ॐ गणेशाय नमः

तिथि셍वष्ि णुस्ििा वारो नक्षत्र ं 셍वष्णुरेव च। योगश्च करण ं चवै सव ं 셍वष्णु मयं जगि॥्

tithirviṣṇustathā vāro nakṣatraṁ viṣṇureva ca | yogaśca karaṇaṁ caiva sarvaṁ viṣṇu mayaṁ jagat ||

2009-2010 Virodhi namasamvatsara for Seattle/WA

Graha Mantri Parishada Samvatsara Virodhi ऄिि धाꅍय फल प्रकारा वसुधा जलदा जल वृिि करा बधा। मनुजा ऄभया ऄगदाः ससुिाः िशशििपाश्च िवरोिधिन घोररिाः॥ Shaka 1931 Raja / Raju वसुमिी जलपूणण-जलाशया धनयुिा रिहिा िभया। फलकणो-पचयोऽििल-धेनवः सपयसो नृषिियणदद भागणवः॥ Mantri िििि-दवे िििः कृ ि-यज्ञमििः िििि-पालरििः फल-धाꅍयििः। पशवः सुििनो जलदोऽभ्रगणः सिचवो यदद कै रिवणी-रमणः॥

Enough rain for crops. Crop will grow in abundance, Happiness will prevail, interest will grow in arts and other fields. Senadhipati Kings will engage themselves in wars. Rains decrease and Wind will increase. Red grains grow more. More war with other countries? Sasyadhipati / Guru / Jupiter AgraDhanyesh: धनधाꅍय-फलादद-संयुिा धरणी या-ज्जनिा मुदािꅍविा। यदद वाशपिि-रििम-धाꅍयपः प्रचुरं वारर ददािि दवे पः॥ Dhanyesh Kuja / Mars (Winter crop): Wheat, sarasav, moong, teela, udid, price will increase. Yuddhesh / Ravi Argyadhipati: Disagreement in rulers. Dispute with neighboring countries will increase including other countries in world. Meghadhipati: Ravi Usually ravi brings very little rain but considering the above facts there will be enough rain for crops. Rasadhipati: Shukra Plenty of rainfall resulting in abundant agricultural wealth and wealth of grains. Yields will be very tasteful. Neerasadhipati Increase in production of jewels (rathna) and varieties of food grains. Chhatresh Budha Pratapesh Ravi King will get more fame. Vyaparesh Sukra Economy will show signs of progress... but slow progress. Vyahavaresh Ravi Name of the Drona.. Megha Rain.... Rain and Rain.... What more we need in seattle? Megha Ocean. Nivasa From ocean to gardener's house. Lots and lots of rain as rohini is in ocean. Samkranti Details Name: Mandakini (Troubles to kings). Direction: Coming from east, going to west. Facing: Mouth Facing south. Dristhi: Looking towards North West. (Vyaya.... expense will rise) Vahana: -- goat Upavahana: Mahisha Clothes: Blanket (kaamal) Tilak: Black Cast: Vaishya Flower: Jasmin Age: Ativandhya Eating: Honey Jewellry: Bronze Vessel: Wood Blouse: Charm – leather Position: Sleeping Weapon: Ankusha

Major planetary transits in 2009-10:

Mars entering into Mina April 14th

Jupiter in Makara till December 19th

Saturn in Simha till September 9th

Rahu in Makara till November 17th

Saturn in : September 9th at 10:05 AM

Chhota dhaiya (small panoti):

Mithuna : Base gold opposition in family, small diseases, expenses will increase, feud, opposition with people.

Kumbha rashi (2.5 years) Base Copper: financial benefit, marriage, and kids, happiness. Bada Dhaiya (Sade sati):

Simha Rashi 3rd stage of sade sati -- on the feet: base silver: business, job progress will be better, finance, inheritence, happiness.

Kyana Rashi 2nd stage of sade sati -- on the chestL base iron:heath troubles, blood problems, wife will have troubles, loss, expenses will increase.

Tula Rashi 1st stage of sade sati -- on the head: base copper: financial benefit, marriage, and kids, happiness. Varshaphal:

New year enters in vrishabha , with the lord occupying 11th house, hence people will be more inclined towards entertainment but as it’s retrograde the expenditure will be controlled. Dhanesh mercury in the 11th house with , moon and venus, means economy will slowly show improvements. Lord of 12th house and the

7th house is in 10th house, foreign investments with partnerships will increase. Religion will decline as guru rahu conjunction in the 9th house. Real estate market will not show positive improvements till September 9th as

Saturn in 4th house. Real estate market will improve after September 9th. Banks will show progress. Economy will improve. Later part of the year will show good sign than previous part. Mesha: Ashwini(4), (4), Krittika (1)

Guru transiting over 10th house means sthana nasha, but its effect will be minimum, as its adverse effect is nullified by Saturn. However, Saturn itself is giving bad result as it’s positioned in the fifth house giving you worried about children, expenses will rise but due to guru it’s effects will be reduced but In the month of jun and july you’ll see some of it’s effects. Additionally mangal travelling from your 12th sign from 14th april to 23rd may will give you health related troubles, be careful eating spicy food, driving within speed limits etc…. Mars is transiting from your 1st house from 23rd may to july 3rd. Make sure you make enough friends before this time, make sure not to hurt anyone’s feelings, relationship might hurt during this time. From July 3rd to Aug 16th mars is in your 2nd house more expenses…. Make sure to do wise investments during this time, any real estate related sales is not advised. From Aug 16th to Oct 4th mangal is in your

3rd house, it’s a time to cash your benefits as Saturn who was giving adverse effect will improve after Sept 9th and will become beneficial to you. The only trouble to this combination can be rahu who is in your eighth house till Nov 17th. Please donate udid daal and sponsor rudrabhishekam on every pradosha as a remedy. After Oct 4th mars will be in your 4th house till next year means worries from enemies but Saturn transiting over in 6th house will effectively counter that, Hence on every Saturday offer oil and udid, teel to lord and do his archana. Reciting chalisa on Tuesday and

Saturday will definitely help you. When planets are positioned well doing their puja will give you more benefits. Guru will turn positive for you during later part of the year till next ugadi and hence you’ll slowly enjoy positive effects in the later part of the year. Worship of lord is advised. Vrishabha: Krittika(3),Rohini(4),Mrigashira(2)

Rahu transiting from your 9th house will give you worries till November 17th. Guru transiting in makara (in your 9th house will help reduce those worries to some extent…

Guru dev ki jai……. Guru will also help you in your finances….. if you are trying to get pregnant or having a child guru will help you in this regard. Shani dev transiting into kanya rashi after sept 9th will slowly show negative results with children, expense will rise due to children, control your entertainment related expenditure. Also Saturn in fifth house will increase job related worries. If you are working then WORK HARD. Saturn won’t give negative results to those who work hard. Recite hanuman chalisa on every

Tuesday, and Saturday to counter negative effects of Saturn. Mars in the beginning of year is in 11th house till May 23rd. More finances with help of guru and mangal during this time. From may 23rd to july 3rd you need to be very careful towards your health, drive carefully, don’t eat spicy food, no drinking and driving. Some of you may undergo surgery during this time. Mars will be transiting over your first house vrishabha till Aug

16th, make sure you don’t fight with your spouse, keep her/him happy as it’s aspecting directly onto your 7th house, health will give you trouble, listen to your friends and don’t upset them, no real estate investments advised during this time frame, after that mars will be in the second house creating more finance trouble for you but guess what adding more trouble Saturn is already unfavorable during this time. This will be a tough time for you. Advise: Do hanuman chalisa every Tuesday and Saturday, as much as possible. Do Mangal and Shani archana as and when possible on this days, offer red cloths, vadamala to hanumanji on Tuesday and offer black udid to shanidev on

Saturday along with oil and black clothes. Once you pass this time then from oct 4th till the year end mars will bring some relief. Your family members will help you, money will slowly come but again during this time Saturn is adverse and guru will enter into kumbha rashi from 19th December. Which means guru will give you troubles in later part of the year. If you listen to your elders guru will help you sail through however money related troubles will ease as it’s apsecting 2nd house, child related worried will increase. Worship of lord shiva is advised.

Mithuna: Mrigashira(2),(4),(3)

Shani devata is happy on you so far…. *smile* but till September 9th, and then chhota dhaiya – panoti – 2.5 years of shani troubles is starting from September 9th on the gold base, be careful in any hasty real estate related sales or purchases. Think 10 times before you take any decision, even at your work, changing jobs, etc… Otherwise you’ll be sorry. Opposition in family, small illness, expenses will increase, feud, opposition with people. Remedy: Shani wants you to work hard. Shani is your final year examiner.

He will test you, give you troubles, he will make things difficult for you. But if you don’t work hard means shani dev will be upset and more troubles for you. This is a golden chance for those who want to prove themselves, those who work hard shani dev will be happy and at the end they will shine. This is also a good chance to learn new things, work hard, and implement new things. Chant hanuman chalisa on every Tuesday and Saturday (as much as possible), do shani archana, offer oil, but more than that work hard. Guru devata is in makara till December 19th , expenses, health related problems, will increase. Rahu devata is also eight position, this will increase your financial worries till November. Make sure you file your taxes properly you might get audited after

November of this year. Mangal devata is in your 10th house till May 23rd, take care of your parents, their illness may worry you during this period. If you give more time at work will be helpful. Mangal devata will move into your 11th house from may 23rd to july 3rd. All the worries outlined before due to guru will find some relief, you’ll make more friends. More financial gains, once you are used to this easy life then mars will change its course into your 12th house from July 3rd to August 16th in your 12th house, make sure you eat well, remain healthy, drive carefully, listen to your parents, some of you may undergo surgery during this time related to lower part of your body, health front will continue to worry you till oct 4th., family fued will increase, opposition with spouse etc… However, it’s lord of 11th and 6th in 1st house I’ll advise you to be more careful at work during this time. After oct 4th your mars will move into 3rd house, family understanding will increase, relief from worries till year end. After December 19th guru will enter into kumbha rashi 9th house and it will bring another relief. But as it’s not cancelling effects of Saturn you really need to work hard to get relief from shani devata. Vishnu Saharanama on every Saturday is advised along with hanuman chalisa on every Tuesday and Saturday. Worship lord narayana. All chant “Om Namo


Karka: Punarvasu(1), (4), Ashlesha(4)

Guru devata is very happy to you and you’ll get married if you are planning your marriage, or children this is a golden time, you may get more refund from government, make sure you prepare your taxes through a professional who can find more money in your deductions, and get big refund cheque. Shani devata is in you 2nd house till Sept

9th basically settling your account of your gains so far. Mars in your 9th house till May

23rd will cause small illness and feud with your brothers and sisters, make sure to attend family matters during this time. From May 23rd to July 3rd mars will transit over your 10th house means if you keep your boss happy you’ll get honors, mental pressure will increase as workload increases, Mars will enter your 11th house from July 3rd to August 16th, at the same time Saturn is moving into kanya rashi in your 3rd house. This will bring smile on your face, all of your hard work, appeasing your boss, your wife, and your family will pay off. Combining strong effects of guru, mars and shani you’ll feel like if there is a heaven it’s right here. Any real estate deal is favorable provided support of your birth stars and jatakam (kundali). Shani will be good for coming 2 and half years.

Rahu in your 7th house till Nov 17th might create problems from government, if you have to get some permits or something or you might have to pay big tax during this time frame but why to worry? Money you is money you’ve gained. Mars will transit over your 12th house from Aug 16th to Oct 17th. Health problems, be watchful, don’t drink and drive, don’t speed too much, you might get more speeding tickets during this time frame., After that mars will move to your 1st house till next year hence be careful from your enemies, don’t show your cards to anyone. Don’t be furby, just keep quiet and things will work out for you as guru maharaj will move into your eight house will increase your health related spending, join some health clubs, workout, eat well during this time frame and rahu entering into rashi your sixth house will add more happiness in your life. Combining effects of Saturn, Jupiter and rahu this year will be overall good for you. If you worship lord shiva and do rudrabhishekam on every pradosham will bring more happiness for you. May lord shiva bless you.

Simha: (4), P.Phalguni(4), U.Phalguni(1)

Health will be prime concern during the year. Be careful about your stomach related problems, as Jupiter is travelling over 6th house. Shani devata is causing grief in sade sati (dhaiyaa), you’ll lose your friends, there will be misunderstandings, etc… rahu is travelling over 6th house and hence it will try to control negative effects to some extents, you’ll get honors, more happiness, fame. Now during the start of the year mars is in your 8th house till May 23rd , which will have troubles from enemies, more worries, keep your clam, don’t lose your anger. Mars will move into your 9th house from May

23rd and will remain there till July 3rd. Make sure you eat well, health troubles will increase, control spicy food, family feud will increase, or disagreement with family members and from July 3rd to Aug 16th Mars will move into your 10th house. Take care of your parents during this time, work hard and keep your boss happy, do not engage in any real estate deal at this time. Once you sail through this period with hanuman chalisa on every Tuesday Mars will move into your 11th house from Aug 16th till oct 4th.

Saturn will be entering into kanya from sept 9th and in the third phase of sade sati which is going to be in the feet. Good news is this sade sati is on the silver base and hence although you’ll need to worry about increasing expenditure, and control your needs but overall result will be good as the base is silver, business, job progress will be better, finance, inheritance, happiness. The combined effect of mars and Saturn will help you, along with rahu, means three thumbs up (Rahu, mars, and Saturn). Mangal will be in the 12th house till year end, and rahu will be entering into your fifth house on

Nov 17th as a result your health worries will increase, your expenses will rise, but

Jupiter will move into kumbha rashi from December 19th reducing or negating the ill effects of mars from December 19th and you’ll get more honours, benefit, those who wants to get married will get married. Worship of lord Vishnu is advised, “Om Namo



Guru is your lord of 7th house, spouse, and partnerships, and it’s positioned in the fifth house, which means good year for partnership with someone more experience than you. If you are trying to find a right match for you this is a good year that you’ll get married and have children. Shani devata is in your 12th house till September 9th causing grief to you in health and expenditure. Mangal in the 7th house till may 23rd will have opposition with spouse, or your partner, friends but positive guru will find way for you and solve your differences, once your differences are over mars will move to your

8th house and will stay there till July 3rd. The lord of 8th and 3rd house will have quarrel over family wealth, be careful whom you make friends, you’ll have troubles from your enemies, play your cards right to your chest. Mars will then move to your 9th house.

Lord of 8th and 3rd in 9th house will have disagreements continue, this will give you worries and health will be effected but as guru is in your vedhasthana the adverse effect will be removed. You’ll sail through happily. Saturn will move into your lagna, Saturn the lord of children and job will cause you more grief as you’ll enter into the second phase of sade sati (dhaiya) on the base of iron, it’s on chest. Hence, health troubles, blood problems, wife will have troubles, loss, expenses will increase. You need to worship hanumanji, chant Hanuman chalisa on every Tuesday and Saturday with offerings to shani devata, oil, teel, black clothes and dakshina to needy and poor people. The effect of Saturn will not be seen till end of December as guru is there to protect you. After Aug 16th Mars will move to your 10th house, creating more work related troubles for you, make sure you work hard but guru is again there your survivor. Listen to your seniors and you’ll be fine. After you listen to them Mars will move to your

11th house means you’ll gain money, but troubles with friends as mars is the lord of 8th house. Rahu will migrate to your 4th house in dhanu rashi and you’ll need to watch for your mother’s health and read fine prints in every real estate related deal you’ll make henceforth because your protector guru is moving into 8th house from December 19th but now mars will protect you from it’s ill effects so this year you’ll sail through fine.

Worship lord narayana, “Om namo narayana”. Tula:Chitra(2),Swati(4),Vishakha(3)

Lord of your 4th and 5th house shani devata is very happy at you, creating raj .

Gains, gains and gains till September 9th, the lord of 3rd and 6th house, job and brothers, siblings will in 4th house, gains through family, work etc… you’ll be recognized in your circle. Dhanesh Mars is in 6th house till May 23rd means more money for you.

This is a good time for you to spend some money in real estate. Buy a new home, sell old one, take your family to some vacation spot, after having a nice vacation with your family and pleasure mars will be slowly moving into your fifth house, dhanesh and lord of 7th house is in 5th house, from may 23rd till july 3rd. You need to spend your money for your family, your child’s future. You may buy some expensive gifts to your spouse, don’t invest in stock markets during this time. Mars will then move to your sixth house and stay there till Aug 16th.. Mars in the sixth house means financial gains at the cost of family happiness. You’ll have small fights with your spouse, that’s because you’ll not be able to give more attention to her. Mars will now move to 7th house. Dhanesh and lord of 7th house in 7th house till Oct 4th, at the same time Saturn is moving from your

11th house to 12th house starting from September 9th. This is beginning of sade sati. Life is full of ups and downs, after having a good Saturn shani devata will be testing you. He wants to make sure that you don’t have ego but when luck is powerful what can planets do? This sade sati is on the head and on base copper, Hence more financial benefits, marriage, and kids, happiness. But Mars in the seventh house will give you health related alters, make sure you eat well. Sade sati will be good for you only if you work hard. Keep in mind shani devata is testing you. Mars will move to your eight house. Don’t sell that property you bought, you’ll have to worry about your internal conflicts, outside conflicts and when you fight well rahu will move to your 3rd house from November 17th and will protect you against all evils, internal and externals.

Guru will move into kumbha rashi into your fifth house adding more happiness.

Worship of lord Shiva, and lalita saharanama chanting on every Friday is advised.


Jupiter lord of finances (dhanesh) and lord of 5th house (children) will cause you to move to another city or another company, change of job is indicated. Your lord of finances is weak and in third house. Your children’s needs will increase but somehow you’ll struggle, also rahu in the third house will help you and send some divine help.

Which may or may not be enough. Mars in your 6th house till may 23 will give you hopes from April 13th. Then mars, your lagnesh and the lord of sixth house will move to

7th house and stay there till July 3rd increasing differences with wife, your partners.

Don’t stress yourself inviting health troubles. Also shani devata is not helping you either till September 9th. You’ll be grilled more when mars moves to 8th house and stay there till August 16th causing loses, job related trouble. Make sure you pay attention to your driving, stop drinking. Don’t think too much while driving. Accidents will occur during this time, hence take more precautions. Mars will move to 9th house from August

16th and will remain there till Oct 4th. You’ll have fight with your child, wife, siblings. But to give you relief shani devata who is watching all these and he’ll move to your 11th house from September 9th. This will ease your pain, Also rahu will give you some relief till November 17th. Rahu will move into your 2nd house causing dispute over finances as mars will move to your 10th house adding stress and worries. You’ll get lots of anger and you’ll lose your temper but if you do rahu is there to cause more problems, You need to goto shani devata’s rescue. He will be in your planet’s vedha sthana that’s 11th house and will protect you from everything. Chant Hanuman chalisa on Tuesdays and Saturdays offer tila, oil, black cloth so your good Saturn can protect you more. Guru then will move to your 4th house giving you more relief but you’ll still have disputes with children. Overall this year will be an average for you. Worship of lord shiva is advised.

Dhanush: Moola(4), P. Shada (4), U. shada (1)

If you are smart then you’ll use this opportunity to invest your money in new frontiers mostly related to foreign country as guru your lagnesh and the lord of 4th house is nicely positioned in the second house. Saturn on other hand is trying to cause you more grief and worries but guru in the second house will counter it nicely. Rahu in the second house till November 17th and can cause some serious grief but again jai guru dev ki. Guru will protect you. If you believe in some kind of guru like saibaba, this is the right time to worship him more with more faith. The right guru and his direction will help you. You need to listen to your elderly people and person with more experience; someone with more experience will help you. Mars will try to cause problems but it will be counter by guru. Mars will be in your sixth house from July 3rd to Aug 16th this will be very good period for you. Foreign investments will show positive signs, growth. Saturn will enter to kanya rashi in your 10th house from September 9th and it will give you some kind of weakness in decision power, you’ll be two minds do or not to do. This may cause some trouble but again the advisor with grey hair will come to rescue. Your are advised to take his help on regular basis as Rahu will move to your 1st house from

November 17th and it will be indication of tough times ahead with guru also moving to kumbha rashi your 3rd house causing you to think about your next physical move and rahu in the first house means mental worries. The first half is very good however second half will bring some worries, oppositions from friends will increase. Remedy: Do guru puja, archana, respect your elders, parents. Worship of lord narayana is advised, “Om namo narayana”. Chant Vishnu saharanama everyday.

Makara: U. shada(3), (4),(2)

Saturn the lord of lagna and finances is transiting over 8th house till September 9th. 

Rahu is also in the first house till November 17th.  . Guru the lord of 12th house is in lagna till December 19th.   . Exercise great caution. Think ten times before whatever you do. However mars will give some hopes from April 13th to May 23rd. After that it will give you some troubles. Saturn will move into kanya rashi in your 9th house from September 9th giving you more worries, but mars again to rescue from Aug 16rd to

October 4th. Then rahu will grill you more as it’s making exit to Dhanus rashi from

November 17th. You’ll have more tough times ahead, 12th rahu can bring ill health, more family disputes (wife, children, parents). Take some yoga classes, worship lord shiva, do rudrabhishekam on every pradosha, if possible daily at home. Keep your mind cool and then guru will rush to your rescue after December 19th till year end.

Thing you need to watch for is your health. Worship of lord shiva is advised.

Kumbha:Dhanishta(2), Shathabisha,(4) P.(3)

Saturn the lord of 1st and 12th in 7th house, you’ll make short trips or long trip to india and other places, and bring some sickness with you.  with guru in your 12th house  and Rahu being 12th till November 17th will definitely add salt to your wounds, cause more grief and pain, worries. You’ll develop some kind of long sickness, make sure to get your regular full checkup done on time and take advise of some naturopath on your diet. Mars in your 2nd house will increase your expenditure, you’ll be sending some money to your siblings, or you’ll not get any help from them. Mars will show some mercy on you from May 23rd till July 3rd with some relief. You’ll get promised help from your family members. After that Saturn will be travelling to your eighth house causing more health related issues. You need to be careful about your heath. This is also small dhaiya (2.5 years Saturn panoti) for you but guess what god has heard your prayers.

This dhaiya or panoti is on base of copper: financial benefit, marriage, and kids, happiness. But for these you need to work hard otherwise shani devata will not shower his blessings. Who says shanidev always give troubles? The recovery will be slow, and when you have suffered a lot from last eighteen months Rahu devata will move into your 11th house and lady of victory will sing for you. Rahu in 11th house means happiness although guru will move into your 1st house causing some trouble but rahu will cancel that effect and you’ll have good time. Worship of lord shiva is advised.

Advise: Hanuman chalisa on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Mina: P.Bhadra(1), U.Bhadra(4), (4)

Jupiter is the lord of your name, career, health transiting over the 11th house till

December 19th. Saturn the lord of fame is transiting in 6th house till September 9th.

Rahu in 11th house till November 17th means triple thumbs up. What’s more? Mars will add it’s weight to equation from July 3rd to August 16th, Hence money, benefits, love, success, marriage, promotion this year. Saturn will wipe out hurdles created by people.

Your enemies will be not winning over you. You’ll trimpth with success. Lady of luck will dance with you, after September 9th when Saturn will transit over your 7th house you’ll plan some long trip for pleasure. However there will be some troubles but the strong combination of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu will wipe it out. You’ll get honors, your fame will increase. After November 17th Rahu will slide into 10th house, so it’s a time to work hard again and when you won’t be able to give enough time to your family there will be family troubles etc…. ahead. Jupiter entering kumbha rashi your 12th house on

December 19th and hence 12th Jupiter the lord of lagna and the karma sthama will give you health trouble may be work related international trip is waiting for you. Worship of lord narayana is advised. Om namo narayana.