Designing Effective Independent Fiscal Institutions Designing Effective Independent Fiscal Institutions
Designing effective independent fiscal institutions Designing effective independent fiscal institutions Independent fiscal institutions (IFIs) serve to promote sound fiscal policy and sustainable public finances. Their numbers in the OECD have more than tripled in the past decade and continue to grow. To- day IFIs are considered among the most important innovations in the emerging architecture of public financial management. The OECD has identified good practices for designing and operating effective IFIs through the OECD Recommendation on Principles for Indepen- dent Fiscal Institutions. The analysis presented in this paper draws on the OECD IFI database compiled from a first set of case studies of 18 OECD IFIs in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Fin- land, France, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Slo- vak Republic, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. by : Lisa von Trapp and Scherie Nicol IFIs TODAY – New Institutions, new gov- forecasting, adherence to fiscal rules, 1 ernance challenges longer-term sustainability and han- dling of fiscal risks – may also be sup- Independent fiscal institutions (IFIs) are in- ported” through the work of IFIs. dependent public institutions with a man- date to critically assess, and in some cases Although relatively few and novel worldwide, provide non-partisan advice on, fiscal policy diverse examples of IFIs have existed for de- and performance. While fiscal decision-mak- cades within the OECD membership in coun- ing is ultimately the responsibility of demo- tries such as Belgium (1936), the Netherlands cratically elected officials, IFIs serve – often (1945), Denmark (1962), Austria (1970) and in combination with credible fiscal rules – to the United States (1974).
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