Circulation, Mixing and Renewal in the Clyde Sea
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CIRCULATION, MIXING AND RENEWAL IN THE CLYDE SEA. A thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements of the University of Wales, Bangor, for the degree Doctor of Philosophy. by RIK MIDGLEY. University of Wales, Bangor, School of Ocean Sciences, Menai Bridge, Gwynedd LL59 5EY. U.K. July 1998. CIRCULATION, MIXING AND RENEWAL IN THE CLYDE SEA. ABSTRACT. The first continous set of observations made over the seasonal cycle of the vertical structure and currents in the Clyde Sea, Scotland's largest fjord, are used to show that the vertical structure is controlled by a balance between mixing and stratifying processes within the basin, and exchange with the North Channel of the Irish Sea. Stratification was observed to change from being entirely saline in the winter to being thermally dominated in the summer. Deep water renewal occurred throughout the winter. The inflow rate peaked in the early spring and also in the summer, resulting in an annual mean flushing time of -3.5 months, in satisfactory agreement with previous estimates. Within the basin, a two layered flow structure was observed throughout the year, and a residual anti-cyclonic surface circulation was seen to be persistent. A 3- dimensional modelling study supports the hypothesis that this flow is driven by currents associated with the density gradients at the basin's mouth. A positive density difference across the sill is a necessary but not sufficient condition for deep water renewal; when the difference was maximum in the winter, the rate of exchange was below average. Renewal was generally episodic, which is suggestive of wind induced exchange. The 3-dimensional model confirmed that changes in the wind direction could substantially increase or diminish exchange by enhancing or blocking the estuarine circulation. Rapid renewals in the spring time of 1993 and 1994 were initiated by storm events. In the summer of 1993, persistently high rates of exchange were observed. 3-dimensional modelling supported the hypothesis that this was due to the presence of saline water over the sill, which results from the summer time retreat of the front at the mouth of the Clyde Sea due to low freshwater inflow. An existing 1- dimensional filling-box model was developed in the light of the new observations. It showed that significant entrainment of Clyde Sea bottom water into this summer inflow was a possible mechanism to explain the deep water properties in the summer. Mixing was found to be predominantly wind driven. A positive correlation was found between the wind and the amplitude of intemal oscillations at sub-tidal frequencies, which dominated the velocity field in winter. A mode 1 internal tide at the M2 frequency was observed, and had a horizontal velocity at the mooring sites of -2 cms- l throughout the year. The mixing associated 2 with the internal tide was -0.01 mWm- , which is 2 orders of magnitUde lower than the wind mixing. The residual surface anti-cyclonic circulation prevents surface fresh water from entering the Kilbrannan Sound, which reduces the potential energy anomaly by -60 Jm-) relative to than that of the Arran Deep. Consequently, the wind induces relatively deeper mixing in the Kilbrannan Sound, which in the winter resulted in the reduction of the bottom water temperature without a significant decrease in salinity, and explains how the Clyde Sea bottom water may cool more rapidly than the deeper North Channel. To imagine that 'good' can be done by means of an 'evil' is an illusion - a nightmare. - Sayagyi U Ba Khin. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor, John Simpson, for his advise and criticism throughout my work. He planned and initiated this project, assisted by Tom Rippeth, whilst I was in sunny Bermuda anchoring current meters to the coral reefs. Thanks to Pat Hyder, who in my absence, between March and September 1993, organised the deployment and servicing of the moorings discussed in this thesis. I would like to thank the members of the Dynamical Oceanography group at UWB for providing a stimulating environment in which to work, and all my fellow students and staff who have made my work here so enjoyable. Thanks goes to Toby Sherwin for his discussions on internal waves, and to Alex Souza for the discussions of ROFI systems. Thanks to Tom Rippeth for his help in the preparation and calibration of the Anderra RCM data, and to Joseph Cheok for his patients whilst teaching me the intricacies of UNIRAS graphics. I express my thanks to the officers and crew of the R. V. Prince Madog, the R. V. Calanus, and the R. R. V. Challenger, whose friendly co-operation enabled the experimental work to go smoothly and enjoyably. Thanks to Ivan Ezzi and Ken Jones (Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory) with whom I shared data from CTD surveys. Technical support was expertly provided by Dave Boon, Ann Hammerstein, Alan Nield, Ray Wilton, and Nigel Mathers with his mastery of the SEAROVER. Thanks to Ed Hill for the use of the drogues. Thanks to James Curran (Clyde River Purification Board) for the river flow data, Jannet Allen (Porterin Marine Laboratory) for the Porterin salinity data, and John Fullwood and Colin Henton (Meterological Office) for the meterological data. A special thanks goes to Ian James (POL) who did much of the work involved in developing the 3-D Clyde Sea model, and with whom I had useful discussion of the results. This research was undertaken as a component of the Processes in Regions of Freshwater Influence (PROFILE) MAST IT E.U. project grant MAS2-CT93-0054. CIRCULATION, MIXING AND RENEWAL THE CLYDE SEA. CONTENTS. List of Figures............. ..... ........ ....... ................. ...... ............................................... iv List of Tables.......................................................................................................... v CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Oceanography, an Environmental Science?................................................ 1 1.2 Introduction to Fjordic Oceanography........................................................ 2 1.3 Deep Water Renewal................................................................................... 4 1.3.1 The Sill Topography.................................................................................... 4 1.3.2 Gradients Across the Sill............................................................................. 6 1.4 Mixing in Fjords.......................................................................................... 7 1.5 Circulation in Wide Fjords........ .......... ........................................................ 9 1.6 The Clyde Sea and Thesis Objectives.......................... .................. ............. 10 1.7 Layout of Thesis.......................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 2. INTRODUCTION TO THE CLYDE SEA. 2.1 Geographical Background ............................................................................ 13 2.2 Human Influence.......................................................................................... 14 2.3 The Seasonal Cycle of Stratification in the Clyde Sea.............................. 14 2.4 Circulation in the Clyde Sea....................................................................... 15 2.5 The North Channel of the Irish Sea............................................................ 17 2.6 Modelling Studies........................................................................................ 18 2.7 Summary ....................................................................................................... 19 CHAPTER 3. OBSERVATIONS AND INSTRUMENTATION. 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 20 3.2 Observational Strategy and Deployment Details........................................ 20 3.2.1 Observations over the Seasonal Cycle........................................................ 20 3.2.2 Observations in the Sill Region................................................................... 21 3.3 Calibration .................................................................................................... 23 3.4 Preliminary Processing ................................................................................. 25 CHAPTER 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND THEORY. 4.1 Introduction................................................. ...... ............................ ...... ......... 26 4.2 Filtering.......... ..................................................................................... ......... 26 4.3 Harmonic Tidal Analysis........... ............................................................. ..... 26 4.4 Harmonic Analysis of the Tidal Ellipse.......................................... ...... ...... 27 4.5 Spectral Analysis......................................................... ................................. 29 4.6 Internal Wave Modal Theory...................................................................... 30 4.7 Analysis of Stratification............................................................................. 31 CHAPTER S. THE SEASONAL CYCLE. 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 33 5.2 Wind and Freshwater Run-off..................................................................... 33 5.3 Stratification at the Mooring Sites.............................................................. 33 5.4 Currents at the Mooring Sites....................................................................