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Build An All-In-One Application Server Using Swoole More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP Serverless File Uploading

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More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP Bruce Dou Swoole PHP is a coroutine based asynchronous network application framework. It is a PHP extension that extends PHP core and utilizes more power provided by Linux OS. Unlike the callback style single asynchronous I/O provided by the other networking libraries like Node.js, Swoole PHP has multiple asynchronous I/O threads and native coroutines to manage the execution of concurrent tasks. Other than asynchronous I/O and coroutine, we can also use the Linux system API and interface exposed by Swoole PHP, such as process management, system signals handling, timer and scheduler, poll and epoll I/O, memory management, etc.

What Problem Does Swoole PHP Solve? The First Glance: HTTP Echo Server Swoole PHP1 is designed for building large scale concur- Let’s start with an echo server with HTTP protocol shown rent systems. The system needs to manage more than 10K in Listing 1, which processes an HTTP request and sends concurrent connections. It is a solution to the famous C10K back a hello world HTTP response to a browser or HTTP problem with PHP and a stateful architecture. client. It is executed as a PHP CLI application. Use a port We cannot use PHP-FPM’s stateless nature to build a number more than 1024 if you like to run the application as system with modern web protocols like WebSockets, which a non-root user. require establishing persistent connections with every user Compared with PHP-FPM applications we are familiar and sending, receiving data in real-time. with, there is a bit more boilerplate code. We have to define With Swoole PHP, building a real-time service is as simple a server with an IP address, port to bind on first, and then as building PHP-FPM applications we are familiar with. You define how we process the HTTP request. It gives us more can define how to respond to requests in the predefined call- flexibility since we can choose the IP address, port, protocol back functions to build a WebSocket server or TCP/UDP at the PHP application layer. Traditional PHP applications server with only several lines of code. that sit behind a web server couldn’t change those values. Compared with the other single thread callback style When the server starts, it initializes several reactor threads asynchronous I/O frameworks built with PHP or JavaScript, implemented with epoll in Linux or kqueue in OSX to Swoole is released as a PHP extension, including high-per- perform non-blocking I/O operations. Event loops manage formance protocol parsers written with /C++, multiple the status of file descriptors in these reactor threads. Swoole asynchronous I/O handling threads, native lightweight thread coroutine, and multiple processes architecture. Listing 1.

Swoole PHP also exposes the under layer Linux API to 1. on("request", systemd to manage the Swoole application. 11. function (Request $request, Response $response) { 12. $response->header("Content-Type", "text/plain"); Swoole PHP provides coroutine and asynchronous I/O for 13. $response->end("Hello World\n"); concurrent programming, which we can use to manage thou- 14. } sands of persistent concurrentSample connections either as a server 15. ); or as a client with only one process. 16. 17. $server->start(); 1 Swoole PHP: https://www.swoole.co.uk

8 \ October 2020 \ www.phparch.com More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP

doesn’t support Windows OS unless you run it inside a Linux Listing 2. environment with Docker. To better utilize the power of the multiple CPU cores, we 1. on("receive", etc. The code in Listing 2 is a similar server with TCP protocol. 9. function (Server $server, int $fd, 10. int $reactor_id, string $data) { If we build a similar TCP server with socket API provided 11. $server->send($fd, "Hello: {$data}"); by PHP, there will be much more boilerplate code, and 12. $server->close($fd); you have to understand how Linux sockets work. You can 13. } compare the above code with the PHP sockets example2. 14. ); 15. You can send a TCP package hey to the server with Netcat nc 16. $server->start(); and receive the response generated by the server: Hello: hey.

(echo 'hey'; sleep 1) | nc 9900 Listing 3. You can define a custom protocol using the TCP protocol specifically fitting for your application to reduce HTTP overhead. 1. on("workerStart", sending a queued email, refreshing caches, recalculating a 11. function (Server $server, int $worker_id) { billboard, or pushing fresh data to the user’s browser. 12. if ($worker_id === 0) { We can do this with Linux CRON jobs to simulate user 13. $server->tick(1000, function () { requests by sending an HTTP request to the HTTP applica- 14. echo time() . "\n"; tion, or run a PHP CLI script to avoid the HTTP server-side 15. }); timeout limitation. But this approach relies on an external 16. } 17. } system CRON with a minimum minute interval scheduler. To 18. ); CRON sleep schedule second interval tasks with , is required, 19. which is more complex and inconvenient. 20. $server->on("request", In Swoole PHP, we can define a ticker executed every 21. function (Request $request, Response $response) { second or even every millisecond within Server and start the 22. $response->header("Content-Type", "text/plain"); ticker with the Server, see Listing 3. 23. $response->end("Hello World\n"); 24. } worker Notice the ticker only executes in one , which is the 25. ); one with worker_id of 0 (zero). As mentioned before, the 26. server creates multiple worker processes, and we only want 27. $server->start(); the events to be triggered once per second. Otherwise, all the worker threads would fire every second. PHP-FPM helps us to manage multiple PHP processes With the ability to trigger an event every second or every serving the HTTP requests. So, we don’t have to think about millisecond, we can build near-real-time applications. Process Management when writing PHP applications. The downside is that we cannot define or customize how PHP Compare With PHP-FPM processes are launched or managed with PHP. PHP-FPM is a stateless design; the whole context is created Swoole PHP runs as a PHP CLI application. It doesn’t rely Samplewhen a new request is received and destroyed when the request on external process manager PHP-FPM or Apache server. finishes. The stateless and share-nothing design means we can’t save the global state within the PHP process for different requests. We have to re-create them every time or save that 2 PHP sockets example: https://php.net/sockets.examples

www.phparch.com \ October 2020 \ 9 More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP

state somewhere. Although most global state resources do not Listing 4. change from request to request, they are repeatedly created and destroyed. In Swoole PHP, resources are reused by multiple 1. on("message", function ($pool, $message) { There is only one protocol supported by PHP-FPM, which 10. echo "Message: {$message}\n"; is FastCGI. We need a proxy like NGINX to convert the 11. }); HTTP protocol to FastCGI and back. Swoole PHP provides 12. the most commonly used protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP, 13. $pool->listen("", 8089); WebSocket, etc. You can find more about the protocols 14. supported by Swoole3. 15. $pool->start(); Process Management Listing 5. We always like to finish a task faster. But you might see it is difficult to utilize all the CPU cores on your machine when 1. exec("/bin/cat", ["/proc/loadavg"]); strings with TCP protocol, or pull the data from an external 8. }, TRUE); message queue like Redis or RabbitMQ and process the 9. messages with these processes. 10. $loadavg->start(); 11. $result = $loadavg->read(); When a process terminates unexpectedly, the pool will 12. echo $result; launch another process to maintain the defined number of processes. Coroutine Integrate With Linux Processes Execution Containers: Process, Thread, And Swoole PHP provides a set of complete and straightfor- Coroutines pcntl_fork ward APIs similar to . We can define multiple Processes are fundamental top-level execution containers processes, wrap the logic into the processes, access Linux in an operating system. They are separate tasks. Each has its native processes, and easily communicate with them. dedicated memory system, and their heaps and stacks run Let’s see an example about how to expose a Linux process concurrently within the OS. The Linux kernel manages the into your PHP application. Refer to Listing 5. of different processes running on the same CPU We have created a cat process reading the Linux loadavg cores and hardware. status and send the data to the main process in this example. Threads in Linux, on the other hand, run within one Swoole PHP has given PHP developers the power to access process and share some resources between them. They can any Linux processes. It is convenient for system integration share memory. If we want to communicate between two or exposes any Linux command-line application as an HTTP threads, we can define a global variable in one thread and service. Swoole\Process::exec() is an API provided by Swoole access it directly from another one. to execute external commands and communicate with the A coroutine in Swoole PHP is the lightweight thread created Swoole\Process::exec()4 command. You can find more about within one Linux process. Coroutines have their stack and share the global status of a PHP process like heap and other resources. Compared with a Linux process that may reserve 8MB Samplememory for the stack, coroutine in Swoole PHP only uses 3 the protocols supported by Swoole: https://www.swoole.co.uk/protocols 8KB for each coroutine stack by default. By minimizing memory allocation, a coroutine is more scalable for handling 4 Swoole\Process::exec(): http://phpa.me/swoole-process-exec concurrent I/O.

10 \ October 2020 \ www.phparch.com More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP

Instead of being run on kernel threads and scheduled by Listing 6. the operating system, coroutines are scheduled by the Swoole 5 PHP scheduler . It is not necessary to jump into the kernel 1. context switch 2. between different execution containers. Only the pointers to 3. use Swoole\Coroutine\Channel; local coroutine stacks are changed. The global space stays the 4. 5. Co\run(function() { same, which is much more efficient. 6. $chan = new Channel(1); 7. Coroutine Concurrent Execution 8. go(function() use ($chan) { A coroutine is a closure function initialized with corou- 9. Co::sleep(0.1); tine::create() or the short name form go(), we can pass 10. $n = rand(1000, 9999); contextual variables into the closure with use the same as 11. echo $n. "\n"; PHP-FPM. 12. $chan->push($n); 13. }); Multiple coroutines within the same process have the 14. minimum isolated execution context, use the minimum dedi- 15. go(function() use ($chan) { cated resources on your machine and schedule based on I/O 16. Co::sleep(0.5); waiting and ready status. 17. $n = rand(1000, 9999); Instead of binding concurrent execution with processes 18. echo $n. "\n"; 19. $chan->push($n); like PHP-FPM, you can bind concurrent execution with the 20. }); lightweight coroutines using much less memory within the 21. Swoole PHP process. Instead of handling several hundred 22. $sum = $chan->pop() + $chan->pop(); connections with hundreds of processes, we can handle at 23. echo $sum. "\n"; least 1K connections with one process. 24. }); Compared with the nested callback programming style dealing with concurrent programming, it is more convenient You can write a similar piece of code within the HTTP call- to write the codes with sequential coroutine blocks. We can back block and execute multiple blocks with the database I/O think of each concurrent block as a lightweight thread corou- or cache I/O concurrently to achieve low latency. tine to avoid the callback hell. Co And Coroutine Context The synchronization and communication between different As seen in the code from the previous section, a coroutine coroutines can be done through a Channel object similar to context is created with function co\run(). Then multiple the channel in Golang, as in Listing 6. concurrent coroutines can be created with the function go() The example code sums the random numbers generated in within the coroutine context. two coroutines. Both of the coroutines execute concurrently. A coroutine context is created in a server automatically for Once both coroutines have completed their computation, it each request or receive callback function. Multiple indepen- calculates the final result. dent coroutines can be created and executed concurrently The co::sleep is used to simulate I/O latency within the within the request or receive callback functions. coroutine. PHP’s functions using syscall, such as sleep(), should not be used within the coroutine context because it is Variable Scope And Life Cycle scheduled by the Linux kernel and blocks the whole process. The scope of a variable is the context within which it is Instead, use the coroutine version function co::sleep(), defined and can be used safely. The variable scope in Swoole scheduled by Swoole PHP scheduler with the . PHP is different with PHP-FPM. Understanding the variable The total time used by an application should be the scope can help you avoid memory leaks and unexpected maximum time of each coroutine in the execution flow, but effects. not the sum time of each coroutine because they should run We can use several types of variables in Swoole PHP, similar in parallel. In this way, we can massively reduce the overall to PHP-FPM: local variables, global variables, static variables. latency of a user request. Local variables within a coroutine are created and destroyed The above code shows how multiple coroutines execute with the life cycle of the coroutine. They are not visible to concurrently and communicate with each other through a other coroutines. channel. As mentioned before, coroutines are lightweight threads, We can thinkSample of channel as a message queue with fixed sizes, multiple coroutines share global variables, and static pushes or pops block until the other side is ready. It can be variables within the same process. But you have to be very used by coroutines to synchronize without explicit locks. careful when using these global variables and take care of the life cycle. The reason is Swoole PHP may launch multiple 5 Swoole PHP scheduler: http://phpa.me/swoole-coroutine

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processes, one worker process may be terminated, and a new across different requests or database connections locally worker process may be launched at any time. within the same memory space as the application. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning global and Internally, Swoole PHP may launch multiple processes static variables can not be shared across multiple processes. depending on the server configuration. Global variables So it is not recommended to use them in your Swoole PHP should not be used across multiple processes. So, in Swoole application. The superglobal variables provided by PHP-FPM PHP, there is an atomic counter Atomic that can be safely like $GLOBALS, $_GET also should not be used within a Swoole accessed and updated concurrently by numerous processes. PHP server. Instead, Swoole\HTTP\Request6 should be used to You can also use in-memory ephemeral key-value storage access the variables of an HTTP request, and Swoole\HTTP\ Table 7 to store more complex data structure. Response should be used to write the response data. The typical use case of Table is storing the per-connection In general, it is not recommended to use global variables user status of a WebSocket Server. in Swoole PHP. Instead, use external storage or the built-in memory storage provided by Swoole PHP when required. CPU Intensive Logics And Preemptive Scheduling Built-in Memory Storage A good consumer-facing system has to ensure fairness to Where to store the application states is always a tradeoff serve different users, different requests, and avoid the long- about the scalability and performance when designing tail latency. You can use Swoole PHP where you need soft a system because of the latency and overhead. Correctly real-time latency guarantees, such as in a real-time bidding using and managing the local status is the key to building a or trading system. high-performance system. Other than I/O based scheduling, Swoole PHP has the In a typical PHP-FPM system, your application would preemptive scheduling mechanism for soft real-time latency either need to make a network call to a remote database or guarantees. connect to the database process on the same machine. Either way, there is an amount of latency overhead. With Swoole Like the scheduler of Linux OS, each coroutine is allowed PHP, you can store states like variables that can be reused to run for a small amount of time, 5ms. When this time has expired, another coroutine is selected to run. The original

6 Swoole\HTTP\Request: http://phpa.me/swoole-http-request 7 Table: http://phpa.me/swoole-table

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12 \ October 2020 \ www.phparch.com More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP

coroutine is made to wait for a little do large scale data processing. It is a ServerLess stack. Or generate the ticker while until it can run again. perfect fit for event-driven architecture. to trigger the execution flow of the This is essential when there is CPU The events can be pulled with ServerLess stack. Deliver the events in a intensive logic within your applica- multiple processes within one Swoole message queue to your serverless APIs. tion. Because multiple requests are Process Pool and pushed back to your processing concurrently within one internal PHP-FPM HTTP services or Conclusion process, we don’t want one request to serverless APIs. The typical use case of Swoole PHP block all the other requests just because Access And Integrate With Linux is the same as PHP-FPM, building a the CPU calculation is not finished. high-performance HTTP service. We Instead, the scheduler should pause Processes can also use it to make TCP services the current coroutine and switch to the For instance, you can also build with a custom protocol or stateful other coroutines for better utilizing the a simple Linux monitoring system applications. Or run it as a sidecar with resources. by scraping /proc stats every second PHP-FPM application for background and sending a notification to a Slack data processing or scheduler. You can Use Cases And Patterns channel or your email when the status also use Swoole PHP as an integration Compared with the stateless reaches the threshold you have defined. layer to access and integrate with native PHP-FPM model, Swoole provides a Or the system status can be reported to Linux applications and processes. stateful server model for PHP devel- a central server and provide you with After reading this article, I hope you opers. Much more can be accomplished an aggregated status. can see how Swoole can be used as a new with PHP syntax. As An Aggregate And Routing component within your existing system and architecture. Web framework HTTP Services Layer For Microservices authors are encouraged to integrate the As Swoole HTTP Server provides the The routing logic can be implemented framework with Swoole PHP to gain a request and response mechanism, it with PHP and dynamically created and much better performance. For a large can be used as an HTTP server running updated by the PHP application. As scale web system, by migrating into your PHP application. But you might a front door aggregate layer of your Swoole PHP, you usually can save 80% have to make changes to the global microservices, multiple calls to different of the server resources. variables and static variables, binding services can happen concurrently. Swoole PHP opened the door of them with an HTTP request. Integrate With Your ServerLess system-level programming for PHP Besides running as an HTTP Server developers, providing the lightweight similar to PHP-FPM, there are several Stack thread coroutine and asynchronous other everyday use cases. Serverless architecture computing is I/O API to the PHP userland. It is a new gaining popularity. Swoole PHP can be PHP programming model compared Client-side Connection Pooling used to glue Serverless services. with the PHP-FPM application we Swoole can be used as a connection You can use Swoole PHP as the API are familiar with. A little piece of PHP pool sidecar of PHP-FPM and estab- gateway or aggregate layer for your code wrapped with Co\run can do much lish persistent connections to a remote more than we expected. database or services. In this way, the latency with the remote database is Bruce Dou is the Director at Transfon, a UK based mostly reduced. company building modern infrastructure for publishers and marketers, providing support, consultancy and managed HTTP Proxy And API Gateway services of PHP Swoole systems. He is one of the maintainers Swoole PHP can be used as an HTTP of open source PHP Swoole, specialized in application perfor- proxy in front of your application to mance optimization, system cost reduction, cloud migration, inspect, modify the HTTP request or web infrastructure and large-scale system architecture. response. You can build a throttling and Related Reading rate-limiting authentication proxy layer with PHP logics. • Asynchronous Programming in PHP by Lochemem Bruno Michael, June 2020. https://phpa.me/async-php-june-20 Message QueueSample Consumer • Evolving PHP by Chris Pitt, March 2018. Workers https://phparch.com/article/evolving-php/ Lots of people use it to manage the • Distributed Workers and Events by Christopher Pitt, June 2016. message queue consumer processes to https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2016-2/august/

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