•• " CHARLES CARREON, ESQ, (127139) 2165 S. Avenida Planeta 2 Too;on, Arizona 85710 P'1l.12 Tel: 520-841-0835 3 Fax: 520-843-2083 E-filing JUN J D Email:
[email protected] 4 tvo~ O£~~/itVyO $ lOll .....,Ju....;..' Attorney Pro Se for Plaintiff Charles Carreon rltE~ u's W. W. 5 ols:,!!lsrl'!.!elq_ .<110ro''''r c,:..:"'· "" C-4 ""'?r ~ 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ~/F>o'?NI.1·1n· Fj 7 NORTHERN DCV' OF <].L2RNI'3 11 2 8 CHARLES CARREON ~ Case No.: 9 Plaintiff, ) COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE TO ) IMPOSE CHARITABLE TRUST AND 10 vs, ) REQUIRE ACCOUNTING. AND FOR } DAMAGES FOR TRADEMARK II MATlHEW INMAN, INDIEGOGO, INC" ) INFRINGEMENT AND INCITEMENT TO NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION, } CYBERV ANDALISM BY WEBSITE 12 AND AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, ) HACKING AND FALSE PERSONATION and Does I - 100, ~ 13 JURY DEMAND u.. Defendants, ~ 1;; 14 0 '::I u: 15 For its complaint against defendants Matthew Inman ("Inman") and Indiegogo, Inc. 16 ("Indiegogo"), jointly referred to sometimes herein as the "Fundraising Defendants," and the 17 National Wildlife Federation ("NWF") and the American Cancer Society ("ACS"),jointly 18 19 referred to sometimes herein as the "Charitable Organization Defendants"), and Does 1 - 100, plaintiff Charles Carreon ("Plaintiff'), alleges: 20 JURISDICTION 21 22 1. TIlis is an action for infringement of a federally registered trademark pursuant to 23 15 USC § 1114, unfair competition under California Business & Professions Code § 17200, et. 24 seq., and violations of the Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act 25 as amended by the Nonprofit Integrity Act California Government Code §§ 12580, et seq, and 26 27 the Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Law, California Business & Professions Code §§ 17510, el 28 seq.