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THE BIODIVERSITY OF ENDEMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTERS IN THE AREA OF HERZEGOVINA (W. BALKANS) AS A CONTRIBUTION TO TARGETS 2010 1, 2Dr. sci. Sulejman Redžić, Full Professor, Corr. Member of ANUBiH 1Dr. sci. Senka Barudanović, Assoc. Professor 3Dejan Kulijer, BSc in Biology 1Sabina Trakić, BSc in Biology 1 CEPRES – Center of Ecology and Natural Resources, Facultry of Science University of Sarajevo 2 Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 National Museum of BiH, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina [[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]] Abstract: Like many countries in transition and Bosnia and Herzegovina is builted in a very complex economic and even political situation. Every day increases the number of unemployed, more poor people. State tries to solve the problem through an intensive privatization, which is often unfair and long-term harmful. Trying to find viable solutions to be generated in the field of natural resources (forestry, secondary forest products, medicinal wild plants, hunting, hydro-power sector, wind energy, highlighted exploitation of mineral and fossil resources). Therefore are very common forms of excessive use of natural resources. At the same time to avoid the laws and general legal measures in achieving sustainable practices. All this leads to serious loss of basic natural values (biodiversity, hydrological and geo morphological diversity). Daily disappearing plant and animal species and valuable habitats. On the other hand, Bosnia is one of the few countries that still preserved some parts of the natural diversity of high value. These are primarily endemic development centers in many river canyons and high mountain karst areas. To preserve their value, it is necessary to establish an adequate system of protection, in accordance with local development needs and international criteria (IUCN, Natura 2000). As one of the better forms of practice is the establishment of protected areas. Conservation and environmentally friendly approach to this practice were demonstrated on the example of a development center in the complex endemic mountain Prenj-Čvrsnica Čabulja in-Herzegovina (Western Balkans) as an example of biological resources, and all significant biodiversity hot point in the Mediterranean region. Keywords: Natura 2000, IUNC, protected areas, biodiversity hotspots, ecological conservation, vegetation, flora Izvod BIODIVERZITET ENDEMNIH RAZVOJNIH CENTARA U PODRUČJU HERCEGOVINE (ZAPADNI BALKAN) KAO DOPRINOS CILJEVIMA 2010 Kao i mnoge zemlje u tranziciji tako i Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) se nalazi u vrlo složenoj ekonomskoj, pa i političkoj situaciji. Svakim danom raste broj nezaposlenih, sve je više siromašnih ljudi. Država nastoji rješiti problem kroz intenzivnu privatizaciju koja je često nepravedna i dugoročno štetna. Pokušavaju se naći održiva rješenja u generiranju dobiti u oblasti prirodnih resursa (šumarstvo, sporedni šumski proizvodi, ljekovite divlje biljke, lov, hidro-energetski sector, energija vjetra, naglašena ekspolatacija mineralnih i fosilnih resursa). Zbog toga su veoma česti oblici prekomjerne upotrebe prirodnih resursa. U isto vrijeme se izbjegavaju zakoni i opće zakonske mjere u postizanju održive prakse. Sve to dovodi do ozbiljnog gubitka temeljnih prirodnih vrijednosti (biološke, geo- morfološke i hidrološke raznolikosti). Svakodnevno nestaju biljne i životinjske vrste i vrijedna staništa. S druge strane, BiH je jedna od rijetkih zemalja koja još uvijek ima sačuvane pojedine dijelove prirodne raznolikosti visokih vrijednosti. To su prije svega razvojni endemni centri u kanjonima mnogih rijeka, te visokoplaninska karstna područja. Da bi se sačuvale njihove vrijednosti neophodno je uspostaviti adekvatan sistem zaštite, a u skladu sa lokalnim razvojnim potrebama i međunarodnim kriterijima (IUNC, Natura 2000). Kao jedan od oblika bolje prakse je uspostava zaštićenih područja. Ekološki i konzervacijski prihvatljivi pristupi ovakvoj praksi demonstrirani su na primjeru razvojnog endemnog centra u kompleksu planina Prenj-Čvrsnica-Čabulja u Hercegovini (Zapadni Balkan) kao primjeru biološkog bogatstva, te sve značajnojoj „vrućoj tački” biodiverziteta u području Mediterana. Ključne riječi: Natura 2000, IUNC, zaštićena područja, vruće talke biodiverziteta, ekološka konzervacija, vegetacija, flora 1. Introduction Ecological specificities of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) are reflected in high degree of endemism that, like the overall biodiversity of BH (Cvijić, 1893; Beck-Mannagetta, 1901; Adamović, 1907; Bušatlija, 1972; Čičić et al., 1984; Fukarek, 1979; Redžić, 1997, 2007a), is not sufficiently publicized and promoted. Insufficient information on rare and endemic species and specific and endemic types of animal communities prevents further research and leads to poor development of mechanisms for implementation of Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) conversation plans and mechanisms for supportive development. In this sense, areas of special value are areas of Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja (Herzegovina), as some of the biggest endemic development centers on the Balkans (Šilić 1967, 1970, 2000, 2002; Bjelčić and Šilić 1971; 1979; Redžić 1999, 2003, 2004, Redžić et al., 2007b) . Endemic development center of Prenj - Čvrsnica, Čabulja (EC PČČ) is located at the territory of Herzegovina, and includes extraordinary diversity of ecological conditions and therefore, extremely high level of biodiversity. Collision of Mediterranean and mountain climate types at the territory of limestone and limestone – dolomite surface, as well as highly complex geo-morphology of the terrain, are only some of causes for advent of extraordinary high number of endemic taxa at this area, that appears as an island in otherwise very diversified world of the Balkan peninsula (Katzer, 1926; Fukarek 1949, 1965; Riter-Studnička, 1956; Lakušić, 1969, 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Herak and Stringfield, 1972; Lepirica, 2005, 2007, 2008). Area of the endemic center is spread on the territory of about 1000 square kilometers. As one of co-signers of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Bosnia and Herzegovina puts efforts to actively involve in global trends and activities, and one of the main activities is preservation of biodiversity at the existing level and prevention of potential loses in biodiversity, in accordance with Targets 2010 (SCBD, 2004; Redžić et al., 2007). In this regard, realized the complex ecological research in the karst area Prenj, Čvrsnica Čabulja Mts. in Herzegovina as a fundamental contribution to Natura 2000. Summary results and experiences from these studies are presented in this paper. 2. General goal and mission Project achieved significant improvement in modern inventory and evaluation of specific diversity of species and ecosystems within wide area of endemic development center, which would be used as basic for setting new protection areas with certain IUCN category (IUNC, 1993-2001), and also for preparation of national list of species and biotopes that would be recommended in annexes of habitat and Bird directive. Through this goal, BiH is hoping to exit condition of long term isolation from global conservation trends, which, among others, resulted in fact that biodiversity of BiH is widely unknown, while rare and endangered species from this area are not included in national and international documents that emphasize importance of conservation status. Suggested project represents natural sequence of events in accordance with ongoing project of setting the National strategy of biodiversity and action plan for protection of biological biodiversity and biodiversity of landscape of BH (Redžić et al., 2003, 2008). One of strategic goals that could be determined at this moment is establishment of serious approach in management of biologically and ecologically most valuable areas in BiH, that would be based on scientific researches and positive global experiences in conservation. Through inventory and evaluation of condition of biodiversity at the area of endemic center, this project will finalize basis for establishment of conservation status in accordance with IUCN categories, and will also emphasize needs and possibilities of successful conservation of species, biotopes and ecosystems through consideration of endangerment level. 3. Project items: 1. Inventory of diversities of species, biotopes and ecosystems within endemic development center of Prenj – Čvrsnica - Čabulja; 2. Definition of geo-morphological units of endemic development center; 3. Evaluation of condition of biodiversity by determined methodology; 4. Identification of rare / endangered types of biotopes and rare / endangered species based on the lists in annexes of Habitat and Bird directive; 5. Identification of rare / endangered types of biotopes and rare / endangered species within national frames; 6. Distribution of rare / endangered types of biotopes and species based on the lists in annexes of Habitat and Bird directive, and within national frames; 7. Evaluation of ecosystem conditions; 8. Definition of suggestions for conservation status of specific areas within endemic center of Prenj – Čvrsnica - Cabulja. 4. What are the endemic development centers? At the territory of the whole planet of Earth, currently identified are 34 regions defined as „biodiversity hotspots“, or areas that are characterized with extraordinary biological diversity – richness of flora, fauna and fungus, huge number of endemic species, and