Foreword by the Incumbent, the Very Revd , the of

The of and Bishop Monkton are two of the four parishes making up the Ripon Benefice. This profile has been prepared to assist the appointment of a house for duty to these two parishes. It reveals how much life and vitality there is both within the churches and the communities they serve. This is a delightful area in which to live and a wonderfully rewarding context in which to minister; many people of all ages are enthused and engaged.

It is important that we appoint a priest who will help these churches and communities to continue to flourish. Continuing to develop lay leadership and offering ministry within the schools will be clear priorities. There is a good deal of autonomy for the person in this post, but also an enviable amount of support from both the parishes and the wider benefice. The Cathedral’s support often extends beyond that provided by me, to that of Cathedral canons and minor canons and the services of the Cathedral Office. The Area and the Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven also provide valuable encouragement.

The other two parishes in the Cathedral benefice are the Cathedral itself, which also contains the village of Littlethorpe, and the Parish of Sharow with Copt Hewick and Marton-le- Moor. The clergy and congregations of the whole benefice look forward to welcoming, and working with, the person who is appointed.

I would be delighted to have a conversation with anyone wishing to explore whether God is calling him or her to this particular ministry.

The Very Revd John Dobson The


Overview A warm welcome, led by our incumbent the Very Revd John Dobson, awaits the house for duty priest who comes to share their ministry and mission with our communities in the parishes of St John Baptist Bishop Monkton and St Leonard’s Burton Leonard, two of the four parishes constituting the benefice

These are two very picturesque rural villages that boast strong, thriving, diverse communities.

The villages are two miles away from each other, are strategically well placed to reach the Cathedral city of Ripon, the Spa town of and have close links to the A1.

Through farming heritage, active families, professional people of all ages both communities have a beating heart.

The priest we would like will be  Approachable, visionary, innovative and prayerful.  Lead us liturgically and willing to undertake a varied pattern of services  Willing to maintain and improve our links with the two Church of village primary schools and lead regular and inspirational collective worship.  Work with us to improve our visiting of the sick or people in need of support  Keen to support our music for all ages within services  Happy to prepare candidates for confirmation  Willing to guide us in ways to increase lay involvement in services  Good with using computers  Able to help us find a way to explore our faith through house groups  Comfortable working alongside families and children of all ages  Comfortable coordinating the services of two churches  Willing to support our link with the local Methodist church.  Willing to be a community participant


Bishop Monkton


The Village of Bishop Monkton Our award winning website is the perfect place to explore life in Bishop Monkton. www.bishopmonktontoday.btck.co.uk The village has a population of around 850 of mixed ages who are predominantly Caucasian. The population is fairly static but will increase in the near future due to a small new development.

There is a primary school with 106 pupils. The school has an incorporated nursery and pre- school with 24 pupils. Following a SIAMS inspection in 2014 The School was awarded ‘outstanding’. The Primary School offers extended hours school clubs making it attractive to parents living outside the Parish as well as within. The Primary school feeds secondary schools in Boroughbridge, Ripon (which includes the Grammar School), and specifically church schools in Harrogate. The village supports more than 30 different clubs and societies catering for all interests and ages. A number of these clubs make excellent use of the wonderful village hall that was funded by the villagers. Alongside the village hall there are superb sports facilities for croquet, tennis, cricket, bowls and a children’s play area.

All this contributes to making Bishop Monkton a vibrant, welcoming place to live that has a great sense of community.


About the Church Our Mission Statement Through faithful worship and humble service, we strive to embrace Christ’s love and compassion, and to share the Gospel message with all people within a welcoming and friendly community of faith.

Our electoral roll currently numbers 90. A high percentage of this number attend church regularly giving us hope that with a little guidance we can extend our ministry further.

Our Services Over the past eight years we have risen to the challenge of finding ways to broaden our worshipping community particularly for young families. Eight years ago we only had two children who regularly attended church but our service pattern has been carefully thought through with the result that we now offer a varied pattern of services that cater for everyone. We continually review our service pattern to ensure that it remains relevant. During the last year we undertook a Parish Review across both parishes when the whole membership of the church was consulted. The aim was to help us draw up plans for future development. The results were discussed at a productive joint PCC away day. Following on from this the first action has been the implementation of a new pattern of services that include regular joint services with our sister church in Burton Leonard (see attached schedules)

The first Sunday in the month is an All Age Worship service that has been running in its present form for five years. It is organised by the family service team led by a trained lay worship leader and continues

Pumpkins at the November Family service to grow. The children actively participate in the

6 The band playing at a Family service

service through playing in a band, singing and reading. The adult choir support the singing at this service.

The second and fourth Sunday of the month offers a 9am communion service using the Book of Common Prayer. We offer one Joint evensong service per month at 6pm on the fourth Sunday. This service is joint with Burton Leonard and alternates between the two churches. The Joint choir sings at this service.

The third Sunday of the month offers a 10.30 Parish Eucharist service. The choir sing at this service. When there is a fifth Sunday in the month we have a joint 10.30 Eucharist service with our sister church of Burton Leonard alternating churches for the venue. The joint choir from both churches sings at this service.

The music tradition of the church is very strong having a choir, a band and two organists. The organist who plays for evensong is also a lay reader who is willing to take the evensong service on occasion. During the summer months we are pleased to welcome holiday makers to our services. Church Management We currently have two churchwardens ably supported by a team of deputy wardens who, on a rota basis, open the church and make sure all is set up prior to the service then clear away and lock up afterwards. They also arrange readers for all services. The PCC works through a series of subgroups to ensure the smooth day to day running of the church from fund raising to maintenance ensuring that we do all we can to keep up to date with everything. Future Aspirations Following on from a successful Journey into Faith course three years ago we would like to develop regular house group meetings.


We have congregational participation in services: reading, serving the chalice (we currently have five Eucharistic ministers), lay led intercessions. Our All Age Worship is usually lay led . We are aware that we are lacking in our support of overseas mission and feel there is room for improvement in our support of other charities.

Our Church and its Community We undertake weddings baptisms and funerals as requested. We usually have 1 or 2 weddings, 3 baptisms and 5 or 6 funerals per year. Initial contact is usually to the house for duty priest who then works with the churchwardens to make any necessary arrangements for baptisms and funerals. We have a wedding co-ordinator. We have also had four confirmation services in the last eight years drawing candidates from both villages a significant number of whom have been adults. This is particularly encouraging for the development of a committed worshipping community.

The Village school has one service in church per term and regular collective worship that is teacher led in school. The head teacher has said she would like the house for duty priest to take the lead in this collective worship on a regular basis. The church elects two foundation governors who represent the church’s voice on the board of school governors. Children from both the Methodist and Anglican Churches attend BLAST (Bible Learning Adventure Station) which is led by the Methodists and provides a forum for the children to learn from the Bible in a fun way.


Members of both village churches initiated the HANDS Help and Support Network group within the village that aims to provide help and support to anyone in need in the village.

HANDS group

The addition of a disabled access, toilet and ‘kitchen in a cupboard’ means that the church is a wonderful venue for social events, coffee mornings, concerts and flower festivals to name a few.

Seder Supper

Three years ago our Coffee‘n’Cake mornings, held on the first Friday of each month, began in church to provide a meeting place for all. This has proved a very welcome and popular addition to the ministry of our church. The money raised from designated coffee mornings is donated to the specified charities some of

Members of the Coffee’n’Cake organisers which are: Jenny Unwin Appeal, St Georges Foundation for Ebola Orphans, Nepal

Disaster, AFIA (Away from it all) for disadvantaged families,

Harrogate Women’s Refuge

Participants at a Coffee’n’ Cake morning


The church has organised other social events for the whole village that have taken place in the village hall.

The Children’s Society is supported through the annual box collection.

The Harvest collection of tinned foods is given to Charities providing food to those in need in the Harrogate and Ripon Areas.

Our church and its buildings After ten years planning and fundraising by a determined and dedicated team we have been able to build a disabled access and toilet extension as well as connect to mains water, and install a kitchen in a cupboard. This provides us with good facilities to take the life of the church into the future.

Access for the disabled The’ Kitchen in a cupboard’

The building is in a good state of repair and is routinely checked by a subgroup of the PCC for any repairs that may be needed. Currently there are no major repairs needed or foreseen.

Thanks to the generosity of a past member of the congregation we have recently had a beautiful new carpet fitted.


The church is open daily. This is greatly appreciated by visitors who reflect this in their comments written in our visitor’s book: ‘A peaceful oasis in this busy world,’ ‘Beautiful, peaceful, Thank you God’ ‘Thank you for being open, thank you for your welcome.’ ‘Inspiring’ ‘What a credit this church is to the community it serves. Felt at peace within its walls.’

There are a good number of volunteers from both within and outside the church family who contribute to the cleaning and tidying of the church and churchyard ensuring it always looks loved and cared for.

Our church in a wider context A TRIO campaign (The Responsibility Is Ours) has recently been undertaken with the aim of increasing regular giving to the church. This successful campaign resulted in an increase to our regular giving, predominantly by standing order, of 20%.

Our parish magazine is published monthly by a team of three editors providing a wealth of information about church news and activities. The magazine is distributed widely throughout the village. In addition to the magazine a weekly e-news sheet is produced and distributed by a team of volunteers.

We are aware that the house for duty position is part time and feel we have a strong organisational structure to support the house for duty priest who takes on this role..


The Vicarage


The vicarage for both parishes is situated a short walk away from St John Baptist Church in Bishop Monkton. It is a well proportioned four bedroomed family house with a study that is home to the Church photocopier. The house is in a good state of repair and has an easily maintained garden. Both parishes share the cost of appropriate clergy expenses which are paid in full.

The vicarage Strawberry tea in the vicarage garden


Burton Leonard


The Village of Burton Leonard

With a population of approximately 700 (87 on the Electoral Roll), including a high proportion of young families Burton Leonard is a hive of village activity catering for all ages. “If we don’t have something we think about how we can set it up” says one resident referring to the gardening club, the daytime leisure club for elderly people and more recently the development of our children’s playground.

Other well established groups in our Village include Keep Fit, Zumba, Yoga, Beavers & Cubs, Sports4All and AmDrams among others. These groups all use our excellent Village Hall facilities whilst, for example, the Bridge Club, Art Club, Toddlers Group and sometimes the History Group use the smaller St Leonards Hall, a facility directly associated with the Church also often rented for Private Parties too.

Our History Group has been active for 5 years, produced two books and held Exhibitions The first book described our Village, its houses, people, school and Church in 1911 whilst the second focused on WWII with evacuees and prisoners of war. Other projects now underway are about the local quarry, Limekilns and our Church School. Please do ask for these publications.

Outdoor activities for Juniors and Adults alike include Tennis, Football, Cricket and Bowls all using purpose made facilities which are located in the centre of Burton Leonard. For a closer look at Burton Leonard please visit the village website www.burtonleonard.org.uk

The village Church of England Primary School has close links with the church and welcomes services with the priest on occasions such as Welcome Back in September, Harvest, Christingle and the leavers service. The school is looking forward to welcoming a priest to help promote Christian values. Amanda Townson, the present Head Teacher, when asked about a new priest said she would like them to have the ‘ability to lead creative collective worship in school and provide support for us as a church school’ Please have a look at the school website www.burtonleonard.n-yorks.sch.uk


Information and events about all the above are translated monthly into our Parish Magazine which is produced and distributed for our Village community by St Leonards Church PCC. Additionally E:news is circulated directly to our Parishioners. About the Church The Building

The present church, built in 1878, is the third church to be built on this site surrounded by a closed churchyard and separate cemetery to the north of the church. The Church is open daily for all to enjoy its peaceful character.

St Leonard’s Church, depicted in the painting above, has a seating capacity for 120 people including our choir, limited disabled access, a loop hearing system, pipe organ and overall sound system. Well maintained regularly with a modern electrical system, during Autumn 2016 stonework to five windows has been extensively repaired, this work including attention to ferramenters and glazing. A further phase of similar work is being planned

Along with our magnificent east window the words “Glory be to thee O Lord” etched in our nave archway set the church magnificently in the centre of our beautiful village and strong community

The church and cemetery are well cared for under the guidance of our fabric officer, PCC and a team of willing volunteers who often form working parties for such things as leaf clearing. Our closed graveyard is maintained by Harrogate Borough Council

St. Leonard’s Hall is located approximately 100 yards from the Church lychgate and whilst belonging to the church, is used for a variety of village activities and meetings. It contains up-to- date well heated facilities, is disabled friendly and has a modern Kitchen and Servery.


Our Services Our recently revised worship schedule is shown in the attached table. It has been introduced to coordinate more effectively between our two Villages. Presently we offer a mixed pattern of worship from the Book of Common Prayer to Common Worship and theme led family services. We involve all ages of our congregation in the delivery of our services. Service sheets have been prepared regularly by our Priest and wherever possible this has continued during the Vacancy

In May 2013 the Methodist church in the village sadly closed but we continue to welcome all its members as we have shared many services in the past.

With Dean John closely supporting us as our Incumbent in this House for Duty arrangement we enjoy good contact and support from the Cathedral office and during the vacancy are strengthening and expanding these links as different Clergy take services with us. We value these contacts immensely along with support from lay preachersand other ordained ministers.. We look forward to building on all these contacts with our new Priest. We also value the support given by the diocesan officers.

Our current service pattern with attendance figures is included at the back of this document.

Our services enjoy full regular support by Sides Persons, Eucharistic Ministers, Organists, Choir, our Family Service Team and two Church Wardens who undertake 3 years in this role.

Our Family Service Team with our priest, regularly plan services aimed particularly at families. Lay Service Leader Stuart Newsome actively supports this team too in both Bishop Monkton and Burton Leonard and enjoys a full part in our services on the first Sunday of each month


The children are fully involved from ringing the bell to reading lessons and prayers, acting and taking the collection.

The Children Singing at the Family service

Special Services Memorial Service – we remember our loved ones. Songs of Praise – we choose our favourite hymns. Harvest Festival Stir Up Sunday – a demonstration of mincemeat making Advent Sunday – the start of the Posada 9 Lessons and Carols Christingle - Christingles are made in school with the Children Crib Service Christening – either privately or within a regular service, including families releasing Prayer Balloons Sonrise which is held at Dawn on the Village High Green


Our Church and its Community Not all our worship takes place in church.

Our procession through the village on Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday along with Sonrise takes our expression of faith to the wider community.

In July, at the village feast, we have a service at the visiting fairground on the dodgems.

Feast procession Service on the dodgems

We are always open to new ideas - Guided study is encouraged and in the past this has included Journey into Faith, a 2 year course supported by parishioners from both Burton Leonard and Bishop Monkton Also confirmation classes for both young people and adults alike have been important


Along with baptisms (usually 3 or 4 per year) weddings (usually 3 or 4 per year)and funerals (usually 4 or 5 per year), our community is welcomed into church on many other occasions. Also, our Church hosts – Art exhibitions Flower festivals History exhibitions Concerts - the most recent being a performance by the Elysian Singers and previously by the Decibels Choral Group. Also we often enjoy musical solos by people who live here. Scarecrows when the village is fully ‘populated’ and open to many visitors from the area

Other recent events include - Open Gardens which this year focused on three particular locations within walking distance in the centre of Burton Leonard A Ceilidh in our village hall with over 100 people attending Village seniors lunch during Harvest Festival week with local produce used as ingredients for delicious soup served in St Leonards Hall by our Year 6 pupils. A Harvest Supper for 130 people in our Village Hall with hot food served after a dance performance by children from our village school. This year we were pleased to have Bishop James as our guest. All events regularly include a raffle with tea/coffee and cake served in St Leonards Hall

Maypole Dancing Scarecrows


Fundraising Our church fundraising efforts have reached out to wider organisations including Martin House Children’s Hospice, St. Georges Crypt – , Harrogate Women’s Refuge Harrogate Homeless Project, Christian Aid Disaster Appeal and Samaritans Shoeboxes.

Saturday Coffee Mornings are a regular feature of St Leonards Hall for special Appeals.

During 2016 we have directly supported ABCD Charity, which provides beds for disabled children in Bethlehem. Our selected charity for 2017 is Ripon Food Bank which aims to support those in our closest town who are financially challenged. Overall we aim to alternate between overseas and local organisations

Our Church Management St. Leonard’s church is part of the Ripon Cathedral benefice. In addition to support from the cathedral and our two Church Wardens our priest can also rely on our active PCC. The PCC prides itself on maintaining a financially stable church with carefully managed income. The PCC meets regularly and comprises nine members plus Secretary, Treasurer and Deanery Synod representative.

Our current churchwardens bring extensive knowledge having each been members of the PCC for well over 10 years.


Worship schedule pattern for both villages


Christmas day Christmas andCarols Lessons 9 Harvest Easter Fifth Fourth Third Second First Celebration services Celebration Which Sunday of the monththe 10.30am 6.00pm 9.00am 10.30am 9.00am 10.30am Time Bishop Bishop Monkton Bishop MonktonBishop BoroughbridgeRoad Farm Hall MrsJennifer Barker Celebrationeucharist andCarols Lessons 9 Worship age All Celebrationeucharist withjoint Burton service a Leonardis betweenandalternates This - Eucharist the two churches withjoint Burton service a Leonardis betweenandalternates This - Evensong the two churches HolyCommuionSaid BCP) ( Eucharist Parish HolyCommuionSaid BCP) ( worship age All Type of service Current worship pattern worship Current BurtonLeonard Station4 Lane MrJohn Eden Current churchwardensCurrent atttendance Average Average >100 >100 70 80 12 45 12 64 10.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 9.00am Time BurtonLeonard HuntersBarn MrDerek Packer CelebrationEucharist andCarols Lessons 9 Worship age All CelebrationEucharist Worship nonEucharistsic HolyCommunionSaid BCP) ( Eucharist Parish FamilyService HolyCommunionSaid BCP) ( Type of service Burton Leonard BurtonLeonard StraightLane HoughtonGate Slater MrsLesley atttendance Average Average >100 >100 >100 >100 76 30 38 19 45 45 19