C_ P7 C773: “Striving to Report the News Accurately, Fairly and Fully” TheTheThe Campus Press Student Newspaper of Camden County College www.camdencc.edu Volume 31, Issue 7 December 2017 BYY7J`...BYY7J` A C HRISTMAS MEMORY : Big Holiday in the Big Apple • Hear ye, hear ye! By S7` M-GJ``J about it was serviceable. The Madison Literary MAD LIT Society of Campus Press Writer and Columnist Christmas Day was typical, but charming. We Camden County College will be hosng the got our presents, took pictures, and smiles were club’s semesterly recitaon contest hristmas: by shared. The night far one of the before, our “Poec Idol” on Thursday, December 7th in C most friends, brother the CIM Auditorium. Signups for anticipated days of and I spent the contestants are at 6:30 p.m. Showme is at the year; when night watching 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. For families and friends Christmas get together, either specials. Keep in further informaon, contact the club’s for religious mind, we’re Sonic faculty advisor Keith O’Shaughnessy at celebration or just to the Hedgehog
[email protected]. show their fans, so we made appreciation and the YouTube love for each other. animatic series Such a holiday can Christmas with create the most Sonic our yearly Photo: Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree: media.meout.com cherished and tradition; catching wonderful of memories, and I’m pretty sure that up with the older ones and watching the latest anyone can tell at least one Christmas story that one. It’s a bit goofy, but we still loved it.