Zanesco, August 2019 Anthony P. Zanesco Department of Psychology Email:
[email protected] University of Miami 5151 San Amaro Drive, Cox Science Annex, Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Education 2010 – 2017 University of California, Davis Degree: Ph.D. Psychology Advisor: Clifford Saron 2010 - 2012 University of California, Davis Degree: M.A. Psychology Advisor: Clifford Saron 2003 - 2007 University of California, Davis Degree: B.A. Psychology & B.A. Philosophy Professional Positions 2017 – Present Postdoctoral Associate. Dr. Amishi Jha, Department of Psychology, University of Miami. 2010 – 2017 Doctoral Student. Dr. Clifford Saron, Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis. 2007 – 2010 Junior Specialist. Dr. Clifford Saron, Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis. 2006 - 2007 Undergraduate Research Assistant. Dr. Clifford Saron, Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis. Publications 1. Shields, G.S., Álvarez-López, M.J., Conklin, Q.A., King, B.G., Zanesco, A.P., Cosín- Tomás, M., Kaliman, P. & Saron, C.D. (under review). Effects of an intensive meditation retreat on the expression of inflammatory and epigenetic- modulatory genes: Downregulation of the TNF-α pathway. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2. Jha, A.P., Zanesco, A.P., Denkova, E., Rooks, J., Morrison, A.B., & Stanley, E.A. Zanesco, August 2019 (under review). Comparing mindfulness and positivity trainings in high- demand cohorts. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 3. Zanesco, A.P., Skwara, A.C., King, B.G., Powers, C., Wineberg, K., & Saron, C.D. (under review). Brain electric microstates and felt states of awareness are modulated by meditation training. Brain Topography. 4. Zanesco, A.P., Witkin, J.E., Morrison, A.B., Denkova, E., & Jha, A.P.