 2 1 ’ 01 54 158 1 65 3 1 60 - 21 Nandod” 11 20 1792-63 1 205 2<'i5 t 3^ Dediapada 1 ^28 0^431 86 1 69 45 21 4 - 4; Sagbara 350 50505 1^4 95 12 107 - 5-; Vaiia ■' 514 94319 183 93 2 95 6, . Ankloshmr Pocket 172 30 - - 2 7 3 . 47042 •• •“* “• • Sub-Total 145 765 '6 2 ~ '" '“ ' "02'?“ -” - 1 ^

7 ; Bharucb^ 641 265093 414 93 2 95 2 - C; Ankloshwar(Excl.T. P .)! 67 01 602 407 19 1 20 1 9 , ' Hansot 399 50245 126 45 45 1 1 0 ; Yagra 804 65407 74 68 1 69 . — 11 V Jnxibusar 10S7 150316 144 81 01 1 1 12« /iHod 45Q - _ 171 52 52 ^b ~ T o t£ i 2G56 '~7~006ff~'~' “1*9 2 “ *“ ' ■“*“3 5 ^ “ " District 'ibtal 7 7 6 1 1296451 167 1123 66 11G9 7 905G

^ P i ;s . suppliod by Survoycr* • Genc,ral + Figs, Base on Land use are^ -125- St.ahGnTent NoV13 • ■ ------, - • -- Rural cjid Urfcr^ji Conposi'tion of Population -by Sex...... (Tear-1971)

...... _ , _ , _ , - # » - .- .- .- .- .- .- .“ .•’ '-'-•--7'-''-'.--- ’ •■''"■■’ '■’TTrbnn"” ' ' ‘ Total Peroon Sox K ; . frarjl-%-*T.-.-To-ra arr.- .- 4iSo,- w ,m o t -? o-5sra-Tot-'L popula-» total ; tion to popula- , . total tion ' > ‘ popula-(f enalos ^ tion ' por 100

. . - . . • ' • noloQj^ ^ m m tmm - -i-i 41 ”” > ' «: ^ ^ ^ ^ ------■ “ 0 * 9 iO 1! 12 _ . 15_ _ 1 2

^ _ 61 ‘506 50494 120000 951 1 ; Jliagadia 1 1-3

s': Ijl ? ? ” 11146 397§i o o i l - - - ' ■■

s s f ” 20900 ,096? «i4

T'Tpi''" v»T'T*i V)p1 IWQO, '■ ■ ' ' — 6 396 6052C 1 249?4 51300 4?,23? 90613 115776 V 776< 225J37 '^.1 n. toiioahtot : ■ ■ ■ ' 262^0 2G723 r ^ O *>6423 44;5 9o© -75<,5 3n58 3770 765 6 22770 '2^6-, 45231. 6.9 9C6 Q HpjnSot 1V. V oDo^ y(y ’p ' rC 'z-xirnP -• ‘^4’j

- li .11-j |:#..,!i;i;.;J.;.. soMotta -._ 22i2SiJt9CT 152^0?-?£?S-5559J.5T2‘S.-?gS2.||;^|-.-^.-|-.----^:7r,55A^

-126- So-urco : "Connus of In^'ia, 1071c statement N o.14 . , . . Rural ca-d Urban Conposition of Population by Sex, District-Bharuch « - „ - - - ^ - — Sr; Taluka ______Tota l ______-t^o^ ratio Malos i' Total Males Ponalos Total Mc-los S'onalea Total of for urbt'n total popr'.a- popul- tio' to ation total fonalos po’jUla-.por ...... tlon . .100Q. ^ ...... ' _ Dales' ’ 5I 1 1 4 1 11 5 1 1 6_’ 7 l^l^lc[.'l_1^9^1^1^1jc’^^__i_r ^]_^2'i2l.l 'l'i3 l’_ - ■ ■ • - - ■ - 1 ; Jhagadia 65045 S22C9 12S15'4 s - _ - * - 65G45 622G9 ' 12G15-4 946 2; Ha3oa " 7C005 71954 150037 1|j224 l4C02 29226 95507 C5956 t792-65 1 6.5 921 5; Dodlapada 444^4 44©07 0045r - - - 444^4 44^X)7 08431 - 991 4; Sagbara 2C9-63 29*22' 5G5C5 - - - 23965 29*22 5C5D5 - 1023 5 ; Valia ■“ 47594 46625 9431 9 r - - 47694 46625 943V.,9 - 970 6, AaELeshvrar . . V . T .. . ; ...... ' ...... ' ...... • - - . . . ! ...... : . , • PoelsBt 2431 9 22723 47042 - _?43i9_ 22725 47042 _ 934 Sub^Tntai- --229320*|7722ol *5^6540_l' 5224,' 1 *2']i552_29l'_?% *..595774*_49_ *1'_956_ *1 S2£5J.i£fil_-^i££S - ■ ■ ■ ■ • • 7 ; Bharuoh-" 7 5 "7 7 ■^92’^2 1 445'^9 62C55 '"7749 1 2'-^5G4 150112 1 26981 265095 45..9 919 0 , AnkloSh-frae •(Excl.T.P.) 191 71 10751 57902 25105 2'^517 43?'^'^ 42354 39 2 40 01 602 55 6 926 9 . ' Haiisot 21655 ?1 <^15 426?r 3C46 3729 7575 25501 24744 50245 1 5-1 970 ir; Vngra 33C05 51 601 65407 - - - 35006 3U>31 65407 - 957 11. Janbusar 671 32. 6201 5 1 29947 1 45C5 13706 20369 01715 7S601 1 5031 6 1 7.9 937 1 2 . jMod 24932 .5 2 0 9 1 ___ 67079^ 621_3_.^gC42_ 1 205|__4l201_^3G733^.._29934^_1^5- 0__^_9^_^_ Sub-Total 252029 ”236365 *400394 11 066o”l 01 623 21 22D3*362&9 35790C. 700677 3^.5-’ *5*12

District Tbtal 5 4 i3 5 7 ’ 5l’3505 1*054942 l’25G04*115625 241*509*667241 62921*0*1 296451 *10.6 * 943 -127- -irv: b'tatemgm wo.ib ji*oroor ^age of Literacy .by Sox Di s t r ic t -Bh n.ruc h Sr; Taluka I'Jo • of .literates . .. No«of .literates . No, 1971 1971 1901 19G1 Male FcnrZo Total ^ to“ ^ to'" fo to Male Fenale Total % to" % to‘ fo to total total total total total popti-" popu-" popu-'"' popu-~ popu-' popu- latlon.lation.lation...... 1 at ioiil at i on. lar-T. 1 2 3 4 5 Male FennjLe Male Fenale tion

• 8* ‘ \o * ’ li • V 1 1 13 Trroal -Are a- • __ ' ' — » • • 1.4

1 JKagaclia 25655 1 C 491 34126 3 0 : 4 1 7 : 9 ■2^:4 3 2 0 4 5 I 675t- 4049'6 4 0 : 7 26;9 30 ;i '21 Fadod' 31234 13760 45002 41 :t- 1 0 : 1 3^;3 5^^57 25006 751 43 53;6 29;2 41 ;9 3 1 yediapada 7-072 1 8 ^ 0095 2^:6 5 : 5 13;1 1 4 4 2 2 5 0 7 7 19499 3 2 : 5 11:5 2 2 : 0 '4 *. S agB ara 1-563 7565 2 2 : 9 5 : 9 1 4 : 4 1109<^ 5 0 9 2 1 6902 41 ;i 17.2 29;o Yalia ' 1 4440 360 2^000 3 5 . 1 1 S . r s 2 5 . 7 '^1 634 11651 33 205 4 5 . 4 2 5 . 3 5 . 3 ' • 6. /jiklcshwar . •

. Pocket .0967 ^^4263^ 13230 ,^ _,1 .. 1532^ -52.6 _33.1 43,2 ' tm» ^ mm ^ m ^ 4M *»• 2 . w 9 ^ mm 2 U 3^ 3 2 . 3 2 7 9 5 2 0 3 2 7 ^ 0 ^ i WWW • # # • • • •

Sub^Total 91350 *30260" _1 29626 _4C.2_^^ 1"2C.-3^711 09^214032 ^ J 4. 1 ' -3^1 s.. _ W V 1p ^ • # • • W V w w # • • 2i-. .. 7, Bharuch 69222 40099 109321 59,0 37*2 4 0 . 9 92164 5 0 9 7 2 151136 66.7 46.4 57.0 ■* 0, /jiklechwar - “(Excl.T.P.) 1 5920 1 0246 26174 59.6 36e9 46.4 26506 17016 4 3 5 2 2 62.6 43.4 53.3 9 .' Hansot 1 2615 7643 20260 55.4 34.0 44.0 15004 1 0 2 5 9 26143 62.3 41.5 5 2 . 0 10; Vagra 17or.4 '719 24773 5 0 . 9 2 4 . 5 30.1 20011 11573 32304 61.6 36.5 49.5 11* Janbusar 3C5'’ i r'792 56363 53.0 26.3 40.2 47093 24951 7 2 0 4 4 50; 6 3 2 . 6 46.0 12, Atiod ' ^^-09 1 .612 ■29 921 • 54.4 3 2 . 0 43.6 2 4 2 5 6 1 4742 20990 50.9 30.1 40.0

Sub-Total 172?6J^. 94111 226020 55*9 3 2 . 4 44.5 227514 137513 36^027 .,62.7 .4 0.7 -52.1

District ibt'^r ^:b4-0n ;32379 396446- 46;4- -2 4 . 5 ■35;7' 370357 2 0 0 7 0 2 '579059 5 5 ;5 ” 33,2 44*7* •

-128- Literacy anong Sched-ulod Tribes, D i s t r ic t - B h in iC h (YearMQTl) ' . Qa?g©ia4ag©~ oi‘, 3- :I^g«»sitos Sr; Taluka Total population Literate persons o total tritJal No.... - opulGtion. . MaIes~’""TenaTos”^ o f ’al_ es^cnafce “To^aL *

4 ' *5* * * W j SSJ ^o 10 11 Tribal Area 1, Jhagadia 37422 36214 73636 0249 1762 10011 22.0 4 .9 1 3 ,6 2; Nandod 50011 4G36C 98379 14001 3025 17026 28;o 6.3 1 7.3 3; Dcdiapada 32094 31654 63748 5025 1138 6963 18.1 3 ,6 1 0 .9 20,2 12.2 4; Sagbara 23550 24174 47724' 4767 1079 5046 4 .5 2 4,6 5. Valia 31243 •30660 61903 7609 ■ 1 9 2 7 ’ ■ 9616 6 .3 15*5 ' ■ ’ #T **r »*r “ .•? . V. ■? ♦*?*. T.' ^b - T o ta l 40531 8931 4946? 23.2 5.2 14.3 • Nq n~T r ib ^ ^ e a 6; Bharuch 21&75 45396 5632 792 6-624 23;9 4 ; 5 1 4 ;6 23521 1 2 ;2 ; i\n.kleshwar I I f 683 35930 3740 647 4307 2 o ;5 3 ;7 7 &247 12;1 8 : HanSD't 6525 6289 1 ^ 1 4 1541 21 e 155t 2o;6 3 ; ^ 9.* Vagra "" 8585 0336 1 691f^ 1690 2115 1906 1 9 ;7 2:6 i i ;3 6696 1 1 021 117 1130 15 ;2 1 :8 8 ;? I Janbusar 63 5T 3047 .. .3^^ - II , Anod^ ■91T2 ‘ ■8293’ 'T 740 5’ •IjTZr • -22G4' -2T.7- *3:7* ' f "T* # 0^ , “ ,4- ,1* 17090 21.2 5-6 _ 12 .6 Sub-Total 15397 2493 •“*

DiStficif-Total ...... 247^04*' 239897' • ' 48.69'^t' '' 55920 ' 'It 424 ^7352- '2 2 .6 4*8 1 3 .8

Source: Census of In d ia , 1971 -12 9- -12 9- , ' Statei.. 3nt No. 17 Litoracv anon^ Scheduled Tribes, 1981 Ocnc 3 ' •■ *!P&rCofil;agfe'‘'oT '.libraeB Sr; 5aluka Total Scheduled ixlhedulad Tribes to total Tril-J. No. Tribes population No, of literates Population Male Fonalo To^ol MaTo” ’To n a lo ” fo^ol MaXo “ lofSi r ■ 2 3 >+ 6 8 ^1 1 Tribal 1« Jhagadia 4202G. 40301 82329 1446C 5370 19C46 34o4 13 .3 24.1 2, Nandod 59906 57205 117191 2564G 9566 35214 42.8 1 6 .7 3 0 .0 3* Dodiapada 41 270 41 275 82545 12197 3764 15961 29.6 9^1 19 .3 4v Sagbara. 25597 26704 52301 9495 40G7 13 582 37*1 15«3 26,0

5. V a lla 16116' 35013 _ 71989 12017 5056' 1787’ 35o4 '14 .1 2 4 .0 **e “*• "• « ”■ » *r * • - , » > - p Sub~TotaX 2049?? 201370 406355 74625 27851 102426 3 6 .4 1 3 .8 25.2

Non^TribaX # 6; Bharuch 29510 2663^4 55944 a979 2282 1126i 3 o ;6 ^ 8; 5^ 20^1 71 Ankloshwar 23743 22:565 46108 ■ 6997 1894 8891 29:46 8;4'6 19 :3 Oe Hansot ’7‘^G 7397 1-5525 21 65 565 273c 2 /;3 e T.S3 1 7 ;8 9 . ’ Vagra 0^52 1 6463 531 292G 21116 6o78 17*0 10; JanDUSar 7(^50 604t ' 'T449T 13^i 1-94 156^ 18 ;18 2:83 i e ;9 11 * Anod 11G50-- “10049^ ■’ ■ ^^2707 ■ ‘ • -3060 ^ ■607" ' 3667 '2 5 -GO • '5 c 5 9 “ • 1 6.t " ‘

■ *. *r * * r „ T r * •r* * " r j, r * f ~ ® k ***

: 18/2 Sub “Total 0;i 91 7 }.71_030_^ 24^89^ 1 06 „ 2 0 . ^ 7 . 41 District' ‘Hb'taT 294090" ^^83^95'- '’577593 ■■991^1 V ■'^3924'* •1355? “33.'67 11 »97 23. t *•

-130- Distri'buti(W of popialation ty workers and non-workers. D i s t r i c t - B h a f ud h (Yetir-1 971 ) Tdtal-Mft-workol-s'-’ * P o ^® ta «C - o f Wox!r^ Sri Toiuka T6tal “population' Tcitdl ...... totaX popu- • • : ...... fa T 5g *'? e d a l5s” 'rS-eal- 'ffjlISs•■^'eiSSle3’'To-Cal ff5l6s*TeifiSl6£3"T3tal

4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.-.-?-.-.-, Tribal Area 1 . cThagadia 6L506 58494 120000 33305 13483 46708 23201 45011 73212 54*1 23.1 3 9 .0 2 . ITandod 76056 72230 148294 40329 11513 51842 35727 60725 96452 53*0 1 5 .9 3 5 .0 3. Dediapada 34260 33421 67683 17795 3652 21447 16465 29771 46236 51 .9 1 0 .9 3 1 .7 4. Sagbara 261 60 26406 52 576 1 4630 4082 10712 11530 22326 33064 55.9 15 .5 3 5 .6 5. Vnila 41146 39701 00927 22345 12710 35063 1G001 27063 45064 54.3 3 2 .0 43.3 6, An3d,CGhva-2 ■» 932^ 15023 3 9 .2 Pockot . 19966 40074 11395 ^^^16042;, 2^347 -54.5 2 3 .3 20200 a n ^ A M ^ M M _ 4652 139799 '*" * 11^732 19^919. 212925 53.0 20,0 37,2 Sub-2otal 260044 250310 510354 “•"••““•■•••“•■■•I50100 109099

6, Bharuch 115776 107761 223537 57245 15526 72771 5C551 92235 150766 - 49.4 14.4 32.6 7* AnlLLos^ar .(ozclud TP) 28723 27700 56423 14636 4573 12205) 14276 234LB 37694 50.9 16.5 34.0 C . Hansat 22770 22461 .45231 11 640 499G 1,6646 11122 174d3 20505 51.2 22.3 36.0 9 ..V o ^ r a 33500 51529 65,037 ,102,40 52,92 235,40 15260 26237 41497 54.5 16.0 36.?. 1 0 JaiQt)usar 72724 67631 .'’40255 ,50131 6331 44460 345ST 61300 9,5007 52.4 9.4 31.7 11 .ijnod--, •_5§401 33102 ',.68664 i92l6 -60GQ 16265 27103 . 43440 54.2 10.4 36.7 Sub-Tot el 300902 290265 159130 42720 201050 150041 247836 3^7071 g1 .5 14.7 33.7 ^599247 • •• • • D istrict. . . . : .—.V . : ■.TT. .. .; .'-r'.. ' Tr Total 569026 540575,^-1109601 290929 92020 391749* 270097 '447755 71 JO52 5 2 .5 17 ,? Sourco: Corisus of India, 1971 -131- N O .iy " j-'-’o ' i t i o n PcpiO-ation - V/odmcg-:'^ •" Jon-¥orkors ______„(loa r-190lj_

Sr. . CU- aJia Tot^ Popu .ation 1 901 Porct5ntagG of No. ■workers to

MolGs Females Total -ales 5'cmalos Total Males Females Total Males Females Total

Tribal ... „ - _ • . • - 1 Jagajiia 6504^ 6220;^ 12013,4 30076 1 441 6 i2492 27Y62 47073 75642 57 .0 23*1 4 1 .0 2Nadod.- _ - 93507 0595') 1 V92,63 5125,1 12150 63409 420?6 m 9 o i1l>054 5Ao9 14o1 35e4 3*Dadiajiada 4442A 4400’■' 00431- 21003 17654 4252.7 1 95,1n 26353 45094 56,0 40 o1 .10.1 (T'rj ^»Sa.g*bara y^r> (-'. » 5C!;S3 1 6525 3935 20,460 1 a4.^S 25^07 30125 13^3 3 4 .9 ^ ft'Valia - • 47694 46 o!c. 9 943'. 9 26990 1 5391 42301 ?C704 31234 51 930 56*6 33 oO 44.9 . ^ - • < V y • 6. i\n.Ia.c3hxmr Pocket ,2 4 3 4 9 2272 ^ - 47042 15902 5200 1 91 02 1)417 S'^2'50 _ 27 e 2 2 2 .2 40 6 , -i' ♦ T « -r * • • ■ ▼ « -rVT #• ■."‘V'T , r- , *r, f. *r . -v , ■!♦* * r • f , T # T - c • T * "?■ 29122 ' 171627 2 403S1 132925 ' . '' 5 6 .4 23o6 , ^ Sub-rTotaX 304-552 595774 60754 . . M » ftlW 222470 355403 40 3 O ^ ' 0 0 0 0 ^ 0 lTon«Tribal 1 7.Bhar'ach..-xv 130112 :2690 : 65^93 72116 1 79"''? 9 0 ’'25 55996 1'9072 'i 73068 52.2 1 4.^ 3 4 .0 ! 0 ^Ankles hwai*?- . . ( ojcclud TP) 42354 392 4 • 01 602 23593 6326 299 > ‘j 10761 ?iyi2 “51 673 55.7 16.1 36.7 1 9.Hanso.t 25501 2 47^ I *• ; .^'.5 1 4224 5045 1 9269 ^1277 1 9699 3-0976 55,7 20.4 30.4 1 10*Vagra 330ra 31,6c ; 65407 4269 22694 1 5301 27412 42793 54.5 1 3 .5 3 4 .7 1 10425 11 . Jajnbiisar 0-^ .15 7^^oi ' 50:;16 42976 6659 4965^- 3:739 69G42 10G601 52.6 0.7 3 1 .4 17796 4C961 1 9 .7 5G .7 . . ijno ^41 2p- 79334 30953 31005 e- r “•. • ? 1-243? 167050 290122 4501 72 53 .7 „ 14i2_ 36260^^ . ^ 72-2 . 700677 194639*•**. “* »• 47056 Dii- " xi 't /To aU ::29'’l0 1296451 366266 116610 402076 300975 512600 013^^5 ^ r.9 •^7.2 » ■" ■■ ■ .f * f ’ ■• <'“• ■)- .•■xo2 ^ .. au^ -cvj-i/Ui-'1 v^c r' r;^ t > t c ^ a3 wo rko rs • (yoar-fgyt)■ S r; I'-J-ukc ' 4*^ I .’f,if * ' * Ocu- l-r.-^-crj No , • forkcrs - xa^^urors ■ xfo-.kors

. . . to,total - - . to . totD^...... • workors workers workers i _____2 ...... 5 4 5 6 7 u0 9

Tribal p^xq^ ^ • • . ¥ 1 . Jhogadia 467SC 13601 2:^.2 20720 60.3 41 901 09.5 2 . Nnndod 51042- 10909 3 6 ,6 2322t 44.0 42210 01 «4 3. Dadiapada 21 447 11670 54.4 7909 3 6 ,9 1 9579 91 •,3 4. Sagbara .10712 12211 65 ,3 5^54 2 7.0 1 726 : 92,3 5. Val-.ia...... 35963 9721 2 7 .7 21999 6 2 .7 3172 • 90.4

6. Ankleshvar P< . 16047.. . - 3701 ’ 23:6 . 9947 61 ;9 ^1 372.. 0 5 ;5 Siib-Total ■’75053” ••'56355' "'‘50: r ' " ' ” • “r!7:5 Hon-Tribal_Area c Bharuch 72771 13423 1 0 .4 26594 3 6 .5 4001 54 .9 7. klGsvar . TP) 19209 3432 1 7 . 9 7f63 3 7 , 4 106' *5 55.3 0. 1 6646 5135 3 0 .0 0772 5 2 .7 139a 0 3 .5 J . i rc 23::)^ri. " ^79 3 3 .9 12031 5 4 .5 20010 0 0 .4 1 C* Jjxi^-u.'^ar ^4460 1 ?'ri 0 3 4 ,0 20265 4 5 .6 -51^775 0 0 .4 H.Ainod 2521 5 iJ -JV ^^9*2 i3o4b 54*9 21 229 04.1 ui

Bo itqo : Consiis of In d ia , 1971 -133- ~!7rcr^-: X

■Proportion of i-^riculturG Workcrr; to '7ota± /urkcrs Districacij (1901)

Sr: Tr-liika Tot?l Cul.tivators Ar; ri #L ab o ur c r s Total Workers No* , Haiii j?crsons fo Persons % Persons yorkcrs r - a 5 4 5 6 7 0 • 9

Tribal^ Area 1 r Jhagadia 52492 14090 2 6 ,9 2G201 53,7 4229Q. 00.6 a.lTadod 634D9 20924 3,3.0 22062 3 4 .0 .4290,6 67 .0 ^.Bc.diapada 42517 20000 6 7 .1 9655 2 2 ,7 30463 90 .4 4.Sagbara 20,460 9945 4C .6 1565 11.0 17510 0 5 .6 5 .V ? a ia 42501 11047 26.1 26125 61^6 3717;^ 0 7 .7 ^ • ^ ' ■ 6. Ankle shwar ■ ' Pocket 19102 ■ 3976-• “20.0-* -- 10711 “ ■ " •'5^:t ' • “• -14607 76 j 9 ...... f • • t" • • nr'* 240501 u .o I yo 3 6 .9 10431-9 .43.4 193117 00.3 Sub^Tatal m m ^ ^mrn ^,3haruch-- 90025 1-^292 14-0 30005 3 3 .3 43297 40.1

• - . 7. A-^''-eshwar _ ■ • ( o> rjiuding TP) 29919 a077 1 3 .0 9325 31 ,2 13202 44.1 0*Har.sat 19269 57C2 3''.1. 0539 44.3, 1 4321 74.4 9521 42 .0 9.w"-^,gra - 22CS4 0374 3 6 .9 17G95 70.9 1 0« Jam'busar 49 >^35 1 5960 32 .2 20555 41 .4 36523 73.6 11 . /unod 0009 26.1 1 7650 57 .0 25739 03.2_ - r - f Sub»Total 55302 22,C 95595 ^ 39.4 150927 62,^ m n — Di£3trict Total 4C2C76■ 1 441 CO 2 9 .9 199914 41.4 344094 71.3

-134- iO. L X 'l C b ti^-JDll ci X' UU IX ( Area inec t os j £t ep.r ; ^970-7^) Sr;Taluka Size of operations! _^-oldings ______No, Upto.2.00 . 5.^^.to 2^.00 Above.20,00. Total holdings hectares^ ^ hootares ^ hoctarGS Etim'5Gt“'*A]foa fTfiST^el’"” ^Itod fTT!iml5Gf‘’”*A^e?!i*“* 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trib^__^Ga I . Jhagadia 0520 Cl 15 4924 15606 2752 22199 50 '1420 16246 47940 (52.5) (16.9) (50.5) (52.6) (16.9) (47.6) (0.5) (2.9) (100.0) (100.0) 2 »Nandod 7568 7574 5227 16010 -2760- 22229, , 45- 1242- 15600 - 47665 - (40.5) (15.5) (55.5) (55.5) (17.7) (46.6) (0.5) (2.6) (100.0) (100.0) 3«Dodiapada 2915 -5558. -5090- -9946- ,1545^ i2627j. , 59, 1650, ,7617 , 21761 , (56.5) (12.8) (40.7) (55.0) (20.5) (45.5) (0.7) (5.9) (100.0) (100.0) 4.Sagbara .1714- -2189 -2416, ,7775- -1076. ,0 5 5 1 , , 24, ,797, -,5250 , i9092 , (52.G) (11.5) (46.2) (40.7) (20.6) (45.6) (0,4) (4.2) (100.0) (100.0) 5,Vcaia -2929. 2962, ,2554- .0260,.-2579.- 25979- ,175- .. 4670, . -8217 , 39879^ - ( 2 .1 ) (11 .71 11 OOj,01. ll 00 .0 1

Sub-Total 25646. .24«90.. .10199'- 58415 .10712: .89965-. . .:^55 9159.' 52910.:1C2555 £44.7) 115.5) (54.41 _(32.0} (.2r.2)_ 149.5) -(2*Z). /.5.4)_ (100.C)

15-270. -51C'0- 27296 102- 2702 1^015 - 50584-- 6*Bharuch4 7502- 4111 (5''.7-) (l4.'j) (27.2) (26.2) (20.9) (54.0) ( 0. 7) (5.-5) (100.0) (100?C) ^ : iiji-'ioT. vao -45v*t- -4756 -5204- .10537. -2120. 17320 ■56 Go5- -9954'- 35956 - (45.-5) (15-.9) (5 3 .0 ) (51.0) (21.^) (52.5) (0 .5 ) (2 .6 ) ( 1-00. 0) ( 1 oo;o) . 26- 721- 6411 22379 - O.Hpiinot 29-66. -2955- -1950- -6270- -1 456- 12455- (4 5 .5 ) (15.1) (5<^.r) (20.-6) (2 3 .2 ) (5 5 .7 ) (0 .4 ) (5 .2 ) (100.0) (lon.o) 9.Vagra -2925- 322 A -2697- -0856- -5609- 55C20- - 1C0- -4010- -9419 - -5271C _ (51.1) (6.1)- (28.6) ( 16 ; 8 ) (5 3 .5 ) ( 2 .0 ) C ^ D ( 1 ^ . 0 ) (1-o 0t 0) I 0. Jnjnbun ar - 9530- 0046- . 5628- 40200- -4002- 56506- -12t-- 3564- 19169 66916 - (4 0 .7 ) (13.2-) (2 9 .4 ) (27.2) (21,3) (54.6) (0 .6 ) (5 .0 ) (if^O.O) (1'"0. o ) II . /ijnod -5105. .3196 , 2 526-.- -.0395- -2594 . 24024 . - 76- .1098- -.0502 - 37513 - ...... 137,4) 10.51 (3'^.41 (22.4) 131_.3)_ 1-64.0) J ^ ’ 2) (5--13.. ll f^O.Ol £1 2^ 0 1 _____ Biib^'^otal 303t3 . .3f^>”33 .201 79 .65520. 16999 1 53919 549 1 4366 60070 264066 . _ ( 5 .4 ). I . J I OO.OI l«:^}-.lU:5)-(29^ei_j_24^oi^l22.2)_.152:2^ _ ( 2 '2 ) 0 m 9 10 0 0 1 02 120900 446401^ 1 /yt Total 53909 5:451 38570 123941 27711 245004 4125 -1S5- -lO.Q} os in Di;a' ■ plrCoitt'&gCs ■ total. STATEM3.mT-^^P.23 inimbor area of iaxij hold by size of holdings. 1C7G-77 Aoricultui'o Goasua (i-5ha •uch District)

Ta Luka Upto 2 hocts, ;3,&abovc. T 0 t a 1 .^0. A3^ca A:^oa %o, .SpVL iW. Ax^ca Tr ibal^ar ca 1# J riwi ga di.a- 7576 7071 -1S66 15G50 2791 22626 34 907 ,K 3 6 7 46254 (49.9) (15.3) (31.7) (33.8) (18, 2) (48,9) (0,2 ) (2.0 ) (100) (100) 2*L'iaadO(2 8152 7734 ^ 5169 16512- 3456 19233 29 •742 15806 44221 (51.,6) (17.5) (32.7) (37,3) (15,5) (43,5) (0,2 ) (1.7) (100) (100). 5.Dodiapacla 2698' 3338 3023 9751 1601 12922 36 1062- , 7358 27073 (36»7) (12,3) (41.1) (36,0) (21,8) (47,7) (0 ,4 ) (4.0) (100) (100) 4.Sagbara 1362- 1694 2094 6836 997 7895 20 490 4473 16915 (30.4) (10.0) (46.8) (40,4) (22.4) (46,7) (0 ,4 ) (2,9) (100) (100) 5*valia ; 3531 3355. - 2846 9339 2703 24421 86 2320 9166 39435 (38,6) (8.5) (31,0) (23,7) (29.5) (61,8) (0,9 ) (5,9) (100) U o o ) Sub-3^ ^ 23419, 23192, 17998 58088' 10548 S7097 205 5521 52170 173898 C-14.9)(13.3) (34,5) (33,4) (20.2) (50,1) (0,4 ) (••^.2) (100) (100)

6.Bharuch 933^1 8341 4513 14322 29S8 24716 65 2216 16870 49665 (55.2) (16. 8) (.^6.8) (29,0) (17.3) (49.8) (0,4) (4.4) (100). (100) 7.A.akloshi'iar ,5385, .5369, ,3092, 0889 , I 870 15155. 26 687, (£1.9) (17.3) (29.8) (31,8) (18,0) (48.7) (0,3) (2,2) (100) S*Haas ot 3^1-18 3287 2328 7507 IcGO 12235 19 655 7345 2368-1 (i6.9)(lS.9) (ra,7) (31,7) (Ox.l) (Gl.G) (0,3 ) (2,8) (100) (100)

- 1 3 6 - '- 1 3 6 -

T«iuka Ui-tQ 2 aocts. 2 to 5 licct^* *5*to 20 hccts* * 20hccts J:^bovoi *T*o’t*a*i* 1 A^oa i|o* A^oa ug* A3^oa Araa A r ^

9. Vagra 3021 3146 2707 S823 3ilS 33295 i<32 4069 9309 49333 (32.5)(6.4) (29.X)(17.9) (36.7) (67.5) (1.7) (8.2) (100) (100)

10.jambusar 9508 8601 5398 17456 4031 35672 100 2824 19037 64553 (50.t)(l3.3) (2S.3)(27.0) (21.2) (55.3) (0,5) (4.4) (100) (100)

11.AniOc! 4061 3876 2S55 9365 2565 22246 43 1108 9524 36595 (42.7) (10.6) (30.0) (25.6) (26.9) (60.8) (0.4) (3. 0) ( 100) (loO).

Sub Total 34747,32620^ 20893, 67432 1640^ 143319 415 11559 7ai5s'254930 (48.0) (12.8) (28.8) (26.4) (22.6) (56.2) (0.6) (4.6) (100) (100)

District 5S166 55812 38891 125520 26951 23a416 620 17080' 124628 428828 (46.7) (13.0) (31.2) (29.3) (21.6) (53.7) (0.5) (4.0) (100) (100)

-13 7- ~w.—i'. ve .riet. area - so-wn.-cer ■ r^Xtxjcrsl worker^...... Diatrict-Bharuch r "'•■«* # Sr; Tal-aka Net^ ^ ^ At’ea s6i*m' '. ' "'' pei ^^>^i'* w6rk.:>t’ H o ...... 1973-74" *1978-79* ^ Cj75-74*"T978"79** **"' ' “ ' ' ' ' ' T ^ " ' 2 ...... ‘ 4 j1 ■ - - ■ ET - /T > / - . ■ . . ' *<*«••

Tribal Area : 1 . Jlmgadia 47539 41 1.1 2 * Nandod 4981 4 49559 50569 50731 1 #2 1 *2 3* Dediapada 25436 25896 25548 26402 U 3 4. Sagbara 1 6676 1 6219 1 6821 16349 u o 0 ,9 5 . V alia 40102 40443 40574 40651 U 3 Sub-Totoa: 179567 180444 181610 183139 1c2 Non-Tribal Area : r i 6* Bharach 51860 47996 51 995 48118 1 .3 U 2 7* Ankleshwar 353J4 32518 33503 32663 1 ,4 - 1.3 8* Hansot 24S90 23809 24895 24064 1 .8 1 .7 9. -V agra 49806 48980 50305 481 2 .4 2^3 1 0 , Jjjmbusar 57QS1 66285 eiGP/j ,66520 1 .9 1 .9 11 .Ajnod 37965 37079 3&2i;o 3'7.1.49 1 .8 1 ■.7 Sub^Total 5 264956 256667 26663k 257672 1 .7 1 .6

Distinct Total i '' ■ 444523• ■ ■ 437111 A-ASc:^A ■ 440c1T 1 . 4 ” “ 1 : 4 “

-138- ...... iPKOPOKTigrJ-Oi^ • Ai:^.iiA.UNDKR.PRIUClPAL-5'00D AlID IirOU-FOOD«CROPS District-Bharuch • A 1 T - , -7___, ^ C^yrea in Hectares) S r;T a 1 u k a Year e * JO-E-I Ba^ri^ M a iz e No. Area ’~?er ""Per­ Ire a "“Per­ Xrca ""Per­ Irea Ter- Area Per- cent cent cent cent cent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 TRIB^^AREA .-'• 1 • Jhagadia 1973-7 4 1538 3 .2 870 1 ,8 1 0607 2 2 ;i 1089 2:3 310 0 .6 2477 5.1 1974-75 2 453 5;o 417 o;8 11245 2 2 ;8 822 i ; 7 306 0 iO 3790 7 “.7 1975-76 2134 4.3 616 1 r2 10453 2 o;i 970 1 .9 698 1 .4 4155 0 .3 1976-77 2012 ' 4.1 807 1 .7 12261 25.2 €07 1 .2 500 1 .0 4070 0 .4 1977-78 2412 4 .9 772 1 .6 12505 2 5 .5 501 1 .0 535 1 .2 5159 10.5 . 1970-79 2436 5 .0 557 1 .1 12667 2 5 .7 411- 0 .9 621 1 .3 7470 15.3 2 , Nandod 1973-74 2787 5.5 530 1 .0 9361 1G.5 3371 6 .7 11 00 2 .2 1002 3 .6 1974-75 3097 6*1 1145 2*2 8225 1 6 .2 2725 5 .4 1 51 4 2 .9 2073 4.1 1975-76 2947 5.8 769 1 .5 7600 1 4 .9 3390 6 .7 1858 3 .7 2290 4.5 1976-77 2830 5i6 622 1 .2 0214 •16.2 2924 5 .0 2247 4.5 2264 4 .4 1 977-78 3204 6;3 601 1 .2 9018 17.U 27 Y1 5 .5 2242 4 .4 2712 5 .4 • 1978-79 3763 7 .4 502 1 .0 9260 18 .3 2270 4 .5 1937 3 .0 2029 5 .6 3* Dcdiapada 1973-74 3607 1 4 .4 61 0 .2 5325 20 ;9 177 o ;7 470 1:0 1066 7:3 1974-75 2753 1 0 ;7 37 o;2 5928 23 ;2- 07 o;3 526 2 ;i 1722 6; 7 1 975-76 2861 i i ;2 55 o ;2 6265 2 4; 6 53 0:2 €AB 2 ;5 1749 6; 9 1976*77 3117 1 2 ;o 121 o ;5 546^ 21 .1 ' / 0;? 626 2 ;4 1905 7 ;3 1977-70 3330 12 ;2 93 o;3 5976 22 ;o 3'o o;i 800 3;o 1736 6 ;4 5892 40 -- . 1978*^79 3570 1 3 .5 ia? 0 .5 2 2 .2 0.2 714 2 .7 •^874 7.t 4. Sagbara ^973-74 25 5B 1 5;2 179 i ; t 5510 31 * 0:2 65- o;< ^ 429 o ;5 . A 1 974-75 2316 1 3 ;7 93 0 .6 5652- 3 3 :4 IS 7 126 1246 7:4 2010 i 2 ;r 125 o;o 65B6 3 0 ; 2 70 0 '■ / 1 40 1 •; 92 ?;i 1975^76 ' A 1 976-77 2323 i3 ;¥ 140 o;o 6600 3-; 9 6 ^ #1 150 0: n 1 •» 54 6 :9 1977478 2334 1 3 :6 163 i :o ^333 37:0 4 74 - ¥ ^ r 1 471' 8^6 inc7 1978-79 2789 1 7 .0 210 1 .3 642 4 39.3 25 0.1 124 0. '.i. 11 .1 c o n t d . 13 9- -139. StatGin..rit Ho.25 cc^ntd

- r; - - o ' ■ ■ 7 • ' v.‘ 9 ■ 1 0 ■ 11 12 ■ 13 ■ 1 4 “ ■ 15'

5. Volir* i 97?j,74 2 056 7^3 / [■', ^ 1 ;2 68'^ 3 1 6;7 32r>i 7;9 117 ^■;3 1136 2,0 2476 (■ ■ • 2 1^3 o;2 11121 27;o 072 2;2 212 o ;5 2038 5 : 1 . 1975-76 5^63 7:5 30f 1 ;o 1 0 7 3 ^ 26.3 02 4 2;o 430 1 .1 2563 6.“3 1076^77 205^ 7.3 456 1 ;2 1 603 2 9 . 5 2 3 5 0 .6 301 0 .7 2 670 6:8 1977-7G 31 72 o;3 456 1 *2 9599 25.0 33 295 0.8 31 48 o ;2. 1970-^-79 3296 8.1 254 0*6 1 21 91 30.0 7 2 0 .2 211 0 .5 41 63 \o.t n 6 . An Id- o s hiTar 4 1 75 1.1 035 5.3 4057 30.3 319 2 ,0 0 0.1 , ■ 680 4.2 Pocket 1974-75 175 1,1 590 3.7 (:103 41.9 100 0.6 5 0«0 1090 6.8 1975-76 3.G 990 6, 4 5 0 3 0 37.5 68 0,4 72 0.5 1280 0,2 1976‘»77 365 2.5 C60 5.9 7230 49.1 2 0*0 0 9.1 1 330 1 .2 1977-70 374 2.5 574 3.9 6 5 2 0 43.0 - 3 •- 1605 10.8 1970«79 305 2.1 50C 3.9 6 5 5 0 4‘t • 5 5 5 — 2035 19.2

7. Sub«Total 1975 74 13701 6*9 2955 U 5 42276 21 .4 0197 4*1 2 0 7 0 1 .1 9390 4.8 Tribal Aroa 1974 75 13250 . 6*7 2305 U 2 4 0 0 7 6 24.6 4 6 6 3 2 .3 2769 1.4 11967 6.0 1975-76 13625 6«8 2941 1.5 47284 23;7 5375 2.7 3046 1 *9 21 237 10 .7 1976--77 13514- 6:9 3006 1 : 5 51370 26.1 3839 2*0 3040 2 ;o 13401 6;b 1977-70 1-^kJ26 7.^5 2659 U 3 49951 2 5 ; 4 3345 1 *1 4 0 0 7 2 ;o 1 5031' 8 ;e 1970^»79 1 6 1 67 0,2 2230 1.1 52904 2 6 . 0 2845 1 *4 3612 1 .8 20906 10*6

Gont^., • # •

-140- -140- Stat'sment .Jo. 25 contd.

C o t ^ 5 n * ^ l ' ’otinQ.ntif “ Tobacco • “ 0^ hc57” f)ofi-* ~ To t, al"i'io?i~ * TO ^al * gi*o s s Sr.TcJ-uka Year Other Total food crops food crops cropped a.rcj ;ro£S No. “ • *” Per­ Arc a Per­ ikrea Per Area Per­ AX‘Ca P03?- Area Per- Area Per­ ccnt cent cent con- cent cent cent cent 16 20 21 22 23 24 26 20 29 30 1 -.-.J 17 10 19 25 27 31 TRIBiJj I k BA 1 • Jhag a- '[913-14 2335 4-;g 19226 40.0 21 4 3 0 44.6 1 646 3;4 123 o;2 5665 11 ;o 20872 60.0 40098 loo;o dia 197'V-75 3051 6 ;2 22152 4 5 : 0 10770 38 ;i 2474 5;o 11 i- o;2 5732 11 ;6 27095 55:0 loo;o /I '■ 49247 1975-76 3164 G;5- 221 30 ‘r‘r» 0^ 10330 '36;9 3570 7;i 156 o;3- 5722 11 *.4 27970 55:0 50160 ioo;o 1976-77 3^36 6;€ x-3493 4 0 : 2 1 5633 32r1 41 45 8-; 5 291 0^6 5101 io;6 2525-0 51:0 40743 100:0 1977-70 4203 0.*^ 2613T' 53 ;3 13250 2 7 : 0 3000 6;1 231 o;5 ^351 13:1 22060 46;7 4099? loo;o . . - 1970-79 y ? o o o 1-0^0 29064 59.3 10,770 22.0 2 0 9 9 ,5.9 201 0.4 ,6072 12.4 19942 40.7 49006 I 00.0 2.Nandod 1975-74 2CG0 5 ;? 21G3-9 4 3 : 2 23309 46 ;2 1709 3;4 39 0.1« 3573 7;i 20730 5^;o 50569 ioo;o 1974-7^ 3591 7:t 22376 4 4 : 0 2243-0 4 4 : 1 2221 4 : 4 40 3010 7:5 20501 56;t) 50077 ioo:o 1975-76 30 6G 7:6 227^0 4 4 ; 7 21-96G 4 3 : 3 2 2 9 0 4 : 5 103 0:2 3722 7;3 20003 55:7 50013 ioo;o 1976^77 373=1 7;^ 22063 20699 ■ 4 0 ;o 34€-7 6:9 145 0:3 3534 6;9 2-7045 50-700 100:0 4/! 5 :• 1 54:9 1 977-‘•70 3034 7:6- 24402- ‘ (-C0 J »0 1 9249 3 0 : 0 326^ 6:5 111 0:2 3592^ 7:1 2^210 51 iO 50620 ioo;o . 1970^79 3307 6,6„23956x Al*2 201 9 0 3 9 . 7 2 976 5.9 05 0.2 3516 0.7 26775 52.8 50731 100.0 3 .Dcdf-'a- 1973-74 4747 10; 6 16533 6-3:9 7242 2 0 : 4 553 2;l 1 1 439 5:6 9215 36;1 25540 100:0 pada 1 97‘"‘-75 ^'^OO 21 ;9 1 6(^41 ^ 5 : 1 5 0 ^ 4 2 2 : 7 1265 4 : 9 ! - 1057 7:3 0927 34;9 255-60 100:0 i 97^-^76 51 .'7 2o;f 16 790 6 5 : 7 5'^13 2 1 :9 1035 7 : 2 1 1 320 5.2 0769 34:3 2 5567 ioo;o 197-;77 53'^7 20;7 1 6663 6 4.2 51 02 19.7 2 027 7:0 - 2150 0.3 9201 35;o 25944 100.0 1977-70 5 4 : 3 2o;o 1 741 7 6 /;o 5374 19.7 1 996 7.3 2 2465 9.0 9037 36.0 27254 ioo;o 1 •r • 1 97;^-79 51 4 .:^ 19.5 17375 65.0 5361 20.3 764 6.7 1 901 7.2 9027 34.2 26402 100.0 1973-74 1 3oO 7;9 1 0919 64.9 5531 32.9 1 40 0.0 — 231 1 .4 5 902 35.1 1 6021 100.0 bar a 1 97-^:-7-3 1 593 9.4 11 00^ 6 5 : 6 5501 3 2 . 5 137 0.0 1 0 5 1 .1 5 0 2 3 34.4 1 6906 100.0 197:;'”76 1626 9.7 11557 69.1 4751 20.4 106 1 .1 - 229 1 .4 5166 30.9 1 6723 1 0 0 . 0 1976-77 1552 N.1 11 941 70.3 4696 2 7 . 7 202 1 .2 5 - 134 0.0 5037 29.7 1 6970 1 0 0 . 0 1977-70 1 709 1 0.0 120B8 70.6 4676 27.3 226 1 .3 1 — 131 0.0 5034 29.4 1 71 22 1 0 0 . 0 1970-79 1206 7.9 12665 77.5 3367 20.6 202 1 .2 — 115 0.7 3604 22.5 1 6349 1 0 0 . 0 contd*..♦ »141 - ...... - w . '* ■ ^ ' ' ' • * • - Scflt. ement ■NOi25 Gontd ■ -141-^ • • ■ 1 2 3 16 17 10 21 22 24 ?5. 26 27 20 29 30 31 ' *** • * ■* « . 0 ^ m --• 5 .V a l i a 1Q73-74 1 420 3:5 1 61 1 0 39:7 10621 45; 9 1 61 3 \:o 1 - 4221- 10*4 2 4456 60;3 -40574 ioo;o 1 974-75- 1 732 4; 3 10554 46:3 1 3299 33:2 2752 6:9 -- 5426 13.6 21 477 53 . 7 40 031 ioo;o 1075-76 in '8 4:5 19049 40; 7 11107 27.5 3921 9,6 17 - 5765 14.2 20090 51 .3 40739 100.0 1976-77 2 459 6;2 20591 52.3 1 0690 27:2 3441 o;7 41 0.1 4611 11 .7 10791 47.7 39302: 100.C 1977-70 2756 7;2 1 9471 50.0 10309 27.1 3000 0.1 3 - 5377 1 4.0 10057 49.2 30320 100.0 1970--79 2295 5.7 22403 55.3 9904 24.4 2 499 6.1 4 — 5761 14.2 10160 44.7 40651 100.0 6 . Anklo- 1973-74 257 1 .6 7131 44.6 0670 54.2 166 1.0 30 - 0074 55.4 16005 100.0 shw ar 1974-75 11 5 0.7 0700 54.0 6650 41 .6 500 3.6 7 — - 7237 45.2 1G017 ioo;o Pockot 1975-76 153 1 *0 0990 57.9 5510 35.5 1000 6.4 30 0.2 - — 65 40 42.1 15530 100.0 1976-77 170 1 .2 9965 67.9 3970 27.0 665 4.5 05 0.6 - 4720 32.1 1 4605 100.0 1977-70 1 55 1 *0 9231 62.0 5155 34.6 462 3.1 46 0.3 - 5663 30.0 1 4094 100.0 -• — . 1970-79 1 47 1 .0 1 0427 70.7 4045 27.4 277 1.9 5 4327 29.3 14754 10c. 0 7 .Sub- 1973-74 12969 6*6 91 566 46.3 8 4 8 9 1 43.0 5007 2.9 222 o;l 15129 ■7.7 106049 53.7 1 9761 5 100.C Tot al 1974-75 15676 1.9 99506 50.1 72462 36.5 9429 4.7 159 Oil 17010 0,6 99060 49;9 190646 lOOiO TrilJal 1 975-^76 17006 3;9 1 0211 4- 51 .2 67559 33.9 12002 6;4 •^15 o;2 1 6750 0.3 97434 4o;o 199540 loo;o Ai'C a 1976-77 15530 o;4 10551^ 53;7 60790 3o;9 13947 T.2 569 o;3 15610 7;9 9092-4 46;3 196440 lOO.'O 1977-70 10127- 9;2 100746 55.“1 50101 29;5 12030 6^1 414 o;2 1791-6 9i1 00469 44; 9 1 97215 ioo;o 1970-79 1 71 46 0.7 11 5970 50.6 53645 27.1 10617 5.4 296 0.1 17365 0.0 01923 41 .4 197093 100.0

c o n t d ., , .

■ 142- statem ent N o. 25 c o n t d >

SrITaluka Year No, PlXUG Ba.'jari H a izo ' Tux Ai^cd’ ?6r- At'e&~*P6r~ 7i^e§.~'p(*)r~ At-efe*"’ “per- Al’e^“ *“?er- cont ccnt cent cent cent cent 5 7 u 9 10 11 12

1 »-Bharuch1973-74 674 1 .3 1639 3.2 6372 12.3 219 0.4 09 0.1 1116 2 .2 1974-75 296 o ;7 1677 4.2 0^106 21 .5 20 0.1 10 0.1 1267 3 .2 1975-76 1790 3.4 2345 4.5 9557 10.3 170 0.3 294 0. 6 3407 6 .7 1976-77 G37 1*4 2960 6.6 11099 26.6 4 0.0 95 0 .2 4160 9 .3 1977-70 1076 2;3 1690 3.6 12679 26;7 5 0.0 97 0 .2 7121 1 5.0 1970-79 707 1.6 ^329 2.0 12023 25.0 9 0.0 05 0 .2 1 5337 3 1 .9 2.i\nklo- 1975-74 100 0 .6 797 4.5 2641 15.1 127 0.7 mm — 406 2 .3 swar 1974-75 119 0.7 601 3.0 4956 20 #0 41 0.2 1 6 0.1 707 4 .0 (oxcl.TP) 1975-76 575 3.'? 922 5.3 41 64 23.0 16 0.1 90 0 .5 1026 5 .9 1976-77 6C7 3.6 043 5.0 4090 20.9 3 54 0 .3 970 5 .7 1977-70 414 2; 5 71 6 4.3 4626 20;1 0 7 - 1197 7 .2 197G-T-79 454 2 .5 735 4.1 4076 27.2 _ 0 .1 *r 2446 1 3 .7 3.Harisot 1973-74 2C4 U1 4 ;6 4432 1 7;o 563 2 ; 3 «• 1 50 o ;6 1 974-75 236 1 ;2 1057 4;3 7€40 31.0 333 1 ;4 9 ' « 455 1 .9 1975-76 1 513 5V9 2-751 10.9 5645 22:3 451 1 ;o 35 0.1 932 3 ;7 1976-77 ^2'jO &;3 2655 11;4 6062 29;4 21-0 o;9 10 - 1140 4 ;9 19'r7-7C 7 '5 3 ;4 107^ 7 ;9 60^A 20 ;2 163 0.“7 0 - 1769 1 :5 - 1970-:-79 7( 3 •’-.3 1906 7.9 6692 27.0 200 0.9 5 -J- 4902 2 0 .4 4.Vp.frra 1973-74 1 5v o;3 6500 13;1 6oeo 12:0 2524 5.“0 7 106 0:4 1 97 :--T5 — 6 2612 i e :2 16T63 39:9 312 1 ;2 ' 2 ' 134 o ;5 1975-76 600 1 ;z 1293"? 26:4 15:2 2009 4 : 5 102 o;2 71 5 1 ;4 1976-77 290 o ; ^ 13'9r6 30.9 7306 16;2 244 o;6 •9 - 507 1 ;r 1977-70 2 47 o;6 9375 2i:i 0070 17;0 466 1 ;o €■ - 1123 2 t 1 1970-79 219 0.5 9350 19.0 0723 12.7 431 0.9 16 4475 9.1

contd. .. . “ 1'^ • ** ^tatGfTiGnt Ito.25 Ountd -143- • - 1 • “2 ■ “ ‘ 3 ...... ”4- ■ ■5' 6 0 9 10 11 -1 4 15 noit-trib;* aRB A - 0, • if 5. Jam- 1973-74- 1 92'1 2:0 4951 7 ;3 2093 4 ;3 5313 7 ;9 2 •91 “7 1 ;4 J)usar 1974-75 133 0:4 1 061 3:0 7400 20:9 225 Oi'6 ' •- 6-46 t ; o V922 i^-:o 493 1 3 71 0.2 1634^ 4:4 1 975-7^ ^40 2:0 5:2 5495 0 1976-77 1 650 2:5 5522 o ;5 4596 6 :9 2410 3 ;6 0 - 13-76 2:1 1977-70 1374 2 :1- 3703 5:7 4795 ^ :7 1 913 3 ;o 15 •- 1 464 2 ;2 •r* 1970-79 1702 2 ,6 3211 4 .0 .4044 6.1 2329 3 .5 3 1 91 0 2.9 6 ,i\jnod 1973-74 1 ;r 34:0 2:5 3475 9 : t 400 1 :5 e- - 46-2 1 ;2 1^74-75 133 0:4 1 3:0 74^0 2 ^ :9 225 o;'6 6 ' — 6-46 1 ;o 197^-7B 740 2 ;o 1 922 5:2 54:95 1 4;o 493 1 ;3 71 o;2 1 634 4 ; 4 1976-77 455 1 :4 1 71 (' 5:2 6693 20:4 62 o;2 17 Oil 11 44 3 ;5 >1977^78 376 1 ;2 3 .4 6250 19 :2 GO o;2 3 - ^454 7^6 .4 1 69 11 6026 1970-79 , ‘1433 1 -3 1269 3-4 7941 21 0.4 10 .4 Sub- 1973-74 3574 1 ;4 1 6052 6 ;4 25041 1 0 ,3 9226 3 ;7 00 - 3237 1 .3 Total 1974-75 1 532 0.0 9400 4 ,9 40656 25.2 3217 1 .7 56 — 4335 2 .2 I'Ton- 1 975-76 7029 2:0 2 5969 1 .5 34066 1 4 .0 7592 3 .0 "06 0.2 9437 3 .0 Tribal 1 976-77 5097 2.2 27620 1 2 ,0 42254 1 0 .4 2949 1 .3 193 0.1 9313 4i1 1 977-70 4204 1 .9 10457 0 ,0 43244 io ;o 2627 0 .3 1 36 0.1 15120 6 .5 1 970-79 4352 1 .0 17000 7.3 44299 1 0 ,2 3154 1 .3 121 0.1 35909 1 4.0 District 1973-74 17275 3 .9 19007 4.2 6011 7 1 5.2 1 7423 3 .9 2150 0.5 12627 2 .0 Totol 1 974-75- 1 4-702 3 . 0 11793 3 .0 97532 2 4 .9 7000 2 .0 2025 0.7 16302 4 .2 1975-76 20t354 4 .6 2091 0 6 .4 02100 10.3 12967 2*9 4452 1.0 22 674 5.1 1976-77 1061 1 4*4 30626 7 .2 93632 2 2 ,0 6700 1 .6 4033 0.9 22714 5 .3 1 977-70 1 911 0 4 .5 21116 4 .9 9^195 21 .9 5972 1 .4 4143 1.0 30959 7 .2 1 970-79 20519 4 .6 20030 4 .5 97203 22.1 5999 1 .4 3733 0.9 56095 t2*9 '

■144^ -144- St3tcment No.2^ contd

S-^-;Tnluka Year Other Total Cotton G-roundnut Tobacco Other non- Total non- Total gross No, Pood crops rood cropv^ . , food crops food crops croppcd area

Ax e'Per­ Ite,5,"‘P6r*- Ateft"’1?5r- Al*e&~*?5r- Al'c^: ■?ef- 7ii*e&“'*”?or- cent cont cent cont cent cont cont ccnt 16 - 1 7 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 „26 27 20 29 30 31 HON-TRIBiii AREA 1 .Eha- 1973-74 4003 7 .7 14092 27.^. 33501 64*4 60 0.1 94- 0*2 4240 37903 72.9 51 99p 100^0 ruch 1^74-75 1200 3:0 12964 3 2 ,0 1 9973 50.5 59 0.1 35 0.1 6529 16.5 26596 67.2 59560 1oo;o 1975-76 5620 lOcO 232^9 4 4 ,6 23743 45 .5 100 0 .4 65 0 «{ 4901 9*4 20009 55,4 521 60 100^0 1975--77 4319 9 .6 24290 54.2 Is 964 33.4 117 0 .3 122 0e3 5275 IloO 20470 45oO 44760 100«0 1977-70 2956 6.2 25624 5 3 .9 1 6917 36.6 62 0.1 44 0.1 ^U360 10.2 21003 46 *0 47507 loo;o V 1 970-79 2 !59 5.1 32029 66,6 10445 21 .6 01 0o2 05 0c2 5470 1 1 e 4 16009 33.4 40110 100.0 ^ e /'jlld .O - 1973-74 1 026 5:0 5079 29 .0 0609 49 ,'7 467 2 ;7 3263 io ;6 1 241 9 7 K 0 1 7490 ioo;o shwar 1974-75 965 5 ; 5 74^5 42;3 5002 20.3- Ofc1 - • 4 .9 . & 4329 24; 5 10200 57:7 1 7605 loo,;o (cxcl.TP)1975-76 1056 6«° G 7049 44 ;9 4130 2 3 :6 2016 1 1 :5 6 20 ;o 9650 55 :r 17499 ioo;o 1 976-^- r 1194 7;o 0569 50 ;5 3403 20:1 1372 OM \5 0.1 3606 21 ;2 0396 4 9 : 5 1*6965 ioo;o 1977-70 12-27 7 :5 0109 49; 6 4155 25;2 515 3;i 6 3^40 ^2 ;r 5 0 ;4 16513 ioo;o I 970-.79 1 464 8 .2 5).9G4 5 5 .7 3505 2 0 .Q 324 5 4011 22.5 7 9 2 5 43.3 1 7909 100.0 3 ,Hansot 324^ 6900 579 2J3- 1 2710 io;9 17'^B7 ioo;o 1973-74 1 ;3 27 :7 1 4697 59:0 4 72:3 24095 1 974-75 296 1 :-2 1 0094 40 ;g 10415 42:2 11 ‘10 4 ;6 i 2 ;2 1 4564 59 ;r 24650 ioo;o 19 75-76 64c 2 ►6 11975 4713 6995 2 7 :7 33i6 13 :1 3 11:9 I 332“4 52 V7 252!?9 ioo;o ^2 i3;o A / • ^ 1 976-77 603 3:0 13206 5 5 :-? 4030 20 :7 2206 9:0 321 9 10^47 ‘-r'rti J 23373 ioo.:o 1 977-70 692 2:9 11944 5^:6 7672- 32:5 920 3V9 3 305S 1 2 :9 I I 627 '49:3 235-71 100:0 , 1970-79 700 2.9 1 51.24 62*0 511 6 21 .3 656 2.7 2 3166 13.2 . 0£)40 Y l * Z 240(14 100.0 4.Vai2;ra 1973-74 4137 0 : 2 1 062-1 30:0 20035 57:3 3 - 10 44 3;7 30602 61 :o 50303 ioo;o n • 1974-75 032 3:3 1 4-061 55 :r 0055 31:6 u 3379 13;^> 11 442 4 4 : 9 25503 ioo:o 1975-7^ 3^31 7:0 26752 5 4 ; 5 19524 3 ^ : g 42 o;i 5 2746 5 :6 22317 4 5 : 5 49069 1 oo;o 1 976-77 3600 8 ;o 25000 57;5 1 ^0 3 4 -3 ^ : 6 37 o.t 1 4 3041 6;o 19126 4 2 ; 5 45006 ioo;o 0 1 977-70 2039 6:3 22126 49:3 19546 43:5 u - 7 31 95 1 4;o 22756 5o;7 44002 ioo;o 1970-79 359t' 7.3 2 6005 54,5 10160 3 7 .0 10 - 2 41 73 0.5 22353 4 5 . 5 491 50. 100.0

co n td .. -145- -1«5- StatGment Uo.25 c^nfd,

■16 VI 10-u 19 20 21 22 - • 23 - '24' ' 25 ■ 26 27 29 ' 30 31

IION-TRIBAL ."JiEA . 5. Jara'b- 1975-74 1506 2 :2 17503 25:-9 43T61 S3;C 1 - 16 7008 io;3 50106 -74:r 67609 10010 usar 1974-75 1355 2-.7 17769 35;5 24522 4c;o J '2- ?972 15:9 32505 64:7 50274 ioo;o 1975--75 2967 4;-T 1936f 2 e ;5 '^•2292 &212 5 “ '46 0:1 6253 9:2 40596 71:5 6*7957 lOO.’O 1 976-77 iC05 2:7 17375 26 ;1 4?740 64'.4 1 510 o:c 5C04 8;? 49055 73:9 -6C430 100:0 1 977-7e 1490 2:2 14934 2 2 3 4-6190 7 0 .C •1. ^ 31 4 0,5 3 1 & 0.'5 50207 77;i 65221 100:0 197C-79 1162 1 .7 14370 21 .6 46920 70.5 24 5206 IS. 52150 70.4 66520 100.0 6 . Amod -l973:-74: 3010 7;9 3&-21 2 3 ;i 2^504 6 9 : 3 4 -2915 7:6 29420 7619 30249 100:0 1974■-’75 1104 3.3 106?3 3^ ;o 18531 52:-2 21 o;i 1 • 6296 1 7:7 2.-'£.^^9 70.-0 ?'5512 lOO'O 1975:.76 4514 1?;i 1 40 77 4^'.’^ 10"33 49;? •72 o;2 7 3794 io;2 22306 60:o 3 7 1 0 3 ioo;o 197p:_77 3^07 i t ;2 13774 47 :o 1 551 4 47:2 23 0:1 47 0;^, 3472 1 o;6 19056 50:0 32G'^0 ioo;o 1977-78 3150 9:7 1342-1 41 :3 1 5370 4 7 :3 8 - 3 - 36-73 11 ;4 19062 50:7 32 403 100;0 197G.-79 2902 7^9 1 9631 52.8 l34-''£!'36=2 6 2 4062 10.9 17510 47.2 371 49 100.0. '— Sub- 1973-74 1 401 4 5 : 6 72024 2 0 ;7 1115 0.4 115 21988 8.9 1 70605 71 :3 250629 ioo;o Total 1974-75 5C32 3.0 73036 37.C 209c 1 ,0 47 - 31 51 3 16;3 120156 62.2 1 93192 100:0 Non- 1975- 13594 7.5 1 04093 41 .0 5633 2.3 .32 0,1 24200 9.7 1 45002 50.2 249175 100.0 Tribal 1976-77 15400 6;0 102914 44.9 : 3036 1 e? 720 0.3 24417 1 0.6 126450 55.1 229372 100.0 Area 1977-70 12362 5 .4 '-■)6230 41 .0 ' 1513 0.7 377 0.2 22191 9,6 133939 50;2 230177 100.0 1970-79 12’^PO 5..1 117943 40.6 . 1085 0-4 1 20 26096 10.8 124975 5 1.4 242910 10(1.0 Eistrict 1973-74 26903 6.0 163590 30.5 6922 1„5 337' 0 1 37117 8.3 204654 63-5 440244 100;0 Totaa. 1974'Y5 5ro- 5.5 172622 44.-1 1152,7 2,9 207 - ^^8523 12«4 219216 55n9 391030 100.0 1975'76 344-0 7.7 206207 46;0 1G4"5 4^‘I 447 (!.1 40958 9.1 242516 54;0 4‘-’r0.723 100.0 1976-77 320-6 7 :5 20GA30 '*i0.9 , ^77C3 -^*2. 1209 0 3' ^0027 9*4 217302 !5i .'i ',25012 lOG.O 1977-7- 304^ 9 7.1 204904 40 .0 13551 791 0.2 -01 07 9*3 222400 52.0 427392 10^., 0 • ■ - • 1970-79 29454 6:1 233913 53.1 1'i702 2-6: 416 0.1 43461 9*9 206090 46.9 440011 -iCO.O

-146- l ^ A i3:r.''yEU,^ SOT®CES rd- S t riot h ' ( Are t in K o c t ar g s )

Sr;Talv.fei Tear Tanks. . . . Tube^V/ells ¥.e,l 1 s Other, .. Net .area': ' Gross 1^0 . - Bourcos - . irrigated, area' ?roa Per- \rea Per- Area Per- Area Per- iiroa Per- Area Per- area ir- cent cent ■ cent cent cent ccnt rigatod to gro ss area^ovm ^;5 4 5 6 7 C 9 1 0 11 12 15 14 15 16 17

\REA 1 . Jb.0.g€i- 1973-74 155 3 .2 233 4.0 1040 2 1 .4 3244 66.9 180 3.7 4852 100.0 5419 1U3 dia 1974-75 163 3 .2 100 1*9 1300 25*2 3200 6 2 .0 400 7 .7 5163 100.0 5513 11 .2 1975-76 75 1 .0 1400 36.5 2427 59.9 75 1 .8 /|057 100*0 4432 8.8 1976-77 75 U 9 725 1 0 .0 3153 7CV2 75 1.9 4028 100.0 4353 9*9 1977-70 75 2i1 905 25;7 2547 72.2 - - 3527 100.0 3939 8.0 1970-79 506 1 6 .8 2512 83.2 3010 100.0 3018 6.2 2 * Nan do d 1973-74 1227 16;0 1986 26;o 4446 58;o 7659 1 oo;o 341 5--1 6.6 1456 1oo;o- 11656 22;9 1974^-75 1440 13;3 7900 73:2 13:5 10796 1975-76 162 2 ;3 6701 95.“0 1 9 0 2 ,7 7133 1oo;o 7494 1 4;& ioo;o 8906 1 7 ;6 1 976-^77 199 2;4 7803 93:9 305 3 ;7 83 O'? 1977-70 205 2;5 7730 93;9 298 3 .0 8233 ioo ;o 8727 1 7 ;2 1970^79 1 96 2 .8 6808 9,5*7 1CT 1' 5 7111 100.0 7644 1 5.1 3 • De cii'a- 1973-74 j. ^ 641 73; 4 232 2 6 .6 873 ioo;o 898 3 :5 pad a 1974-75 - 272 02*7 57 17 :3 100.“0 329 i,;3 1975-76 - 209 67:0 103 33:0 3t2 loo;o 312 1 :2 1976*^77 ^ ^ 79 86;o 12 1 3 .2 91 ioo;o 91 o ;‘4 1977-78 - - 72 ioo;o 72 loo;o 72 0:3 1 97G-^79 -r IC'O.Q 51 100 . 0 , -51 0.2 lo n;o ' 763 4 . S ag'bara 1973-74 ^ - 763 100:0 • 763 4 :5 1974-75 ^ - 4f31 8 7 ;^ 70 1 2 .7 55-1 1 oo;oo 551 3:5 1975-76 35 6 :4 ^ - 511 93:'6 5 4 6 ioo;o ^88 4;i 1976-77 47 9:7 i - 4 3 7 48-4 ioo ;o 3:5 1977-78 47 8:2 ~ - 523 9 1 :8 5 7 0 10 0:0 b95 4;i 1'"'70-79 0.3 430 71 .1 125 20.6 6 0 5 100.0 697 4.3 contd 147 V v: r') 1^-2 3 4 5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

5.VpJ-ia 1973-74 m o 21 .0 245 4.0 315 6.2 1994 39.2 1 425 20.0 5009 100,0 5009 12.5 1974-75 1 405 27.4 277 5.1 1797 33.2 1057 34.3 5416 100.0 5416 13.5 1975-76 010 25.3 100 5.6 — - 1064 53.2 1150 35.9 3204 100.0 3556 0.7 1976--77 1030 26.7 202 5r2 - 1306 33.0 1325 34.3 5063 100.0 3063 9.0 1977-70 11 33 27.0 259 6.2 - 1330 31.0 1475 35.0 4205 100.0 4424 11.5 1970-79 1 400 20.7 392 0^0 - 1020 37.3 1260 26.0 4000 100.0 5000 12.5 6. ^InK-e- 1973-74 10 1:5 m*9- 645 9B,5 - 655 ioo;o 720 4.5 . shwar 1 974-75- 543 33;9 36 2.2 - 1025 63.9 - - 1604 100.G 1727 10.0 Pockot 1975-76 247 22 ;o 40 4.3 - 030 f3 ;7 — «p^ 1125 loo;o 1100 7.*6 1976-77 234 33 «-6 17 2;4 445 64; 0 -« -696 loo;o -596 4;7 1977-70 225 33:6 13 2 .0 431 64^4 6-69 ioo;o 6-69 4; 5 1970-79 193 20.5 9 1.3 475 70.2 677 1 ^0.0 677 4.6 NOg-TRIB/i^_,AREA. - Y.Bharuch 1973-74 1375 9:5 225 1 :6 1 2030 00:9 1 4430 100:0 14456 27:0 19' -75- 1129 10:2 ji. 370 3:4 9502 06; 4 - 11 oor ioo;o iri32 20:0 1 97-5'-76 OO'O io ;4 » 327 412 6570 05;4 — 7705 ioo;o 7027 15:0 1976-77 1 045 4^:4 j. 94 2,*2 2407 55.*4 - 4346 100:0 ^4456 10;5 1977-70 1 910 2'6:t 75 1 ;o 5335 72 *.9 - 73eo ioo;o 7320 20:6 . 1 970--79 1 91 0 25.9 - - 72 1.0 5305 73.1 — — 7367 100,0 7367 23.0 G, Anl£l:o - 1 973-74 .- * 25T> 37:9 2:3 93 1 4;1 3^'i 5:7 659 100:0 . 6^9 4:0 - sh>7ar 14’ :^ 575 ' F .1 ^o;o 760 4;3 ( ex.^,' 1 974-75- ■ ^')7 9 ;4 53 H : 3 2 709 1 1975-7^ 325 :6 nV ' fir * ♦ C\-• r 24:5 - 555 1 oo;o 50^- 3:3 t:i ) 50 1 1976-77 25:1 50 4:9 — 02^,. •70:0 <- ^ 1 79 1 1179 6:9 1Q77-70 412 ' Ar\rO • 0. 27 3;2 41 5 : 6 - -• 054 1 no;o 054 5:2 . , 1 970-r79 4 77 40.6 1 6 1 .6 f *1“ 400 49.0 901 100.0 901 5.5 9 .Kalis ot 197^-74 177 52;.4 06 25.'4 75 22.2 330 100,0 330 1 .4 1974-75 1377 73:4 1 50 o;o — — 32 1 .7 317 16.9 1076 100.0 1076 7.6 1975-76 22 57 251 9;o - - 3:^ 1 .3 2551 1 00.0 2551 1 0.1 1976-77 bo 4 79; 7 150 17.5 — - ' 24 2 .0 4-50 100.0 430 6.6 1977-70 2040 00,4 206 6 ;4 100 3.1 67 2.1 3213 1 0 0 . 0 3cl3 26,9 mm 1970-79 5313 0 0 3 322 5.7 — — 5635 1 00.0 5635 3 7.3 . cc ntcU .. m 140- Statement Mo.2 6 con td.

. 7- 6- “ 0 ' ' 1 0 - - i r 1 2 ■ 1 3 14' 15 ■ '16 ■ 17 ...... r ' 2 - - “ 3 4 • 5 “ 9-


I 5 i e l o o ; o -- i 5 i e i o e ; o 1 5 1 0 3 : 0 1 O.V a^ra 1073-74 .1. 1 1 2 6 i o o : o - M 1125 100;0 1126 4."4 1 9 7 4 - 7 5 *» i o o ; o - 014 ioo;o 0T4 1 9 7 5 - 7 6 ' 0 1 4 1 ' . 5

j. .1. .1 1 4 4 i o o ; o - 1-44 ioo;o- 144 o;6 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 ^977^70 .ii L. 1 ^ 2 i o o ; o ’ - - 1 - 6 2 i o o ; o 1 ^ 2 o:^

l O P . Q •1^ "r ««• "T f 1 6 7 f 167 1D0.D 167 0.6 • ' • 1 9 7 0 - 7 9 t1 ,L 1. Lm 1. L. 7 0 0 i c o ; o -- 7 0 0 ioo;o 700 i;o 1 1 , Jain'bu- 1 9 7 3 - 7 4

.1 i. i o o ; o - 1 0 0 4 o o ; o 1 0 0 4 sa,r 1 97^-75 -— 1 ^ ; 4 - 1 2 : 2 - 1 9 7 ^ - 7 6 JL 2 2 3 5 1 o o : o - 2 2 3 5 l o o . ' o 2 7 5 9 4 ; r

J. 1 o o ; o -- 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 .L 1 4 7 3 1 4 7 3 1 '^o;o 1473 e:5 1 o o ; o - 1 9 7 7 - 7 8 L L. 9 4 7 - 9 4 7 i'^o;o 947 6;3

, 3 0 1 1 0 0 , 0 - ^ * 1 9 7 0 ^ 7 9 «r f* - •F> - 301 1O0.0 301 2.7-

J, 9 3 : 2 1 2. /jnod 1973-74 6 4 0 6 * 2 9 7 5 2 6 7 0',6 10467 100;0 1 0753 20;i

9 2 . 7 7 1 0 . ' 6 i o o ; o 3 5 ; 5 1 9 7 ‘^^ - 7 5 040 6.7 11 605 1 2 5 1 6 1 2 5 0 0 .1. 0 6 . / 1 0 6 1 9 ^ . ^ - 7 6 •m 1 0 4 4 1 2 . 1 7 4 7 0 1 . 2 8 6 2 0 1 0 0 . 0 9 0 0 5 2 4 ; 7

L, M. 7 3 . 0 9 0 6361 100.0 6536 47.5 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 1 6 2 0 2 5 . 5 4 6 4 3 1 . 5

> 1 9 7 7 ^ 7 0 i . 1 7 4 0 2 0 . 1 6 7 2 5 7 7 . 5 2 0 0 2 . 4 0673 100;0 0746 65.2

7 6 . 4 2 0 0 2 . 1 9941 100.0 10011 51 .0 1 9 7 0 - 7 9 - - -r 2 1 4 0 2 1 . 5 7 5 9 3

/ o o 6 2 0 3 3 1 . 6 Sub-Total 1973-74 1265 6 . 4 2 . 5 2 5 0 2 1 3 . 0 9 2 7 3 4 6 . 5 19091 100.0 21304 10.0

6 1 . 5 3 0 4 0 " 5 . 1 23059 100.0 25192 t=2.7 T r i b a l 1 9 7 4 - 7 5 2 1 9 1 9 ; 2 4 1 3 U 7 2 7 4 0 1 1 . 5 1 4 6 7 5

1 1 0 2 2 1 9 7 5 - 7 6 1 1 6 7 7 . 1 2 2 0 1 * 4 1 6 4 2 1 0 . 0 7 2 . 2 1 5 1 0 3 . 3 16377 100,0 17662 0,9

1 7 1 7 9 . 0 17469 1C0.0 1051.0 9.’7 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 1 3 0 6 7 , 9 2 1 9 •' ..3 9 2 4 5 . 3 1 3 2 2 3 7 5 * 7 17.^76 100.0 10526 9>6 1 9 7 7 - 7 0 1 4 0 0 0 . 6 - 2 7 2 1 * 6 1 1 1 0 6 . 4 1 2 6 4 1 7 3 . 1 1 7 7 3 1 0 . 3

1 2 0 9 6 7 4 . 0 1 5 0 0 3 . 2 16342 100,0 17175 'S./5 1 9 7 0 - 7 9 1 6 4 3 1 0 . 0 4 0 1 2 . 5 7 0 2 4 * 3

c o n t d , -149- -149- Statement Mp.26 cpntd,.

• • n • - r ;2- - ■3 ' _ • '4 ' ■ 5 ; • 7 ' • 0 9 1 0 ’ T1 12 13 1 4 ' -15 16- t7 r> of7> Sub^ ’i’973'^74 1375* 4.’ 9 4 2 7 1 : 5 3 :2 24971 CC,’ 8 443 1;6 23104 100;0 23456 IT.4 Tot^l' 1974-75 2573 9:<^ 205 o ;7 1 2 1 ^^ 4:3 23443 02.6 963 3;4- 20392 100:0 20574 14;0 1975-7R 3392 15 :1 345 1 ;5 1371 6:1- 17233 139 0.6 22460 10o;0 23540 9;4 122 0;0 14361 100;0 1 4646 6;4 TrilDral 197fi:.77 2C-25 1 9 ;7 20'C 1 ;5 1714 11 9492 \ 3 11-IQ 51 62 2 4;4 233 1 ;i 1C1 5 c ;6 1 3604 275 1 .'3 211 69 1 00;0 21242 9J2 1970-79 77P0 31 .5 330 1 ,4 2212 9.0 1 401 4 200 0.9 24472 100.0 24542 10.1

Dlsttict 1973-74 2640 5 .5 915 1 .9 3470 7 ,2 34254244 44 6726 14.0 47995 100.0 49760 11 .1 3011&1& 72.9 4303 9.2 52251 100.0 53766 13.7 Total 1974-75 4764 9.1 61 6 1 .2 3950 7,6 301 1975-76 4559 1 1 .7 573 1 .5 3013 7.0 29055 r4.7 1657 4.3 30057 100.0 41202 9.2 \916-11 4211 13;2 427 1.'3 2630 Q.3 2271 5 '1 .4 1039 5.0 31030 100.0 33156 7.J ^^j11-1Q 6642 1 7 .3 505 1 .3 2925 7.6 26325 ;c,5 2040 5.3 3044S 100.0 39760 ;9,5 1970-79 9343 ? .3 .0 739 1 .7 2914 7.1 26110 ;4.0 1700 4.2 40014 100.0 41717 '9.L4

-150- -150- Statement No.27 Humber of Diesel Oil Engines , Electric ;Motors and Tractors, Districi? ; Bharuch. (Year ; 1972)

Sr. Taluka Diesel oil engines with pumps Electric motors with pumps 0-^ *4~ -VI No. XX Q,C u 0 X S Numb er Per 1000 of net Nuiaber Per 1000 of net fJumb er""Per~l’000~" area cultivated area cultivated. of net ar( cultivatec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tribal Area -. 1, Jhagadia 657 13.2 1 41 2.8 24 0.5 2. Handod 863 17.0 61 1 .2 17 0.3 3. Dediapada 222 9*0 - •>- 9 0.4 4* Sagbara 308 14.0, ~ - 3 0.1 5# Valia 741' ' ^ ■ “i 8 . r ...... ■ ■...... 1 69 ...... t.3 • Sub-Total ; 2791 1 4.8 371 2.0 1(08 0.6 o - 6* Bharuch -- 33^, 6.6 1 20 2.4 49 1 .0 7. A:nklesvar 226 6.P 62 1 .9 63 1 .9 8 <. Hiinao-t 89 3.5 1 N. 66 2.6 9 p - Vagra 89 ^ .7 33 0.6 41 0.8 10* Jambut^ar 121 1 .8 79 1 .2 26 0.4 11 . Amod 255 6,7 i59 4.2 129 3.4 Sub-Total ; 1113 4-2 454 1.7 374 1 .4 District Total ; 3904 ■ 8^6 825 1 .8 482 U1 idcyiriynL ND. District: Bharuch 'of ■ Diesel O il''Bftgines , Electric' Motors & Tract cl’s ^ 19 77;

Sr; Talufca Diesel Oil.Engines Electric.Motor.with ■ . Tractors ...... , , No, with pumps , , . pumps Numbers Per 1 000 net Numbers Per 1000 net Numbers Per 1 000 net area cultiva area ctiltiva- area cultivated, ...... ted during.. ted du-ring. . , during. 1 975-76 1975-ie 1 ‘ ' 5 ' ■ 7 8 Jribal^Area... 1 . Jhagadia 768 1 5 .5 130 2 .6 16 0.3 Nandod 633 13.8 84 1 .7 6 0.1 3. Dediapada 21 4 8 .4 - - 3 0.1 4* Sagbara 334 20.1 1 0.1 1 0.1 5. Valia 869 21 .5 283 7.0 41 1 .0

Sub-Total : 2868 1 5 .8 498 2 .7 67 0 .4

6 . Bharuch 211 4.1 445 8 .6 85 1 .6 7. iinlilesh-war 416 12 .9 77 2 .4 90 2 .8 8 , Hansot 249 10.3 4 0 .2 30 1 .2 9#- Vagra 117 2 ,4 15 0 .3 12 0 .2 10. Jambusar 165 2.4 103 1 .5 25 0 .4 1 1 . M o d 21,7 5.9 436 1 1 .9 37 1.0 Sub-Total ; 1373 1080 4.1 279

w . V . A . le* . V . District•Total i 4241 “ ^ 9#6 ■ '1570 ' 3 .6 “ ' 346 0 .8

Source : Cattle Census, 1977. -152- Sr; Taluka Improved Seeds Chemical Fertilisers No, i .Quantity(Kgs.) Per hectarea.of . Quantity(Hgs.) . Per hectare of . 19.73-74 gross area soxm* gross area soxrf ^ 2 ...... ■ “3 ...... 4 ...... ■ ' 5

Tribal Area..: - . , . 1 . Jliagadia 126944 2^54 753.700 15.08 2,* Nandod - 18299t 3*58 1322300 25.86 3. Dediapada 0£144 3 ,5 2 86400 3.61 4. SaglDara 66501, 2 .6 5 210900 8 .4 0 5 . V alia . 122899 2.98 1880300 45.52 6, Ankleshwar .Pocket .1.512 0 .0 9 32 49 0 .2 0 Sub-».Total : 586291 2.97 4258849 2 1 .5 5

Npn«»Tribal Area « 7* Bharuch 101805 1 .99 3022800 59.20 8. Anklesvar (excluding TP) 284567 16.25 11 62651 66.44 9.- Hansot 49707 2.01 6l 3800 24.79 10. Vagra 305170 5.82 433400 8 .2 7 11. Jambusar 595435 8.91 705500 10.56 12. Amod 132649 3.46 3859800 100.63 Sub-TotaX : 1469131 5.86 9797951 3 9 .0 9 District Total : 2056122 4.48 14056800 3 0 .6 4

Source: District Statistical Officer, District Pane hay at, Bharuch. * : Baseii on the average cropped area for the years 1968-69, 1969-■70 and 1970-71. ui±u u->Diiai uun ^sxri DUXicm of Improved Seeds azid Chemical Fertilisers .

Sr; Taluka Improved Seeds^ ^ hectare of gross ______) ______^ Per*hectare of

1 976-77’l 977-78’ 1978-79 lQ-19 19 7 6 - 7 7 * 1 977-78 'l 978-79 S f2S2 .a^2 a_sown^__ r ■ ‘ 2 ’ * ' ' 3 * ' ' 4’ ‘ ‘ 5 ' ’ ’ ’e’ * ‘ 7 ' * *8* ■ ‘ 9 * * ' 10* ’ ' *li ■ ■ ' 12* ’"’iT*”'"!?

2EiS2i_^£2& 1. Jtiagadia 194500 201500 214200 4.0 4.1 4.4 918200 908000 983200 18,8 18 .5 20.1 2 . Nandod 141800 l€l00 217700 2.8 0.3 4.3 668000 1208000 1905000 13.2 23.9 29.’7 3 ; Dediapada 54200 61800 99700 2.1 2.3 3.'8 39000 54000 25700 1.5 2'.0 1 ;0 4. Sagtara 126400 41700 26400 7.4 2.4 1.6 211100 104000 299000 12.4 6;1 18;3 5 ; Valia '192000 221500 230600 4.9 5.8 5.7 813300 850000 873500 20.7 22.2 21.5 6. Jljikleshwar- ...... , . . ' . ! ...... " . . . ‘ . . v. . Pocket 1638 1572 1889 0.1 0.1 0.1 .3535 _ 3733 .3892 0.2 0.3 0.3 Sub-Total 71053B_^544172__ 7 9 0 4 8 9 4 .9 _2.8_^_^4.0^__2 653135^31_27733^_3690292_ _13.5 1 5.9_ J 8 .7

. . < -. -. •. “ ...... 7; Bharuch " 172360 190600 105300 3:9 4;o 2:2 1626600 5.'4^=WfiO 6220000 36.3 144.7 129.3 8. tokaoshwar342262 3 2 7528 28 5111 20.2 1 9.8 1 5.9 2R96108 131 .8 139.7 161 .7

9.’Hansot 57500 39000 lt5'T00 2;5 5;9 4:8 457600 1006000 195000 1 9:6 42.'7 8;1 10.Vagra 304500 >35800 46 S W 0 6;8 1 4;3 9 :5 349000 200000 760000 T.8 4;5 15:5 H.Jambusar 326000 339300 245500 4:9 5.2 3.7 47800 550000 770000 017 8;4 2017 12.Amri 121700 ' 5440C 138700-' '3.7 4.8 3.7 10282400 9880000-8680000 '313.2 304.2 233.7

Sub-Total 1324262 1486628 ^1356111 ^ G.5 9389267 21276108^ ^ District ...... - Total...... 2034800 2030800' 21 46600 4.8 4.8 4.9 17653000 2251 7000 24966400 41 52.7 56*6

-154- x-jL^^uj ixj. ui j-xiyticnuxdus & Pe stic id e s»

Sr. Taluka Insecticides & Pesticides No* Powder.. Li2,uid Quantity(Kg.) Per hectare of Quant it y fjl ) Per hectare of \ ■ “ .1973-74 gross^rf . 1973-74 - -gross area sown* . 1973-74 1 975.-74

1 ^ “ 2 ...... • ' 3 ...... " • -4...... 5 6 ......

Tribal Area. » ■ 1 . Jhagadia 1781 2 0 .3 6 8302 0 .1 7 2 . Nando d 1 51100 2 .9 6 16307 0.32 3# Dediapada 42619 1 .7 4 1235 0.0,5 4« Saghara 39991 1 .5 9 .773 0.03 5 . Valia 251045 6.08 9540 0.23 6. Ankles hvr' Pocket --10925 0.68 539 0.03 Suh-rTotal : -513692 ' 2 ,6 0 36701 0.19 .- 7* Bharuch 223925 4.39 21236 0 41 8. Anklesvar (excluding TP) 171845 0.98 7332 0 .0 4 9* ^ Hans at 69300 2.8>0 1860 0 .0 7 10 . Vagra 93814 1 .7 9 6579 0 .1 2 11 • Jambusar 19755 0 .3 0 4195 0.06 1 2 . Amod 58 4480 1 5 .2 4 55530 U 4 5 Sub-Total ; 1163119 4.64 95644 0 .3 8 District Total 16768U- 3 .6 5 132345 0 .2 9

Source; District StatisticaX Officer, District Pancliayat, Bharuch, ' . » ^ Based on the average groBS cropped area for the years 1968-69, 1969-70 cjid 1970- 71 - • 155- w !------mm ^ mmm ^ mm ^ mm mm ^ ^ ^ ^ mm ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mm ^ mm 9*" 3r: Taluka P 6 d e f 1 i (1 u ■ i \T nu 9 Quantity(Kgs, ’ 'Per,hectare of. ) ...... QupjitityCLitr^ Per.hectare,of. .-gross a^ea sown gross ^"ea^soTO 1 976-77 1977-78 1 978- 1976-77 1977-78 1 978-79 7^-77 77-78 ' 73-79 76-77' 77-78 *78-' “ -2 ...... -5'. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Tribal Area 0.0 1 . Jliagadia 10232 12430 13550 0.2 0.3 0.3 2025 2231 2465 0.0 0.1 802 Z• Nandod 9806 10270 19861 0.2 0.2 0.4 189 2608 0.0 0.0 0.1 Dediapada 4608 4232 4537 0.2 0.2 0.2 172 135 1 65 0.0 0.0 0.0 4. Sagbara 8138 5878 5645 0.5 0.4 0.3 1876 645 61 4 0.1 0.0 0.0 5* Vplin, 10520 112732 12320 0.3 2.8 0.3 18425 17350 20325 0.5 0 # 4 0 S, i\jl?rles!iVbvC’ 13540 17940 24325 0.9 1 .2 U 7 830 784 1397 0.1 0.1 0.1

Pocket - 80218 0.8 0.4 23517 21947 27574 0.1 0.1 56344 163482 0.3 ■m *** m *** ^ m A Bn _ * • V • V 9 9 5362 0.1 7 • Bhanich je438 93196 58064 1.7 1 .8 1.1 5: 2 8957 0.1 0.2 3. Ankle shvar ' [excluding TP)154^^ 9195 16227 o;9 o; 6 i;2 795 552 3323 o;i o;o o.‘2 9*'Hansot 20204 22855 42000 o;8 o;9 i ;7 11 49 4200 5950 o;o o;2 o;2 47691 12384 1 400 1 ;o o;3 o;o 91 92 2515 o;o o;o o;l o;2 981 1323 o;o o;o o;o 1 1 , Jambusar 3934 8832 1 6504 o;r o;i 515 1 2 .i\jnod 860286 577930 1124381 2 3 .T ' 26.3 30.2 20800 1 91 60 4971 2 0.6 0.5 1,3 •

3 ub-Total 'i056'C14 1124392 1?58576 4,6 4.9 5.2 , 28690 30330 71780 0.1 0.1 0.3

• s « District - ■ ratal---- 11128'58''128787-^- “1338794', “ 2.5 ; ■ “2.“9 “ ‘ 3 . 0;' 52207’ .. 52277 ' “99354' — o;i" • • ‘O.t “ “0.2 lource: District Statistical Officer, District Panchajrat, Bharuch

-156- District-Bharuch 'W ^ “ 1111111150r" o f Bullocks (Tear-1 972)

Sr; Taluka llo, of Bullocks- No.of bullocks ti3od for work per ITo. Untied for Not in use Total Used for Used for 1000 hectares of for breed­ ■breeding breeding ■vrork cultivated land ing or only and v7ork (gross area sown). • -' both work.

4 8

Tribal^Area 1 , Jhagadia 21 121 1 4965 15 15122 2 9 7 .7 2 . Nandod 1 9 9 20696 o 7 21011 409.8 3* Dediapada 20 23 17681 95 17819 71 0 .7 4. Sagbara 2 10 12585 174 12771 567.8 5, Valia ,13 3 12352 17 12385 295.8

Sub-Total ^^75 166 78479 388 79108 412.9 Non-Tribal Area 6; Bharuc’i 2 61 11418 15 11496 22 4.0 7; /inkLeshvar 25 47 8602 25 8699 26o;5 as2;6 8; Han so t 4 131 7045 17 7197 9 . ' Vagra 4 881-4 8818 16 0;0 1O;Jambusar 2 1 1^968 6 1^977 208; 6 11 .iiinod 1 6834 2 6837 177.0

Sub-Total ^30 240 56681 65 57024. ^2t2.4 District ■ TO t ^ ■ T13 4 0 6 ...... T35160- ■ 4-53 ■ t36l32 *295io

Source : Live stock Census 1972 -157- X i ^,.xx — j y I f j

Sr; Fnine of ToJ-uk a N-Oiabo^ ■ of B ullocks■ ‘ Fo ,of'BtO-locks ITo, USGd for Usc'd for Used for Kot in Total per 1 000 hect~ breeding breeding work use for ares of culti­ only pnd Trrork only breeding vated area . both or vorV: (gross area ... ii ^0^0^0^0 Sown) \ 1 2 ...... 3 ‘ 4 5 6 1

TribaZ^Arca 1 , Jliagadia 59 11 12910 10 12990 2 5 7.5 2 . Nandod 12 90 17451 556 18089 5 4 5 .4 3. Dediapada 12 20 16501 152 16675 645.4 4-. Sagbara 15 1 9568 4 9586 572.1 5. Valia 19 0 10861 4 10884 26 6,6 6. ilnklosiivar A PockDt 1 - 4279 ‘-r 4284 2 7 5 .4

Sub-Total 116 150 71 570 690 72506 5 5 8 .2 2-rSli ^ 7 • Bha,rLich . ) 6 10156 2 1 01 46 194.5 C, ^''jild.oshvar ( excluding TP) 5 , 0 3225 1Q 5250 184.2 9 ^ - Ii£?J13at 86 64 6185 20 6555 24 4.4 lO.Vagra 51 1 ,6947 98 7105 1 41 .6 1 1 .Jambusar 5 Q 12092 16 151.1.5 1 9 2 .7 l2.iLTnod_ 4 .0 655^ 5 6564 170.9 Sub-Total 1 59 71 45956 151 4651 7 18 4 .4 District - TotAl ...... - . -215...... 201 ' '1 1 75^6 841 110825 ' ■ -261 , 9 ......

''0*~“ •‘*^0^0*' . 3<.. ui.!dI i'i(jT-JJJlaruCIi JM-u33t)er of Got|^& BuffoJ-oes used for milk & breeding purpose. (Year-1972)

S r . Taluka C o w She Buffaloes No. In Dry Not Total In Dry Not Total Percentage ITo.of Percen- No.of bii- milk Calved tage of ffalo in milk calved of cattle cows in in milk to milk per buffalo in milk per total in 1000 of milk to 1000 of c o l .6 human po- t o t ^ bu- human \ ‘ ...... pulatidn' ffalfi)' i n . . popiiLar-. . “■•To"* " • T r * Tribal Area 1 Jhagadia 332^ 5810 734 9869 3 3 ;7 27; 7 2864 3223 -285 6575 44;'9 2 3 ;9 2 • Nandod 5016 622t 1 21 36 '41:8 34:2 41 56 3841 61 6 8613 •48:3 28;o 31 Dediapada 2655 5106 565 8326 3 1 :9 39:2 533 928 129 1590 3 3 :^ 7 ;9 Sagbara 1 91 6 24-60 222 4598 41 :i 3 6 ;4 35^ 374 55 788 45;6 6,8 5* V alia' 301 3^ 3756 423 71 92 41 -9 31.2 1866 2028 309 4203 44.4 23.1 6. Anld.eshvar Pocket _ 73S 965 1.76 1929 40.9 19.3 1 .02 _ 787 78 18.67 53 .7 2 4.5 Sub-Total ^16773 2 4318 2961 44052 38.1 3 2 .9 1 0780 11181 1473 23434 21 .1 Non -Tr ib al Are a 11 Bharuch 591 r74 1 00 11 65 5-.1 2 .6 5708 2^38 535 8831 64.6 2 5 .5 8 , /\nk1 eshvar (excluding TP) 675 501 50 1226 55.1 1 2 .0 1337 601 58 1996 67 .0 2 3 .7 9. “IJsAsdt 1109 1287 125 2521 44.0 24,5 1271 11 33 80 2§34 50.2 28.1 1 O.Vagra 292 31 6 51 659 44.3 4.5 2560 1635 381 4596 56,1 3 9 .7 11 . Jambusar 962 1114 91 2167 44 .4 6 .9 5980 4390 472 10842 55.2 42.6 1 2. i\mod 392 395 56 843 46.5 5.1 2349 1433 320 41 52 56 .2 3 4 .2

Sub-Sotal ■ _ 4021 4087 473 8581 ^i8.6 6.1 19225 11880 1846 32951 §8.3 32.1 District Total 20794 28405 3434 52633, 3 9 .5 1 8 .7 3000? 23061 3319 56385 53.2 2 7 ,0

-159- Source Live Stock Census 1''72 'Sri Taluka S"h“e* ■ 'B'- u'ffa'lo- e'S No. In Dr^r Not ■ Total Percentage Ho,of In Dry Total Pereon- No.of H ilk cplvod of cattle cows in milk cal'vx)d tage of Buffaloes in nilk to milk per buffaloes in milk total in 1000 of in milk per 1000 col, 6 human po- to total of human ■pul at ion buffal6es popuLa-^. . in col« 12 tiono ' “ 2 ' 3 7 8 10 11 12

1 , jhagadi^. '"3326 5028 779 313'} : . 5 2 .7 419 4 2 432 531 7257 Sahddd ' 6560 '258 1,1 §^0 \ 5'i.5 I 3o .2 ' 533G 5545 012 \

. 4 lB a ib a r a ' -iSlOj '^?r? ?,8.< •■ ' y. Valia \.ld 45C6 6gfe 6orl ^34,'3' 33.9' '' "'397' ^/-:2 ‘39.'6 " / i I f . ;^ockG'C- ,'.?<5p / S4i 225 20^6 ;^3,5 . ) 673 ''(96 266 ' 1 . - f. - / 2757f ^ i Sub-Total 6303 :>329 3462 45094 ,^ 3 U 9 51 27633 1 2 •* V ^ 6,2 1 27 10,'^06 2250 54*.^ r:9.o Area.. - V Bharuch 632 522 123 1277 49.5 2,8 61 90 ^330 558 9078 68.2 2 7 .7 - - - ■ '* “ . “ C. xlnlcLoshwar r\ ’excluding TP) 536 356 ^ i 963 60:9 i o :4 1476 4i0 0 1895 11:9 21 12 ?, ■'-Han sot 1170 .199 269 2638 /’.A "3 25:9 i 618 853 257 2 728 59:3 4 0 .-i 10;Vagra 309 411 30. 750 41:2 4:8 2729 1 027 233 3989 6o ;4 42 ;o 11 I Jpjnbusar ■72 5 724 94 1543 47-0 5:1 6941 2t 70 419 9'530 ? 2 ;a 49:5 1 2. M o d 628 48T 92 1207 52.0 9c2 :^037 971 3^'r8 4356 6 9 .7 4 4 .2

Stib-Total _^4050-,__: ^^,50.4^______21991 J1§1 1824^ _ 6 9 .6 ______699 _^629^ -;2?28- W• *** « w **’ • W *"* ^• .21576 , _3 6 .7 _ District - Total-203-53 29028-4091 - ; ^2' • '3sit • ‘ ' ’ i 8 ;3 *■ ■37118- *18067* 4074" ‘ 59259-■ ■62:,6-- *3 3 .5 '

-1 6 0 - ■* jyxa b r ± u i •^r>ni±r uuir —!=— us,oTio L ^ s u y - 1 y/7 C Tear-1 977)

Sr. Taluka C a t t 1 G • B _u__f ^a_^l _e ^0 _ Other Livestock Ho, Male Eemales Yo^g Total Males Females Yoimg Total Sheeps Goats Others Total Total over over. stock cattic over over stock BixCf— Live — 3 years 3 yec'.rs^^ 3ycars aloes stock . 7 . . * 8 * * * 9 " 10 11 12 13 14 15

Tribal^iirea 1 ; Jhagadia 12990 9754 923-9 31905 87 7287 4294 11668 438 1 4411 661 15510 591 61 2 , Kando-d - 10089 12045 1 21 52 4229-4 1&9 9731 6307 16147 537 27648 851 29036 87477 3i Dediapada 16675" 8890 5899 55462 -64 2038 1594 5696 157 1-2560 207 1-2924 52082 /!-; Sagbara 9586 4521 5907 1 6014 6 4 973 701 1738 545 6034 169 6746 26498 5 ; V a lia 10884 8022 7727 26655 29 4985 2910 7924 62 8490 585 8935 43492 6. Ankleshwar Pocket 4234 1941 1947 8122 10 2626 1390 1390 4026 662 5858 254 4754 16902

Sub-r-Total 72 456 451 71 ' 44881 ’l 62 508 565 27640 ’ 171 96 45199 2599 72981 2525 77905 285612 Mon-...... ■ ^riSal Area 7 : Bharuch '"'1 01 46 1277 1265 12688 49 9098 H-1788 13935 1115 1 5696 1971 13782 45405 8 , /inkleshvar. ' (Excluding TP)-323S 1052 1126 5466 16 2073 11 04 31 93 447 3768 232 4465 13^24 9.'Hajisot 6353 2651 2620 11624 5 2731 1700 4.-36 462 3263 260 3985 20045 in;Vagra ' 7103 751 768 862-2 12 3992 2778 6782 1323 4413 799 6535 21939 11 ; Jambusar 1 311 ^ 1 570 1 693 1 6576 51 9537 6503 -1 61 91 439 102^7 1868 12564 451 31 l2.,,'\jiiod 6364 1210 952 8526 1 5 4359 2c..24 71 98 209 5524 491 6224 21948

Sub»^Total ’ 46367 8511 0 42 4 63302 1 43 31790 19797 , 51 735 3993 42961 5621 ^.52555, 167592. " • * « * District Totra 118823 r3682 53305 225810 511 59430 36993 96934 6392 15922 8146 130460 453204 jn Loj-t lui x—c'Tc—X KJ (Yoar-^972r ''uka Powls ,Hens , C o g ks&Ohickon Ducks ,Drakes&DucIding Others Total Nooof poultry poultry birds per 1000 No. ' Dcshi Inprovod Total Deslii Improved Total of human ^OjDijilation

1 . 2 4 10 11

Tribal Area 1, Jhagadia 18801 146 18947 9 9 18956 150^0 2. Nandod 26558 1181 275i9 7 7 27526 185:6 5; Dodiapada 51812 556 52^68 — 32560 478; 2 4: Sagbara 9599 9650 2 2 9652 185;2 5; Y 'a lla 17575 ■:-762 22155 8 12 22147 275.7 6, Ankioshvar Pocket 1185 154 1557 M 1557 52.7

Siib-Totnl ■l05^0o 70!>0 111956 26 50 1119 6 6 219.4 §i«. .4^-cJt# . ^ . -■ 11 Bharuch i jo'd^a 2364 1 6552 25 11 56 5 1 6591 74.2 8* Anld_eshvar ' ' s ( TP) 6-74 so 79 24 24 280 9585' 166;5 9 . ‘Hansot 646 4 65 552 7 652-7 1 44 ;5 5801 5326 5826 89:6 1 OJVagra 25 -L 11 ; Jaiiibi?.sar 4754 352 5 0 ^ 6 - 50n6 56;i 1 2. /-.mod 5629 530 /.oog 4 4 - 401 5 58.4 .t7rkCO 11 64. 285^ 47406 ^ Sub-Total 42 721_ ... ^55 - 29^1^ * " m • C • • • • 0 # District'Totall 4782 7 111 68 158Q95 ’ 7 9 ' 15 94 285 1 59572 145.6

Source :- Live Stock Census 1 ^16?.-^ Mutrict-thariicli ■ ’ ' ...... > . ■ 'Numbor ■ of p(5‘u?i.tiY ■(Year-1977)’ *»■ • •■J* /g ‘9* *1' • » Sr; Najne of Talf-uka FawlG/Ccclcs ^ Chiclr^4Duci:3^ Due Idling 1 Ho,of Poultry No. Deshi Improved TotallDoshi Improved Total others r,oultry of iipman popu- ✓- la;j^;^on. 3 4 5 D 7 6 9 10 Tribal Area I V- 'Jliagadici 30209 1 41 30350 188 2 190 0 30540 2 5 4 .5 2: Nandod ' 2997S 566 30544 42 5 47 0 30591 ? 0 6 .3 3; Dediapada 42029 1 07 42136 5 0 5 27 421 68 6 2 3.0 4. Bagbara 231 32 24 231 56 0 0 0 0 23150 440,;4 31 Valia 322Tt ^577 36848 1 73 15 188 0 37036 457^6 6*. ^kloshwar 6916 11 6929 20 ~ 20 6 949 170^0 Pocket 5426 i 69963 428 22 450 _ 27 1704-^10 3 3 3 .0 Sub-Total I 164537- • **o— ♦ — — ' ® *■* c.

7 .• Bharuoh ' 14395 2993 17366 55 6 61 0 •17447 78.1 '8* AnliloshwajL* 7340 22 7362 72 3 7. 2 7439 131.8 (excluding TP) 9. 'Hansot 11 41-3 442 11855 58. 0 58 0 11913 1 6 3 ;4 10;Vagra 6967 139 71 e6 .. 98" 0 98 0 7204 1tOi8 II ; Jambusar 7933 &9 7962 521 1 522 0 8484 6o; 5 1 2.ikaod 4601 , 63 4664 50 25 03 0 47,47 69.1 2 _5?647_3608 _ 56335 061 35 097 , _ 25t.5_ Sub-Total : _ mm 0 ^ • • « m - -1547 - District ’ TotjO. i 2f7TG4 911 4 ’ - -226290- t290' 57 " • -k9' ■ -■ 22 7674' ^ 205*2*• '

Source District Statistical officer. District Fanchayat, Bharuch,

-163- ambor or i'iilii auppl^/- jDocietios, r7h Sr. Taluka Ho. of ITo.of Total business handled ITo. sooietios 110111130 rs LS£i-iB^1222i ______1973-74 1975-74 •12 75 . j . ays ;74^ ^ *3* * 4 " ‘ * *5...... e’” **"* Tribal ^*roa 1 . Jhagadia 626 360 360 2* Non do d ^^32 3C4 414 3» Dcdi0>,pada V" 4; Sagbara ). 5, Valia 425 77O \A, ^ \ J Subr-TotaX 13 i 6g :j 1522 1552

7 ; Bharuch" 12 79T 100 90 0,‘ /jildlGGvar 3 174 1 "r'^T 144 9 • * Hans'ot V 52 10;Vagra '74 11.“ Jajnbusar 3498 1045 1340 1 2 ./.jnod 6 272 120 181

Sub-Total ^ 4 1 _ _1 407 .1755 ^1- District'Total' 5l- 6524 2929 5367'

Source: - District Statistical officer District Panchayat Bharuch -164- D is t ri -13.ux^xu,x...,xx lianic li' Lv^ut,xT 'M h e r uxof ■ I X.VX..1. -ilk' oupy±.ySup ply ouw±«uxoo.Soviet les . ; Taluka Number of Me’Ti.bers 'I'otal Business PTandlos (Rs^ in ‘000) No. tQ7r, ^-977 ^978 1076 Q77 19 7b Pure has G. * ^ ^ -77 -70 -79 -77 --7S -79 1976 1977 : 1'978 {1 976“ •i'577“ '~978“ '" -77 ^78 -79 0-77 -78 .-79 1 2 A 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tribal^Area

I . X^.agadia 1 6 23 29 1 451 1889 21 45 1 00-1 1212 2 0 3 0 11 99 61 2 3 5 1 2, I'Tandoo. 27 32 41 2327 2039 2766 1939 2374 2 4 4 2 2 2 7 0 1 2 3 3073 3 . D.^.diapada 5 7 9 ■ 454 496 568 214 221 2 2 3 334 56 340 4« Sagbara 6 8 8 315 606 606 -- 3 3 ». 5 t)- Valia 13 1 6 19 1356 1924 2212 1728 1823 5 4 2 3 2296 » 6181 6, /jiklGshi-rar 1 3 12 22 6 92 283 16 17 48 20 2 0 76 Pocket Sub-Total : 89 118 6129 7046 8585 4904 5 6 5 0 10178 6119 260 12026 Hon- T|il)0l_i^@a 7» Bharuch 5:> ?8 56 2973 5049 4S55 1167 1265 1 5 772 1519 145S 2374 8 , ijild.e shwar 2 12 15 686 614 421 398 1220 1385 424 1223 1608 (excluding TP) 9 .' Han sat 1 7 ■7 16 609 745 745 1729 1126 242 2324 11 04 ' 300 1Q,Vagra 14 *3 33 980 1379 1-988- 21 4 161 889 240 255 96227 II ; J0jiibusar 25 4 44 4274 5171 6356 1450 1 01 / 2 9 4 5 1556 1151 4199 12-:unod 19 1- 25 1 472 20.78 2380 1147 ^31 5 ■: 071 1415 .121,1 1270 Sub “Total: 1,23 1 5 189 1 0994 15036 16745 6105 6201 22304 7508 63S3 105978 District T6tal ■•” •■' ” • -j JO ' “■ 2 5 4 ’ ‘' '307- ■ •17123- ■ ‘22082■ ■25330 • ' T1C0. 1l85t '32482 13627 ■6643 t18004'■■

;ta^t District pLegif;^trar, Co-operative Societies, Bharu^ •l65- —‘ j. L ^ £ )iS-£riCt-BnanaG]i' j^i-uiriDGr c±' Voterln.iry Institut: ons cjid Personnel (Year- 1973-’74/1978-79) Sr, Nome of Taluka Veterinary Institutions ^ Personnel No Hospital Lispensarj/- First aid Artificial Artificial Veterinary Stockmen veterinary Inscminat- Insemination Officer ion Centres Sub-Centres 973 1978 1973 1978 1973 1978 1973 1978 1973 4=978 1973 1978 1973 1978 ■74 -79 -74 -79 -74 -79 -74 -79 -74 -79 -74 -74 -79 o 1 2 ' 3 4 5 6 7 u 9 10 11 12 13 14 1§ 16

Tribcii ilroa 1; Jliagadia 1 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 2; Nandod mm 1 1 6 6 ———— 1 1 6 6 5; Dodiap'ada 1 1 2 2 ---- 1 1 2 2 4; Sagbara - 1 1 2 2 --- - 1 3 2 5 ; Vr^lia . ~ 1 1 5 5 - -- - 1 1 5 5 6, JbiKLoshwar *** mm 1 1 1 1 mm mm mm Pocket ,, - Sub-^Total s - ? 21 21 1 1 - 4 ? 21 20

7, Bharuoh a. M. 1 1 2 2 1 1 — 1 1 2 2 0 , Ankle shwar. (Excluding TP) JL 1 1 1 1 •i- 1 1 2 2 9 . ‘Hansot — 1 1 1 1 --- w. 1 1 1 1 1 o;V-agra J. Jm 1 1 1 1 - - - ■ . ^ 1 1 1 1 11; Janbusar L. 1 1 2 2 - -' r 1 ■ 1 2 2 l2.Agod 1 i 1 1 - -- Ml 1 1 1 1 1 Sub-^otal -r T 6 6 Q 0 1 1 1 6 6 9 2 D is t r ic t ' Total': T1 ' ■ 11 ■ ’ 29* 29 2 2 ■ 1 1 ■10- ■11 ' ' '30- ■29 • ■

- 1 6 6 - Dlstrict-BHarucn — ^ jM-unD||j ox woridng ic^torxGB a^ia ec^piojnnent Tiicroiii, \xcar-T7'/^/

Sr* T a 1 u k a No. of working factories Avorago number of daily workers in the ITo. working fox^torios 1965 1970 1973 1977 ilef* "*79^*"*"‘"*T97r‘'*"*" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 -

g r i b ^ _ jroa

1 „ Jhagadia 6 6 7 6 62.6 610 65.6 266 .2 • Handod 10 12 11 11 003 1004 1073 609

3^ Dediapada • f * -• -

4 . Sa^bara - r t m - - 250 VaXia ------4 3 3 5 396 • 327 491

6, Ankleehwar ' V

Pocket - ••viv 4 S < iT i « HI e : V : s ‘ tltljfirtr -;* -t r : r ■ * ‘

Sub- Tot^ ! 20 21 21 22 1G25 2021 _ 2220 1215

H® n- Trib^ - — ' 7* Bharuoh 26 31 32 47 4975 5370 5051 4561

0 • Ankl eshtjfer 2.1 2(^ 21 41 916 957 131 6 1147

0 ^ . H o n G a t 3 a 1 2 4/^1 410 155 73 10*Vagra ■- 3 3 2 7 330 275 150 056 11 . Jnnbusar 10 7 7 8 1125 032 633 703 1 2 ,7\nod .A _..4 _„4 5 005 657 715 9G7 Sub-Total. : 67 67 11G 0612 0517 0020 _^032^_ District Total 67 80 00 132 10437 10530 10240 *9540

Source : - Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Gandhinagar, .167- B±s t ric t -Bhcinictr Industrie Co-opefativo’Societies...... (Tear- 1 973-74/1 97G-79)

Sr; Nano of Taluka No* of No. of Working Capital L o an oymo nt No. Societies members Outstanding------„ ‘ ' ______-S ^ s. 1973 197G 1973 1970 l’973 1 970 1 973 1 970 1 973 197C3 •r72^*~ •'“ • “ £•75“ 1. . 2 '5 4 5 Q 1 G 9 10 11 12 13 14

Tribal Area 1 Jhagadia 4 6 G7 416 13641 1123310 530 15 - 3 — 2 . Nandod 4 5 100 451 153007 541410 - 57 - 4 3. Dodiapada 2 4 109 074 15644 120013 — 60 - 2 - 4. Sagbara 2 — 234 02155 ■« — — — - — 5. Valia 4 10 10G 669 73022 129707 14352 - 2 - 6. Ankl oshwaj? 3 « 70 22000 imm - _ -- PoekGt Sub-Total 5 14 30 -404 2722 256194 2019403 140 2 - 132 11 Non-Tribal Area * . Bliaruoh \5 12 205^6 1340 29392117 C05031 46160 f 05e 70 0 . Ankl cshwar- 4 4 261 226 160500 253537 4103 26 - 1 - ( Excluding TP) — — ’ 1 2 ” 23 "61 2-627 3399 1 606 « - - 1 10r\/‘agra 19 14 123 569 22603 tmm «r 11 ; Jaxibusar 7 5 400 290 13950-2 1/17706 2542 - ’7 - 6 1 2 . .Aiiod 1 ~ 14 — 1406 M M

Sub-Total - 3465 13,1 i 29727005 12i5405 5449^ n- U03 T 06 ft • _ # 27- <> «» - District’Total' ‘ '• • - 5^ ‘ “3949- 6^36'299H3t 97'3264006 •69373- "9 7 '-

-168- bTATEI4Ei.'iT -Noa 45

Lmraber of viilagps clcctrifiod*

District-Bharuch (AS on 31st March 1974)

Sr* Taluka Total Total wo. of population Porcentago Percontagc 1:^0. Wo*of popalatioQ villages covcrod by of villages of popula- villages oloctri- villages electrified ticQ of ^ fiGd* cloctrifiod, to total villages villages, electrified to fotal population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o

1. Jhagaaia 164 120000 37 55598 22.6 4 6 .3 2. Nandocl 208 122526 34 42703 16.3 34.8 3. Dodiapada 170 S7683 - .Mil - M 4i SaglDara 106 52S78 -- wil. - m 5. Valia 94 80927 41 48273 4 3 .6 59.6 6t Aatclcshwar POClCGt 37 40874 16 24430. 43^2 59.8 Sab -T ota 1 779 484585 128 171004 16,4 35.3

7* Bharuca 95 124924 51 90754 53.7 72.6 >(GXcludln^ T*P. ) ; 8. Aaklcsh’war 17 30203 12 26754 70,6 88.6 9. Hansot 45 37595 17 16131 37 .8 4 2.9 lO.vagra 68 65037 17 32J519 25,0 33.1 lltJambusar 81 116104 31 72Q74 38. 3 6 2 ,9 12, Amo d 52 5G139 31 41459 59.6 7 1 .3

S u b O t a i 358 :’:32002 159 2S9591 4 4 .4 6 2 .4

Dist, Total 1127 D16587 287 .VI 05 95 85.2 ■"lo* 1 ■169. im m bor of villages clcclrifiod .

D istric t- .Bharuch) (AS on 3ist March 1979)

Sr. Talutea Total Total Wo.of Populaticn pGrccntago Perccntago L'ic. Wo, of population villages covcrod by of villages of pofiulation Vi IlagGS olcctri- villages olGctrificd of villages fiod. Glcctrifiod to total olcctrifiod villages* to total populaticn 2- - - ? - - 6 7 Tribal Area

Q f*> 1 , Jhagaclia 164 - 120000 57 72243 O ^ - C * O 60 .2 2. Nandod 208 122525 60 59485 28.8 4 8 .5 3, Oediapada 170 67683 2-1 20350 14.1 3 0 .1 4, Sagbara 106 52576 1^1 11460 13.2 21.8 5, va lia 94 80927 54 57920 71,6 an lU.G3hwar Pockct 37 40874 19 27734 51 ,4 6 7 .9 Sub-Total 779 484585 228 3^19192 29.3 51 .4 Nopygplribal Area ?. Bharuch 95 124924 69 111746 7 2 .6 89.5 (excluding T.P#))1 8* i\n Iclesh v/ar 17 30203 17 30203 100.0 100.0 ’9. Hansot 45 37595 17 16686 37.8 4 4 .4 10.vagra 68 65037 17 21519 25.0 3 3 .1 11. Jambusar 81 116104 34 80313 4 2 .0 69 .2 12*Ainod 52 58139 44 53443 a i.6 91.9 Sub -T ota 1 358 432002 197 3139J.0 55 .0 72.7 Dist.Total 1137 916587 425 563102 37 .4 6 1 .4

Gujarat Electricity Board : Baroda, -170- Sr: Talukas Scheduled Bank Co-operative Bank No. ITo.of IJo.of Area * Popula- iTo.of No,of Area Popula­ places bank (,) tion per places bank ( ,) tion per with offiCGS per bank with offices per bank banks bank banks bank offico office 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TribaX Area 1 . Jliagadia 4 4 205 30000 % 4 203 30000 2.Nandod 2 4 263 37073 1 3 377 49431 5iDodiapada 1 1 1022 67683 1 1 1022 67683- 4;Sagbara —- - « - 1 1 400 525-76 5 .V a lia 2 2 257 40464 2 2 257 40464 6.ilnkleshwar Pockct - - - - - Sub^Total ? 9 11 315 46396 9 11 375 46396

- / -- TiBharuch 5 14 48 15967 3 3 222 74512 G. Ankl eshwar ■ — ' ^ — ■•(excluding TP) 1 4 ' 43 T4106 3 4 102 14106 9 •Hansof 1 1 399 45231 2 3 133 15077 10;Vagra 2 Z m 32518 2 2 '44t 3^518 11; Jambusar 2 4 274 35089 2 3 36-6 46765 1 2 ./unod- 2 2 232 3 1332 3 4 11,6 171.66 Sub--Total : - 13 27 136 22194 15 19 123 31 539 Di^trici-t'Total' f ‘ ' -22- • " •3G " ‘ 2 0 5 '' • 29200- 24' ' 30' 260 ■ • 3 6 9 8 7 ......

* based on land use area Source ; Reserve bank ©f India, Bombay.

-171- No« of schoduled and co-operative bank offices. District-Bharuch Year 2 1970-79 Sr* Taluka Scheduled Bank 5 Co-operative Bank No. No *of No .of Area Popula­ SNo.of No *of Area Popula­ places Banlc (sq .km,) tion ^places BcJik ( sq ,km.) tion with offices per bank per 2 v/ith offices per bank per Banks offices Bank |Banks offices Bank 1 2 3 if 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tribal^Area 1 . Jhagadia 6 136 20000 5 163 2if00J 2 . Nandod 5 7 161 21185 2 5 283 370735 3. Dediapada 1 1 1022 67683 1 1 1022 67683 Sagbara 2 2 20:; 26288 1 1 !+00 52576 ?• Valia 2 2 257 ^Oif63 2 2 257 ifOi;63 6. Ankleshwar Pocket _ - ~ - - - Sub-Tot^ : 13 229 20353 11 -12.- . 31Z -32223-

7 * Bharuch 9 27 25 8279 7 10 66 22353 8• Ankleshwar (excluding T,P.) 2 ■’8 21 . Z0?3 2 if if3 1!+105 9 . Hansot 1 1 if5231 2 2 200 22615 1 0 .Vagra 2 2 32513 2 2 M-m 32518 11 .J" ambus ar 6 182 23392 3 k 27if 35080 12 ,Amod 2 2 232 3»+332 h 93 13732 20 Sub^Total : 20 ^•6 80 13027 -27 . ^ - 13§ ^ 2212^^ District Total 3^ 122 17337 31 ifO 19? 2771+0

-172- I'Tumber membership of primary co-operative societies District-Bharuch (Year: 1973-74) ’T)tEor*~* * Sr;Taiuka Agricultural Non­ Societies*’ Total No a of No,of members No* societies Agricultural Societies members of primary Societies of all agricultural societies credit socie- No, Members No. Members No, Members No. Members per 100 ties per 100 of popu- of agric-ul- 1 at ion* tural workers 1 2 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Tribal __^ea 1 ;Jb.agadia 36 6709 2 492 26 2701 64 ■9902 8 16 2;Nnndod 40 7525 5 4503 75 4053 120 I 6OGI 11 18 3.Bcdiapa'da 23 2934 2 234 7 377 32 3545 '5 15 4;Sagbara 15 1211 2 133 3 88 SO 1432 3 7 5;Volia •-*" 21 4205 1 22 G 40 5321 62 9754 12 13 6 ,Ankleshwar Pocket 25 .1250 - "•., -25 . 490 50 1 740 4 9 160 23914 12 5590 ?76 13030 348 42534 8 14 _ 7iBharuch 61 0647 33 1001 6 110 10256 204 20919 13 22 - _ G^-Ankle shir ar . — ■ ■ ■' '(excluding TP) 1 4 2817 6 6 75 19 3071 33 12563 22 26 9. Han sot" 29 4C9^ '4 1 412 13 2099 46 8404 19 35 10;Vagra 40 5225 3 3 "4 32 2325 83 7854 12 25 11 Uambusar 46 C430 5 6951 49 8742 1 ^0 24123 17 24 1 2rAEaod- 37 . 5771 2 2 59 39 3474 70 . 9504 14^ 27 ' * - 235 357G3 53 25617 2 62 29967 550 91367 1 5 ' ’ " " ’ 25* Disttict'T6tal ' 395 59697 65 31207 438 42997 890 133901 '12 '^9 -

*This includes Cotton ginning & pressing. irrigation societies,Housing societies yIndustrial Societies, Milk supply societies etc. Source:District Statistical Officer,District Panchayat ^Bharuch.

*.-173 1-1 /J- Jf^tement-SO Numbers and nenborship of prinaiy co-operative societies. District-Bhdl"CiOll ’ “ ’ ‘ ...... - . . . Tear:' t970-79

Sr; Taluka Agric-ultural Non- ' Other Total No.of ■ iro.of No. Societies %ri(5\;jXtural societies societies -members members ■ ‘ ...... societies * of all of pri-

♦ • Bocieties maiy' Nun~ Members Num- Members Num- Members Num- Members per 100* agricultu­ bers bars bers bers of popu­ ral socie­ lation ties per 100 of agr- , iculturpl.. , wo rkers. 1'...... 2 ...... •; - 4 5' 6- ' ■ 7 0 9 1 0 11 12

Tribnl Area 1 ; Jhagad-ia 35 1 0360 5 355 50 ^21 4 on 1 4929 12 24 2 ;lM'andocI 59 31 30 10 7765 11 3 12629 1 6 ci 20524 19 19 3,Dediapada 27 3200 1 430 '20 V[32 40 7 16 4.Sagbar.i 15 1 900 1 575 20 1420 42 3096 rji 10 t?.Va3-ia 22 5107 14 11 060 40 5090 04 22157 27 16 6* ilnklcshimr Pocket 25 3700 - - 41 020 06 4520 1-1 27 Sub-U'otal ; 159 '32377 31 20105 300 26013 510 '9396 1 6 ■i19 0 5 •*" c“*■. ’"o —V 0 ft

7;Bhs,ruoh 60 100 CO 14 950 193 23C4G 257 4726 15 25 G «ijikL GShwar ( exc luding i'P) i 6 1 3?- ■ 8 1072 22 9G36 26 2236 22 13 D.Hansot 30 4207 6 4700 31 4352 67 3339 29 30 1O;V0^ra 49 5*000 2 95 57 4152 "00 9'iA-l 14 24 11 ; Jambusar ■44 9348 5 914 -78 10020 •I 2-7 20 26 'l2.jljnod.„ 36 600,0 - . 60 __G726 „96 - 4726 21 20 Sub- Tot^ : __ 3 50 441 6G934 69i 112626 —a03 — u.- - - TCU _ 19 25 . . ■ District;’ Total ' '594* ■ *60200■ • ‘ -66“ • ■27996*• •741'* *95745' 1 20t *192022 • ‘ * *22 ......

-174- -174- Statement-51 Roaa length per 1 sq.kns.of area ar.d per ten thousand of population. . D1 St c t -•RhnrtieK-- H ' ■ . (Year: 1975-7^) Sr.* Taluka ' Road length in kms. Road length in kins*per Road length in kns.per ten 100 sq.kns.of area ’ ' thous^d of population No. Metalled Non-* ’ Totil Mettled Non- Total Metalled Non- Total Detailed _ _ _ notailed o ■ ^.2 4 6 10 11

7;2 10.6 l;jiiagad^a 136; 91 06;70 225.61 16.0 10.7 27.5 11.4 2 an do d 1 51 i 60. 13 6; 49 208;17 13.4 12;1 25.5 lo;2 1 9 .4 9; 6 i2 i2 3;Dediapada 65;iO:' 02;53 147.71 6.4 C.1 14.5 21 iO fgiS? 4 H § ;? I3;e^ 3 ;t f ^ 4 1 0 .5 4»§afl)ara 1^*32 39;65 15.6 5.'Valla , 126.34 49.21 175.55 24.6 9.6 34*2 6.1 2 1 .7 6,in3sleshwar , . ' ' “ 13.9 2 .7 5.6 0 .5 Pootet - i .I"':®? ■. ,34.06 _ 4 .5 9 .4 :Suh-T0tSl ' .. SCtUs ' 417462. 924.'45 12![3‘ ’ ’lO.I 2 2 ^4’ 9 .9 *0 ‘^1 i c .i gon-Trib^ ^ • • . * 5.6 3 .2 0 .0 tiBharuch ""^-' >, / 12^.46 '71.70 197.24 10.0^ 1C.0 29.6 • • • 3 . Anlcl eshifrs® ^ (excluaii^ TP) / 9 5 ;7 ;4 11'.53 io6;-67 6 ;q 6 ^ :7 1 6 :9 2 :0 10 :9 g.Hahsot ' 125152 13130 -144:62 3t :'4 4:0 36:2 27:7 4:3 32:0 1 0 ;V-agra 50^05 176^74 226:77 5 :7 2 0 .0 25 ;7 7:7 27 :2 3 4 :9 11 ; JaDhusnr IT?;*?? 151 i?T 249:46 i o ;7 12 :0 2 2 ;? a ;4 9 :4 i7;o 1 2 . ^ o d . -52^,66 55«55 108.21- 1 1 ,3 11-9 2 3 .3 7.7 0.1 15.0 56.6.36 466.61 ir>32.97 15.4 12.7 _ 20.1 _ ' 9.5 7.6* 17.‘4 Mattict • )t^ ‘ M 073;79'"0S3.63' 1957;42'i:3;0’ •'•11.3; 25.1 9.7 •C.O' 1 7 I 6

Sm irc e ;'D istric t Sta tistic a l O ffic c r,D istric t Panchayat.Bharuch. -175- -1 7 5 - Statement No.52 Road length per 1 OC sq.kEis.of nrca and per ton thousand of population. District-Bharuch i oar:* 19 78-7^ • . S r; Taluka Road length in kns. Road length in Ions .per Road length in kns.per’ten 1'OOSq No. ^ _ ..’kAs.’df ■ ar6a “ ' * thotisaiid' 6f *p6piILatiT)A; Metalled Non- ' Total Metalled •Nonr Total• ■ • • • • w ^ Met ailed Non- Total 'n e t t l e d ' ’ ' ' ' nbtailed'* •• *• m etalled...... • '

• 10' ■ ■ ' ■ 1 1 ......

■ . . - / .. 1 ; Jliagadia 09r2 4 253:^9 2^:2 11 ; g ' 3 1 :2 1 3 .7 7 :4 21 .1 8 .8 2rNandod 2 3 5 ; e . i 130;02 365:85 2 0 .9 1 1 :5 32.4 1 5:9 24 :7 3IDediapSda 1 1 o ; 2 o 94 :2 0 2 0 4 .4 0 1 0 .G 9.2 20.0 1 6 .3 13 ;9 30.2 4'Sagt).nra 2 6 : 9 0 2 7 :5 0 54.40 6 .7 g:9 1 3 .6 5:\ 5:2 io .5 1 2 3 . 0 0 C2.15 205.1 5 2 3 .9 1 6 .0 3 9 .9 15.2 10.2 2 5 .4 6 „ Ankles hwar • Pocket , 2 2 .5 0 19.50 62.00 9.2 16 .1 25-3 5.5 9 .7 15.2

: Sub- Tot^ 682«G6 462.61 11 45.47 1 6 .5 11 .2 2 7 .8 1 3 .4 9 . 1 2 2 . 4 '

TiBharuch 2 0 0 .6 0 45.57 2 4 6 .1 7 30.1 6.8 3 6 .9 9 .0 2 .0 11 .0 G.ilnl^GShwar (excluding TP) 104.80 1 3 .8 4 118. &4 61.6 8.1 69.8 18 .6 2 .5 2 1 .0 9.>Hansot 1 ;u 2 i 3 0 .4 0 171.61 35e4 7 o6 43 .0 31 .2 6 .7 3 7 .9 ,/io r r 10.Vagra 1 •! 1 .23 205.71 3 1 6 .9 4 12.6 23.3 3 5 .9 17.-i 31 ,6 -t O . / 11 •Jaii'busar 1 -9; 51 131;38 280.89 13« 6 12.n 25.6 10; 6 9;4 2o;o 1 2 , /nod n.66 47o74 139^00 19.7 10:3 3 0 .0 13.3 7.0 20.3 Sub-Tot^*^ ; 474.94 12 73.9 5 2 1 .7 1 2 .9 3 4 .6 . ' 7.9 2 1 .2 799.01» • 1 3 3 r»i r r ' A District Tot^I; UC «o I 931 ;55 '2419.42' 19,0 '12. 0. i ’l V o ’ ’ 1 3 . 4 0*4 2t. CJ

Source; District Statistical Officor,District Panchayat,Bharuch. -176- - 1 7 6 - Statement-No.53. List of Railway Stations. Distrlct-Bharuch (As on 31 St March,1974)

Sr; Taluka Name of Railway Station NO.


Trib^^Area 1 .Jliagadia h ^Boridra (2)amandcv (3)Jliagadia (4)Avidh.a (5)Rajpardi (6)Uoalla (7)Danlal (o^Padvcuiia-(9)Zazpor (lO)G-oratia (11 )G-anbhi:^^ura ^ ^ . (1 ) Jima-Rajuwadia (2)ilr]lGt]2a (3)Taropa (4)R aJpipla2;Nandod 3;Dediapada ^ ^ ^ . 4;Sag‘bara ---- 5*Valia _ (l)

7.Bharuich (t)Bharuch (2)GhavaoC3)Nabipur (4')'^arfidia ( 5 ) P ^ e j (6)Ve3alpur (7)Kantharia nexcludin"~ TP) A L8)Than (9)^raH-Samadli” (l 0)Dayadra (11 JkVa-jIhanad 8l hTfar ^ ) AnKLeshwar • (2)P an o li 9:Hansat - . " _ - - ■ - - - IQVagra' (1-}Vagra“ (2)Vah'iyal"t34Pakh^:Jan ('4)Saii’blieti ( 5 ) D ^ e j “ (11, Jambusar -t)Magriad'(IT) Janbtisar {^j^cJaJibusar city / 4)-Tan!:ari Road (5)T-undaJ i.6.}Eotesh.war ('7)Kava .(8)Kangam (9) Kavi (l O)Ahkhi tl£. 7ljn6d ^ ^ ) S a M i ‘ (2 )IT^iiei’' ('5)M o d ' ‘ ' “ ' • ^ ...... , . . .

Sourco; District Stacistioal Officer, Distilct ranchayat,Bharuch,

-177- -XT'® statemefTt I'ist of Railway Station? Dlstrlct-Bharuch (As on 31-3-*78)

Sr; T-a 1 u k a Name of Railway Station N o ^ ______

1. Jhagadia h )Boridra (2)Gi;uiiandev (3)Jlia^adia (4)Avidha (5)Rajpardi (6)Umolla (7)DaniIai (8 )¥ a lia (9)Zazpor 0 ) Goratia- ' " and (11 ) G-anbhiipura 2. Nandod (l ) Juna Rajuwadia (2)ijiilctha C5)Taropa (4)R^jpipla 3« Dodiapada '' ' -- ^ 4* Sagbara • -- -— 5. Valia (l)Notrang

6; inKlQiliwgr _ _ Peekfit (l)Sadhal S2,Si:£2!i£§i-i^£S — - - - - __ __ 7. Bharuch ~(1 )Blmruc'h“C2_\CiiavaJ(3-)Nabipur '(4)V^.redia (5)Palej (6)70Jaipur" — ^7)KantlLaria^-(^) Thant (9)Tralsanadh(l 0)Doyad:^a and (n)Vachhnad G, /jilO.eshxmr ( 1 ) AnKLeshwar (2)Panoli ( excluding TP) ...... 9 *. Hans-at 10^ Vagra —- (l )Vagra (2)VahiyaX(3)5akhaJan (4)Sanbheti (^OOaheJ _ 11. Jajnbusar 7l ")Magnad (2)iTaffibuaar (3) Janbusar City( 4 )Tan^ :ari Road( 5)Kotesh-war (6) TundaJ ( 7 )Kava( 8) Kangam{ 9) Kavi -^nd ^ i 0Ankh:<. i’2 , ' i\ii6d ‘ ' ” • ' ’ )Saani (2 )]}Tahier ( 3 ) i\nod ■ - • ■ •

Source; District Statistics Abstract .District Panchavat .Bharuch^. -■170- Stdtsmont-55 Number of post offices, telegraph offices and villages without post offices. District-Bharuch (Years 1973-7^)

Sr. T a 1 u k a Post_^offices_ Post & Telegraph Offices Village without post office No. *“ •“ •*"." Number Per 100 Number Per 100 Number Percentage sq .kms •+ sq.kms*+ to total villages 1 2 3 > 5 6 7 8 Trib al jirea 1 . Jhagadia .36 1+ 0 .5 128 78.0 2 . Nandod ^0 3 .5 2 0,2 168 80.3 3- Dediapada 9 0 .9 1 0.1 161 9 ^ .7 Sagbara 13 1 0.3 87 .7 5. Valia 33 7 .^ 2 o.i+ 56 59 .6 20 8 .2 - - 17 X 5.9 Sub-■Totri ; 1?6 3.8 10 0 .3 . 623 80.0 Non- 6 7 ” Bharuch 60 9 .0 8 1 .2 35 36.8 7* A n k le shwar 7 ^.1 1 0.2 10 58.8 0 . Hans ot 17 ^ .3 ■2 0 .5 28 62.:^ 9 . Vagra If.O 1 0.1 33 48.-5 1 0 , ’+2 0 .3 ^ 8 .1 J ambus ar 3.8 3 39r\ 1 1 . Amod 27 5.G 1 0.2 k- 3 .0

Sub-T otal s 108 16 0 A 170 ^7 . 5 D ist r ic t Total 3^^-i- 26 0.3 793 69^7 Source i District Statistical Officer, District Panchayat, Bharuoh + B^.sed on land use area. ■179~ -179- St3 tement-56 Number of post offices, telegraph offices & villages with post offices.

District-Bharuch (Years 1978-79)

Sr, T a 1 u k a No .of Post offices Post & Telegra^ph Villages without No. inhabited Offices post offices villages (As per Number Per IOC Number Per IOC Number Percentage 1971 sq .kms. sq.kms. to total Census) villages

1 2 3 6 7 0 9 Tribal^Area 1 . Jhagadia 16^ 6.3 J+ 0.5 113 68.9 2 . Nandod 200 ^9 ^•3 3 0.3 159 76.k 3 . Dediapada. 170 29 2.0 - 1 C1 3 2 .9 Sagbara 106 15 ^•7 1 0.3 91 85 .0 5 . Valia 9^ 30 7 2 oX 56 5 9 .6 6 , Ankle hwar Pocket 37 20 0 ,2 - - 17 4-5.9 Sub“Total % 202 10 772 0.3 - 277 . . Z^f.l

7 . Bh?uruch 95 62 9.3 19 2.5 33 3“+.7 8 • Ankleshwar (excluding TF) 17 7 ^.1 7 1 .7 10 5 3 .0 9 . Hansot 2h 6,0 - - 21 4-6,7 10. Vagra 6s k-2 ^•7 5 0 .6 26 38 .2 11 , Jambusar 01 h2 ■3.0 6 0 ,6 39 48.1 12. Amod 52 27 5.Q 3 0 .7 25 4-8.1 Sub-Total t 20if ^ mm ^ m m ^ mm ^ mm ^ . 5-2 . . - 1.0 15 1+3.0 • — » — . — District Total 1137 k06 5.2 50 0.6 731 6lf.3 Source s District Statistical Officer, District Panchayat, Bharuch.

.1 rn- — j. ou~ Statement No.bV ITmber of Prinary schools, pupil^ snd teachers, District-Bharuch (Year: 1973-74)

Sr. T a 1 u k a Primary education Nunber of Percentage ITo. Nunber of Nunber of ITunber of of villages per 100 with prinary schools studonis teachers sq*lins.@ school to total v illa g e s. 1 ...... 2 3 4 5 6 7

Tribal Area . • . . 1; Jhagadia 1 63 16120 500 2o;o 0 3 ;5 2 ; Han do d 209 22741 515 1 i o ;5 05 ;i Dediapada 100 ^511 21 6 io ;6 62:9 4; Sagbara 09 6322 154 2 2 ;2 0 7 ;7 VvXla “ 109 1iei9 323 21 ; 2 9 5 :7 6, Ankleshwar Pocket ;40‘ “ ■ ...... -0670...... •175 ...... ■ ■ I6 p ...... '1 0 0 .0 ' .. .— mm

Sufc-Tdta . 710- • *' ...... 72 449* ■ “ ■ ■ ■ •1'C03 ...... 1 7 , 4 ...... ■ :2 ,3 ' > , . . . , 71 Bharuch’ 161 30542 043 2 4,2 10 0 .0 _ 8, Ankles hwar — ' • * — (6xcluding TP) 35 6i 9r 1 61- 2o ;6 V'^OIO 9:.* Hansot 59 329 1 4;o 1 oo;a 1^; V-agra 70 11 ^26 345 7 :9 95:€- 1 ; J"^jnbus ar 101 21 739 61 6 9 .2 9 2 ;6

1 2 . /jnod ' 6^ - ' 11570 353 12.9 90.1

Stib~Totdl me ■ .97731 2647 13.2 97.0

District Total 1204 1 70100 4530 1 5 .4 8 7 .g

Source: District Statistical Officor,District Panchayat,Bharuch © : Based on land use area. -181- ' statement No, 58 Nunber of prin^ry schools, pupils n-id ter?.chors. District-Bharuch, (Year: 1370-79)

Sr. T a 1 u k a Primary Education No. of Percentage No. schools of villages No.of No.of No.of p e r 1 00 with prinary schools students toachors s q .k n s * school to total villages


I . Jhagadia 171 10055 541 21,0 9 0 .2 2 . Nando d 219 21852 731 1 9 ,4 93. J 3; Dediapada 169 11758 296 1 6,5 78;2 4; Sagbara 86 849S 210 21; 5 0 7 ;7 5 . Vnlia 129 14346 407 25;1 98;9 6. Ankleshwar 40 9076 347 16.3 100.0 . Pocket Sub-Total s 014 04379 2532 19.7 09.6

7i B h a r u c h ""' 1 56 45201 1115 2 3 .4 100.0 C. Ankleshwar ( fexcluding TP) 40 2749 15T 23 V5 80.2, 9# ' Hanso't 53 9340 32^ 13 :3 i'^o;o 10J Vagra 72 13259 4^6 0:2 i^e ;o II ; Jr-nbus ar ■iei 23760 507 9:2 96;3 12,. Anod. 62 . .12979 353 1 3 .3 90.1 Sub-Total • - — *1^7324 2H55^ 15-1.

District’Total' ' ' 1290 ' ^ 91^*03 b o 7 ' 16.6 92 .’ 4 ' source; District Statistical Officer, District Panchayat, Bharuch.

-182- Statemsnt No, 59 §§GGMary Scliools, mplls and District-Bharuch (Years 1973-7W

Sr* T a 1 u k a Secondary Education Number of Percentage of No. Number of Number of Number of schools per villages with schools students teachers 100 sq.kms, secondary of area,(S) schools to totcil v illa g e s,

1 2 3 If 5 6 7

Tribal Area 1 . Jhagadia 9 2739 109 1 .1 5.5 2 . Nandod 16 if069 105 1 7.7 3 • Dediapada 1 103 9 0.1 0.6 h, Sagbara 1 282 11 0 ,3 0,9 5 . Va.lia 6 1696 66 1 .2 6 .4 6 . AnkleshWrar Pocket 1 37 2 0 ,^ 2 .7

Sub-Total 5 3^ 9006 302 0 .8 »f.l+

7 , Bharuch 37 11000 30 ' 5 .6 38.1 G, Ankleshwar (excludin,^ T?) 7 2373 91 .1 '38.'S 9 . Hansot 7 1577 58 108 15 ,'2 1 0. Vagra 6 93^ ko 0,7 8*0 11 , dambusar 13 3^2G 1^9 1 .6 12 . Amod ij . 1037______1 .7 Sub-Total s 33 21 229 799 2.1 22.G

District Total 117 30235 1101 1 .5 10..2

Sources District Statistical Officcr, District Panchayat, B haruch, @ Based on l;:Lnd use area. 1 o 3 — -luj- o-cdtsment-fou Number of secondary schools, pupils and teachers*

Distrlct-Bharuch (Years 1 9 7 3 -7 9 ) Sr. Taluka Secondr.ry Education No. of No .of Percentage of No. No .of No .of No .of schools villages villages with per 100 schools students teachers with secondary sq.kms. secondary schools to of area. schools, total villages

1 2 3 If 5 6 7 8 Tribal__Area 1 • Jhagadia 0 2261+ 9V 1 .0 8 ^•9 2 . Nandod 17 ^733 193 1 .5 17 8.r 3 • Dediapada 2 599 00 0 .2 2 1 .2 k. Sagbara 2 350 1^ 0 ,5 2 1 •? 5 . Valia 6 2199 97 1 .2 6 6 .4 6, Ankleshwar Pocket 1 131 5 O.if 1 2 7 Gub-Tot^x : 36 102 f 1+25 0.9 36 k .6

7 . Bharuch 39 13110 ^66 5.9 39 40.2 8. Ankleshwar (excluding T?) 0 3 7 ^ lk(J ^ .7 8 44.4 9 , Hansot 7 126? 55 1 .8 7 15 10, Vagra 7 960 M+ 0.8 7 2 3.3 11 . Jambus ar 19 k2k9 178 1 .7 19 23, 12. Amod 0 2350 92 1 .7 8 15. Sub-Tot n1 j 83 25682 2 .^ 88^ 24^f> _ 2 7 5 ______mm ^ mm ^ mm ^ mm ^ mm ^ mm • ** •*" •** •*“ •"* District Total 12 !+ 35966 1 ^ 0 1 ,6 I 2H- 10.Q

Source : District Statistical Officer, District Panchayat, Bharuch, 184- -1TT4- ^tatement imo. di Nunbor of Modicol ojid Health Insti tut ions.* D ist rlc t -Bharticli (Toai*!l 973) *

Sr; T a 1 u k a hospitals Disp ons- Nunbor of Nunber of N m ber Nunber of No. arics primary prinary of beds per health health bods 1 0 ,0 0 0 - c critics ^ub-c5 eritto^ population m m 6 “ 7 ' o

• 1; Jhagadia 7 2 € 39 3 2; Nandod ' *“ 1 4 2 '6 6 31 Dediapada — 3 1 3 € 1 4- Sag'bara - X 1 6 1 5r* V a lia..... mm 5 2 6 9 1 6. Ankleshwar Pocket - --

Sub-Total : 1 20 0 24 147 3 Non~Tribal^^.rea 7, Bharuch 1 10 1 3 74 3 0 . ilnkleshwar "(excluding TP) 4 1 3 42 4. 9 ." Hojisot - 3 1 3 14 3 10. VaG^a - 3 1 3 6 1 11, Jaxibusar 1 4 1 3 66 5 12* ilnod m m 2 1 3 14 2 Sub-Total : 2 26 6 1C 216 ^ mm _ A ^ V • • • •

. *> District Tc“'al - • ■ • 3 46 14 ' ■ ; • 363 3 ......

* : G-ovornncnt and 53rant*"in~aid institutioBS only. 105- - St a teme nt No« 6 2

Ho, of Medical and Hoaltii Institutions, Li s t r ic t -Bh. ar uc h (Year: 1970-79)

3r; Nane of Taluka Hosxoital Dispens­ No.of No*of No. of No*of beds No* aries Primary Prinary beds per 10000 Health Health pop\£Lation Centres sub-OOntres'

. . 5 . - - 1 ' • 2 ...... ■ 3 • - ” -4*. • ” ' -6 ...... ■ 7 • ...... 0 ...... ■ • ■

1 « Jhagaclia 7 . 2 2f 2 21 Nandod‘‘ “ 1 5 2 13? 9 3^ Dodiapada j. 3 1 6 t 4* SagT3ara - r 1 4 “6 V 5: v-aia 4 2 T 42 6 . -AnlcLcshwar Pocket - r r - 'Z Sub-Total : 1 2 ^ e 212

7', Bharuch"""' 1 1 4 120 6 G. Ankleshwar (excluding TP) 4 1 3 30 3 9. " Honsot 3 1 3 14 3 10. Vagra 3 1 3 9 1 11; Janbusar A1 4 1 4 66 3 1 2 « /jnod — 2 1 3 14 1 ^ Sub-Total ; 2 '26 6 2 261 4

District Total 3 46 14 52 473 4

3ot;j?co: District Statistical Officcr, District Panchayat, Bharuch*

-106- s-cudents the X^UnDOIW)! ^snran jsnaxas ana (l973-?4) District-Bharuch

Sr; T a 1 u k a - 1973-74 ‘ • ‘ ^7". 71 ' ' ' No. Nunber of F-unber of Nimber of ‘ " *s6h6ols “ “tOaCherS ' ‘ 'students ’ ' ■ ^ ......

1 ...... “'“2...... *----

Tribal Aroa - o 1 ; JlTn^a^ia 2 O 240 2 ; Nandod 2 8 240 5* Dediapada !5 20 503 V» So^'Bara 2 8 240 5: Valia ' " ...... t 5 150 6, . - Ankleshwar Pocket - - — Su^b-r Total 12 49 1 453 ..... S£2z2^!ii£l-^^2S ' 1 7# Bharuch -i> - - O; /inkleshwar( excluding TP) 1 2 14 9 « “ Hansot 2 7 230 10; Vagra 1 4 120 11 . JaalDUSar — 12. Anod —

Sub-Total 4 15 364 District Total 16 62 1017

Source:-L...strict Statistical Officer,District PoXLciiayat,!'aruch*

-107- JMisnDor o i'^^nran Shalas and students therein. D is t r i c t-Bha r uch. ( 1978';-^79)

Sr; T a 1 u k a - - 1970-79 No. No, of ITo.of K o .o f 'schools' ■ • “ teache3:*s ‘ ' Sttidents...... - - . . r ' '2- • ‘ • • ------” ' '

/ 1 ; JhagaSia 3 \o 270 2 ; FanaOT” '" 2 0 240 5, Dedi^acla 7 25 707 41 SagBara 2 a 240 5: V alia - 2 1 240 6, • itokleshwar Pocket - _.r*- SuTD-Total ; 16 5G 1697

l^on^>TT±l)HJ--Area • ' 7.* Bharuch - - c ; /ijikleshwar( excluding TP) 1 5 110 9 . ' HanSDt 2 7 240 1 O; Vagra 3 0 220 11 • Janb-asar — — —

1 2. ilnod —

Suh-Total 6 20 :-'70

District 'Total - - ' 22 70 2267

-188- statement Mo,6^ Nunbcr of nodicaX. and hGalth porsonnol. D is t r ict-Bhai^ch (Year j 1978-79)

Sr. T a 1 u k a Doctors 'sJTurses Midwives No. Nunber Per 1 00 Per Number Per 100 Per Nimber Per 1 00 Per sq.kns^ 1 0000 sq.Jons, 10000 sq.kns. 10000 .popu-. popu­ .popu-. . 1 at ion lation 1 at ion 1 - • - 2 ' > • 4 5 ■

TribaX Area . . “_ 1 ; cJhagadia 7 o ;9 Oi 6 21 2.6 1 ;8 19 2 ;3 1 ;6 2 ; Nandod M 1 ;o 0:7 33 Z-.9 2 ;2 20 r.8 1 ;4 3^ Dodiapada 1 o ;r o;2 10 1rO i ;5 11 1 :i 1 .“6 Sag'bara 2 0:5 o:-4 7 1 ;8 1 ;3 ^ 8 2;o 1 ;5 . ^ 6. . . V . . — -1 4 -5 . V alia 5 . . .-1;o— 0 14...... -o;7- ■ 1 7

6, Ankleshvar Pocket 1 0.4 0.2 3 1 -S ______9 . . “2.0 .T .r* .rf 1• T*.2 . “ Sub*-Total 27 0 .7 0 .5 1 .7 77 1 .9 1 .5 , - 7.“ Bhar-uch 18 2 .7 ^ .8 -1 n 6.0 1 .a 1 7 2 .6 0 .8

3 . AnTrl GShwar i (excluding TP) 3 1 .8 ^ .5 1 5.9 1 .8 6 3 .5 1 .1 9.”Hansot ■ 4 1 ^ .9 8 2 .0 1 *8 8 2 .0 1 .8 1 '^.Vagra 3 0 .3 0 .5 1 0 1 .1 1 .5 10 1 -1 1 .5 H .J a n b u s a r 7 0 .6 0 .5 26 2 .4 1.9 17 1 .6 1 ,2 1 2 . Anod ■2 0 .4 0.3 10 2 .2 1 .5 10 2 .2 1 .5

Sub-Total - ; 68 District Tccal 64 0 .7 0 .6 192 2.1 1 .7 145 1*6 1 .3

S o u r c o : D istric t Sta tistica l O ffioor, D istric t Pancliayat, B h a ru c h . Num'ber o:^/IedicaX and Health personnel* D istricx-ijnaruch T 6 a r - 1 9 7 3 )

Sr^ Taluka T\TnrjO • N-uinber Pei* 1 00 - Per' ' N’umber Per 100 Per' ' Number Por 1 00 Per' ' s1 0000 Sq^kins,@ 1 0000 Sq.kms 10000 Pbpu- popu~ Popu- lax ion ■ ‘ ’1ax ion lax ion ■ ‘ ’1ax

t ...... 2 ...... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I , Jha^adia 6 o;7 0:5 10 1 .2 0.8 7 0.9 0.6 2 . Nandod 7 Oi 6 0.5 19 1 .7 1 .3 12 1 .1 0.8 3. Dediapada 3 0.3 0.4 4 0.4 0.6 6 0.6 0.9 4. Sagbara 1 0.3 0.2 4 1 .0 0.8 6 1.5 1.1 5* V alia 5 1 .0 0.6 8 1 .6 1.0 8 1 *6 1.0 6. Ankloshvar Pockc^ 0.4 3 1r2 '.7 3 U 2 0.7 1 - f. •“ o « " Sub-Total : No n-T r Ar G a 7; Bharach 16 2 .4 0.7 • 33 5.0 1.5 12 1 ,8 0.5 8 , Ankleslivc^r (excluding TP) 2^4 o;7 8 a;? 1 .4 5 2.9 0;9 9. ■ ITeJisot 0 ,6 o.;7 4 1 :o o :9 7 i ;8 i ;5 iC.T^-gra Oo3 o;5 4 o;5 o:6 8 o-;-9 1 ;2 II Janbus ar .6 .0:5 o;4 .15 i;4. i :i 12. .1 ;1.. . c;9- 8 1 2., Ijnod c 0.4 Q.5. ^5^ ^ 1.1 0.7 * r e ’ t, I Sub-Toted., i 34 Q.9 0.6 6 9 _ ____ 1..9 1.2 52 1 .4 0 .9 "c ’ ^ s- District Total.' 57 “ • '0 .7 ...... 0.5' ’ 't17...... T.'5‘ 1 • I 94 ‘ M ; 2 ...... 0 .8 " o ■ Scarce: District Statistical Qificer,District p£inchaya.t j>Bhar"aoh« @ ; Based on land uso aroac .Mote ; PGrsonnol.- worki-rsg' in tnc in s t j.t'uiti.o’'^s shoTm in tho statcnon'u . rare incl.udod in th is ;j tat or. onto 5 Hit" - 1 9 0 -


Methodology adopted and limitations for the earlier bench mark survey report.

As st-at■'i 'rl ior y a taluka has been treated as a unit for identifying it as a tribal area for the purpose of including the same in the Trib -1 A r e a Sub-Plan "'hich envisages special pro­ grammes for development of the tribal areas in general and for uplifts of tribal community in particular. In the preparation of the Tribal Area Sub-Plan itself^ considerable use is made of statistical information including social and economic indicator's available at taluka level. It would be appropriate that the ui._‘- for collection of benchmark data for constructing social and economic indicators should also be a taluka in order to enable the comparison of -<£he exte|it of development at subsequent periods.

As the collection of information in respect of units below the level of taluka would involve considerable field work, it was decided to collect the information at the taluka level only.

The Gov^rn:;iv.'nL d e s ir e d that the Benchmark Survey of

Social and Economic Indicators of development for the districts covered in the Tribal Area Sub-PI an may be conducted as a part of an advance action on the Tribal Area Sub-Plan. In fact. Bench mark data would be very much useful in fixing priorities and t .rgets of various programmes and working out details of the . schemes before implementation. It was therefore felt the results of the Benchmark survey, if available in time, might serve some useful purpose in modifications where necessary of programmes and schemes proposed in the Sub-PI an. Keeping this in view, it

- 1 9 1 - - 1 9 1 -

was decided to collGct the information from various official records and publications available v/ith different Government

Departm^ents and to use such information for computing social and economic indicat jrs of development. No field inquiry was therefore conducted for collection of data for this survey. In fact this was also one of the factors which weighted in favour of keeping taluka as the lowest level of unit for compilation of indicators as the collection of data-for a unit belovj taluka level would necessarily involve large scale fieldwork.

The information for compiling social and economic indi­ cators of development for the Benchmark Survey should relate to the year just preceding the period of com.mencement of the

Sub-PIan. The Tribal Acea Sub-PIan being a part of the State

Five Year Plan has come into operation from the year 1974-75

The information collected in the present survey, therefore, relates to the year 1973-74. It may however be pointed that the information on a few aspects was not available for the reference year 1973-74. In that case the latest available in­ formation has been used for compiling the indicators.

The tribal areas envisaged for development in the sub­ plan cover only selected tribal portions of the district having tribal concentration. It would be worthwhile to have a compara­ tive picture of the levels of development in the tribal talukas

(as defined earlier) as well as other (n- n-tribal) talukas of the district. As such a comparative picture in the non-tribal tilukas and in the district as a vjhole, alongwith the indi­ cators fcr tribal area has also been presented in the report

in ):.rdcr to highlight certain important aspects.

-1 9 2 - - 1 9 2 - Limitations

As mentioned earlier, the taluka which is also geo­ graphical unit for the administrative purposes, is taken as a primary unit for coilection of data for this report. The entire population of tae t^-lukas, hov/ever, does not belong to tribal community, A group of tribal population within a taluka would be an ideal unit for preparation of indicators of development for that class of population. Inspite of this, the indicators vjorked out for the taluka as a whole could be considered, for practical purposes, to represent almost a realistic picture of the tribal population which accounts for a larger share of the total population in the taluka. This limitation should, hov/ever, be borne in mind while drawing inferences from these indicators.

A word of caution is also necessary for the one who is tempted to draw conclusions from these indicators without examining related i dicators together.

There is another, important limitation in the prepa­ ration uf thco^: indicators in the sense that it has not been possible tc v7ork out indicators separately for rural areas of a taluka, in fact, it is to be remembered that a number of talukas out of these included for development in the Sub-PI an either do not have any urban towns cr have a very small non- tribal urban p-pulation in the taluka. As far as the tribal area of Bharuch district is concerned, there is one urban area only in Nandod taluka and the non-tribal urban population is only 14.2 'per cent tc the t'.tal population of the taluka, NIEPA DC
