1976 Aug-Sept
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Monthly Newslelter of lhe HORATIO ATGER SOCIETY. The World's Only Publicotion Devot- ed to f hot Wonderf ul World of Horotio Algen Fountlerl 1961 by Forrest Cantpbcll b Kcnnetlt Butler \, Two of the ne.west members of the completing some of Horatiots works after Horatio AIger Society are Harriet Strat- he died in 1899. emeyer Adams (left), director of the Meeting these two la.di es was a Stratemeyer S;mdicate and daughter of highlight of t the "Rosemont Twelfth noted boys book author Edward Strate- Timerrf the twelfth annual convention of meyer-anc1 Nancy Axelrad, part,ner in the the Horatio Alger Society. Details jrrnd.icate of with Mrs. Adams. As all IIAS the occasion a.re included in thi s i ssue \>nrnembers knov-, Ediuard Stratemeyer was one of Newsbcly. of Algerts friends, with Stratemeyer 2 NEWSBOY HORATTO ALGER SOCIETY A NOTE FROM YOI]R EDITOR To further the philosophy of Horatio I apologize far the brevity of this Alger, Jr., and to encourage the spirit issue of Newsboy, and for the delay in V of Strive and Succeed that for half a getting it to press. My nev job (note century guided Alger I s und,awrted nev ad-clress on cover) at the Iltinois heroes lads whose struggles epito- College Library in Jacksonville has mized. the- Great American Dream and required a great deal of time. However, flamed, hero ideals in countless millions when the pace becomes less hectic, f of young Americans. intend to release a longer-than-usua1 issue to compensate for this double OFF]CERS Newsboy. Look for it towards the end of the year. JE&EL-B_:_-E&IELLAI,TD PRESlDtrNT Jack Bales ,\Trnfl-T-*ffii]ilNr- BRADFoRD s. uuSg* VICE-PRESIDE]\T *** - SEreRE-TARY CHANGES OF A}DRESS DALE E. THOMAS TREASI]RER RALPH D. GA.R,DNER DIRECTOR PF-158 E. Garnet Fay LESLIE I. POSTE D]RECTOR 2103 N. Dayton St. R]CHARD R. SEDDON DTRECTOR Chicago, I11. 60614 I,EO R. BENNETT DTR,ECTOR PT-429 Gary Scharnhorst Newsboy, the official organ of the 3914 Southeast 122nd St. Horatio A1ger Society, is published. Portland, 0regon 97236 monthly (bimonthly January-February and June-July) and is d.istributed to HAS Gary, a thorough Alger scholalw-ho members. Membership fee for any twelve wiIl soon complete his doctoral dis- month periorl is $1O.OO. Cost for single sertation on Horatio Alger, has been issues of Newsboy is $1.00 apiece. appointed. Assistant Professor of the Humanities at Warner Pacific College in V P1ease make all remittanc.es payable to Portlan<l . Your eclitor has had the the Horatio Alger Society. Membership privilege of exchanging Alger informa- applications, rener^r'als, changes of ad- tion for the past several years with tlress, claims for missing issues, and Gary, and f congratulate him on his orders for single copies of current or appointment. (Read further on in this back numbers of Nerusboy should be sent issue of Newsboy for news of his big to the Societyrs Secretary, Carl T. Alger discovery). Hartmann, 4907 Allison Drive, Lansing, x** Michigan 4891O" NElf ME},IBERS REPORTED A subject ind.ex to the first ten years PF-484 Robert E. Andrews of Newsboy (Juty, 1962 - June, 1972) is f Parsons-Jurden InttL Corp. available for $1.50 from CarI Hartmann 112 Elj-zabeth II BIvd. at the above ad.d.ress. .Tehran, f ran Newsboy recognizes Ra1ph D. Gard-nerrs Robert read of the Horatio Alger Horatio Alger !3 The American Hero Era, Society in member Eddie LeBlancls published. by Wayside Press, 1964, as Dime NoveI Rouncl-Up. A voracious the leading authority on the subject. read-er, Robert olms tvelve Alger titles and" is interestecl in their Manuscripts relating to Horatio nostalgic appeal. His other hobbies Algerrs life ancl works are solicited, inclucle the viewing of Bmm ancl 16mm but the ed.itor reserves the right to sports films, playing golf, and reject submitted. material. traveling. He is a housing- man- *t(x ager in Iran, \z. August-September NEWSBOY PF-485 Clyde C. Gelbach Horatio Alger Society, and all of us 1 Winchester Road. reveled in the accounts of their I Indiana, Pennsylvania 15TO1 various vriting and career experierrces. Clyde is a history professor at Indi- PF-5OO Harriet Stratemeyer Ad.ams ana University of Pennsylvania, and i; y'" fne Stratemeyer S;rnd.icate conducting a graduate seminar on Alger, 197 Maplewood. Ave. his works, and, his vorld. He vrites Maplewood, N. J. O7O4O that this ithas been a most pleasant experience. f find the tBook Martr A L]TER,A&,Y GENEALOGY section of Nevsbgg of interest since Alger book"ffii" area have sky rock- ft a}l began vith Horatio Alger, Jr. 2 eted in priee at auctions ancl flea rrho basically brought out in his sto- markets, command.ing $3. 5O r,rithout re- ries that a person, if honest, coul-d gard to edition or condition!rl succeed in business, in social settings, and even in finding the right mate, PF-486 E. E. Fogelson Edr+ard Stratemeyer, r,ho also helcl the 2O1O Republic Bank Building same philosophy and was an ad.mirer of Dallas, Texas 75201 Algerrs literary vorh, was requestecl to cornplete many of Algert s unfinished Mr. Fogelscn learned of the Society vorks. through a nelrspaper article. He is involved. with independent oi1 explora- A11 this time Stratemeyer vas rnriting ithas tion and production, and been con- J-ong and short stories of his orm, and cerned that his books might be out of in his lifetime used. sixty-four pen print and not available to youngster:s names. fn 1910 he formed a one m&n now growing up. rl organization r,rhich he calleil the Stratemeyer SSrndicate. His best known \zPF-4BT Falrline G. lvestgard sei:ies were the Rover Boys, Tom Swift, 703 Southwest 18th St. and the Botrbsey Tvins. BoSmton Beach, Florida 33435 During these yea,rs his daughter IIar- Pauline is the mother of Gi1 Westgard., riet was gror+ing up, intensely inter- the host of last Ma-v-rs superb Horatio estecl in v-riting and" in her fatherrs Alger Society Convention. She and her philosophy that crime aloes not pay (or husband. were both in attend.ance at this etr-se pays and pays and pays ! ) and that affair, and all convention goers en* right even-tualIy triumphs. Iihile at joyed meeting them. Pauline owns two lIeI1estr-ey Co.l"lege, from r+hich she re- Algers - a copy of Paul. tlrs qgdql€I, ceived a B.A" d"egree, Ha.rrie'L Strate- and of course, her sonrs Alger. Strseli meyer becarne a firm beliei"er in the The Poetry of Horatio Alger" Jr- college motto, Non rninij:lrari sed minist_rare. She subconsciously re- L-15 John F. Kennedy - fnstitut fur alized tha"b this vas a nev.way to ex- Nordarnerikastudi en press the philosophy on vhich she had Freie Unir.ersit,at Berlin been brought up not to be ministered. Bibliothek unto but to minister.- 1 Berlin 33, Lansstrabe 5-9 After graduation }larriet worked. for A SPECIAL IMTBODUCTION her father a )rear, learning his TO TWO NEl,i IIAS I\M}tsERS teehniques. Then she mar::ied Russell Adams and had trgo sons and two daugh- The follov-ing people join t,he Hora- ters, Now Harriet has eleven grand- tio A1-ger Society as honorary life tinne child.len. The sud.den death of her janembers" Ttrese tvo women were in at- father openetl up a challenge to carry tendance at the 'rRosemont Twelfth Timerrl on the r.rork of the Stratemeyer Syndi- the twelfth annual convention of the cate, Because of tire first World War 1 976 NIIWSBOY PF-5O1 Nancy Axelrad /, fne Stratemeyer S3,'ndi cate 197 Maplevood Ave. v Maplewood, N. J. O7O4O Once a young, devoted fan of Nancy Drew ancl the Hardy Boys, Nancy Axelrad looks upon eleven years with the Stratemeyer S;,.n- dicate as one of the most re- warding and pleasurable experi- ences of her life. While a junior at Drew University, Madi- son, New Jersey (1965), she joined the s;rndical,e, first as a girl Friday, later as an ecli- tor and r.v.riter, and now a part- ner. During her association rrith the Stratemeyer S;mdicate, Harriet Stratemeyer Adams and Nancy Axel- Miss AxelracL completed a B.A. in rad, partners in the Stratemeyer S3mdicate, Religion and an M.A. in vriting enjoying themselves at last l,Iayts lloratio from the John Hopkins Universi- Alger Society Convention in Rosemont, ty, Baltimore. Illinois. They join the Society as honorary life time members. Although born in Oxford, Mis- sissippi, most of Nancyrs life has been spent in Ner+ Jersey where I{ar and the stock market crash of 1929e she enjoys the proximity of New v many of the series had been droppecl. Yorkrs cultural resources, especially Among ihose remaining .were Nancy Drew, the theater. Ilhen not r.orking on the Hardy Boys, and. Tom Swift. series material, she tries her hand. at playwriting. She has written and. Harriet immed.iatelSr became CarolSrn produced a few one act plays and has Keene and has recently completed the star+"ed- a full length playr all of fifty-fourth Nanc5r Drer,u book. The Harcly which have proven helpful exercises Boys have been carried. on, sornetimes by for her current television project, Harriet herself, but at other times with the creation of an instructional male assistance. The Bobbsey Twins are music program. Recently, Nancy still being vritten, and the Dana girls developed and aired two shows on a and Tom Swift Jr.