
Cell complexes When Is PeL contractible? A digression: moment angle complexes Construction of examples

Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups

Mike Davis


May 31, 2008 http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/ mdavis/

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes When Is PeL contractible? A digression: moment angle complexes Construction of examples

1 Cell complexes Simplicial complexes Cubical cell complexes The complex PL The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

2 When Is PeL contractible?

3 A digression: moment angle complexes

4 Construction of examples The basic construction Cohomological dimension Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn The reflection trick

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Definition A cell complex is a union of convex polytopes (= “cells”) in some so that the intersection of any two is either empty or a common face of both.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Definition A simplex is the convex hull of a finite set T of affinely independent points in some Euclidean space. Its dimension is Card(T ) − 1. For S a finite set, ∆S, the simplex on S, is the convex hull of the standard basis of RS (where RS := {x : S → R}).

Example A 1-simplex is an interval; a 2-simplex is a triangle; a 3-simplex is a tetrahedron.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Definition An abstract simplicial complex consists of a set S (of vertices) and a poset S of finite subsets of S s.t. {s} ∈ S, ∀s ∈ S. If T ∈ S and U ⊂ T , then U ∈ S.

Definition A (geometric) simplicial complex is a cell complex in which all cells are geometric simplices.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Suppose L is a geometric simplicial cx. Put

S := Vert(L), and S(L) := {T ⊂ S | T is the vertex set of a simplex in L}.

Definition A geometric realization of an abstract simplicial cx S is a geometric simplicial cx L s.t. S = S(L).

Theorem Every abstract simplicial cx S has a geometric realization.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Given a set S and a function x : S → R, S Supp(x) := {s ∈ S | xs 6= 0}. R denotes the Euclidean space of finitely supported functions x : S → R and ∆S is the simplex on S. We want to prove:

Theorem Every abstract simplicial cx S has a geometric realization.

Proof. Given S, define a subcx L ⊂ ∆S by [ L := {x ∈ ∆S | Supp(x) ∈ S} = ∆T T ∈S

Clearly, S(L) = S.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Definition S S S The standard cube on a set S is:  := [−1, 1] ⊂ R . Its dimension is Card(S).

For each T ⊂ S, put

T T S−T S  := [−1, 1] × {0} ⊂ R .

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

The link of a vertex v in a cell is the intersection of a small sphere about the vertex with the cell. For example, the link of a vertex in a cube is a (spherical) simplex.

Lk(v) Lk(v)

Similarly, the link, Lk(v), of a vertex in a cubical cell complex is a simpicial cx.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Suppose v is a vertex in a cubical cell complex P. As an abstract simplicial complex Lk(v; P) is isomorphic to the poset of cells of P which properly contain v. A neighborhood of v in P is homeomorphic to the cone on Lk(v).

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

T T S−T S Recall  := [−1, 1] × {0} ⊂ R . S T T A face of  is parallel to  if it has the form [−1, 1] × {ε} for some ε ∈ {±1}S−T .

The cubical complex PL Given a simplicial complex L with vertex set S, define a S subcomplex PL of  by

[ T PL := all faces parallel to  T ∈S(L)

Main Property

For each vertex v, Lk(v, PL) = L

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Example Suppose S consists of 3 points and L is the union of an interval and a point. Then S is a 3-cube and P is indicated subcx.  L L PL

More examples n−1 n If L = ∆ , then PL =  n−1 n n−1 If L = ∂∆ , then PL = ∂ = S . n If L is a set of n points, then PL is the 1-skeleton of  , 0 2 1 eg, if L = S , then PL = ∂ = S .

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

Joins If T and U are disjoint sets, then ∆T ∗ ∆U = ∆T ∪U . (Note: dim(∆T ∗ ∆U ) = Card(T ∪ U) − 1 = dim(∆T ) + dim(∆U ) + 1.) Similarly, if L1 and L2 are simplicial complexes, then L1 ∗ L2 is defined by taking the joins of simplices in L1 with those in L2 (including the two empty simplices). We have: S(L1 ∗ L2) = S(L1) × S(L2)

More 0 0 P(L1∗L2) = PL1 × PL2 , eg, if L = S ∗ S , then 1 1 2 0 0 PL = S × S = T , or if L is the n-fold join S ∗ · · · ∗ S n (the bdry of an n-dim octahedron), then PL = T .

If L is a k-gon, then PL is the orientable surface of Euler characteristic 2k−2(4 − k)

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

n−1 If L is a triangulation of S , then PL is an n-mfld.

The (Z/2)S-action S Let {rs}s∈S be standard basis for (Z/2) . Represent rs as S reflection on  across the hyperplane xs = 0, ie, rs changes the sign of the sth-coordinate. This defines a S S (Z/2) -action on  . S The subcomplex PL is (Z/2) -stable. [0, 1]S is a (strict) fundamental domain for (Z/2)S-action on S S  (= [−1, 1] ). S K := PL ∩ [0, 1] is a (strict) fundamental domain for S (Z/2) -action on PL.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

The universal cover of PL is denoted PeL. The cubical structure on PL lifts to one on PeL.


˜ PL

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

S Let WL be the gp of all lifts of elements of (Z/2) to PeL. S Let ϕ : WL → (Z/2) be the projection. We have the short exact sequence S 1 → π1(PL) → WL → (Z/2) → 1. S (Z/2) acts simply transitively on Vert(PL), so, WL acts simply transitively on Vert(PeL). Let v ∈ K be the vertex (1,..., 1). Choose a lift Ke of K in PeL (N.B. K is a cone) and let v˜ be the lift of v in Ke. The 1-cells at v or v˜ correspond to elements of S. The reflection rs flips the 1-cell at v labeled by s. Let s˜ be the unique lift of rs which stabilizes the corresponding 1-cell at v˜. (Eventually, I will drop the ˜ from s˜.)

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes Simplicial complexes When Is PeL contractible? Cubical cell complexes A digression: moment angle complexes The complex PL Construction of examples The universal cover of PL and the gp WL

A presentation for WL 2 Since s˜ fixes v˜ and covers the identity on PL, it follows that s˜2 = 1.

Since WL is simply transitive on Vert(PeL), the 1-skeleton of PeL is the of (WL, Se). Suppose {s, t} is an edge of L. The corresponding 2-cell at v˜ has edges labeled successively by s˜,˜t, s˜,˜t. It follows that (s˜˜t)2 = 1.

Since the 2-skeleton of PeL is simply connected, it is the Cayley 2-complex of a presentation. Therefore, WL has a presentation with generating set Se = {s˜}s∈S and relations: s˜2 = 1 and (s˜˜t)2 = 1, ∀{s, t} ∈ Edge(L).

WL is a right-angled Coxeter group.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes When Is PeL contractible? A digression: moment angle complexes Construction of examples

Definition A simplicial cx L is a flag complex iff any finite set of vertices which are pairwise connected by edges spans a simplex of L.

Examples ∂∆n is not a flag cx for n ≥ 2 A k-gon (i.e. a triangulation of S1) is a flag cx iff k ≥ 4 The barycentric subdivision of any cell complex is a flag cx. (This shows that the condition of being a flag cx does not restrict the topological type of L: it can be any polyhedron.)

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes When Is PeL contractible? A digression: moment angle complexes Construction of examples


PeL is contractible iff L is a flag cx.

First Proof.

One shows that He∗(PeL) = 0 (ie, PeL is acyclic). PeL is tessellated by translates of K (each of which is a “chamber”). these by word length and glue on one at a time. Mayer-Vietoris sequence shows that at each stage result is acyclic.

Second Proof (Gromov).

As a cubical cx, PeL has a piecewise Euclidean metric. Gromov: this is CAT(0) ⇐⇒ it is simply connected and the link of each vertex is a flag cx.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes When Is PeL contractible? A digression: moment angle complexes Construction of examples

Here is a generalization of the construction of PL which has received a good deal of recent interest. Let (X, A) be a pair of spaces and L a simplicial cx with Vert(L) = S. We define certain subspaces of the product Q s∈S X. T For each T ∈ S(L)>∅, let X be the set of (xs)s∈S in the product defined by ( xs ∈ X if s ∈ T ,

xs ∈ A if s ∈/ T .

[ Z (L; X, A) := X T

T ∈S(L)>∅

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes When Is PeL contractible? A digression: moment angle complexes Construction of examples


(X, A) = ([−1, 1], {±1}). Then Z(L;[−1, 1], {±1}) = PL. (X, A) = (S1, {1}). Then the fundamental gp of Z(L; S1, {1}) is the right-angled Artin gp determined by the 1-skeleton of L. If L is a flag cx, then Z(L; S1, {1}) is the standard K (π, 1) for the Artin gp. (X, A) = (D2, S1). Then Z (L; D2, S1) is the moment angle cx of L. The group (S1)S acts on (Z (L; D2, S1). The quotient space is the same space K (⊂ [0, 1]S) considered earlier. If K is a n-dim convex polytope and L is the bdry cx of its dual, then Z(L; D2, S1) is a smooth mfld, and if T is an appropriate subgp of codim n in (S1)S, then Z(L; D2, S1)/T is a “toric variety”.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

L is a flag cx with vertex set S and WL is associated right-angled Coxeter gp. S is its fundamental set of generators..

The basic construction A mirror structure on a space X is a family of closed subspaces {Xs}s∈S. For x ∈ X, put S(x) = {s ∈ S | x ∈ Xs}. Define

U(W , X) := (W × X)/ ∼, where ∼ is the equivalence relation: (w, x) ∼ (w 0, x0) ⇐⇒ 0 −1 0 x = x and w w ∈ WS(x) (the subgp generated by S(x)). U(W , X) is formed by gluing together copies of X (the chambers). The gp WL (= W ) acts on it.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Another construction of PeL

S Recall K := PL ∩ [0, 1] . For each s ∈ S, Ks is the intersection of K with the hyperplane xs = 0. This is a mirror structure on K .

Theorem S The natural maps U((Z/2) , K ) → PL and U(WL, K ) → PeL are homeomorphisms.

The basic idea The topology of the simplicial cx L is reflected in properties of the gp WL.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Suppose π is a torsion-free gp. Its cohomological dimension, cd(π) is defined to be the maximum integer k st Hk (π; M) 6= 0 for some π-module M. Its geometric dimension, gd(π) is the smallest dimension of a K (π, 1) complex. Obviously, cd(π) ≤ gd(π). Eilenberg-Ganea proved equality if cd(π) ≥ 3 and Stallings, Swan proved it for cd(π) = 1.

The Eilenberg-Ganea Problem Is there a gp π with cd(π) = 2 and gd(π) = 3?

Conjectured answer Yes.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Suppose L is a flag triangulation of an acyclic 2-complex S with π1(L) 6= 1. Put πL := π1(PL) = Ker(ϕ : WL → (Z/2) ). πL is torsion-free. It is a conjectured Eilenberg-Ganea counterexample. ◦ Put ∂K := K − K . In our case it is acyclic. It follows that U(WL, ∂K ) is acyclic (but not simply connected). Hence, cd(πL) = 2.

dim PeL = dim L + 1 = 3 and the only contractible complex which πL seems to act on is PeL (= U(WL, K )).


Brady, Leary, Nucinkis proved these WL are counterexamples to the version of the Eilenberg-Ganea Problem for groups with torsion.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Example (Different cd over Z than Q) Suppose L is a flag triangulation of RP2. Then 3 3 ∼ 2 2 H (πL; ZπL) = H (PeL; Z) = Hc (RP ) = Z/2. 3 2 H (PeL; Q) = 0 and H (PeL; Q) is a countably generated Q vector space. Hence,

cdZ(πL) = 3 and cdQ(πL) = 2

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Facts A closed m-mfld Mm, m ≥ 3, with the same homology as Sm need not be homeomorphic to Sm, because it need not be simply connected. However, m m ∼ m If π1(M ) = 1, then M = S (Poincare´ Conjecture). Similarly, a contractible open mfld Y m, m ≥ 3, is homeomorphic to Rm iff it is simply connected at ∞. (Stallings, Freedman, Perelman). Every such homology m-sphere Mm (simply connected or not) bounds a contractible (m + 1)-mfld.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Suppose Ln−1 is a non simply connected homology (n − 1)-sphere triangulated as a flag cx.

Then PeL is a contractible n-dim homology mfld (the non points are the vertices) and PeL is not simply connected at ∞. (Its fundamental gp at ∞ is the inverse limit of free products of an increasing number of copies of π1(L).)

PeL can be modified to be a contractible n-mfld. Let C be a ◦ contractible n-mfld bounded by L (= ∂K ). Remove K and ◦ n replace it by C. Then Y := U(WL, C) is a contractible ∼ n n n n-mfld =6 R and M := Y /π (where π = π1(PL)) is a closed aspherical mfld with universal cover Y n.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Reflection Group Trick Given a group π which has a finite K (π, 1) complex, this is a technique for constructing an aspherical mfld M which retracts back onto K (π, 1).(Aspherical means its universal cover is contractible.) In a nutshell the trick goes as follows: Thicken K (π, 1) to X, a compact mfld with bdry. (X is homotopy equivalent to K (π, 1).)

Put L := ∂X. Triangulate L as a flag cx and let W (= WL) be the corresponding right-angled Coxeter gp. As before ◦ modify PL to a mfld by removing each copy of K and ◦ replacing it by X, ie, form M := U((Z/2)S, X), the desired aspherical mfld.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

Sample applications Point: many interesting gps have finite K (π, 1)-complexes (even 2-dimensional ones).

By choosing π a Baumslag-Solitar gp, we can get π1(M) - to be non-residually finite, or - to have an infinitely divisible subgp (=∼ Z[1/2]). By choosing π to have unsolvable word problem (can do this with a 2-dim K (π, 1)), we get π1(M) with unsolvable word problem.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

M := U((Z/2)S, X). As before, we can construct U(WL, X). It is not contractible. But it is aspherical. (Pf: It is a union of copies of X glued together along contractible pieces.) Hence, M is aspherical (since it is covered by U(WL, X)). Me = (univ cover of M). We can explicitly describe Me as follows. Let Xe = (univ cover of X) and π = π1(X). Le is the induced triangulation of ∂Xe and Se = Vert(Le). Wf (= W ) the corresponding right-angled Coxeter gp. Give X eL e the induced mirror structure (indexed by Se). Then Me = U(Wf, Xe).

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick

The gp Wf o π acts on U(Wf, Xe) with quotient space X and if Γ is the inverse image of the commutator subgp of WL in Wf, then Γ o π acts freely with quotient space M.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick Exercises

Exercise 1

Prove the following formula for the Euler characteristic of PL:

|T | X  1 χ(P ) = − . L 2 T ∈S(L)

The Hopf Conjecture If M2n is a closed, aspherical mfld, then (−1)nχ(M2n) ≥ 0.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick Exercises

The Charney-Davis Conjecture 2n−1 n If L is a flag triangulation of S , then (−1) χ(PL) ≥ 0, ie, if κ(L) denotes the RHS of the formula in EXercise 1, then (−1)nκ(L) ≥ 0.

Exercise 2 Prove the Charney-Davis Conjecture for flag triangulations of S1. Do any nontrivial example of the conjecture for S3. For example, calculate κ(L) for L the barycentric subdivision of ∂∆4.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups Cell complexes The basic construction When Is PeL contractible? Cohomological dimension A digression: moment angle complexes Aspherical mflds not covered by Rn Construction of examples The reflection group trick References

N. Bourbaki, Lie Groups and Lie , Chapters 4-6, Springer, New York and Berlin, 2002. R. Charney and M.W. Davis, The Euler characteristic of a nonpositively curved, piecewise Euclidean manifold, Pac. J. Math. 171 (1995), 117-137. , Finite K (π, 1) s for Artin groups, Annals of Math Studies, vol 138, pp. 110–124, Princeton Univ Press, 1995. M.W. Davis, Exotic aspherical , School on High-Dimensional Topology, ICTP, Trieste, 2002. , The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Groups, London Math. Soc. Monograph Series, vol. 32, Princeton Univ. Press, 2007.

Mike Davis Examples of Groups: Coxeter Groups