Possible Trend GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) -- a Guy- Losses from a Multi-Million Dollar Anese Court Will Hold a Hearing Armed Robbery
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Explosion sets off depot fire SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP/UPI) -- international oil embargo. The Several explosions set off a huge oil Rhodesia is able to get is unmnv I fire yesterday at an oil storage shipped through white-ruled South -1 depot about five miles from the Africa. This is a complicated center of Salisbury. process and a costly one. Destruction of the depot could The depot where "the whole sky" seriously affect Rhodesia's war was described by eye-witnesses as efforts against the guerrillas who being on fire is the main storage have been battling for six years facility for Shell-British Petro- Vol. 33 No. 232 to establish black-majority rule. leum with at least 10 giant storage Tues., December 12, 1978 As to how it sarted, a police tanks. Mobil and Caltex, jointly spokesman had little comment. He owned by Standard Oil of California said only that there had been a and Texaco, have storage facilities "small explosion." There was no in the same area. O)Itztttt comment as to the possibility of It's not yet known how much of sabotage. the country's oil storage will be lost. However, some spectators blame Even before the fire, to import black nationalist guerrillas for oil Rhodesia had been forced to the blaze. draw up its dwindly foreign curren- Because of its racial policies, cy reserves. Rioting erupts in Iran Rhodesia remains the subject of an No injuries were reported. problem may be resolved rise after hos- Local tree TEHRAN, Iran (AP/UPI) -- Violence toll is expected to pitals and clinics report in. rather than an artifi- flared across the breadth of Iran Although the live Christmas trees a live tree The demonstrations turned violent with deaths and injuries reported that went on sale this morning were cial one. in the central city of Isfahan, 300 from the central city of Isfahan limited -- 47 trees to be exact-- miles south of the capital. The following protest marches against Gitmo may be getting 150 more live About six hours later, he was rioters burned down bank branches, Gon- the shah. trees flown in before Christmas, ac- joined by E.J. Farmer and Homer attacked government buildings and to Official sources say that at least cording to Commander James Cramer, zoles who arrived by motorcycle headquarters and five persons were shot and killed of the shah's secret Naval Station supply officer. take their places as second tree sale. and an undetermined number wounded police. Troops hurled tear gas He said last night that he could third in line for the TV-8's Bob in Isfahan yesterday as rioters grenades in attempt to disperse the not guarantee the trees could be In an interview with Herskovitz these newcomers gave clashed with armed troops. swirling mobs, but to no avail. procurred, but he felt sure the The protesters stomped through people he had talked to in Norfolk their reasons for the long wait. The rioting erupted along virtual- the streets of Tehran shouting about getting the additional trees Farmer said the tree symbolizes ly the entire length of the city's anti-shab and 'anti-American slo- would do their best to get them. the spirit of the season and also main boulevard as well as in a cen- gans. He said that they understood the commented that he could recall the tral square. Youths pulled down However, Jordan's King Hussein problem we have down here and gave lines last year. statues of the shah and his father, has flown into Paris, where, it's him the impression of being eager Gonzolez said that his preference Reza Shah the Great. said, he'll try to mediate an end to help. stemmed from the fact that he just Troops and tanks moved back into to the violence that's plagued The Supply Center is trying to didn't want anything "imitation." Tehran and a full curfew was re- Iran. buy the 150 trees locally. If they Gonzolez and Farmer, who arrived. imposed after the protest march. Official sources in Jordan say are successful, the trees will be on the scene on their motorcycles There are unconfirmed reports of Hussein will seek a meeting with flown here in time for the Christ- both said they expected their wives shooting at soldiers, which may the exiled leader of Iran's conser- mas holiday. to bring cars to pick up the trees have sparked off the exchange of vative Moslems, the group that's He said he would probably have in the morning. fire. lead months of protests against the more information later this after- Cdr. Cramer said the spoilage of Official sources say the death shah. noon. trees would not affect the tree The tree problem was announced lighting ceremonies scheduled for on the TV-8 program Newswatch yes- Sunday and Monday (see page three) terday afternoon, and the first since those trees are going to be Cleveland faces possible default Gitmoites arrived at the Auto Hob- flown in later this week. by Shop -- where the trees were The trees were damaged because Mayor Dennis WKYC-TV agreed to provide him with CLEVELAND (AP/UPI) -- scheduled to be sold -- about 8 the temperatures during shipping voters a half-hour of time at 7 p.m. Kucinich will ask Cleveland p.m. were not low enough. Cdr. Cramer taxes But a spokesman said if the sta- to approve higher municipal Mike Wilson from the Naval Air said that the extent of the damage de- tion finds the address political or to save the city from financial Station was the first to arrive, was not discovered until yesterday, partisan, it will grant similar time fault at week's end. fully equipped with a lawn chair, because officials had turned the the city council for opposing views. The president of blanket and a can of bug spray. temperatures down and hoped for the that Kucinich will Kucinich filed a complaint with says he's learned His reason for the long wait for best. the Federal Communications Commis- make that request in a televised a "real" tree? He said he feels it He said it was not until the van sion against Cleveland's other two speech tonight. has something to do with tradition was opened yesterday that the extent it VHF television stations, WEWS and If Cleveland does go under, and for his tworyear-old son to have of the damage was known. will be the first major American WJKW, which failed to reach agree- city to do so. ment with his office on carrying the Cleveland is on the verge of be- speech. coming the first American city to Kucinich accused WEWS and WJKW of default on notes since the depres- "denying the people of Cleveland an PTO sponso 11rs 'Roots' sion. opportunity to hear from their with the subject of George Forbes said yesterday that government" and said that "under- You can now see the highly ac- graphically with realistic scenes Kucinich will ask voters to approve scores their unfitness to be license- claimed film series, ROOTS next slavery illustrating the capture and later higher taxes in order to increase holders." week in Guantanmao Bay. spon- of slaves. Parental municipal revenue by $30-million a William Flynn, general manger of The 10-hour showing will be punishment for children is advised. year. The revenue would be used as WJKW, has said Kucinich rejected an sored by the Parent Teachers Organ- discretion The series will be shown on the collateral for loans. offer to take part in a panel dis- ization and open to all base resi- by 20 foot wide Local bankers hold $15 and a-half cussion, or to be allowed to make dents. The presentation will be new 8 foot high million in notes that must be re- a speech if he submits to reporters shown Monday, from 8 to 10 p.m., screen. Smoking will not be allowed during paid or refinanced by Cleveland on questions afterward. Edward Cerve- and Tuesday thru Friday, from 7:30 Residents are invited Friday. nak, WEWS general manager, said the to 9:30 at the W.T. Sampson Elemen- the showing. of to bring lawn chairs for their And the banks want assurances that mayor's office rejected an offer tary School Multi-purpose Room. at drama that deals personal comfort. the city will be able to raise the an earlier time slot, beginning ROOTS is a money. 4:30 p.m. 4 --- NATIONAL-WORLD BRIEFS--- Gasohol.a pipossible trend GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) -- A Guy- losses from a multi-million dollar anese court will hold a hearing armed robbery. today to determine if there's enough Five masked Hen bound and hand- WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- Stanley Bar- or in attracting big financing to evidence to bring Larry Laton to cuffed 10 employees in the cargo ber says that when he leaves his develop his invention which allows trial. area yesterday. Then they rounded home in Ft. Smith, Ark., and heads use of either alcohol or gasoline Layton, a member of the Peoples up at least $5 million worth of for one of his construction sites, in cars. Temple Cult, is charged with five cash and jewels, then took off. he's usually running on 100 percent Still, "gasoholics" have caught counts of murder, stemming from the alcohol. the eye of consumers, particulary airport shootings in which Congress- in the Midwest, and some senators man Leo Ryan and four others died. TEL AVIV (AP) -- Secretary of State A few years ago the 48-year-old and congressmen from the grain belt.