NAR Family Certifications General Accredited Appraiser—GAA. Certified General REALTOR® Family Designation Programs Appraisers wishing to increase their visibility should consider

At Home With Diversity—AHWD. A ground-breaking Accredited Buyer Representative—ABR. Education pursuing the GAA designation. The GAA is awarded to ap- professional education initiative designed to provide Amer- provides REALTORS® with what they need to stay com- praisers whose education and experience exceed state ap- ica's real estate professionals with training and tools to ex- petitive in today’s market. Contact REBAC at Re- praisal certification requirements and is supported by NAR. Call (800)874- pand their business as well as home ownership opportunities for more 6500 ext. 8268 or email [email protected]. [email protected] or call (800)648-6224 or visit Americans. AHWD certification relays to the public that those certified Accredited Land Consultant—ALC. The REALTORS® have been professionally trained in and are sensitive to a wide range of NAR’s Green Designation—GREEN. NAR created Land Institute confers its prestigious Accredited Land Con- cultural issues inviting a wider volume of business from a greater variety of the Green Designation to provide ongoing education, sultant Designation to only the best land professionals in the cultures. For more information on this course and its business principles, resources and tools so that real estate practitioners can business. A land specialist must complete the organization’s rigorous please contact Diversity, (800)874-6500 ext. 8393. successfully seek out, understand and market properties LANDU educational program. For more information contact RLI at (800) with green features. Email [email protected] or call (800)498- Broker Price Opinion Resource (BPOR). The BPO 441-5263, email at [email protected] or visit 9422.

Resource certification provides REALTORS® with knowledge and skills to reduce risk, increase opportunities, and create pro- Certified Commercial Investment Graduate REALTOR® Institute—GRI. Members in- fessional BPOs. For more information email [email protected] or call Member—CCIM. CCIM’s are rec- volved in residential real estate who want a solid base of 855-620-8863 ognized experts in commercial real information for their practice will want to participate in the estate brokerage, leasing, valuation and investment analysis. CCIM’s are REALTOR® Institute program. NAR maintains a clearinghouse of infor- e-PRO® is a revolutionary training program presented en- backed by a respected educational program, as well as superior technology mation for individuals interested in the GRI program. For more information tirely online to certify real estate agents and brokers as Inter- products and business resources. Contact CCIM at (800)621-7027 or visit call (800)874-6500 ext. 8215. net Professionals. NAR is the first major trade group to offer Performance Management Network—PMN. certification for online professionalism. E-PRO® is not just about technol- PMN is a REALTOR® designation that’s built ogy—it’s about how you can leverage your most powerful asset, your peo- Certified International Property Specialist—CIPS. from the ground up to bring you the real-world ple-skills, into doing more business on the Internet. For more information The CIPS designation prepares REALTORS® to service skills, the know-how and the tools that will keep your business out front and on the e-PRO certification, call (800)874-6500 ext. 8543 or visit the growing international market in their local commu- on top of a lightning-fast market. Call (800)245-8512. nity by focusing on culture, exchange rates, investment trends, and legal

issues. Contact Information Central at NAR Global, (800)874-6500 ext. Real Estate Professional Assistant—REPA. REPA is a 8369. REALTOR® Association Certified Executive—RCE.

AE’s interested in demonstrating commitment to the field of comprehensive two-day certificate course that provides an intensive introduction to the real estate business and to the specific ways Certified Property Manager—CPM®. Acquire valuable real es- REALTOR® Association Management should pursue the RCE designation. Contact (312)329-8545. support staff can become valuable assets to their employers. Every admin- tate management skills through educational offerings leading to the istrative employee in the brokerage office, from listing secretary to the per- CPM® designation. CPM® members have the competitive edge in sonal assistant, will benefit tremendously from this quick-start program. every area of real estate management from residential to commercial Residential Accredited Appraiser—RAA. Certified Resi- dential Appraisers wishing to increase their visibility should Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist—RSPS. RSPS to industrial. Contact IREM® Customer Relations at (800)837-0706 ext. 4650 or visit consider pursuing the RAA designation. Call (800)874-6500 is offered by NAR Resort for resort and second-home profes- ext. 8268 for more information.

sionals around the world. The RSPS core certification require- Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager—CRB. CRB is ment includes the NAR Resort & Second-Home Market Course. RSPS one of the most respected relevant designations offered in Real Seniors Real Estate Specialist®-SRES®. Designation applicants will also choose from twenty three different elective choices Estate Business Management. The CRB designation is awarded program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and including courses from the NAR Education Matrix and the NAR Resort to REALTORS® who have completed advanced educational ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing Symposium held every 18 months. For more information, call (312) 329- professional requirements. For more information, email market in real estate, clients age 50+. Call (800)500-4564, 8393 email [email protected] or visit [email protected], call (800)621-8738 or visit Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource—SFR. For many real Certified Residential specialist—CRS. CRS has over a 30 year Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS®—SIOR®. estate professionals, short sales and foreclosures are the new legacy of giving residential real estate professionals the tools they Individuals certified with the SIOR® designation are top "traditional" real estate transaction. Knowing how to help sell- need to be successful in any market. Contact Customer Service at producers in industrial and office real estate brokerage. ers maneuver the complexities of short sales as well as help buyers pursue (800)462-8841 or visit SIOR’s network includes more than 3, 000 members in 580 short sale and foreclosure opportunities are not merely good skills to have cities in 20 countries. SIOR® represents today’s most in today's market — they are critical. REALTORS® with the SFR certifi- Counselor of Real Estate—CRE. CRE designees are a knowledgeable, experienced and successful commercial real cation can be a trusted resource for short sales and foreclosures. Your abil- member of The Counselors of Real Estate, an international estate brokerage specialists. For more information call (202)449-8200 or ity to close short sales and foreclosures depends in part on your confidence group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, visit in seeing these transactions through. For more information e-mail objective advice on real property and land-related matters. By invitation AUGUST 2011 [email protected], call (877)510-7855, or visit only. Call (312)329-8427.

Continuing Education Education FAQs REALTORS® Association of

New Mexico’s With the exception of New Jersey, every state in the Q: I have questions pertaining to the GRI (Graduate REALTOR® United States requires real estate licensees to earn continu- Institute) designation. Who do I contact? ing education in order to maintain their real estate license. Licensees know they need Continuing Education (CE) credit, A: Although the GRI is a national designation, the program is adminis- but the hard part is finding out how much they need and tered by accredited state association providers. Contact RANM what schools offer it. This list of frequently asked questions with specific questions regarding GRI. about continuing education was developed to give real estate licensees a better understanding of the who, what, and where Q: Why doesn’t NAR acknowledge professional designations other of continuing education. than its own?

Who decides continuing education requirements? A: NAR’s bylaws prohibit from ‘recognizing’ third-party industry des- In the State of New Mexico, the New Mexico Real Estate Com- ignations. With the large number of professional designation pro- mission determines the licensing and continuing education re- grams available, NAR does not have the resources to actively re- quirements for Real Estate Licensees. The NMREC decides view and monitor the quality of these programs and therefore, it which courses may be taught and who may teach them. RANM provides education programs for our members by being an ap- would be inappropriate to comment on the level of quality. proved NMREC Institutional Sponsor through the NMREC. Q: What is the proper way to list designations when you have more This Institutional Sponsorship approval allows RANM to pre- REALTOR® Family sent National Speakers at RANM’s annual conference and meet- than one? ing for CE, offer certifications courses for CE and partner with A: NAR has no specific policy on this, however, most practitioners list DESIGNATION PROGRAMS online distance learning educators for CE. them in alphabetical order.

Why are some courses approved for CE and others are not? Q: What is NAR’s technology certification and where can I find Each state determines which courses may be approved. In New more information about it? Mexico, the NMREC requires 30 hours of continuing education to be completed within the licensee’s three-year license cycle. A: e-PRO is NAR’s Internet professional certification program. It’s The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF In order for a course to be approved for CE, the course sponsor designed for individuals who are already online, but want to under- or school must submit a course application and a fee to the real stand better how to develop and maintain a customer base over the REALTORS® and its affiliated Institutes, estate commission for their review of the course. Some topics, Societies, and Councils provide a wide- such as marketing and personal growth, are only approved for Internet. continuing training hours. Currently, a Real Estate licensee Q: I want to apply for an Education Scholarship. Where can I go range of programs and services that assist may have up to 10 hours of continuing training in a renewal pe- for more information? members in increasing skills, proficiency, riod.. and knowledge. Designations and certifica- A: RANM and NAR do not offer educational scholarships, however What role does my REALTOR’S® Association play in CE? the Stanley H. Mathis Foundation is a New Mexico REALTOR® tions acknowledging experience and expertise in various The REALTORS® Association of New Mexico, including non-profit developed to assist and promote New Mexico REAL- real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affili- NAR, does not determine what courses are approved for CE. Both RANM and NAR work with the NMREC to get sessions TOR® members in their education needs. Contact Stanley H. ated group upon completion of required courses. presented at the annual conference approved for CE. REAL- Mathis Foundation for more information TOR® University - NAR's online education destination has courses approved for CE in some states. Consult the CE Search Q: What is REALTOR® University? Engine on REALTOR® University for courses approved for A: REALTOR® University is NAR’s online education destination and continuing education in New Mexico. exclusive provider of online courses leading to NAR’s official fam-

How do I find out about my State's CE requirements? ily designations and certifications. You are advised to contact either the New Mexico Real Estate Q: Are REALTOR® University courses available to non-members? Commission or RANM, your State Association. A: Yes, Non-members can take courses but will not be awarded REAL- One final word of advice. TOR® family designations and certifications. 2201 Brothers Road * Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Check with the school or course provider and the NMREC about CE approval prior to registering for any course. (505) 982-2442 * (800)224-2282 [email protected] *