FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ASSESSMEOT STUDY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF TRIBAL AREA OF BHARUCH DISTRICT NIEPA DC D03949 DIRECTORATE OF EVALUATION GOVERmiENT OF GUJARAT GANDHINAGAR SEPTEl^ER, 198^ Si*>. 'S^rstems liiiii;: NatioTi i>T Ir st^ of E^uratitsal W a n m r p ? ‘■■.-a A mi "■ SLkljw :!:hiz . "** LS=5=S=L2=5 •“ One of the basic objectives of planned development is to bring about balanced growth of different areas in the State, Accordir/^ly special welfare ^^easures had been undertaken for the economic a.nd social upliftmexit of the tribal areas which were considered as most backward areas. For building up a new life and to create ^ •’"n of society in rural areas a nationwide programme of Community Development Project was initiated in 1952, Subsequently, the special programme for the tribal development was initiated in 195? in the form of Special Multipurpose Tribal Development Blocks. A modified version of this programme was taken up on a large scale during the Second Five Year Plan when the Tribal Development Blocks were started. However to meet with the long term development challengefiof the tribal areas it was felt. • tnat some more concentrated efforts were needed. Ultimately for special attention of the tribal areas a new programme known as Tribal Area Sub-Plan was launched ii:;^ the year 197^-75 • The main objective of the Tribal Area Sub-PIan is to narrow down the gap between the development of tribal areas and non--1a,“ribal areas of the State, To lmov7 the position prior to implementation of the T.A.S.P, programme a benciimark study was undertaken by the Directorate of Evaluation in 1 973-7'4- to m.ark the levels of development reached in various spheres of socio' 3conomic activities. After implement­ ation of T .A.S .P.-.prograiTime a follow up study has been undertaken to assess the i-n-nac^.t ci' the programme. Therefore an attempt has been madfe to compare the;-po.sitioi^-at two points of time i .e , prior to implementation of T .A .S .P , programme and at the end of Fifth Five Year Plan. This Directorate is very much thankful to the concerned Officers under District Panchayat, Bharuch and other State level Government Officers who supplied valuable information for enabl­ ing this office to compile this report. G.D.Vasavada Director Gandhinagar, . Directorate of Evaluation, September 198m-. Gandhinagar, CONTENTS Chapter ^age No, No. '*** Socio Economic Situation At a Glance 1-5 1 . Introduction ^ 6-13 2. General Features of the District 14-3G 3. Demographic Characteristics 39-49 4 . Agriculture and Allied /^tivities 50-72 5. Industries and Power 73-79 6 . Transport and Communications - - 20-C5 7. Social Services 06-94 u. Summary and Conclusions ~ 95-107 Statements ■ 10G-1G9 Apoendix 190-192. Bench Mark^Year_^&^Follow-u 2 _,&tud^_^Year §-S-0«y-S-S Sr* Item Unit Tribal Area Non-TrilDal Area H o. Bench Follow Percent Bench Follow Percent Mark -up Incre- Mark -up Incre- Year Year ase/Dec Year Year ase/Dec -rease -rease 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 Year 1971 1981 1971 1981 " .Rural Population 000 U63 567 + 1 7 .1 5 ^32 ^ 8 +12 .9 6 2 .Urban Population 000 26 29 + 1 1 .5 ^ 167 212 + 26.95 3 *Total Population 000 510 596 +1 6 .8 6 599 700 + 16.86 (a)Male 000 260 305 +1 7 .3 1 309 362 +1 7 .1 5 (b)Female 000 250 291 + 16 .^ 0 290 338 + 16 .55 ^.Population (a)Scheduled CasteOOO 13 1 ^ +17 .6 9 ^1 if6 +12.20 Percentage to total popula­ tion 2 .5 2 .7 + 0 ,2 6 ,8 6 ,5 - 0.3 (b)Scheduled Tribes 000 365 k-29 + 17 .5 3 122 1 ^ + 21 ^31 Percentage to total population 71 .6 72.0 + O.If 20 .3 21 .2 + 0.9 J.No.of inhabited villages No. 779 765 - 1 .80 358 358 + 0.00 No .of towns No. 1 ’> + 0.00 6 6 + 0 . 0c 6 .Total V/orkers 000 190 2^0 + 26 .31 202 2^2 +19.80 (1 )Cultivators 000 70 89 + 2 7 . 1 ^ 53 55 0 + 3 .7 7 (2)A g r i. Labourers 000 96 10^ + 8 .3 3 89 96 + 7.87 (3)Household industry, manufacture processing, servicing & repairs. 000 60 (^-) Other v/orkers 23 ^7 +10^.35 92 + 53.33 including marginal v/orkers. • ♦ • .2/- ^s2;- 1 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 7 •Percentage of total workers to tot?^T population 37 + 3.0 3>+ 35 + 1 ,0 8 .Total non- workers 000 320 355 + I0.9i+ 398 V58 +15.08 9 .Percentage to tota,l non-workers to total population 63 60 - 3.00 66 65 - 1 .0 10,Density of population per sq . 1 2^- m-5 +1 6 .9!+ 163 192 +17.79 km. 11 .Literacy rate Percen­ (a)Male tage 35 ^7 +12.00 56 63 + 7.00 (b)Female It >15 2k- + 9.00 32 VI + 9 . 0- (c)Persons - n 25 36 +11.00 V5 52 + 7.00 12 .Sex Ratio Female per 963 956 - 0,73 939 932 - 0 .75 thous and males 13 .Percentage of Percen­ growth popula­ tage 1 6 .7^ 16.93 tion 1981 over 1971 1^.Agriculture Year 1973 1978 1973 1978 -7^ -79 -7>f -79 No.of land holders No. 52910 52170 + 1 ,lf0 68070 72V?8 + 6,1+5 Area held Hects.182335 173898 + I+.63 261+066 251+930 + 3 .V6 1^.Cro^s 1 3 i c e 00 13 7 1 6 2 +18.25 36 Mf + 2 2 , 2 2 Hects. 2 .VTlieat tr 30 22 -26.67 161 178 + 1 0 . 5 5 3 .Juwar 1! I4.23 530 + 2 5 .3 0 258 V f3 + 71 .7 1 ..3 /- -s3:- 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 ^ ^ a j r i 00 82 28 -65.85 92 32 -65.22 Hects # It 5 •MaiZe 21 36 +71 .^3 1 1 + 0.00 '*6 •Other food crops n 22 If 381 + 70.08 17 2 U3 2 +180.23 7 •Groundnut n 58 106 +82.76 11 11 + 0 .0 0 • n 8 ,Cotton 8lf9 536 -36.87 I55if 977 -3 7 .13 9*0ther non­ food crops n 15V 17 7 »1V.9>+ 221 262 +18.55 13 .Total II cropped area 1976 1979 + 0 .15 2506 2h29 - 3 .0 7 11 .Area irrig­ ated "by d iff, sources !! 213 17 2 -19 .2 5 28>+ 2h5 -13 .7 3 12.Percentage of gross Percen­ area ir r i­ tage 10.78 8.68 - 2.10 11 .35 10.10 - 1 .2 5 gated 16 •A.iim^ Year 197& 1977 19 72 1977 n is5a n ^^ Livestock 1 .Total livestock 00 2809 2855 + 1 .6»+ 1738 1677 + 3 .5 1 2,Total cattle 00 1690 I62lf - 3.9 1 711 63>+ -10.33 3 .Cattle youngsfock 00 M o Mf9 + 9.51 97 8lf -1 3 . ^ ia)Male over 3 years 00 837 7 2 k- -13 .5 0 52if -1 1 .1+5 ib)Female over 3 years 00 iA-3 V5i + 1 .81 88 86 - 2 .2 7 ^»Total Buffaloes 00 Uoo !+5l 1-12.75 536 518 - 3.36 5 .Other Livestock 00 719 780 + 8.U8 k-91 525 + 6 .9 2 6 ,Total Poultry 00 1120 170lf + 52.1>+ V7V 572 +20.68 . V - -jl+s- 1 ^ a - 3 6 7 8 9 7 •Tractors No. 108 6? -37.96 37^ 2179 *25.1+0 8 .Gil engine with pump for C ^ irrigation purpose No. 2 791 2868 + 2.76 1113 1373 + 23 ^36 9 •Veterinary Ye ar 1973 1978 1973 1978 dispensaries -7^ -7^ -79 No. 5 + 0.00 6 6 0.00 17.Industries Year 1973 1977 1973 1977 1 .No.of working factories No. 21 + lf.76 67 110 +61+.18 2.Average No.of workers emp­ loyed No. ^91 ajB -k7.h5 8028 8327 + 3 .7 2 Year 1973-7^ 1978-79 1973-7^ 1978-79 3.No.of villages No. 128 3B6 +78.12 159 197 +23.90 and towns ele- Perce- ctrified ntage(3 8 .6 ) ( 7 2 ,6 ) (80.3) l-O.Bankg , , -, .. Tear 197>74- 197 9-79, - 1973-7^f 1978-7.9 1 .Scheduled : ' Bank'Offices' No. - 1 1 ' 13 • + 6 3 ,6»f ■27 + 70.37 2 iPopulation served per ^Bank offiC'-^ 000 if6. 23 -39.13 22 13 -ifO .91 3 .Cooperative Bank offices No. 11 •k3 + 18.18 19 27 +if2 .1 1 ^.Population served. ,p^r .Bank office 000 k6 . 39 -15 .2 2 32 , 22 -31 .25 n Year 1SV3-A ir/B-7 7 1973-7^ 1978-79 No,of primary coeoperatlve ■ spcieti,es No. ^ 8 fio +h6.55 550 691 + 2 5 .6V No .of members No. 79395 +86 *66 91367 112626 +23*27 20.Transport and Communication 1 .Road metn1 led kill. 507 6r,3 +3^.71 566 V99 + lf1 .17 . non-metalled km* ^17 >^63 +10 .0 3 U67 ^75 + 1 ,7 1 2 .Road per 1 00 ■per sq.km* 100 ■(a)Metalled sc^fkm . 12*3 16.5. +3^.15* 1 5 A 21 .7 +VO.91 ” (b)Ncn~metailed ' 10 .1 * 1 1 . 2 + 10.89 1 2 .7 12.9 + 1 .57 ____ 5/- -55s- |1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 ("i)yillages with railway stations No. 17 17 + Q.OO 31 31 + 0.00 ^ 973-7^ 197b-•79 1973-7^ 1978-79 1 ,Tillages with jrimary schools No, 6if1 698 + 8.89 3 ^ 35^ + 1 .72 2,iercentage of Tillages with schools to total Tillages Percent 82.3 89,6 + 7.3 97 .2 98.3 + 1 .1 3 •'Villages with secondary schools No« 3^ 36 + 5.88 83 88 + 6.02 ^.Percentage of villages with secondary sch­ ools to total villages Percent ^.6 + 0.2 22.8 2^-.2 + 1 22.M3dical Year 1973-7^ 1978-•79 1973-7^ 1978-79 1 .)Jo.of hospitals No.
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