Independence Day Special Edition Founded in 1962 E-mail:[email protected] Asad 27, 1398 HS Sunday, August 18, 2019

“I declare myself and my country free and independent in all internal and external affairs. My country will enjoy the blessings of freedom that other countries and nations of the world benefit from. No foreign powers will be allowed to interfere in ’s internal and foreign affairs and if anyone ever transgresses, then I will strike them with my sword,” King “Afghanistan needs political independence to demonstrate Dr.Abdullah’s message on the its political presence. Afghanistan needs cultural independence to develop its culture,” President Ghani occasion of Independence Day “The people of Afghanistan have proved that they do not care of their body and property, but they never accept cruelty, surren- dering and slavery and let no foreigners decide for them.”

The sons of this land are still fighting terrorism and giving sacrifices to defend freedom and protect national integrity. The people of Afghanistan have proved that they do not care of their body and property, but they never accept cruelty, surrendering and slavery and let no foreigners decide for them. Jihad and resistance of the people of Afghanistan was also aimed for the protection of independence and freedom of the country. Afghanistan is passing from Minister Safi highlights Afghans critical circumstances. Besides maintaining security and counter terrorism, poverty is struggle for Independence threatening our society. There are still millions of our coun- trymen are living in worse con- One hundred years have been passed since gaining the country’s Indepen- dition in districts and even big cities of the country. In such dence and freedom. Independence and freedom are two holy words in dictionary of th th : 28 Asad (19 Au- country. Therefore, we’re con- circumstances, making use of the people of this land that is mixed with blood and flash of this freedom-loving th nation. gust) is coinciding with 100 gratulating this historic day to the money and public proper- I congratulate this auspicious day to all nation of our country and especially to anniversary of Afghanistan In- honor efforts, struggles and ties for political aims is illegal history-making women and mothers of Afghanistan. dependence Day. A century sacrifices of the people of Af- and unforgiveable. At the end, The historical evidence shows the fighting of men and women of this country back, the brave people of Af- ghanistan who stood against once again I’m congratulating against alien invaders made colorful the pages of ancient history of Afghanistan. ghanistan led by King Aman- foreigners and invaders to de- the Independence Day of the If Zarghonas, Malalais, Akbar Khans, Masjedies and others fought and depos- ullah Khan stood against inva- fend freedom, independence, country to the brave people of ited the outcomes of their epics to today’s generation (Independence), the yester- sion and interference of Brit- national sovereignty and values Afghanistan. ain until the world recognized by enduring all problems and Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah See P6... Afghanistan as an independent challenges in various periods. Abdullah ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Sunday, August 18, 2019 Reformation under king Amanullah Khan post independence THE KABUL TIMES President Ghani said that ghanistan’s Independence in try, holding of contracts with King Amanullah Khan had now it’s the time to complete Aug 19. 1919 (Asad 28th 1298), different countries with respect always emphasized that the historical chapter of King the king started reforms in the to independence of the country, young generation of this terri- Amanullah Khan. Our politi- country. In 1923 he changed his disagreement with British pol- tory should be fostered with cal freedom has been gained by title of Amir to King and ap- icies and approaching to Soviet spirit of patriotism and knowl- the sword of National Hero pointed Abdul Qudous Khan government, official recogni- edge to protect independence of Ghazi Amanullah Khan. and Mahmood Tarzi as prime tion of new Russian govern- Afghanistan and should be The president appreciated minister and minister of for- ment, signing of friendship aware of plots and conspiracies the founder of Afghanistan in- eign affairs respectively. treaty with Soviet Union on Feb of enemies of this land. dependence more than every Social and political reforms 21.1921 which was the begin- In 1929, king Amanullah other political leader. There Emphasize on the nation’s ning point of Afghan-Soviet faced with extensive disagree- are ideas today that didn’t ex- freedom and independence, es- relations; Exploitation of bal- ments and riots and had to give ist in several previous decades’ tablishment of a lawful admin- anced strategy between Britain up thrown and leave the coun- governments, including chang- istration, approval and confir- and the then Soviet Union, try, departed to Bombay and ing of Afghanistan to a region- mation of the constitution were signing of friendship treaty went to Italy and spent rest of al transit crossroad, creation of the key works done at his time. with Iran in 1920 as well as with his life there. Ghazi Amanul- transit road for central Asia, For the first time this constitu- Turkey, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Po- lah Khan died on Apr 26.1960 construction of a railway from tion was approved in a Loya Jir- land, Switzerland, Finland, in Italy and his funeral was Central Asia into Afghani- ga on Feb 29th 1924 in Jalala- Libya…etc. transferred to Afghanistan and stan… etc. some of these ideas bad with the participation of King Amanullah wanted the buried close to his father’s have been implemented while 872 delegates. It was later con- Afghan people to live among grave in Jalalabad city. others have not been imple- firmed in Loya Jirga, other people of the world with Our people may remember mented due to security reasons. in 1928. Obedience of people dignity and he was committed this indefatigable leader forev- Attention to economy, in- from law was another reform. and loyal to peaceful co-exist- er and his soul may rest in cluding mines extraction that Cultural reforms: ence and good neighborliness peace. based on historical documents, Emphasize on compulsory with other countries. Lailuma Noori it has been one of the basic primary education, construc- temptations of King Amanul- tion of schools, including lah, which are now the main Amani and Isteqlal boy’s and priority for president Ghani. Mastoorat and Esmat girls Beside those, rebuilding of schools as the latter was later Dar-ul-Aman palace at the in- changed to Malalai, sending of struction of president Ghani students to abroad, publication and relocation of government of Ershad-un-Naswan maga- bodies in its vicinity was anoth- zine for women, were among August 19; war-weary er efforts of president Ghani other innovations of this re- who tried to complete another formist ruler plus industrial dream of King Amanullah development, improvement of Khan. agriculture, paving the way of One of the similarities be- Afghan businessmen presence Afghans’ victory day tween President Ashraf Ghani and involvement in the world and King Amanullah Khan is markets. “Glory to Ghazi Amanullah Khan, Up with Ghazi Amanul- their common and joint goals. Establishment of new cit- Efforts of both concentrated on ies, development of capital lah Khan,” the poems, the liberals in the Indian subcontinent changing of Afghanistan. None Kabul, construction of urban of these political leaders have roads, provincial highways, ex- were humming, after the King gained Afghanistan’s indepen- malevolent intention to west- tension of telephone and tele- dence from the then British Empire. ern civilization and culture graph lines between capital city and follow western nation-state and provincial capitals, agree- Amanullah Khan had been called as a hero in this region, building example. Its reason ment with Frenches on con- even in the world. The regional and world media have been might have been their acquain- struction of railway on the tance with Western civilization south and north of Kabul were publishing and releasing pictures of the King and wrote epic and culture. Although the King remarkable steps that were Amanullah Khan at his young taken by the then progressive essays and articles about his heroisms. age had only once visited the King. The Britain Empire on which, the sun had not set, had no west while President Ashraf Foreign policy Ghani is a western trained and Informing of foreign coun- way, except recognition of the independence of Afghanistan; educated and is directly and tries from assassination of his effectively acquired with the father, Amir Habibullah Khan the first country in the region to gain its complete indepen- texture of western societies. and Amanullah Khan Emirate, dence. King Amanullah’s reforms introducing of Afghanistan as Gaining of the country’s complete independence opened a In the wake of gaining Af- an independent and free coun- new chapter in Afghanistan history. Since 1919, by which the country’s complete independence was achieved, Afghans on 19 August each year hold gatherings around the country to commemorate the Anglo-Afghan Trea- ty, under which, the country was relinquished from a dominat- ed state status. Based on the treaty, Afghanistan was granted a complete impartial relation between our country and Britain, after be- ing the latter defeated during the third battle against Britain’s invasion. The courage and bravery of the whole Afghans, who fought several wars to finally achieve the country’s independence, grants pride and gives the lesson of freedom-loving to the en- suing generation. Those still in fights against the legal system and those with constant efforts for continuation of war in the country should go back to the history of the three Anglo-Afghan wars and realize that Afghans would never bow to any power. Instead of interference and fueling war against innocent Af- ghans, they should work for a peaceful atmosphere in the coun- try, as history has shown that peace in Afghanistan is in the interest of the entire region and the world. The who are still fighting the legal system, have no way except negotiation and ultimately reintegration. They should have realized that war leaves nothing except ruins and destruction of the country and the death of thou- sands of innocent Afghans and immigration of millions of oth- ers. n Let’s remember and commemorate the report-cards of Ghazi Afghanista Amanullah Khan with unity and safeguard the pride of the coun- try independence with strong sense of responsibility. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Sunday, August 18, 2019

Amani era’s economic activities On the occasion of 100th Independence Anniversary of Afghanistan: Amanullah Khan has been recognized as an innovative, modernist leader and founder of modern Afghanistan Press freedom was unique during

Starting in 1919, Amani era nomic projects. Amanullah setup a company to collect tax- has been one of the golden pe- Khan was part of progressive es, he established central tax- Amanullah Khan era: Dr. Raheen riods in the history of contem- circles that were formed simul- es collection body and changed porary Afghanistan as immedi- taneous with implementation taxes collection mechanism ately in the wake of gaining in- of reforms in Iran, Turkey and from kind to cash. Due to lack “King Amanullah Khan’s period was indeed the era of gloriousness, pride, arrogance dependence, King Amanullah India. Amanullah Khan was of money commodity was ex- and believe in a bright future.” Khan carried out remarkable fond of these progressive re- changed to commodity but he economic activities. forms and wanted to take posi- promoted cash system. He con- During the reign of King In an exclusive interview tive role in Afghanistan socio- structed several schools but Amanullah Khan, press had with The Kabul Times report- economic progress and modern- lacked sufficient teachers.” properly grown in Afghanistan er, talking on the importance ize Afghanistan. Tendency to King Amanullah Khan es- and dozens of publications of economic steps in Amani era, socio-economic development tablished press and said that came out in the capital and university lecturer, economist was at the top of the King pri- was don’t need sword but we provinces and the ground was Saifudin Saihoon said, after orities and therefore, Amanul- need pen. He decreased mili- paved for activites of free press gaining of Afghanistan politi- lah Khan has been recognized tary budget and increased it to in the country. cal independence, King Aman- as an innovative, modernist publications. He wanted to On the occasion of 100th In- ullah Khan concentrated his leader and founder of new mod- change Afghanistan to a pro- dependence Anniversary of Af- attention on economic and ed- ernization in Afghanistan. gressive and modern country in ghanistan and course of press ucation sectors including estab- This expert believes that a short time. He planned to and role of penmen during the make Afghanistan as a connec- reign of Ghazi Amanullah tion bridge in the region, Aman- Khan, The Kabul Times re- ullah Khan reforms enjoyed porter has made the following very high importance, Saihoon exclusive interview with former added. Minister of Information and Talking on Afghanistan Culture and one of the elite trade-economic relations with culturists, Dr. Sayed Makh- regional countries, he said, in doom Raheen. that time Afghanistan trade KT: Based on your experi- relations had took place from ences from the eras, particular- two sources, one the British ly the reign of King Amanul- Ten years kingdom of and the people and there was Touching the King’s tour of India and the second Russia on lah Khan, how was the course Ghazi Amanullah Khan after no restriction ahead of press Europe, Dr. Raheen said, de- the north and Iran on the west of press in that time? gaining of independence were family. All writers and penmen spite of his sincere efforts for plus Germany. “If he had not Raheen: Initially, let me to ten years of gloriousness, had free hand and their arti- improvement of Afghanistan, collapsed, Afghanistan would congratulate 100th Indepen- pride, arrogance and believe in cles had been published with- unfortunately he was faced have been absolutely led to path dence Anniversary of Afghani- a bright future. He managed to out censor. Family of Tarzi with plots and conspiracy. As a of prosperity. In 1920 the king stan to you the media men and enter middle ages hit Afghani- played key role beside King result not only, the progressive lishment of a radio station, lo- Amanullah Khan intended to purchased three small steam women and then to Pan Afghan stan into a new world and in- Amanullah in all moderniza- King failed to achieve his lofty cal telephone networks, con- rescue Afghanistan from mid- locomotives from Germany and people. I should say that Af- troduce signs of today’s civili- tion spheres particularly press objectives for progress of Af- structions of railway, main dle ages backwardness but es- utilized them between Kabul- ghanistan independence has zations including media and and media, because this family ghanistan and prosperity of his roads, streets, highways, hydro- sential infrastructure was not . These locomotives not been gained simply, but in freedom of expression and in- was too close to royal family of people but Afghanistan also power plants, construction of available to achieve this goal. are still kept in Kabul muse- 1919 an important event hap- vited large number of progres- King Amanullah. entered a dark stage that left military factory, collection of Despite of this, the young and um.” pened in the region and east sive and modernist writers and Queen Soraya, the wife of behind unpleasant consequenc- balanced taxes, exports of dried progressive King started his Over one hundred and fifty territories and under the lead- poems who took part with their the King was daughter of Mah- es for many years. and fresh fruits, carpets, rugs, efforts. After his visit of Europe, years ago, a proposal was given ership and firm determination pens and steps in Amani move- mood Tarzi while his second Dr. Raheen added, there wood, Qarakul skin as well as Amanullah Khan was strongly on construction of a railway in of young King Amanullah, Af- ment. Aman-e-Afghan was the daughter Khyria was the wife was no restriction ahead of protection of public properties. affected with modernization Afghanistan through Russia ghanistan was the only and first only State-run magazine that of Enayatullah Khan. Both media and press. The king cen- He added, first and the sec- and therefore decided to quick- Trans Caspian to British India country in the orient who man- was published. The King had those ladies had performed sored nothing. A number of ond constitutionalists had be- ly modernize his beloved home- via Herat and Kandahar that aged to defeat Britain and tried all affairs be administered important services from newspapers were established in lieved that after salvation from land and undertook a series of enable British office to travel achieve independence. Achiev- in accordance to law. launching of Mastoorat hospi- some provinces including Ete- the yoke of colonialism, they reforms in different fields. to India by rail in 11-12 days. In ing of independence meant that In that time regulations tal to publications. had in Khanabad Etehad-e- would quickly have access to “If in that time an awak- 1928 another proposal was giv- Afghanistan would no longer be were published in different According to Dr. Raheen, Mashreqi in Jalalabad, Tolo- socio-economic progress. ened and knowledgeable force en on connection of Kabul-Jala- under the domination of Brit- fields. Anis was a non-govern- the reign of King Amanullah ye-Afghan in Kandahar. A real Amani era had also rapidly had existed, Amanullah Khan labad and ultimately to Pesha- ain in its foreign policy but ment newspaper which was Khan was the era of press free- and actual movement was start- led Afghanistan towards mod- reforms would have produced war but due to political chang- would be an independent coun- founded by a young man Ghu- dom and freedom of expression ed for sharing of information ernization and the King man- positive results. The King es in 1978 all these plans failed. try like other nations of the lam Mahiuddin Anis in Kabul and the system was heading to public. Dr. Raheen believes aged to establish beneficial eco- wished to establish a Bank, he Shukria Kohistani world and arrange its national and had been serving many towards constitutionalism be- that due to hasty steps and plots life. years of development and cause the king had believed it. of enemies, Amani system col- Talking on the effectiveness progress. The King was deeply involved lapsed but its historical memo- of independence on all sectors, During Amanullah Khan in serving the Afghan people ries are still alive and every specially press, Dr. Raheen era, Afghanistan press had and had been using experienc- year, we celebrate indepen- said: Afghanistan indepen- managed to find its position es of developed countries for dence anniversary. dence had left many impacts on among cultural professionals progress of Afghanistan. Suraya Raiszada ideas of colonized nations and revived spirit of freedom fight- ing among people of those countries and eyes of all na- tions had been pinned to Af- ghanistan. Either in India or in Bukhara Emirate who had just shortly before were rescued from dependence to Czarist Russia, all these nations strongly admired the young King of Afghanistan and ex- pected his companionship with their national liberation move- ments. The Afghan King not only inside but also outside the country made indefatigable ef- forts to introduce reforms and implement progress and free- dom of dependent countries. King Amanullah Khan’s reconstructed palace beautifies Kabul landscape The reconstructed Dar-ul- dependence Day which falls on About 60 percent of the Aman Palace with white and Aug. 19. 150-room Darul Aman Palace, yellow color, located on a hill- “The work for the recon- which had served as govern- top in the western edge of Kab- struction of Dar-ul-Aman Pal- ment guesthouse, cabinet ul, will reopen its gate to the ace commenced in 2016 and meeting place and defense public on Independence Day. so far 95 percent of its work ministry in different periods, The Afghan government has has been completed and the re- was destroyed during the fac- been keen to wipe out the leg- maining task will be finished tional fighting. acy of the destructive wars by within days,” said Jawed Hem- “We are proud of our renovating key castles, parks mad, who is in-charge of the achievement that we Afghans and roads. castle’s reconstruction, add- were able to rebuild our his- Once the symbol of power ing that all the engineers and toric monument with less fund and modernism, the castle, workers hired in the project and good quality,” said Hem- built by King Amanullah Khan were Afghans. mad. “The first floor and sec- just a year after Afghanistan’s According to the official, ond floor of the 150-room cas- independence, had been badly the government allocated 20 tle will be used as national cul- damaged during the civil war million U.S. dollars for the re- tural museum after inaugura- in the 1990s. It has been re- building of Dar-ul-Aman Pal- tion and the third floor would built over the past three years ace, and his team spent 10 mil- serve as guesthouse for the and the government planned to lion U.S. dollars to rebuild the ranking guests of Presiden- reopen it on the country’s In- castle in its original shape. tial Palace.” The Kabul Times ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Sunday, August 18, 2019

Today’s Afghan women bear en, seems to be the root of many islative enactments abolished women benefited from it. But Though the current govern- that are against women’s dig- government of Afghanistan as the huge and heavy burden of political events in recent years. girls’ sale by the peasants. this period led not only to the ment of Afghanistan, as a weak nity and also contrary to the the responsible political entity four decades war and conflicts. Because, although during this Women’s freedom of mar- widespread conflict between state, is virtually incapable of holy religion of Islam (The should pave the way for Afghan Early at the beginning of the period, especially with regard riage was also selected on the women in the country but also supporting women, there are Constitutional Law of Afghan- women to experience political twentieth century, Afghan to women, important advances basis of these decrees. But to the rise and mobilization of not any legal restrictions for istan, 2004). socialization in the society. women, as a result of the first have been made. But what hap- these laws were met with se- traditionalist responses. The women’s political, social and Afghanistan’s 2004 Consti- Second, social education is constitutional movement under pened during the Taliban era vere traditionalist reactions. consequences of this invasion economic activities as they ex- tutional Law has a special fo- the most important element of the leadership of King Aman- against women, can be an ex- To deal with the women were painful and bitter for all perienced prior to King Aman- cus on women’s education. As political and social participa- ullah Khan succeeded in gain- act response to the previous issues, the Democratic Repub- Afghans and particularly for ullah Khan’s regime, Mujahe- per article 44, the government tion and, ultimately, the devel- ing some of their human rights governments’ policies regard- lic of Afghanistan launched an women. din and Taliban’s era. is required to plan and imple- opment of a community. And, and freedoms. King Amanullah ing women issues. organization called ”Afghan With the fall of Najibul- Afghan Women and 2004 ment effective programs to pro- the most important element in Khan’s democratic plans in- But it is argued that after Women’s Democratic Organi- lah’s government, the second Constitutional Law of Afghan- vide education for women. the development of a commu- cluded the elimination of hi- the first bold step of King zation (AWDO)”. phase of the internal wars be- istan Moreover, as per Afghani- nity is the people of that soci- jab of women, access to educa- Amanullah Khan toward wom- Its main activity was to fight gan from 1992 to 1998. This The new constitution of Af- stan’s 2004 Constitutional Law, ety – men and women, who tion and active participation of en liberation and giving them with the illiteracy of women in time the war was between a set ghanistan, formulated in the women can be nominated and must have cultural and politi- women in the social, econom- the basic human rights, vari- cities and villages and women’s of Afghanistan’s political fac- last half and a decade, has rec- elected at the highest political- cal awareness and knowledge. ic, political and cultural pro- ous reforms have taken placed expulsion from home. As the tions that ended only after the ognized women’s rights in a managerial level of the coun- Emile Durkheim, the French cesses in the society. But un- regarding the women issues in literacy cadres of AWDO forced victory of the Taliban and the fundamental and indelible way. try, presidential. It clearly ech- sociologist argues that Educa- fortunately, after the fall of Afghanistan – such as the abo- villagers, even with the use of overthrow of most of Afghani- As per the current Constitu- oes that there is no legal ceil- tion is a process in which a Soviet-backed governments lition of forced marriage prac- physical violence, to satisfy the stan’s soil. tional Law of Afghanistan, men ing against the promotion of woman learns through practic- and their subsequent regimes tices, raising the maturity of presence of girls in classes, the The Taliban came to power, and women have equal human women to high positions. es that are functional in a com- – Mujahidin and Taliban, all girls up to 16 years of age, ac- literacy program for communi- many of whom were former rights and human dignity. Despite taking substantial munity. So, the government of those values were buried soon. cess to education, and women’s ty girls faced the most resis- members of the Mujahidin (Ia- Compared to the past constitu- strides regarding women’s pro- Afghanistan and other respon- The First Steps for Afghan right to vote. tance by local villagers. Many copino, 1998). tional laws, the current consti- motion, liberation, and rights sible institutions must carry Women Liberation During the reformist peri- of these literacy cadres were While many in the West and tution law addresses the by the kingdoms and govern- out the necessary social educa- In late 1927, King Amanul- od of Soviet-backed govern- expelled from villages or killed Islamic countries favored the grounds for the provision of ments of Afghanistan from tion through K-12 education lah Khan and his wife, Queen ments, Afghanistan witnessed by villagers. Since these Mujahidin, the situation of Af- women’s citizenship rights at King Amanullah Khan to the and higher education. Soraya Tarzi, visited Europe. the massive immigration of projects were designed to bring ghan women was forgotten dur- the level of men. It is said that current president of Afghani- Doing so, Afghan women On this trip, they were honored those who did not want a forced a profound transformation in ing this period. In the first stag- the current constitutional law stan, Ashraf Ghani, still, Af- learn the pre-requisites for so- and feted. This was an era when revolution from top to down. people’s lives in a short time, es of the war during the con- of Afghanistan is the best laws ghan women face myriad chal- cial and political activities in other Muslim nations, like Many families immigrated to which was hard and challeng- frontation between the muja- in the region. Article 33 states lenges. For example, confront- their childhood and adoles- Turkey and Egypt, were also on Pakistan, Iran and other Islam- ing, they were faced with com- hideen and the Soviet forces, that “All the citizens of Afghan- ing with traditional patriarchal cence. the path to modernization. ic countries to escape from pletely opposing reactions of many women were denied ac- istan have the right to choose structures. And most impor- Third, the communities, Upon returning from his tour girls’ forced education because the local communities. cess to education, classrooms and be elected …” (The Con- tantly, struggling with the chal- government, and other social to Europe, King Amanullah they considered it as a shame Soviet Invasion; the begin- were closed, and women’s or- stitutional Law of Afghanistan, lenges on the path to tradition organizations should have a Khan let his wife appear with- for themselves. Applying con- ning of Dark Era for Afghan ganizations were shut down 2004, p. 10). And Article four and modernity. So, to pave the rational and reasonable ap- out a veil in public. tingency and command poli- Women and some of their activists were holds that national sovereign- way for Afghan women so that proach toward the character of He also prepared a progres- cies, the Soviet-affiliated states The Soviet military inva- killed, including Mina, who ty in Afghanistan belongs to the they can participate in the po- girls and women, and let them sive and democratic plan for faced with such resilience that sion of Afghanistan for a peri- founded the Women’s Revolu- nation directly or through its litical, social, cultural, educa- taste the importance of owner- modernizing his country. One in some cases obliged them to od of 10 years from 1979 to 1989 tionary Association of Afghan- agents, and the people of Af- tional, and economic spheres ship, thought and creativity. If of the key elements of this plan stop enforcing their reformist was followed by a massive civil istan in 1977. ghanistan are all those who equally with their male coun- women are provided with op- was the elimination of hijab of policies. For example, though war, which ultimately led to the The emergence of extrem- have the nationality of Afghan- terparts, this paper suggests portunities to explore their tal- women, access to education and co-education was compulsory to Soviet withdrawal from Af- ist Islamic movements in the istan (The Constitutional Law that the government of Afghan- ents, enhance their self-confi- active participation of women some extent, girls and boys ghanistan at the beginning of post-communist era, as well as of Afghanistan, 2004). istan and other related nation- dence, think about their own in the social, economic, politi- were educated in separate 1989 due to the failure of the the rise of the Taliban govern- In Article 22 of Afghani- al and international organiza- fate, the entire society will cal and cultural processes in schools. Russians to contain it. The ment, can be attributed largely stan’s Constitution Law, the tions should take the following benefit from this process. the society. We can argue that the Sovi- most reactive to the reforms of to the policies applied during right to equality and gender and measures.Recommendations Adapting a non-biased and non- However, the time was not et-dependent regimes in Af- the Leftist government of Kab- the occupation of the Soviet humanity are reflected in clear- for Policy Implications patriarchal approach toward right, and his plan was more ghanistan wanted to impose ul, especially in relation to Union in Afghanistan. Indeed, ly and emphatically that any First, a significant issue in women by the society and men progressive than the context of their modernization projects women, was projected by the much of the violence against discrimination and privilege is political and social participa- will provide better opportuni- Afghanistan of 1928. Soon af- through a group of government Islamist organization, gradual- women was in response to in- prohibited between the citizens tion is political socialization. ties for women’s political and ter the declaration of his re- elites. It is estimated that out ly known as the timidation and threats that of Afghanistan. The citizens of Political socialization is a con- social participation in the soci- formist move, religious and of a population of 17 million “”. These groups were introduced during the pe- Afghanistan, including men tinuous learning process in ety. Last but not the least, cre- traditional local elders revolt- Afghans in this period, 85 per- were supported by a set of re- riod of leftist rule. Somehow, and women, are equated with which individuals through ac- ating suitable opportunities for ed against his modernization cent were rural. The reformist gional states and Western pow- Afghanistan experienced a very the law with equal rights and quainting themselves with the female participation in various program. This demonstration programs were focused on large ers, each of whom did not tol- difficult period in the late 20th obligations. Women as the fab- political system, learn from scientific and practical scenes, effectuated into a tribal rebel- cities, while the villages were erate leftist rule in an Islamic century. However, the experi- ric of families are protected by their rights and roles in soci- such as universities, research lion and forced King Amanul- mostly governed by tribal prac- country for a variety of politi- ence of the Mujahideen and the Constitutional Law of Af- ety through information and centers, factories and other so- lah Khan to abdicate. As a re- tices. The central government cal reasons, including fear of Taliban era in comparison with ghanistan amended in 2004. experiences. cial activities can provide the sult, his reformist programs was not able to compete with Soviet influence. the experience of the commu- Article 58 of Afghanistan’s This process helps women motivation for increasing wom- were defeated. local sovereignty. The period of Soviet mili- nist regime for women was a Constitutional Law articulates adapt to the accepted forms of en’s political and social partic- After the era of King Aman- The reformist projects of tary presence in far worse experience. that the government takes the organized social life, and ipation. Hence, we can con- ullah Khan, the kingdoms of the Leftist government in Af- Afghanistan brought about a The current military pres- necessary measures to ensure teaches them the talents, es- clude that increasing the polit- Afghanistan slowly continued ghanistan during the Demo- period of freedom for women in ence of the United States in the physical and psychological sential social desires, and in ical and social participation of his reforms. But the era of so- cratic Republic of Afghanistan the context of Soviet patriar- Afghanistan, like the Soviet well-being of the family, espe- particular the social roles that Afghan women means increas- cialist and communist govern- were largely limited to reforms chal policies, and a period of policy, allows the women to ex- cially the child and the moth- they must play in society. Ulti- ing their contribution to the ments in Afghanistan, which is that were enacted in three leg- relative liberties in which a perience a period of relative er. The government should mately, it helps women attend development of society. especially important for wom- islative enactments. These leg- small percentage of Afghan calm and security. eliminate any kinds of customs various social fields. So, the By: Hamidullah Bamik ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Sunday, August 18, 2019 Government tightens Amani era’s changes to security during Independence Day education system celebrations education system in conserva- system to be accountable to said. It is determined that 100th to prevent from possible attacks tive society of Afghanistan. present time requirements,” Higher studies require ex- anniversary of the country’s In- of the armed Taliban insurgent Girls were enrolled in Assadi said. penditures, new textbook, re- dependence Day is marked group in various parts of the schools beside boys. Freedom Meanwhile, rector of searches, lecturers. Teachers across the country on Monday, country where we have good of women was another change Mashaal University Prof Ha- need capacity building we need Afghan security organs have achievements,” said Rohullah which was not available in Af- midullah Amin said, they have MA and PhD lecturers, he be- assured Afghans of full prepa- Ahmadzai, a spokesperson to ghanistan neighboring coun- passed three stages of educa- ration for maintaining better the ministry of defense. tries. Military, educational and tion development. “In the first security during the respective He added that the ministry religious sections were sepa- stage our teachers were Turk- day. of defense in close cooperation rated from each other and a ish. Later was A spokesperson to the min- and coordination of intelli- number of students received established. Subsequently Fac- istry of interior Nasrat Rahimi gence and ANP forces were scholarships and sent to abroad ulties of Sciences, laws and in an interview with The Kab- working day and night to pro- for higher and professional political sciences, economics, ul Times correspondent said vide better security for the Af- studies. engineering and Medicine Afghan security forces in close ghan people across the country. According to him, King were setup.” cooperation with the intelli- Afghan security officials Amanullah Khan and Mah- Current building of Kabul gence and defense organs have stressed that Afghanistan as an mood Tarzi had been making university was constructed in made joint and regular securi- independent country in the re- joint efforts to improve educa- 1964. ty plans for better maintaining gion has felt continued threats tion system in Afghanistan, The first phase of universi- lieves. of security during celebration posed by terrorist groups in the scholarships were given from ties development was from 1311 Since 2002, the number of of 100th anniversary of the country, asking regional coun- Italy, France, Germany and solar year to 1357 until the April universities increased and uni- country’s Independence Day. tries and the international Russia. A number of foreign communist coup d’état of 1978. versities established in Herat, “Based on the plan, we will community to cooperate with Amani era was the begin- sadi in an interview with The teachers were also employed. During this period, jobs were Kandahar, Nangarhar and oth- make efforts to pay particular Afghanistan in counter terror- ning of modernization of Af- Kabul Times reporter said, But in recent years, new ed- available to all university grad- er provinces, large number of attention to areas where possi- ism effort. ghanistan. Education system in Ghazi King Amanullah Khan ucation system was replaced by uates and were had no employ- private universities were also ble threats are in high level,” A number of military ex- Afghanistan had experienced visited European countries and ideological education system. ment problems, he added. established. Rahimi said, stressing that the perts and ordinary Afghan citi- progress and many challenges. decided to bring new changes After victory of Jihad, Mujahi- “After 1357 (1978) the col- As at present we have 37-38 ministry of interior has always zens in interviews with The Talking on development of in education system and want- din failed to establish a sound lapse of education and higher public and 135-136 private uni- made effort to conduct clearing Kabul Times correspondent education system in Amani era, ed to implement western system. During Taliban it education system started. In- versities with over 350000 stu- operations in areas facing with while asking the country’s de- the Rector of Shaheed Burha- changes in Afghanistan educa- changed substantially. creases in number of universi- dents. Quantity increased but security threats as operations fense and security organs for nuddin Rabbani Educational tion system. He decided to build “Since 2002 we tried to es- ties was paralleled to increase quality decreased. University Dr. Zabihullah As- modern schools and modernize tablish a standard education of certain problems,” Amin Masouda Qarizada Opening of Amani Relics Exhibition at National Museum

Museums play key role in dress all relevant individuals ordinate with National Muse- protection and awareness giv- and families connected to King um and allocate the second ing on cultural heritages. Amanullah Khan to trust or floor to exhibition of museum Among the works kept in Na- gift works of Amani era to Kab- works. He added: “We have al- tional Museum, are works dis- ul museum to be displayed in ready started preliminary mea- covered during Amani rule the special exhibition of inde- sures and hope that this mis- which is now on display on the pendence.” Talking on the sion would be accomplished occasion of the country’s 100th works in national museum successfully, because this pal- Independence Anniversary. from Amani era, Mohibzadah ace is one of the historical mon- In an interview with The added, unfortunately during uments with a century back- Kabul Times reporter deputy the factional conflicts in Kab- ground.” Answering a question, are still ongoing in areas and maintaining better security all director of the National Muse- ul, specially Dar-ul-Aman he said, during Amani era, an- provinces facing with possible the time rather than special um of Afghanistan, Yahya Mo- area, most of the museum works imals were used as means of threats posed by armed Taliban occasions say security is one of hibzada said, the National were plundered or destroyed in- transportation. The only rail- insurgents. the most significant factor in a Museum has organized an ex- cluding works relevant to way was constructed from Dar- Considering role of Afghan society; therefore, the govern- hibition of works of Amani era Amani era. “But fortunately, a he had inserted all his tours, he went on to say, as per order ul-Aman to Pul-e-Arthel area citizens in maintaining better ment should seriously focus on to better celebrate the 100th In- priceless pen by which inde- in this globe and signed it, plus of president Ghani, the palace which was one of the progres- security as significant, the MoI it. dependence Anniversary of Af- pendence statement was signed a big box that contained private is expected to be changed to a sive ideas of king Amanullah spokesperson said: “Our citi- “Undoubtedly, the people of ghanistan. He added, the exhi- by King Amanullah Ghazi, and things of Amanullah Khan in- rich museum in Kabul and an and was the only technical zens and countrymen should be Afghanistan need security bition has been held in a spe- enjoys high value has survived. cluding medals, coins, also ex- exhibition be held in palace too. transportation facility in Kab- cooperative with ANDSF in from any nation in the world cific hall for displaying of cur- Beside that a globe was gifted ist in museum.” The presidential palace has ul and showed the people that particular Afghan national po- as continued war in the coun- rent works from the era of in- to king Amanullah during his Talking on relocation of taken positive steps in this di- the world is growing quickly. lice forces and share any sus- try has brought them nothing dependence founder. “We ad- tour in European countries and works to Dar-ul-Aman palace, rection, assigned a group to co- Karima Malikzada picious activities with police as except destruction, migration close cooperation of the people and poverty,” said an Afghan is one of principal factors in political expert Ali Rahmani. maintaining security in the He considered role of the country.” ordinary people in maintaining Meanwhile, officials for the of security as effective, asking ministry of defense have con- the people to be cooperative sidered maintaining security of with ANDSF in maintaining the 100th anniversary of Inde- better security in the country. pendence Day as the ministry’s It is worth mentioning that top priorities say Afghan Na- Afghans are fully supporting tional Army forces have taken the Afghan National Defense all necessary preparations for and Security Forces as they are better maintaining security of working day and night to pro- the day. vide better security to the peo- “Our ANA forces have ple. kicked off military operations Raiszada Afghanistan’s Independence and its Importance at International Level

By: Bezhan Azam, PhD scholar in management studies

Almost hundred years ago, used as a powerful motivator for international level was re- courageous act to other nations Amanullah and to establish to sleep on Napoleon has achieved international Afghanistan gained its inde- strengthening and expanding vealed during the six months of the world was more like a political, economic and cultur- Bonaparte’s bed on the first trust and credibility by gaining pendence from British Empire. liberation movements in their of King Amanullah’s journey myth than the truth. In many al relations with the new and night of his stay in the city, and freedom from the British Em- People at home and abroad re- countries. This event created to Europe. countries, King Amanullah was independent government of Af- he was given the title Napoleon pire and establishment of an acted to this great historic sparks of hope in other Asian When King Amanullah ar- encouraged and loved by peo- ghanistan. of the East. independent state. event. Inside Afghanistan, fel- countries at a time when they rived in Egypt, the Egyptians ple and their leaders as a myth- In particular, British com- On the other hand, the Brit- low citizens reacted to this were under political and eco- and the reputable newspapers ical hero. For instance, when petitors in Europe, which in- ish authorities committed to great national epic by celebra- nomic domination of foreign recognized the visit of Afghan- King Amanullah arrived in cluded Germany and France offer significant grants includ- tions and expression of their powers. Indian liberators, espe- istan’s king to Egypt as a his- Iran, during the meetings and called for widespread political, ing economic cooperation to support of the Afghan youth cially Indian Muslims, inter- toric event and a great honor visits to the Iranian people, economic, and cultural rela- Afghanistan during the visit of regime and King Amanullah preted the independence of Af- for the Egyptian people, and they showed so much affection tions with Afghanistan. King Amanullah from London Khan. After gaining freedom, ghanistan as a good omen and welcomed him as a champion and sincerity on their part that It is noteworthy that gain- if the king avoid his travel to an independent, proud and de- demanded the revival of the Is- of the Islamic world. All this even made Reza Shah jealous ing independence from British Moscow. Nevertheless, King veloped Afghanistan was con- lamic caliphate, which was welcome and respect in reality and anxious. Empire gave special authority Amanullah refused all these sidered as the most important abandoned after the victory of was a kind of praise and appre- He wished that king Aman- and prestige to Afghanistan at offers to reveal the uncondi- goal of the Afghan government Mustafa Kamal in Turkey, led ciation of the heroism and cour- ullah Khan should leave his international level. As German tional independence of Afghan- and the nation. by King Amanullah Khan. Lat- age of the poor, the oppressed country as soon as possible, so President Paul von Hindenburg istan and departed to Moscow. Moreover, the overseas er, this has diminished the re- and the unheard nation who, that, these visits would not presented the flag of the coun- During his visits and signing movements of liberation in the lationship between the Afghan with all the incapacity rise and cause the insurgency and dis- try to King Amanullah during of bilateral agreements with region and the Islamic world youth regime with the Soviet broke up the first circle of Brit- satisfaction of the people the military parade held in soviet authorities, he succeed- affected by this important Union. ish colonialism with incredible against him. honor of the national day of ed to further strengthen the event, which had abandoned It is worth to mention that courage, and moved in line with Furthermore, the Europe- Germany. Further, when King bilateral ties between the the legend of the invincibility the value and importance of independent political and eco- an countries expressed their Amanullah visited Paris, he was states. of the British Empire, which Afghanistan’s independence at nomic life. Undoubtedly, this interest in meeting with King offered by the Mayor of Paris The Afghan youth regime ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� et every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, Lbear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of our independence.

Asad 27, 1398 HS Sunday, August 18, 2019 Safeguarding historical relics, King Amanullah Khan’s dream was a national assets everyone’s free, independent & stable responsibility: Minister Safi Afghanistan: President Ghani KABUL: Acting Minister of Information and Culture has National Museum’s programs Information and Culture, Ha- been organizing an exhibition and strategies, the acting min- sina Safi, inaugurated the ex- titled ‘Amanullah Khan’s rel- ister said there were plans on KABUL: President Moham- hibition ‘Amanullah Khan Rel- ics and efforts for indepen- hand to establish provincial mad Ashraf Ghani in a message ics and Efforts for Indepen- dence and development of the museums and further intro- congratulated Ministry of In- dence and Development of the country’ which is indeed a good duce the country’s history and formation and Culture for in- country’ here at the National step for reviving the memories culture to the new generations. auguration of the exhibition of Museum of Afghanistan yes- of that great and golden era,” Minister Safi went on say- King Amanullah Khan’s his- terday, Bakhter News Agency the president said in his mes- ing that it was every people’s toric relics at the National Museum of Afghanistan. reported. sage. responsibility to protect the th The ceremony was attend- Later, acting minister of country’s historical relics and “On the occasion of 100 ed by a number of government information and culture spoke national assets. Independence Anniversary of officials, foreign diplomats, related to the event, saying the Director of the National Afghanistan, the Minister of culturists and representatives exhibition was being held to Museum briefed the audience Information and Culture has of the civil and cultural orga- commemorate the country’s related to the exhibition, say- organized an exhibition titled nizations in Kabul. 100th independence anniversa- ing Museums could act as ‘Amanullah Khan’s relics and At the outset, president Mo- ry. bridge between different cul- efforts for independence and hammad Ashraf Ghani’s mes- The acting minister said tures and can promote peace on development of country’ which sage was readout by BNA direc- the exhibition was included national and international is indeed a good step for reviv- tor Najibullah Shinwari, con- relics related to Amanullah stages. ing the memories of that great gratulating the Ministry for Khan and Amani era and was The event was concluded and golden era,” the president holding of the exhibition. aimed to acquaint the new gen- with displaying a short docu- said in his message. “On the occasion of 100th eration with that era’s devel- mentary film on activities of According to President, the Independence Anniversary of opments and activities. King Amanullah Khan. Amani era not only brought the Afghanistan, the Ministry of Briefing the participants on The Kabul Times independence, but also efforts made for development of the pendent, stable and glorious Af- ble and developed country,” the the exhibition at the National country through civil reforma- ghanistan. Today’s Afghan peo- president said in his message. Museum and wished everyone tions and industrial growth in ple are also committed to com- The president congratulat- a very happy 100th indepen- the country. “King Amanullah plete that incompleted chapter ed the Ministry of Information dence anniversary. Khan’s dream was a free, inde- of Amani era and to have a sta- and Culture for organizing of The Kabul Times Minister President Ghani opens Safi highlights renovation of Shah-i-du- Afghans... Shamshira Mosque From P1... day’s and today’s generations Separatists withdraw from also never play with the out- comes of blood of their forefa- thers and safeguarded the in- dependence, freedom and de- key posts in Yemen's Aden mocracy with their sacrifices Southern separatists have lition," he tweeted. a Saudi-UAE delegation. against overtly and covertly vacated key public buildings in The seizure of government But they said the forces plots of evils. The role of hon- Yemen's port city of Aden that military bases by separatist would not quit the government est women and men of this they had recently captured from fighters a week ago has creat- military camps that give them homeland in defending from forces loyal to President Abd- ed a rift in the Saudi-Emirati national and Islamic worthies effective control of the city. of this country is prominent Rabbu Mansour Hadi, exposing military coalition formed four "We will not retreat, we divisions within the Saudi- years ago to support Yemen's and evident. will not budge and planes will One hundred years before, Emirati coalition supporting internationally-recognised not scare us," a statement from the internationally-recognised government, based in Aden, when the people of Afghanistan one of the brigades fighting as gained the complete indepen- government. against the Houthi rebels. part of the southern separatists The supporters of the sepa- Forces of the separatist dence of the country under the said, as Saudi-led warplanes leadership of King Ghazi ratist Southern Transitional STC, trained and equipped by fired flares over Aden at dawn Council (STC) pulled out of the the United Arab Emirates, are Amanullah Khan, Afghani- on Saturday. stan began its move in the way headquarters of Hadi's govern- a part of the anti-Houthi alli- "The STC and the south- ment, the supreme court and ance, but the multi-layered war of cultural, political, econom- ern forces do not answer, but to ic and social progress, the idea the central bank, as well as has rekindled old strains be- the demands of and the will of Aden's main hospital, more tween north and south Yemen of new and progressive Af- the people," Al-Khadher Su- than a week after seizing them, - formerly separate countries ghanistan was practicing step laiman, director of the Office Hadi's information minister until 1990. by step. But alas the alien hand of Foreign Affairs of the STC Muammar al-Iryani said on STC sources told Reuters didn’t permit Afghanistan to Twitter on Saturday news agency their forces, which in New York, told Al Jazeera. pass completely the progres- "Measures are being com- had already moved away from "The legitimate govern- sive and development itinerary pleted to hand over the interi- the nearly empty presidential ment can ignore the popular that selected for itself. will but the STC on the ground or ministry and Aden refinery palace and central bank, were Anyway, one hundred KABUL: President Mo- the ministry’s department for Amanullah Khan in the cere- was compelled to act." years have been passed since to presidential guard units un- vacating government institu- hammad Ashraf Ghani partic- reconstruction and renovation mony, adding that their grand- der the supervision of the coa- tions under the supervision of Aljazeera that time and today, the nation of Afghanistan is experiencing ipated and delivered speech in of historic monuments and mothers had been the well- the great test of ending of war. a ceremony held Friday mosques.” known women of the country’s No doubt, if other hands were evening at Chahar Chenar He added that the project history who had renovated and not involved in this war, final- Palace on the occasion of worth 23.6 million afghani reconstructed not only this ly, the people of Afghanistan starting work on renovation of would be completed in a year. mosque but other mosques and could find the common lan- guage of themselves and could Shah-i-du Shamshira Afterwards, acting minister of mausoleums of great figures end this riot. The hypocrisy Mosque. hajj and Islamic affairs spoke of the country. and plot unfortunately involved In the ceremony attended and praised the country’s “Mosque is the home of Al- Afghans with each other. by Princess Hendia and Prin- President for his attention to mighty Allah and center of Availing the opportunity, I cess Najia, daughters of King construction of mosques in Muslims community and un- want to address armed govern- ment opponents to end to Amanullah Khan, a number of particular renovation of Eidgah doubtedly it is the duty of the mourning ceremonies and re- religious ulamas and Kabul and Pul-e-Kheshti mosques President and the government spect motherland. This would residents, first, acting minis- and other mosques in all prov- to build and renovate be your great gift to the 100th ter of urban development and inces of the country. mosques,” President Ghani independence anniversary of land Jawad Paykar spoke and After hearing speeches de- added, saying that all historic the country. At the end, once again, I said: “Based on verdict of the livered in the ceremony, Pres- monuments, mosques and sig- congratulate the 100th inde- country’s President, renova- ident Mohammad Ashraf nificant Khanqahs will be ren- pendence anniversary of the tion work of Shah-i-du Sham- Ghani said it was an honor that ovated and rebuilt. country. The Kabul Times shira is going to be started by there were daughters of King The Kabul Times ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������