No. 702,182. »- ' Patented Lune L0, I902.' CIGAR 0B CIGARETTE
No. 702,182. »- ‘ Patented lune l0, I902.‘ . c,» BBAGBUN. ' _ ' ‘ CIGAR 0B CIGARETTE HOLDER. (Application ?led Ka§ 19, 1900.) (No Model.) anvento'a ; UNITED“ STATES] PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES M. BRAGDON, OF BANGOR, MAINE, ASSIGNOR TO SAMUEL R. PRENTISS, OF BANGOR, MAINE. CIGAR OR CIGARETTE HOLDER. SPECIFICATION forming- part of Letters Patent No. 702,182, dated June 10, 1902. hpplieation'?led May 19,1900. Serial No. 17,279. (No model.) To all whom it may concern.- ‘ of the‘ recess to permit of the free passage of 50 Be it known that I, CHARLES M. “BRAGDON, ‘ air or smoke as the same is drawn through a citizen of the United States, residing at Ban the cigar by the smoker. gor, in the county of Penobscot and State of Secured to the outer end of the thimble is Maine, have invented a new and useful Cigar a yielding washer 7, preferably of felt, and or Cigarette Holder, of which the following is upon the washer is a band or ring 8, which 55 a speci?cation. abuts against the end of the cigar-holder when My invention relates to cigar-holders, and the thimble is in place and limits its further has for its object to produce a device of this inward movement. This washer and band 10 kind which will protect the smokers of cigars prevent the air from being drawn into the and cigarettes from nicotin and other poison~ holder between the inner walls thereof and ous matter; and it consists in the improved the outer surface of the conical thimble, so construction of the same, as will be herein that all the air drawn inwardly passes through after more fully set forth.
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