Contemporary Agriculture Savremena Poljoprivreda

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Contemporary Agriculture Savremena Poljoprivreda University of Novi Sad - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Faculty of Agriculture - Poljoprivredni fakultet 60(1-2)2011. Novi Sad, CONTEMPORARY AGRICULTURE SAVREMENA POLJOPRIVREDA The Serbian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Srpski časopis za poljoprivredne nauke SAVREMENA POLJOPRIVREDA SAVREMENA NOVI SAD Vol. 60 No. 1-2 2011. UDC: 63(497.1)(051)-”540.2” ISSN: 0350 - 1205 CONTEMPORARY AGRICULTURE / AGRICULTURE CONTEMPORARY University of Novi Sad - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Faculty of Agriculture - Poljoprivredni fakultet CONTEMPORARY AGRICULTURE SAVREMENA POLJOPRIVREDA The Serbian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Srpski časopis za poljoprivredne nauke NOVI SAD Vol. 60 No. 1-2 2011. UDC: 63(497.1)(051)-”540.2” ISSN: 0350 - 1205 ISSN: 0350-1205 UDC: 63(497.1)(051)-„540.2“ „CONTEMPORARY AGRICULTURE” The Serbian Journal of Agricultural Sciences „SAVREMENA POLJOPRIVREDA” Srpski časopis za poljoprivredne nauke Editor-in-Chief / Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Prof. dr Milan Krajinović Editor / Urednik: Prof. dr Blagoje Stančić Assistant Editors / Pomoćnici urednika: Prof. dr Vesna Rodić Prof. dr Đorđe Malenčić Prof. dr Milenko Stevančević Prof. dr Niko Milošević Lectors for the English Language / Lektori za engleski jezik: Bojana Šobot, dipl. fi lolog Aleksandar Jagrović, dipl. fi lolog Editorship / Uredništvo: Prof. dr Petar Erić (Serbia), Prof. dr Branko Konstantinović (Serbia), Prof. dr Milenko Jovanović (Serbia), Prof. dr Zoran Keserović (Serbia), Prof. dr Milan Popović (Serbia), Prof. dr Stanimir Kovčin (Serbia), Prof. dr Jelena Ninić-Todorović (Serbia), Prof. dr Mladen Gagrčin (Serbia), dr Doc. dr Radovan Savić (Serbia), Prof. dr Marian Bura (Romania), Prof. dr Vera Stojšin (Serbia), Robin C. Anderson, PhD (USA), Prof. dr Karaoglanidis George (Greece). Editorial council / Izdavački savet: Prof. dr Radovan Pejanović (Serbia), Prof. dr Miroslav Malešević (Serbia), Dipl. ecc. Gordana Radović (Serbia), Prof. dr Vitomir Vidović (Serbia), Prof. dr Branka Gološin (Serbia), Prof. dr Saša Orlović (Serbia), Prof. dr Nedeljko Tica (Serbia), Prof. dr Nikola Đukić (Serbia), Prof. dr Dragan Glamočić (Serbia), Prof. dr Nada Korać (Serbia), Prof. dr Jovan Crnobarac (Serbia), Prof. dr Stanko Boboš (Serbia), Prof. dr Ljiljana Nešić (Serbia), Prof. dr Petar Sekulić (Novi Sad), Prof. dr Mirjana Milošević (Serbia), Prof. dr Cvijan Mekić (Serbia), Prof. MVD Juraj Pivko, DSc. (Slovakia), Prof. dr Šandor Šomođi (Hungary), Prof. dr Sava Bunčić (UK), Prof. dr Boris Stegny (Ukraina), Prof. dr Kole Popovski (Macedonia), Prof. dr Ion Pădeanu (Romania), Prof. Baruch Rubin, Ph.D. (Israel), Prof. dr habil. Imre Musci, CSc. (Hungary), Prof. dr Mark Gleason (USA), Roger B. Harvey, DVM (USA). Publisher / Izdavač: UNIVERSITY of NOVI SAD, FACULTY of AGRICULTURE UNIVERZITET U NOVOM SADU, POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTET Address of editorship / Adresa uredništva: FACULTY of AGRICULTURE, 21000 Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, R. Serbia POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTET, 21000 Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, R. Srbija Phones/Telefoni: ++381 21 450-355; ++381 21 6350-711; ++381 21 485-3482; Fax: ++021/459-761. , E-mail: [email protected] Four issues in two volumes per year / Četiri broja u dva volumena godišnje. Cirrculation 200 copies / Tiraž 200 primeraka. Print / Štampa: „Štamparija Atelje“, Iriški put 30, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia. ii REVIEWERS / RECENZENTI Prof. dr Stanimir Dimitrov, Department of Genetics, Selection and Reproduction Tracia University, Agricultural Faculty, Student Campus 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Norbert Lukač, Department of Animal Physiology, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, Nitra, SK-94976, Slovak Republic. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Lidija Perić, Departmen for Animal Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg D. Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Dragan Glamočić, Departmen for Animal Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg D. Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Miroslav Plavšić, Departmen for Animal Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg D. Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Robin Anderson, PhD., USA Department of Agriculture, South Plains Agriculture Research Center, Food and Feed Safety Research Unit, 2882 F&B Road, College Station, TX 77845. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Martin Wähner, Hochschule Anhalt (FH) Fachbereich Landwirtschaft, Ökotrophologie, Landschaftsentwicklung Strenzfelder Allee 28, 06406 Bernburg, Deuchland. E-mail: [email protected] Roger B. Harvey, DVM, MS, Veterinary Medicine Offi cer, FFSRU, SPARC, ARS, USDA, 2881 F&B Road, College Station, TX 77845. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Branislav Lako, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg D. Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Stanko Boboš, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg D. Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Slobodan Jovanović, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Bulevar oslobođenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, R. Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Mirjana Vučković, Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Novi Sad, 21000 Novi Sad, R. Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Slobodanka Stojković, CSIRO/Monash University, School of Biological Sciences, Building 18, Clayton Campus, VIC-3800, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Dr Rania Ahmed Abd El-Wahab Mohammed, Plant Protect Research Institute, 7 Nadi Elasaid St., Dokki, Giza, Egypt. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr Margaret Loseby, Departimento di Ecologia e Sviluppo Economico Sustenibile, Universita' Degli Studi Della Tuscia, Faculta di Agraria, 01100 Viterbo, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] Dr Oliver T. Neher, Assistant Professor, Extension Plant Pathology, University of Idaho, USA, Twin Falls Research & Extension Center, CSI Evergreen Building, 315 Falls Avenue East Twin Falls ID 83303. E-mail: [email protected]; cellphone: (208) 320-0836; phone: (208) 736- 3633; fax: (208)736-0843. Doc. dr Slađana Krivokapić, University of Montenegro, PMF, Biology, Podgorica, Montene- gro. E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +382 20 243 816. iii CONTENTS/SADRŽAJ A. Original scientific papers / Originalni naučni radovi RISK MANAGEMENT IN PLANT PRODUCTION WITH WEATHER DERIVATIVES UPRAVLJANJE RIZIKOM U BILJNOJ PROIZVODNJI PRIMENOM VREMENSKIH DERIVATA Todor Marković, Milenko Jovanović . 1 RECURSIVE FORMULA FOR NUMBER OF COWS IN MILK PRODUCTION REKURZIVNA FORMULA ZA BROJ KRAVA U OKVIRU PROIZVODNJE MLEKA Snežana Matić-Kekić, Nebojša Dedović, Snežana Trivunović . 7 THE INFLUENCE OF NITROGEN AND SUPLHUR FERTILIZATION ON THE YIELD FORMATION AND QUALITY OF BROCCOLI UTICAJ ĐUBRENJA AZOTOM I SUMPOROM NA FORMIRANJE PRINOSA I KVALITET BROKOLE Miroslav Šlosár, Anton Uher, Ján Kóňa, Tomáš Pechočiak . 15 PLANT COVER OF NATURAL PASTURES LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF THE TOWN OF NOVI KNEŽEVAC BILJNI POKRIVAČ PRIRODNIH PAŠNJAKA U OKOLINI NASELJA NOVI KNEŽEVAC Aleksa Knežević, Dejana Džigurski, Branka Ljevnaić - Mašić, Branko Ćupina, Dragiša Milošev . 22 SOME BIOCHEMICAL BLOOD PARAMETERS OF GATACK BREED COWS FROM GACKO REGION NEKI BIOHEMIJSKI PARAMETRI KRVI KRAVA GATAČKE RASE IZ REGIJE GACKO Đorđe Savić, Stoja Jotanović, Milanka Drinić, Marinko Vekić . 31 IMPORTANCE AND CURRENT ISSUES IN AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE IN SERBIA ZNAČAJ I PROBLEMI OSIGURANJA POLJOPRIVREDE Vladimir Njegomir, Radovan Pejanović . 38 RISK ANALYSIS AND DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA ANALIZA RIZIKA I PROCES DONOŠENJA ODLUKA U POLJOPRIVREDNOM PREDUZEĆU U REPUBLICI SRBIJI Zoran Njegovan, Radovan Pejanović, Goran Krajinović, Bahrija Kačar . 45 ANALYSIS OF SOMATIC CELL COUNT IN MILK OF COWS CHRONICALLY INFECTED WITH COXIELLA BURNETII ANALIZA BROJA SOMATSKIH ĆELIJA U MLEKU KRAVA HRONIČNO INFICIRANIH SA COXIELLA BURNETII Miodrag Radinović, Stanko Boboš, Ivana Davidov, Marija Pajić . 54 v THE LIPIDS CONTENT IN BLOOD AND LIVER OF DAIRY COWS DURING THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD SADRŽAJ LIPIDA U KRVI I JETRI KOD MLEČNIH KRAVA U TRANZICIONOM PERIODU Radojica Đoković, Horea Šamanc, Zoran Ilić, Vladimir Kurćubić, Jovan Stojković . 59 ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION OF HORSE TENDONS - COMPARING ULTRASOUND AND ANATOMY FINDINGS ULTRAZVUČNI PREGLED TETIVA KOD KONJA - UPOREĐIVANJE ULTRAZVUČNOG NALAZA I ANATOMSKE STRUKTURE Bojan Toholj, Jovan Spasojević, Milenko Stevančević, Mile Savović, Igor Apić, Marko Cincović, Stojanac Nenad . 65 EMERGENT VEGETATION IN THE MAIN CANALS OF THE HS DTD IN THE REGION OF BAČKA EMERZNA VEGETACIJA OKM HS DTD U BAČKOJ Dejana Džigurski, Aleksa Knežević, Ljiljana Nikolić, Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić . 73 THE USE OF AZOTOBACTER IN MAIZE PRODUCTION: THE EFFECT ON MICROBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SOIL, EARLY PLANT GROWTH AND GRAIN YIELD PRIMENA AZOTOBAKTERA U PROIZVODNJI KUKURUZA: UTICAJ NA MIKROBIOLOŠKU AKTIVNOST U ZEMLJIŠTU, POČETNI RAST BILJKE I PRINOS ZRNA Mirjana Jarak, Zora Jeličić, Janja Kuzevski, Nastasija Mrkovački, Simonida Đurić . 80 REPRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY IN HIGH-MILKING DAIRY COWS AFTER CALVING REPRODUKTIVNA EFIKASNOST VISOKO-MLEČNIH KRAVA POSLE TELENJA Dragan Gvozdić, Ivan Stančić, Milan
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