NARAYEVER NEWS February, March, April 2020 חדשות נרייבר Shevat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar 5780 Editing Team Michael Boyd Rabbi Ed Elkin Marsha Frydenberg Tama Soble Graphic Designer Rebecca Wilkinson Send comments and content proposals to:
[email protected] First Narayever Congregation 187 Brunswick Ave. Toronto, ON M5S 2M4 Tel: 416.927.0546 Email:
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Rabbi’s Message 3 Tefillah Coach’s Message 5 Tu B’Shvat, Purim, Pesach 6 Building Renewal Project 8 Adult Education Programs 10 Celebrations 14 Youth & Families 15 Shinshiniot 17 Environment Committee 18 Hesed 19 Shul Matters 20 Kiddush Sponsors & Donations 23 Other Donations 24 Living Our Vision Capital Campaign Pledges 28 Yom Kippur Tzedakah Appeal 30 Yahrzeit Anniversaries 32 Calendar of Events 35 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE At the time of writing we are coming to the end of a very busy period. Chanukah, the Festival of Light, which literally lit up an otherwise rather dreary December, has just ended. I had the absolute pleasure of enjoying the wonderful Chanukah party at the shul. With all the kids, the great music (a ten-piece band!), the latkes (thank you Rachel), all the dancing, and the feeling of community - it was fabulous! Around the same time we had the honour of welcoming Iman Dr. Wael Shehab and several other members of the Masjid Toronto mosque to a Shabbat service. It was a wonderful opportunity for our communities to come together; a time to enjoy and celebrate with our community and with others. But, it was with great sadness and anger that we heard about the attacks in Monsey, New York and Jersey City.