October 26, 2020


The Mobile County Commission met in regular session in the Government Plaza Auditorium, in the City of Mobile, , on Monday, October 26, 2020 at 10:00 A. M. The following members of the Commission were present: Jerry L. Carl, President, Merceria Ludgood and Connie Hudson, Members. Also present were Dana Foster-Allen, Finance Director/Clerk of the Commission, Jay Ross, County Attorney, and W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer. President Carl chaired the meeting.



The invocation was given by President Jerry L. Carl, District 3.


Dena Pollard, Public Affairs Manager: Good morning, Commissioners. The first speaker is City of Mobile Council Member Bess Rich, District 6 to discuss the Nevius Road Extension.

President Jerry L. Carl: Good morning, Council Member Bess Rich. How are you?

Bess Rich, City of Mobile Council Member District 6: Good morning. I am terrific. Thank you so much. Thank you for this ability to address you about your agenda item dealing with Nevius Road Extension. On the City of Mobile’s City Council’s agenda for tomorrow is also the agreement. After much research and thought, I have concluded this is a very flawed process at this time. If you look at the agreement you have in front of you, and for those not familiar with Nevius Road, it is considered a major street by our pavement assessment. It is a street that gets a lot of use. When the City of Mobile annexed the area in 2008, they took on Nevius Road off of Hillcrest Road. It was constructed to County standards, which meant it did not have curb and gutter, it has open drainage, and is substantially different than the roads we normally build in the City of Mobile. We have regulations and rules. I have a question about number four (#4) on page two (2) of your agreement.

President Carl: Can you tell us what agenda item this is?

W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer: Item number seventeen (#17).

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Bess Rich: On page two (2) of the agreement, if you’ll refer to where it says the County shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. My question is does the County, who will be letting go this contract, prepare to do what is normally done in a City of Mobile street construction, which would be curb, gutter, drainage not in an open ditch format, lighting of the street, and rights-of-way for sidewalks? Those are standard for part of a road construction.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Would you like for me to address this?

President Carl: I would love for you to. That is why I am giving you the hard stare.

W. Bryan Kegley II: The segment of Nevius Road Extension we are proposing to construct is indeed inside of the City of Mobile city limits. The segment located just to the east of Hillcrest Road has portions that are in the County and are maintained by the County. It is an open ditch section. We are proposing to construct the segment from Hillcrest Road westward over to Sollie Road in substantial conformance with what is located east of Hillcrest Road. It will comply with all of the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) specifications. That is what the Pay-As-You-Go Program mandates. We have submitted our plans with sixty percent (60%) to the City of Mobile Engineering Department. We have received their red line comments and we are in the process of incorporating those red line comments into our ninety percent (90%) design plans. We did not and do not anticipate building a curb or gutter section. If the City of Mobile requires that, we thought they would have let us know that several years ago. We do not have the funding set up for that. If the paragraph Council Member Bess Rich, District 6 is referring to mandates it be a curb and gutter section, then I recommend we just remove that section or revise it because we do not have the funding for it.

President Carl: Council Member Bess Rich, District 6, are you prepared to pick up the additional cost if we go with the curb, gutter, and lighting?

Bess Rich: I would submit that I am lobbying the Administration Department to not do a substandard road and to not bless what is basically not allowed by anyone who would construct a street system in the City of Mobile. However, I do think there is also another pathway forward. It is why I would love for this to slow down. I would like to work with the owners because the County and the City of Mobile have allocated funds, we normally do not do this for private property. Normally when someone comes into the City of Mobile to construct a street, it’s tied to subdivision of the property. This one is not. I think

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that is giving the City of Mobile and County the excuse to do it to a substandard condition. It is something the citizens of Mobile deserve better because you have open ditches and you have no lighting on a street in what is considered a major road in our city. It is not a minor street. It is already labelled and I imagine the extension will keep the same label being a major road. We know the traffic will build on the street once it is constructed. My office already gets calls about Nevius Road that’s in the city limits because we are used to street lights and adequate sides of the road that do not include open ditch drainages. As a matter of fact, Council Members work really hard to close up open ditches because they breed mosquitoes and they are not as safe in a roadway system. It is why we have these rules and regulations. Normally if you come to the City of Mobile, this would not pass our Engineering Department at all for construction because it’s missing the components of an adequate road improvement program. By getting the County to let go of this, I think that’s a way to get it accomplished but not in a manner that is normal for the City of Mobile. When we have Pay-As-You-Go projects, it’s my understanding for the most part that the County hands over the funding to the City of Mobile. When the program is in the city limits, the road is constructed to city standards. This is completely reversed and it is creating an opening of private property which will have value and will also be good for the City of Mobile to continue a major road. I get all of this. My office has not been involved with any of the plans or any of the information on this program. I understand another reason to slow this down is the property is actually not in the public’s trust yet. That would be another reason to slow this down and not proceed with the agreement as it is written. I believe there needs to be another party at the table in order to accomplish this goal and make sure that the road constructed does not have to be maintained later along with funding to make it safer and keep consistent with the rest of the City of Mobile’s road segments. We only have the Nevius Road now in the city limits because we annexed it in. It was already constructed. It would never have been constructed if it had been in the city under those conditions with the open ditches, no curbs, no gutters, and no street lights. These are things that make a road safer and it is why we require these of developers and for the private sector when they are opening up their property for development.

Commissioner Connie Hudson: President Carl, I have some questions and I will direct these to W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer first. This does seem to be very unusual. I did not notice when I first received the agreement that the County is overseeing the work and that it is built to County standards. I completely understand what Council Member Bess Rich, District 6 is saying. Having represented a City Council district, I know how

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important it is that our roads meet all city standards with curb, gutter, lighting requirements, and so forth. It certainly hits a cord with me. I don’t understand the unusual nature of this. Why is the County overseeing this project as opposed to providing the funds to the City of Mobile as we do with other roads like Zeigler Boulevard and other roads that are a part of our Pay-As-You-Go Program? The other question I have is why would the City of Mobile not require this project to meet their own standards if they require developers and everybody else who brings plans to the City of Mobile for road improvements? They have certain standards they have to meet, why is this an exception? The last thing on my mind is the concern of if the County builds this road and it is not to city standards, how and what guarantee would we have that the City of Mobile would even accept maintenance on this road? Do we know for a fact at this point?

W. Bryan Kegley II: Commissioner, other than verbal assurances from the City of Mobile, we do not have an assurance that they will accept maintenance other than the fact it is within their jurisdiction of city limits. To address the previous question of how this became a County-led project, there was a desire from certain entities that we push this road through to release some of the congestion on Hillcrest Road by Cottage Hill Road. Right now a substantial amount of traffic going westbound on Nevius Road turns north on Hillcrest Road and it makes its way northward up to Cottage Hill Road and Grelot Road. This would allow an opportunity for traffic to make their way all the way over to Sollie Road and therefore reduce some of the congestion. As you know, Sollie Road is developing rather rapidly. It would also open up a substantial area for development within the city limits of the City of Mobile. I think there was a prevailing attitude this was an advantageous project and the County was willing to serve as the leading agency moving forward with the design, the bidding, the construction, and everything in accord with Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) specifications and matching the typical section of the roadway located just to the east of Hillcrest Road.

Jay Ross, County Attorney: Can I add just one thing? The proposal in front of you and the one Council Member Bess Rich, District 6 has, there were some changes made by Flo Kessler, Chief Assistant City of Mobile Attorney. I would like to point out at least paragraph seven (7) and answer Commissioner Hudson’s comments. I am paraphrasing here. Paragraph seven (7) says upon accepting the final qualities in the contract and et cetera, once the work has been completed, the County would convey its interests, maintenance, and rights-of-way to the City of Mobile. On page three (3) paragraph seven (7) addresses that. The document you see and presented to the Commission today does

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come after a review of changes by Ricardo Woods, City of Mobile Attorney and Flo Kessler, Chief Assistant City of Mobile Attorney for whatever that is worth.

Commissioner Hudson: What I am hearing is this matter has not been voted on by the City Council yet. It is up for consideration. If for whatever reason Council Member Bess Rich, District 6 concerns are shared by the other Council Members who may be concerned about substandard, according to City of Mobile standards, roads that do not meet standards they’ve set and they’re concerned about those being built in their districts, then they may decide to not approve this. I know this is a Pay-As-You-Go Program project but I am wondering would it not be prudent to wait, set this aside, and work through these issues to make sure the road is at least meeting whatever standards the City of Mobile feels like is a minimum to set up on Nevius Road. I think she has a good point. There are safety issues as you have to have lights. This is a very dark area. There is no development in there. If I were still representing District 6, I would have the same exact concerns.

President Carl: Let me address this. Council Member Bess Rich, District 6, you and I have been talking about this for about four (4) years, so it’s not something we have just sprung on you. We had a couple of meetings.

Bess Rich: No. We have not had official meetings. My office at least. We did talk.

President Carl: You were involved in community meetings we did have. You have never expressed any of these concerns to me. Why now? This project goes back about five (5) or six (6) years. It was an idea Joe Ruffer, former County Engineer, had twenty (20) plus years ago. That was the whole reason for cutting Nevius Road through where it is at now with the intentions of carrying it all the way through for traffic flow. None of this has come up. We had it on the 2018 Pay-As-You-Go Program. We have it on the 2020 Pay-As-You-Go Program. None of these concerns have come up until the last meeting I have sitting here and I am curious why.

Bess Rich: Okay. That is an excellent question and I do not blame you for asking it. When I was approached about opening up Nevius Road as W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer, has already stressed, this will be a good street to have in our inventory because of the crowding of Hillcrest Road. People can only get from Sollie Road, Grelot Road, and Cottage Hill Road right now. It will open up another leg so to speak. When Nevius Road opened up, Hillcrest Road took a lot of that traffic because people can go all the way out to I-10 or to Highway 90. That is why it is a major road. My office never objected, however,

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the last time I spoke to anybody about this was with our City Engineer. I assumed the road would be built to City of Mobile standards. I never dreamt it would be done by the County because that is not how we do things through the Pay-As-You-Go Program. It is always the city takes control and the city does the construction. There is a history there. My alarm buttons came up last week at the City Council when City of Mobile Mayor put the one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) in to end this agreement and it came into my office. I was not privy. I have not seen any drawings. I do not know how large the slopes are for the open drainage. Perhaps when it is developed, sidewalks would come from the developers that develop off of that street. If there are huge elevations and slopes to the drainage, there will never be that connectivity. We have worked really hard to not waive sidewalk connections. It is essential to quality of life. My office is already being asked to put lighting on Nevius Road. As a matter of fact, I worked with your office, which I thanked you at the time, to help get at least a street light at the intersection of Hillcrest Road and Nevius Road. The rest of the roadway is unlit. Without any development and opening this up, it is perhaps creating a liability with open ditches, no lighting, and it is substandard. I don’t think any Council Member or anybody in the City of Mobile would be proud to be a part of this agreement. I would work with my colleagues to make sure the right funding was in place. I do not mean to blindside you by any stretch because your timing and my timing are just now colliding. This was only before me last week. We get one (1) week to rest an item. This will be voted on, but I will lobby very hard that not everyone is at the table, myself included, and also the fact that it was not done to City of Mobile standards. We have standards for safety reasons.

President Carl: Why didn’t you apply those standards to Schillinger Road when we widened Schillinger Road through your district?

Bess Rich: Schillinger Road already existed.

President Carl: We widened it through your district.

Bess Rich: This is a brand new street.

President Carl: Schillinger Road still has open ditches and no sidewalks. Hillcrest Road is another example.

Bess Rich: I will give you a very good example of the City of Mobile working with a developer in District 6. There were two (2) dirt roads and there were two (2) programs a developer wanted to put in. It was student housing at the ends of these dirt roads. The City of

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Mobile would not approve their subdivision of the property unless they created the street all the way down to , under their financial ability to do it, with curbing, gutter, sidewalks, and lighting. That is an example that a right-of-way was already secured. Developers give the right-of-way to the City of Mobile all of the time. It is not a gift. It allows them the ability to construct something and get to their projects and programs for future development.

President Carl: Council Member Bess Rich, District 6, if this item were to be held over, would you be willing to work with your colleagues and with the Administration Department to find a way to add additional funds to this project to add these amenities that are part of the City of Mobile standards?

Bess Rich: Yes. I truly see this as the key. When something is in the Pay-As-You-Go Program and it is in the City of Mobile city limits, it’s built to city standards. Especially something new. My office was not included other than casual conversations with interested parties. I don’t disagree. I have watched the Pay-As-You-Go Programs, but I assumed the Pay-As-You-Go Program would grow. I know the first segment was for the planning of the street. This year has additional funding and so my office just assumed this was a growing program to then also meet standards. I never dreamt it would be built to County standards, not that there’s anything wrong with your County standards. We are an urban area. This is an area that was due to grow and deserves to have a street that everyone can look at and say it was done correctly. This one will not be done correctly until all of those changes will be made. I say do it at the planning and do it from the get-go. That’s why I am asking you to rest this now because that is exactly what I will ask at the City Council meeting. If the City of Mobile is unwilling to add additional funds to meet their code with resources they have available, then the people interested in seeing this happen for their development perspectives and future should be at the table. Normally the City of Mobile and the County is not at the table with a private sector developer.

President Carl: We deal with private developers all of the time. We are constantly working with developers on the right-of-way. That is not an unusual thing for us. We have worked with this group for three (3) or four (4) years. It is not much longer than that. It is not like this is something that just popped up.

Bess Rich: I understand that.

President Carl: I am curious on the timing more than anything. Do you realize how much money we have spent?

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Bess Rich: Yes.

President Carl: It’s unfair.

Bess Rich: The thing is the road is needed. I just never dreamt it would be a substandard street under the inventory of the City of Mobile. It was out of my equation. I do not apologize for that. It is what the normal course would be.

President Carl: With all due respect, the infrastructure in the City of Mobile needs some help. You have nowhere to grow, no real path of new subdivisions, and we needed a thoroughfare to pull traffic off of Sollie Road. This is the answer for it. The fact it does not meet your requirements, I am okay with that as long as you pay for the lights, the curb, the gutter, et cetera. That is fine. We are not building this for developers. We are building this for traffic flow for us.

Commissioner Hudson: I think that is what she is asking for.

President Carl: Then let her come up with the money.

Commissioner Hudson: I think she wants the opportunity to try to identify it.

President Carl: I think it is unfair.

Commissioner Hudson: I think it is fair to honor her request. She represents this district. She has a lot of people that would be impacted by this as well as the whole City of Mobile. I think to delay this long enough to figure out a way to try to identify additional funds to bring this road up to standard is not too much to ask.

President Carl: I am not in favor of pulling it off the agenda. If we pass it, it gets kicked to you. If you can kill it in the City Council meeting, so be it. That is fine. If everybody is stuck in traffic on Sollie Road and on Hillcrest Road, keep in mind that we tried to help.

Bess Rich: I would hope we would try to keep them as safe as possible and meet city standard.

President Carl: Of course. That is the reason I installed lights at the intersection as you requested.

Bess Rich: We received one light for it. I do not know what the electrical source is out there.

President Carl: Is that not what you asked for?

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Bess Rich: We asked for two (2) but we only received one (1).

President Carl: You didn’t want to pay for the second one?

Bess Rich: No. I was told twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) would be enough for both and that’s why we split it.

President Carl: Oh.

Bess Rich: I am not with Alabama Power, so I do not know all of the nuances. I was glad to see the light, but this whole street down on the other end also needs to be lit. It is not a safe street for people to drive. I have no idea what the contours are on the next part of the road extension. I would like to be able to see the plans. I would like to be at the table when we are this close to letting something go. I do not disagree with W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer or with Commissioner Jerry L. Carl because I know the road is needed. I don’t disagree but not in this condition. I feel citizens deserve a safer road in our corporate limits that actually meets the requirements.

President Carl: Then there should be pledges from the City of Mobile. Don’t you think that is a City of Mobile Engineering Department issue? They should have brought it to you and worked with you on it.

Bess Rich: I never had a conversation further with the City of Mobile City Engineer to assume that there would be anything that he would not pass if it was done within the City of Mobile. I cannot speak for him.

President Carl: I can’t control mine so I know I can’t control yours.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Commissioner, I might add the improvements made to Hillcrest Road, the Five Landing from Three Notch Road northward all the way up to Girby Road. That’s all four-lane and five-lane curb and gutter, no street lights involved with that. Several of the streets in West Mobile that are under city control were built with Pay-As-You-Go Program funds and there are no street lights on them. There are no street lights on the segment of Nevius Road to the east of Hillcrest Road going up toward Highway 90. The typical section we are proposing to build fits what is east of Hillcrest Road, albeit it is inside of the City of Mobile. If they needed us to build this to City of Mobile standards that they would like to see on their roads, then they should have brought this to our attention years ago.

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President Carl: Years ago. That is the key word there.

W. Bryan Kegley II: We are looking at over five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) that we are getting ready to spend on this segment of road. If you want to go four-lane or five-lane, curb, and gutter, you are looking at about twelve million dollars ($12,000,000.00) or more. There is a lot of additional money involved.

Commissioner Merceria Ludgood: How much did you say?

W. Bryan Kegley II: Probably between eleven million dollars ($11,000,000.00) to twelve million dollars ($12,000,000.00) right now.

Commissioner Ludgood: The price of the road would double?

W. Bryan Kegley II: At least.

Commissioner Hudson: Bryan, what harm would it do to hold this over to be able to get an answer from the Administration Department regarding this project because if it fails, then that is money spent anyway.

W. Bryan Kegley II: If it fails, at that point in time, I would suggest we turn this project over to the City of Mobile and let them be the lead agency. We provide them with the funding we have set up along with the two (2) Pay-As-You-Go Programs and let them be the lead agency.

Commissioner Hudson: I think that is what their expectation is.

W. Bryan Kegley II: There will be some rights-of-ways and things of that nature with some of the property owners out there. I think we would be happy to do that. We would help in any way we could.

Commissioner Ludgood: We are in the design phase? We are at sixty percent (60%) of the design?

W. Bryan Kegley II: We are somewhere between sixty percent (60%) and ninety percent (90%) complete. Yes, ma’am.

Commissioner Ludgood: Of the design. Then we have permitting?

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W. Bryan Kegley II: We have already reached agreements with the property owners out there for the dedication of the right-of-way at no charge to the County. There will be a little bit of utility relocation that will be involved. Other than that, we will be ready to go to construction within the next year.

Commissioner Ludgood: There will be no permits we have to get from the City of Mobile?

W. Bryan Kegley II: Through their Engineering Department, yes, by virtue of them reviewing the plans and approving the plans. Yes.

Commissioner Ludgood: This is my fear. We will approve this with one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) and when we get all the way through to permitting, all of the issues being raised now will then pop up. We will have only asked the City of Mobile for one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) and we will need a whole lot more than that to be able to complete this road. I feel very vulnerable trying to go back and ask for more. This number now does not seem meaningful in light of what we’re hearing from Council Member Bess Rich, District 6.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Absolutely. If they mandate a four-lane or five-lane road with curb and gutter that will negate all of the existing agreements for right-of-way dedication out there. It will probably at least double the cost of the road, maybe triple.

Commissioner Hudson: The City of Mobile will have put in one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00)?

W. Bryan Kegley II: What I would suggest at that time is we provide the City of Mobile by an inter-governmental agency agreement, the money we have dedicated to this project through the two (2) Pay-As-You-Go Programs, we provide them that amount of money. They can then come up with the remainder.

Commissioner Hudson: That seems like the safer way to go.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Yes. They would become the lead agency at that time.

Commissioner Ludgood: This felt like a good idea as long as it was floating along and we weren’t having problems with us being the lead agency.

W. Bryan Kegley II: We did not anticipate this at all.

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Commissioner Ludgood: President Carl, do you have any level of discomfort about this?

President Carl: I do. I think the timing is just horrible. I think it is a setup. This has been five (5) years in the making. We have talked to everybody and we worked through the chain of command, which is through the engineers and their Engineering Department. The fact the City of Mobile Engineering Department is not dealing with City Council Member Bess Rich, District 6, has nothing to do with us. Everything has been above board. We have talked to everybody. My job is to talk to City of Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson. I have talked to him. That’s done. I feel like there is a lot more to this story than what is going on. You do what you feel like you need to do. Today is my last Commission Meeting, so it’s not a big deal. I think the taxpayers deserve to have their money spent better. I think we’ve wasted a whole bunch of money on this project for nothing, for political reasons, and that infuriates me. It’s the money. It’s not that I am not getting my way. I don’t care if the road is built or not. Someone will build that road one day. I think the politics here is the dangerous part of it. You’re fooling with the taxpayers’ money and that gets me upset. Let’s move on unless you have anything else to add.

Bess Rich: If I could clarify something. I am not going to apologize for the collision taking place right now because I cannot look at any agreements until they are given to my office. The last conversation I had was with the City Engineer. To me, that is something that says it is going to be done to City of Mobile standards. I believe there are two (2) pathways forward that are better than letting go of a substandard street in the City of Mobile. One would be to lobby the Administration of the City of Mobile, meaning not necessarily coming from all of you, but from my office to say that a substandard street should not be acceptable. There are additional funds, whether it is over a two-year period or more, but to not leave it in a condition it is now and to build something we know is not a safe road, especially on a major street. It is considered a major street according to pavement assessment. Then to look at working with the owners of the property because if everyone was to rest everything and not do anything, eventually someone is going to want to get to that property. They would have to come in and get it subdivided and then that would be built to City of Mobile standards. That is exactly how it would work. If there is an incentive like you said from City of Mobile and County at this point but doesn’t do it to a standard that should be followed throughout that area so we can have sidewalks, lighting, and everything that is required. Maybe we can make the street a certain width now with the right-of-way later because as I understand, it is a one hundred (100) foot right-of-way that is going to be deeded. At least

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that is the information my office has. I have not seen any of the agreements other than what is in front of the City of Mobile City Council and that is to work an inter-governmental relationship and agreement with the County. It is not something my office has done. It is what I am reacting to and what I am trying to tell this Commission is something that is not the normal standard and should not be accepted by your Commission at this point until there are proper resources to construct the road as it should be constructed in the City of Mobile. That was always the assumption that my office took at all times.

President Carl: Okay.

Bess Rich: Not being in the recent conversations, you can ask personnel, I have not sat with any of them.

President Carl: Alright.

Bess Rich: I do not have the knowledge. I would have questioned it at that point. You would have heard a lot sooner that there were concerns that a substandard street was going to be built in the district my office represents. I am the biggest advocate for that district.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Commissioners, I might add that the review comments we received from the City of Mobile Engineering Department made no reference to additional typical section and additional pavement. They did have a few comments about concrete ditches and things of that nature. There was no mention of any substandard roadway typical section so we are marching ahead until we get orders from the Commission to stop.

President Carl: Alright. Thank you.

Bess Rich: Okay. It will be a County road then technically, because it wouldn’t meet the City of Mobile standards.

President Carl: I am not the one to make that decision because today is my last Commission Meeting.

Commissioner Ludgood: President Carl, may I ask Jay Ross, County Attorney, a question?

President Carl: Sure.

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Commissioner Ludgood: Jay, if we approve this agreement today, everything goes haywire, and we end up in a situation where we are being asked to build a road we do not have the finances to do, can we walk away from this? That is what W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer, was suggesting. Can we just walk away from it and hand it to the City of Mobile and be done with it? Or are we still obligated under this agreement?

Jay Ross: No. The agreement has not been signed by the City of Mobile. If the Commission were to approve this today and if the City of Mobile does not approve it next Tuesday, we do not have an agreement.

President Carl: Then the project dies?

Jay Ross: If the City of Mobile does not approve it as presented, then it dies unless other arrangements are made.

President Carl: Let’s go ahead and push it on here and then let City Council Member Bess Rich, District 6 do what she is going to do on her end. If it dies, it dies. If it doesn’t die, great. We have a project.

W. Bryan Kegley II: That is what I would recommend, Commissioners. Let’s move ahead. If the City of Mobile decides they really do not want this street, let them kill it. I do want to point out we do have timeframe restraints within the right-of-way agreements with the property owners out there. We have to have this under construction within the next three (3) years, I believe, or those agreements we have are negated. There is a time frame involved here also.

President Carl: How much have we spent on this project so far? Just a rough guess.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Several hundred thousand dollars, President Carl.

President Carl: Okay.

Commissioner Hudson: President Carl, I would be in favor of honoring City Council Member Bess Rich’s, District 6, request to give her an opportunity to try to work this out with the Administration Department before we go through all of these steps which may be for naught in the end. If through the conversation with the Administration Department it appears we need to turn this project over to the City of Mobile, then that is what we can do. Let’s give her the benefit of having that conversation with the Administration Department and her colleagues to try and figure out a way to make this work. I don’t think this is all for naught and I don’t think anything is going to die. I think we

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need to pause here and work with the City of Mobile and get the City of Mobile on board to meet their own standards. If they do not choose to do that then perhaps the project may die. I don’t know.

President Carl: Let’s leave it on the agenda and ladies, y’all can vote it up or vote it down, however you feel. Let’s move on.

Bess Rich: Thank you.

President Carl: Thank you.

Commissioner Ludgood: Council Member Rich, was it on your last Tuesday’s agenda?

Bess Rich: Yes.

Commissioner Ludgood: Okay. This is Monday and that was Tuesday. Have you had intervening conversations with the Engineering and Administration since then?

Bess Rich: I sent questions to the Administration Department and I received some answers even though they were not very clear. I asked if the rights-of-way had already been accepted by the Commission. I asked a lot of questions because that is all I can do when you are not at the table ahead of time to be aware of what was going on.

Commissioner Ludgood: What I am trying to get to is in those intervening conversations were you able to move? I am assuming we didn’t hear anything else from the City of Mobile saying we are not ready. Did you get any indication that there was going to be any movement to do anything?

Bess Rich: I can only work with my colleagues and I am planning to get with each of them through a letter and photos of Nevius Road and the condition it is in now along with knowing that is something we would not build in our city limits. I am not sure of how acutely they are aware of the need for the road. I want to represent the road would be needed but not in the condition of how it will be built out. Again, the Council and the Administration Department already hear about open ditches due to the need to clean them, the safety issues, and flooding they create and also about the lack of street lighting. I do not understand how a major road would be developed so it was a two-lane street when it’s already put down as a major roadway even the extension would be a major street. I had a million questions and I asked them. I got some information back but it got me to the point when I realized it was on your agenda, I didn’t even realize you were mirroring the City of Mobile City Council as far as the agenda items being the same. That is why I took the liberty to come down and address you at this point. It has

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nothing to do with politics. There is nothing here because I agree with W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer. The road would be good. There is not a disagreement there. I know nothing about the topography of the area. I have never hiked it back there. I have never seen maps. I was not at the table. The last conversation I had about this project was strictly with our City Engineer. It was more than a year ago and it was a casual conversation. I assumed being from the City Engineer that the City of Mobile would oversee the program because I knew it was part of the Pay-As-You-Go Program. That’s a way to do projects. Sometimes Pay-As-You-Go Program projects are multi-years until the allocations are all together and moving in to do a proper construction. I know what rings my phone and I know what makes people feel unsafe in an area and to see a dark two-lane street corridor that we know will be utilized is setting everybody up for a very unsafe environment. No one would want to do that. No one is doing that consciously is what I am saying. That is going to be the end result of the way this agreement is written today if everyone proceeds. There are two (2) pathways forward. That is to make sure either the Administration Department steps up and says we will use additional surplus which they have to create the road so that it is properly constructed. Everyone can then say we did this to everyone’s standards within the City of Mobile and also to work with the owners to find out if there is a willingness besides giving the right-of-way, which is technically not a gift of property. That is something that has to be given in a development and it’s to say how much capital would you like to put towards this project to make it so that it’s a standard that when you do develop the area, the rest of the area develops in the proper manner. I was told we could get sidewalks from future developers but if there are open ditches, that is never going to happen. Again, I have not seen the plans. It is all of the stresses that we know create something that’s not a good environment is getting ready to percolate here and to move forward. I’m not saying anyone did anything that was wrong. It is just a matter of how do you do it the best you can on behalf of the people that you all represent? No one would want this in their district. It’s just going to be phone calls and concerns for a very long time until it’s repaired and fixed because those things are already happening on Nevius Road. I get concerns about Hillcrest Road not being lit appropriately all of the time.

President Carl: Then light it.

Bess Rich: Yes. We have done that. We have added sidewalks. We have done everything we can.

President Carl: We spent five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) to build a road. Light it. If that is what you want, light it. Do it.

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Bess Rich: Okay, but this is a two-lane street that’s a major street and it’s not being constructed to our standard.

President Carl: We got that. We understand that. We are dealing with traffic flow. That is our focus, the traffic flow. We’re trying to keep people from having to go through Tillman’s Corner. We’re trying to take the traffic out of Tillman’s Corner and send it directly to the interstate. Traffic flow is what we understand. We are not set up for curbs and gutters. We are the County. If you want curbs, gutters, and lights, then you come up with the money.

Bess Rich: I do not disagree but while it is in its planning stages, this is the time to do it.

President Carl: You were not involved in the planning?

Bess Rich: It is harder to do that after it has been constructed and after you have put people into an unsafe environment.

President Carl: It is not an unsafe environment. You keep saying that and it’s not fair.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Commissioner, I may have to disagree with Council Member Bess Rich, District 6.

President Carl: We would never put someone in an unsafe environment. That’s unfair and you know it.

W. Bryan Kegley II: We are not going to construct a roadway segment that we consider to be unsafe. It will be very safe. It will comply with all of the County standards such as clear zones and slopes. It will be a safe environment. Same thing as east of Hillcrest Road. It is typical with planning agencies and constructing agencies such as the County Commission when we are building new roads, you build a segment that will last twenty (20) or thirty (30) years. You save the additional millions and millions of dollars to construct additional lanes at a later time. We did that with Schillinger Road and a lot of our major corridors. We build a two-lane section first and it suffices. Then we come back and build a five-lane curb and gutter section later. You are saving that thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00) to forty million dollars ($40,000,000.00) over a period of twenty (20) to thirty (30) years. That is typical of how we do things. We are not going to build an unsafe segment of road.

Commissioner Hudson: We certainly don’t. We construct roads all of the time. However, would you not agree that in this case, if there was lighting along the

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stretch of that road as opposed to no lighting, that it would not improve opportunities for safety?

W. Bryan Kegley II: I don’t think there’s a doubt in anyone’s mind that it would make it safer. That’s not to say it would be an unsafe road.

Commissioner Hudson: No, it would not be an unsafe road but it would improve safety and that’s exactly why the City of Mobile put those standards in place.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Okay. If they are willing to pay for that, then we need to hand this project over as the lead agency and we can provide them the funding we have allocated through the Pay-As-You-Go Programs. They can do whatever they want to. Commissioner Hudson: I think that would be an excellent idea and I would support that.

W. Bryan Kegley II: Okay.

President Carl: Alright.

Bess Rich: I think that is the whole idea. The timing to be here has nothing to do with anything personal because I agree the road would open up and would create a safety valve as far as egress and ingress to Highway 90 and I-10. At the same time, it is a major road. The link that you’re getting ready to do would probably be considered a major road as well. You are not talking about a rural area of town anymore. I am sorry if it seems as though it’s personal with saying something is unsafe but there are certain safety methods put in place on an urban street that should be a part of this construction. The time to do it is now, not later. I will do everything with my colleagues to ask them to hold this up as well because I think there are other pathways to do it a lot better. I cannot stress more passionately that it is my job as the Council Member to anticipate that when this is done in the condition that this agreement says will be constructed is not the standard for the City of Mobile streets.

President Carl: Okay. Thank you.


Dena Pollard, Public Affairs Manager: We have Darrell Eickholdt for Agenda Item number 42 (#42).

Darrell Eickholdt, 11560 Tanner Williams Road, Mobile, AL 36608: This is on the property across from Tanner Williams Road.

President Jerry L. Carl: Alright. Welcome.

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Darrell Eickholdt: We live across the street from this property. We thought it was the property behind us that was being developed.

President Carl: Which one on here are you referring to?

Darrell Eickholdt: It is the property being subdivided on Jockish Road. I just talked to the owner. I guess he is talking two (2) three-acre lots and dividing it into a five-acre lot and a one-acre lot, is that correct? They are not building a subdivision there?

Commissioner Connie Hudson: That is correct.

Darrell Eickholdt: Okay. That was my concern that they were building a subdivision and we weren’t notified about it.

President Carl: We get that quite often. The word subdivision gets everyone stirred up. That is just the term we use to actually split a piece of property up.

Darrell Eickholdt: Yeah.

President Carl: Do we know if this is for family purposes?

W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer: They want to sell a piece of it.

Darrell Eickholdt: They sold it to somebody else. He had a shop on one part of it and a house on another part of it. He is keeping the shop but he sold the house. The gentleman wanted the back part of the other lot to be involved in the sale of the property. Instead of having three (3) acres, now the new owner will have five (5) acres.

Commissioner Hudson: Does that answer your question and delay your concern?

Darrell Eickholdt: Yes. That was my concern.

Commissioner Hudson: Okay. Thank you.

Darrell Eickholdt: Can I speak on the Nevius Road project?

President Carl: Sure.

Darrell Eickholdt: I drive on that road all of the time. We just came back from Florida and we took Nevius Road to get home. At Hillcrest Road and Nevius Road

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intersection, she is correct. There is only one (1) light there along that road. Is there going to be a traffic light there or is that going to be a roundabout that will be involved?

W. Bryan Kegley II, County Engineer: Commissioners, my understanding is the light has been installed there presently is there structurally but has not been hooked up yet. The answer to the gentleman’s question is whenever this project is constructed, there will be a signalized intersection constructed at Hillcrest Road and Nevius Road.

President Carl: It will be a traffic light.

Darrell Eickholdt: It will be a traffic light?

President Carl: Yes, sir.

Darrell Eickholdt: I would rather have a roundabout.

President Carl: I would too. Those roundabouts are pretty expensive. I think they are about one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) a piece.

Darrell Eickholdt: Really? Compared to a traffic light?

President Carl: Well, no. They are a lot safer. I like roundabouts. Don’t get me wrong. I really do. They are just awfully expensive. Very expensive. They do prevent a lot of serious accidents. We may get a few little fender benders in the roundabout but we do not get any of the t-bone accidents. Those are the ones where people really get hurt. Hopefully we will get some more roundabouts in the future. Thank you.


Dena Pollard, Public Affairs Manager: We have three (3) individuals who would like to speak about AM/NS Calvert. We have Warren Matthews, Miriam Aerts, and Shawn Cochran.

Warren Matthews, Attorney for Burr and Forman: Commissioners, thank you so much for this opportunity to appear before you today. My name is Warren Matthews. I am with the law firm of Burr and Forman. I am here on behalf of AM/NS Calvert. With me today from the company are Miriam Aerts, Chief People Officer, and Shawn Cochran, General Manager of Manufacturing Technology and Project Manager. We are here before you today to respectfully request formal approval of part of the County’s incentives commitment for an exciting new expansion project that everybody within the Chamber of Commerce, the State of

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Alabama, and County has referred to as Project Gator. Project Gator will entail the construction, equipping, and start-up of an electric arc furnace and some ancillary projects. Here are some details. The project will require an estimated six hundred eighty-five million dollars ($685,000,000.00) of capital investment. We are going to add an estimated two hundred (200) new project full-time employees and that represents about eleven million eight hundred thousand dollars ($11,800,000.00) of additional payroll each year. That will increase the company payroll to over one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) each year. We are looking at a two-year construction and commissioning schedule. Once completed the project will be capable of producing one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) metric tons of steel slabs. Company officials have referred to Project Gator as a transformational opportunity for the Calvert facility. Project Gator will be very beneficial for the long-term sustainability of the Calvert facility. I am going to ask Miriam Aerts, Chief People Officer, to come speak a little bit about the company’s community involvement.

President Carl: Good morning.

Miriam Aerts, Chief People Officer: Good morning. I am going to say a few words about the engagement of AM/NS Calvert with the community. Like every other company, we have a strategy, we have a mission, and we have values for the execution of our business. On top of that, AM/NS Calvert has a very active focus and strategy on how we engage with the community. We have defined a couple of chapters where we focus on with our community. We have education, workforce development, environment, health and wellness, and engagement as such. We have that on three (3) different levels. One is we do grants, sponsorships, and donations focused on organizations who are working around the chapters that I just told you about. In the last three (3) years, we have spent one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) on money we give out to education forces like the universities, on minority groups, and on other elements like environmental groups in the area. The second one is our active involvement as a company. Again it is focused on education, environment, health and wellness, and what we do for example is we are very active in all initiatives that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) because of all of the STEM Programs which is a hot topic in a lot of the schools. We are actively working with different schools with different programs. We fully sponsor a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) camp that is in Citronelle, Alabama every year. Unfortunately, not this year because of COVID-19. It is all paid for by AM/NS Calvert. We give children who normally do not have the opportunity to engage in these activities. We give them a week-long experience where they play with different sciences, Lego blocks, and other

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projects. We also sponsor the best robotics camp in that area. Many schools are focusing on the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities. We do summer interns. We sponsor a world of opportunities. We have an initiative from a school opportunity that allows children to have a taste of different jobs once they have graduated. We have a good amount of our team members who are on the board of different organizations with the universities and with local organizations. As an organization, we are also very involved in Project Lead the Way, which is a relatively new program where certain schools who are volunteering to try new methods of teaching and where they prove to the kids that whatever they learn in school is useful in their day-to-day life. We have donated materials and lectures. We are engaged in that as well. Last but not least, we initiated a year ago a program called Calvert Cares. Calvert Cares is our own team members who volunteer to do all kinds of initiatives within the community. We have hundreds and hundreds of hours from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to anybody in the company goes out during their free time and volunteers in education, in clean up, in the Chili Cook-Off for Cancer Awareness, et cetera. Every year we decide what we are going to sponsor, where we’re going to give our time to, and to show that as an organization we really want to engage with the community and give back to the community in different ways. Thank you.

President Carl: Thank you.

Warren Matthews: Thank you, Miriam. The specific request that I believe is Agenda Item Number eighteen (#18) before you today is a non-educational property tax abatement for years eleven (11) through twenty (20) for the project. On behalf of AM/NS Calvert, we truly appreciate your consideration of this request and we thank you for your time.

President Carl: Thank you, sir.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve payment of the following claims and payrolls, and the signing of warrants by the President of the Commission:


10/9/2020 00000358 DRIVEN ENGINEERING INC 49,622.83 10/9/2020 00000359 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING TESTI 1,952.34 10/9/2020 00000360 GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 3,791.12 10/9/2020 00000361 GULF STATES ENGINEERING INC 2,406.45 10/9/2020 00000362 JB SERVICE 236.00 10/9/2020 00000363 KING SECURITY SERVICE LLC 272.00 10/9/2020 00000364 LAGNIAPPE 190.00 10/9/2020 00000365 LATON CLEANING SERVICES 1,550.00 10/9/2020 00000366 LEGAL SERVICES ALABAMA INC 3,719.61 10/9/2020 00000367 MIKE HOFFMANS EQUIPMENT SERVIC 1,522.00 10/9/2020 00000368 MOBILE JANITORIAL AND PAPER CO 1,427.94 10/9/2020 00000369 NEEL SCHAFFER INC 34,238.83 10/9/2020 00000370 P H AND J ARCHITECTS, INC 1,903.16 10/9/2020 00000371 PPM CONSULTANTS INC 945.00 10/9/2020 00000372 RETIF OIL AND FUEL LLC 65,812.18 10/9/2020 00000373 RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER P 5,730.00 10/9/2020 00000374 SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM OF MO 9,496.21 10/9/2020 00000375 STONE, MARGARET A 539.41 10/9/2020 00000376 THAMES BATRE 1,898.00 10/9/2020 00000377 WAS DESIGN INC 3,177.25 10/14/2020 00000378 ALL OVER JANITORIAL SERVICES I 1,500.00 10/14/2020 00000379 CINTAS CORP LOC 211 591.19 10/14/2020 00000380 G G PORTABLES INC 495.00 10/14/2020 00000381 GCIS SUPPLY COMPANY INC 737.48 10/14/2020 00000382 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE AND S 1,780.70 10/14/2020 00000383 GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 1,866.86 10/14/2020 00000384 GULF CITY BODY AND TRAILER WOR 1,335.39 10/14/2020 00000385 GULF STATES ENGINEERING INC 26,889.85 10/14/2020 00000386 KNOX PEST CONTROL 320.00 10/14/2020 00000387 LAGNIAPPE 445.74 10/14/2020 00000388 LATON CLEANING SERVICES 2,200.00 10/14/2020 00000389 M D BELL CO INC 250.00 10/14/2020 00000390 NEEL SCHAFFER INC 8,182.47 10/14/2020 00000391 POPE TESTING SERVICES LLC 888.86 10/14/2020 00000392 SNIDER FLEET SOLUTIONS 59.95 10/14/2020 00000393 SPIRE 4,050.60 10/14/2020 00000394 SUPREME MEDICAL 1,872.90 10/14/2020 00000395 ULINE 4,074.28 10/14/2020 00000396 VOLKERT INC 32,136.82 10/14/2020 00000397 WATTIER SURVEYING INC 2,302.50 10/14/2020 00000398 WITTICHEN SUPPLY CO INC 1,499.18 10/16/2020 00000399 ANIMAL CARE EQUIPMENT AND SERV 428.00 10/16/2020 00000400 AUDIO UNLIMITED INC 104.84 10/16/2020 00000401 BAGBY AND RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO 6,778.40

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10/16/2020 00000402 BAMA AUTO PARTS AND INDUSTRIAL 3,115.74 10/16/2020 00000403 BARRY A VITTOR AND ASSOCIATES 9,127.80 10/16/2020 00000404 BAY NURSING INC 9,320.00 10/16/2020 00000405 BEARD EQUIPMENT CO 66.41 10/16/2020 00000406 BUMPER TO BUMPER AUTO PARTS 560.34 10/16/2020 00000407 CINTAS CORP LOC 211 1,269.71 10/16/2020 00000408 COAST SAFE AND LOCK 327.00 10/16/2020 00000409 COLEMAN, BYRON OWEN 600.00 10/16/2020 00000410 CULLIGAN WATER OF MOBILE 143.60 10/16/2020 00000411 DEES PAPER CO INC 179.28 10/16/2020 00000412 DIRT INC 480.00 10/16/2020 00000413 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE AND S 5,615.85 10/16/2020 00000414 GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 703.16 10/16/2020 00000415 GUARDIAN INTEGRATORS LLC 3,219.68 10/16/2020 00000416 GULF CITY BODY AND TRAILER WOR 32.64 10/16/2020 00000417 GWINS STATIONERY 262.38 10/16/2020 00000418 ICE PLANT INC 101.25 10/16/2020 00000419 KING SECURITY SERVICE LLC 1,915.00 10/16/2020 00000420 KNOX PEST CONTROL 1,404.00 10/16/2020 00000421 LATON CLEANING SERVICES 650.00 10/16/2020 00000422 MOBILE CO FOSTER GRANDPARENT P 103,671.00 10/16/2020 00000423 NAPHCARE INC 669,782.30 10/16/2020 00000424 NEEL SCHAFFER INC 2,410.72 10/16/2020 00000425 RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER P 99,296.00 10/16/2020 00000426 SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM OF MO 144,352.00 10/16/2020 00000427 SITE ONE ON THE INTERNET INC 325.00 10/16/2020 00000428 SOUTHERN EARTH SCIENCES INC 3,841.50 10/16/2020 00000429 SUPREME MEDICAL 199.56 10/16/2020 00000430 TAX MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES INC 123,500.00 10/16/2020 00000431 THE CABINET SHOP LLC 14,999.00 10/16/2020 00000432 WESCO GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY I 525.40 10/16/2020 00000433 WILLIAMS CONSULTANTS LLC 590.00 10/20/2020 00000434 AARMS LLC 175.00 10/20/2020 00000435 ANIMAL CARE EQUIPMENT AND SERV 913.36 10/20/2020 00000436 B AND B APPLIANCE PARTS 431.02 10/20/2020 00000437 BAY PAPER CO 133.44 10/20/2020 00000438 C AND S ELECTRIC 2,295.00 10/20/2020 00000439 CINTAS CORP LOC 211 2,808.42 10/20/2020 00000440 COAST SAFE AND LOCK 320.00 10/20/2020 00000441 ENVIRO-MASTER SERVICES 179.00 10/20/2020 00000442 FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC 222.35 10/20/2020 00000443 G G PORTABLES INC 490.48 10/20/2020 00000444 ICE PLANT INC 11.25 10/20/2020 00000445 MOBILE CO FOSTER GRANDPARENT P 17,280.00 10/20/2020 00000446 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 291.07 10/20/2020 00000447 SOUTHEASTERN PRESS 575.00 10/20/2020 00000448 THE CABINET SHOP LLC 21,384.00 10/20/2020 00000449 VAN SCOYOC ASSOCIATES 5,006.37 10/20/2020 00000450 WESCO GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY I 71.00 10/20/2020 00000451 WITTICHEN SUPPLY CO INC 174.84 10/9/2020 00377542 A T AND T MOBILITY 3,390.43 10/9/2020 00377543 ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES 523.94 10/9/2020 00377544 ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES 1,181.71

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10/9/2020 00377545 AEIKER CONSTRUCTION CORP 175,534.82 10/9/2020 00377546 AIRGAS USA LLC 58.59 10/9/2020 00377547 AL DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAG 1,385.00 10/9/2020 00377548 AL DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAG 1,385.00 10/9/2020 00377549 ALABAMA DEPT OF FORENSIC SCIEN 40,833.34 10/9/2020 00377550 ALABAMA MEDIA GROUP 217.47 10/9/2020 00377551 ALABAMA MEDIA GROUP 3,985.74 10/9/2020 00377552 AS AND G CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION 6,402.90 10/9/2020 00377553 AS AND G CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION 64,534.74 10/9/2020 00377554 AS AND G CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION 206,638.59 10/9/2020 00377555 AT AND T 1,424.58 10/9/2020 00377556 AT AND T 14,423.41 10/9/2020 00377557 AT AND T LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 177.23 10/9/2020 00377558 B C RAIN HIGH SCHOOL PTO 61,659.20 10/9/2020 00377559 BERNICE CAUSEY MIDDLE SCHOOL P 4,000.00 10/9/2020 00377560 BLOUNT, WILLIAM C 1,112.25 10/9/2020 00377561 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTH 20,376.72 10/9/2020 00377562 BURK KLEINPETER INC 440.00 10/9/2020 00377563 CITY OF SARALAND 83,840.00 10/9/2020 00377564 COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY UNI 416.65 10/9/2020 00377565 DIGITAL ASSURANCE CERTIFICATIO 2,500.00 10/9/2020 00377566 ERWIN ESQ, MARK C 99.36 10/9/2020 00377567 ESTES LAW FIRM LLC 3,775.87 10/9/2020 00377568 FLEMING, ROBERT A 759.00 10/9/2020 00377569 GET IT DUNN LLC 300.00 10/9/2020 00377570 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO INC 959.29 10/9/2020 00377571 GREATER GULF STATE FAIR INC 25,000.00 10/9/2020 00377572 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENAN 66.19 10/9/2020 00377573 HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT 25,601.25 10/9/2020 00377574 HILLER SYSTEMS INC 499.00 10/9/2020 00377575 HOME DEPOT, THE 716.04 10/9/2020 00377576 HOWELL PRINTING CO 15,666.00 10/9/2020 00377577 INGENUITY INC 675.74 10/9/2020 00377578 JOHN G WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO 68,717.89 10/9/2020 00377579 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTI 573.05 10/9/2020 00377580 JOHNSON, CLAY M 945.00 10/9/2020 00377581 JTEE SIGNS LLC 1,112.20 10/9/2020 00377582 KENTWOOD SPRING WATER CO 361.09 10/9/2020 00377583 KITTRELL AUTO GLASS LLC 520.00 10/9/2020 00377584 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 53.80 10/9/2020 00377585 LEOS UNIFORMS 486.25 10/9/2020 00377586 LYONS LAW FIRM 4,167.00 10/9/2020 00377587 MARINE RIGGING INC 51.50 10/9/2020 00377588 MCCONNELL AUTOMOTIVE CORP 129.09 10/9/2020 00377589 MICROGENICS CORP 3,389.70 10/9/2020 00377590 MITCHELL, RICHARD A 85.82 10/9/2020 00377591 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 35.32 10/9/2020 00377592 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 104.86 10/9/2020 00377593 MOBILE CASH AND CARRY 47.52 10/9/2020 00377594 MOBILE CO EMERGENCY MGT AGENCY 162,337.00 10/9/2020 00377595 MOBILE PRESS REGISTER 155.63 10/9/2020 00377596 MOBILE PRESS REGISTER 190.80 10/9/2020 00377597 MOMAR INC 160.49

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10/9/2020 00377598 MOTT MACDONALD 6,344.00 10/9/2020 00377599 MULLINAX FORD OF MOBILE LLC 8,139.59 10/9/2020 00377600 OZANAM CHARITABLE PHARMACY 1,524.29 10/9/2020 00377601 PATTERSON POPE 3,752.00 10/9/2020 00377602 PIERCE LEDYARD PC 350.00 10/9/2020 00377603 PIPES IV, SAMUEL W 689.41 10/9/2020 00377604 POSTMASTER 480.00 10/9/2020 00377605 PRO CHEM INC 416.08 10/9/2020 00377606 PROVETLOGIC LLC 203.14 10/9/2020 00377607 REGIONS BANK 1,625.00 10/9/2020 00377608 REGIONS BANK 1,625.00 10/9/2020 00377609 REPUBLIC SERVICES 986 527.33 10/9/2020 00377610 RICH, ASHLEY 732,452.50 10/9/2020 00377611 RUSSELL THOMPSON BUTLER AND HO 5,000.00 10/9/2020 00377612 SERENITY GROUP 10,730.00 10/9/2020 00377613 SOUTH ALABAMA UTILITIES 73.87 10/9/2020 00377614 SOUTH ALABAMA UTILITIES 474.67 10/9/2020 00377615 SURETY LAND TITLE INC 12,000.00 10/9/2020 00377616 SURETY LAND TITLE INC 885.00 10/9/2020 00377617 SWITZER, JOSEPH 300.00 10/9/2020 00377618 SYCAMORE CONSTRUCTION INC 31,005.66 10/9/2020 00377619 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1,848.56 10/9/2020 00377620 TREN LLC 450.00 10/9/2020 00377621 WATER WORKS AND SEWER BOARD 15.00 10/9/2020 00377622 WOLTERS KLUWER LEGAL & REGULAT 543.49 10/9/2020 00377623 WRIGHT NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANC 9,186.00 10/14/2020 00377624 A T AND T MOBILITY 79.98 10/14/2020 00377625 ADOL WC FUND 2,009.00 10/14/2020 00377626 ALABAMA MEDIA GROUP 113.46 10/14/2020 00377627 ALABAMA MEDIA GROUP 164.24 10/14/2020 00377628 ALABAMA POWER CO 8,211.13 10/14/2020 00377629 ALABAMA POWER CO 5,837.24 10/14/2020 00377631 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 136,467.23 10/14/2020 00377632 AT AND T 117.70 10/14/2020 00377633 ATCHISON FIRM PC 350.00 10/14/2020 00377634 BISHOP, BAXTER 350.00 10/14/2020 00377635 CENTURYLINK 74.37 10/14/2020 00377636 CENTURYLINK 93.66 10/14/2020 00377637 GORAM AIR CONDITIONING CO INC 510.00 10/14/2020 00377638 GORAM AIR CONDITIONING CO INC 111.00 10/14/2020 00377639 GRAESTONE AGGREGATES LLC 5,013.31 10/14/2020 00377640 GREATER GULF STATE FAIR INC 2,800.00 10/14/2020 00377641 H G MAYBECK CO INC 590.00 10/14/2020 00377642 HALE, LEE L 21,787.50 10/14/2020 00377643 HILLER SYSTEMS INC 720.00 10/14/2020 00377644 HOME DEPOT, THE 953.00 10/14/2020 00377645 HON COMPANY, THE 1,243.38 10/14/2020 00377646 HURRICANE ELECTRONICS INC 1,172.25 10/14/2020 00377647 IRBY OVERTON VETERINARY HOSPIT 2,796.79 10/14/2020 00377648 JBT POWER 308.90 10/14/2020 00377649 JGBAG INC 600.00 10/14/2020 00377650 JOHN G WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO 85,321.45 10/14/2020 00377651 LEOS UNIFORMS 7,126.10

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10/14/2020 00377652 M AND A STAMP AND SIGN CO 30.25 10/14/2020 00377653 MCGOWIN PARK INCENTIVE LLC 44,623.54 10/14/2020 00377654 MOBILE ASPHALT CO 31,803.39 10/14/2020 00377655 MOBILE CO WATER SEWER AND FIRE 22.22 10/14/2020 00377656 MULLINAX FORD OF MOBILE LLC 340.26 10/14/2020 00377657 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN 1,495.00 10/14/2020 00377658 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES LLC 2,287.90 10/14/2020 00377659 PEARSON ASSESSMENTS INC 296.80 10/14/2020 00377660 PRITCHETT, TYLER 350.00 10/14/2020 00377661 ROBINSON, ASHLEY 350.00 10/14/2020 00377662 ROSTEN, PETER 1,884.61 10/14/2020 00377663 ROUSE PROPERTIES LP 1,000.00 10/14/2020 00377664 S AND O ENTERPRISES 930.00 10/14/2020 00377665 SAFIN, MELISSA 27.00 10/14/2020 00377666 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP 55.73 10/14/2020 00377667 SPROT PRINTER RIBBONS LLC 585.00 10/14/2020 00377668 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 438.48 10/14/2020 00377669 SURETY LAND TITLE INC 342.50 10/14/2020 00377670 THOMPSON ENGINEERING 5,633.02 10/14/2020 00377671 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1,857.45 10/14/2020 00377672 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 62.00 10/14/2020 00377673 WATER WORKS AND SEWER BOARD 3,118.69 10/14/2020 00377674 WEAVER AND SONS INC, HOSEA O 7,360.29 10/14/2020 00377675 XEROX CORP 160.71 10/16/2020 00377676 A & J REPAIR 268.12 10/16/2020 00377677 ACE AUTO TINTING INC 260.00 10/16/2020 00377678 AIRGAS USA LLC 239.64 10/16/2020 00377679 ALABAMA ANIMAL CONTROL ASSN 300.00 10/16/2020 00377680 ALABAMA POWER CO 259.50 10/16/2020 00377681 ALABAMA POWER CO 25.83 10/16/2020 00377682 ALABAMA POWER CO 385.37 10/16/2020 00377683 ALABAMA SHERIFFS ASSN 6,904.00 10/16/2020 00377684 ALABAMA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 325.00 10/16/2020 00377685 ALABAMA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 325.00 10/16/2020 00377686 ALACOURT COM 335.07 10/16/2020 00377687 ALTAPOINTE HEALTH SYSTEMS INC 12,313.91 10/16/2020 00377688 AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICES LL 58.96 10/16/2020 00377689 ARROW MAGNOLIA 1,615.11 10/16/2020 00377690 AS AND G CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION 22,886.51 10/16/2020 00377691 ASCE 520.00 10/16/2020 00377692 ASCE 260.00 10/16/2020 00377693 ASFPM 330.00 10/16/2020 00377694 ATCHISON FIRM PC 8,250.00 10/16/2020 00377695 AUBURN UNIVERSITY 150.00 10/16/2020 00377696 AUTONATION 202,675.00 10/16/2020 00377697 AZALEA COFFEE SERVICE INC 19.00 10/16/2020 00377698 B B AND T 22,893.72 10/16/2020 00377699 B B AND T FINANCIAL 30.00 10/16/2020 00377700 B B AND T FINANCIAL 4,571.54 10/16/2020 00377701 B B AND T FINANCIAL 449.00 10/16/2020 00377702 BLACKLIDGE EMULSIONS INC 6,938.40 10/16/2020 00377703 BLANKENSHIPS UNIVERSAL SUPPLY 40.02 10/16/2020 00377704 CALL NEWS 460.00

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10/16/2020 00377705 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 3,131.70 10/16/2020 00377706 CHADS LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC 568.00 10/16/2020 00377707 CHRIS MYERS AUTOMOTIVE 125.00 10/16/2020 00377708 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1,111.40 10/16/2020 00377709 COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY UNI 304.05 10/16/2020 00377710 COMCAST CABLE 138.86 10/16/2020 00377711 COMCAST CABLE 7.38 10/16/2020 00377712 COMCAST CABLE 12.64 10/16/2020 00377713 COMCAST CABLE 257.62 10/16/2020 00377714 CONTACT INNOVATIONS 3,756.00 10/16/2020 00377715 COUNTY REVENUE OFFICERS ASSN O 60.00 10/16/2020 00377716 COVINGTON AND SONS LLC 560.00 10/16/2020 00377717 COWIN EQUIPMENT CO INC 2,182.84 10/16/2020 00377718 CPC SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 82.11 10/16/2020 00377719 CRAFT TRAINING FUND 7,144.00 10/16/2020 00377720 CRAFT TRAINING FUND 2,568.00 10/16/2020 00377721 CRAFT TRAINING FUND 798.00 10/16/2020 00377722 CVS PHARMACY 78.55 10/16/2020 00377723 CWS GROUP INC 6,275.00 10/16/2020 00377724 DADE PAPER AND BAG CO 1,066.50 10/16/2020 00377725 DAVIS PHD, JOHN W 165.00 10/16/2020 00377726 DAVIS, RONALD 62.11 10/16/2020 00377727 DAVISON FUELS INC 1,769.52 10/16/2020 00377728 DELTA FLOORING INC 12,566.00 10/16/2020 00377729 DIXIE BUILDING SUPPLY CO INC 14.63 10/16/2020 00377730 DUEITTS BATTERY PLUS 90.50 10/16/2020 00377731 ELECTION SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE 1,015.31 10/16/2020 00377732 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 11.59 10/16/2020 00377733 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 213.19 10/16/2020 00377734 FRANKLIN COVEY PRODUCTS LLC 46.95 10/16/2020 00377735 FUSIONPOINT MEDIA INC 25.00 10/16/2020 00377736 GALLS LLC 1,034.98 10/16/2020 00377737 GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS INC 46,808.16 10/16/2020 00377738 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO INC 2,203.22 10/16/2020 00377739 GORAM AIR CONDITIONING CO INC 272.00 10/16/2020 00377740 GULF COAST TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT 27.25 10/16/2020 00377741 H AND S LAND INC 3,619.00 10/16/2020 00377742 HEROMAN SERVICES PLANT CO LLC 397.50 10/16/2020 00377743 HILLER SYSTEMS INC 499.00 10/16/2020 00377744 HOME DEPOT, THE 3,130.45 10/16/2020 00377745 IDEAL TRUCK SERVICE INC 433.01 10/16/2020 00377746 IMPERIAL LOCKSMITH LLC 129.00 10/16/2020 00377747 IND REVOLVING FUND DEPT OF COR 3,530.00 10/16/2020 00377748 INDUSTRIAL MOWING LLC 2,142.00 10/16/2020 00377749 IRBY OVERTON VETERINARY HOSPIT 75.00 10/16/2020 00377750 KEGLEY II, BRYAN 211.49 10/16/2020 00377751 MARSHALL AND SWIFT 477.95 10/16/2020 00377752 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 360.93 10/16/2020 00377753 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 477.18 10/16/2020 00377754 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 381.93 10/16/2020 00377755 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 430.92 10/16/2020 00377756 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 778.68 10/16/2020 00377757 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 1,091.91

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10/16/2020 00377758 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 35.32 10/16/2020 00377759 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 35.32 10/16/2020 00377760 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 84.04 10/16/2020 00377761 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 75.24 10/16/2020 00377762 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 80.56 10/16/2020 00377763 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 35.32 10/16/2020 00377764 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 360.93 10/16/2020 00377765 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 360.93 10/16/2020 00377766 MOBILE AREA WATER AND SEWER SY 32.76 10/16/2020 00377767 MOBILE BAR ASSN LAW LIBRARY 23,750.00 10/16/2020 00377768 MOBILE CO HEALTH DEPT 68,832.00 10/16/2020 00377769 MOBILE CO POLLWORKERS FUND 231,348.00 10/16/2020 00377770 MOBILE CO WATER SEWER AND FIRE 1,425.96 10/16/2020 00377771 MOBILE INFIRMARY ASSOCIATION 3,678.76 10/16/2020 00377772 NEMO Q 14,945.00 10/16/2020 00377773 NEOPOST USA INC 150.00 10/16/2020 00377774 OEC BUSINESS SUPPLIES 52.18 10/16/2020 00377775 OFFICE DEPOT 6,125.62 10/16/2020 00377776 OLENSKY BROTHERS OFFICE PRODUC 14,869.20 10/16/2020 00377777 PITNEY BOWES 16,065.00 10/16/2020 00377778 RAICOM 420.00 10/16/2020 00377779 REAVES, CATHERINE 21.05 10/16/2020 00377780 S AND O ENTERPRISES 30.00 10/16/2020 00377781 SATSUMA WATER AND SEWER 900.00 10/16/2020 00377782 SHERIFFS FUND 2,258.89 10/16/2020 00377783 SHERIFFS FUND 4,158.35 10/16/2020 00377784 SIMPLIFILE LLC 12.50 10/16/2020 00377785 SMITH, TIMOTHY J 229.28 10/16/2020 00377786 SPEEGLE HOFFMAN HOLMAN & HOLIF 45,386.20 10/16/2020 00377787 SPROT PRINTER RIBBONS LLC 138.00 10/16/2020 00377788 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 1,502.82 10/16/2020 00377789 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 606.60 10/16/2020 00377790 TALLASSEE AUTOMOTIVE INC 48,426.00 10/16/2020 00377791 TAX TRUST ACCOUNT 213.20 10/16/2020 00377792 TSA INC 18,362.74 10/16/2020 00377793 TWIN CITY SECURITY LLC 17,305.18 10/16/2020 00377794 U S DEPT OF COMMERCE 5,698.67 10/16/2020 00377795 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 31.00 10/16/2020 00377796 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA 1,162.06 10/16/2020 00377797 USA HEALTH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 31,025.39 10/16/2020 00377798 VERITEXT LLC 262.89 10/16/2020 00377799 VIC REAL ESTATE LLC 1,800.00 10/16/2020 00377800 WATER WORKS AND SEWER BOARD 327.48 10/16/2020 00377801 WEAVER AND SONS INC, HOSEA O 48,359.69 10/16/2020 00377802 WEX BANK 53.92 10/16/2020 00377803 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC 576.46 10/16/2020 00377804 WILLIAMSON HIGH SCHOOL PTA 10,000.00 10/16/2020 00377805 XEROX CORP 486.50 10/20/2020 00377806 A & J REPAIR 517.26 10/20/2020 00377807 AD VENTURE SPECIALTIES CO 795.00 10/20/2020 00377808 ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES 7,372.53 10/20/2020 00377809 AL FLA PLASTIC CO 19,956.25 10/20/2020 00377810 ALABAMA DEPT OF REVENUE 295.58

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10/20/2020 00377811 ALABAMA INTERACTIVE LLC 380.00 10/20/2020 00377812 ALABAMA MEDIA GROUP 353.36 10/20/2020 00377813 ALABAMA POWER CO 884.76 10/20/2020 00377814 ALLEN ENTERPRISES INC 189.44 10/20/2020 00377815 ALTAPOINTE HEALTH SYSTEMS INC 25,471.40 10/20/2020 00377816 ANNA F BOOTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2,000.00 10/20/2020 00377817 ARMERIA LLC 11,566.00 10/20/2020 00377818 ASSN OF ALABAMA TAX ADMINISTRA 750.00 10/20/2020 00377819 ATCHISON SIGNS AND DESIGNS LLC 1,680.00 10/20/2020 00377820 AVERY, MICHAEL T 48.24 10/20/2020 00377821 AZALEA COFFEE SERVICE INC 31.00 10/20/2020 00377822 BAYOU FASTENERS AND SUPPLY INC 11.48 10/20/2020 00377823 BERNEY OFFICE SOLUTIONS 99.00 10/20/2020 00377824 BISHOP STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5,000.00 10/20/2020 00377825 BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS 183,054.72 10/20/2020 00377826 BOB BARKER CO INC 391.92 10/20/2020 00377827 BORDEN DAIRY COMPANY 655.05 10/20/2020 00377828 CASH AND CARRY WAREHOUSE GROCE 512.32 10/20/2020 00377829 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 801.50 10/20/2020 00377830 CENTURYLINK 176.10 10/20/2020 00377831 CLEMENTS, JONATHAN WILLIAM 1,765.64 10/20/2020 00377832 DADE PAPER AND BAG CO 397.97 10/20/2020 00377833 DISH 123.05 10/20/2020 00377834 DMS MAIL MANAGEMENT INC 2,289.12 10/20/2020 00377835 ELECTRONIC SUPPLY CO 9.86 10/20/2020 00377836 EMPLOYMENT SCREENING SERVICES 130.00 10/20/2020 00377837 ERWIN ESQ, MARK C 185.38 10/20/2020 00377838 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 6.70 10/20/2020 00377839 FORM SOLUTIONS INC 85.00 10/20/2020 00377840 GRAESTONE AGGREGATES LLC 10,118.41 10/20/2020 00377841 HAYES, JOSEPH 160.00 10/20/2020 00377842 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENAN 283.56 10/20/2020 00377843 IDA MOBILE CO ECONOMIC DEV FUN 75,195.36 10/20/2020 00377844 INTEGRA WATER LLC 7,460.43 10/20/2020 00377845 INTERSTATE PRINTING AND GRAPHI 10,913.80 10/20/2020 00377846 MEREDITH, WILLIAM 1,200.00 10/20/2020 00377847 OFFICE DEPOT 1,930.27 10/20/2020 00377848 PAINT STORE, THE 364.50 10/20/2020 00377849 PAYNE JR, W RUSHING 178.08 10/20/2020 00377850 QUINNIE, JA'TYRUS 140.00 10/20/2020 00377851 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP 23.96 10/20/2020 00377852 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP 1.03 10/20/2020 00377853 SHRED IT US HOLD CO INC 176.50 10/20/2020 00377854 SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MAN 219.00 10/20/2020 00377855 SOUTHERN LIGHTING & TRAFFIC 540.00 10/20/2020 00377856 SPRING HILL ANIMAL CLINIC LLC 247.03 10/20/2020 00377857 SPROT PRINTER RIBBONS LLC 8,398.79 10/20/2020 00377858 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 104.79 10/20/2020 00377859 STRATUS AUDIO INC 50.00 10/20/2020 00377860 THE PARTS HOUSE 4,211.92 10/20/2020 00377861 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 384.52 10/20/2020 00377862 TRANE USA INC 402.00 10/20/2020 00377863 US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 126,867.38

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10/20/2020 00377864 US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 26,677.65 10/20/2020 00377865 VETERANS RECOVERY RESOURCES 100,000.00 10/20/2020 00377866 WARD INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS OF A 1,278.80 10/20/2020 00377867 ZOLLER JR, DANIEL D 4,722.15

Total Claims Paid for General Invoices $ 5,462,510.72

10/15/2020 00000199 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 162.60 10/19/2020 00000200 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 31.00 10/15/2020 00000263 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 47,018.06 10/15/2020 00001031 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 251,101.00 10/8/2020 00001066 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 213,857.46 10/13/2020 00001067 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 2,302.50 10/8/2020 00001084 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 30,237.67 10/13/2020 00001085 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 71,782.99 10/13/2020 00001094 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 1,459.62 10/8/2020 00001244 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 15,763.15 10/13/2020 00001245 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 4,480.11 10/8/2020 00001273 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 1,903.16 10/8/2020 00001409 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 740.00 10/13/2020 00001410 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 90,954.47 10/13/2020 00001708 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 600.00 10/8/2020 00001711 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 41,111.71 10/8/2020 00001775 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 2,236.18 10/13/2020 00001776 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 30,677.20 10/8/2020 00002084 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 109,460.62 10/8/2020 00002093 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 450.00 10/15/2020 00002094 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 17,237.19 10/8/2020 00002965 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 15,453.93 10/19/2020 00002966 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 17,280.00 10/8/2020 00004909 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 4,327.30 10/8/2020 00004910 MOBILE CO PAYROLL ACCOUNT 403,906.28 10/9/2020 00004911 MOBILE CO FEDERAL TAX ACCOUNT 29,439.43 10/8/2020 00005129 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 52.40 10/8/2020 00005130 MOBILE CO PAYROLL ACCOUNT 5,460.80 10/9/2020 00005131 MOBILE CO FEDERAL TAX ACCOUNT 383.67 10/15/2020 00005132 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 20.00 10/19/2020 00005133 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 437,266.51 10/8/2020 00006774 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 1,806.10 10/8/2020 00006775 MOBILE CO PAYROLL ACCOUNT 127,662.04 10/9/2020 00006776 MOBILE CO FEDERAL TAX ACCOUNT 9,460.58 10/13/2020 00006777 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 3,772.13 10/15/2020 00006778 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 145,628.84 10/19/2020 00006779 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 5,523.65 10/8/2020 00010436 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 68,312.65 10/8/2020 00014426 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 24,435.00 10/13/2020 00014427 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 12,088.63 10/15/2020 00014428 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 80,761.57 10/19/2020 00014429 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 14,197.23 10/8/2020 00082762 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 1,505,107.65 10/8/2020 00082763 MOBILE CO PAYROLL ACCOUNT 2,528,303.01 10/9/2020 00082764 MOBILE CO FEDERAL TAX ACCOUNT 186,413.31 10/13/2020 00082765 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 265,786.88

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10/15/2020 00082766 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 1,698,873.02 10/19/2020 00082767 MOBILE CO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACC 228,250.54

Total Claims Paid for Treasury Division $ 8,753,539.84

Total Claims Paid $14,216,050.56

Motion carried unanimously.




President Carl asked if any citizen of the County wanted an opportunity to be heard, for or against, the recommendation from the Small Business Relief Grant Program Committee to award grant to one (1) local business that is experiencing financial hardship with the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis located within Mobile County, Alabama, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of the County in accordance with Amendment No. 772 of the Constitution of Alabama.

There was no response.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by President Carl, that the Board approve award of grant funds to the following business in the following amount that is experiencing financial hardship with the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis within Mobile County, Alabama, for the

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purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of the County in accordance with Amendment No. 772 of the Constitution of Alabama:

 Navco Pizza, sole proprietorship in the amount of $7,500.00, to be used for payroll, utilities, and rent expenses for five (5) employees for the next two (2) months.

Commissioner Ludgood voted “No”.

Motion carried.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve regular meeting to be held on November 16, 2020, at 10:00 A.M. in the Mobile Government Plaza Auditorium.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-326-20, contract with Grand Bay Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) in the amount of $6,290.78, from District 3 funds, to purchase a safety fence for the football stadium, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-325-20, contract with Alba Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) in the amount of $4,720.00, from District 3 funds, to purchase new equipment for outdoor basketball courts, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-102-21, contract with Mobile Symphony, Inc. in the amount of $35,674.00, from District 1 funds, for its Preludes and Strings Program for District 1 schools, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-201-21, contract with Mobile Symphony, Inc. in the amount of $26,421.00, from District 2 funds, for its Preludes and Strings Program for District 2 schools, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-103-21, contract with Delta Resource Educational Association Mobile, Inc. (DREAM) in the amount of $15,500.00, from District 1 funds, for educational programs, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve CDP-102-21 and CDP-201-21, sponsorship with Camp Rap-A-Hope Foundation, Inc. in the total amount of $750.00; to be equally divided between District 1 funds and District 2 funds in the amount of $375.00 each, for its Annual Turkey Trot for Hope 5K Run.

President Carl abstained.

Motion carried.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve sponsorship with Mobile Bay Area Veterans Day Commission in the amount of $5,000.00, from General Government Special Projects funds, for its Annual Veterans Day Celebration.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Mobile County Commission has control of all property belonging to the county and is authorized by state law to dispose of the same by order entered upon its minutes; and WHEREAS, the County presently owns the motor vehicles and equipment which are itemized and described on the *attached four (4) page list, assigned to those departments indicated on said list, which are old, obsolete or no longer needed; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mobile County Commission that the motor vehicles and equipment itemized and described on the *attached four (4) page list be, and they are hereby declared SURPLUS and, where applicable, removed from the fixed assets list, to be disposed of by lawful means. It is further DIRECTED that a copy of this resolution be entered upon the minutes of the regular meeting of the Mobile County Commission convened on the 26th day of October, 2020.

*Attachment on file in Administrator’s Office

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board authorize request of County Garage to sell surplus vehicle, 2005 Ford F-150, Vehicle #2114, in the amount of $1,500.00, to the City of Bayou La Batre.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve Change Order #2 for CCP-2018-005, Chickasabogue Park Administration Building and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Upgrades with Thomas Industries, Inc. The change will increase the contract by $1,889.66, and the new contract total will be $701,151.11, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the Change Order on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board authorize advertisement for bids, Project CIP-2019-001M, Renovation of Property at 355 North Ann Street, Mobile, Alabama.

Motion carried unanimously.




President Carl moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve agreement with the City of Mobile for a two-lane extension of Nevius Road within the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of the City of

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Mobile, from Hillcrest Road to Sollie Road for the City’s contribution of $1.5 million, and to authorize the Commission President to sign all documents related to this agreement.

Commissioner Hudson abstained.

Motion carried.




Commissioner Connie Hudson: I would like to thank all of the representatives here today from AM/NS Calvert. Miriam, thank you for telling us about your community support, the focus on education, and your engagement efforts. I think that is very important for us to hear. We appreciate the investment AM/NS Calvert has made in our community over all of these years. We have been partners all of the way. It has been a very good partnership. I won’t belabor my comments from Thursday, but I would say that all of that aside, I think the investment the County has made in this partnership all of these many years ago with the initial partnership with ThyssenKrupp which was later purchased by AM/NS still transcends that ownership. The amount of funding the County has put into this partnership as an incentive investment to have this steel manufacturing work happen in Calvert, Alabama has been substantial. In that amount of time, because the State of Alabama cannot borrow the money asked the County to. The County agreed to borrow thirty-four million dollars ($34,000,000.00) on behalf of the State of Alabama in addition to the thirty-six million dollars ($36,000,000.00) we were putting into the project. When we borrowed the money, we agreed to pay interest. For whatever reason, even though the State of Alabama agreed to pay the County back with their thirty-four million dollars ($34,000,000.00) in road projects, the State of Alabama did not agree to pay the interest. That was substantial. Thirty-two million dollars ($32,000,000.00). With all of those figures, if you subtract the road projects, which the State of Alabama has been very forthcoming and has been working well with us, we are not all the way there yet with the amount of money we agreed to borrow but we’re getting close. The County has put one hundred thirty-eight million dollars ($138,000,000.00) in this project and that includes the first abatement with years one (1) through ten (10). This second abatement is ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) investment as well. I looked to see what abatement if you add what the City of Calvert, the State of

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Alabama, and the County have invested in terms of abatements, that figure is well over six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000.00) total. I want you to know where I am coming from with this. I believe the County has been a good partner as we have invested heavily in the success of the steel manufacturing facility. I feel that this is just a step further than we need to take. That is the reason I am not supporting this move here today. I wanted you to understand that. It is not because I don’t appreciate the partnership and that I don’t appreciate the jobs, because we do.

Commissioner Merceria Ludgood: I would like to add I agree with Commissioner Hudson. We have made a significant investment and probably if we were doing it now, we would not be investing at the level we invested. That was a complicated time. I came onto the Commission in October 2007 and then November was the groundbreaking. I think they started business in 2010 or 2011. One of the things I have always said when I start to look at community economic development investment because it is something I am not an expert about, I look at the number of jobs that is going to bring and the amount of money those jobs are going to pay. From that figure, I look at what will be the continuing daily investment? In this case, since 2011 AM/NS Calvert and its predecessor have invested one billion nine hundred million dollars ($1,900,000,000.00) in payroll. They have paid more than one hundred eight million dollars ($108,000,000.00) in property taxes and four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000.00) capital investment just for AM/NS Calvert and now with Project Gator, an additional six hundred eighty-five million dollars ($685,000,000.00). While it was a lot of money, and I don’t argue with that, it is the gift that keeps on giving and giving. I think about the number of families lives who were transformed and who have been transformed by having a job at a place like ThyssenKrupp or AM/NS Calvert. I graduated high school in 1970. If you could get a job at Scott Tissue or I.P. or one of the chemical companies, you were set for life. You knew you would be able to buy a house for your family and send them to college. But now those kinds of jobs have gone away where you can do that in high school with little training. These manufacturing jobs are still available. You do not have to have a college degree. I look at what they are doing with those students coming out of Citronelle High School, where they come in making more than their parents have ever made. It is a lot of money and I understand the concern. But I believe on balance for me, the continuing contribution in terms of community involvement and payroll makes it more palatable.

Commissioner Ludgood moved, seconded by President Carl, that the Board approve tax abatement agreement with AM/NS Calvert LLC for granting abatements from Mobile County non-educational real property and personal property

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ad valorem abatement taxes for the project, for years eleven (11) to twenty (20), subject to legal review, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Commissioner Hudson voted “No”.

Motion carried.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, Alabama Act 2011-676, codified at Sections 36-27-24 and 36-27-59, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, provides that employers participating in the Employees’ Retirement System pursuant to Section 36-27-6, id., may by resolution elect for the increase in employee contributions provided by said act to be withheld from the earnable compensation of employees of the employer; and WHEREAS, Mobile County, Alabama participates in the Employees’ Retirement System pursuant to Section 36-27-6, id., and wishes to improve retirement benefits for its employees; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mobile County Commission, the governing body of Mobile County, Alabama, that the County elects for the increase in employee contributions provided by Act 2011-676 to be withheld from the earnable compensation of its employees; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that by such election Mobile County, Alabama agrees to increase employee contribution rates as specified by said Act for members of the Employees Retirement System; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions of this resolution shall become effective October 1, 2021. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the election hereby made shall be irrevocable as of the effective date of this resolution.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-104-21, contract with Omega Community Outreach in the amount of $10,500.00, from District 1 funds, for transportation fees to the HBC Tour in Washington, D.C., and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Mobile County Commission has control of all property belonging to the county and is authorized by state law to dispose of the same by order entered upon its minutes; and WHEREAS, the County presently owns certain items of IT equipment, assigned to the Probate Court and shown on the *two (2) page list attached hereto, which are in poor condition, obsolete, or no longer needed;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mobile County Commission that the items of IT equipment, assigned to the Probate Court and shown on the *two (2) page list attached hereto be, and they are hereby, declared SURPLUS, to be removed from the fixed asset list, where applicable, and disposed of by lawful means.

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It is further DIRECTED that a copy of this resolution be entered upon the minutes of the regular meeting of the Mobile County Commission convened on this 26th day of October, 2020.

*Attachment on file in Administrator’s Office

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve EFP-327-20, contract with the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County (to benefit Dauphin Island Elementary School) in the amount of $9,507.40, from District 3 funds, to purchase technology equipment, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve amending contract with WAS Design, Inc. to add construction engineering and inspection services for the construction of Phase 1a of the Escatawpa Hollow Park & Campground Project (GOMESA 18-05), for a fee in the amount of $207,710.14, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the amendment on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve CDP-323-20, sponsorship with Dauphin Island Heritage and Arts Council, Inc. in the amount of $2,000.00, from District 3 funds, for the Dauphin Island Native American Virtual Festival.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve amendment to appropriation contract with Young Leaders of America (EFP-202-20) to make provision for use of remaining funds on hand, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the amendment on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board authorize advertising a Request for Proposals for development of a Mobile County Park System Master Plan.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve lease agreement with the City of Mobile related to the City’s occupancy of Government Plaza at an initial rate of $1,500,000.00 for a period of five (5) years, commencing October 1, 2020 and terminating on September 30, 2025, pending legal review, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, on February 10, 2020 the Mobile County Commission awarded Bid #1-20, Delivery and Return of Voting Machines for the March 3, 2020 Primary Election, the March 31, 2020 run-off Election, and the November 3, 2020 General Election to Tide Moving & Storage, LLC, in the amount of $11,200.00 for the Primary Election, $13,200.00 for the Run-off Election, and $14,000.00 for the General Election; and

WHEREAS, COVID-19, which was unknown and unanticipated at the time of the award of Bid #1-20, has necessitated the need for additional equipment to be delivered to polling sites, and returned, including 556 additional tables, 206 additional blue cones, 2349 additional privacy dividers, 525 additional PP&E boxes and tubs having an average weight of 60 lbs. each, and other equipment; and

WHEREAS by letter dated October 19, 2020, Tide Moving & Storage advised the cost of delivery and return of the additional equipment described above will total $27,674.99; and

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WHEREAS, there is insufficient time in advance of the General Election to bid the cost of delivery and return of the additional equipment, which is necessary to protect the health and safety of the voting public and poll workers;

NOW THEREFORE, the premises considered, the Mobile County Commission

1. Declares the existence of an emergency affection public health and safety, as a consequence of the need to deliver and return additional lue cones, 2349 additional privacy dividers, 525 additional PP&E boxes and tubs having an average weight of 60 lbs. each, and other equipment, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic;

2. Specifically sets forth the nature of the danger involved in delaying the award of a contract for delivery of the additional equipment, to wit: That the voting public and poll workers will be at an increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the absence of the equipment; and

3. Finds the danger is such that amendment of the bid contract awarded to Tide Moving & Storage, LLC by increasing the cost of delivery and return for the Primary Election from $14,000.00 to $41,674.99 is due to be approved without public advertisement

DONE this 26th day of October.

\s\ Jerry L. Carl______Jerry L. Carl, President Mobile County Commission

Motion carried unanimously.


President Jerry L. Carl: Does anyone know if we can get that money back through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) money?

Commissioner Merceria Ludgood: We can ask.

Commissioner Connie Hudson: And the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act?

President Carl: Yes.

Dana Foster-Allen, Finance Director: We can ask.

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President Carl: Let’s ask because I’d like to get the forty-two thousand dollars ($42,000.00) back.

Commissioner Ludgood: Probate Court Judge Don Davis sent us an email yesterday. I am trying to see if there is anything that requires action. I am sorry. It is asking us to stand by for a contingency plan to deliver in case of bad weather.

Commissioner Hudson: I think he noted his concerns. I don’t think there was any action item.

Commissioner Ludgood: Right.

Commissioner Hudson: Although he is warning us there could be. We might need to stay tuned here.

Commissioner Ludgood: Okay. I am sorry. I just wanted to check.

President Carl: Thank you.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board consider taking the following action on bids:

award Bid #65-20, annual traffic control barricades and lights bid for the Public Works Department, to Safety Zone Specialists.

award Bid #81-20, annual traffic paint bid for the Public Works Department, to Safety Coatings, Inc. for their bid in the amount of $8.70 per gallon for yellow traffic paint, and Ozark Materials LLC for their bid in the amount of $8.39 per gallon for white traffic paint.

award Bid #117-20, annual traffic signal cable bid for the Public Works Department, to Southern Lighting & Traffic Systems.

award Bid #139-20, meats to be delivered to the James T. Strickland Youth Center for November 2020, to The Merchants Company d/b/a Merchants Foodservice for their bid in the amount of $9,985.36.

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approve to purchase ammunition from Gulf States Distributors under the current State of Alabama Contract T223A MA 999 1800000000302 in the amount of $60,841.00, for the Sheriff’s Office.

approve to purchase ammunition from Precision Delta under the current State of Alabama Contract T223 MA 999 180000000303.1 in the amount of $49,310.08, for the Sheriff’s Office.

approve annual maintenance for generators at the Metro Jail, Jail Annex, Government Plaza, Government Plaza Annex, and Building Maintenance with Thompson CAT under the current purchasing Co-operative Sourcewell Contract No. 120617-CAT in the total amount of $31,197.83.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve annual maintenance contract with Central Time Clock, Inc. in the amount of $149.00, for rapid print AR-E Time Clock, for the period October 31, 2020 through October 31, 2021, for the Sheriff’s Office, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve annual maintenance contract with Thompson CAT in the amount of $2,173.91, for one (1) snorkel lift and one (1) JLG lift, for the Facilities and Maintenance Department, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the contract on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve renewal of maintenance agreement with Pinnacle Networx in the amount of $14,394.90, for Net Cloud Mobile Essentials under the current State of Alabama Contract MA 999 160000000075, for the Sheriff’s Office, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Mobile County Facilities Department and the Mobile County Maintenance Department utilize two (2) software programs hosted by Dude Solutions, Inc. which are accessed via the internet: Maintenance Edge is utilized for work orders and work performed; and Inventory Edge tracks inventory of all materials and tools on hand; and

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WHEREAS, the Department is in need of maintenance and support for the software programs; and

WHEREAS, upon investigation and review it has been determined that Dude Solutions, Inc. is the only provider of maintenance and support services for the software programs hosted by Dude Solutions, which are proprietary; that Dude Solution’s services and products are unique; and that their uniqueness is substantially related to their intended purpose, use and performance;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mobile County Commission authorizes renewal of a one-year maintenance and support agreement with Dude Solutions, for a term commencing November 1, 2020 and ending October 31, 2021, at a total cost of $26,122.14.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Mobile County Revenue Department is in need of software for assessment professionals in a web-based format, that can be customized for Mobile County; and

WHEREAS, upon investigation and review it has been determined that IncomeWorks is a patented and proprietary product which will suit the needs of the Revenue Department; and that it is unique, different from any device, system or known method in the field, and its uniqueness is substantially related to its intended purpose, use and performance; and

WHEREAS, Assessment Advisors, LLC is the only provider or source for the IncomeWorks product;

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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mobile County Commission authorizes a contract with Assessment Advisors, LLC for use of its IncomeWorks product for a term of one year, commencing October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021, at a total cost of $58,000.00.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve an agreement with Alabama Power Company for an LED light at the intersection of the new entrance for Mobile County Public Works Road and Bridge Camp 1 on Howells Ferry Road, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board authorize acquisition of property and acceptance of right-of-way deeds and/or easements from the following property owners, for the following projects:

Dawes Road, Project MCR-2014-012(B), Tract 10

Roger Dale Evans, Martha Annette Evans, and Sean Dale Evans easement

Roger Dale Evans, Martha Annette Evans, and Sean Dale Evans temporary easement

McDavid Road, Project MCR-2018-204, Tract 10

Michael J. Dean and Phyllis Loretta Dean deed

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Havens Road, Project MCR-2018-205, Tract 13

Richard W. Howell, Donna G. Howell, and Doris M. Howell deed

Havens Road, Project MCR-2018-205, Tract 17

Charles W. McCloud, Jr. and Bonnie J. McCloud deed

Williams Road, Project MCR-2018-307, Tract 3

Veronica Serigney Wilson deed

Williams Road, Project MCR-2018-307, Tract 21

Clay M. Johnson and Melisa V. Johnson deed

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve pre-application for federal assistance (90%) for the Jeremiah A. Denton Airport (FY 2021) in the amount of $591,975.00. Also adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Mobile County Commission intends to apply for state matching funds for the airport improvement project for the Jeremiah A. Denton Airport during fiscal year 2021.

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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mobile County Commission as follows:

1. That the Mobile County Commission is authorized to make an application for airport improvement funding assistance from the State of Alabama Department of Transportation, for the purpose of undertaking a project in fiscal year 2021 to make improvements at the Jeremiah A. Denton Airport.

2. That the application be submitted for and on behalf of the Mobile County Commission by its Commission Chairman who is authorized by this resolution to sign the application and any related forms or documents on behalf of the Mobile County Commission.

3. That the Mobile County Commission is authorized to enter into an airport improvement funding agreement with the State of Alabama, acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation, for the purpose of undertaking a project to make improvements at the Jeremiah A. Denton Airport, with partial funding provided by the State of Alabama.

4. That the agreement be executed in the name of the Mobile County Commission for and on behalf of the Mobile County Commission by its Commission Chairman.

5. That the authority of the Mobile County Commission to enter into contracts with the State of Alabama has been reviewed by the Mobile County Commission’s attorney, and in his/her opinion, the Mobile County Commission is duly authorized to commit the Mobile County Commission to an agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mobile County Commission hereby affirms that the local matching share of funds in the amount required for this airport improvement project has been officially approved, placed into the budget of the airport and is available for expenditure upon execution of the State of Alabama’s funding agreement and the start of the project.

I, the undersigned, qualified and acting as the County Administrator of the Mobile County Commission, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of a resolution lawfully passed and adopted by the Mobile County Commission named therein, at a regular meeting of such body held on the 26th day of October, 2020, and that such resolution is on file in the office of the Mobile County Administrator.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mobile County Commission on this 28th day of October, 2020.

\s\ Glenn L. Hodge______

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board award bid for MCP-001-20/ RA49-02-20, Resurfacing and Striping Sollie Road from Three Notch Kroner Road northerly to Cottage Hill Road, to Mobile Asphalt Company LLC for their low bid in the amount of $1,192,409.74.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve Supplemental Agreement No. 6 with John G. Walton Construction Company, Inc. for Projects CIP-2013-040, CIP-2015-006E, and CIP-2019-002B, Mobile County Soccer Complex, Phase One, for replanting and restaking trees, thereby increasing the contract in the estimated amount of $660.00, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the Supplemental Agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, Section 32-5A-173(a), Code of Alabama, 1975, authorizes local authorities to establish maximum speed limits upon publicly maintained roads, when determined on the basis of engineering and traffic investigation to be greater or less than that set out in Section 32-5A-171, id.; and WHEREAS, Mobile County has caused to be conducted certain engineering and traffic investigations and, based upon the results thereof, desires to establish reasonable and safe maximum speed limits on certain roads; NOW, THEREFORE, the Mobile County Commission establishes maximum speed limits for the following named roads, for roads, segments of roads, and subdivision streets:

Three Notch-Kroner Road 45 MPH FROM: Dawes Road TO: 750 ft West of McFarland Road

Three Notch-Kroner Road 35 MPH FROM: 750 ft West of McFarland Road TO: 600 ft West of Three Notch-Kroner Dawes Lane Roundabout

Three Notch-Kroner Road 25 MPH FROM: 600 ft West of Three Notch-Kroner - Dawes Lane Roundabout TO: 600 ft East of Three Notch-Kroner - Dawes Lane Roundabout

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Three Notch-Kroner Road 35 MPH FROM: 600 ft East of Three Notch-Kroner - Dawes Lane Roundabout TO: McDonald Road Three Notch-Kroner Road 40 MPH FROM: McDonald Road TO: Bush Lane

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve right-of-way and/or easement agreements for Tract 12 in the amount of $1,280.00, and Tract 15 in the amount of $18,769.00, for Project MCR-2018-205, Barlow Road and Havens Road, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreements on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve preliminary and final plat of Resubdivision of Jockish Subdivision. (2 lots, Tanner Williams Road, District 2)


approve preliminary and final plat of Re-Sub of Lots 6 and 7, Roan Estates. (2 lots, Ben Hamilton Road, District 3)

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approve preliminary and final plat of Roberts Field Subdivision. (3 lots, March Road and Henley Road, District 3)


approve preliminary and final plat of Nelson Farms. (2 lots, Old Pascagoula Road, District 3)

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve final plat of Amelia Lake, Phase 5 and accept road rights-of-ways as shown on the subdivision plat for the following streets:

Gwin Court White Avenue Amelia Drive East

and accept the roads in this subdivision for maintenance by Mobile County together with the drainage system as it affects said roads and accept the warranty deed for the rights-of-ways indicated on this plat. (45 lots, Gwin Court, White Avenue, and Amelia Drive East, District 3)

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve accepting Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement, for the use of County equipment, from

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the City of Semmes, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve Annual Work Order No. 24796 to provide labor, equipment, and materials as needed to the Cody Road Boys and Girls Club. The cost will be charged to GFP093.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve lease agreement with NASPO/ValuePoint for postage weighing scale in the amount of $49.78 per month, for thirty-six (36) months, for the Mail Room, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.


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Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board accept grant award from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under the FY2020 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program, in the amount of $5,556.33, for the project April 1, 2020 through August 31, 2022, for the Sheriff’s Office.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve event space rental agreement with Abba Shrine Center for use of premises at 7701 Hitt Road as polling site on November 3, 2020 General Election, and authorize the President of the Commission to execute the agreement on behalf of Mobile County.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Connie Hudson: Would you explain why?

Jay Ross, County Attorney: I think this is necessary after consulting with Glenn L. Hodge, County Administrator and Richard Mitchell, Public Works Director, this morning. We are doing this as an anticipatory in case there is a problem and the Commission would not be called back into session to declare the emergency.

Commissioner Hudson: It is your recommendation we go ahead at this point and declare an emergency?

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Jay Ross: That is the recommendation from Richard Mitchell, Public Works Director and Glenn L. Hodge, County Administrator. It may not be necessary of course.

Richard Mitchell, Public Works Director: Right. If it doesn’t come into play, then it wouldn’t matter. If it does come our way and shifts or becomes stronger, then y’all would have to meet again in order to do this. You could do it now and if it doesn’t hit us, it wouldn’t matter.

Commissioner Hudson: Okay.

Richard Mitchell: We hope it doesn’t.

Commissioner Hudson: Thank you.

Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Mobile County Commission is authorized by law to take certain action to protect the safety and welfare of the public upon a determination that an emergency or disaster has occurred or is imminently like to occur; and WHEREAS, there is an existing and increasing possibility of an emergency or disaster in that the National Hurricane Center has advised that the path of Tropical Storm Zeta may cross in or around Mobile County, Alabama over the next two to three days; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that 1. The Mobile County Commission determines that an emergency or disaster is imminently likely to occur as a result of Tropical Storm Zeta and declares a local state of emergency.

2. The Mobile County Commission does hereby waive procedure and formalities otherwise required by law pertaining to the performance of public work, including but not limited to procedure and formalities set out in Section 11-3-8, CODE OF ALABAMA (1975), and the Alabama Open Meetings Act, related to calling and conducting its meetings; entering into contracts; incurring obligations, employment of temporary workers; utilization of volunteer workers; rental of equipment; acquisition and distribution, with or without compensation, of supplies, materials, and facilities; and appropriation of public funds.

October 26, 2020

3. The Mobile County Commission requires that all department heads remain in Mobile County for the duration of the emergency.

4. The Commission places all employees on “Emergency Alert” status in accordance with Policy #200-04, the Mobile County Commission Disaster or Emergency Days Policy. ADOPTED this 26th day of October, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously.




Commissioner Connie Hudson: As you all know, today is President Carl’s last day to be in a formal meeting as a Commissioner.

President Jerry L. Carl: Don’t get too excited.

Commissioner Hudson: We wanted to take the opportunity to thank him for his service and wish him the very best in all of his future endeavors. He has been one busy guy at least this last year trying to serve in his role as a Commissioner and in campaigning. We wish you and your family the very best. We decided to circulate some cards among the employees because in case you do not have the opportunity to see everybody before you leave officially on November 11, 2020.

Commissioner Merceria Ludgood: November 10, 2020 at midnight.

Jay Ross, County Attorney: That is exactly right.

Commissioner Hudson: If you want to get legally technical about it. We circulated some cards to let everybody write their thoughts and feelings. More than one person mentioned how much they would miss those sweet treats and donuts that Commissioner Carl tends to bring in on a semi-regular basis. We wanted to present these to you.

President Carl: Thank you so much. That is so nice of you.

October 26, 2020

Commissioner Hudson: Let’s give him a round of applause. Good luck!

Commissioner Ludgood: I won’t miss your bad jokes.

President Carl: Commissioner Ludgood, no one will have skittles waiting for you either.

Commissioner Ludgood: What I really want to thank you for a lot of things, but mainly because when you came here you went to work for all of Mobile County. I think that is what makes the difference between a good Commissioner and a great Commissioner. When we get here, it is the County. We are to do whatever we can to make the County better, not just what we represent. I know you tried to do that. You were particularly helpful to me up on the north end of the County. I think that is a good thing. When people saw that, it gave them a better idea of how we work together when they see us doing things like that. I am like Commissioner Hudson. You will miss us.

President Carl: I will.

Commissioner Ludgood: You only have one need and one other vote here to get things done. But best of luck to you and thank you for your service.

President Carl: Thank you. I plan on being around. I have full intentions of winning next Tuesday on the General Election November 3, 2020. I will be around in helping not only the City of Mobile and the County, but also in other counties. I tell you it has been such a pleasure. The biggest growth I think I have done has been over the last eight (8) years because I came in with one (1) idea of how I thought things should be, ran, managed, and done. It is very hard to come from a private sector and move into a government role as an elected position. I will tell you, it was a lot of changing for me. I had some very patient teachers on both sides of me here. With the County employees, I could not pick a better group to work with. I won’t get around to every County employee as we have some out in the field and scattered in the Plaza. It has been an honor and it has been an honor to serve the people in District 3. I love my district. I will always be known as the Commish. I’ve got a feeling of the south part of the County which I am very proud of that. I am very proud to serve with these two ladies. Thank you. We are going to keep it brief and short because we have business to take care of. Thank you to everyone in the County for tolerating me at some moments and for the job that y’all do as County employees. Thank you very much.


October 26, 2020



Commissioner Hudson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ludgood, that the Board approve a request for motion to adjourn until November 11, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously.

______Jerry L. Carl, President

______Merceria Ludgood, Member

______Connie Hudson, Member


______Dana Foster-Allen, Finance Director