Current Herpetology 19(2): 97-111., Dec. 2000 (C) 2000 by The Herpetological Society of Japan

Literature Survey on Predators of in Japan


Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN

Abstract: Characteristic defensive behaviors of snakes and their ecological and morphological correlates have been well documented. Biological inter- pretations of these characteristics, however, often suffer from a paucity of in- formation on actual predators of snakes. Concerning natural predators of Japanese snakes, neither quantitative data nor a systematic review are availa- ble. Here, we review and synthesize the published accounts of predators of snakes in Japan. We confirmed 59 /subspecies of predators and 21 species of prey snakes. We hope that this review will stimulate biologists and naturalists to record further predatory events on snakes and help clarify the defensive mechanisms of snakes.

Key words: ; Predator; Prey; Review; Japan

biological interpretations of their defensive INTRODUCTION mechanisms often suffer from a paucity of Prey-predator interaction is one of the information on actual predators of snakes. most important aspects of evolutionary bi- In Japan, 38 species of snakes (excluding ology, because this interaction can affect the sea snakes) are currently recognized (Hikida evolution of phenotypic features, such as and Sengoku, 2000). For several species of morphology and behavior, of both prey and them, food habits are well documented, and predators (Feder and Lauder, 1986). Mori and Moriguchi (1988) reviewed the Snakes, typical carnivorous , have published data on natural diets of Japanese been well-studied as "predators". Substan- snakes. On the other hand, information on tial information on their diets, feeding be- predators of Japanese snakes are scattered, havior, and associated ecological and mor- and neither quantitative data nor a systemat- phological characteristics have been ac- ic review are available concerning natural cumulated (Mushinsky, 1987; Greene, predators of snakes in Japan. We have at- 1997). Attention has also been paid to tempted to review and synthesize the pub- snakes as "prey", and characteristic defen- lished accounts of predators of snakes in sive behaviors and ecological and morpho- Japan, and we provide a list of natural pre- logical correlates have been documented dators of Japanese snakes based on more (Greene, 1988; Pough, 1988). However, than 200 references. We employed the following criteria for citation. 1) The data used here were limited * Corresponding author . Tel: +81-75-753- 4075; Fax: +81-75-753-4113. to predatory events observed within Japan. E-mail address: [email protected] For the snakes that are not endemic to (K. Tanaka) Japan, predatory events observed in other 98 Current Herpetol. 19(2) 2000 countries were not included. 2) Although tion. 5) obviously considered as humans could play an important role in the carcass feeding was excluded. However, evolution of phenotypic features of snakes, unless evidence of carcass feeding was avail- predation by Homo sapiens was not consi- able, predation on dead snakes was includ- dered. 3) Predation under captive or ex- ed. 6) General descriptions of food habits perimental conditions was excluded. 4) Ac- and speculated predators without concrete tual ingestion of the snake by the predator evidences were excluded. 7) If the data ob- was not considered. For example, observa- viously obtained from the same survey were tion of a flying carrying a snake or ob- published in separate papers, we cited only servation of a predatory attempt without a representative one. 8) Predators of sea actual ingestion was considered as a preda- snakes were excluded, and we did not make tory event and included in the present cita- an extensive literature survey for sea snakes.

TABLE 1. List of animals reported as predators of Japanese snakes. Subspecies names of preda- tors are listed if identification is possible from the literature. TANAKA & MORI-PREDATORS OF JAPANESE SNAKES 99

TABLE 1. Cotinued. 100 Current Herpetol. 19(2) 2000

However, a few items of information ob- literature without a original English title tained during our general survey are and/or English name of the periodical. presented as an appendix. For the convenience of Japanese readers, a We attempted to give translations for list of the literature in Japanese and the ta-

TABLE 2. List of literature records for predators of Japanese snakes. See Table 1 and Literature List for symbols of predators and reference No., respectively. TANAKA & MORI-PREDATORS OF JAPANESE SNAKES 101

TABLE 2. Cotinued. 102 Current Herpetol. 19(2) 2000

bles with Japanese common names will be Muroyama, N. Nakagawa, H. Ota, Y. published in the Bulletin of the Herpetolog- Sawara, T. Taniuchi, and Mi. Toda for ical Society of Japan. their comments on our preliminary ques- Predators of Japanese snakes revealed by tionnaire for this study. the literature survey are listed in Table 1. Predators of each species or subspecies of LITERATURE CITED snakes along with references are listed in Table 2. We confirmed 59 species/subspe- FEDER, M. E. AND G. V. LAUDER. (eds.) 1986. cies of predators, encompassing a range Predator-Prey Relationships: Perspectives and from invertebrate arachnids to large mam- Approaches from the Study of Lower Ver- mals. At least one predator was recorded tebrates. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. 198 p. GREENS, H. W. 1988. Antipredator mechan- for 21 species of snakes, which is approxi- isms in . p. 1-152. In: C. Gans and mately half of the Japanese terrestrial R. B. Huey (eds.), Biology of the Reptilia, snakes. It should be noted that these tables Vol. 16. Ecology B: Defense and Life History. are not to be considered an all-inclusive Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. summary of the predators of Japanese GREENE,H. W. 1997. Diet and feeding. p. 51- snakes. We hope that this review will 73. In: Snakes: the Evolution of Mystery in stimulate biologists and naturalists to ob- Nature. Univ. California Press, Barkeley serve and report further predatory events on California. HIKIDA, T. AND S. SENGOKU.2000. Japanese snakes and promote future studies on common names of amphibians and reptiles: defensive mechanisms of snakes. past and present. Bull. Herpetol. Soc. Jpn. 2000(1): 20-33. (in Japanese) MORI, A. AND H. MORIGUCHI.1988. Food ACKNOWLEDGMENTS habits of the snakes in Japan: a critical review. Our special thanks are due to A. Azuma, Snake 20: 98-113. T. Deguchi, M. Hasegawa, T. Hikida, T. MUSHINSKY, H. R. 1987. Foraging ecology. Hirai, N. Ichikawa, M. Imafuku, M. Izawa, p. 302-334. In: R. A. Seigel, J. T. Collins, and S. S. Novak (eds.), Snakes: Ecology and Evo- S. Kadowaki, K. Karasawa, S. Kubokami, lutionary Biology. Macmillan Publ. Co., New H. Kuroda, T. Maenosono, H. Matsubara, York. R. Miura, M. Motokawa, H. Moriguchi, N. POUGH, F. H. 1988. Mimicry and related Narumi, M. Nishimura, Y. Nitani, T. Oi, S. phenomena. p. 153-234. In: C. Gans and Okada, H. Okawa, G. Ogura, I. Ono, N. R. B. Huey (eds.), Biology of the Reptilia, Sakaguchi, K. Sato, S. Suginohara, S. Vol. 16. Ecology B: Defense and Life History. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. Tachibana, K. Taguchi, S. Takenaka, M. Tatara, T. Tochimoto, Ma. Toda, Y. Tom- ida, M. Toyama, R. Tsushima, K. Ueda, T. LITERATURE LIST Wada, S. Watanabe, Yo. Yamada, S. (*) in Japanese with English abstract or summary Yamagishi, and M. Yoshida for providing (**) in Japanese only literature and/or personal information on 1. ABE, M. 1991. Diet of nestlings of the predators of snakes, and to the Research oriental honey buzzard. (abstract) Jpn. J. Center, Wild Bird Society Japan (Y. Kanai, Ornithol. 39(4): 128. (**) R. Kurosawa, Ya. Yamada, K. Fukui, and 2. ABE, S. 1992. What does the N. Kato) and the Yamashina Institute for eat on Amami? Chirimosu 3: 1-18. (**) 3. ABE, T. 1976. Observations on the grey- Ornithology for providing literature. We faced buzzard-eagle, Butastur indicus. also thank K. Araya, M. Fujioka, R. C. Anima 4(10): 63-67. (**) Goris, T. Hayashi, K. Hidaka, H. Higuchi, 4. ADACHI, T. AND I. AKITSUKI. 1996. T. Izumi, M. Kajita, K. Kawamura, G. Okutadami Story: The Valley Where the Masunaga, S. Mori, O. Murakami, Y. Soars. Sekai-Bunkasha, TANAKA & MORI-PREDATORS OF JAPANESE SNAKES 103

Tokyo. 223 p. (**) of animals. Yama to Hakubutsukan 5. Anonymous. 1969. Relationship of a (Mountain and Museum) 31(4): 2-3. (**) common pheasant and a snake. NATURE 18. CHO, H. 1976. Impalement, a curious 90: 11. (**) habit of shrikes II-1. The Review of 6. Anonymous. 1987. Elaphe quadrivirga- Pheasant and Waterfowl of the World ta swallowing Agkistrodon blomhqffii. 9(3): 12-20. (**) Article, Hidaka Newspaper, August 30, 19. Department of Forestry and Fisheries, 1987. (**) Forestry Conservation Division, Kuma- 7. Anonymous. 1999. Unforgiving nature. moto Prefecture. 1996. Wild of A spider preys on a snake. Okinawa Kumamoto Prefecture. Reports on the Times, Morning Paper, September 8, Survey of Distribution of Wild Birds in 1999. (**) Kumamoto Prefecture I. Kumamoto. 8. Anonymous. The Yomiuri Shimbun. (**) 63p. (**) (Not directly cited. The data is based on a 20. Ecological Study Group of the Mountain photograph of the newspaper that M. -Eagle. 1995. Food habits of the Yoshida of Ritsumeikan University kept a mountain hawk-eagle. (abstract) p. 13. In: few years ago. According to his informa- T. Iida and T. Inoue (eds.), Proceedings tion, an Elaphe climacophora was trapped of the First Symposium on the Mountain in a spider's web, and the head of the Hawk-Eagle. Executive Committee of the snake was wound with thread.) First Symposium on the Mountain Hawk- 9. AOYAMA,I., F. SEKIYAMA,N. OBARA,G. Eagle, Hiroshima. (**) TAMURA, AND H. SAKAGUCHI. 1988. 21. FUJIMAKI, Y. (ed.) 1999. Hodgson's Breeding biology of a pair of golden ea- Hawk-Eagle and the Northern Goshawk gles in the Kitakami mountains. Aquila of Hokkaido. Hokkaido Raptorial Bird chrysaetos 6: 14-23. (*) Research Association, Hokkaido. 26 p. 10. ARAKI, Y. 1985. Food habits of (**) Trimeresurus flavoviridis I. Reports of 22. FUKADA,H. 1959. Biological studies on Ecological Research to Reduce Habu the snakes. V. Food habits in the fields. (Trimeresurus flavoviridis) Bites in Okina- Bull. Kyoto Gakugei Univ. Ser. B., wa Pref. 8: 91-96. (**) No. 14: 22-28. 11. ARAKI, Y. 1986. Food habits of 23. FUKADA,H. AND S. ISHIHARA.1972. A Trimeresurus elegans I. Reports of Eco- rare snake, , was eaten logical Research to Reduce Habu by men. Jpn. J. Herpetol. 5(1): 14. (**) (Trimeresurus flavoviridis) Bites in Okina- 24. HARATO,T. 1987. Food habits and be- wa Pref. 9: 85-88. (**) havior of a fledgling of the crested ser- 12. ARAKI, Y. AND K. MITSUI. 1984. Food pent-eagle, Spilornis cheela perplexus, in habits of Trimeresurus flavoviridis and Iriomote-jima Island, Okinawa. Isl. Stud. Trimeresurus elegans. Reports of Ecologi- Okinawa 5: 49-58. (*) cal Research to Reduce Habu (Trimeresu- 25. HASEGAWA,M. ANDH. MORIGUCHI.1989. rus flavoviridis) Bites in Okinawa Pref. 7: Geographic variation of food habits, body 59-65. (**) size and life history traits of the snakes on 13. ARIMOTO,I. 1931. Predation on Rhab- the Izu Islands. p. 414-432. In: M. Mat- dophis tigrinus by Elaphe quadrivirgata. sui, T. Hikida, and R. C. Goris (eds.), Zool. Mag. 43: 43. (**) Current Herpetology in East Asia. Her- 14. ASAMI,B. 1990. Owl. The hunter flaps petol. Soc. Jpn., Kyoto. its wings at night: Growing in the hollow 26. HAYASHI, H. 1903. Birds and snakes. of an old tree. Anima 18(8): 18-23. (**) Zool. Mag. 15: 167-168. (**) 15. AZUMA,A. Personal communication. 27. HAYASHI,H. 1904. A strange habit of 16. Central Research Laboratories, Yomeishu the bull-headed shrike. Mag. Nat. Hist. Seizo Co., Ltd. 1999. Ecology and Ar- 4(47): 4-7. (**) tificial Propagation of the Mamushi. Cen- 28. HAZAMA,T. 1933. Specificity of the zoo- tral Research Laboratories, Yomeishu logical distribution and science education Seizo Co., Ltd., Nagano. 159 p. (**) in Okinawa Prefecture. J. Okinawa Edu. 17. CHIBA,A. 1986. Droppings and leavings 201: 37-43. (**) 104 Current Herpetol. 19(2) 2000

29. HIRANO, S. 1987. Japanese char: Daily snake. Trans. Nagasaki Biol. Soc. 24: 39. life of fishermen. p. 129-200. In: S. (**) Shimura (ed.), Japanese Char: Fishermen 44. IMAIZUMI,Y. 1953. Harmful snakes and Working in the Streamhead. Hakujit- useful snakes. Prevention of Plant Epi- susha, Tokyo. (**) demics 7(1): 27-29. (**) 30. HIRATA, M. 1970. Ophiophagy of a 45. IMAIZUMI, Y., T. IMAIZUMI, AND T. snake. NATURE 106: 7. (**) CHABATAKE.1977. Studies on Ecology 31. Hokkaido Board of Education. (ed.) and Conservation of the Iriomote Cat, the 1979. Reports on Special Research on 3rd Report. Environment Agency, Tokyo. Steller's Sea Eagle and the White-Tailed 129 p. (**) Eagle. Hokkaido Cultural Properties Pro- 46. INAMI, K. 1966. Distribution and food tection Association, Sapporo. 63 p. (**) habits of the mongoose. J. Okinawa Agr. 32. HONGO, T. 1990. The amphibians and 5(2): 39-44. (**) reptiles of Oga Peninsula. Nat. Hist. Jpn. 47. INOUE, T. 1972. The food habit of 4(7): 38-43. (**) Tsushima leopard cat, Felis bengalensis 33. HONMA, I. 1979. A frog eats a snake. ssp., analysed from their scats. J. Mamm. Nippon Herpetol. J. 15: 14. (**) Soc. Jpn. 5(5): 155-169. (*) 34. HORIO, T. 1992. An observation of a 48. INOUE, Y. AND T. YAMAZAKI. 1984. golden eagle pair in the Hira mountains, Comparative study of food habits be- Japan. Aquila chrysaetos 9: 66-69. (*) tween golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos and 35. IIJIMA, M. 1992. 〈Photo〉 Two pup mountain hawk-eagle Spizaetus nipalensis raccoon dogs scrambling for a snake. nestlings. Aquila chrysaetos 2:14-15. (**) p. 282. In: H. Ikeda (ed.), Animals on 49. IRAHA,T. ANDH. KAKAZU.1995. A case Earth 8, Mammalia I. Asahi Shimbun, of predation on Rhamphotyphlops brami- Tokyo. nus by Dinodon rufozonatus walli from 36. IKEDA, S. 1956. On the food habits of Ishigakijima Island, Yaeyama group. Japanese birds. Ornithol. . Akamata 12: 21-22. (**) Rep. 15: 1-95. (*) 50. IRIE, H. 1931. A black kite preying on 37. IKEDA, S. 1957. On the food habits of fish and a snake. Reports of Wildlife some birds belong to the family Corvidae. 6(11): 22. (**) Ornithol. Mammal. Rep. 16: 1-123. (*) 51. ISHIZAWA, J. AND S. CHIBA. 1967. 38. IKEDA, T. 1984. Life history of the red Stomach analysis of 12 species of fox. Heredity 38(7): 94-98. (**) Japanese . Misc. Rep. Yamashina 39. IKEDA,Y., Y. UEUMA,K. NATO,AND M. Inst. Ornithol. 5(1): 13-33. (*) YAMAMOTO.1986. Diet of the Japanese 52. ISHIZAWA,T. AND S. IKEDA. 1949. On golden eagle in the Hakusan range, the food habits of the Japanese buzzard Ishikawa Prefecture. Ann. Rep. Hakusan Buteo buteo burmanicus Hume. Ornithol. Nat. Conserv. Ctr. 13: 17-29. (*) Mammal. Rep. 11: 1-16. (*) 40. IKEHARA,S. 1989. Animals of the natur- 53. Japanese Society for Preservation of al monument of the Ryukyu Islands. Nat. Birds. 1998. Ecological research on Hist. Jpn. 3(2): 31-35.〈Photo in p. 31〉 Hodgson's hawk-eagle. p. 81-131. In:

(**) Reports on the Survey of Rare Raptorial 41. IKENO, S. 1994. The current status and Birds 1997. Japanese Society for Preserva- future of Ibaraki with special reference to tion of Birds, Tokyo.(**) the grey-faced buzzard-eagle of Shishit- 54. KADOWAKI, S. 1996. Ecology of a suka-oike. p. 11-12. In: Disappearance of Japanese snake community: Resource use Rural Nature, Part 3. Hawks in the Coun- patterns of the three sympatric snakes, try, Sashiba Summit, Symposium Pro- Rhabdophis tigrinus, Elaphe quadrivirga- gram. Group for Nature and History of ta and Agkistrodon b. blomhoffii. Bull. Shishitsuka, Tsuchiura. (**) Tsukuba Univ. Forests 12: 77-148. (*) 42. IKEUCHI, T. 1990. 〈Photo〉 Visual 55. KADOWAKI,S. 1998. Conservation ecol- Monograph 8. Food habits of kingfishers. ogy of Butastur indicus: Food habits and Nat. Hist. Jpn. 4(11): 13. hunting area utilization. (abstract) p. 54. 43. IKEZAKI, Y. 1982. A snake swallowing a In: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meet- TANAKA & MORI-PREDATORS OF JAPANESE SNAKES 105

ing of the Ecological Society of Japan. 70. KOBA, K. 1960. Herpetofauna of the The 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecologi- Amami Group of the Loo Choo Islands cal Society of Japan Preparatory Commit- (IV). Mem. Fac. Edu. Kumamoto Univ., tee, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Univ., Nat. Sci. 8: 181-191. (*) Kyoto. (**) 71. KOBA, K. 1961. Food of Trimeresurus 56. KADOWAKI,S. Personal communication. flavoviridis flavoviridis and T. okinavensis 57. KAMOGAWA,M. 1975. A Rare Living in the Amami Group of the Loo Choo Is- Bird, the White-Bellied Black Woodpeck- lands. Mem. Fac. Edu. Kumamoto Univ., er (Dryocopus javensis). The Nishinippon Nat. Sci. 9: 220-229. (*) Shimbun, Fukuoka. 223 p. (**) 72. KOBA,K. 1962. Studies on the Snakes of 58. KARASAWA,K. 1982. Observations of the Trimeresurus of the Amami predatory behavior of bull-headed shrike and Tokara Islands, Japan. Jpn. Soc. Lanius bucephalus in an early nestling Promotion Sci. Ueno Park, Tokyo. 119 p. period. Tori 31(2/3): 57-68. (*) (**) 59. KAWABE,M. 1997. Aodaishoh's coun- 73. KOBA, K. 1963. Food of Trimeresurus terattack against common buzzard's at- flavoviridis flavoviridis and T. okinavensis tack. Bull. Higashi Taisetsu Mus. Nat. in the Amami Group of the Loo Choo Is- Hist. 19: 55-56. (*) lands (Supplementary notes, I). Mem. 60. KAWAGUCHI,M. 1916. Breeding of the Fac. Edu. Kumamoto Univ., Nat. Sci, 11: common buzzard, Buteo buteo. Tori 1: 35-40. (*) 10-12. (**) 74. KOBA,K. 1973. The venomous snakes of 61. KAWAGUCHI,M. 1924. The breeding of Southeast Asia. Snake 5: 77-115. (*) Hodgson's hawk-eagle. Zool. Mag. 36: 75. KOBA, K. 1979. Snakes as prey of 387. (**) Trimeresurus flavoviridis (Serpentes: 62. KAWAGUCHI,M. 1929. Observations on Viperidae) on Amami-oshima of the Nan- the grey-faced buzzard-eagle, Butastur in- sei Islands, Japan. Bull. Ginkyo College dicus (Gmelin). Misc. Rep. Wildlife Japan Med. Technol. 4: 9-12. (*) 1(2): 1-27. (**) 76. KOBAYASHI,S. (ed.) 1985. Chapter 1. 63. KAWAGUCHI,M. 1931. Experimental ob- Amphibians and reptiles. p. 1-39. In: servations on the black kite, Milvus linea- Lists of Amphibians, Reptiles, and tus lineatus. Misc. Rep. Wildlife Japan Freshwater and Terrestrial Mollusca of 1(6): 465-492. (* *) Fukui Prefecture. Fukui. (**) 64. KAZAMA, T., K. TAKEUCHI, AND M. 77. KOBAYASHI, S.1987. A study of the food KOJIMA. 1998. The number of rescued habits of birds. Nature of Yamaguchi individuals and nestings, and food habits Prefecture 47: 49-52. (**) of the northern goshawk in Niigata 78. KOJIMA,Y. 1982. Territory and territori- Prefecture. Bull. Niigata Pref. Biol. Soc. al behaviour of the grey-faced buzzard- Edu. 33: 5-10. (**) eagle Butastur indicus. Tori 30(4): 117- 65. KI., KA. 1889. A frog swallowing a 147. (*) snake. Zool. Mag. 1: 232. (**) 79. KOJIMA,Y. 1987. The Golden eagle of 66. KIMURA,M. 1983. An Encyclopedia of the Uonuma region. Newsletter of the the Ezo Brown Bear. Harm, Prevention, Wild Bird Soc. Jpn., Niigata Pref. Chap- Ecology, and Historical Facts. Kyodo ter 24: 12-13. (**) Bunkasha, Sapporo. 489 p. (**) 80. KOKAITO, G. 1974. Searching for the 67. KINEBUCHI,K. 1987. Photo notes. Two nest of Hodgson's hawk-eagle (Spizaetus pictures of a frog swallowing a snake. nipalensis). Anima 2(6): 5-19. (**) Nippon Herpetol. J. 35: 12. (**) 81. KUBOKAMI,S. 1987. The remnants of 68. KISHIDA,H. 1927. Reports on the food food collected in the nests of Hodgson's habits of the mongoose. Ornithol. Mam- hawk-eagle. Bull. Fukui Munic. Mus. mal. Rep. 4: 79-120. (**) Nat. Hist. 34: 115-117. (**) 69. KOBA, K. 1959. Herpetofauna of the 82. KUBOKAMI, S. 1989. Diet of nesting Amami Group of the Loo Choo Islands grey-faced buzzard-eagles in Mikata, (III). Mem. Fac. Edu. Kumamoto Univ., Fukui. Bull. Fukui Munic. Mus. Nat. Nat. Sci. 7: 187-202. (*) Hist. 36: 81-86. (*) 106 Current Herpetol. 19(2) 2000

83. KUGAI, K. 1988. Migration of hawks: flavoviridis flavoviridis, I. Food habit of Ecology of the grey-faced buzzard-eagle in Trimeresurus flavoviridis flavoviridis on its wintering area. Anima 53(10): 19. (**) the Amami Islands. Sanitary Zoology 84. KUMAGAI, M. 1997. 〈Photo〉 Behav- 17(1): 1-21. (*) iors of the jungle crow. Attack against the 98. MITSUI, S. AND S. HIGASHIZONO.1986. Japanese ratsnake Elaphe climacophora. Food items of Mamushi, Agkistrodon b. p. 171. In: H. Higuchi, H. Morioka, and blomhoffii, in nature. (abstract) Acta Her- S. Yamagishi (eds.), The Encyclopaedia petologica Sinica 5(1): 49. of Animals in Japan, Vol. 4, Birds II. 99. MITSUI, S., A. MORIYA, AND S. Heibonsha, Tokyo. HIGASHIZONO.1977. Food habits of the 85. KUMASHIRO,S. 1936. Observations on snake, Agkistrodon blomhoffii, in the animals impaled by the shrike. Agr. Stud. fields. (abstract) Jpn. J. Herpetol. 7(2): 26: 491-507. (**) 41-42. (**) 86. KURODA,H. 1984. My field study site: 100. MIYAZAKI,M. 1979. Hodgson's Hawk- Birds in the breeding season. Nishihari Eagle in Forest and Sky. Watching a Bird Bird Lover Group News 28: 5-6. (**) with Yearning. Dainihon Tosho, Tokyo. 87. MAEZAWA,A. 1990. A multiple-male 36p. (**) breeding at the nest of the gray-faced 101. MIYAZAKI,M. 1981. Sighting of a real buzzard-eagle Butastur indicus. Strix 9: crested eagle. Anima 9(12): 33-40. 225-229. (*) (**) 88. MAKI, H. 1998. Birds of Prey in Japan. 102. MIYAZAKI,M.1983. Photographic docu- Heibonsha, Tokyo. 138 p. (**) ments on eagles and hawks. Series 2, com- 89. MASUDA,M. 1990. Snakes and . mon buzzard. Anima 11(5): 109-111. (**) Scientific Album 73. Akane Shobo, 103. MIYOSHI, Y. 1942. Agkistrodon blom- Tokyo. 54 p. 〈Photo in p. 30〉 (**) hoffii swallows Achalinus spinalis. Zool. 90. MATSUBARA,H. Personal communica- Mag. 54: 494. (**) tion. 104. MIYOSHI, Y. 1951. Achalinus spinalis 91. MATSUBARA,M. 1999. Predation of rep- from Iyo, Ehime Prefecture. Collecting tiles and amphibians by on and Breeding 13(6):180. (**) Yakushima Island, southern Japan. 105. MIZUNO,N. 1986. Retaliation: Butastur Akamata 15: 1-4. (**) indicus constricted by Elaphe quadrivirga- 92. MATSUO, T. AND Y. IKEZAKI. 1995. ta. Kagaku Asahi 49(8): 134-135. (**) Elaphe quadrivirgata swallowing Agkis- 106. MOMIYAMA,T. 1933. Impalement, a trodon blomhoffii. Trans. Nagasaki Biol. Peculiar Habit of the Shrike. (**) (Not Soc. 46: 54. (**) directly cited. Information originated 93. MATSUYAMA,S. 1932. Observation on from the figure 1 in Momiyama, T. 1939. the habits of night-herons. Tori 7: 288- On the shrike's offering in Japan. The En- 292. (**) tomological World 7: 717-783.) 94. MISHIMA,J., S. TAKENAKA,S. SENGOKU, 107. MOMIYAMA,T. 1939. On the shrike's ANDI. OKOCHI. 1978. Faunal survey of offering in Japan. The Entomological amphibians and reptiles. p. 77-98. In: World 7: 717-783. (**) Reports of Environmental Research of the 108. MORI, S. 1980. Breeding biology of the Tamagawa River Basin (3). Foundation of white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Environmental Protection of Tokyo. (**) Hokkaido, Japan. Tori 29(2/3): 47-68. (*) 95. MISHIMA, S.1966. Studies on the feeding 109. MORIGUCHI,H. AND S. NAITO. 1979. A habits of Trimeresurus okinavensis on the note on predation of Achalinus spinalis by Amami Island. Acta Herpetologica Elaphe quadrivirgata. Nippon Herpetol. Japonica 1(4): 67-74. (*) J. 14: 7-9. (**) 96. MISHIMA, S.1966. Studies on the feeding 110. MORIGUCHI, H., S. TANAKA, AND M. habits of Dinodon semicarinatus on the HASEGAWA.1978. Ryukyu green snake Amami Island. Acta Herpetologica attacked by a bird. Herptile Notes 5(1): 6- Japonica 1(4): 75-81. (*) 7. (**) 97. MISHIMA, S. 1966. Studies on the 111. MORIMOTO,S. ANDT. IIDA. 1992. Ecol- poisonous snake "Habu", Trimeresurus ogy and preservation of Hodgson's hawk- TANAKA & MORI-PREDATORS OF JAPANESE SNAKES 107

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