2009-05-06 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes
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MINUTES of the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING CHAIRMAN: Cr Ian Petersen Held in the Boardroom Old Bank Building Cnr Nash & Channon Streets, Gympie Qld 4570 On Wednesday 6 May 2009 at 9.00 a.m. For Adoption at the General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 13 May 2009 Gympie Regional Council Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 May 2009 - 1 - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Cr I.T. Petersen (Chairman), Crs R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté, D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett, J.A. Walker & J. Watt. APPOINTMENTS etc. Nil. CONTENTS LEAVE OF ABSENCE..........................................................................................................................................3 CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES..................................................................................................3 APOLOGIES ..........................................................................................................................................................3 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS BY COUNCILLORS .................................................................................3 SECTION 1: STRATEGIC PLANNING MATTERS ........................................................................................4 1/1 STATE-WIDE HERITAGE SURVEY WITHIN THE GYMPIE REGIONAL COUNCIL AREA ...............................4 1/2 RELOCATION OPTIONS FOR NETBALL ....................................................................................................5 1/3 WIDE BAY BURNETT REGIONAL RECREATION AND SPORT STRATEGY ................................................11 SECTION 2: PLANNING APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................13 SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS........................................................................................................13 2/2 2008-1866 – MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE OF PREMISES – FOOD OR ENTERTAINMENT VENUE (RESTAURANT) - 13 ALFRED STREET, GYMPIE – KAYE SILICH ............................................................13 2/1 2008-0896 – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE – SHOP AND COMMERCIAL PREMISES (OFFICES) OVER LOT 28 CP855374 – 88 RIVER ROAD, GYMPIE ...................26 2/3 2008-0280 – REPRESENTATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE – ACCOMMODATION PREMISES & FOOD OR ENTERTAINMENT VENUE (50 MOTEL UNITS, RESTAURANT AND FUNCTION ROOMS) – LOTS 1-3 MPH24431 AND LOT 2 MPH6953 – AMAROO PROPERTIES ..........................................................................................................................48 SECTION 3: RECONFIGURING A LOT APPLICATIONS..........................................................................61 3/1 2009-0070 – RECONFIGURING A LOT – SUBDIVISION TO CREATE ONE (1) ADDITIONAL LOT – CEDAR POCKET ROAD, CEDAR POCKET – H. ANDERSON.....................................................................61 3/2 DA17953 – RECONFIGURING A LOT – SUBDIVISION TO CREATE TWO (2) ADDITIONAL LOTS AND ACCESS EASEMENT – 256 AMAMOOR DAGUN ROAD, AMAMOOR – T.G. & L.E. TAYLOR ..................69 SECTION 4: PLANNING APPLICATIONS PENDING .................................................................................73 4/1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS PENDING .....................................................................................................73 4/2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS APPROVED...........................................................................................96 Gympie Regional Council Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 May 2009 - 2 - SECTION 5: GENERAL MATTERS ..............................................................................................................100 5/1 BUILDING SUMMARY AND REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2009 ..............................................100 5/2 UPDATE OF URBAN ROAD CONTRIBUTION.........................................................................................100 5/3 APPLICATION FOR A DETACHED BOTTLE SHOP – JOCKEY CLUB HOTEL – 107 RIVER ROAD, GYMPIE ..............................................................................................................................................102 5/4 ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP FOR MASTER BUILDERS QUEENSLAND .........................................................104 SECTION 6: MATTERS FOR COUNCIL’S INFORMATION....................................................................105 LATE ITEMS .....................................................................................................................................................105 LATE ITEM 1 PANDEMIC SITUATION – CURRENT SWINE FEVER THREAT ..................................................105 SECTION 7: “IN COMMITTEE” ITEMS.....................................................................................................116 7/1 DA15109 - PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AND OPERATIONAL WORKS OFF DUGGAN ROAD, THE PALMS – T. JELLICK....................................................................................................................116 Gympie Regional Council Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 May 2009 - 3 - The meeting opened at 9.00 a.m. PRESENT: Crs I.T. Petersen (Chairman), R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté, D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett & J. Watt. Also in attendance were Mr K.A. Mason (Chief Executive Officer), Mr M. Hartley (Director of Planning & Development), Mrs K.A. Rolfe (Manager Strategic Planning), Ms T.M. Stenholm (Manager Development & Compliance) and Ms K. Sullivan (Minutes Secretary). Mr K.A. Mason (Chief Executive Officer), Cr G.L. Engeman, Cr L.J. Friske and Ms T.M. Stenholm (Manager Development & Compliance) were not present when the meeting commenced. LEAVE OF ABSENCE That Cr Julie Walker be granted Leave of absence from all Council Meetings for the duration of her rehabilitation vide minute G13/02/09. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES P01/05/09 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté That the Minutes of the Planning & Development Committee Meeting held on 15 April 2009 be taken as read and confirmed. Carried. Cr G.L. Engeman entered the meeting at 9.02 a.m. APOLOGIES Nil DECLARATION OF INTERESTS BY COUNCILLORS P11/05/09 - Cr G.L. Engeman – Conflict of Interest. Gympie Regional Council Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 May 2009 - 4 - SECTION 1: STRATEGIC PLANNING MATTERS 1/1 State-Wide Heritage Survey within the Gympie Regional Council Area Re: Minute: P02/05/09 State-Wide Heritage Survey within the Gympie Regional Council Area From: Acting Manager, Register & Strategic Projects, Cultural Heritage Branch, Department of Environment and Resource Management File: 6/6/11/0002 Date: 30 March 2009 “The State Government is undertaking a State-Wide heritage survey across Queensland to identify places of State heritage significance. This survey is being undertaken by teams of heritage officers from the Department of Environment and Resource Management (formerly Environmental Protection Agency). We are currently working in the Wide Bay Burnett Region and surveying the Gympie Regional Council area. Members of the State-Wide heritage survey team met with Councillors of the Gympie Regional Council on Tuesday 24 March 2009 to report to Council on the progress of the survey in the region. Gympie Regional Councillors generously offered to partner with us for the survey of the former Tiaro and Kilkivan areas. From this joint survey we will generate lists of places of local heritage significance and State heritage significance. The local list will form the basis of possible places for the local heritage register for Gympie Regional Council and the state list will be assessed for possible entry in the Queensland Heritage Register. Strategic Planning Officer, Ric Halse, was nominated as out contact person. I write to seek formal Council approval of this partnership and we look forward to working together for the conservation of Queensland’s heritage places”. Report: (Strategic Planning Officer - R.N. Halse) On Tuesday 24th March 2009 the former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), now known as Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM), made a presentation to Gympie Regional Councillors regarding the State-Wide heritage survey of the Kilkivan and Tiaro areas. An offer was presented by DERM to collaborate with Gympie Regional Council. It was suggested that the state wide heritage survey would form part of the current Planning Scheme Study and also reduce duplication between the State and Local sectors. DERM now seeks formal approval of this partnership. Gympie Regional Council Planning & Development Committee Meeting – 6 May 2009 - 5 - P02/05/09 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Recommend that Council approves the request from Department of Environment and Natural Resource Management to partner with Council for the survey of the former Tiaro and Kilkivan areas in relation to the state-wide heritage survey and liaise with the Acting Manager, Register & Strategic Projects, Cultural Heritage Branch regarding appropriate dates and meeting venues. Carried. Cr L.J. Friske entered the meeting at 9.05 a.m. 1/2 Relocation Options for Netball Re: Minute: P03/05/09 Relocation Options for Netball From: Sport, Recreation and Parks Coordinating Committee File: 6/6/07/0003 Date: 21st April, 2009 Report: (Manager Strategic Planning – K.A. Rolfe) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Council has previously requested a report investigating the feasibility of relocating the netball courts to Adrian McClintock Park. The matter of a masterplan for the reserve