of the


CHAIRMAN: Cr Ian Petersen

Held in the Boardroom Old Bank Building Cnr Nash & Channon Streets, Qld 4570

On Wednesday 6 May 2009 at 9.00 a.m.

For Adoption at the General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 13 May 2009

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Cr I.T. Petersen (Chairman), Crs R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté, D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett, J.A. Walker & J. Watt.






APOLOGIES ...... 3






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The meeting opened at 9.00 a.m.

PRESENT: Crs I.T. Petersen (Chairman), R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté, D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett & J. Watt.

Also in attendance were Mr K.A. Mason (Chief Executive Officer), Mr M. Hartley (Director of Planning & Development), Mrs K.A. Rolfe (Manager Strategic Planning), Ms T.M. Stenholm (Manager Development & Compliance) and Ms K. Sullivan (Minutes Secretary).

Mr K.A. Mason (Chief Executive Officer), Cr G.L. Engeman, Cr L.J. Friske and Ms T.M. Stenholm (Manager Development & Compliance) were not present when the meeting commenced.


That Cr Julie Walker be granted Leave of absence from all Council Meetings for the duration of her rehabilitation vide minute G13/02/09.


P01/05/09 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté

That the Minutes of the Planning & Development Committee Meeting held on 15 April 2009 be taken as read and confirmed.


Cr G.L. Engeman entered the meeting at 9.02 a.m.




P11/05/09 - Cr G.L. Engeman – Conflict of Interest.

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1/1 State-Wide Heritage Survey within the Gympie Regional Council Area

Re: Minute: P02/05/09 State-Wide Heritage Survey within the Gympie Regional Council Area From: Acting Manager, Register & Strategic Projects, Cultural Heritage Branch, Department of Environment and Resource Management File: 6/6/11/0002 Date: 30 March 2009

“The State Government is undertaking a State-Wide heritage survey across Queensland to identify places of State heritage significance. This survey is being undertaken by teams of heritage officers from the Department of Environment and Resource Management (formerly Environmental Protection Agency). We are currently working in the Wide Bay Burnett Region and surveying the Gympie Regional Council area.

Members of the State-Wide heritage survey team met with Councillors of the Gympie Regional Council on Tuesday 24 March 2009 to report to Council on the progress of the survey in the region. Gympie Regional Councillors generously offered to partner with us for the survey of the former Tiaro and Kilkivan areas. From this joint survey we will generate lists of places of local heritage significance and State heritage significance. The local list will form the basis of possible places for the local heritage register for Gympie Regional Council and the state list will be assessed for possible entry in the Queensland Heritage Register. Strategic Planning Officer, Ric Halse, was nominated as out contact person.

I write to seek formal Council approval of this partnership and we look forward to working together for the conservation of Queensland’s heritage places”.

Report: (Strategic Planning Officer - R.N. Halse)

On Tuesday 24th March 2009 the former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), now known as Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM), made a presentation to Gympie Regional Councillors regarding the State-Wide heritage survey of the Kilkivan and Tiaro areas.

An offer was presented by DERM to collaborate with Gympie Regional Council. It was suggested that the state wide heritage survey would form part of the current Planning Scheme Study and also reduce duplication between the State and Local sectors. DERM now seeks formal approval of this partnership.

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P02/05/09 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté

Recommend that Council approves the request from Department of Environment and Natural Resource Management to partner with Council for the survey of the former Tiaro and Kilkivan areas in relation to the state-wide heritage survey and liaise with the Acting Manager, Register & Strategic Projects, Cultural Heritage Branch regarding appropriate dates and meeting venues.


Cr L.J. Friske entered the meeting at 9.05 a.m.

1/2 Relocation Options for Netball

Re: Minute: P03/05/09 Relocation Options for Netball From: Sport, Recreation and Parks Coordinating Committee File: 6/6/07/0003 Date: 21st April, 2009

Report: (Manager Strategic Planning – K.A. Rolfe)


Council has previously requested a report investigating the feasibility of relocating the netball courts to Adrian McClintock Park. The matter of a masterplan for the reserve was to be referred to the 2009/2010 budget for consideration (refer Minute DB05/07/08).

Since that time the Sport Recreation and Parks Coordinating Committee has been investigating the above option and all others that have previously been suggested as possible sites for the courts.

Design Services and Works staff undertook preliminary designs and costings for the sites shown below to determine their comparative suitability.

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Lot 4 SP116459 Opposite the Saleyards

Lot 4 SP143068 Jim Geiger Oval

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Lot 515 MCH4139 Reg English Tennis Centre

Lot 18 RP221336 Bath Terrace, Old Rifle Range site

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Lot 72 G14747 Showgrounds

Lot 185 MCH4242 Adjacent John McMullen Complex, Six Mile

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Lot 245 LX2270 Jaycees Park

Lot 1 MPH23160 – Tozer Park Rd, former Depot site and adjoining lots


After the initial discussions two of the sites were considered worthy of further investigation being Jaycees Park and the Tozer Park Depot site.

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The following characteristics make the depot site the most favourable:

* previously developed * flood free * cleared * located adjacent to the Gympie State High school * collocation with other recreation facilities including existing gymnastics clubhouse, future aquatic centre and potentially others, allowing shared use of facilities and parking areas * central location.

Issues for consideration include (but are not limited to):

* school parking requirements * integration with other approved uses in the vicinity * MRCCC lease * shared use of facilities.


Following consideration of all options proposed as potential relocation sites for the netball courts the Sport, Recreation and Parks Coordinating Committee resolved to recommend to Council that the former Tozer Park Depot site be endorsed as Council’s preferred option and that the site be planned as a multi- purpose precinct.

P03/05/09 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté

Recommend that Council endorses the Tozer Park Depot site as the preferred relocation site for the Gympie netball courts and proceeds with necessary planning and consultation activities to determine the ultimate layout for a multi-purpose recreational precinct.


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1/3 Wide Bay Burnett Regional Recreation and Sport Strategy

Re: Minute: P04/05/09 Wide Bay Burnett Regional Recreation and Sport Strategy From: Manager Strategic Planning File: 5/3/15/0001 Date: 29 April, 2009

Report: (Manager Strategic Planning – K.A. Rolfe)


Members of the Sport Recreation and Parks Coordinating Committee met with ROSS Planning on 29th April, 2009 to:

* review a list of regionally significant facilities as provided by DIP and provide further information for the list

* advise ROSS Planning on any proposed open space purchases relevant to the project

* advise on any land that is desirable for future sport and recreation at a regional level

* consider any local differences or issues

* inform of any local planning initiatives, particularly in regard to setting DSOS, open space classifications, open space characteristics (e.g. shape, size etc) or similar

* gather information on water courses and dams that are, or could be suited to water-based activities

* identify demands and plans for noisy (e.g. motorsport) or dangerous (e.g. shooting) activities.

The information from the meeting, coupled with the information from the document review will provide the starting point for the study.


The following definition will be refined through the consultation process:

“A regional sport and recreation facility is one which regularly attracts participants from the whole (or most) of the Wide Bay Burnett area and possibly beyond. It may have specialist components which differentiate it from other facilities catering to the same activity.”

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After the workshop the consultants inspected the following facilities:

▪ Adrian McClintock Park ▪ Hockey grounds ▪ One Mile Ovals ▪ Albert Park ▪ Albert Bowling Club ▪ Tozer Park site.

The AFL grounds and the Kart track were on the list to inspect on their way back to Brisbane.


Gympie Regional Council is the first local government to be consulted during the process. Our issues were comprehensively covered.

The refined list of facilities in the GRC area deemed to be “regional” will be provided to Council in due course.

P04/05/09 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommend that Council notes the information. 283.5 pt, Left


Mrs K.A. Rolfe left the meeting at 9.17 a.m. Ms T.M. Stenholm entered the meeting at 9.17 a.m.

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P05/05/09 It was resolved that the Committee suspend standing orders to deal with Item 2/2.

2/2 2008-1866 – Material Change of Use of Premises – Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) - 13 Alfred Street, Gympie – Kaye Silich

FILE NO: Minute: P06/05/09 2008-1866 APPLICANT: Kaye Silich LANDOWNER: FJ Cole, KE Silich and CJ Mandersloot RPD: Lot 264 MCH4905 SITE ADDRESS: 13 Alfred Street, Gympie PROPOSAL: Material Change of Use – Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) EXISTING ZONE: Housing (Cooloola Shire Council Planning Scheme 2005) SITE AREA: 1 012m2 LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT: Code (inconsistent) SUBMISSIONS: None

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KEY POINT SUMMARY • Application to establish a Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) within the Housing Zone. • Application lodged for assessment against Cooloola Shire Council’s Planning Scheme 2005. • Property is Zoned Housing, for which a Food or Entertainment Venue is an ‘inconsistent’ use. • The development proposes to utilise the existing dwelling, extend to the south-east and remove an existing shed. • Sufficient planning grounds exist in order to consider the proposed development as an appropriate use of the site. • Conditions requiring landscaping, acoustic fencing and other noise attenuation measures should be imposed, in order to limit the impact on amenity for adjoining residential premises. • Proposed development incorporates a current GFA of 158.22m2 and the development proposes an extension of 85.78m2 GFA, resulting in a total GFA of 244m2. • Planning Scheme specifies 5.5 car spaces per 100m2 of GFA to be provided on site, which results in a requirement for 11 spaces based on the current proposal plans. • The proposal plan nominates a total of 5 car spaces on site, which results in a shortfall of 6 spaces and would likely result in unacceptable on-street parking along Alfred and Duke Streets. • All other aspects of the proposed development generally comply with the provisions of the Planning Scheme. • A revised layout, incorporating two-way traffic along the access driveway and car parking spaces provided on site at the rate of 5.5 car spaces per 100m2 GFA is required to be submitted. • MCU to Establish a Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) recommended to be held over pending submission of a revised access and carparking layout.

Report: (Principal Planner – K.M. Toomey)


This application seeks Council’s approval for a Material Change of Use – Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) at 13 Alfred Street, Gympie. The proposal is to reuse an existing dwelling on site, extend to the south-east and remove an existing shed.

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1.1 The Site

The development site is located at 13 Alfred Street, Gympie, on the intersection of Alfred and Duke Streets. The site was formerly within the Local Government Area of Cooloola Shire.

The site has an area of 1012m2 and is a regular rectangular shaped allotment, with approximately 25 metres of frontage to Alfred Street and 40 metres of frontage to Duke Street. Duke Street is classified as an arterial road and is fully constructed to a double lane bitumen standard, complete with kerb and channel and a pedestrian pathway. Alfred Street is constructed to a 7 metre wide bitumen standard with kerb and channel. A pedestrian pathway has been constructed for an approved Professional Office (Naturopathic Clinic – DA00862) directly opposite the site in Alfred Street for approximately 25 metres and joins the Duke Street pathway.

The site is currently improved by a dwelling and shed. The site currently accesses Alfred Street, approximately 27 metres from its intersection with Duke Street.

The topography of the site slopes approximately 10% in a west to south-west direction towards Duke Street. Substantial earthworks and retaining of the site were previously undertaken in order to facilitate the construction of the existing building.

1.2 The Proposal

The proposal comprises a Material Change of Use to establish a Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant).

The applicant provides the following details in regards to the proposal:

“Our proposal is to renovate and use the existing building as a 100 seat restaurant after the addition of an under roof verandah, cold storage room and parking areas as per attached plans. The kitchen will remain where it is with one of the bedrooms converting to a bar and another used for restrooms. The existing roofline will be continued over the extension to preserve the character of the building.

The intended hours of operation are Wednesday to Saturday for lunch (noon to 1500 hours) and dinner (1800 to 2200 hours).”

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Existing Floor and Site Plan

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Proposed Site Plan

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Proposed Floor Plan

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Proposed Elevations

1.3 Surrounding Land Use

The surrounding land use is characterised by Housing allotments to the north, east and south and Commercial Zoned (Showroom Preferred Use Area) allotments to the West.

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A number of sites in the vicinity have been granted development approvals and include:

• 2008-1223 – Commercial Premises (Professional Offices) – Approved 28 January 2009 (pending negotiations); • DA00862 – Commercial Premises – Professional Offices (Naturopathic Clinic) – Approved 8 June 1999; • DA12012 – Request to carry out self-assessable development under the Superseded Planning Scheme – Public Purposes (Ambulance) – approved 23 September 2005.



DA00862 Subject Site

Zoning Map


2.1 Compliance with the Planning Scheme

2.1.1 Scheme Definition

Under the arrangements of the Cooloola Shire Council Planning Scheme 2005, Material Change of Use to establish a Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) in the Housing Zone is “Code Assessable” development.

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2.1.2 Planning Scheme Provisions

The proposed development is considered to be an ‘Inconsistent Use’ within the Housing Zone and is assessable against the following codes outlined below.

Gympie Planning Area Code

Specific Outcome 1 of the Gympie Planning Area Code states that ‘the following defined uses are inconsistent uses and are not located in the Housing Zone: …j. food or entertainment venue.’

The proposed development is not able to meet this outcome, however, given the site’s close proximity to the Gympie central business district and allotments zoned Commercial (Showroom Preferred Use Area), as well as surrounding approved uses and proposed retention of the existing residential character, the proposal is considered to be an acceptable use of the site.

Specific Outcome 3 of the Gympie Planning Area Code states that ‘Uses are located and designed to avoid significant adverse changes to the acoustic environment of adjoining and surrounding premises.’

The applicant has provided a Noise Assessment Report which outlines a number of noise control measures to be incorporated to assist in controlling the potential noise impact associated with the development.

Noise control measures to be considered include:

• locating the refrigeration unit inside with the cold room; • selecting the quietest possible plant, particularly refrigeration unit and kitchen mechanical exhaust; • locate the plant as distant as possible from the closest residences to the south and east; • reduce plant noise by the erection of an acoustic barrier; • provide an acoustic enclosure for the plant.

All other aspects of the development are considered generally able to comply with the remainder of the outcomes sought from the Gympie Planning Area Code.

Erosion and Sediment Control Code

The development proposes to utilise the existing building on the site.

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Erosion and sediment control measures will be required for the extension, car parking and access arrangements. Suitable conditions can be imposed at the Building and Operational Works stages to ensure that the outcomes sought by the Erosion and Sediment Control Code are able to be met.

Infrastructure Works Code

Adequate infrastructure is available in order to appropriately service the proposed development.

Water and Sewerage Headworks charges apply to the development and a credit for the current use of the site, ie. dwelling house is also applicable.

All aspects of the development are considered generally able to comply with the outcomes sought from the Infrastructure Works Code.

Landscaping Code

Specific Outcome 1 of the Landscaping Code states that ‘Landscaping areas are located and designed to provide attractive streetscapes and their dimensions, the density of plants and the structure of plantings are sufficient to: a. screen premises from adjoining residential uses; or, b. soften the visual impact of large, tall or bulky structures and premises; or, c. provide shade and wind protection in, and increase the visual amenity of car parking areas.’

Landscaping has not been identified in detail on the proposal plans and a condition requiring landscape plans to be submitted for approval in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 4: Landscape Plans and Plant Species should be included in any approval issued.

Vehicle Parking and Access Code

Specific Outcome 1 of the Vehicle Parking and Access Code states that ‘adequate parking is to be provided to meet the needs of occupants, employees, visitors and other users.’ Probable Solution 1(a) requires that ‘vehicle parking spaces are provided on-site in accordance with Schedule 10 Minimum Vehicle Parking Requirements’. Schedule 10 requires 5.5 spaces per 100m2 of GFA to be provided for a “Food or Entertainment Venue” involving the sale of food. The dwelling house which is to be converted to a restaurant has a current GFA of 158.22m2 and the development proposes an extension of 85.78m2 GFA, resulting in a total GFA of 244m2 and a requirement for 11 on-site car spaces.

The current proposal plan nominates four (4) car parking spaces in tandem along the eastern boundary of the site and one disabled car park on the Alfred Street (northern) frontage.

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Tandem parking spaces are not a preferred option for the development and the car parking layout should be amended prior to approval incorporating 11 car park spaces in the southern portion of the site and removing the tandem spaces along the eastern boundary.

The development proposes a 3.5 metre wide single access driveway from Alfred Street. The proposed driveway should be amended with the car parking layout to allow an uninterrupted path for vehicles entering and exiting the site, rather than queuing on the Street while vehicles park or exit the site.

A redesign of the proposed access driveway and carparking area should be required in order to allow for two-way traffic along the eastern boundary and adequate on-site parking along the rear of the site.

2.2 Local and/or State Planning Policies

No State Planning Policies are applicable.


3.1 Appropriateness of the Proposal

The establishment of a “Commercial Premises” is generally considered to be inappropriate within the Housing Zone. However, given the proposed re-use of an existing dwelling house, close proximity to the Gympie central business district and allotments zoned Commercial (Showroom Preferred Use Area), the proposal is considered to retain an acceptable level of residential character and is therefore an appropriate use of the site.

3.2 Impact on Amenity

No major amenity concerns are raised by the proposal given the utilisation of the existing building and noise mitigation measures as recommended by the supporting Noise Report. Conditions relating to landscaping and fencing will be required, in order to limit the impact on the adjacent residential premises.

3.3 Flooding

The site is not subject to inundation in a Q100 flood event.

3.4 Vegetation

Given that the site is zoned Housing the significance of any existing vegetation is not considered to be a relevant consideration.

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3.5 Site Contamination

This site is not listed on the Environmental Management Register.


4.1 Internal

a) Design Services Division

The Design Services Division has confirmed that the proposed access arrangements and carparking shortfall do not comply with the requirements of Council’s Planning Scheme. A redesign would benefit the development, to allow two-way traffic along the north-eastern boundary and the required number of car spaces, including manoeuvring areas, to be accommodated on site. A contribution towards road improvements, as a result of the increased traffic generated by this development, in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 13 – Urban Road Contributions will also be applicable.

4.2 External

a) Public Notification

The application was determined to be “Code Assessable” only and as such was not required to be publicly notified. The Development Application was however, included within Council’s regular advertisement in the Gympie Times and no adverse submissions were received.


A significantly improved solution is available for the proposed development site, which greatly improves functionality of the site, eliminates the need for motorists to park on Alfred and Duke Street (and as a result reduces an unnecessary safety risk to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic) and generally complies with the required outcomes sought by the Planning Scheme and relevant Australian Standards.

The proposed revision should include an amended layout to allow two-way traffic along the access driveway and accommodation of the required number of car spaces at the rear of the allotment. Note, that a reduction in the proposed GFA of the extension may be required in order to achieve the specified number of car spaces and adequate manoeuvring areas.

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The application proposes the conversion and extension of an existing building into Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) within the Housing Zone. The site is in close proximity to existing Commercial land and mitigation measures are able to be conditioned in order to address any likely impacts on the amenity of nearby residences. The site fronts a heavily utilised arterial road and has convenient access to the central business area of Gympie.

Although the establishment of a “Food or Entertainment Venue” within a Housing Zone is identified as an “inconsistent” use under the provisions of the Cooloola Shire Planning Scheme 2005, sufficient planning grounds exist in order to support the proposed development as an appropriate use of the site.

However, given that the proposal’s access and parking arrangements, in their current configuration, are unable to comply with the requirements of Council’s Planning Scheme, a revised layout is recommended incorporating two-way traffic along the access driveway and the required number of car spaces, ie. 5.5 spaces per 100m2 GFA.

P06/05/09 Moved: Cr G.L. Engeman Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, withhold a decision on 283.5 pt, Left Development Application 2008-01866 for Material Change of Use – Food or Entertainment Venue (Restaurant) on Lot 264 MCH4905 located at 13 Alfred Street, Gympie, pending the lodgement of an amended layout incorporating the following design elements:

(i) an access driveway able to accommodate two-way traffic and adequate manoeuvring areas as specified in Council’s Planning Scheme and the relevant Australian Standards; and

(ii) the required number of on-site car spaces, ie. a minimum of 5.5 car spaces per 100m2 of proposed GFA, to be located at the rear of the site. Note: A reduction in GFA as part of the proposed extension may be required in order to achieve the required number of spaces.

Further, that following submission of the above plans approval of the application be delegated to the Director of Planning and Development subject to the imposition of reasonable and relevant conditions.


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2/1 2008-0896 – Development Application for Material Change of Use – Shop and Commercial Premises (Offices) over Lot 28 CP855374 – 88 River Road, Gympie

FILE NO: Minute: P07/05/09 2008-0896 APPLICANT: Raw Ochre Design LANDOWNER: Glasslake Pty Ltd RPD: Lot 28 on CP855374 SITE ADDRESS: 88 River Road, Gympie SITE AREA: 808m2 CURRENT USE OF LAND: Detached Dwelling PROPOSAL: Material Change of Use – Shop and Commercial Premises (Offices) PLANNING SCHEME: Cooloola Planning Scheme EXISTING ZONE: Commercial PREFERRED USE AREA: Highway Services PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Not applicable REFERRAL AGENCIES: Department of Main Roads

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KEY POINT SUMMARY • Application to establish a Shop and Commercial Premises (Professional Offices) within the Commercial Zone (Highway Services Preferred Use Area). • Application lodged for assessment against Cooloola Shire Council’s Planning Scheme 2005. • Property is Zoned Commercial, for which a Shop and Commercial Premises are both ‘consistent’ uses. • The development proposes to remove the existing dwelling house and establish a new Commercial Building consisting of a single “Shop” of 149.59m2, Professional Offices of 241.61m2 and 18 on-site car parking spaces. • The proposed development is generally able to comply with the provisions of the Planning Scheme. • MCU to Establish a Shop and Commercial Premises (Professional Offices) recommended for Approval with conditions.

Report: (Craven Ovenden Town Planning and Principal Planner - K.M. Toomey)


This application seeks Council’s approval for a Material Change of Use for a Shop and Commercial Premises (Offices) on a site at 88 River Road, Gympie, formally described as Lot 28 on CP55374.

1.1 Site Description

• The site is located on River Road, Gympie which forms part of the Bruce Highway. River Road and the Bruce Highway are classified as a Major Arterial Route under the Planning Scheme. • The subject site has a total area of 808m2 and is generally rectangular in shape. • The site currently comprises a two storey house. • The site has a moderate fall of 14% to River Road. • The site comprises several large trees, particularly along its southern side boundary, many of which the proposal seeks to retain. • Adjoining the site to the north and south are commercial activities, including retail, while a number of residential dwellings adjoin the site to the east.

1.2 The Proposal

The application seeks approval for the construction of a two-storey Commercial Premises with the ground floor to be used as a ‘shop’ and the upper storey to be used as ‘professional offices’.

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• 4 staff car parking spaces, 1 service vehicle loading bay, 1 disabled car parking space and 12 customer car parking spaces. • A maximum building height of 7.2m from ground level. • The subject site makes use of a dual crossover shared with an existing retail store to the north. At the direction of the Department of Main Roads, the proposal is to remain linked with the existing access to the retail shop to the north, as well as to the existing driveway of the retail facility to the south of the site, forming a U-shaped driveway situation. • A total GFA of 391.20m2 (149.59m2 for the lower floor and 241.61m2 for the second storey). • A screened refuse enclosure is included, as is the provision for a pedestrian path and crossing along the site’s frontage to the building’s main entry. • Landscaping to the street frontage and retention of existing established trees.

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The proposed layout is reproduced below.

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1.3 Surrounding Land Uses

Land parcels adjoining the site to the north and south, also accommodate commercial premises. Land on the opposite side of River Road is used for parkland purposes. Detached residential dwellings also adjoin the site to the east. There are houses located sporadically along this section of River Road, though it is noted that commercial activities remain the dominant land use.

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2.1 Overall Outcomes / Desired Environmental Outcomes

The overall intent of the Commercial Zone is to accommodate a range of commercial uses in appropriate locations.

The proposal is consistent with the intent of the Zone as it will increase the range of commercial uses available in the area. The location of the proposed commercial use is also consistent with the intent of the Commercial Zone.

2.2 Overlays / Natural Hazards / State Planning Policies

2.2.1 Erosion Hazard

The site is identified on Natural Hazard Map NHM2 as being subject to both Moderate and Very High Erosion Hazard. The applicant has not formally assessed the proposed commercial development against the Erosion and Sediment Control Code, however the applicant will be required to address these issues in detail in an Operational Works application.

2.3 Assessment Against Codes

The applicable Codes include the following:

- Gympie Planning Area Code - Infrastructure Works Code - Landscaping Code - Erosion and Sediment Control Code - Vehicle Parking & Access

The applicant has provided a formal assessment against the Gympie Planning Area Code and the Vehicle Parking & Access Code and addressed the Landscaping Code and engineering Codes.

In this respect, a brief overview of the proposal’s compliance with the relevant Code provisions of the Scheme is provided in the following sections.

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2.3.1 Gympie Planning Area Code

Impact on Amenity

The proposed offices and shop are not expected to result in any significant adverse amenity impacts on the surrounding area, in particular the adjoining residents to the east. The site, proposed building and carpark are stepped down from dwellings to the east, which is a response to the topography of the land which includes a moderate fall to the River Road frontage. Nuisance from noise is unlikely to be an issue as the use is expected to operate within normal business hours and during that time traffic noise on the Bruce Highway prevails. Adverse impact from light is also not a significant concern given the height of the proposed retaining wall at the rear of the property, which extends approximately one storey above the proposed ground level. Standard conditions should be imposed to ensure the existing amenity of adjoining residents and businesses is not disrupted by potentially adverse impacts.

Provision and Effects of Works

The proposal satisfactorily addresses the provisions of the Code and complies with the majority of Acceptable Solutions where required. Although the setback to the rear boundary measures 5.85m instead of the required 6.0m, the proposed building location is considered satisfactory given that only a small portion of the building is within the setback area, which includes bathrooms and amenities. Loss of privacy or amenity is therefore not expected to be an issue.

In these circumstances, the proposal satisfactorily demonstrates compliance with the Specific Outcome of the Code.

2.3.2 Infrastructure Works Code


The site is connected to reticulated water and sewerage.

The site has access to electricity and telecommunications infrastructure.


The applicant has not provided any details with regard to stormwater management. An Operational Works application must be submitted to Council for assessment. Standard approval conditions will also apply.

2.3.3 Landscaping Code

The applicant has not provided an assessment against this Code. Standard approval conditions will be imposed.

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2.3.4 Erosion and Sediment Control Code

The applicant has not provided an assessment against this Code. The subject site is identified as being subject to both Moderate and Very High Erosion Hazard and so an approval condition requiring the preparation of a Construction and Operational Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be imposed.

2.3.5 Vehicle Parking and Access Code

Under Schedule 10: Minimum Parking Requirements, the proposal, included in the definitions of ‘Shop’ and ‘Commercial Premises’ under the scheme, both require car parking at a rate of 6 spaces per 100m2 of GFA. The proposal involves the required amount of 18 total car parking spaces.

Access to the site is proposed via a semi-circular driveway from River Road, which allows ingress and egress from the site to occur via driveways servicing existing commercial facilities on either side of the subject premises. This outcome was recommended by the Department of Main Roads and the applicant has submitted an amended site plan illustrating same.

2.4 Local And/Or State Planning Policies

No State Planning Policies are applicable.


This application is Code Assessable. Public Notification is not required.


4.1 Internal

Report: (Infrastructure Planning Manager – A. Laszlo)

This engineering report is based on the report submitted by Max Watterson & Associates dated June 2008 and subsequent information submitted.

TRAFFIC The applicant submitted an estimate of traffic generated for the proposed development of 180 trips per day which is not comparable to industry guidelines. Council should adopt industry guidelines and therefore a contribution of $10 096 for the shop and commercial premises is justified which includes a credit for the existing use, ie. one (1) dwelling house.

SITE The proposed development will require retaining structures above 1.0 metre in height. Therefore any retaining structure above 1.0 metre is to be certified by a RPEQ structural engineer.

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FRONTAGE ROAD/ACCESS/CAR PARKING The proposed development has frontage to River Road which is a state- controlled road that has been widened recently. The development is to comply with all Department of Main Roads conditions. The frontage currently has a footpath constructed.

The proposed access driveway will utilise the existing accesses along River Road. The existing access to the west will be used for entry only and to the south for exit only to limit the amount of accesses onto River Road.

All car parking should be provided on site. The car parking and loading area is to comply with AS2890.1 and AS2890.2. All vehicles to be able to enter and exit in a forward direction.

STORMWATER/FLOODING The development site falls towards River Road. The stormwater drainage design is to meet the requirements of the Department of Roads as required in the Departments Conditions and Statement of Reasons.

The Q100 flood contour traverses the development frontage, however it does not impede the site.

WATER/SEWERAGE Both services are available with adequate capacity in each. Headworks charges are applicable based on Council’s Policy.

SERVICES The developer will be required to provide electrical and communication services to the site with any upgrades to the developers costs.

MISCELLANEOUS The Department of Main Roads, as a Concurrence Agency, assessed the application. All DMR conditions to apply as outlined in its letter dated 30 October 2008.

4.2 External

4.2.1 Referral Agencies

The application was referred to the Department of Main Roads as a Concurrence Agency, given the site is contiguous to a State Controlled Road (Bruce Highway).

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The Concurrence Agency has issued a number of conditions with respect to this application, including:

ƒ Access to River Road is to be limited to one point of access only. The road access location as shown on Raw Ochre Drawing 1002 page 3 of 9 issue C dated 14/10/2008 is the permitted road access location; ƒ The applicant shall construct the access as a left in- left out as generally shown on Raw Ochre Drawing 1002 page 3 of 9 issue C dated 14/10/2008. Using the existing crossovers. ƒ All works associated with this proposal, including relocation of services, lighting, etc must be carried out at no cost to Main Roads ƒ The applicant is responsible for achieving the acoustic quality objectives of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld) and the requirements of Main Roads Traffic Noise Management: Code of Practice. ƒ The applicant must ensure that: o There is no increase in any existing stormwater discharge from the property to the State-controlled road; and, o The proposed development does not impede any existing discharge of stormwater from the State-Controlled road to the property.


The application proposes a Material Change of Use for a Commercial Premises (Offices) and a Shop on a site at River Road, Gympie, formally described as Lot 28 on CP855374 which is a consistent use in this zone and complies with the majority of provisions of the Planning Scheme.

The proposal involves the establishment of a two-storey Shop and Commercial Premises (Offices), associated parking areas, landscaping and new access arrangements.

The application is recommended for approval, subject to conditions detailed in the recommendation and as explained in the report.

P07/05/09 Moved: Cr L.J. Friske Seconded: Cr A.J. Perrett

Recommend that Council, as Assessment Manager, APPROVE development application 2008-0896 for A Material Change of Use – Shop and Commercial Premises (Professional Offices) over Lot 28 on CP855374 located at 88 River Road, Gympie, subject to the following conditions:

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Assessment Manager’s Conditions

Section 1 Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to the Commencement of the Approved Use

1.1 (i) The development shall be generally in accordance with the plan/s submitted with the application drawn by Raw Ochre Design: ƒ Cover Sheet – 1040 – Page 1 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008) ƒ Location Plan – 1001 – Page 2 of 9 – Issue B (12 December 2008) ƒ Site Plan – 1040 – Page 3 of 9 – Issue D (12 December 2008) ƒ Ground Floor Plan – 1040 – Page 4 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008) ƒ First Floor Plan – 1040 – Page 5 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008) ƒ Roof Plan – 1040 – Page 6 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008) ƒ West & East Elevations – 1040 – Page 7 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008) ƒ South & North Elevations – 1040 – Page 8 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008) ƒ Section A – 1040 – Page 9 of 9 – Issue A (5 June 2008).

1.2 The development herein approved may not start until: (i) the following development permits have been issued and complied with as required - (a) Development Permit for Building Work; (b) Development Permit for Operational Work (Site Works, Earthworks, Retaining Structures, Sewerage, Drainage Works, Car Parking Area and Driveway Accesses); and (ii) development authorised by the above permit has been completed to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

1.3 In accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 11: Roadworks Contributions a contribution is to be paid toward road improvements as a result of the increased traffic generated by this development. The amount is currently assessed at $10 096, however will be in accordance with Council’s Policy and the amount applicable at the time of payment.

1.4 Contribution is to be made towards Water Supply Headworks in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy 7: Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks Contributions, Works External and Works Internal. The contribution is currently assessed at $442, however, the actual amount payable will be based on Council's policy and the rate applicable, at the time of payment.

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1.5 Contribution is to be made towards Sewerage Headworks in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy 7: Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks Contributions, Works External and Works Internal. The contribution is currently assessed at $2 072, however the actual amount payable will be based on Council's policy and the rate applicable, at the time of payment.

1.6 Provide a minimum of eighteen (18) off-street car parking spaces including access and manoeuvring areas.

1.7 Approved refuse containers are to be provided and maintained in accordance with the Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000 and kept in an imperviously paved area with a suitably screened enclosure as illustrated on Site Plan 1002 Page 3 of 9 Issue D drawn by Raw Ochre and dated 12 December 2008 and to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

1.8 The number and type of refuse containers provided on site is to be determined in accordance with Council’s Rating Policy.

1.9 Servicing of refuse containers is to be at a location approved by Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

1.10 Prior to commencement of the use the following are to be provided to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer: (i) approved refuse containers; (ii) a centralised refuse storage enclosure comprising an imperviously paved area provided with a hose cock and hose; (iii) drainage designed to prevent stormwater entering Council’s sewer;

1.11 Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with an approved landscaping plan and include those areas nominated on the approved site plan. Note: Written evidence of the Department of Main Roads acceptance of plantings within the road reserve will be required.

1.12 (i) A properly prepared Landscape Plan in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy 4: Landscaping is to be submitted to and approved by Council’s Chief Executive Officer. Note: Species selections are to be in accordance with the provisions of Council’s Landscaping Code for the Gympie Planning Area, premises fronting the Bruce Highway. (ii) Landscaping works are to be completed in accordance with the approved landscape plans.

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(iii) The landscaping shall be maintained (watering, fertilising, mulching, weeding, and the like) at all times.

1.13 All night lighting must be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer so that light emitted from the subject land does not, in the opinion of the Council, cause nuisance or annoyance to residents or traffic in the immediate vicinity.

1.14 No standing zone for any vehicles, including delivery vehicles, is to be extended for the full development frontage along River Road.

Section 2 - Conditions Relevant to the Issue of a Development Permit for Operational Work

2.1 All necessary permits from the Department of Main Roads are to be obtained for the purpose of constructing an access onto River Road.

2.2 Car parking and access areas shall be “sealed” pavement and designed, drained, constructed and maintained in accordance with Council’s Vehicle Parking and Access Code.

2.3 All cleared vegetation is to be suitably processed or removed from the site at no cost to Council. Prior to the commencement of clearing works on site the preferred means of disposal of cleared vegetation is to be approved by Council’s Chief Executive Officer. The following means of disposal are acceptable, but are not limited to: (i) Processing through a woodchipper. (ii) Disposal for firewood. (iii) Disposal for landscaping. (iv) Transport to alternative site for breaking down materials. Burning off is not an acceptable means of disposal and will not be approved. Note: Bulk green waste is no longer accepted at any Council landfill site.

2.4 (i) Roof and surface water is to be collected on site and is to be discharged through an underground drain line into existing drainage in River Road to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer. (ii) A grease/oil arrester is to be provided on site to ensure polluted run-off does not enter Council’s stormwater drainage system.

2.5 Stormwater drainage is to be designed and constructed in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.3.2 – 1998 “National Plumbing and Drainage Code”.

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2.6 Stormwater drainage plans and calculations are to be submitted to the Department of Main Roads for approval to ensure the stormwater discharge rate to River Road meets the requirements of the Departments Conditions and Statement of Reasons dated 30 October 2008.

2.7 Any existing and proposed retaining structures over 1.0m in height are to be certified by a RPEQ registered structural engineer.

2.8 Existing abandoned driveway accesses are to be reinstated with kerb and channel to comply with Council’s requirements. Footpath verge is to be reinstated as per Council’s standards.

2.9 Undertake at no cost to Council, the alteration of any public utility mains (eg. Electricity, water, sewerage, gas etc.) or other facilities necessitated by the development of the land or associated construction works external to the site.

2.10 Any plans for operational works, water supply and sewerage works and drainage works required by this development permit, are to be surveyed, designed and constructed in accordance with Council’s Infrastructure Works Code.

Section 3.0 – General Conditions of Approval

3.1 Loading/unloading operations shall be conducted within the site and vehicles waiting to be loaded/unloaded shall stand entirely within the site.

3.2 Stormwater is to be disposed of on site so as to cause no scour or damage to adjoining properties to the satisfaction of Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

3.3 In the event that a valid complaint of unreasonable noise emissions from the activity is received, Council may require the submission of an environmental noise level study and report which complies with Australian Standard 1055 and the Environmental Protection Agency Noise Measurement Manual and require works and/or management practices to be carried out to ensure noise emissions comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 1997.

3.4 The footpath and setback areas are to be kept clear of goods, advertising signs and devices and street furniture unless otherwise approved by Council.

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3.5 All advertising signs and devices are to be within the property boundary and shall comply with the relevant provisions of Council’s Advertising Devices Code as applicable. Note: Further Development Permits for Operational Work may be required in this regard.


(i) In carrying out your activity you must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that it does not harm Aboriginal cultural heritage (the “cultural heritage duty of care”). You will comply with the cultural heritage duty of care if you are acting in accordance with the gazetted cultural heritage duty of care guidelines. An assessment of your proposed activity against the duty of care guidelines will help determine whether or to what extent Aboriginal cultural heritage may be harmed by your activity. Further information on cultural heritage, together with a copy of the duty of care guidelines and cultural heritage search forms, may be obtained from the Department of Natural Resources and Water ~ phone (07) 3238 3838 or website www.nrw.qld.gov.au.


Mr K.A. Mason (Chief Executive Officer) entered the meeting at 9.24 a.m.

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2/3 2008-0280 – Representations for Development Permit for Material Change of Use – Accommodation Premises & Food or Entertainment Venue (50 Motel Units, Restaurant and Function Rooms) – Lots 1-3 MPH24431 and Lot 2 MPH6953 – Amaroo Properties

Re: Minute: P08/05/09 Representations for Development Permit for Material Change of Use – Accommodation Premises & Food or Entertainment Venue (50 Motel Units, Restaurant and Function Rooms) From: Amaroo Properties File: 2008-0280 Date: 5 March 2009

Report: (Manager Development and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm)


Development approval for material change of use for a motel was approved on 17 February 2009.

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The applicant suspended their appeal period on and lodged representations in relation to some of the conditions on 5 March 2009, and submitted a revised plan for Council’s endorsement on 6 April 2009.

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The conditions requested to be reconsidered are outlined below.


Representations are submitted in relation to footpaths and water and sewerage headworks charges.


3.1 Condition 1.6

(a) Condition 1.6 reads:

‘A 1.5 metre wide reinforced concrete footpath is to be constructed along the full frontage of the site to Bruce Highway and a 1.2 metre wide reinforced footpath is to be constructed along the full frontage of the site to both Oak and Adams Street. The remaining areas shall be formed, grassed and topsoiled in accordance with the requirements of the Infrastructure Works Code and Planning Scheme Policy 8: Infrastructure Works.’

(b) Applicant’s representations:

‘Could Council please give consideration to removing the requirements for these works as we are of the view that they are unlikely to be used, particularly those on the highway and Adams Street frontages as they don’t lead to a destination.’

(c) Assessment

The original engineering assessment report presented to Council provided the following reasoning for the imposition of footpaths as conditioned.

‘The subject site fronts Bruce Highway, which will be upgraded at some indefinite time in the future. It is currently constructed with kerb and channel without a footpath. A footpath should be provided along this frontage. A 1.5m path should be appropriate. As Council is required to fund any footpath associated with Highway upgrading a contribution equivalent to $13 500, the construction of the pathway should be required.

The Oak Street and Adams Street frontage is constructed with kerb and channel without a footpath. As the highway works would extend into these streets the same above should apply where a 1.2m path should be appropriate. Therefore a contribution of $3,456 for Oak Street and $8,100 for Adam Street is justified. A 1.2m path should be appropriate for these streets.’

Council’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan nominates an exclusive bicycle lane along the section of Highway fronting the development site.

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The exclusive bicycle lane involves a clear width of pavement in the order of 2m (or more) outside the lane edge markings. The cost of such a lane is estimated at $24 365 (ie 188m2 x $108/m2 + 20%). In this regard the previous footpath contribution equivalent of $13 500 could be added as an option in lieu of constructing the footpath along the Highway.

No footpath priorities are nominated in Oak or Adams Street and on this basis the footpath conditions on these streets can be deleted.

3.2 Conditions 1.7 and 1.8

(a) Conditions 1.7 and 1.8 read:

“1.7 Contribution is to be made towards Water Supply Headworks in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy 7: Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks Contributions, Works External and Works Internal. The contribution is currently assessed at $ 88,147, however, the actual amount payable will be based on Council's policy and the rate applicable, at the time of payment.

1.8 Contribution is to be made towards Sewerage Headworks in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy 7: Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks Contributions, Works External and Works Internal. The contribution is currently assessed at $ 168,607, however the actual amount payable will be based on Council's policy and the rate applicable, at the time of payment.”

(b) Applicant’s representations:

‘1. Could you please provide the calculations for the amounts listed so that we can ensure the correct credits have been given for the previous use rights on the site?

2. Could Council please give consideration to a credit from the sewer headworks contributions for the cost of relocation of the 300mm trunk sewer that currently crosses the site?

3. Could Council please give consideration to a reduction in the water headworks contributions to offset the cost incurred to build an onsite underground stormwater collection and recycling system? This system will reduce the demand for water supply headworks from the development and as such should be reflected in a reduction in contribution.’

(c) Assessment

Calculation of headworks will be provided to the applicant with the negotiated decision notice.

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As outlined in the design report following, no credits are considered warranted for the relocation of the trunk sewer, necessary to facilitate the development.

Credits are considered warranted for on-site recycling of stormwater, and hence a reduced loading on Council’s water supply system, however specific details of the system to be installed would need to be submitted and reviewed, to determine the appropriate credits. It is suggested a note be added to the condition for water headworks, advising that Council is prepared to consider a reduced amount following the receipt of a plumbing application for the stormwater recycling system.

Report: (Infrastructure Planning Manager – A. Laszlo)

Headworks contributions are essentially required to expand infrastructure capacity. Relocation of a trunk sewer necessitated by the proposed buildings does not constitute headworks. Hence the costs of relocation of the 300 diameter sewer should be borne entirely by the developer.

3.3 Condition 1.0

(a) Condition 1.0 reads:

“The development shall be generally in accordance with the plan/s submitted with the application (Project No 07-1211 Drawing No/s. 2, 6 dated 16/10/08 and Drawing No/s. 12, 13 & 14 dated 14/04/08 drawn by John Hughes Design).”

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(b) Applicant’s representations:

‘Because of the 300mm sewer trunk main located on the property, it has been necessary to make minor changes to the main admin building floor plan.

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Enclosed is a copy of the new plan with a covernote from the architect explaining these changes. Plans showing elevations etc will be forwarded when prepared.

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(c) Assessment

The proposed changes are not considered to necessitate additional conditions and can be endorsed as the approved plans.

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P08/05/09 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommend that in relation to development application (2008-0280) for 283.5 pt, Left Material Change of Use – Accommodation Premises & Food or Entertainment Venue (50 Motel Units, Restaurant and Function Rooms) over Lots 1-3 MPH2441 and Lot 2 MPH6953, located at 23 Chatsworth Road, 22a Oak Street and 9 Adams Street, Gympie Council issue a Negotiated Decision Notice incorporating the following:

(i) Condition 1.6 to read:

‘(i) A 1.5 metre wide reinforced concrete footpath is to be constructed along the full frontage of the site to the Bruce Highway and the remaining areas shall be formed, grassed and topsoiled in accordance with the requirements of the Infrastructure Works Code and Planning Scheme Policy 8: Infrastructure Works; or (ii) A contribution of $13 500 is to be paid towards the provision of a dedicated bicycle lane within the Bruce Highway road dedication fronting the site.’;

(ii) Condition 1.8 to remain.

(iii) Note to be added to Condition 1.7 to read:

‘Note: At the developer’s request Council is prepared to review the water headworks charges levied following submission of a plumbing application for the proposed stormwater collection and re-use system.’

(iv) Condition 1.0 to be amended to reflect the revised proposal plans.


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3/1 2009-0070 – Reconfiguring A Lot – Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot – Cedar Pocket Road, Cedar Pocket – H. Anderson

FILE NO: Minute: P09/05/09 2009-0145 APPLICANT: H. Anderson LANDOWNER: H. J. Anderson RPD: Lot 10 on RP229921 SITE ADDRESS: Cedar Pocket Road, Cedar Pocket CURRENT USE OF LAND: Vacant Land PROPOSAL: Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to create 2 lots (1 additional lot) EXISTING ZONE: Rural LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT: Code

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• Application for subdivision to create one (1) additional lot; • Site Area (Lot 10 RP229921): 2ha • Proposed Lot 1: 1.4ha • Proposed Lot 2: 6 000m2 • Site included in the Rural zone. • Minimum lot size in the Rural zone is 100 Ha, therefore the proposal does not accord with this. • Grounds considered to exist to warrant approval of the application. • No referral agencies applicable. • Application recommended for approval.

Report: (Planning Officer – S.F. Court)


This application seeks approval for a Development Permit to reconfigure one (1) existing lot to create two lots over Lot 10 RP229921, situated at Cedar Pocket Road, Cedar Pocket.

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The site is identified on the following map as being zoned Rural:

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Subject Site

The site is identified on the following Overlay Map: • OM5 Wetlands/Waterways, • OM8 Good Quality Agricultural Land Class A.

Subject Site

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2.1 Compliance with the Planning Scheme

Under the arrangements of the Cooloola Shire Council 2005 Planning Scheme, Reconfiguring a Lot is ‘Code Assessable’ development and subject to the following codes:

2.1.1 Planning Scheme Provisions

Gympie Planning Area Code

No conflicts with the outcomes sought by the Gympie Planning Area Code.

Reconfiguring a Lot Code

The proposal is considered to conflict with SO-1 (a) of the Code which states: “All new lots for rural residential purposes: (a) are in the Rural Residential Zone;“

Lot 10 RP229921 is in the Rural zone within the Gympie Planning Area. However, a number of rural residential zoned lots surround the block to the south with rural lots to the north and east. Therefore, it is considered that approval of this subdivision for rural residential purposes will not conflict with the surrounding areas and should be considered by Council.

The proposal is considered to conflict with SO-1 (f) of the Code which states: “All new lots for rural residential purposes: (f) do not have direct access to a Major Arterial Road or Arterial Road listed in Schedule 11 Road Hierachy222 “

Cedar Pocket Road is classified as an Arterial Road under Schedule 11.3 Rural Road Hierarchy (2 (d)). The application proposes to construct an unnamed road to provide access for one additional lot away from the Arterial Road. Therefore, the lots will not have direct access from Cedar Pocket Road.

Specific Outcome 12 of the Reconfiguration a Lot Code requires that ‘each lot, separate part of a lot or access easement: a. is of sufficient size and suitable proportions to be able to be capable of being used for its intended purpose; and, b. is not less than the minimum area and dimensions indicated in Schedule Table 12 minimum Lot Areas, Dimensions and Frontages for the zone in which the lot is located except where no greater number of lots is created, and a lesser and reasonable size is warranted due to pre-existing lot size, …,’

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Schedule Table 12 Minimum Lot Areas, Dimensions and frontages requires: - Minimum 100ha lot size; and - Minimum frontage of 100m per allotment.

Although the proposed development does not meet the minimum frontage of 100m per allotment in the proposal, it also does not currently meet the minimum lot size of 100ha for each lot in the rural zone. The current lot size of Lot 10 RP229921 is 2 ha. Therefore, it is considered warranted that this standard be relaxed for this application.

As can be seen on the zoning plan, the lot is adjoined on two (2) sides by existing rural residential allotments, sealed road (Cedar Pocket Road) on the eastern side and road reserve area on the northern side. The applicant’s intention to upgrade the existing unnamed road reserve is considered to create an additional hard boundary between existing rural residential development and the surrounding rural area.

Subdivision of the site in conflict with Council’s minimum lot size can be supported from a planning perspective based on the following summarised grounds:

• The subdivision is consistent with the existing settlement pattern in the area; • Approval of the development will create a hard boundary (i.e. new road) between the rural residential and rural zones in the area; • The existing size of the lot restricts its use for agricultural pursuits; • Approval of the subdivision does not pose any amenity concerns or potential land use conflicts with adjoining lots; and • The development can provide for rural residential access standards.

Geotechnical reports were not submitted with the application. It is considered necessary for a report to be done prior to being able to issue a decision notice.

Infrastructure Works Code The proposal is generally able to meet the requirements of the Infrastructure Works Code for the Rural Zone.

Probable Solution 2 of the Infrastructure Works Code requires that ‘Road infrastructure is designed and constructed to the standards stated in: a. Table 8:1 Standards for the Provision of Works; and b. Schedule 1 – Design Standards, Part 2 Site and Road Layout in Planning Scheme Policy 8: Infrastructure Works.’

This proposal suggests the construction of an unnamed road that will be maintained by Council and has already been addressed in a previous section.

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The applicant has indicated a preference to create an access easement from East Deep Creek Road, through an adjoining property. However, this has not formally been applied for and the application would need to be amended before Council could consider it. The proposal as submitted, indicates constructing the unnamed road reserve off Cedar Pocket Road however it has not been indicated to what standard. Given the number of lots serviced by this road it is considered appropriate to require it to be upgraded to a minimum 3.5 metre wide sealed standard on a 7.0m formation. This will be for a distance of roughly 160 metres to give access to proposed Lot 2.

Landscaping Code Not applicable.

Resource Areas Code The Resource Area Code is intended to preserve Good Quality Agricultural Land (GQAL) present within rural areas. The development site contains large sections of both Class A GQAL in the allotment, however given the proposal is surrounded by lots which are zoned Rural Residential, and the existing lot size restricts the site’s use for agricultural pursuits preservation of GQAL is not considered compromised.


3.1 Impact on Amenity

Given the shape of the proposed lot and the existing adjoining residences the proposal is considered to not compromise amenity in the area.

3.2 Site Access and Traffic

Site access and traffic has already been addressed.

Given the road upgrading recommended an additional contribution towards road improvements, it is not considered warranted.

3.3 Flooding

The site is not subject to flooding.

3.4 Vegetation

There is no mapped remnant vegetation on the site as evidenced by the Regional Ecosystem Mapping.

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3.5 Site Contamination

The site is not known nor suspected to be contaminated. The site does not appear to have been used for a notifiable activity under the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

3.6 Services

Electricity and telecommunications are currently unavailable to the site.


For reasons outlined in the report the application is supported however geotechnical reports should be submitted to confirm effluent disposal, in accordance with the Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code.

P09/05/09 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommend that Council delegate approval of development application for 283.5 pt, Left reconfiguring a lot – subdivision to create One (1) Additional Lot over Lot 10 RP229921, situated at Cedar Pocket Road, Cedar Pocket to the Director of Planning and Development, following the submission of geotechnical reports for effluent disposal, in accordance with the Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code, for the proposed lots.

Further that any approval issued will include a condition requiring the upgrading of the existing unnamed road reserve adjoining the development site to the north, to a minimum 3.5 metre wide sealed standard on a seven (7) metre wide formation.


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3/2 DA17953 – Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots and Access Easement – 256 Amamoor Dagun Road, Amamoor – T.G. & L.E. Taylor

FILE: Minute: P10/05/09 DA17953 APPLICANT: T.G. and L.E. Taylor RPD: Lot 2 RP157661 SITE: 256 Amamoor-Dagun Road, Amamoor. PROPOSAL: Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots EXISTING ZONE: Rural PLANNING AREA: Rural SITE AREA: 3.275Ha

Report: (Manager Development and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm)


This application seeks to subdivide an existing rural parcel into three (3) allotments.

The proposed lot sizes are 10 220m2, 4 350m2 and 18 180m2.

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The applicants indicate an intention to build a new dwelling on the larger of the three (3) lots as their principal place of residence, and sell the other two (2) lots.

1.1 Site Description

The subject site is located on Amamoor-Dagun Road, Amamoor and has a total area of 3.275 hectares.

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The site is improved by a dwelling house and associated outbuildings.


2.1 State Planning Policies

The State Planning Policy in regard to Good Quality Agricultural Land is relevant to this application as it contains Class A and B GQAL.

Justification has not been provided with the application to confirm no conflict with the Policy and whilst it is acknowledged the site is probably not of sufficient size to support viable agricultural pursuits there would appear opportunities to use it in conjunction with adjoining properties.

2.2 Planning Scheme Provisions

The subject land is in a Rural Zone where the minimum lot size is 100Ha. The zoning plan following indicates the proposal does not represent infill and consolidation of existing rural residential areas, nor is the development a logical extension of an existing urban area.

Justification submitted to support the proposal in conflict with the Reconfiguring a Lot Code includes:

• the site forms part of a cohesive rural residential community and does have reasonable proximity to a wide range of community, education, recreation and medical services and employment opportunities; • the Rural zone in the subject locality is considered to be used as a ‘holding’ zone acknowledging a future rural residential direction for Amamoor rather than the zone reflecting an area of agricultural production; • having regard to the character of the area, an agricultural use of the site would be inappropriate and the limited land size suggests it would be unable to support an economically viable rural use.

The justification submitted is not considered sufficient to warrant approval for the following reasons;

• the rural zone at this location is not a holding zone for future rural residential expansion, because in fact the planning scheme supports no further residential or rural residential development within the Mary Valley Townships with the exception of ; • whilst it is agreed the size of the site is unable to support viable agricultural pursuits in its own right, opportunity does exist to use the land in conjunction with adjoining parcels and this argument does not overcome the unfavoured planning strategy of locating additional people away from existing community services; and

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• the planning scheme clearly indicates Council’s intention to restrict any further rural residential development around Amamoor.


The application is not recommended for approval, however should Council wish to support it a revised report will need to be submitted to Council outlining appropriate requirements in relation to road upgrading/contributions and other conditions.

P10/05/09 Moved: Cr J. Watt Seconded: Cr G.L. Engeman Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommend that Council withdraw the application from the Agenda at 283.5 pt, Left the request of the applicant to allow further discussion with Council officers.


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Cr G.L. Engeman declared a Conflict of interest in the next item due to perceived business interests and abstained from voting.

4/1 Planning Applications Pending

NOTE: New Applications are in BOLD AND ITALICS


AL Acknowledgement Letter AN Acknowledgment Notice RFI Request for Further Information DMS Decision Making Stage DN Decision Notice ADN Amended Decision Notice NDN Negotiated Decision Notice PN Public Notification PNS Public Notification Stage SP Survey Plan

File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE – IMPACT ASSESSMENT DA09724 Inskip Ave, Inskip Preliminary Approval 890 Submissions. Rainbow Shores Pty for Resort / DMR response received 07/03/07. Ltd Commercial Village DNRW third party advice received (TMS) 21/06/07. EPA extend assessment period to 20/03/09. DA10291 253 Gap Road, Extractive Industry DMS. Report to P & D Committee Graham McCombe Cedar Pocket (Quarry) & ERA #20 Meeting. Four (4) Submissions (TMS) Extracting Rock < received. 5000t DA10931 Esplanade, Tin Marine Industry RFI sent 20/06/08. Awaiting Fraser Straits Marina Can Bay (Marina) applicant’s response. Referral Pty Ltd (TMS) Agencies – Contaminated Land Unit EPA, DMR, Maritime Safety Qld, EPA, DNRW, DPI Fisheries. DNRW advise response due 10/07/08. DA11051 Litschner Road, Subdivision to Create DN sent 22/05/08. Two (2) Argent Holdings Pty Crossing 28 Additional Lots Submissions. Representations received Ltd South 09/07/08. Report to P&D Committee (TMS) Meeting. DA13803 132 Verne Road, Aquaculture Amended AN sent 05/09/08. Agnew Wolvi (Redclaw & Fish) Concurrence Agency DPI. (MKM) DA13902 Lawson & Change Land Use DNR advise RFI issued 15/08/08. Integra (Qld) Pty Ltd Groundwater Entitlements to Rural (TMS)* Roads, Residential & Subdivision to Create 53 Additional Lots

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant DA15782 7 O’Connell Street, Multi-Unit PNS closed 07/11/08. Mackenzie Gympie Accommodation (MKM) (4 Dwelling Units) DA15813 Chatsworth Rd, To change the Land RFI period extended to 15/05/10. Heilbronn R D Two Mile Use Entitlements Awaiting applicant’s response. (TMS) from the Rural Zone Concurrence Agency: DMR response to the Housing Zone received 31/05/07. DA17006 1021 Bruce Hwy Transport Depot & PNS ALOD sent 24/04/09. Edwards Kybong Caretakers Residence Concurrence Agency DMR. (MKM) Applicants advise representations made to DMR’s conditions. DA210 223 Cloynes Road, Intensive Animal DMR RFI issued 18/12/07. Awaiting Kennedy Booubyjan Husbandry & ERA applicant’s response. (KMT) 2c (999 SCU) DA17751 Exhibition Road, Education or Health Representations received 24/10/08. Play Station (Qld) Pty Southside Premises (School NDN to be issued. One (1) Ltd Age Care Facility) Submission. (TMS)* DA17897 7-9 Power Road, Education or Health RFI sent 03/03/08. Awaiting Morris Southside Premises (School applicant’s response. Proposal plan (KMT) Age Facility) received 13/10/08. (In conjunction with DA13664) DA18322 1038 Bruce Preliminary Approval RFI sent 16/01/09. Awaiting Ecorion Prop P/L Highway, Kybong to Override Planing applicant’s response. Concurrence (TMS ) Scheme for Master Agency DMR response received Planned Business 30/09/08. Advice Agency DIP Park response received 16/10/08. DA253 Dray Rd Widgee Extractive Industry DMS. Report to P&D Committee Allen & Dray (Rock Quarry) & Meeting. (KMT) ERA # 20 DA247 555 Rd Feedlot PNS closed 22/04/09. Concurrence Cotter Agency DPI requested further (TMS) information 08/04/09. Four (4) submissions. MCU195/07 Gardners Lane, Extractive Industry & DN sent 31/03/09. One (1) Curra Country Tiaro MCU – Submission. Sandstone Supplies Environmentally (KMT) Relevant Activity ERA #20 DA18435 39 Manooka Dr & COMBINED Part response to RFI received 10/02/09. Walker 13 Carlo Rd, Multi-Residential Awaiting further response. (KMT) Rainbow Beach (4 Dwelling Units) & Boundary Alteration 2008-0667 22 Somerset Street, Multi Residential – RFI sent 23/10/08. Awaiting McMackin & Sarrinen Gympie (3 Units) applicants response. (KMF) 2008-0545 6A Mulcahy Multi-Residential PNS closed 22/04/09. Three (3) Thai Aust Nursery Terrace, Gympie (10 Dwelling Units) Submissions. Enterprises P/L (KMT) 2008-0721 43 Ashford Road, Multi-Residential DN sent 31/03/09. Two (2) Salmucci Gympie (6 Units) Submissions. (MKM)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-0745 63 Barsby Road, Food and PNS. ALOD sent 27/03/09. Walker Imbil Entertainment Venue (KMT) (Golf Course & Ancillary Clubhouse) & Accommodation Premises (Guest Cabins) 2008-1071 12 Glastonbury Multi Residential RFI sent 12/12/08. Awaiting Christensen Road, Southside (4 Units) applicant’s response. Concurrence (MKM) Agency DMR response received 27/10/08. 2008-1102 1119 Tagigan Aquaculture RFI sent 06/01/09. Awaiting JY Farm Family Trust Road, Wolvi applicant’s response. Concurrence (MKM) Agency DNRW response received 27/02/09. Amended AN sent 23/01/09. 2008-0911 74 Exhibition Multi-Residential RFI sent 31/10/08. Awaiting Custodian Projects Road, Southside (10 Units including applicant’s response. Services Pty Ltd Existing Dwelling (KMT) House) 2008-0837 62 Old Multi-Residential DMS. Report to P & D Committee Townhouse QLD Pty Maryborough (8 Dwelling Units) Meeting. Ltd Road, & Shayduk (KMT) Close, Gympie 2008-1225 266 Blackgate Food or RFI sent 27/11/08. Awaiting Mills Road, Amamoor Entertainment Venue applicant’s response. (KMT)* (Tavern) & Accommodation Premises (10 Unit Motel & Manager’s Residence) 2008-1282 Heights Drive, 171 Townhouses & RFI sent 08/01/09. Awaiting Custodian Project Gympie Community Centre applicant’s response. Services (TMS) 2008-1088 39 Rd, Preliminary approval RFI sent 19/12/08. Awaiting Silkyoak Enterprises Kybong for Establishment of applicant’s response. Concurrence Pty Ltd General Industry, Agency DNRW. Advice Agency DIP (TMS) Rural Industry, response received 28/10/08. Advice Extractive Industry & Agency Powerlink response received Warehouse Uses 19/12/08. 2008-1280 11-14 Shayduk Multi-Residential DMS. Report to P&D Committee Gilgal Enterprises Pty Close, Gympie (13 Units) Meeting. Five (5) Submissions. Ltd (MKM)* 2008-1382 37 Apollonian Multi-Residential RFI sent 15/01/09. Awaiting Wilson Vale, Gympie Four (4) Units applicant’s response. Heritage (MKM) Advisory Committee response received 15/10/08 2008-1583 10 Flynn Road, Multi-Residential PNS. ALOD to be sent 29/04/09. Prior Gympie (Three Dwelling (MKM) Units) 2008-1696 Kinbombi Road, Dwelling House (on a DMS. DN due. JMBS Kinbombi Lot not less than (SAC) 2,000m2.

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-1730 9 Education or Health PNS closes 01/05/09. Concurrence Daniels Road, Care (Extension to Agency DMR. (MKM)* existing Child Care Facility) 2008-1830 David Drive, Curra Caravan Park (60 RFI sent 27/02/09. Awaiting Catalyst Securities Pty Sites) & ERA #15 (b) applicant’s response. PNS closed Ltd & Hoskins & – Sewerage 07/04/09. One (1) Submission. Associated Pty Ltd Treatment (Standard Concurrence Agencies EPA RFI issued (TMS)* Works for 100 or 06/03/09, DNRW response received more but less than 09/02/09, DMR response received 150 equivalent 12/02/09. persons) 2008-1899 34 Louisa Street, Multi-Residential (5 PNS. ALOD to be sent 29/04/09. Harris Gympie Units) (MKM) 2008-1939 30 Kandanga Imbil Food or AN sent 08/01/09. RFI due. Queensland Water Road, Kandanga Entertainment Venue Concurrence Agencies DMR response Infrastructure Pty Ltd (Bowls Club), received 28/01/09, DNRW response (TMS) Reconfiguring a Lot - received 23/02/09 & Qld T’port Subdivision to Create response received 06/02/09. Advice Three (3) Additional Agency EPA response received Lots & Access 22/01/09. Easement & Operational Work – Earthworks & Roadworks 2009-0009 37 & 39 Musgrave Multi-Residential RFI sent 22/04/09. Awaiting Silich Street, Gympie (15 Townhouses) applicant’s response. 3rd Party Advice (MKM) Heritage Sub-Committee. 2009-0005 Miva Road, Dwelling House AN sent 23/01/09. RFI due. Wright Gunulda Concurrence Agency EPA advise (KMF) further information required. 2009-0077 96 Stewart Road, Extractive Industry AN sent 11/02/09. RFI due. Blakeney Coondoo (Quarry) Concurrence Agency DNRW response (MKM) received 06/03/09. Advice Agency EPA response received 03/06/09. 2009-0156 123 East Deep General Industry AN sent 23/02/09. RFI due. Jones Creek Road, (Transport Depot) (TMS)** fMonkland 2009-0135 Curra Estate Road, Extractive Industry AN sent 25/02/09. RFI due. Hose Curra (Extraction & Concurrence Agencies EPA, DMR RFI (KMT) Screening of Soil, issued 17/03/09 & DNRW advise Sand & Gravel) and application not properly made Environmentally 20/03/09. Relevant Activity (ERA # 16, 3 (a) – Screening 5 000t to 100 000t in a year) 2009-0400 5 Lucknow Street, Multi-Residential AN sent 03/04/09. RFI due. Park Drive Gympie (5 Units) Developments Pty Ltd (SAC)**

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2009-0403 Victoria Road, General Industry AN sent 16/04/09. RFI due. Advice K & JL Woodgate Gympie (Ancillary Storage of Agency Powerlink. T/A Gympie Track Machinery & Parts) Service (MKM)** 2009-0459 Brisbane Road & Preliminary AN sent 28/04/09. RFI due. Allen Old Imbil Road, Approval to Override Concurrence Agency DMR. Advice (TMS) Monkland the Planning Scheme Agency DI&P. for Industrial Development MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE – CODE ASSESSMENT DA14737 261 Brisbane Rd, Home Business Letter sent 21/11/08 requesting Driver WB Monkland (Glazing & intentions. (MKM) Fabrication of Aluminium Screens) DA16074 27 Louisa Street, General Industry RFI extended to 17/05/09. Awaiting Go West Gympie Pty Gympie (Motor Vehicle applicant’s response. Ltd Workshop & (TMS) Environmentally Relevant Activity ERA #28 – Motor Vehicle Workshop) DA16344 68 Duke Street, Showroom (3 DMS. Report to P&D Committee Raw Ochre Design Gympie Tenancies) Meeting. (KMT) DA16643 277 Tamaree General Industry RFI extend to 03/03/09. Awaiting Gympie Soft Wood Road, Tamaree (Sawmill – Milling & applicant’s response. Concurrence Timbers Pty Ltd Processing of Pine Agency EPA (ERA’s). EPA extend (TMS) Logs) & RFI to 08/04/08. DMR response Environmentally received 28/08/07. Relevant Activity (ERA #67 – Sawmilling) DA17123 26 Burns Road, Accommodation Amended AN sent 26/03/09. Awaiting Wilson DC & JM Ross Creek Premises (Farm Concurrence Agencies DMR response (MKM) Cabins) due 15/05/09 and DNRW. DA17246 68 Myall Street, Multi-Residential (18 Applicant advised 11/03/09 that revised Oaklands Gympie Units) plans are to be resubmitted. Management Pty Ltd (TMS) DA17938 19 Hyne Street, Shop DMS. DN due. Power Gympie (TMS) DA17908 Langton Rd, General Industry Amended AN sent 13/10/08. Carter Holt Harvey Monkland (Relocating Burners Concurrence Agency EPA advise (MKM) in existing Wood incomplete application 19/09/08. Qld Processing Plant) Transport response received 23/10/08. DA17944 258 East Deep General Industry RFI sent 27/03/08. Awaiting Ellis Creek Rd, East (Transport Depot & applicant’s response. (TMS) Deep Creek Vehicle Storage Yard) DA18050 13 Spectrum St, Commercial Premises DMS. Report to P&D Committee Haring Rainbow Beach (4WD Hire) Meeting. (TMS)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant DA18104 72 Chatsworth Rd, General Industry RFI response received 27/08/08. Greenco Pty Ltd Gympie Concurrence Agency DMR advice (MKM received 19/03/09. DA18289 Jubilee St, Multi-Residential (3 DMS. Report to P&D Committee Gerhardt Monkland Gympie Units) Meeting. (TMS)* MCU175/07 31 Scrub Road, Concrete Batch Plant RFI sent 12/09/08. Awaiting Kelly applicant’s response. (KMT) MCU177/07 Balkin St Gunalda Establishment of DMS. DN due. Lees B Motel (10 cabins) and (TMS)* Caretaker’s Residence MCU260 5167 Burnett Extractive Industry & DMS. Report to P&D Committee KMM Quarries Highway Goomeri Environmentally Meeting. (KMT) Relevant Activities DA243 472 Bular Road, Certified Organic Extra information requested 06/10/08. Sterns Kilkivan Poultry Farm – Awaiting applicant’s response. (MKM) (Increase Capacity from 6,000 to 60,000 max) DA256 Rose Street, Multiple Dwelling AN sent 10/6/08. RFI due. DMR RFI PJ Burns Builder Kilkivan Units sent 20/08/08. (MKM) 2008-0378 168 Old To change the land PNS. ALOD sent 14/04/09. Tim Developments Maryborough Rd, use entitlements from (MKM) Gympie Rural to Housing & Reconfig – Subdivision to Create Thirty Six (36) Additional Lots 2008-0468 42 Duke Street, Commercial Premises RFI sent 15/09/08. Awaiting Loot Homewares Gympie applicant’s response. Gympie (KMT) 2008-0496 78 Old Multi-Residential DMS. DN due. Vixen Dev Pty Ltd Maryborough (Duplex) (SFC) Road, Gympie 2008-0516 11 & 13 Phoenix Multi Residential RFI sent 02/09/08. Awaiting Plowman Lane, Gympie (14 Units) applicant’s response. Concurrence (TMS) Agency EPA. 2008-0630 Eel Creek Road, General Industry & RFI sent 31/10/08. Awaiting Baker Pie Creek Reconfiguring a Lot applicant’s response. Concurrence (TMS) – Subdivision to Agency EPA (CLU) response received Create Three (3) 22/07/08. Additional Lots 2008-0657 Rozynski Road, Dwelling House DMS. Report to P&`D Committee Rozynski Imbil (Farm Worker’s Meeting. (SAC) Cottage) 2008-0642 16 Kanimbla Multi Residential RFI sent 11/09/08. Awaiting Wilson Avenue, Cooloola (Relative’s applicant’s response. (KMF) Cove Accommodation)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-0634 22 Chatsworth Accommodation RFI sent 02/10/08. Concurrence Reyloh Pty Ltd Road, Gympie Premises (60 Unit Agency DMR response received (KMT) Motel & Caretakers 21/08/08. Residence) & Food & Entertainment Venue (Function Room & Restaurant) 2008-0526 7 Edith Road, Commercial Premises RFI sent 22/12/08. Awaiting Jones (Art Gallery, Sales & applicant’s response. (SAC) Art Workshops & Low Impact Industry (Picture Framing) 2008-0761 Goondi Street, Warehouse (8 DMS. DN due. Wiltshire Stevens Rainbow Beach individual storage Architects units) and Caretaker’s (KMT)* Residence 2008-0836 Laurenceson Road, Warehouse DMS. DN due. Mills Glanmire (MKM) 2008-0838 22 Caledonian Commercial Premises RFI sent 12/11/08. Awaiting Hamerwill Pty Ltd Hill, Gympie applicant’s response. Heritage (KMT)* Advisory Committee response received 14/08/08. 2008-1008 24 Caledonian Hill Accommodation AL sent 06/08/08. RFI due. Heritage Aspire Developments & 9 Alma Street, Premises (Boarding Advisory Committee response received Pty Ltd Gympie House – 20 Units) 14/08/08. Application held in (KMT)* abeyance pending further advice. 2008-1006 200 Queen Low Impact Industry DMS. DN due. B J Hogan Pty Ltd Elizabeth Drive, (MKM)** Cooloola Cove 2008-1145 18 Langara Drive, Multi-Residential Part RFI response received 04/03/09. Taxis Southside (Duplex) (TMS) 2008-1067 42 Edwin Campion Food & DMS. Report to P&D Committee Devey P/L Drive, Monkland Entertainment Venue Meeting. (KMT)* (Children’s Play Centre) and Showroom 2008-1183 Banks Pocket Combined MCU & RFI sent 02/09/08. Awaiting Custodian Project Road, Fauna Road, Reconfig - applicant’s response. Concurrence Services Pty Ltd Heights Drive & Retirement Village, Agency DMR, DNRW & QT. DNRW (TMS)* Old Maryborough Community Centre, issued RFI 05/09/08. QT issued RFI Road, Gympie Shop (Convenience 08/09/08. Store) & Commercial Premises (Medical Centre) & Boundary Alteration & Subdivision to Create Four (4) Additional Lots (Nine (9) New Lots from Five (5) Existing Lots)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-0896 88 River Road, Shop & Commercial DMS. DN due. Raw Ochre Design Gympie Premises (Offices) (KMT) 2008-1226 Amamoor Street, Accommodation RFI sent 27/11/08. Awaiting Mills Amamoor Premises (15 Cabins applicant’s response. (KMT)* & 50 Room Backpacker Accommodation Building) 2008-1316 5 Rose Road, Combined MCU & RFI sent 18/12/08. Awaiting Southside Family Southside Reconfig - Multi- applicant’s response. Village Residential (KMT)* (Community Village comprising 15 Units and Managers Residence) & 3 Standard Format Lots & 6 Building Format Lots in a Community Titles Scheme) 2008-0699 54 Crescent Road, Display Yard AN sent 29/09/08. Concurrence Niduts Investment Gympie Agency DMR response received Trust 14/10/08. On hold applicant (TMS) negotiating with DMR. 2008-1299 16 Wickham Accommodation DMS. Report to P & D Committee IJ & LJ Silbery Street, Gympie Premises (26 Motel Meeting. Superannuation Units and Manager’s (TMS)* Residence) 2008-1009 270 Sorensen road, Environmentally AL sent 01/10/08. RFI due. Anderleigh Sandstone Gunulda Relevant Activity & Slate (ERA #20 (a) – (KMT) Extracting Rock or Other Material not more than 5000t a Year) 2008-1179 5 Atlantis Avenue, Community Services DMS. Report to P & D Committee Brisbane Cooloola Cove (Church) Meeting. Congregation Jehovah’s Witnesses (KMT) 2008-1346 37 Nash Street, Commercial Premises RFI sent 18/02/09. Awaiting Rizzato Gympie (Professional Offices) applicant’s response. Advice Agency (KMT)* EPA response received 10/12/08. 2008-1327 17 Violet Street, Accommodation DMS. Report to P & D Committee Crayford Gympie Premises Meeting. (MKM)** (3 Motel Units) 2008-1345 67 Channon Street, Commercial Premises RFI sent 05/03/09. Awaiting Stirling Gympie (Health Care Clinic) applicant’s response. Concurrence (KMT)* Agency DMR response received 17/10/08. Heritage Advisory Committee response received 15/10/08

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-1445 47 Geordie Road, Accommodation AN sent 08/10/08. RFI due. MJB Gympie Pty Ltd Monkland Premises (Additional Concurrence Agency DMR response (SAC) Cabins incorporating received 23/10/08. 27 Additional Rooms) 2008-1428 674 Kandanga Multi-Residential DMS. DN due. Thureson Creek Road, (Second Dwelling for (MKM) Kandanga Relative) 2008-1574 15 Stanley Street, Commercial Premises RFI sent 24/02/09. Awaiting Gerhardt Gympie applicant’s response. (KMT)* 2008-1604 10 Wadell Road, General Industry & DMS. DN due. Edwards Two Mile Low Impact Industry (MKM)** 2008-1686 22 Oak Street, Accommodation DMS. DN due. Amaroo Properties 9 & 11 Adams Premises (Car t/a The Pheonix Trust Street, Gympie Parking for Motel (TMS) and Associated Restaurant and Functions Rooms) 2008-1835 37 Stockden Road, Shop (Wine Tastings AN sent 11/12/08. RFI due. Buckley The Palms and Sales) Concurrence Agency DNRW. (TMS)** 2008-1912 13 Rainbow ERA #11(a) DMS. DN due. Lonken Pty ltd Beach, Rainbow Petroleum product T/A Rainbow Beach Beach storage 10,000L to Holiday Village & BP 500,000L Service Station (TMS) 2008-1759 25 Tooth Drive, ERA #24 AL sent 17/12/08. RFI due. Widgee Welding Widgee Works (KMT) 2008-1866 13 Alfred Street, Food or DMS. Report to P&D Committee Silich Gympie Entertainment Venue Meeting. Refer to Item 2/2 in Today’s (KMT) (Restaurant) Agenda. 2008-1811 270 Sorensen ERA #22 (a) AL sent 23/12/08. RFI due. Massimo Designs Road, Gunulda Screening ect, T/A Anderleigh materials more than Sandstone & Slate 50t but less than (KMT) 5,000t a year 2008-1962 Cnr Double Island Food or RFI sent 29/04/09. Awaiting Rainbow Beach Drive & Rainbow Entertainment Venue applicant’s response. Concurrence Sports Recreation & Beach Road & – Outdoor Aquatic Agency DMR. Memorial Club Ins Green Valley Facility (MKM) Drive, Rainbow Beach 2009-0085 6 Bligh Street, Shop (Additional AN sent 19/02/09. RFI due. Beverley Jorgensen Kilkivan Three (3) Single Concurrence Agency DMR response Building Design Storey Shops) received 25/03/09. (SAC)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2009-0087 Wallader Road, General Industry AN sent 19/02/09. RFI due. Gay Schmidt Trust Imbil (Plastic Reprocessing Concurrence Agency DMR response (KMT) Facility) received 20/04/09. Advice Agency EPA response received 01/04/09, Energex response received 09/03/09. 2009-0187 26 Red Gully Accommodation Amended AL sent 26/02/09. RFI due. Wilson Road, Amamoor Premises (Farmstay (SFC) Cabins) 2009-0201 79 Greenoak Road, Multi Residential AL sent 03/03/09. RFI due. Smith Kandanga (Second Dwelling) (SFC) 2009-0218 14 Watt Street, Multi-Residential AL sent 04/03/09. RFI due. Richards Gympie (Two Dwellings) (MKM) 2009-0162 Gatehouse Road, Local Utility (Water AN sent 09/03/09. RFI due. Gympie Regional Kilkivan Treatment Plant) Concurrence Agency Qld T’Port Council response received 01/04/09. (TMS)** 2009-0240 79 Sykes Road, Dwelling House RFI response received 21/04/09. Grieger (Second Dwelling) Concurrence Agency DNRW RFI sent (SFC) 01/04/09. Advice Agency EPA. 2009-0214 10-22 Curra Road, Community AL sent 18/03/09. RFI due. DB Sheds Durabuilt Curra Activities (Curra (SAC) Rural Fire Brigade Storage Shed) & Building Work (Class 10a Shed) 2009-0267 246 McIntosh Display Yard AL sent 01/04/09. RFI due. Kickbusch Creek Road, Jones (Nursery & (KMT)** Hill Landscape Supply Centre) 2009-0341 54 Horseshoe Home Business AN sent 01/04/09. RFI due. Kennedy & May Bend, Gympie (Counselling & Concurrence Agency DMR. (SFC) Alternative Therapies) 2009-0421 231 Fisher Road, Multi-Residential AL sent 03/04/09. RFI due. Thorpe Araluen (Second Dwelling) (SFC) 2009-0391 12 Ray Street, Multi Residential AL sent 07/04/09. RFI due. Ison Gympie (Second Dwelling) (MKM) 2009-0416 243 Harvey Road, Caretakers AL sent 08/04/09. RFI due. Okara Pty Ltd Residence (SFC) 2009-0310 46 Butlers Knob Home Business AN sent 08/04/09. Concurrence Arkad Investments Road, Anderleigh (Commercial Agency DMRW. Family Trust Kitchen to Process (SFC) Macadamia Nut Products) 2009-0441 1 Duffy Court, Home Business (Dog AL sent 16/04/09. Wildman Southside Grooming) (KMF)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2009-0437 199 Brisbane Dwelling House AN sent 20/04/09. Concurrence Whale Bay Road, Monkland Agency DMR. Investments P/L (MKM) 2009-0484 70 Tucker Street, Multi-Residential AL sent 22/04/09. RFI due. Brown Gympie (Second Dwelling) (SAC) 2009-0494 124 Brisbane Shop (Beauty and AN sent 22/04/09. RFI due. Calvert Road, Monkland Wellbeing Centre Concurrency Agency DMR. (KMT) and Manufacture of Beauty Products) RECONFIGURING A LOT – IMPACT ASSESSMENT 2008-1753 71 Laird Street & 3 Boundary Alteration PNS. ALOD to be sent 29/04/09. Lawson Fulton Street, Concurrence Agency DMR advise (MKM) Goomeri response due 01/06/09. RECONFIGURING A LOT DA03663 Ballard Road, Development Permit Amended plans received 05/03/07. Andreassen Imbil – Stage 6 (3 lots) and Further letter sent 24/05/07. (TMS) Stage 7 (18 and Balance) DA14342 16-18 Glastonbury Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Christensen Road, Southside One (1) Additional (MKM) Lot DA14596 Connection Road, Subdivision to Create DIP extend assessment information Chasob Pty Ltd Gympie 28 Additional Lots request response period to 12/01/09. (TMS) Concurrence Agencies DMR, NRW & QT. DA15669 153 Ballard Road Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Andreassen & Michelle Court, 16 Additional Lots Meeting. (TMS) Imbil DA15862 1 Currumbine Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Nissen Avenue, Gympie one (1) Additional Meeting. (TMS) Lot & Common Area(Community titles Scheme) DA16162 358 Eel Creek Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D committee Patrick Road, Pie Creek One (1) Additional Meeting. (MKM) Lot DA16327 134 & 136 Subdivision to Create RFI received 30/06/08. DNR advise Sutherland & Rush Greentrees Road, Seven (7) Additional extension till 19/06/09. (MKM) Pie Creek Lots DA16722 Mackenzie Road, Boundary Alteration DMS. DN due. Applicant requested Brady Tamaree on 21/11/07 and 11/02/08 for (TMS) application to be held in abeyance. DA17008 78 Tamaree Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. McHugh Tamaree Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lot DA17219 406-407 Wilton Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Application held in Rowan B & S Road, Greens One (1) Additional abeyance pending further advice. (TMS) Creek Lot DA17222 44 Minya Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Jorgensen P The Palms One (1) Additional (TMS) Lot

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant DA17330 48 Old Veteran Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Cochrane Road, Veteran Eight (8) Additional (KMT)* Lot DA17419 36 Diggings Road, Subdivision to Create RFI period extended to 04/06/09. Bairnsdeen Pty Ltd Imbil 17 Additional Lots Awaiting applicant’s response. (TMS) DA17588 44-45 Esplanade, Subdivision to Create RFI period extended to 16/03/08. Echochamp Pty Ltd Tin Can Bay Three (3) additional Awaiting applicant’s response. Letter (TMS) Lots sent 15/12/08 advising application will be held pending additional submission until 15/03/09. DA17687 223 Gibson Road, Boundary Alteration DMS. DN due. Dray Mooloo & Access Easement (MKM) DA17847 410 Old Subdivision to Create Reported to General Meeting 10/12/08. Ryan Maryborough Rd, Four (4) Additional Letter sent 16/12/08. Awaiting (TMS) Araluen Lots applicant’s response. DA17890 126 Tamaree Subdivision to Create RFI sent 27/03/08. Awaiting Drollinger Road, Tamaree Five (5) Additional applicant’s response. Concurrence (TMS) Lots Agency DNRW response received 15/08/08. DA17905 378 Eel Creek Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Broomhall Road, Pie Creek Two (2) Additional (TMS) Lot DA17922 162 Witham Road, Boundary Alteration DMS. DN due. Beck The Dawn (KMT) DA17953 256 Amamoor Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Taylor Dagun Road, Two (2) Additional Meeting. Refer to Item 3/2 in Today’s (TMS) Amamoor Lots Agenda. DA18112 1650 Kandanga Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Hanson Creek Rd, Upper One (1) Additional (SAC) Kandanga Lot DA18183 613 Old Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Bennett Maryborough Rd, Two (2) Additional (KMF) Chatsworth Lots DA18236 8 Old Veteran Rd, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Walker Veteran Two (2) Additional (KMF) Lots DA18347 76 Sunrise Circle, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Harris The Dawn One (1) Additional (KMT) Lot DA18449 40 Elizabeth Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Forde FM Street, Imbil Four (4) Additional (TMS) Lots R177/07 31 Scrub Road, Reconfiguring of Lot DMS. DN due. Kelly Gunalda (1 into 2) (SAC) R187/07 6 Hermans Road, Reconfiguring of Lot Reported to P&D Committee Meeting. Moody Gunulda (1 into 4) Withdrawn from the agenda General (KMT) Meeting 12/11/08 at applicant's request. On hold pending advice from applicant.

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant R198/07 Kirsten Drive, Reconfiguring Lot of RFI sent 15/01/08. Awaiting Thompson Curra (1 into 2) applicant’s response. DNRW RFI sent (TMS) 13/02/08. R205/08 Rodney Rd Curra Reconfiguration of NRW response received – refusal. KG & JKL Knight Lot (1 into 2) Applicant making representations to Super Fund ATF NRW. DMS on hold. (KMF) SD483 Cnr Fraser & Reconfiguration of DMS. Report to P&D Committee Conway Angel Sts, Lot (13 Lots) Meeting. (KMT) Kilkivan SD495 2110 Gympie- Reconfiguration of DMS. DN due. Allen Rd Lot (1 into 8 – Stage (KMT) Widgee 2) SD510 Gympie-Woolooga Reconfiguration of DMS. DN due. Ken McDonald Rd Widgee Lot (1 into 8) Surveys (Emirc Ni Srentrap P/L) (MKM) SD514 2378 Gympie- Boundary AN & RFI sent 12/03/08. Awaiting Janke Woolooga Rd Realignment applicant’s response. (KMF) Widgee SD518 193 Power Rd Boundary Landowners consent received 20/11/08. Hawkins Widgee Realignment RFI due. (KMT) SD520 25 Janke Rd Boundary AN & RFI sent 19/02/08. Awaiting Hobbs Widgee Realignment applicant’s response. (KMT) SD523 2767 Gympie- Boundary Alteration RFI response due 22/07/09. Gibbs Woolooga Road, Concurrence Agency DMR. (SAC) Widgee SD524 22 Hawkins Rd Reconfiguration of RFI sent 01/10/08. Awaiting Steele Widgee Lot (1 into 2) applicant’s response. (MKM) SD525 53 Boundary Dve Reconfiguration of Awaiting response to co-owners Bulger Widgee Lot (1 into 2) consent letter sent 31/03/08. (MKM) SD531 6 Janke Rd Widgee Reconfiguration of RFI sent 01/10/08. Awaiting Grinter & Nott Lot (1 into 2) applicant’s response. (SAC) 2008-0031 242 Cliff Jones Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Gabriel & Richardson Road, Curra Two (2) Additional (SFC) Lots 2008-0041 23 Minya Rd, The Subdivision to Create RFI sent 17/09/08. Awaiting Butler Palms One (1) Additional applicant’s response. Concurrence (KMT) Lot Agency DNRW, DNRW RFI issued 21/05/08. 2008-0076 225 Allen Rd, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 19/08/08. Awaiting Carmichael Chatsworth One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (KMT) Lot 2008-0187 2 Schoolhouse Rd Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Place Amamoor Two (2) Additional (SFC) Lots & Access Easement

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-0234 4 Roma St Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Urwin Monkland One (1) Additional (KMT) Lot 2008-0147 221 Zerner Rd & Subdivision to Create Further request for additional Keeldale Pty Ltd Eel Creek Rd, Pie Thirteen (13) information sent 22/10/08. Awaiting (TMS)* Creek Additional Lots applicant’s response. 2008-0249 37-39 Rifle Range Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Cochrane J & M Rd, Gympie Five (5) Additional (MKM) Lots 2008-0368 85 Trout Rd, The Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Burden Dawn Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lots & Access Easement 2008-0404 105 Glenbar Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Chelstar the Palms Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lots 2008-0414 45 Daniel Drive, Subdivision to Create Reported to P&D Committee Meeting. Flemming Pie Creek Two (2) Additional (SFC) Lots 2008-0554 43 Pine Valley Subdivision to Create RFI sent 26/08/08. Awaiting Cooper & Sutherland Drive, Pie Creek One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (MKM) Lot 2008-0650 93 Grecian Bends Subdivision to Create RFI sent 19/11/08. Awaiting Hutchinson Road, Greens One (1) Additional applicant’s response. DMR response (PKM) Creek Lot received 01/08/08. Applicant negotiating with DMR conditions. 01/10/08. 2008-0670 Wallander Road, Boundary Alteration RFI sent 26/08/08. Awaiting Moylan Falls Pty Ltd Imbil applicant’s response. (MKM) 2008-0686 11 Trout Rd, The Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Browning Dawn One (1) Additional (PKM) Lot 2008-0629 12 Koumala Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Pagerose Pty Ltd Southside 21 Additional Lots Meeting. (KMT) 2008-0742 15 Hillview Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Bird Cedar Pocket One (1) Additional (SFC) Lots 2008-0796 40 Gerber Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. McDonald Widgee Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lots 2008-0771 56 Purcell Road, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 19/11/08. Awaiting Duff Bells Bridge 30 Additional Lots applicant’s response. DMR response (KMT)* received 28/08/08. 2008-0826 24 Birdwood Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Murray & Thrupp Drive, Gunalda Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lots 2008-0789 116 & 146 Fritz Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Wewer & Starkey Road, Chatsworth 15 Additional Lots Meeting. (KMT) SD532 75 Barrett Road, Subdivision to Create Part RFI response received 02/02/09. Hendry Widgee Ten (10) Additional (MKM) Lots

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-0822 18 Birdwood Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Platinum 8 Drive, Gunulda One (1) Additional Developers Lot (KMF) 2008-0823 10 Jubilee Street, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Stringer Monkland Two (2) Additional (KMF) Lots 2008-1018 160 Rodney Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Coo Curra One (1) Additional (MKM) Lot 2008-1080 22 Country View Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Humphris Drive, Chatsworth Four (4) Additional (MKM) Lots 2008-1142 Hester Street & Subdivision to Create RFI sent 25/11/08. Awaiting Martoo consulting Bligh Street, One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (MKM) Kilkivan Lot 2008-0835 Glastonbury Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D committee Pearman The Palms 24 Additional Lots Meeting. (SAC) 2008-1086 McIntosh Creek Boundary Alteration AN sent 20/08/08. RFI due. Ellis Road, McIntosh Concurrence Agency EPA RFI sent (SFC) Creek 09/12/08. 2008-0866 146 Bayside Road, Subdivision to Create RFI response received 24/02/09. Pradella Cooloola Cove 84 Additional Lots Concurrence Agency DNRW advise Developments Pty Ltd RFI extended till 29/04/09. 30/09/08. (TMS) EPA response received 29/10/08. 2008-1573 Meads Road, Boundary Alteration AN sent 21/10/08. RFI due. Advice Kastrissios Tandur Agency EPA response received (SAC) 05/11/08. 2008-1073 43 Hamilton Road, Subdivision to Create Reported to P&D Committee Meeting JKM Projects Pty Ltd Gympie 28 Additional Lots 15/04/09. (KMT)* 2008-1074 196 Old Boundary Alteration Reported to P&D Committee Meeting JKM Projects Pty Ltd Maryborough 15/04/09. Pending further advice and (KMT)* Road & 43 submission of amended plans. Hamilton Road, Gympie 2008-1154 Groundwater Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee I & L Lobegeier Super Road, Southside 51 Additional Lots Meeting. Fund (TMS)* 2008-1304 114 North Deep Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Odell J Creek Road, North One (1) Additional (MKM) Deep Creek Lot. 2008-1308 86 Stumm Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 20/10/08. Amended proposal Sempowicz Southside Three (3) Additional plan received 18/03/09. RFI due (KMT) Lots 2008-1312 22 Roselea Ave Subdivision to Create Report to P&D Committee Meeting. Kahman W Southside Two(2) Additional (MKM) Lots and Access Easement

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-1232 Buckley Drive & Boundary Alteration DMS. Report to P&D Committee Allen-Co Holdings Imbil Road, Meeting. Pty Ltd Glanmaire & (TMS) Brisbane Road, Monkland 2008-1431 Forest Ridge Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee MacKenzie Land Drive, Tamaree 24 Additional Lots Meeting. Amened plans received Developments P/L 10/03/09. (KMT) 2008-1098 2110 Gympie Subdivision to 67 Amended AN sent 23/01/09. RFI due. Allen-Co Holdings Woolooga Road, Lots in Two (2) Concurrence Agency DMR. Pty Ltd Widgee Stages (KMT)* 2008-1575 163 Rammutt Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Dunn Road, Chatsworth Eight (8) Additional Meeting. (KMT) Lots 2008-1187 Scullett Drive, Tin Subdivision to Create Amended AN sent 04/03/09. RFI due. Gympie Regional Can Bay 14 Additional Referral Agency DMR RFI sent Council Industrial Lots 23/03/09. Advice Agency Energex (MKM) response received 20/03/09. 2008-1519 Chitticks Road, Boundary Alteration AN sent 21/10/08. RFI sent 05/02/09. Los Greens Creek Awaiting applicant’s response. (MKM) Concurrence Agency EPA response received 10/12/08. 2008-1640 7 & 11 Heritage Subdivision to Create RFI sent 05/03/09. Awaiting D & K Holdings Qld Lane, Southside 26 Additional Lots applicant’s response. Pty Ltd (KMT) 2008-1620 580 & 628 Boundary Alteration RFI sent 05/03/09. Awaiting Mackellar Road, applicant’s response. Concurrence (SAC) Traveston Agency Qld Transport. Advise Agency EPA. 2008-1656 Lehmann Road, Boundary Alteration RFI sent 21/04/09. Awaiting Lehmann Tansey applicant’s response. (SAC) 2008-1641 746 East Deep Subdivision to Create RFI sent 19/03/09. Awaiting Alcock Creek Road, Cedar Two (2) Additional applicant’s response. (MKM) Pocket Lots in Two (2) Stages & Access Easement 2008-1755 28 Lorikeet Drive, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 05/03/09. Awaiting Weier Tamaree One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (SFC) Lot 2008-1694 Gympie Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Pearce Connection Road, One (1) Additional (KMT) Victory Heights Lot 2008-1775 Craft Road, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 20/02/09. Awaiting Thorpe Veteran One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (KMT) Lot & Access Easement 2008-1718 Hoopers Road, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 20/02/09. Awaiting Yaroomba Pty Ltd Curra 14 Additional Lots applicant’s response. (MKM)

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-1770 170 Herron Road, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Stevens Pie Creek One (1) Additional (SFC) Lot 2008-1829 377 Power Road, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 26/03/09. Awaiting Chain Widgee Seven (7) Additional applicant’s response. Concurrence (MKM) Lots Agency DNRW response received 13/03/09. 2008-1822 416 Jimbour Road, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 29/04/09. Awaiting Anderson The Palms One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (TMS) Lot & Boundary Alteration 2008-1873 440 Jimbour Road, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 18/02/09. Awaiting Scott The Palms One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (PKM) Lot 2008-1948 Lillis Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 19/12/08. RFI due. Eleventh Trail Pty Ltd Gympie One (1) Additional (SAC) Lot 2008-1863 3-5 Heritage Lane, Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P&D Committee Pitt Southside 24 Additional Lots in Meeting. (KMT) Two (2) Stages 2008-1818 157 Boonaravale Boundary DMS. DN due. Pitstock Road, Goomeri Realignment (SFC) 2008-1931 Dagun Road, Access Easement AN sent 23/12/08. RFI response Mary Valley Heritage Dagun received 12/03/09. Concurrency Railway Assn Inc Agency Qld T’port. (SFC) 2008-1999 751 Bruce Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Day Highway (North) Two Lots from Two (MKM) Chatsworth Existing Titles 2009-0004 20 Lynch Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 23/01/09. RFI due. George East Deep Creek Four (4) Additional Concurrence Agency EPA response (KMF) Lots received 01/04/09. 2008-1938 3500 Boundary AN sent 04/02/09. RFI due. Cruice Road, Manumbar Realignment Concurrence Agency CLU EPA (SAC) & McAllister response received 06/03/09. Road, Elgin Vale 2009-0033 12 Jubilee Street, Subdivision to Create DMS. Report to P & D Committee Thornbury Nominees Monkland One (1) Additional Meeting. Pty Ltd as Trustee Lot & Access (KMF) Easement 2009-0064 53 Boundary Subdivision to Create RFI sent 01/04/09. Awaiting Bulger Drive, Widgee Four (4) Additional applicants response. (KMF) Lots 2009-0034 3A Williams Lane, Subdivision to Create DMS. DN due. Thornbury Nominees Southside Two (2) Lots in a Pty Ltd Community Titles (MKM) Scheme 2009-0070 Cedar Pocket Subdivision to Create AL sent 13/02/09. RFI due. Anderson Road, Cedar One (1) Additional (SFC) Pocket Lot 2009-0079 79 Glenbar Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 13/02/09. RFI due. Curtis The Palms One (1) Additional Concurrence Agency DNRW RFI (SAC) Lot issued 16/03/09. Advice Agency EPA.

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2009-0069 9 Woodbine Street, Subdivision to Create AN sent 13/02/09. RFI due. Cummins Gympie One (1) Additional Concurrence Agency DMR. (SFC) Lot 2009-0129 44 Sherylea Drive, Subdivision to Create AL sent 19/02/09. RFI due. Chapman Veteran One (1) Additional (MKM) Lot 2009-0146 1686 & 1670 Tin Boundary Alteration AL sent 23/02/09. RFI due. Murphy Can Bay Road, (SFC) Goomboorian 2009-0213 Rifle Range Road Subdivision & AL sent 04/03/09. RFI due. Eleventh Trail Pty Ltd & Spring Road, Boundary (KMF) Gympie Realignment to Create Four (4) New Lots from Three (3) Existing Lots 2009-0196 Miva Road, Munna Boundary AL sent 03/03/09. RFI due Harwood Family Realignment Trust (MKM) 2009-0197 7 Shanks Street, Subdivision to Create AN sent 03/03/09. RFI due. Prior Gympie One (1) Additional Concurrence Agency Qld T’port (KMF) Lot response received 20/03/09. 2009-0259 590 Noosa Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 18/03/09. RFI due. Burke Mothar Mountain Seven (7) Additional Concurrence Agency DNRW response (KMT)** Lots received 22/04/09. Advice Agencies EPA, Powerlink response received 07/04/09. 2009-0250 21 Highfield Subdivision to Create AN sent 18/03/09. RFI due. Advice Cassidy Drive, Chatsworth One (1) Additional Agencies EPA & Powerlink. (SFC) Lot 2009-0272 219 Webb Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 19/03/09. RFI due. Ten-Dyke Blacksnake One (1) Additional Concurrence Agency DMRW advise (KMF) Lot RFI due 30/08/09. 2009-0368 21 Curtain Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 01/04/09. RFI due. Cole Pie Creek One (1) Additional (SFC) Lot 2009-0311 6 Rocklea Drive, Subdivision to Create RFI sent 29/04/09. Awaiting Sanby Southside One (1) Additional applicant’s response. (SFC) Lot 2009-0375 90 Boyle Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 01/04/09. RFI due. Josefski The Palms One (1) Additional (SFC) Lot 2009-0244 133 De Castella Subdivision to Create AL sent 03/04/09. RFI due. Sollner Road, The Palms Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lots 2009-0343 Evelyn Road & Subdivision to Create AL sent 03/04/09. RFI due. Margetts Watson Road, 13 Additional Lots (MKM) Southside 2009-0405 51 Deans Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 03/04/09. RFI due. Dan The Palms Thirteen (13) (KMT) Additional Lots 2009-0414 Bruce Highway & Boundary AL sent 03/04/09. RFI due. Ahern James Naismith Meadows Lane, Realignment (SFC) Chatsworth

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2009-0418 255 & 345 Little Boundary AL sent 06/04/09. RFI due. Falconer Widgee Road Realignment (SAC) Widgee 2009-0435 178 Hoopers Subdivision to Create AL sent 07/04/09. RFI due. Trustee for Road, Curra One (1) Additional Thompson Property Lot Trust (SFC) 2009-0308 41 Trout Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 08/04/09. RFI due. Went The Dawn Two (2) Additional (MKM) Lots 2009-0245 449 & 421 Boundary AN sent 08/04/09. RFI due. RFI due. Benckendorff-Malik Kenman Road, Realignment Advice Agency Powerlink. (MKM) Traveston 2009-0444 8-28 Fraser Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 14/04/09. RFI due. Project Services Araluen Two (2) Additional Concurrence Agency DMR advise (TMS) Lots response due 02/06/09. 2009-0453 26 O’Keeffe Road, Subdivision to Create AL sent 09/04/09. RFI due. I & DR Hendarwan Mothar Mountain Tow (2) Additional (TMS) Lots 2009-0475 Rocks Road, Pie Subdivision to Create AN sent 16/04/09. RFI due. Grono Creek (12) Additional Lots Concurrence Agency DNRW. Advice (MKM) Agency EPA. 2009-0461 4 Cooinda Street, Subdivision to Create AL sent 20/04/09. RFI due. Project Services Gympie One (1) Additional (TMS) Lot 2009-0381 Panorama Drive, Subdivision to Create AN sent 21/04/09. RFI due. Kunst Long Flat One (1) Additional Concurrence Agency DMR, Qld (MKM) Lot & Access T’port. Easement 2009-0345 42 Ballard Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 22/04/09. RFI due. NFM Developments Imbil 109 Additional Lots Concurrence Agency Qld T’port. Pty Ltd & PBC Developments (Qld) Pty Ltd (KMT) 2009-0411 13 Sorensen Road, Subdivision to Create AN sent 23/04/09. RFI due. Project Development Southside 126 Additional Lots, Concurrence Agency Qld T’port. Specialists P/L Drainage Reserve (KMT) and Park in Eight (8) Stages 2009-0516 210 Kirsten Drive, Subdivision to Create AN sent 29/04/09. RFI due. Fitzpatrick Curra Two (2) Additional & Concurrence Agency DNRW. (SFC) Access Easement OPERATIONAL WORK (Including Combined Building/Plumbing and Operational Work) DA13337 391 Bruce Earthworks RFI period extended to 20/07/09. Wagner Highway North, Awaiting applicant’s response. (SFC) Two Mile DA13568 10 Mitchell Street, COMBINED RFI sent 10/08/06. Part information Crampton Tin Can Bay Op Works – Site received. Still awaiting extra (TMS)1656 Works, Driveway information. Hydraulics received. Access, Carparking & Landscaping

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant DA15807 128 Emperor COMBINED Further RFI sent 28/05/07 re building Sawrey Street, Tin Can Building Work (Class over sewer. (TMS) Bay 2-9) & Boundary Relaxation, Plumbing (7 fixtures) & Operational Works DA15865 8 Wadell Road, Driveways, DMS. DN due. Zerner Two Mile Stormwater Drainage, (MKM) Retaining Wall, Carparking & Earthworks) DA16231 Hall Road, Siteworks Filling & RFI due. Letter sent 27/07/07 – Jensen Glanmire Drainage Works for awaiting amended plans. (TMS) Industrial Subdivision DA16810 98 Woondum Earthworks DMS. DN due. Qantec McWilliam Road, Kybong (KMT) DA17618 38-40 Stephens Roadworks, Kerb & RFI sent 27/03/08. Awaiting Webster Street, Kandanga Channel & applicant’s response. (TMS) Associated Drainage DA18232 Rifle Range Rd, Civil Works for DMS. DN due. Howard Gympie, Residential (KMT) Subdivision (Stage 3) OW102/07 484 Curra Estate Excavation – Water AN sent 18/07/07. Objection received. Richardson Rd Curra Storage Dam Letter sent to applicants 22/08/07. (SAC) Awaiting further advice. 2008-0190 Eel Creek Rd, Pie Roadworks & DMS. DN due. Keeldale Pty Ltd Creek Associated Civil (TMS) Works for Rural Residential Subdivision (Stages 2 and 3) 2008-0199 18 Park Tce & Earthworks, DMS. DN due. Raw Ochre Queens Park Dve Roadworks, (TMS) Gympie Stormwater & Sewerage Reticulation & Landscaping for Warehouse & Shop (Steel Distribution) 2008-0403 83 Panorama Dr, Roadworks & RFI sent 04/07/08. Awaiting Kunst Long Flat Associated Drainage applicant’s response. (TMS) 2008-0636 62 Channon St, Landscaping RFI sent 03/10/08. Awaiting Zauner Gympie Drainage Works applicant’s response. (MKM) Stormwater & Earthworks for Approved Commercial Premises 2008-0639 20 Barter Street, Bulk Earthworks AL sent 04/07/08. RFI due. Tyrenwhit Pty Ltd Gympie (Fill) (KMT)*

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-0273 25 Corella Road, Civil Works for DMS. DN due. Stage 3 DN issued Gympie Residential Gympie Stages 3 & 4 of 26/11/08. Awaiting Stage 4 Golf Pty Ltd Approved Multi- information. (SAC) Residential Development 2008-0999 Achilles Avenue, Roadwork, Request for further information issued Sheehy & Partners Cooloola Cove Earthwork, 23/03/09. Awaiting applicant’s (TMS) Stormwater Drainage response. – Sewerage & Water Reticulation 2008-1111 12 Eucalyptus Roadworks, RFI sent 17/12/08. Awaiting BJ & S Paterson Pty Avenue, Southside Stormwater, applicant’s response. Ltd Earthworks, Drainage (TMS) Works, Water & Sewerage Infrastructure 2008-1047 Brisbane Road & Bulk Earthworks Extra information requested 20/02/09. Opus Qantec Buckley Drive, Awaiting applicant’s response. McWilliam Glanmire 7 Old (KMT) Imbil Road, Monkland 2008-1430 Cootharaba Road, Roadworks, DMS. DN due. Cozen Regan Gympie Stormwater Drainage, Williams Prove Pty Water and Sewerage Ltd Infrastructure, (TMS) Earthworks, Electrical Supply/Street Lighting and Landscaping for Approved Residential Subdivision 2008-1507 Country View Roadworks including RFI sent 19/12/08. Awaiting Opus Qantec Drive, Chatsworth modification to applicant’s response. McWilliam existing cul-de-sac (MKM) and access; building pads & retaining walls & filling of existing dams 2008-1400 2 Tucker Street & Roadworks, RFI sent 06/11/08. Awaiting Millers 20 Chapple Street, Stormwater, applicant’s response. (TMS) Gympie Landscaping & Earthworks 2008-1682 Ian Drive, Curra Dam RFI sent 10/12/08. Awaiting Lohage applicant’s response. (KMT) 2008-1891 Ian Drive, Curra Roadworks for RFI sent 11/03/09. Awaiting Snowden Approved applicant’s response. (TMS) Subdivision 2008-1861 40 Bath Terrace, Roadworks, Extra information required 27/02/09. Akers Gympie Driveway & Awaiting applicant’s response. (MKM) Retaining Walls 2008-1918 1-5 Woolgar Road, Carparking & Access DMS. DN due. AHC Limited Southside for Approved (TMS) Shopping Centre

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2008-1896 Eldorado Road, Stormwater, Drainage RFI sent 16/03/09. Awaiting Dennis Jurss Family Monkland Works, Landscaping, applicant’s response. Trust & Jensen Carparking and Family Trust Access Driveway for (TMS) Approved General Industry 2008-1943 17 Smerdon Road, Earthworks AL sent 22/12/08. RFI due. IG & LJ Lobegeier Southside (KMT) 2008-1831 Eagle Hawk Drive Site Works, RFI sent 05/03/09. Awaiting Gympie South and 85 & 93 Roadworks, Kerb and applicant’s response. Developments Pty Ltd Groundwater Channel and (KMT) Road, Southside Associated Drainage, Stormwater Drainage, Water and Sewer Mains and Landscaping for Approved residential Subdivision Stages 3 and 4) 2009-0186 1-5 Woolgar Road, Stormwater & RFI sent 26/03/09. Awaiting AHC Limited Southside Sewerage applicant’s response. (TMS) Infrastructure 2009-0225 93 Cedar Pocket Roadworks for RFI sent 24/04/09. Awaiting Opus Qantec Road, Greens Approved applicant’s details. McWilliam Creek Subdivision (TMS) 2009-0251 63 & 65 Sorensen Sewer Main AL sent 18/03/09. RFI due. Opus Qantec Road, Southside Construction & Inter- McWilliam Allotment Drainage (KMT) for Approved Housing Subdivision 2009-0258 20 Inglewood Access Driveway, RFI sent 24/04/09. Awaiting Ken Hudson & Assoc Road, Monkland Inter-allotment applicant’s response. (MKM) Drainage, Water & sewerage Reticulation for Approved Subdivision 2009-0470 12 Tweed Lane, Sewer Main AL sent 09/04/09. RFI due. CEDMS Pty Ltd as Gympie Construction, Access Trustee KHA Construction, Development Stormwater Managers Management and (MKM) Water Main Connection for Approved Subdivision

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File Number & Location Nature of Application Status Applicant 2009-0279 13 Rainbow Beach Combined Building AN sent 09/04/09. RFI due. Lonken Pty Ltd Road, Rainbow (Class 10b Signs and Concurrence Agency DMR. (TMS) Beach Demolition & Replacement of Concrete Block Walls) and Operational Work (Roadworks, Landscaping and Advertising Devices [One (1) Freestanding non- moving sign]) 2009-0396 110 Allen Road, Roadworks for AL sent 09/04/09. RFI due. Opus Qantec Chatsworth Approved Rural McWilliam Residential (TMS) Subdivision 2009-0384 2 Little Channon Car Parking AL sent 22/04/09. RFI due. Gympie Building Co Street, Gympie (SAC) OPERATIONAL WORK – ADVERTISING DEVICES DA15079 8 Jeremy Road, Advertising Device – RFI sent 05/02/07. Applicant’s part Brown Widgee Crossing Freestanding Non- response received 10/05/07. Advised (MKM) South moving Sign) and applicant new site plan required – Building Work (Class awaiting. 10 Sign) 2009-0428 46 Queen Advertising Devices AL sent 08/04/09. RFI due. Group 4 Architects Elizabeth Drive, (15 Building Signs Pty Ltd Cooloola Cove and (KMF) One (1) Freestanding Non- Moving Sign) SIGNS TO BE ASSESSED UNDER LOCAL LAW

BUILDING WORK ASSESSABLE AGAINST THE PLANNING SCHEME DA17709 11 Smyth St, (Removal of RFI sent 04/02/08. Awaiting Inall Gympie Dwelling House applicant’s response. Heritage Sub- (MKM) within the Heritage committee advise no concerns. and Character Overlay) 2008-1904 Booubyjan Road, (Additions to DMS. DN due. Lawless Booubyjan Building on a (TMS) Cultural Heritage Site)

P11/05/09 Moved: Cr D.R. Neilson Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommend that the information be noted. 283.5 pt, Left


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4/2 Development Applications Approved

File: DA17931 Applicant: Garum Pty Ltd Site Address: 48 Corella Road, Gympie

The proposal is for Operational Works – Siteworks, Roadworks & Associated Drainage, Internal & External Stormwater Drainage, Driveway and Carparking over Lot 16 SP172046.

The Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: DA18341 Applicant: Murray Mahaffey Site Address: 73 Lymburner Road, Pie Creek

The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots and Access Easement over Lot 4 on RP193360.

The Negotiated Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: DA18378 Applicant: Robin Rentsch & Patricia Rentsch Site Address: 271 Sandy Creek Road,

The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot over Lot 2 SP206012.

The Decision Notice was approved on 16 April 2009 and issued on 16 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2008-0419 Applicant: RAJJ Holdings Pty Ltd Site Address: 74 North Deep Creek Road, North Deep Creek

The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot over Lot 5 MCH5361.

The Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2008-0462 Applicant: Alan Swinford Site Address: 104 & 106 Witham Road, The Dawn

The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot Subdivision to Create One (1) Additional Lot & Access Easement over Lots1 & 2 RP817210.

The Decision Notice was approved on 20 March 2009 and issued on 20 March 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2008-1435 Applicant: Rainbow Shores Pty Ltd Site Address: Wyvern Road, Rainbow Beach

The proposal is for Operational Work – Clearing, Earthworks & Roadworks – for Approved Residential Development over Lot 3 MCH843668.

The Decision Notice was approved on 21 April 2009 and issued on 21 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2008-1484 Applicant: Garrick & Harrison Family Trusts Site Address: 7-9 Monkland Street, Gympie

The proposal is for Operational Work – [Roadworks, Stormwater, Water Infrastructure, Landscaping, Drainage Works & Advertising Devices (4 freestanding non-moving signs & 3 building signs) over Lot 1 MPH6513 & Lot 58 CP881245.

The Decision Notice was approved on 24 April 2009 and issued on 24 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2008-1545 Applicant: Mr R Mills Site Address: Daniel Drive, Pie Creek

The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots and Access Easement over Lot 11 RP184650.

The Decision Notice was approved on 28 April 2009 and issued on 28 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2008-1562 Applicant: Milcross Pty Ltd as Trustee Site Address: 18 Somerset Street, Gympie

The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Multi-Residential (4 Units) over Lot 118 MPH14212.

The Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2008-1914 Applicant: The Corporation Of The Trustees Of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane Site Address: Manooka Drive, Rainbow Beach

The proposal is for Operational Work – Civil Work for Approved Community Services (Church) and Associated Landscaping over Lot 26 MCH843863 -

The Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2008-1928 Applicant: Garry Barlow Site Address: Thomas Road, Curra

The proposal is for Reconfiguring a Lot – Subdivision to Create Two (2) Additional Lots & Access Easement over Lot 5 RP231004.

The Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2009-0128 Applicant: Ken Hudson Site Address: 68 De Castella Road, The Palms

The proposal is for Operational Work – Access Construction over Lot 6 RP189641.

The Decision Notice was approved on 27 April 2009 and issued on 27 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

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File: 2009-0256 Applicant: Julie Silich Site Address: 47 Hilton Road, Gympie

The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Multi-Residential - (Second Dwelling) over Lot 1 MPH31502.

The Decision Notice was approved on 9 April 2009 and issued on 9 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

File: 2009-0289 Applicant: Robert Jones Site Address: 630 Wilsons Pocket Road, Wilsons Pocket

The proposal is for Material Change of Use – Multi-Residential (Second Dwelling) over Lot 15 RP211227.

The Decision Notice was approved on 8 April 2009 and issued on 8 April 2009 subject to conditions from the Assessment Manager.

P12/05/09 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr L.J. Friske

Recommend that the information be noted.


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5/1 Building Summary and Report for the Month of March 2009

Re: Minute: P13/05/09 Building Summary and Report for the Month of March 2009 From: Director of Planning and Development – M. Hartley File: BG94/00002 Date: March 2009

Report: (Director of Planning and Development - M. Hartley)

The Building Summary and Report for the Month of March 2009 is included as Attachment 1.

P13/05/09 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: Cr A.J. Perrett

Recommend that the Building Summary and Report for the month of March 2009 as presented, be received.


5/2 Update of Urban Road Contribution

Re: Minute: P14/05/09 Update of Urban Road Contribution From: Manager Development and Compliance, T.M. Stenholm File: PSP00001 Date: 22 April 2009

Report: (Manager Development and Compliance – T.M. Stenholm)

1.0 Planning Scheme Policy 13: Urban Road Contributions commenced on 2 August 2008.

2.0 Section 13.10 (2) of the Policy states that: ‘The contribution rates applicable following the date of adoption of this policy shall be the amount outlined in Clause (1) above adjusted by the Road Industry Construction Index (RICI) as determined by Council by resolution from time to time.’

3.0 The RICI is defined in documents published by the Queensland Department of Main Roads.

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4.0 Discussions with the Department of Main Roads indicate the RICI was abandoned in June 2005 and the ABS ANZSIC Class 4121 Index for road and bridge construction is now used.

5.0 It is considered appropriate that the current urban road contributions be increased at the same time as other contributions (ie beginning of each financial year).

6.0 The ABS ANZSIC Class 4121 index for the last year (March 2008 to March 2009) is calculated as 5.5%, which would result in an increase of the contributions as follows:

Charge Catchment Current Charge Proposed Charge Under 09/10 Schedule of Fees (ie + 5.5%) Gympie $3 320 $3 502 Cooloola $3 200 $3 376 Imbil $1 510 $1 593

7.0 The above amounts will be recommended in the 2009/2010 Schedule of Fees to take effect from 1 July 2009.

8.0 It is also recommended that Council’s Strategic Planner be requested to amend the Policy to reflect the ABS ANZSIC Class 4121 and to allow an increase in the contribution on 1 July annually, during the first review of the planning scheme.

P14/05/09 Moved: Cr R.J. Dyne Seconded: Cr G.L. Engeman


(i) That Council increase the Urban Road Contribution amount by 5.5% for the 2009/10 financial year.

(ii) That Council’s Strategic Planner be requested to amend Planning Scheme Policy 13 during the first review of the planning scheme to: (a) reflect the use of ABS ANZSIC Class 4121 Index instead of RICI; and (b) allow for an increase in the contribution on 1 July annually.


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5/3 Application for a Detached Bottle Shop – Jockey Club Hotel – 107 River Road, Gympie

Re: Minute: P15/05/09 Application for a Detached Bottle Shop – Jockey Club Hotel – Excelsior Road, Gympie From: Licensing Administration Unit, Liquor Licensing Division File: 6/4/01/0006 Date: 21 April 2009

Letter received from Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing received 21 April 2009

“Please find enclosed a copy of the advertising notice relating to an application lodged in respect of the abovenamed premises.

Should this licence be granted it would enclose the holder thereof to sell liquor for consumption off the premises.

By law, the relevant Local Government Authority for the locality must be informed of the application and afforded the opportunity to:

1. comment on the reasonable requirements of the public in the locality; or

2. object to the grant of the application on the grounds that the amenity, quiet or good order of the locality would be lessened.

If you do not support the application, your comments or objection should include full particulars of:

• The grounds upon which the objection is made; and • The facts, evidence or reasons upon which it is based.

The Chief Executive cannot rely on statements that merely indicate the Council does not support, or objects to the application

Please note that any comments or objection provided may be referred to the applicant.

Compliance with technical Local Authority requirements such as Town Planning, Heath and Building approvals is checked separately, although you are welcome to canvass these matters in your reply to this letter.

Please confirm that this premises has town planning approval to operate as a bottleshop.

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Please advise whether you have any comments on, or objections to, the grant of the application. Section 117(3) of the Liquor Act 1992 provides that your comments or objection should be received by 2 June 2009.”

Report: (Manager Development & Compliance – T. M. Stenholm)

1.0 The above correspondence from Liquor Licensing requests Council’s comments in relation to an application for a new detached bottle shop for the Jockey Club Hotel.

2.0 The proposed bottleshop is to be located within the shops on the corner of 107 River Road and the Bruce Highway adjacent to Hungry Jacks and as identified on the map above.

3.0 Council recently considered a similar request within shops on the corner of Excelsior Road and the Bruce Highway. The applicant advises the former application is not proceeding.

4.0 The Liquor Licensing Division requests Council’s comments on the application with regard to social impacts and from the community’s perspective.

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5.0 The site is zoned Commercial and the proposed use at this location considered appropriate from a planning perspective. A development application for material change of use is not required if no major building work is proposed.

P15/05/09 Moved: Cr D.R. Neilson Seconded: Cr R.J. Dyne

Recommend that Council advise the enquirer that no objection is offered or concerns raised in relation to the proposed bottleshop for the Jockey Club Hotel over Lot 1 RP887147.


5/4 Annual Sponsorship for Master Builders Queensland

Re: Minute: P16/05/09 Annual Sponsorship for Master Builders Queensland From: Ross Bishop (Manager Building & Plumbing) File: BG97/00052 Date: 24 April 2009

Report: (Manager Building & Plumbing– R. Bishop)

Council is again in receipt of a written request from the Regional Manager of Master Builders seeking sponsorship for the forthcoming 2009/2010 Housing Construction Awards event.

This year attracts a “contribution/sponsorship” fee of $1164.00 for which Council receives: • Two (2) complimentary tickets to this event • Sponsorship of at least two (2) major categories • Audio and visual coverage throughout the evening with recognition as a Business Partner • Media recognition as a Business Partner in all pre and post award features • A Resort Room for two (2) people at the Novotel Twin Waters Resort, including a buffet breakfast.

P16/05/09 Moved: Cr D.R. Neilson Seconded: Cr J. Watt

Recommend that Council provide $1,164.00 in sponsorship to the Queensland Master Builders Association Award and the writer be advised accordingly.


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The following items have been copied into a booklet for Council’s Information

No Date Received from Subject Received 1 28/04/09 Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP Amendment to the Integrated Planning Minister for Infrastructure & Regulation 1998 (IPR) (Doc ID 1035924) Planning

P17/05/09 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett ` Seconded: Cr G.L. Engeman

Recommend that Council write to Minister Hinchliffe advising him of Council’s various concerns with the current amendment to the Integrated Planning Regulation.


Ms J. Lee (Executive Policy and Liaison Officer) entered the meeting at 9.44 a.m.

Ms T.M. Stenholm left the meeting at 9.44 a.m.


Late Item 1 Pandemic Situation – Current Swine Fever Threat

Re: Minute: P18/05/09 Current Swine Fever Threat From: Executive Policy and Liaison Officer Ms J. Lee File: Date: 1 May 2009

Report: (Executive Policy and Liaison Officer – Ms J. Lee

This report is to advise Council in relation to Gympie Regional Council’s preparedness in the event of a pandemic situation as the result of the current Swine fever threat.

Gympie Regional Council has a draft Epidemic or Health Issues Plan, which has been reviewed by the Gympie Regional Council Disaster Management Group.

A copy of the relevant section, Section 7.17 is included in this report.

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Council’s Workplace Health and Safety Officer has provided Council staff with information in relation to swine flu.

Namely: Swine Flu Questions and Answers How do I protect myself? What are the symptoms?

This information has been sourced through Queensland Health and is provided for Council’s consideration.

Council staff are also reviewing the creation of a Business Continuity Plan in the event it may be required.

Swine Flu Question and Answers 30 April 2009

What is swine flu? Swine influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. People do not usually get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen.

There are currently outbreaks of swine flu in Mexico and the United States. There are currently no confirmed cases of swine flu in Australia. Swine flu is thought to be spread from person to person in the same way seasonal influenza and other common respiratory infections spread. Swine flu viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get swine flu from eating properly handled and prepared pork or pork products. (CDC and WHO fact sheets)

What are the symptoms? The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of seasonal influenza, including:  Fever  Cough  Fatigue  Sore throat  Body aches Headache  Chills

How can it be prevented? The seasonal influenza vaccine is unlikely to offer protection against swine flu. However, it is strongly recommended that people continue to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza. Other preventative actions include:

 wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand gel  wash your hands prior to touching your eyes, nose or mouth

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when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues which should be disposed of immediately  don’t share items such as cigarettes, glasses or cups, lipstick, toys or anything which could be contaminated with respiratory secretions  maintain at least one metre distance from people who have flu-like symptoms such as coughing or sneezing  consult your doctor if you have a cough and fever, and follow their instructions, including taking medicine as prescribed  if attending a medical practice or hospital Emergency Department, telephone beforehand so they can arrange for you to be seen away from other people.

Current information suggests that anti-viral drugs (Tamiflu and Relenza) are effective against the swine flu. These drugs are available via a doctor’s prescription.

It is not expected that the Australian seasonal influenza vaccine will provide protection against this new strain of influenza, however, people over 65 another vulnerable groups should still be encouraged to be vaccinated as this will at least provide protection against season influenza.

How do we test for swine flu? Testing involves a nose and throat swab which is sent away to Queensland Health’s Brisbane laboratory. Any initial test results that are positive are sent to the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Influenza in Victoria for confirmation.

What should I do if I have just returned from overseas? Anyone who has been in Mexico, the USA or Canada recently, and has become ill within seven days of leaving, should consult their General Practitioner (GP) or hospital emergency department, especially if they have flu-like symptoms.

Is it safe to eat pork meat and products? Swine flu in pigs has never been reported or detected in Australia. Pork and pig meat products are safe to eat. For more information related to animal health visit www.dpi.gov.au

What is the Government doing? The Queensland Government is working with the Commonwealth and other state governments to monitor the situation. Our public health response will continue to be reviewed in line with this. Queensland Health is also:  monitoring for cases  urgently testing suspect cases  placing nurses at the airports to meet all planes from “the Americas”, and has  activated the Queensland Health Pandemic Influenza Plan  activated the Population Health Sub-plan

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 established the State Health Emergency Coordination Centre

Where can I get more information or help? For more information visit www.health.qld.gov.au/swineflu or contact your local doctor, hospital or ring 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84). A Commonwealth Health Hotline for Swine Influenza has been established – ph 1802007.

How do I protect myself? Prevention Tips Swine flu is thought to be spread from person to person in the same way seasonal influenza and other common respiratory infections spread. So the best way to protect you and your family from swine flu is to take the following proactive seasonal flu measures:

• stay home when you are sick;

• wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand gel;

• wash your hands prior to touching your eyes, nose and mouth;

• when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues which should be disposed of immediately;

• don't share items such as cigarettes, glasses or cups, lipstick, toys or anything which could be contaminated with respiratory secretions;

• maintain at least one metre distance from people who have flu-like symptoms such as coughing or sneezing;

• consult your doctor if you have a cough and fever and follow their instructions, including taking medicine as prescribed;

• if attending a medical practice or hospital Emergency Department, telephone beforehand so that they can arrange for you to be seen away from other people.

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What are the symptoms? The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of seasonal influenza, including:

• fever;

• cough;

• sore throat;

• body aches;

• headache;

• chills; and

• fatigue.

Some people have also reported diarrhoea and vomiting associated with swine flu. In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.

Treatment Antiviral medications such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) can be used in the treatment of swine flu. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines which fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. Antiviral drugs work best if started soon after becoming sick (within 2 days of symptoms developing).

Antibiotics may be required for secondary bacterial infections such as pneumonia.

Health Outcome Like seasonal flu, swine flu in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe. Serious complications such as pneumonia can occur. People with existing health problems may be at risk of these conditions worsening if they develop swine flu.

We encourage you to talk with health practitioners if you have any questions or concerns.

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To co-ordinate the activities of organisations involved in preparing for and responding to an epidemic and / or pandemic event.

Potential Area of Operations

The following are considered potential areas for conducting health operations:

• whole of Council area;


The major threat is considered to come from the Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1 Bird Flu). The concern is that if the virus mutates into a form capable of being transmitted to humans then it could cause a pandemic similar to the Spanish flu of 1918 which killed millions of people world wide and the resulting consequences could be catastrophic.

Current modelling suggest that the impact on local governments and business generally would see the need for staff members to care for family members and social isolation policies that may cause staff absenteeism – rates as high as 50%.

Within Australia responsibility for implementing the National Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza (NAPPI) lies with the health services emergency services and governments at all levels.

Within Queensland a pandemic would be controlled by the Chief Executive Officer of Queensland Health under the provisions of the Public Health Act 2005.

Management of the consequences of an epidemic or pandemic in Queensland will be the function of State Disaster Management System through State, District and Local Disaster Management Groups.

Changes in alert phases will be determined by the Chief Medical Officer, Australian Government as detailed in the NAPPI.

Potential Communicable Diseases

Epidemics of communicable diseases are of low probability. However the following hierarchy indicates broad probabilities:

Communicable diseases commonly found in the general population: meningitis, food-borne illness, influenza, water-borne diseases;

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Setting – potential disease outbreak locations – childcare centres, schools, aged care facilities, event-specific, prisons, marginalised groups such as IV drug users, animal farms (chicken, cattle);

Emerging infectious diseases – Bird flu, SARS, Leptospirosis, Lyssa virus, Q fever;

Biological assault – terrorist threat, biological weapons.

Organisation for Control

The following Agencies have accepted responsibility for the roles indicated in Part 1, Section 5 of the Main Plan:

Lead Agency Support Agencies Queensland Health Gympie Regional Council Queensland Police Service Queensland Ambulance Service Gympie Hospital

Concept of Operations

To be administered in conjunction with Concept of Operations in Part 1, Section 5 of the Main Plan.

Council’s Responsibilities

• determine and maintain appropriate Epidemic or Pandemic Influenza policies and plans consistent with the role of Local Government and complementing relevant state, territory and national policies and plans; • maintain business continuity plans to enable the delivery of Local Government essential services; • support national, state and territory response and recovery by representing the needs of local communities and contributing to their continuing viability; and • support state and territory emergency management frameworks. State Government Responsibilities.

In simple terms, Local Governments have three key functions in the event of an Epidemic or Pandemic Influenza:

• as a Disaster Manager – Council as a local authority is charged with maintaining disaster management plans, arrangements and a response capability as well as for contributing to the management of community consequences of a disaster event;

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• as a Service Provider – and supplier of essential services with expectations that continued provision of such services will be guaranteed; and • as a Responsible Employer – to ensure the well being of all staff.

The above responsibilities are best categorised into those with an external focus and those with an internal focus.

• the external aspects are coordinated using the Council’s disaster management arrangements. These are applied to coordinate Council’s response to any disaster and to manage the community consequences of any event. • the internal aspects are managed via a series of business continuity plans (BCP) each covering an essential business service. The BCP aims to guarantee the continued provision of the essential services or priority business process, of the nature and impacts of a disaster. Internal aspects will also be managed through the effective use of Human Resource (HR) management policies and communication strategies that provide for effective staff management during an epidemic/ pandemic.

Council as a Disaster Manager

A key service provided by Councils is managing the community consequences of a major disaster within its boundaries and within the limit of its resources. This service is provided for by the externally-focused disaster management arrangements. It is important to note that Council’s role will change as the pandemic progresses.

In the initial Containment Phase, Council will have a narrow but important set of responsibilities, operating primarily in a support role. This support will be coordinated through the Disaster District structure and will focus on supporting the logistics and infrastructure support to Queensland Health in managing the pandemic influenza outbreak.

Should Containment operations be unsuccessful, the strategy switches to Maintenance of Essential Services. Council then has a much more significant role in two aspects:

• the need to ensure the continued provision of essential community services; and • managing the community consequences of the event (supporting the community).

Council as a Service Provider

Local Governments are major providers of services to their communities. Some are delivered by Council officers, others under contract. In addition, there are support services without which the primary services could not be delivered.

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In planning for a possible Epidemic or Pandemic Influenza, Councils should consider their essential services and essential support services with regard to how these may be affected by an Epidemic or Pandemic Influenza.

Reviewing Council’s Business Continuity Plans for these essential services should be a principal outcome of the planning process. Such reviews should seek to:

• determine the absolute minimum operating and staff levels for a protracted period, • note key interdependencies; • identify key messages for communication; and • examine the effects of social isolation policies.

In some cases a new plan may have to be written.

Council as a Responsible Employer

As outlined above, an influenza pandemic may have devastating effects on the social infrastructure including high levels of absenteeism. How any organisation manages its people will affect its image and reputation and in some cases may determine if it survives at all.

Two features which will distinguish successful employers will be the quality of their HR response to the pandemic and how they communicate with their staff. The challenge will be to apply existing policies in a consistent manner across the organisation in a flexible way to match the changing requirements as any pandemic evolves.

Issues to be addressed

The following issues are addressed in the operational-plan “Public Health”:

• food and water distribution; • refuse collection and disposal; • vermin and vector control; • disposal of dead animals; • hygiene – food handling, storage and preparation; • immunisation including emergency immunisation of emergency response personnel; • business continuity

Other issues that need to be addressed and documented are listed at the end of this plan.

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Management of Infected Persons

Key principals

In order to slow the spread of the virus, ill people not requiring hospitalisation will need to be restricted to their homes (isolation). Asymptomatic close contact of ill persons will also need to be restricted to their homes (quarantined). Admission to hospitals may need to be limited to the severely ill.

Queensland Health is currently developing guidelines for health care providers on the management of people in home isolation and home quarantine.

Council Business Continuity

The prospect of an epidemic or influenza pandemic is real. The current influenza strain H5N1 (avian influenza or bird flu) is causing concern and the World Health organisation (WHO) has warned that should the virus mutate and be transmitted to humans then there would be significant consequences.

Gympie Regional must be in a position to continue to provide essential services, which are its core responsibilities, to the community.

To this end a Cooloola Influenza Pandemic Management Group has been formed with functions outlined in the attached “Gympie Regional Council Influenza Pandemic Business Continuity Plan”.


Annex “1A-1O” – Emergency contact names and phone numbers. Annex 6 “Gympie Regional Council Influenza Pandemic Business Continuity Plan”.

P18/05/09 Moved: Cr A.J. Perrett Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + Recommended for Council’s information 283.5 pt, Left


Ms J. Lee left the meeting at 9.46 a.m. Ms T.M. Stenholm returned to the meeting at 9.46 a.m.

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ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING The meeting adjourned for morning tea and onsite inspection regarding Item 7/1.

RESUMPTION OF MEETING The meeting resumed at 10.50 a.m.

PRESENT: Crs I.T. Petersen (Chairman), R.J. Dyne, G.L. Engeman, L.J. Friske, R.A. Gâté, D.R. Neilson, A.J. Perrett, J. Watt, Mr M. Hartley (Director of Planning & Development), Ms T.M. Stenholm (Manager Development & Compliance) and Ms K. Sullivan (Minutes Secretary).

Mr R. Chapman (General Manager Design Services Division) entered the meeting at 10.50 a.m.


The Chairman advised the meeting that Council was going “Into Committee” to discuss 1. DA15109 - Proposed Subdivision and Operational Works off Duggan Road, The Palms – T. Jellick

P19/04/09 Moved: Cr D.R. Neilson Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + That pursuant to the provisions of Section 463 of the Local Government 283.5 pt, Left Act, Council resolves to close the meeting to the public and move “into committee” to consider the following matter/s:- 1. DA15109 - Proposed Subdivision and Operational Works off Duggan Road, The Palms – T. Jellick

Further, that in relation to the provisions of Section 250 of the Act, Council resolves that following the closing of the meeting to the public and the moving ‘into committee’ that all matters and all documents (whether in hard copy, electronic, optical, visual or magnetic form) discussed, raised, tabled and/or considered whilst the meeting is closed and ‘in committee’, are confidential to the Council and the Council wishes to keep them confidential.


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P20/05/09 Moved: Cr R.A. Gâté Seconded: Cr J. Watt Formatted: Tabs: 70.9 pt, Left + That proceedings be resumed in Open Council. 283.5 pt, Left



7/1 DA15109 - Proposed Subdivision and Operational Works off Duggan Road, The Palms – T. Jellick

P21/05/09 Moved: Cr D.R. Neilson Seconded: Cr R.A. Gâté

Recommend that the enquirer be advised that Council agrees to defer payment of the development contributions for this subdivision for a period of 18 months, subject to the lodgement of a Bank Guarantee covering the contribution amounts prior to Council signing the Survey Plan.

Further that Council is prepared to undertake the roadworks with an upfront payment and progress payments as the project progresses.

Further that if an agreement is not reached within 28 days Council will commence remediation of the road at the applicants expense.

Further, that Council note that the Chief Executive Officer has been authorised to send this advice from today’s meeting and it is recommended that the Committee’s action in this matter be endorsed.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.00 a.m.


______Cr I.T. Petersen Chairman

Gympie Regional Council