Arise, O Compatriots 's Call Obey To serve our fatherland With love and strength and faith The labour of our heroes past, shall never be in vain To serve with heart and might, One Naon bound in freedom, peace and unity

Oh God of creaon, direct our noble cause Guide our leaders right Help our youth the truth to know In love and honesty to grow And living just and true Great loy heights aain To build a naon where peace and jusce reigns.


I pledge to Nigeria my country. To be faithful, loyal and honest. To serve Nigeria with all my strength To defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory So help me God.Amen

1 NECEA Conference Agenda Theme: “Rebuilding Nigeria’s Economy th rough Non- oil Exports: A Strategic Imperave” 23RD March 2021

9:00am – 10:00am Registraon/Virtual Red Carpet-Recepon/Virtual Exhibion

10:00am – 10: 05am Naonal Anthem/Naonal Prayer 10:0 5am – 10:15am Welcome Address by N PNEN Presiden t, Alh. Ahmad Rabiu NPNEN showcase ( 5-7 minut es video)

Keynote address – Dr Tilola Akinde inde, Program Manager, PDF Bridge 10:15am - 11:00am Goodwill messages – NEPC, N EXIM 11:00am – 11:15am Tea Break/Virtual Exhibion

Panel Session 1 Theme: Re scuing th e Nigerian economy through AfCFTA and other non-

oil export enabling windows Moderator – Dr O lumuyi wa Alaba (T rade Policy Expert, PDF Bridge) 11:15am – 12:45pm Lead presenter - Mr. Olufemi Boyede (CEO Koinonia Ventures) Panelists: Sul eman A. Audu (Director, Commodies and Export Departm ent FMITI), NEXIM, NE PC, CBN, Francis A natogu (Secre tary, AfCFTA NAC), Leon ard Ugbajah (ED, CTDA), Ebube Chukwujekwu (ED, Tripplesea Group) 12:45pm – 12:55pm Sh ort break/Virtual Exhibion/Video

Panel Session 2 Theme: Improving the comp eveness of Nigeria’s non-oil export sector

in internaonal markets 12:55am – 2:30pm Moderator - Bami dele Ayemibo (Lead consul tant, 3Timpex Ltd)

Lead presenter – Prince Adetokunbo Kayode (SAN)

Panelists: Jimmy Adebakin (FOB Global Logiscs), Adetokunbo Adewoyin

(Principal Consultant of Fortress20 Commodies) NEPC, Lanre Nwankwo

(OWIT), Prince Ajibola Oluyede (NICERT) 2:30pm-2:35pm Short break/Virtual Exhibi on

Export Awards ceremony 2:40pm – 3:00pm Recognion of Export Mentors 3:00pm – 3:10pm Response from Vic e Presiden t, Prof Yemi O sinbajo Closing remarks – NPNEN 1st Vice President 3:10pm – 3:15pm Vote of Thanks/See You Next Year: Tilope Ojo, Ag. Execuve Secretary Lunch 2

About the Network of Practicing Non-Oil Exporters of Nigeria (NPNEN) Background

In the course of its advocacy and capacity-enhancement programmes, the Policy Development Facility Program phase 2 (PDFII), a FCDO funded program, had idenfied the absence of a broad- based, virile and effecve community of praconers as one of the weakest components of Nigeria's non-oil value chain.

The fragmented nature of the country's non-oil export sector has made it difficult to idenfy the most appropriate body with which to engage or consult when it comes to discussing issues related to the sector. Several sub-groups have developed, purporng to represent the non-oil export sector while, in truth, they only cater for the specific interests of their own membership along the value-chain. The need for an umbrella, credible, independent and private-sector- driven vehicle with broad-based parcipaon and leadership has always been an imperave.

NPNEN was birthed from the series of dialogues organized by PDFII for the Non-oil Exporter Community of Pracce. These 'Non-oil Export Dialogues' were aimed at eliminang the various barriers to non-oil exports in Nigeria, with special focus on MSMEs. The dialogue series which focused on bringing stakeholders together, addressed such issues as access to finance, product quality and standards, export procedures and documentaons, among others. Besides bringing the relevant MDAs in dialogue with the private sector actors, the dialogue series also devoted special sessions to building the capacity of non-oil exporters on advocacy so as to enable them to connue to engage with relevant MDAs of government on issues of interest to non-oil exporters. Objectives of NPNEN

The core objecve of NPNEN is to be a plaorm for dialogue and cooperaon among actors in the non-oil export value chain in resolving the various challenges faced by non-oil exporters. Some of the specific objecves of the NPNEN are:

· To serve as a plaorm for connuous dialogue and cooperaon among the actors in the non- oil export value chain. · To regularly research and deliver to Government, evidence-based suggesons towards improving Nigeria's export performance, since advocacy has become a strategic imperave. · To provide members with up-to-date market informaon and technical assistance on export processes and procedures. · To encourage joint export iniaves among members. · To advocate for the interest of members in government policies and trade

3 Vision To realize increased Nigerian parcipaon in non-oil export trade, with specific aenon to the strategic posioning of members on global compliance and compeon

Mission To create a hub of interconnected players in the non-oil export sector, mutually commied to leading advocacy for the creaon of an enabling environment for non-oil export trade and championing collaborave informaon sourcing, informaon sharing, and capacity building amongst members NPNEN Executive Council

The Execuve Council of NPNEN is a statutory representaon of prominent trade associaons, pressure groups and key non-oil export supporng instuons.

The following organisaons are currently represented on the Execuve Council:

1. Nigerian Associaon of Small-Scale Industrialists (NASSI) 2. Nigerian Associaon of Small & Medium Enterprises (NASME) 3. The Nigerian Associaon of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Agriculture (NACCIMA) Export Group 4. Manufacturers Associaon of Nigeria (MAN) 5. Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) 6. Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) 7. Nigerian Network of Women Exporters of Services (NNWES) 8. Organisaon of Women in Internaonal Trade (OWIT) 9. South-East Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (SECCIMA) 10. Coalion of the Northern States Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (CONSCCIMA) 11. Odu'a Chambers of Commerce Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ODUACCIMA) 12. South South Chambers of Commerce, Industries, Mines & Agriculture (FOSCCIMA) Institutional Partners

· Central Bank of Nigeria · Federal Ministry of Industry Trade & Investments · Nigeria Export Promoon Council (NEPC) · Nigeria Export Import Bank (NEXIM)

4 NPNEN Board of Trustees

Prince Adetokunbo Aisha Abubakar Olufemi Boyode Chief Ede Dafinone A. Kayode Co-Chairman Secretary Member Chairman

Aisha Baffa Bamidele Ayemibo Dr. Omolara Akanji Sam Hart Member Member Member Member

Mohammed Sada Prince Raphael Ajibola Ladan Baki Oluyede Member Member

5 Executive Council Officers/Management

President: 1st Vice-President: Alhaji Ahmed Rabiu Mrs. Blessing Irabor

2nd Vice-President: Ag. Executive Secretary: Titilope Ojo Chief Kola Akosile

For more informaon about NPNEN visit

Follow us on our social media plaorms: Twier: @npnen_ng

Facebook: hps:// Instagram: @npnen

Become a member of NPNEN today. Visit

Download documents about NPNEN from hps://

6 Rebuilding Nigeria's Economy through Non-Oil Exports: A strategic Imperative A Keynote Address delivered by Dr Titilola Akindeinde, Programme Manager, PDF Bridge

ood morning ladies and gentlemen. I welcome you to the first Annual NPNEN Non-Oil Exporters Conference, Exhibion and Awards (NPNEN-NECEA 2021). You will all agree Gwith me that this conference, and in parcular the theme “rebuilding Nigeria's economy through non-oil exports: A Strategic Imperave, could not be beer med than now as we connue to grapple with the unprecedented health and economic crises brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic exposed the global economy to major disrupons compounding the effects of the global oil price shocks. For a largely oil dependent economy like Nigeria's the crisis has led to a recession, the second within 5 years.

Although diversificaon has been a long-conceived ambion of successive administraons in the last four decades or more, it is now me to move from aspiraon to taking decisive steps towards rebuilding this economy on a more solid foundaon beyond oil. Economic diversificaon is no longer an ideal aspiraonal state for the Nigeria economy, but rather an imperave for sustainable economic growth. The pandemic, despite the hardship it brought upon the enre world also opened some windows of opportunies for developing countries like Nigeria to reposion themselves in the global non-oil trade space. In addion, the newly created African Connental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) has opened another window of less stringent condions for trade among the 54 economies that have signed the agreement. The AfCFTA presents expansive regional market covering 55 countries with about 1.2 billion people and cumulave Gross Domesc Product (GDP) of over US$ 3 trillion.

Overme, Nigeria has idenfied various pathways towards diversificaon as included in various short, medium, and long-term plans of the government including the: Economic Transformaon Agenda, Change Agenda, Economic Recovery and Growth Plan and Economic Sustainability Plan. Despite emphasis on non-oil sector and pronouncements of various incenves including the zero-oil plan designed by the Nigeria Export Promoon Council (NEPC) in 2016, zero reject policy, export, expansion grant (EEG) and export smulaon fund (ESF) designed to generate the desired non-oil export driven growth, the impacts in reality have remained relavely low. There are challenges that hinder the realisaon of the objecves of these incenves. These include producon and trade related infrastructure deficits, business environment concerns, subsisng gaps in interacon between the non-oil export community and policymakers.

According to the WTO (2016) MSMEs account for the majority of non-oil exporng firms and jobs globally. Studies commissioned by the UKAid PDF Programme are consistent in aribung low performance of non-oil export sector to the inability of the MSMEs to parcipate compevely in the global trade value chain due to sfling challenges in the business environment which require urgent aenon.

Some of the challenges hindering MSMEs parcipaon in non-oil export idenfied in the studies include:

7 • Dominance of informal operators in the sector which hinders their ability to upscale and maximize their potenal by liming access to producon and export market enabling infrastructure

• Complex trade systems and processes. Although the Nigerian Government has invested significant resources into business environment reforms programmes and projects since 2016, a lot remains to be done to deepen the reforms and reduce the complexity of business processes

• Limited inter-agency coherence. Lack of inter-agency cooperaon and collaboraon towards the "one government" principle contained in the execuve order on business environment reform. Government agencies sll relate to one another as though they are competors which impact negavely on me and cost of doing business

• Informaon and Capacity gaps. MSMEs have limited capacity to understand and meet technical regulaons, trade standard and compliance, product development, in addion to insufficient access to export market intelligence and digital applicaons to trade leading to inadequate capacity to compete

• Limited Access to Markets and finance.

The studies proposed some important recommendaons, including:

• On informality in the MSME space, operators should be strategically reached and integrated into the formal system to enable them to access business related development incenves to grow their business and the non-oil export sector in general.

• On business environment complexies, trade processes and systems, simplificaon, harmonizaon and automaon of export processes and business processes in general is required. Trade regulators are encouraged to place trade facilitaon above revenue generaon to effecvely build economic prosperity on non-oil export.

• On Inter-agency coherence, it is important for trade support instuons to collaborate and work with private sector with one focus in mind - process improvement and facilitaon rather than excessive regulaon. One-stop process points are required to create efficient, effecve, and profitable environment for non-oil exports.

• On Capacity, MSMEs in the non-oil export ecosystem should be targets of comprehensive and easily accessible capacity build programmes parcularly in the areas of compliance to regulaons and standards, requirements for access to finance, and export readiness and access to export market.

• On access to Markets and Finance, Structures that enable foreign market linkages are

8 required including systems of aggregaon of MSMEs and linking them to structures that facilitate access to foreign market without unnecessary difficules. Financial systems should give special consideraon to the MSMEs by customizing access to finance strategies that suit their peculiaries in Nigeria.

Implementaon of these recommendaons oen requires acve collaboraon between the public and the private sectors. However, despite the importance and potenal of the MSMEs in these interacons, their voices and concerns remain inadequately considered in the design of policy and processes that impact their export businesses.

Having idenfied this gap, the PDF took the lead in supporng MSMEs' parcipaon in the non- oil export sector by creang instuonal linkages between the exporter groups and the policy makers. This led to the creaon of a non-oil export community of pracce in 2017 to perform the following funcons:

• Provide inclusive plaorm for linkages between non-oil export MSMEs community and the trade regulang instuons through dialogues, roundtables and • Provide opportunies for capacity building and bridging of knowledge gaps in the non-oil export sector • Create system for collaboraon to conduct actual export.

To sustain the gains from the Community of pracce, PDF facilitated the registraon of the Network of Praccing Non-oil Exporters of Nigerian (NPNEN) which was launched on the 3rd March 2020. NPNEN became a special purpose vehicle created to unify the voices of underrepresented groups in the non-oil export space. NPNEN is now immersed in advocang for favourable policies and business environment that will foster the growth of MSMEs, job creaon, contribute economic growth and poverty reducon.

Having observed NPNEN and its acvies in the last one year, we are comforted by the level of its ambion and engagements with different players in the non-oil export space including the Central Bank of Nigeria, the NEPC, NAQs, Trade Associaons and the likes. It is our hope that the organizaon will connue with the enthusiasm with which it has started to be an undeniable pillar in "rebuilding Nigeria's economy through non-oil export.

Thank you and have a successful conference, exhibion, and award ceremony.

9 NPNEN Export Excellence Awards 2021Awardees

Category: Processed foods 1. SACFruits – Excellence in Branding and Packaging of dried fruits 2. FoodPro – Excellence in Branding and Packaging of Cashew nuts 3. Tiger Foods – Excellence in the Producon of Quality Spices & Food Ingredients Category: Fashion & Lifestyle 4. Femi Handbags – Excellence in Creave Handbags Design and Manufacturing 5. Eclecc Chique – Excellence in Creave African Inspired Fashion Accessories Category: Services Export 6. Outsource Global – for Outstanding contribuon to the Services Export Sector Category: Market Access Facilitaon 7. NICERT Ltd – for Excellence in Facilitang Access to Global Cerficaon in Nigeria 8. LakinbergLLC – for Excellence in Facilitang Access to Internaonal Markets Category: Large Scale Agricultural Export 9. Starlink Global & Ideal Ltd – Outstanding Contribuon to the Agricultural Exports sector Category: Large Scale Manufacturing for Export 10. Beta Glass Nigeria Plc – For Remarkable Contribuon to Nigeria's Export Earnings through Glass Products Manufacturing and Export

10 Profiles of Speakers Keynote Speaker r Tilola Akindeinde has over 18 years of experience in Economic Policy and Strategy in the DUK and Nigeria. She has a proven track record as a UK government economist, a consultant providing technical support to the Government of Nigeria, and as the Team Leader/Programme Manager of FCDO funded Policy Development Facility (PDF), where she has demonstrated success in leadership, programme management, strategic thinking and engagement, analycal decision making, economic analysis, and policy and strategy development. She has led teams and consultants in economic and governmental intervenons and communicated the results effecvely to various stakeholders and audiences. Dr Akindeinde has a highly developed polical awareness Dr. Titilola Akindeinde and deep understanding of economic policies and growth, which underscores her ability to use polical judgement and sensivity in managing relaonships with senior government and private sector actors as evidenced in her leadership of PDF. Lead Presenters

lufemi Boyede is a Cerfied Internaonal Trade Professional, CITP, the highest professional Oranking in Internaonal Trade in North America With over thirty years of professional experience in internaonal trade and strategy, policy advocacy and human capital development, he has broad experse in trade and business environment improvement, regional integraon frameworks, trade linkages, services exports, public-private dialogue and advocacy on non-oil exports and enterprise development issues. Femi established the Nigeria Trade and Investment Centre, Canada Inc., NITICCA, and also served as the President of the Toronto Hub of the Nigerian and Canadian Business Network Olufemi Boyede (NCBN). Femi also runs his private consultancy firm, Koinonia Global Services Inc. with offices in Canada and Nigeria. Femi is the Secretary, NPNEN BoT.

11 rince Adetokunbo Kayode is Corporate lawyer, tax expert and internaonal arbitrator, he is a Senior PAdvocate Of Nigeria (SAN), and a Life Bencher, Fellow of the Chartered Instute of Arbitraon, UK; Fellow of the Chartered Instute of Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria; and Chartered Instute of Taxaon of Nigeria. Adetokunbo Kayode has business interests and investment in mining, power, technology and agriculture. He has also served the Federal Government of Nigeria in many capacies holding several posions in the cabinet of President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and was appointed Defence Minister of Nigeria in April 2010 by the then Acng President . He has also served as Hon. Minister of Culture & Tourism, Hon. Minister of Labour, and Hon. Aorney General & Minister for Jusce. Prince Adetokunbo Kayode He is Chairman, Board of Trustees, NPNEN. Panellists

he Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM) is the apex export credit agency in Nigeria, established in 1991. TIn its funcon, NEXIM focuses on the development and expansion of the non-oil sectors of the Nigerian economy, with a view to reduce the country's over-reliance on oil exports.

NEXIM is here represented by Mr Hope Yongo, Technical Adviser to the MD/CEO of NEXIM Bank.

he Nigerian Export Promoon Council (NEPC) is the Federal Government of Nigeria's apex instuon for Tthe promoon, development and diversificaon of exports. NEPC has over the years worked to achieve its mandate by: · coordinang and harmonizing export development and promoon acvies in the country

· taking the lead in all naonal export programs

· interfacing with internaonal trade agencies on cooperaon and capacity building Here represented by

12 he mandate of FMITI is to create an enabling environment to smulate domesc investment and Taract Foreign Direct Investment in all sectors of the economy and make Nigeria a preferred investment desnaon.

FMITI is here represented by Mr Suleman A. Audu Director, Commodies and Export Department

luwajimi “Jimmy” Adebakin is the Managing Director of Free On Board (FOB) Global Logiscs OLtd. He is well travelled and has garnered status of a veteran of the logiscs business, having inherited a family business dedicated fully to internaonal freight and logiscs since 1970. He studied financial management at University of Buckingham, UK and right aer commenced his working career as a Financial, Cost and Management Consultant, then as an Internaonal Freight Broker, thereaer Brish Airways Plc in the UK. Jimmy has passionately championed the opportunies for the non-oil export sector, leading to a number of export development iniaves, including collaboraon with Nigerian Export Promoon Council (NEPC), Nigerian Oluwajimi “Jimmy” Aviaon Handling Company (NAHCO) and other Nigerian / Adebakin Internaonal export development partners.

eonard Otuonye Ugbajah is a Lawyer and an internaonal development consultant with experse Lin trade law/policy, regional integraon, investment climate/market systems reforms, compeon law/policy, and natural resource governance. He has been acve in the public policy space in Nigeria for over 13 years now, serving as a consultant or commiee member on a number of policy processes in Nigeria and West Africa. He has consulted for several development partners and internaonal instuons, government agencies, Naonal Assembly, non-state actors' coalions, etc. He is the Founder and Execuve Director of the Centre for Trade and Business Environment Advocacy (CTBA) as well as the Principal Consultant at TBE Advisory Ltd Leonard Otuonye Ugbajah

13 rancis Anatogu is a Senior Special Assistant to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Public FSector Maers and Secretary of the Nigeria's Naonal Acon Commiee on AfCFTA. In that role, he heads the Secretariat that coordinates Nigeria's implementaon of the AfCFTA. Prior to focusing fully on the AfCFTA Agreement implementaon, he was in the Office of the Chief of Staff to the President where he advised on trade and complementary policies. In earlier roles, he advised major local and internaonal companies in the oil and gas and telecommunicaons sectors on strategy, decision analysis, operaons improvement and program management. Francis joined the Presidency from Deloie where he was the West Africa Energy and Natural Resources Consulng Francis Anatogu Lead. Prior to Deloie, he worked in a similar role at Accenture.

lanrewaju Nwankwo is a Nigerian business woman with over 20 years of experience in Ointernaonal trade and has demonstrated the ability to effecvely lead her company to success. She's a major player in the importaon and exportaon industry. Her major exportaon products include; Ginger (Spices), Orange fleshed Sweet Potatoes, Yam, Shea buer and Cashew. Her major importaon includes farm machineries. She works with farmers and provide them with necessary knowledge on GLOBALG.A.P, HACCP & Ecocert to ensure that their acvies conforms to the global standard. She is a member of different Chambers of Commerce, Nigeria Instute of Science and Technology Olanrewaju Nwankwo and OWIT

bube Chukwujekwu is a Cerfied Manufacturing Engineer (Society of Manufacturing Engineers USA); Ea member of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Member, American Society of Materials Tesng; Member, Instute of Mechanical Engineers (United Kingdom), a Pioneer Graduate of the United Naons UNITAR (Negoaon of Financial Transacons Programme) and a graduate of the INSEAD LEAP Program, leading to the award of the INSEAD Cerficate in Global Management. He is also a Six-Sigma Black Belt (Quality Control). Ebube is currently the CEO of Agrochem Limited (Processing and Packaging of Palm Oil and Palm Fay Acids). He is also a director in the following companies: Oil Serve (oil and gas services), Tripplesea Limited (Process, Ebube Chukwujekwu Packaging and export of agro commodies). Ebube is a founding member of NPNEN

14 rince Ajibola Oluyede Described by a Naonal Newspaper as the quintessenal Lawyer, Prince PAjibola Oluyede has effecvely traversed the enre gamut of legal Pracce in Nigeria as a ligator. He is also much sought aer for high stakes cases within Nigeria. Prince Ajibola has significant investments in Energy, Natural resources and Agriculture. He is the Chairman of the Nicert Group, Nigeria's pioneer Conformity Assessment and Cerficaon body which in Partnership with Ecocert France provides needed Agriculture producon guidelines and cerficaon for export to Global lucrave markets. Nicert's intervenon in the past two years has seen resurgence in the producon of cerfied Prince Ajibola Oluyede value added and high value Agricultural products including cerfied organic products.

detokunbo Adewoyin is the Principal Consultant of Fortress20 Commodies, a foremost agricultural Aexports management and consulng firm in Nigeria. She is a Cerfied Internaonal Trade Finance (CITF) Professional from the London Instute of Banking and Finance, UK. She has over 13 years' experience in Agricultural Commodies and containerized exports with robust and praccal knowledge in local sourcing, internaonal trade, export documentaon, export financing, export logiscs, export accounng and export regulaons within and outside the country. She is passionate about raising a new generaon of exporters who are very skilled and knowledgeable in exports especially youths and women. She is a member of the Adetokunbo Adewoyin Network of Praccing Non-oil Exporters of Nigeria (NPNEN).

15 Panel Moderators r Olumuyiwa Alaba is the Trade Policy Expert at the Policy Development Facility Program, a FCDO Dfunded program. He sits on the board of the Trade Law Centre (TRALAC), a public benefit organisaon based in the Western Cape region of South Africa with the mandate to develop technical experse and capacity in trade governance across Africa. Olu is a much sought-aer expert on Trade issues in Nigeria. He was the Team Lead, UNCTAD Nigeria Trade Portal Project. He also provided support for the Trade Policy and Trade Facilitaon component of the USAID Nigeria Expanded Trade and Transport (NEXTT) Project from incepon. Olu loves research and has consulted widely in the internaonal development space for organisaons such as Dr. Olumuyiwa Alaba FCDO, GIZ, USAID, UN just to name a few.

amidele Ayemibo is the Lead Consultant at 3T Impex Trade Academy. The 'Export King' as he is Bfondly called, has numerous trade cerficaons. He is the first Cerfied Specialist in Demand Guarantee in Nigeria and among the first ten in Africa. He holds a Master in Internaonal Business with Law from Salford University, Manchester, United Kingdom and Ph.D Student In Internaonal Markeng with the LIGS University, Hawaii, United States of America. He conceived, designed and facilitates the training of the First Export Diploma programme and Six Trade Professional Development Programmes in Africa in conjuncon with the American Instute of Extended Studies. He is the former Chairman, Bamidele Ayemibo Export Group, at the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Publisher of Export Digest- A Weekly Newsleer Conference Facilitator enami Ohiomokhare studied Journalism at the Nigerian Instute of Journalism and has acvely Spracced as a broadcast journalist for the past twenty-two years. Senami has had the privilege of interviewing a sing president twice, during the 2013 presidenal media chat and 2015 eleconeering period. She is also an Elocuon and Communicaon Coach, Art of Presentaon & Public Speaking trainer. Scriptwriter, editor and voice over arste. Senami is one of Nigeria's most sought aer Master of Ceremonies. She presently works with Daar Communicaons PLC as a Reporter, News Presenter, News and Programs producer of KAKAAKI on Africa Independent Television. Senami Ohiomokhare

16 Website: Email: [email protected] Twier: @npnen_ng Facebook: hps:// Instagram: @npnen

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