Oak House 3 the Cunnery Kenilworth
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Oak House 3 The Cunnery Kenilworth Internal Page Single Pic Full Oak House is situated in a small exclusive development of modern properties constructed in 2002 by Charles Church. The property lies on the edge of Stoneleigh Abbey Park which was designed by Humphrey Repton around the Grade I listed Stoneleigh Abbey buildings. First paragraph, editorial style, short, considered headline benefitsConveniently of living situated here. withOne easy or two access sentences to Leamington that convey Spa, what youWarwick would and say Coventry in person. and for the commuter, the M40 (J15) is 8 miles away. There are trains to London, Birmingham, NEC and SecondBirmingham paragraph, International additional Airport details from of either note aboutCoventry the train property.station, Leamington Wording to addSpa valueor Warwick and support Parkway. image selection. Tem volum is solor si aliquation rempore puditiunto qui utatis adit,There animporepro are a number experit of excellent et dolupta schools ssuntio in the mos area apieturere including ommostiWarwick Foundation squiati busdaecus Schools, cus King dolorporum Henrys in Coventryvolutem. and Princethorpe School. Third paragraph, additional details of note about the property. Wording to add value and support image selection. Tem volum is solor si aliquation rempore puditiunto qui utatis adit, animporepro experit et dolupta ssuntio mos apieturere ommosti squiati busdaecus cus dolorporum volutem. 5-6XXX3-4 4 X GreatKenilworth Missenden 2.5 miles, 1.5 miles, Leamington London Spa Marlebone 4 miles, 39Warwick minutes, 4.5 Amershammiles, M40 6.5(J15) miles, 8 miles, M40 Stratford J4 10 miles, upon Beaconsfield Avon 13 miles, 11 miles, M25Birmingham j18 13 miles, International Central London Airport 36 15 miles miles (all (distances distances and and time timesapproximate) are approximate). In all, 3,649 sq. ft. Approached over a tree lined driveway, Oak House is a spacious family home situated within a mature and well-kept development adjacent to Stoneleigh Abbey. The Cunnery is peaceful and semi- rural, conveniently placed just outside of Leamington Spa. FirstThis familyparagraph, home editorialoffers flexible style, family short, accommodationconsidered headline totalling benefits3,649 sq ftof arrangedliving here. over One two or floors.two sentences Constructed that toconvey a high what youstandard would throughout, say in person. the current owner has kept the property in immaculate condition and made some upgrades over the last Secondcouple of paragraph, years. additional details of note about the property. Wording to add value and support image selection. TemThe generousvolum is solor entrance si aliquation hallway remporehas a staircase puditiunto rising qui to utatis the first adit,floor animporeproand a galleried experit landing, et dolupta with guest ssuntio cloakroom mos apieturere and doors ommostiradiating offsquiati to various busdaecus reception cus rooms.dolorporum The drawingvolutem. room has French doors opening to the garden and a multi fuel stove. A Thirdnewly paragraph, fitted kitchen additional features details white ofcontemporary note about the units, property. a large Wording to add value and support image selection. Tem dining area and French doors open to the terrace. The dining volum is solor si aliquation rempore puditiunto qui utatis adit,room, animporepro study and sitting experit room et dolupta overlook ssuntio the front mos of apieturere the house and ommostiare great receptionsquiati busdaecus spaces. cus dolorporum volutem. XXX X Great Missenden 1.5 miles, London Marlebone 39 minutes, Amersham 6.5 miles, M40 J4 10 miles, Beaconsfield 11 miles, M25 j18 13 miles, Central London 36 miles (all distances and times are approximate). Upstairs, the 28 ft principal bedroom is impressive in size with two sets of built in wardrobes and a newly fitted and extended en suite bathroom with separate walk in shower. Bedroom two features a dressing area and en suite shower room and the three further bedrooms share the family bathroom. First paragraph, editorial style, short, considered headline benefitsA front driveway of living and here. an enclosedOne or two rear sentences driveway that provide convey plenty what of youspace would for securesay in person. parking. The front garden is landscaped with box heading and a small lawn beside the gravel driveway. The Secondrear walled paragraph, garden isadditional extremely details private, of notemostly about laid theto lawn with a property.large Indian Wording sandstone to add terrace value andleading support off the image kitchen selection. and Tem volum is solor si aliquation rempore puditiunto qui utatis drawing room. adit, animporepro experit et dolupta ssuntio mos apieturere ommostiA central pathsquiati leads busdaecus up the garden cus dolorporum to a further volutem. terrace and double garage with workshop at the rear and a guest suite/studio above, Thirdwith kitchen paragraph, and additionalshower room. details of note about the property. Wording to add value and support image selection. Tem volum is solor si aliquation rempore puditiunto qui utatis adit, animporepro experit et dolupta ssuntio mos apieturere ommosti squiati busdaecus cus dolorporum volutem. XXX X Great Missenden 1.5 miles, London Marlebone 39 minutes, Amersham 6.5 miles, M40 J4 10 miles, Beaconsfield 11 miles, M25 j18 13 miles, Central London 36 miles (all distances and times are approximate). Internal Page 4 Pic Full Services Mains electricity and water are connected to the property. Oil fired central heating. The studio above the garage has electric heating. Charging point for electric car on front driveway. Directions - CV8 2PZ From Leamington, take the Kenilworth Road/A452 north out of town and at the roundabout, take the third exit onto the Stoneleigh Road/B4113. Turn left into Stoneleigh Abbey's private drive/Mary Lodge Drive and take the third turning on the left. Continue along the driveway and Oak House is the second property on the left hand side. Council Tax Warwick District Council - Band G. Tenure Freehold Viewings By prior appointment only with the agents. Knight Frank I would be delighted to tell you more. Stratford upon Avon KnightBridgeway Frank House SamanthaName Holton Name StratfordStratford-upon-Avon upon Avon 01789XXXXX 297735 XXX XXX XXXXX XXX XXX #CountyCV37 6YX [email protected]@knightfrank.com [email protected] knightfrank.co.uk Connecting people & property, perfectly. Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller's Solicitors. Important Notice: 1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Knight Frank LLP in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing ("information") as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Knight Frank LLP nor any joint agent has any authority to make any representations about the property, and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s). 2. Photos, Videos etc: The photographs, property videos and virtual viewings etc. show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. 3. Regulations etc: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these matters have been properly dealt with and that all information is correct. 4. VAT: The VAT position relating to the property may change without notice. 5. 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