One Labor Crisis and Two Conferences
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Page Four TFIE DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 One Labor Crisis and Two Conferences DRAMA 'fgf C sections of the non-union fields or- the courts are in any sense “impar- much farther, there will be no labor movement, nothing was done to rally UIL By WILLIAM F. DUNNE. ganized, this splendid union will be tial agencies.” movement left. the political forces of the working LOIS BENNETT. The application filed by the Inter- smashed. The damaging effect upon They must be regarded at all times; i The membership of the labor move- class and their allies, the exploited the rest of the labor movement can as powerful weapons of the bosses a clear under- farmers, in a mass party for the 1928 “John” borough Rapid Transit Company for ment must be given elections. The old scheme of support- an injunction against the entire Amer- not be overestimated. and other means of defense and of-i i standing of the acute seriousness of It is clear that court ing candidates on the tickets of the ican Federation of Labor restraining the injunction appli- sense than procedure adopted I jthe situation. A program of struggle Philip Barry’s Chronicle made by repre- political parties of the capital- it from organizing or attempting to cation the I. R. T., by the labor movement. must replace the platitudes which ] same powerful using injunction to Play With Ben- organize the traction workers, the in- senting the whole group of Two Coming Conferences. have so far been the stock-in-trade of | ists who are the Jacob traction capitalists, is designed not destroy the labor movement, was en- junction outlawing the United Mine This brings us to the two impor- ] the official labor leadership. This ¦ Ami at only to prevent organization of the j dorsed. the Klaw Workers in West Virginia, the in- tant labor conferences that are to be j ] leadership has been so busy in mak- traction workers but is an endeavor ing junction making illegal the strike of held in the next few days. | war upon the Communists and the Not Two Conferences But One. THE Actors Theatre have opened to establish a sweeping precedent to * the same union against the Pitts- One is to assemble in Pittsburgh, ] j left wing that it has left the labor We are of the opinion that the their current throttle all union organization and season with Philip burgh Terminal Coal Company, with called the executive council of the I front undefended. The enemy has Pittsburgh and New York conferences Barry’s new opus “John,” at the Klaw also to force the labor movement to mobilised and is in motion, preceded its prohibition of strikes which affect American Federation of Labor to con- should be held as one and that the Theatre with Jacob Ben-Ami and Con- divert forces which co.Td be used to by a barrage of injunctions intended articles of interstate commerce, all, sider the problem presented by the at- Ij main task should be to prepare for ¦-. stance Collier as check the drive on the United Mine to with the exception of the recent I. R. tack on the United Mine I drive the labor movement into its the calling of a gigantic convention ' ] the- featured play- Workers. # Workers.] T. demand, backed by supreme court The other is to meet at an earlier! ] dugouts. for which delegates should be elected decisions, show the tremendous pres- A Fatal Policy. date in New York City and will take j Policy and Methods. directly from local unions and central sure of American imperialist capital- The struggle against the injunction! up the matter of resisting the I. R. j What can be done? bodies. around John the ist reaction »non the labor movement. in the courts between batteries of op- T. injunction application. The emergency is grave enough to : Baptist, the action First, all strikes now in progress " J justify such gathering taking place React." ,':.s Rapid Pace. posing lawyers is important but it is j Both conferences will be composed i I can be carried on and must be car- a representing ] in by no means the most important of officers the forces of labor. It would have, j Judea, Galilee and Makes The three eases cited are develop- i j union and will be of -an ] ried on in spite of injunctions. This 4 a charming Yum-Yum in by virtue of Peraea in the year ments of the last two months. They phase of the fight. official character. j will mean mass arrests and jail sen- its composition, an im- | “The Mikado,” the Gilbert and Sulli- The tendency of labor officialdom Altho one will with mense influence in shaping the course van operetta at Royale Theatre. show the speed with which the foi'ce I conference deal i tences and a terrific drain upon the the apparently to on of the movement and by is mentioned of the government is being used to is concentrate the! traction and the other with coal min-1 j resources of the labor movement but labor draft- Jesus, courts—to stake all on effort to! ng, the same problem faces both ing and adopting a clear statement has arranged a rival lecture a short cripple the labor movement. an con-; j the movement must be prepared to secure a ruling emphasising the ?& the three acts he distance away. At first, slightly It certainly is no mere coincidence denying the I. R. T. j fevances. It is the problem of mob- j furnish the necessary forces and fi- serious nature of the 1% |f<|| application. situation would does not appear on angered at the competition, he later that the most vicious attack was di- ilising the entire labor movement, ahd ] ! focus the attention of Ilijl nances. the sends messengers into the field to rected first at the Mine Work- This is a fatal policy. It is based! the unorganized workers as well, for ] whole working class on the main United Second, again in spite of injunc- direct his followers to Jesus’ meeting. ers. union, on the theory that the courts are im- i resistance to the capitalist offensive. ] issue—resistance to injunctions, build- TOW The chronicle This the backbone of the the organization of workers in When the crowd takes him seriously partial and render decisions solely on j Two-Edged tions,, ing and extending the labor move- play ow John labor movement, has shown its fight- The Sword. the non-union coal fields, the work- Jacob Ben-Ami and goes to Jesus’ meeting instead of again the evidence and the legal questions! j ment thruout the country. as a sows.ffanatic,f. un- ing qualities and again. It is The anti-strike, anti-picketing and ] ! ers, in. the .traction industry, in exact- coming to hear him, he «is angry. Al- involved. It fails to take into con- Would Give usually conceitec, and given to oc- an industrial union and, outside of j anti-union organization injunctions ]ly those industries where the unions New Vitality. tho he attempts to hide his real feel- trades, sideration the fact that the courts are] casional fits of tei iper. When he has the building formerly exer- must be regarded as the principle ! are enjoined from organization work, A program for organization of the ings, they are exposed. Ben-Ami at a section of capitalist government, j no flock present tc preach to, he talks cised a far larger proportion of job weapons of the American capitalist must begun unorganized, for the organization this point gives .us one of the most that they represent the interests of j i be and carried on with of to the air using tl e trees as an audi- control than other unions affiliated to class in the present offensive whose the utmost energy. campaign a labor party, for an alliance with interesting parts of the play, and if capitalist class, that because ] The ence. the A. F. of L. the of] objective is the destruction of the la- the farmers, for struggle against for no other reason makes it impor- their class character they have estab- i must be extended into other decisive the Jacob Ben-Ami as John does his ut- The membership of the United Mine j bor movement. industries. drive of the bosses, adopted at such a tant enough to see. lished a long series of precedents up-j most to strengthen the weak play W'orkers is the militant core of the Legal defense has proved to be ut- conference would vitalise the After being held for one month in on are based the anti-labor This again will necessitate the mob- labor written by Mr. Barry. Constance Col- labor movement in basic industry. which rul-; insufficient. movement and it jail at the play ends with terly It is perfectly ilization of and finance but it enable successfully lier as Herodias also attempts in vain, Maehaerus If the United Mine Workers be ings they make. forces to check the John’s by a swordman. can clear to all intelligent workers that by impossible task. campaign of union- in her part as lierodias. Both Ben- execution crippled or destroyed American It is of course possible that the I. is no means an Salome is seen occasionally, capi- unless the labor movement smashes smashing, would give the labor move- Ami and Miss Collier are entitled to but only talism will have dealt R. T. injunction will be denied but ! To a program of struggle and militant in a secondary role.