Hook Combinations for Successful Linkbaiting

Todd Malicoat PBS ‘08 Viral Distribution for Links -- (Linkbaiting)

If it looks good, you’ll see it. If it sounds good, you’ll hear it. If it’s marketed right, you’ll buy it. BUT… if it’s REAL… You’ll FEEL it.

Read the 95 Thesis – Cluetrain.com

1. Markets are conversations.

2. Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors.

3. Conversations among human beings sound human.

7. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy. The self-perpetuating buzz/link/traffic/ $ snowball Some Linkbait WILL Bomb 2 Step Process

1. Target Distribution Channel Get people’s attention

2. Target (link markets)Webmasters Keep their attention Distribution Channels 1. 2. Email 3. Social Media 4. Other Sites 5. Traditional Media 6. Combinations of above The Link baiting Hooks

•News hook •Contrary Hook •Attack Hook •Resource Hook •Humor Hook •Ego Hook •Incentive Hook •Picture/ Video Hook •Sex Hook Combining Hooks (the 1 + 2 punch) Combining Hooks (the 1 + 2 punch) Interviews = Ego Hook + Resource Hook Picture sites aka Work Wasters = Humor Hook + Picture Hook + Resource Hook (aggregation)

•icanhascheezburger.com – LOL Catz •YTMND.com Picture sites aka Work Wasters = Humor Hook + Picture Hook + Resource Hook (aggregation)

•icanhascheezburger.com – LOL Catz •YTMND.com Editorials = Attack or Contrary Hook + News Hook Awards = Resource + Incentive +Ego Hooks Email Forwards = Humor Hook + Picture Hook + Resource Hook (aggregation) Know Your Hooks and Combinations

1. Distribution Channel

2. Target Link Market Know which 1. Presell page links - types of links 2. Authority links you’re trying 3. Directory links 4. Run of site links to get with which 5. One way links from friends or hooks and which related sites distribution channels 6. .edu and .gov links 7. Radio station, television, magazine, or newspaper links 8. Press release links 9. Article bio links 10.RSS/ aggregation links 11.Comment and profile links 12.Reciprocal links Know Thine Audience Digg Tips

-Submit Remarkable stories with Sensational Titles Stretch Relevancy

A new twist on an old topic is the only way to get an old topic some new eyeballs. 8 Diseases that Give You Super Human Power http://www.autoadviceoffl.com/Braindisease.ht m How long would it take to BEG for 1500+ links!?! 1. Quick Digg Primer

2. Value/ How to Build Profiles

3. Linkbaiting Hooks

4. Launch and Logistics Digg -Top 100 sites Digg Primer How to Build a Digg Profile

1. Optimal Name – Alpha Sort Optimization 2. Adding (the right) Friends 3. Digg Friends Stories 4. Find Good Stories Quickly 5. Submit Stories – Ask for help 6. Bonus Tip! How to Build a Digg Profile 1. Optimal Name – Alpha Sort Optimization How to Build a Digg Profile 2. Adding (the right) Friends

A. Friends that digg upcoming a lot

B. Friends that submit a lot

C. Friends that digg your stories

D. Limits and caveats to adding friends How to Build a Digg Profile 2. Adding (the right) Friends How to Build a Digg Profile 2. Adding (the right) Friends How to Build a Digg Profile 2. Adding (the right) Friends http://www.efinke.com/digg/top1000users.html How to Build a Digg Profile 2. Adding (the right) Friends Digg Entourage Tool How to Build a Digg Profile 3. Digg Friends Stories How to Build a Digg Profile 3. Digg Friends Stories

Caveat –

Noise up your profile!

Digg some other stuff too!!! How to Build a Digg Profile 4. Find Good Stories Quickly

•Be relevant

•Be Funny

•Be Quick! How to Build a Digg Profile 5. Submit Good Stories – Ask for Help

•Bloglines/ other faster feedreaders

•Techcrunch, news sites, tech sites

•Be Quick! How to Build a Digg Profile 5. Submit Good Stories – Ask for Help •Bloglines/ other faster-Friend feedreaders “push quickly”

•Techcrunch, news sites, tech sites

Please Give me a DIGGGGGG!

•Be Quick! How to Build a Digg Profile 6. Bonus Tip

•Comment on upcoming stories about to go popular •Try to be near the top of the comments •Be obnoxious, witty, creative, or resourceful Digg Tips – 40 – 100ish within 24 hrs. Social Media for Links


- -Digg Some Linkbait WILL Bomb Have a friend submit YOUR story Digg Tips

-Submit Remarkable stories with Sensational Titles

How long would it take to BEG for 1500+ links!?! Linkbaiting hooks 1.Attack Hook 2.Humor Hook 3.Contrarian Hook 4.News Hook 5.Resource Hook 6.Ego Hook 7.Picture/ Movie Hook Logistics of Social Media 1. Don’t let your server melt 1. Cache content 2. Host images on alternate host 3. Search “digg/ effect” 2. E-mail friends and allies 3. Use sites as “jump off” points for other sites Logistics of Social Media 1. Use sites as “jump off” points for other sites Conclusions •Be REAL.

•2 Step Process – Distribution and Linkability

•Understand the Hooks and combinations

•Know Thine Audience

•Experiment Thank you!

•Training •Consulting •Strategy

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