Activities Bulletin, Published Periodically
AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS ●● BBUULLLLEETTIINN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS In Consultative Status With ECOSOC, UNESCO and UNICEF VOL. VII NO. 2 FALL /WINTER 2003 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF violence and suicide bombings and calls for the DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS DENOUNCES cessation of hostilities from all sides. Such acts THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT’S RESOLVE have caused enormous loss of life, mostly of TO REMOVE PRESIDENT YASSER ARAFAT innocent civilians including women and children FROM PALESTINE and must stop immediately. IADL re-affirms its unqualified support of the The International Association of Democratic inalienable and legitimate right of the Palestinian Lawyers strongly condemns the decision of the people to a homeland and their right of self- Israeli government to "remove" President Yasser determination. Arafat from his home country of Palestine, in direct IADL calls upon all peace-loving people contravention of international law. Equally throughout the world to: condemnable are the declarations of the Israeli - Oppose Israel's continued occupation of the West Vice- Premier, Mr.Ehud Olmert, that " killing (him) Bank and Gaza; is definitely one of the options" and of Mr.Avi - Urge Israel to immediately lift all restrictions on Dichter, Chief of the Shin Bet, the domestic President Arafat, who has been held hostage by the security service, that "it would be better to kill Israeli Government for more than a year and a half; Arafat." Such calls are a clear violation of the rule and of law, which we, as lawyers, are firmly committed - Hold Israel accountable for its continued to uphold. President Arafat is the elected leader of violations of international law and the UN the Palestinian people and is the symbol of resolutions in respect to Palestine and the treatment Palestinian nationhood.
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