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Shani Report

Dear Pooja Sharma

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Shani report is a horoscope based personalised report. With this report, we have tried to inform you about all possible influences of Saturn on your life. Most specifically on job, business, financial stature, education and health aspects of your life. Furthermore, we have provided information about when and in which year Shani Sade Sati, Panoti, Saturn transit and Shani Mahadasha will occur in your life, and what remedies you should follow to avoid their ill- effects on your existence.

Religious Importance of Planet Saturn

Lord Shani is believed to be the son of Lord Sun and Chhaya. According to Vedic beliefs, Lord Sun got married to Devi Sangya, daughter of Deva Vishwakarma. After some time, they were blessed with two children: and Yami. As Lord Sun exhibits extreme vibrance, Lady Sangya was unable to bear it for a long time. She left behind Devi Chhaya, her counterpart, for serving the God and herself left for tenacity, so that she could gain strength for enduring the heat of Lord Sun. After some time, Devi Chhaya gave birth to Shani Dev. Seeing the appearance of Lord Shani, Deva refused to accept him as his son and also berated Shani’s mother Chhaya. Getting furious with this, Lord Shani inflicted his bad influence on him. Later, Trinity Gods (Tridev) appointed him as Karmaphal Data Shani, so that he can deliver judgement to all living beings of different worlds according to their deeds, whether good or bad.

One time, Dashanan Ravana wished for a child who would remain immortal and invincible, whom he named as Meghnath. So, with his knowledge and power, Ravana captured all the planets and imprisoned them in the 11th House of Meghnath’s Kundli. If this wish of Ravana had been fulfilled, it would have been impossible for anyone to kill Meghnath. So, Shanidev put his one leg in the 12th House of Meghnath’s Kundli to avoid this from happening. When Ravana found out about this, he got angry and attacked the leg of Lord Shani. It is believed that since then he started moving slowly and also became the punisher (Dandadhikari) of bad and evil.

Importance of Planet Saturn in Human Life

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Planet Saturn gets posited in a zodiac sign for about two and a half years. It is also the only planet among others, which remains the longest in a zodiac sign in one’s birth chart. It rules and , and is considered fully exalted at 200 in and fully debilitated at 20 degree in . Aquarius is considered Mool Trikona zodiac sign of Saturn (Lord Shani). Shani aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th House from the house it is currently posited in, and therefore, is considered highly significant in human life.

Among , Shani is called the Server of Mankind and Significator of Karma. For this reason, it is considered the significator of job and business in one’s horoscope. With its influence and good karma, a person progresses in his/her life. Saturn does not always offer bad or inauspicious results. If it is goodly positioned as a Yogakaraka planet in a horoscope, it can lead a person from rags to riches as well as make them successful. As it is a Karma oriented planet, therefore, it motivates people to make efforts and work hard. A person feels optimistic due to the benefic position of Saturn in their horoscope, and never backs out from any challenge.

According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn in one’s horoscope motivates them to act (Karma). Its debilitated, retrograde or weak presence can even make someone diligent and business-minded. People who are favoured by Saturn slowly progress in their domains, and this progress is long- lasting. They are also expert in getting their things done through subordinates and servants. Shani and Mahadasha also deliver extremely important results in birth horoscope of a person.

Framework / Outline of Your Birth Chart

You are born under aries moon sign, and at the time of birth, ascendant was rising.shani mahadasha will show its influence on your life from 25/ 1/2051 to 25/ 1/2070.

Your Birth Details

• Date of Birth: 23 : 8 : 1978 • Time of Birth: 23 : 53 : 18 • Place of Birth: Delhi • Time Zone: 5.5 • Latitude: 28 : 40 : N • Longitude: 77 : 13 : E

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Lagna Chart Navamasa Chart

Sa Ma Mo Su 3 1 3 1 Ju Me 4 12 Ke Pl Ve 4 12 Ur Me

Sa Ju 2 2 Su 5 11 Mo 5 11 Ra 8 Ke 8

Pl VeMa6 Ne 10 6 10Ne Ra 7 9 7 9 Ur

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Saturn and Its Impact on Different Aspects of Your Life

Saturn Consideration

Your Saturn is in sign which is a Enemy sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 9th, 10th, house and situated in 4th house. Saturn aspects 6th, 10th, 1st house. The Saturn posited here makes you quiet and patient. You will be serious, full of patience and non greedy person. You stay away from any addiction, favors justice and respects guests. You believe in doing charities. You are a person with good qualities. You will have lots of money. You will have different types of vehicles. You may also get property that belongs to someone else.

You may become successful by staying in foreign lands. The 16th, 22nd,24th, 27th and 36th year of your age will be fortunate for you. During these years, you will get job, will get married and be blessed with children. However, this position of Saturn, sometimes gives problems till the age of 36 years. After this, till the age of 56 year, you get happiness.

You may gain profits through your enemies. The malefic effects of Saturn will take away physical happiness from you. You may involve in a company of bad people. You may mental tensions and issues. Your mother may also face some sufferings. This position of Saturn creates the condition of two marriages or problems in married life. Also, this position may get you disowned you from father's property.

Job and Business

Saturn’s presence in 4th House will motivate you to do job or business away from your birth place. If you do so, you will definitely get success. It might be the case that you have to work under someone, that is, you took a job. In such situation, it is a possibility that Saturn will influence your mind and you might feel restlessness, which may affect your work.

Financial Status

Saturn’s placement might not be favourable in terms of your financial stability. Where on one hand it may cause you mental stress, on the other hand it may also indulge you in useless disputes. As a result, you might face some financial instability. Due to the weak health of your family members, you will spend money on their medication, which may also debilitate your financial condition.

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Saturn indicates some obstacles in your education. However, there are chances that you may go abroad for studies or may study away from your home. If you are pursuing your education in History or Technology, Saturn will assist you completely. But, it also diverts your mind, because of which you will not be able to entirely focus on your studies.


Saturn is not favourable on your married life. 4th House is the house of home and family (Sukh Bhav). The presence of Saturn in here dampens your happiness, because of which you will not be able to fully enjoy your marital life. It either keeps you away from your family or it engages you so much in the work that you don’t get enough time for your family. Furthermore, if your spouse is working, it also highly affects their life.


From health point of view, position of Saturn seems gloomy. Where it may affect your parents’ health on one hand, on the other hand you may also have to face physical problems. Mental instability, heart related problems may affect your health. So, take care of your health and perform breathing related exercises or .

Saturn Transit at Present and Its Influence on Your Life

Saturn is in in your 9th house from moon This period can be called a dawn of a good perid. You are likely to be involved in noble deeds. During this period, you will be extremely happy. You would be able to handle even adverse situation. Family happiness is assured for you. Though there can be some trouble and problems to your siblings. There will be an increase in your income due to your own efforts. Your enemies will not be able to harm you. Minor health ailments could also be possible. Your friends and associates will assist you in your pursuits.

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Shani Sade Sati and Its Influence

When Saturn transit commences in the 12th House from moon sign in a person’s horoscope, it is also the beginning of Sade Sati phase in their life. When it is positioned in moon sign, Sade Sati is in its middle phase. When Saturn enters 2nd House from moon sign, it is the beginning of the end phase of Sade Sati. Seeing that, Saturn remains in a zodiac sign for 2.5 years, and completes its phases in three different houses in a total time period of 7.5 years. That is why, this special transit of Saturn is called Shani Sade Sati.

As Shani takes 30 years to complete its journey in all the 12 signs (Bhachakra), so it revolves back in the same sign after 30 years. This is the reason why Sade Sati comes 3 times in the life of a person and leaves a very powerful impact on them. However, there are several misconceptions in the mind of people regarding Shani Sade Sati. The most common is that if it occurs in a person’s kundli, it brings lots of obstacles in their life and they suffer lots of pain and afflictions. However, in reality, Shani Sade Sati paves the way for an individual to further progress in their life and inspires them to strengthen their weak aspects of their existence. Therefore, if people understand the error in their ways and move forward in the right direction while mending their mistakes, Shani Sade Sati contributes in leading them to the heights of success. As already stated that Lord Shani decides the fate of a person based on their Karma, so Sade Sati is the period to bear the fruits of those deeds (Karma).

Here, take a look at when Sade Sati will occur in your life and what surprises it may has in store for you:

First Sade Sati

Rising Phase: June 02, 1995 To August 09, 1995

Rising Phase: February 17, 1996 To April 17, 1998

Peak Phase: April 18, 1998 To June 06, 2000

Setting Phase: June 07, 2000 To July 22, 2002

Setting Phase: January 09, 2003 To April 07, 2003

Second Sade Sati

Rising Phase: March 30, 2025 To June 02, 2027

Peak Phase: June 03, 2027 To October 19, 2027

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Rising Phase: October 20, 2027 To February 23, 2028

Peak Phase: February 24, 2028 To August 07, 2029

Setting Phase: August 08, 2029 To October 05, 2029

Peak Phase: October 06, 2029 To April 16, 2030

Setting Phase: April 17, 2030 To May 30, 2032

Third Sade Sati

Rising Phase: May 15, 2054 To September 01, 2054

Rising Phase: February 06, 2055 To April 06, 2057

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First Shani Sade Sati

First Shani Sade Sati - Rising Phase June 02, 1995 To August 09, 1995 February 17, 1996 To April 17, 1998

This is the initial phase of Shani Sade Sati, when Saturn resides in the 12th House from your moon sign. During this period, you may have to face some physical discomforts. It is advised that you pay attention to your eating habits and get enough sleep, otherwise you may have to get hospitalized due to its adverse effects. It is also likely that you may have to go away from your family in this duration. If other planetary positions remain favourable, you may go on a foreign trip. Your parents and elders of the family will have to remain attentive regarding your health. There may arise some obstacles in your education or you may feel less inclined towards your studies. If you are studying in a college, concentrating in your studies is recommended. In this period, tensions and differences in your love relationships may also occur.

First Shani Sade Sati - Peak Phase April 18, 1998 To June 06, 2000

This is the peak phase when Shani transits in your moon sign. This means that the planet will completely influence your mind and heart. During this period, you may like to live in solitude and will overthink. As a result, you may suffer from stomach issues, acidity, indigestion, mental stress or feel irritated. Saturn considers Moon as his enemy. Where Moon is mischievous by nature and moves very fast, Saturn on the other hand is stern and authoritative, and stays in a zodiac sign for a long time. So, during this period there may arise uproar in your life. You will try to perform multiple tasks, but will not be able to accomplish them. Protecting your integrity is important at this time and try to maintain intimacy in your relations. Avoid being alone and always remain with someone. Meditate for strong mental condition. Respect your parents.

First Shani Sade Sati - Setting Phase June 07, 2000 To July 22, 2002 January 09, 2003 To April 07, 2003

This is the last phase of Shani Sade Sati when Saturn will transit in the 2nd House from your moon sign. This indicates that you may face challenges at personal and financial front. During this period, pay attention to your eating habits and avoid stale or heavy meals. Your expenses may increase and you might not be able to spend your money wisely. Despite all this, frequent monetary gains are on charts for you. Disturbances may occur in your family. Control your speech and avoid getting into useless fights and disputes. Do not ignore your health problems, otherwise it may become grave. If you get pocket-money, you will try to increase the amount. If you are employed, you will try to boost your income and work hard for it. But if you are a student, there might be a slight negative influence on your studies. For good results, it is

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necessary that you put extra efforts into your studies. Although, you will get the results at a gradual pace.

What to Do during First Sade Sati • Respect your Uncle (mother’s brother or mama) and elders. • Take plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water. • Meditate on daily basis.

What Not to Do during First Sade Sati • Avoid drinking milk at night. • Do not buy Iron (Loha) or other symbolic products on Saturdays. • Do not hurt poor and helpless people.

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Second Shani Sade Sati

Second Shani Sade Sati - Rising Phase March 30, 2025 To June 02, 2027 October 20, 2027 To February 23, 2028

This is the second Sade Sati of your life. There will be some similar occurrences as were during first Sade Sati like you facing physical discomforts. If you are employed, you will have to put extra efforts into your work, for which you will reap rewards later. If you are a businessman, you may gain capital profits through foreign relations. You will also be able to save money during this period. However, overwork may exhaust you and affect your health. It is advised that you should avoid mental stress and get proper sleep. You may have to go on some unwanted trips. Beware of unknown or hidden enemies. Act with patience as your marital happiness may diminish slightly or you may engage in a brawl with your life partner due to some unknown reason. If you are away from your birth place or living in abroad, your reputation and respect will increase. Transfer in job is highly likely. Furthermore, there may arise some difference between you and your father or your father’s health may decline.

Second Shani Sade Sati - Peak Phase June 03, 2027 To October 19, 2027 February 24, 2028 To August 07, 2029 October 06, 2029 To April 16, 2030

This time period might prove challenging for you. You will think deeply before making a decision. Whatever decision you will make in this duration, they have a visionary impact and it will take time to accomplish them. These are highly promising times for you. Whatever actions you will take in this period, they will prove to be very effective. It is advised that you should avoid any immoral activity, or you may have to suffer for it. Disputes with colleagues are likely. You may feel aloof in your relationships. You will take care of your siblings and support them as much as possible. There will be multiple short trips in this period. Tensions may arise in your marital life. Be loyal to your spouse and give importance to them as well. You will have to work hard for good results. Sometimes you might feel discouraged with your efforts as you might not be getting the desired outcome, but the truth is that your efforts will reap you rewards in future.

Second Shani Sade Sati - Setting Phase August 08, 2029 To October 05, 2029 April 17, 2030 To May 30, 2032

You will feel at ease and move forward in life. It is the time to gain results for the work done in the past. Your income may increase as a result of the efforts that you had made at work. If you are in a business, it may broaden. During this period, you may spend less time with your family

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which might upset them. Pay attention to your mother’s health. Occult, spiritual and ancient artifacts might interest you. You will feel curious to explore the secrets of life. You will also feel humorous. You will have to make efforts to have good relationships with eminent persons and senior officials associated with your working domain as well as with your elder siblings, as it is predicted that your relationship with them might get rough. You might also think to build your own home. There are favourable chances of buying a property as well. Drive carefully. If possible, avoid meat and drinking for appease Lord Shani.

What to Do during Second Sade Sati • Always keep you subordinate employees or servants happy. • Drive your vehicle carefully. • Respect women.

What Not to Do during Second Sade Sati • Avoid alcohol and meat. • Do not perform immoral deeds or acts against law. • Do not walk bare feet.

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Third Shani Sade Sati

Third Shani Sade Sati - Rising Phase May 15, 2054 To September 01, 2054 February 06, 2055 To April 06, 2057

This will be the Third Shani Sade Sati of your life. During this period, you will take more interest in spiritual activities. Your health may also decline for which you might need medical assistance. Money spendings will affect your financial situation. Avoid disputes with anyone. Now is the time to get contented with whatever you have accomplished so far, otherwise your hidden enemies will also make efforts to create problems for you. Maintaining good relations with your neighbours might prove challenging for you, as they might try to hinder your every activity. You may also face challenges in domestic matters which may lead to tension and stress at home. Long distance tours might not be fruitful as they may result in money loss as well as physical discomforts. If you do business, it will not be worth to take a risk or challenge in this period.

This period might prove challenging for you and may have a direct impact on your mental condition. You may face problems in achieving your objectives, which may frustrate you. You may also feel confined. Your health and immunity might trouble you as well. As first house represents health, so you will need to exercise regularly and take proper care of your well- being. Otherwise, you may get affected by some infectious diseases. Your decision making ability may get hampered in this period, so it will be beneficial if you avoid making important decisions. However, if it is important to take one, consult your trusted persons first. You have successfully came so far in your life. Now, it is time to thank every important person who has contributed in your success or supported you, the first one to be your life partner. Pay attention to your spouse’s health as they may face some physical discomfort.

Financial pressures may increase on you. Your children may demand for money and property. Some misunderstandings may arise in your family. Your expenses might increase. You will need to keep tabs on your pocket. There are chances of sudden financial loss or theft. Your thinking might turn negative. You should face your challenges enthusiastically. Pay attention to your personal and family matters, or you may face some grave problems. These are the times to be devotional and taking part in religious and spiritual activities. At this point, you will go through everything that you have done in your life and will also be able to assess the results of what you have achieved till now. Saturn is indicating the end of your ambitions and you will gradually move forward to renounce your desires. This will be the most important moment of your life.

What to Do during Third Sade Sati • Use / Wear black colored clothes. • Eat light and healthy food.

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• Make sure to exercise daily.

What Not to Do during Third Sade Sati • Do not buy rubber and items related to Iron (Loha) on Saturdays. • Do not cheat anyone. • Always do good deeds.

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Shani Panauti

Shani Panauti / Dhaiya / Adhaiya

When Saturn transits in the 4th or 8th House from moon sign in a person’s horoscope, this is called Shani Panoti / Dhaiya /Adhaiya. Its duration in your Horoscope will be as follows:

Shani Panauti: : December 21, 1984 To May 31, 1985

Shani Panauti: Scorpio: September 17, 1985 To December 16, 1987

Shani Panauti: : September 06, 2004 To January 13, 2005

Shani Panauti: Cancer: May 26, 2005 To October 31, 2006

Shani Panauti: Cancer: January 11, 2007 To July 15, 2007

Shani Panauti: Scorpio: November 03, 2014 To January 26, 2017

Shani Panauti: Scorpio: June 21, 2017 To October 26, 2017

Shani Panauti: Cancer: July 13, 2034 To August 27, 2036

Shani Panauti: Scorpio: December 12, 2043 To June 22, 2044

Shani Panauti: Scorpio: August 30, 2044 To December 07, 2046

Results of Shani Panauti / Dhaiya / Adhaiya

Results of Saturn Transit in Fourth House (Fourth Panauti) • September 06, 2004 ls January 13, 2005 • May 26, 2005 ls October 31, 2006 • January 11, 2007 ls July 15, 2007 • July 13, 2034 ls August 27, 2036

Shani Dhaiya in 4th House holds great significance for your life. Saturn (Shani) residing here assess your happiness and on the basis of your Karma, motivates you more towards controlling your pleasures. You may have to go away from your family, this means that change in place is likely. Your struggle will intensify and you will have to put more than extra efforts to perform every task. You will be expected to perform better at workplace for which you have to work hard. Pay attention to yourself as well and take the challenges in your life head on. Breathing, digestion and fatigue may affect your health. In the meantime, if you have tried before, you will be able to buy a property this time. Overall, this duration will offer you mixed results.

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Results of Saturn Transit in Eighth House (Eighth Panauti) • December 21, 1984 ls May 31, 1985 • September 17, 1985 ls December 16, 1987 • November 03, 2014 ls January 26, 2017 • June 21, 2017 ls October 26, 2017 • December 12, 2043 ls June 22, 2044 • August 30, 2044 ls December 07, 2046

Shani of 8th house is also known as Ashtam Shani. This house is also known as the House of Longevity (Aayu Bhav) and House that brings big transformations in your life. Therefore, Saturn here may bring smaller changes in your life. It will also analyze your spirituality and will influence the sudden developments in your life. At this point, you will have to take care of your health, because a slight negligence may give birth to a grave health problem. You will have to struggle hard to reap rewards at workplace. Transfer in job or promotion is also likely. So, pay complete attention to your work. Sudden monetary gains or losses may also occur. Relations with your in-laws will also improve. You need to pay attention to your children. If you are in love relationship, there may occur some problems.

Influence of Saturn Transit on Remaining Houses

Third House:Increase in courage, monetary gains, travelling. Fifth House:Obstructions in Education, problems to your child, troubles in love relationship. Sixth House:Dominance over enemies, development at workplace, success in competition. Seventh House:Tensions in marital life, physical discomfort, mental stress. Ninth House:Long - distance tours, transfer in job, participation in religious or social activities Tenth House:Progress at workplace, benefits from Government, distance from family. Eleventh House:Different types of profits, political success, attaining happiness.

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Shani Dasha Phal

Saturn Mahadasha (25/ 1/2051-25/ 1/2070)

Just like Shani Sade Sati and Panauti, Shani Mahadasha or Antardasha may also influence your life. This is because, it is that period when Saturn shows its full impact on your existence. Take a look at below information about how Antardasha of different planets during Saturn Mahadasha will influence your life:

Saturn Antardasha (25/ 1/2051-28/ 1/2054) Saturn Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 3 years, 3 days. Saturn signifies discipline, old age, responsibilities, longevity, servants, associates, non-attachment, spirituality, depth, etc. Saturn is a judge that gives results as per our Karma (deeds). It is of airy in nature.

During this period, there might be strife between your family or loved ones and you may experience lack of contentment from familial life. Your health might suffer and you may develop ego or jealousy. Therefore, you might face sorrows, lack of support from your dear ones and there might be decline in favours from government or higher authorities.

Some tiffs and irritation might trouble you and you may feel detachment from material world. You would love solidarity and it is likely that you may feel that in spite of your hard efforts, you are not getting the results as per your expectations. During this period you would love to stay in lonely places and may also indulge in deep thinking.

Mercury Antardasha (28/ 1/2054-7/10/2056) Mercury Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 2 years 8 months 9 days. Saturn and mercury shares good relationship, hence, under this dasa mostly good results would be experienced.

During this period, there might be increase in wealth and your fame. You would receive several types of gains and there would be happiness in your life. You would be inclined towards virtuous pursuits and your behaviour would be balanced and it will impress others. You may acquire agricultural land or may gain through good business. You may also start any new venture. Apart from that, there would be comforts through spouse and children (if applicable). Your social status would elevate and your name would spread in a positive way. There might be praise and benefits through scholarly people. However; you may develop any cough related issue.

Ketu Antardasha (7/10/2056-16/11/2057)

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Ketu Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 1 year, 1 month and 9 days. Saturn and Ketu both are known as naturally malefic planets and together they don't share good relationship, therefore, under this dasa you may experience mostly low or bad results.

During this period, there might be disputes or tiffs with bad or wrong people of society. You may see bad nightmares. Those nightmares may give you mental unrest and distress. This would be a good period for spiritual practices or meditation. You may be able to concentrate on such activities. Detachment or separation from people or things you loved is also likely under this dasa.

Apart from that, your state of health might remain down and you may suffer from health issues related to Vata and Pitta. If you are married, during this period you may get separated from your spouse or children or you may need to stay away from them due to some of your important exigencies.

Venus Antardasha (16/11/2057-16/ 1/2061) Venus Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 3 years 2 months. Saturn and Venus both are friendly to each other, hence, they share good relationship with each other. However, Saturn is naturally malefic while Venus is naturally benefic planet therefore, there might be some mixture of different results under this dasa as well.

During this period, you would enjoy life to the fullest. You may receive comforts through your spouse or children. If you are unmarried, you may get married during this period or if you are planning for child, this period seems to be beneficial for you. There might be gains through agriculture. Your loved ones may get you comforts. If you are related to politics, then you would take decisions in the favour of masses.

Apart from that, your children would also extend their love and affection towards you. You may acquire high post or may become head of some organisation. There would be rise in fame and fortune and you would dominate over your opponents.

Sun Antardasha (16/ 1/2061-28/12/2061) Sun Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 11 months and 12 days. Though Sun is the Father of Saturn according to but, together they share inimical relationship. Hence, this dasa might bring tough results for you.

During this period, troubles to spouse and children and issues to siblings are likely. Your health might decline and you may suffer through health complications. Any false allegation may get imposed upon you and you would have to work hard but, result of the same might not be much rewarding.

Apart from that, a few of wealth losses are indicated. Your opponents may raise their voice against you. Mental stress would increase and punishment from government for any illegal

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action or deeds is also likely. There might be a possibility of theft. You may suffer from eye or hunger related diseases. You should meditate and avoid any dispute or indulgence in any illicit or illegal activity as the same might affect your image in society.

Moon Antardasha (28/12/2061-28/ 7/2063) Moon Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 1 year 7 months. Since Moon and Saturn does not share friendly relationship and Saturn is a naturally malefic planet and moon is the significator of Mind. Hence, under this dasa, you may experience unfavourable results.

During this period, issues related to your spouse might raise. Health of your spouse might get affected or there might be chances of separation or bitterness in marital life. There might be opposition from the side of your near and dear ones. Strife may occur in the family and females in the family might suffer.

Apart from that, lack of happiness would be there. Due to which, your mental distress would increase and you may feel detachment or irritation. You would prefer to remain in solidarity for sometime and every action of yours would give you self realisation. Your health may suffer from air related issues. You should practice meditation to remain in the proper mindset of yours and to become more responsible. However, good news is that you might receive gains and inflow of income would be there.

Mars Antardasha (28/ 7/2063-7/ 9/2064) Mars Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 1 year, 1 month and 9 days. Since Saturn and mars both are naturally malefic planets and together they does not share good relationship. Hence, during this dasa period, you might experience challenges that would require your courage to face them.

During this period, there might be health issues. You may befall sick or may meet with some accidents or injury. During this dasa, you should drive carefully and avoid careless approach towards life. Do not indulge in disputes of anyone as it might give you troubles. Chances of decline in career or conspiracy at work are there. You might return back to your native place. There might be fear of theft or fire arms.

Apart from that, you may stay away from your family especially from your spouse or children. Avoid issues with your brothers or friends and try to maintain cordial relationship with them. You are advised not to indulge in such activities that might result in defaming you in society. Keep your anger and irritation under control to remain in peaceful lifestyle.

Rahu Antardasha (7/ 9/2064-13/ 7/2067) Rahu Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 2 years, 10 months and 6 days. Since Rahu and Saturn both planets are considered as natural malefics and both doesnot shares

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good relationship, hence, under this dasa you might expect some unpredictable results but, generally low results would be seen.

During this period, chances of development of any long or chronic disease would be there, hence, proper medical checkup during regular time intervals are required. There might be few wealth losses and they may happen due to your seniors or authorities. There might be some fear from robbers or thieves under this dasa.

Apart from that, you may incur injuries or accidents or physicals hurts are likely hence; you should be attentive for the same. You might suffer from fever, rheumatism, gastric or joint pains. There might be increase in opponents and they might try to tarnish your image in front of others. You would go through mental stress but, a positive approach towards life will give you a good direction.

Jupiter Antardasha (13/ 7/2067-25/ 1/2070) Jupiter Antardasa under Saturn Mahadasa would operate for about 2 years, 6 months and 12 days. On one hand, Jupiter is naturally benefic while on the other hand Saturn is naturally malefic planet, hence, there would be differences between both of them. Since, both of them shares neutral relationship, hence, under this dasa period, you might undergo mixed results in various areas of life.

During this period, your inclination towards religious activities and spiritualism would increase. You would like to go to pilgrimage and meet holy people. Social service would attract you and you would enjoy helping others. There might be harmony in your domestic life and increase in bodily comforts. Your undertakings would meet with success and your superiors would become a tool for this to happen.

Apart from that, there might be an increase in your family circle, and your social status would improve. People may come to you to seek your advise and you might gain in position at work. Your hard work and good deeds would lead you towards the road of good fame and name.

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Remedies to avoid Saturn’s rage and get his blessings

If you feel that Lord Shani is angry at you or if you are getting bad results during Shani Sade Sati, Panauti or Shani Dasha, you can donate things related to Planet Saturn (Shani Graha). On the other hand, if you are getting blessings of Lord Shani and want to stay prosperous under his grace, follow the following remedies:

Shani Mantra Chant following Mantras as per your reverence:

Å¡ 'ka 'kuS'pjk; ue%A

uhykatulekHkkla jfoiq=a ;ekxzteA Nk;k ekrZ.MlEHkwra ra uekfe 'kuS'pjE AA

Shani Yantra Puja

• During Saturdays or Shani (, , Uttarabhadrapada) or Shani Hora, adorn Shani Yantra while chanting Shani mantra.

Shani Daan

• Donate Urad Dal (whole), Iron (Loha) or ironware, mustard or sesame oil, black sesame seeds, black colored clothes, leather shoes, black Kohl (Surma), black gram, buffalo, Sapphire gemstone, etc. • You can also donate mustard oil filled vessel after seeing your shadow in it on Saturdays.

Shani Rudraksha

• You can also adorn 4 faced Rudraksha. But before wearing it, chant these mantras:

Å¡ ºzha ue%A

Å¡ oa da Fka gaA

Shani Jadis

• Plant Shami tree and worship it on daily basis. • You can also adorn Stinging Nettle roots (Bichu Booti ki Jad) or Dhature ki Jad (Datura Wrightii).

Shani Gemstone

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• Consulting your trusted astrologer, wear a genuine and best quality Sapphire gemstone (Neelam), encrusted in a Panchdhatu ring, on your middle finger on Saturday. • You can also wear Amethyst (Jamunia), Lolite (Neeli) or Kathela gemstone. • If you want, you can wear Horseshoe (Ghode Ki Naal) or Ship Nail Ring (Naav Ki Keel Ka Challa) on your middle finger.

Other Remedies

• Avoid eating egg, meat and do not drink alcohol. Also avoid any kind of addictions or bad activities.

• Avoid drinking milk at night.

• Worship Karma Avatar Swaroop of Lord Hari Vishnu.

• Fast on Saturday and have food only one time. You must include Urad Dal in your meal.

• Read Neel Shani Stotra, written by King Dashrath.

• Recite Shani Chalisa.

• Recite Chalisa.

• Take a bath with Black Kohl (Surma), Nutgrass (Nagarmotha), black Sesame Seeds and Anise (Saunf) mixed water.

• Light an oil lamp under Peepal tree in the evening on Saturdays.

• Circumambulate 7 times around Peepal tree.

• Deposit Coconut or Almond in water on Saturdays.

• Make Jalebi or Kachori with Urad Dal and distribute them among poor or differently-abled people.

• If Saturn is positioned in your Kundli in retrograde motion, wear slippers while bathing

• Make Ladoo with black Sesame Seeds and feed them to small boys or to a Cow.

• Make Urad Dal Vada and feed them to a dog.

• Perform Havan on Shani Amavasya.

• Worship Lord on regular basis and offer water to Shivling.

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