Botany Department
EVALUATIVE REPORT – BOTANY DEPARTMENT 1. Name of the Department : BOTANY 2. Year of Establishment : 1968-1969 3. Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the University : University 4. Names of programmes offered : M.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D. – (Regular) M.Sc. (Botany), M.Phil. – (Distance Mode) 5. Interdisciplinary programmes and Departments involved : Nil 6. Courses in collaboration with other Universities, Industries, Foreign.: :Nil Institutions, etc 7. Details of programmes discontinued, If any reasons : Nil 8. Examination System : Semester-Wise & CBCS 9. Participation of the Department in the Courses offered by other departments : Biotechnology and Microbiology 10. Number of Teaching posts sanctioned, Filled and actual : As shown in table below Total Sanctioned Strength=21 (Prof-02, Associate Prof.-06,Assistant Prof.-13) Total filled Strength=11 (Prof-06, Associate Prof.-Nil,Assistant Prof.-05) Total Male Female Cadre (M+F) OC BC SC ST Total OC BC SC ST Total Professors 06 02 02 -- 02 06 -- -- -- -- -- Associate Professors - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Assistant 03+02=05 02 01 -- -- 03 -- 02 -- -- 02 Professors TOTAL 11 04 03 -- 02 09 -- 02 -- -- 02 Cadre Sanctioned Filled Actual (incl. CAS & MPS) Professors 02 06 4Professors under CAS Associate Professors 06 -- - Assistant Professors 13 05 - TOTAL 21 11 - 11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization,experience and research under guidance No. of No. of Sl. Qualifi- Ph.D./M.Phil. Name Designation Specialization Years of cations No. students guided Experience forlast 4 years M.Sc., Cytology and Cytogenetics, Dr. B. Mallaiah Professor Ph.D= 01 1. Ph.D &Plant TissueCulture Retd – 2010 Dr. K. Jagan M.Sc., Ph.D= 02 Professor Plant TissueCulture 2.
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