Monck's Corner, Berkeley County, South Carolina
Monck's Corner, Berkeley County, South Carolina by Maxwell Clayton Orvin, 1951 In Memoriam John Wesley Orvin, first Mayor of Moncks Corner, S.C., b. March 13, 1854, d. December 17, 1916.He was the son of John Riley Orvin, a Confederate States Soldier in Co. E., Fifth S.C. Cavalry and Salena Louise Huffman, South Carolina. Transcribed by D. Whitesell for South Carolina Genealogy Trails PREFACE The text of this little book is based on matter compiled for a general history of Berkeley County, and is presented in advance of that unfinished undertaking at the request of several persons interested in the early history of the county seat and its predecessor. Recorded in this volume are facts gleaned from newspaper articles, official documents, and hitherto unpublished data vouched for by persons of undoubted veracity. Newspapers might well be termed the backbone of history, but unfortunately few issues of newspapers published in Berkeley County between 1882 and 1936 can now be found, and there was a dearth of persons interested in ''sending pieces" to the daily papers outside the county. Thus much valuable information about the county at large and the county seat has been lost. A complete file of The Berkeley Democrat since 1936 has been preserved by Editor Herbert Hucks, for which he will undoubtedly receive the blessings of the historically minded. Pursuing the self-imposed task of compiling material for a history of the county, and for this volume, I contacted many people, both by letter and in person, and I sincerely appreciate the encouragement and help given me by practically every one consulted.
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