CHEKHOV 2.0. 80 HOURS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ Int’l students wonder about status in U.S. now By ANIS SHAKIRAH MOHD legal immigration status in general, international stu- States?” or “Am I forced to dorff said no international Muslims, Latinos, persons MUSLIMIN AND LAURA SCOTT and personal safety. dents and scholars feel threat- leave the United States?” students have yet reported of color, persons with dis-
[email protected] The International Student ened or unsafe just for being The email was meant receiving threats or being abilities, refugees, even the & Scholar Services and the international,” said Lee See- to reassure internation- personally targeted, though LGBTQ community and In the immediate after- Iowa Intensive English Pro- dorff, the senior associate di- al students that nothing she believes the rhetoric of the women,” Seedorff said. math of Donald Trump be- gram staff sent out a joint rector of International Schol- has changed in regards to election did contribute to the The email closed with a ing named the winner of the email Wednesday afternoon ars & Student Services. student and scholar immi- uptick in questions and con- warning that talking about 2016 presidential election, to international students in Seedorff said the inqui- gration laws. It also told cerns the two offices received. politics can be very “emo- international students at an attempt to address and ries she and teachers in the students that “no one on “International students tionally charged” in the the University of Iowa be- alleviate those concerns and program have received from a student or scholar visa fall into many of the ‘groups’ United States, a possible cul- gan contacting on-campus anticipate others.