, . Crawford County Tau seatl Ellllworth Vines for for F1nt Han Year. CaIIipM'e .... Wimbledon Title. Storr With Tit,*, of 1131. Set " - Pace" IWI 8t..., on Pille .. .


• Outlines in Detail Progra~ ~ ~~ l .. · . : i.~ I

·Three Dead, 12· Missing in Colorado' Flood Raise World Price~; Clarif~~~~--~!.

U. S. Position at Conference ~' "BRAIN TRUST" HEAD IN LONDON ,I .t • I If' Waters Race Board Members G"'l! City Council I • ,. 4.' 1' . ~Reti~ing I • • • • • • • • No Seen Adopts New Indicati~n ' ~ ' ol ' \Down Canyon Three Distinct Points 0/ View U. Se Again Wilhdtawfng 'StAnd ... ~ .! , . Carre - ...... Three points of view. dilltinct yet Unlverllty or .. taken from Water Rates :~ ~ i Near Denver IOVfa ' ~ Victory at on . .. .ney , ' I in . ,entirely of Iowa, are represented by .. board of r~'ntt and ' veeted In ----- , < -. , . the three members of the IItate the newly cre&tM atate board of . _ July' , ' (4~A,. board of education whose termll ex- ed tI Ed &rd 8 h tell Van der Zee's Ordinance Conference me_ge olltllnln. In 4.WI t ... :..... ,Viudone1'8 Clamber to plred laet week, uca on. w c oen g n VI B Safety on' Sides of An aggregate of 44 yea.rs of lIerv- caJled to lIerve a. a me'mber. To bls VOled Through by of thl. ,overnmellt for ' all .....,., . to ralae "orld prte. a. &II lID ...... ftce to the state Is the record of Ed- new commil8lon he brought I&. Aldermen Will8 in Prop08al 1· Mountain ward P. 8choentgen of Council knowledge of ehl'lnlerlng lind .robt­ to ate objective for the Lon~ )~. , Continue Money DINVJlR. July 7 (API-Three Blulfs, George W. Godfrey of At- lecture. ' Water rates. which have been slid. nomic conferenCe "A 4~ l.tO': ,.... alJ unidentified, were re· gona, and Mrs. Pauline L. Devitt of After bit I'raduatlon trom ths Ing up and down the scale In council Discussiol18 night 'by Pretldent ~-'f. , tor'.; 08kaloolla, tbe three who completed MUBachueett. lnl\tltute of Tecll- meetinga for the last year. came to . . l ~ tonl&ht and authorltlel laid patob to tlie ADlerlcan ~~ . ' their terms a!ter the meeting Of the .nology. Mr. 8Choent,8J) went abroad another stop last night when a new .(iIut U pereone were mll8lng In LONDON. July 7 (API-Frellh Gratified by tbe dec,mon to :eo •.. f which .wept Bear Creek board here last Thurllday. 10 etudy In hi. cboien /leld. When water rale ordinance. Inlt'oduced by trom saving the life of the Interna· . ,,1Iood Engineer and architect. master he rMurned. he had j\lltt ~tarted On tinue thll parley• . Mr. ~".It Alderman Jacob Van del' Zcc. was tional parley. the American delega· ~bOl, & few mile. welt of Denver, tarmer. woman civic worker-from the f08.d to L cat~r: 'I!' archltecturtt. hastened to put his vIe., MfJt. t~ , ~bing one r ••ort town and these three walks of life they came. \When his fttlier died. voted tl1l'0ugh by the council. tlon at the world economic confer· delegation to l'ul48 ,It .In ' I~ ' ~J . la-tt;" another, to turn their experlonce to valu- jump-RETIRING ...... 'rhe new ordinance calls (or exact· cnee waged a strong fight toda.y tu dea.vorl to' bring it. cont,renlllj ~. Ole body. tbat of ... woman. Wal "ble service in the cause of educ&- As tlie only IOn. , be telt It hi. Iy the same rates now In effcct except retain monetary and related mu.tt&rs hind hi.. prloe booetlna pr08'}iill. ~ ', : ". .... near MOrrlaon. Two others, tlon In the state, that the minimum rate Is r duced on the agenda. won a victory In one Ue p~partd bl' ~ ·.plll. ,a,.... aid. bad been found In the In 1909. when the control of the (rom $Ito 75 cents. The council vol· sector and wa. rebufted by II. amall lining hi. ,\,Ie •• an4 I!WifitftJ ,th, : (lllate9 unyon, ed to suspend the rules and give the margin In another. admlnlstratloll', Poaltloft· . ktfr; ' t~, ordinanCe three readings and place It All bridgee and lummer cabins The a.ctlon took place In a com· lengthy eonferenoea with ibN · .... : • on Ita pa.sage. With Alderman S. M. _ tbe creek for tour mllel be· Siren Mystery mlttee at the economic comml8810n dlate advlaore. t· ,. , .~ .· I . , ttt'n Idledale and MorriSOn were T i Hyndma~ Woodward out ot town fOr the sum· and a sub·group of tbe monetary Prue for Act_ ',( :. :' mer. the vote reBulted In a deadlock .....1 aWay, said Ralpb Keeler, cor· division. Mr. Rooaev~lt w.. t+llfT!4.'. 4., i with Aldermen Van dor Zoe. Momler, .-!IdDdent for the Auoclated Pre88 Eight to Seven alrous of I4klnl' adv'n~-, ;O! t-, ':, 1 The 1 Will Study and ;McGuan voting tor Its passage .110... the flrllt perllon through m::e::~ P~:~:e8~:n In the former. the committee on new lilt uatlon at, Loq.tlon ~ 'P~ ~ ~ call shrilling out In the night and at a.nd Aldermen Sybil. Stronks. and .. , \lit &rei. atter the IItorm. MeG)')) commercial polley. a proposu.l to can· action on w)lat . b, ~II". ' "o1ll4 ' brinl'lnJr low& (.~tlan8 forth rrorn AYers voting naY. Assistant Secre,tory of Raymond Moley (left), confidential .. lieler walked from Idledale. ~tate tlnued discussion of tarlff8 and quo­ be the principle ObJectlves:.: : '/J' : : homes And comfortable rront Deciding Vote adviser to President Roosevelt, pictured with Herbert .Bayard tas was vote" down eight lo uyeno 1 wf*h was Virtually swept away by pot'tlh seata chilled with thll The deciding vote was ClUlt by He studied the eontw..,c,~~~~ ti.·IlOMn. to Morrison. He BIlld he Swope, outside the cori£er~nce hall in London where the economic Franee and her gold alllea there thought of dl8ll8ter. was flnaJly pnivel'8ity .Doctor ~ill Mayor aarry D. Breene WhO explain' padeys are being held. Moley is acting as liaison between the joined hands to turn back tbe and tbe latest ~pOr.t' Of .!~~ ~t~: many 1101 vlld at 10 p.m. ),6sterd.,.. ed his vote. "If thO ,Vater company president and 'tho.A:nierican delegatiQn to the conference. , Great Britain and tlon at Lon~on In ~,w.o ': 'P~I , =0 !~"':w~~~a ::rtI8~eadt. Shrlnel'l!, about 400 of them. Leave.Toaay for ThOBe who conferred. wlt) . "~ . , 'klek8 on the pl'esent water I'ate '1tnong the mll!8lng were Mrs. SIl, w&re pUlling through. On their ordinanCe the $270, which this watcr others. aotlng eeeretariea PIIIl~r~~o~. ~tllJ~ ~nllda The American victory wall In the state department and .'Ae I'f,8ocI.,man of Denvllr; W, L. lJur· W&)' to convention vIa apeelll ordinance et(ects. will make lltUe ~C)~ ''J" till Of Idledale; three children; three train to Atlantic City. tbe alren difference with them. In view of the Mattern: Safe Factor's Fate sub·commlttee of the monetary the trea.ury; Bernard U. , j{~tH; Dr. Olan R, ' Kyn~an or tbe col· ~ wbo were riding In a ca.r was Just to say "hello." commission dealing wltb Immediate economlo advllor; N'or~1"?~N, lege of mellic/ne 'Wlll-.pelld. a ye",r fact that It will be the small water ~ a New Mexico licenee plate; user that Is benefiting from the meuures for tlnanclal rel:onstruc· ambassador at larga .Iis ' "Il~~ .~. -«.t McGIll, I\lllvers\ty. Montreal, Siberia Still in Doubt ill. four fishermen who were re· change I am In favor of It, as his jn tlon. There, after h~urs Of debate. Frederlok iJniey .s ltate ,' ~*~'t ~ . Canada. In connsetlon with his ''''01')( .o.ted to hll.ve been ,wept Into the "'ater hills wel'e raised by the old the members voted 2 I to 1~ to can· economic ,eXPI. rt.. ' ' ! ."~.. .,! r,:l.i'~i11· j· ,', Arrest Made In neur08Urgflry ,net neuroana.tomy. Unue discussions Of every phase or f :t Wattr near Idledale. ordinance." • U ,;'rlon Waf Itandlng on the bank ltlilcordlng to an announcement made F1yer .Safe After 'Board of Strategy' Says the agenda. "We bave been ,oIn.;,.oY4,:.r ~ last .nlght, ' Alderman Van del' Zee gave hiS These developmentll came during uteful poLnte 'that al"ht..~~ CIt· "\ eI. t/le creek when a 1lI foot wall of in Nash teasons tor the new ordinance as Di84lppe~rance Case Whereabouts Not II day which also II&W: to our dele""Udn,'"...... :""d .·~ · , ..-' ",I,r raced, uneXpectedly down the At McOIlI. 'Dr. ayn~t\'I&n "III Itudy follow8: "About 150 wa.ter consumerS f June 14 80.000.000 Back to Work "Anytbln~ thai til! ~01I, } or. i< , r . ~ ~ *,"011 after .. cloUdb\lrllt. under Dr. Pentle1d. a ,peI:li"Ult In thIs paid leSe than $1 per monlh under Known field. . Senator James Couzens of Amerl. come out throu"h' OU! , ~ _ '." .g~f H~' '.~ children were IIwept Into the he old rales before April 1. 1033. Police Hold Sammons, ~ BULLJ!)TtN ca urg& continuance of endeavorll lJOndoll. • '. ,. '~ I" " ~J ' n' r wltb blm. Nea"",u.~~1'J Since then. they have becn paying W:,ASHINOTON. Ju.ly 7 (AP) OIJULLETINL... along lines wblch would return SO.' Con.aa.r " 1 " .1h~ three penone In the New Public Enemy, for NeurOllur.l9& a til'afl~1f of medl· more- a serioull InjusUce which CHIC" O. oIuly 7 (APr-Leon . ".PObtt~ ' '. ..:.,. ~ :~ car were parked at Idledall\ Const gUard headQuol·terll rehorted 000.000 pereons to work; "We bave- ~ consl r:ri ' ~ Investigation cine asSOCiated with sut,.. !ry o~ the ~holiid be oorrected at once. The Q .... Bleet. personal representative I 4 " .::&1 ~ left .. Itore building to walk to bl'aln and .ne~vous system. This haS ra lll~ proposed will bring conslderablo hel'e .tonlfj'ht that furthet' definite o( theml",,,,lng John Factor. ap- A diSClosure that American head· conference ag n a .M · . . :fifo "1 1M ~~ of the creek just betore the been Dr. HYhdm~n'j ' epeclai flel~ at savIngs to mo~t of the 150 consumors advlces were ' aWIi.Ued. . fl'oni Jimmy praiSed tonight tha.t a. note had Quarters Is drafting a resolution of vIew whlcb mliht' .blh~i~~i: . ' ; KANSAS CITY. July 7 (APl-Fln· 1t4rm Itrllcit, They failed to return. University h bftpi~lI.1. leQsI able to pay. The Pl'Op08Cd water Matteen. at ·Anadlr. 811/9rl\l-... to been found In Eufaula. Okla" ueklng a world·wlde cooperation In .It wall atlJd tba~ :.t!" ' 1i, ::} gerprlnt records todaY Identified whetMt' he needed Imm'edlate 6S' signed "Jake thfl Barber" and Increa.lnlt willtes. sbortenlng hours problem. whloh hu ~ :l~ t . • 'Ii ~ f ~n. or ears were stranded on The yells Ii!~ve "lIllcbrrles effeb' rale ordinance should be pas~ ed 1m· James (Fur) Sammons. Chlcll80 ganl!" -or ~ ,hl;hway following the storm, live Imme latelY, Fol)~\fIDI' hi" 'medlately to relieve these pcople slstanco beCore ne&-otlatlng through appeaUrlg for help. was first In. or work and raising agricultural 1l8&ln at the parley, ~e v~t: ~ ster, as the man arre8ted here for diplomatic channels tor sending the prlcea; and: eonslderatlon In tM . II1I;'I1 of them burled deep In mud. study In Montreal, Dr. }l;yndlJlan IS when they receive their bills on .. ellned to regard the matter as I 4!ac-llIUli~~I.~ ~J;r.r. ' \ Questioning regarding the machine '!'be rite of the occupants Of many to return to Vnlver'ltY hOspital to August I." cutter Northland to Afladlr. a hoax. Bewilderment In French circles the White HOIJBe. Tb~r" fl ' . ~ , . gun slaying at four officers and their or lbem 11'''1 not known. continUe his work oQ the bratn And Traffic Regulutions , concerning International finances. dlcatlon that Mr. 1t00"rel~~~~~lt prisoner. Frank Nash. June 17. duro ".nYj motorlstl, hOWever. clam. nervolls 8ystem. Changes In lrafflc regulations with a partial breaking of Great Ing to yield ~n lUI 1tan4. ~~Il~~~ Ing an attempt to free Nash. I MOSCOW, July 7 (API-Jlminle . July 7 (AP)-Otflclal Britain with tbe gold group, a. ,drop medlat, .tabUta&tlon of ' ~~t~~e,~i '/ . b6~ til safety up the mountainside Dr. Penfield. under Whom Dr. recommended by Police Chlet W . H. Mattern. Texas aviator missing Information W8.a releaSed tonight ~ ~ 8ammons. "ald by tederal otticere wilen Ihey IIIIW the water .weeplnc Hydnman will sludy. Ie reooirnlMd ~llder wer/! approved by the coun. since June 14. when be took off on that friends of John Factor. Inter' in the British pound on the Frenoh ,.' t " • • r to be wanted In Baltimore In connec· market and alumps In Amel'lcan and . . ' I town the canyon. by physicians u outstanding In tbe Iell. The alley between Washington another leg of hla attempted solo national financier supposedly held H· ' I'" i· ( ' i ' tlon with a '47.000 robbery. at tlrat work at neurOBufjrery In America. and College streots from Linn street protested: flight around the world. III sate In by kidnapers. knew not whether Ca;;~:~::t dO~::-:;lcan Quarters ex. arnman, s. ', r,{~ · t Here 1'\ II Yean to Clinton stl'eet will be a one way "You don't want me." Dr. Hyndma.n has bee" alllIoclated alleY with all traffic going west. The Told by officers his Identttica.tlon I ~~:~~: S~:'~I:parIl8INettied north· :~~::r~~e~:~~gat ~::,~.a~:~an~~; :~:::e!a~:t~~~c~~~e ~~: l~h:heP:: 'Incom. pe.' ~' )~.·I' .JI·.I: (.;,~'~: . Italian Flyers with the University ot Iow/l. tor more I alley between College and BUI-lIng· A telegram received today direct \let that the day'e IIlngle reve~1I8 ,. . • was positive and asked why he had than five years. He took his under- ton streets from Linn street to ClIn· dyed his hair black. he said: from the Oyer by the Moscow cor· State's Attorney Courtney an· would be overruled when tbe bUl'eau • M t li.t·~~ I ! Resume Trip graduate studle~ at the Rice InStitute., ton street will be a one Way alley wIth respondent of the New YOt'\( Tlmee nounced he received the Intormatlon In en a . "Well. If the parole board commits where he r8C6lved a bachelor of all traftlc going ea8t. Right hand said simply: In a conference with Alderman Ja. (steering committee) meete Monday . •. . ... ; .• ": me back to Joliet (I11lnol,,) 1 thought I d to consider the reporta of tbe 8ub- . 1 , • , • • IJelence degree In 1921. 1turns against the red light will be "Safe at Anadlr. Cbukuota. 61. cob Arvay. one of the fr ends an committees. • .. . .iiI It would help to take on a masquer· He studied medicine at Jollns Hop· allowed on the Iowa avenue and berla. Jimmie Mattern." associates at Factor comprlsl"g the NElW YORK. July T l4PH0II6PIt Armada Plans to Hop ade." klnl university. and ,raduated with I Riverside drive Intersection. juat west The messall'e W8.11 dated a.t tbe "board o( strategy" lleeklng his rc' W. Ha.rrlman. tormar hlil4 ' 'at' l Sammons once was eentenced to Toward Labrador an M.D. degree In 1828. Ee came to of Iowa avenue bridge but on no town of Boobarov&. The sending lease.. Rockefeller Fltth Avenue bank , brirlrl' .. death In tor klJllnlr a saloon· ~ I ' Iowa In 112t. an/! three years later other Intersections against the red time was 11 p.m. July 5. I Courtney had summoned Arvey name, waa described bl aal atIe'li~ Today keeper. a sentence later commuted to Wall appointed to his present p08lt1on light. There' had been ' no reports of Mal- , to demand any Infol'mation avail· S d aa "mentally IncomPetent" •i ih ... lite Imprisonment, .nd "ubsequently 94 a8 a8loclate In neurosurgery. Budget Cuts tern elnce be took off Jllne 14 from, able rega.rdlng the stock and grain un ay hIIarlng today to, 4et.,~qiJII' :h~ ·;/I.·. lEVKJAVIK. IcelanCI. July 7 (Ap) he was paroled. Dr. Hyndman will leave thl. mom· Because the Prellmlnat"y city bud. Khab6rovek. I!llberla, with his obJec. market operator's whereabouts. nes to face tria.l on eb...... of .,.~. ~ner&l Valo Balbo announced to· Ing for Montreal. t, ~e up hll work get tor 1934 mbst be submitted to the tlve Nome. Alaska. trorn where he The 8tll.te'8 attorneY'a atatement Ing toJie .ntrt•• of .1.'1~ ..22' .•tn ~ Illy th.t he Plana to order a takeoff Neal Finn, Philly there, . county auditor by August 15. the fl· hoped to head dOWn the borne .was the only announcement except TARRYTOWN. N. Y., July 7 (AP) bank'. book•• nd IDll&pplY.ln# . i~t l It . d&~n Saturday ot the squadron ot nance committee and City SoHcltor stretch of his long ·nlght. tor a cryptlo denial from the "boa.rd -A dinner party with three genera- 000. '. J l', ;.: I , If 'I!lrlane~ he I~ leading on a tlight Ball Player, Dead Thomas MartJn have been inV8stlg/lt. Anadlr. or Anadyr: Chukotka of strategy" to a. report that ran· tlons of hl8 family present will be The all4lnllt. Dr. I. E. I Iltffl. II)' It'l"es to the century of Progreas Ing the terms of the Beatty·Bennett peninsula. Is situated on the, Anadyr /lom had b en paid and arrange· John D. Rockefeller's only departure tesUfled that Harrtman ... "~~t)t. I, ChIcago. , ALLENTOWN, pa. .• July 7 (AP)­ Bank Looted bill and the amount of taxes the city river. north of the Kamchatka pen- ments made tor Factor's release. Crom routine tomorrow on his nine- Ing from mUltiple nluritis,' . 1I.~ : lp. ,'I'ht Irmada arrived here late Halted at the top Of his big leque can levy undel' It, Insula. In northeastern 81berla near Absent from the hotel hea.dQuar· , ly.tourth birthday anniversary. flammatlon ot the . ~,n", ' ~~~ WedneldlY a.nd hae since been await· career. Neal (Mickey) Finn. Iter in Attorney Martin explained that It the gering &ea. If III a trading POllt. tera was Jerome Factor. sen of the l A few old frIends from Tarrytown wblch .ventua")' .ttect• . t~s ' ~ratl. favorable weather tor the fourth lIIecond baseman at the Phllliea died Minnesota would be necessary for the city to cut 2.605 miles alm08t ' due north of mining' man. There were reporta. have been Invited to join relative. Fed,ral Iud.. Caffey. bl11 tlt,t .... of ths trip. a 1.500 mile hop to ttoday of a stomach aliment In hie apprOXimately $10.000 (rol1l tho bud· Vllldlvostok. • that young FactOr wu remaining at the Quiet celebration at thll fl· hearing at tbe SUg ...UolI .'oi' ilbrt. thirtieth year. cartWright. Labrador. get below the present budget In ac· Capt. Ronald Amundsen reachlld home ,because at tear . of frlende hancler's poca.ntlco HIII8 eetate. man'a coun_I.' . ' ...... ' ~ Former we8t coast ace and on<:e Cashier Shot in Leg, Luneheon Ouestll .cordanoo with the bill. WIth this there In i920 after being lost more thM be might be kidnaped. as he Tbe ob"ervance of the day will be Harriman', tUgbt from tM f6C6~ the property of the Brooklyn Dod­ lb- ,eneral's announcement was Clerk Slugged u . mandatory cut · on top of the cuts than a year and & half ; In the ·was last April. The elder Factor even elmpler than In recent years. nunlng bome ••veral' ,-it"ka · '.,., gerB. Finn succumbed alter a recent • 1IIach1 aboard the Swedlah·Ai\1erlcan made this spring In the budget he Arctic reglone on one of his duhe" denied that raneom was paid for At Mr. Rockefeller's requellt thll and hw .U.rnpt at ,b(ol~ ~'1n ~ '-" operation. The speedy Inn elder had I*itr.KUn'lIholm In the harbor here. TriQ ~~pe8 explained that the budget would have to the norl~ pole, . \ Jerome'a release. usual eerenade bY a band will be ROllyn. N. Y .• Inn wet.. ~i11It4 ' . been In the hospital Iinee June 22. , ~ '&IId hll companions were the to be figured closely, Government official!! and air force There was no official commer.t omitted and the only music will ,be Dr. Jellltte ... obvlau, .'ettllPi'-.-'ot He had shown up well In aprlnlJ GRI\ND RAPlpS, . Minn .. July 7 1I1Ioheon guest8 or 600 Americans The COUJlcli will meet next Fl·l· officers Bald they hac!' no direct In- on re}lorts that the tederal govern· a tew hymns on the pipe orBan after a dllOrde,red m6nt.l-.;'.te.l: . ",. ~ : tralnlnll'. The 8tomach ailment aoon (API-Three young bandits. cursing , ~ the velliel. formation from 'l(attem. Avla.tlon ment wall guardlnlf agalnat Factor the dinner. Dr. Jlllllfte 'a.14 tilt . o"y\()li. ~ '" hampered hie play. as they (lourl8lied pt.toll .t tour em· fl'tchllnlcl haVe completed a check· (TUM' to page 6) clrclell pOinted ou.t. however. that entering Mexico to avoid · eztradl· After an 8 o'clock breakfast, his fect. be fou'" In ~.... ' ••..,IPO ployes and half a dOlen customers, '*tr. ~ the Beaplanee and pronOl.lnc· they had beUeved word· mlgbt be reo tion to England ·to tace cbargee of valet Will . read him the blgh lights to rela" Idea. ' COUl. ~ .• ttrl~ ralded the Flr.t t-{ailonal of t4~bem ready ror what 18 considered b~nl( eelved from him· eventually In the swlndlln8' British Investora of ,7.. of thll day. news. In addltfon there . to exce•• lv!! u .. .4nip . ~4. . ~; Grand ' Rapida today. obtained ap· Uphold Salary Law 0' lilt mo.t difficult st.... e of the en' event he had been ' fo.rced . down on 000.000 In IItock tl'aneactlon., will be a IItack of congratulatory cobol. Harrt~. he codUO~ " .. . ~ . ~~p, • I proxlma.tely Si,OOO In currency aDd for Public Officials land on the Khabarovsk.Nome hop. messagell that already are arriving. developed ac:utAi alco"~_ ',:W1a\e) . Reeeption •• fled with ... woman boetage atter Where They added that it Is normal tor a Safebreakere Get ,130 It the weatber III good. Mr. Rocke· led to multiple neurltlll, • . . • • • ~ \I reception ,Iv!'n by Prlm& Min· shooUn. the uelatant cUhler and SIOUX CITY, July 7 (AP)-Judge. considerable time to elapse before FAIRFIELD, (AP~afebreaker. feller will play nine holell of galt. Ha.rrtQIaa ... aCcOmP4IlI" tc;; ~ AI,elrsaon of Iceland. General .Iuggln, JL clerk ovet; the bea4,. . ~ Miles W. Newby today upheld the Information can corne from tbe obtained ,180 In cash In a robbery of A light lunoheon will be followed court room by hi, wI,.. " The~ Nick Bau4lr. .hot In the leg. ililbo. the Italiin .Ir minister. laid n, conlltltutlonallty of the new Iowa l laolated Siberian region.. the Peoples Ice compal)Y Thurllday by a reet and then a two·hour autv- • " and Homer Butlen. IS. IIIU'Pd over I . that "tile WIlY of aviation Is the way Come law I16tting the oomllensation of PUb., It Wall added that, due to the night. rpoblle ride. Dinner will be at 8:,0 I . . It prOirese. the way ot friendship be· the head ~re not I8riou,l), hurt by IIc offlclal8. amount of ....e that ha.d elaPlled. p.m .. but before he retl~es two hours Fall to t1tte1li nations and the avoidance at the bandit,. Mn, T. H. McDonald. Find;\Vitnet, . [n his ruling be dlemlssed a 'nan' I\{attern may have been forced down DES MOINES. (AP}-A .peelal and a half later. Mr. Rockefeller will . • " ' T'~ li tilt !error of wlr. From 30. a cuatomer In the bank. W&8 fOrced ft. III damull action brought by F . Price; at some dlBtance trom a PotlUlated legislative Investigating committee Indulge In bls favorite game of Murder • to go with the bandltl througb a rear Delay rw :.;'AII know tlte aim of OUI' cruise." Smith, Woodbury county treasurer,' area and been forced to make & met today to consider action agalnat numerlca, a 10rt of competitive soll- . . .' . IIId Balbo. "Three years ago we SUMMER SESSION window to their W~U" .. automobile on 'behalt of county officials, to com.' laborious trek to the nearest VIII&B8.! alleged eVaders of the gasoline taX tatre played with 62 numbered OSKALOOSA. Jul,. 7 . (~~. ",... ordered to tllke a message of STUDENTS at the rear at ~he bulldln, where a pel payment at the old salaries. law. cards. lire of co~nt' offlOlra to joei~ . J\O~ fritll!l,hlp tram Italy to the Latin fourth bandit Itood BUa.rd. Sbe wa~ I - released three blockll tram the bank Judge Newby held that tho bill . ert Btackwooc1, wllo.. n.p.w\ W¥ ..'tlonl of South Amerloa. FROM had been properly authenticated by PRINCE RUPERT. B. C .. July 7 ' fatall, wounded durtn* .~ nl;tlt "Blrnor MUllollnl. the genll\l chl"f on state highway 8 u the baIIdlil OTHER algnatures of presiding ottlc re In (AP}-Wllllam Alexa.nder. chief pl· I • Economl'cs the ,.arcb tor a .tllI. t04a7 . .rt.nlt.tI,_ . ~ founder of the new order In Italy, sped weatwa.rd towa.rd Deer river. lot of the "Jimmie Mattern resoue of . k ("'01 ... directed Ihat tltese STATES both houses of the general all8embly. I .. t I ht • th I f IIOItpmement for t"o ...... " 0 ,It. mes~<Cij and by the governor. and that the pane. on g ,ave Ul> e Il a.n a preliminary heart", fer poJJcIa cill~ IIIDvlcl be taken by alrplane8. He Orden In.1II'UIClII Recel",r,hlp court could not Quelltlon their flying on to Alasftll.' _" and Siberia In DepreSSI·On Howard All ...... uuu ,.'0101-... ' .,...... "'--'&4· -_...... thlab the alrllQes ~re the bellt mel­ the plane to meet Mattern and said Ifee mUrder charlN P ' a ' "1111(' ~ ~1'1l for olvillsatlon." ST. PAUL, (AP)-Federal Jud'l l authenticity. he would seek the use of one of lIev· by the shootln.. ' . .' ' I.' M. M. Joyce Or4ere4 .. ~1"ershIP be l. I as - l!Ieen • eral tlylng atll In ,hll vic nit, tor county Attorney A.rlo W. --l~ for the Royal UIlIoIl lAt. Inautance WEATHER OF GEORGE R DAVIES .-- "J"Y" · " ..... Oontrol 1IhI'. DI ..... company of Des Molnea and aPllolnt· the trip. PR .• _.ald that he d~-'re4_...... ow-.- BI1:"k... · ill!l8 IWINEI. (AP)-Dr. H. A. ed as uxlliall' ,,-Ivera L. A. An.. in a series of articles Wood'. presence u ·. WttllNe ",;tM .....11. chief of the atate bureau of Hee I'ap S. drew ot Del Mol ... &114 E, W. Clark IOWA: Partly tloud)' Saturel..,. BIot'raPber DIY hearln" It Ia .11.. .,. . u.t. t'l6 -_ Indll.try. formulated rUlee of Des 'Moines. 1ow .. Inlurance conI' prece....)'".. _.1 b hit o"ers n ex reme EAST ORANGE• N . .J ., Startina~ in The Daily Iowan Blackwood.uncle " •• ft.KCobIlMn')1 on the III&at .... · .~,.lUi r.. &a4:l'tdltlna catlle herd. from mll!ll!loner. Judp Joyoe eaplalrted ...... t portklfti Rund.,. "Rnerall), Ooorge R. Hulburt, 110, blOl{rllPher and Sunday, July 9 1laa1'1 dllll''' .... fin InfftCtlolIII hovlne thR /l.CUon '". a formality tollowlnlr f.lr; not mlll'h ('hanl" '/I t4'1JI' former Jlublll'ht"r, '''1'(\ to. 0..11 Mol_ rt~r .... ' a.att .... Hllnllllr IiOIiOd III ll1Wi C41llrte, IM'r"hl"" dl\r, ,., t"allvr ",oU"~"1 _. ' ...... :".....

~ • , .. ;. •• t 4 ~ ~ • ,. , . prise at lh successIve dlacUllretI about ~ltaJ va. liappin from the ~ eapltal 1''- n ... t4at .. ... , , 1/ I -'j ~hl'r Hollywood romance wu on tb& rocu baa '-- .. tJFtiCIALD ILYB ..... U... PateDt Om-I merely rv4!d to I'OUJld wt thlt imprt' I II wh h the c Uulold romances bad cr ted. IT1 r.ALBNDAa _ ldJ~al841 ldeot, Old Capitol. ltema for tm. IIo&nI ot TTUat .: P'nlnJt L. ott, Paul C. l"&cker, 2- But with Douglas Falrbanlai and Mary Pickford .. lla.CICWee, 8 dIt O. Willt r Pbyll. W.I I. Harold G&NER1\L NOTICE are depa itecl wUIt the campus ,W. CUIIW, l. C. CuaUJ. Cberlll McElhinney, L~· It h n dlCfl'rent. T~ belolllf to ~ 014er pn­ _!tor ot The Oeity 10,.,., or maT be pllICled In the bos .,nmd n~ eration at moyie actors-the generation that blls ~ tor t~lr . ~ P08j, m 1.1 ••HJe. of TIle ~ .. continued to portray storte8 in ... blcb the bero and Iowan. GEP-'ERAL NO II m_ be .. 'l'IIe DaBr 11 rolne ha"s faded out on the screen to Ih-e bapplly lowaa II,· 4:30 p.m. the da:r precedmc lll'llC publlC'uJoII; IlOtftt! .ill NOT IHI aecepta.i b,. koIepl:lC ...... m~_ .. Y alt .jrd r r In the bn&clnatlonll oJ. tbe specta­ rJ1'ED 01" LEGIBLf WRITTEN, auj IONED ~ a to . Should It be found that thIlI SUPposedly ".Ie­ respoD81ble pt'rson. LOrULn pair' ufferlng trom Ib hou hol~ d ... • ... \'01. IX, :>_ to Bring' your raJlway certlClcatetl to the reglstrsl"s orrico) at once-do not STRICTLY BARRED ARTlfICl~l LIGHT ER IA ' Y" intention to pn.ll forward r('nch IUl ngr ment on currpncy lll'oblem, ca·n be walt. You will be tolll wh n to calf tnr th m, nIter they have beeD endorsed. FOR.5(>2 -;lEARS,( attrlbutl'd I>rlmarlly to rundantenlal conOi t t and validated by tbe algnature of the Joint agent. G C. DORCAS, res-l,trar towurd the equality or rmaml'nt which Opinions concernIng basic econom.lc principle , In, n. An Eletlrlt baht was Instt.llta , • h.a long d maud(>(l and whi 11 \va t nta­ o ed It J hardly too murh to IUl.Y Ihat It u. Il ue to III 1929 fot the flr~t tunt> tive)y allowed in prplim ilUlry agre ,ncnt at Univer ily DIl't'ctory for th Slimmer , PSl>iIlIt I Il g n ral I ck of Information on the p~rj, o( lh The unlverBlty .orom r seulon dl!'ectory or .. tlldents and ro.culty Is on !)lI\tl' 11 COliV> Founo.~Q. 1111%1. tat diiarmam nt conierene!> waR mpha.,ized eonre.>f 8 In regarl\ to !luestlons ltpounded In any sale at th II UnuU r alon flc. room 117 unIversity hall, general stores 1his week by the announcement t hllt the d.epartment, l owa nloD, a.nd city book store. . !! 'on mle prim r. I :Reich webI' already ha . acquired a Ilumb r of SUMMER SESSION OFFICE · . I"'f ' ;'" 44 police" plane . , t - #. '. UDuner lon Toul' Th 0 ten 'ble cxcn" for pUt'chl ing the The primf' r them/leh:e. are partl,. at fa.u.u." how. Tb& ummel' II 8Rlon t l.'~_:' to Fl. Madl.son and Keokuk 1s postponed fl'Om • ~- , r'-j' ," j ,,~. It~ .,. planes "'lIS a r cent" air t'uid " on B!>rlin in Her, rur 111 rl', n tbat tllf', " ..". unttll"HeIJtlr .July 8 to July 15. BRUCE MAHAN CJP51DE I)OWN ' which, th Nazi chieftllins aid, }lU)1(lr us of conett-nM tJlelll In prJn~ win. MI..... "'. RE"O~ r~~ 5AM~ P ychololr)' EXlunlnafioll1t fO I'­ Juslll)'lu/:' Il8tJl blis hed N'0I1011lk 1al1a.c~, , ~ SUQ~f~d bv Jer.!.e FUlk - (\~f It depr atory pamphlets wert' dropped hy 'W rltt"l\ ex.amlnnUons for advanced degrees and qualJtylng examinations whwh tbe Inllexlble gold s tandard hI the mo8t "I. - • .' ~frlln,ttJ , eign "reds" to inci te the (1 ('I'mall p ol1lc will ~ given to ma Jol'" and minors In p1lYOlt010ll"Y l"rlday and F!atu"day, .July rlou • against til i1' gO\,l'rnml'llt. The fa<:1 thnt no­ 7 &Ild 8. Anyo ne wi hlng to takl' tlw ex rnlnallona I>h!a.u, call at the psy· P.tR50HS ARE fIlI\BIDJ)EN ' ChOlugy of rice, ClOG, Iiltlllt Hall, bf.'tor July 5. C. E. SEASHORE . , body eould Iw {ouod who ha" l'monstrat.d by lh contu!li.on All claa. ~fI will mp t Saturday, JUly 8. GRAVE.S further I2foof of Of' rmany', n! <,d for arrial SUl\IMER SESSION OFFICE which xl ta CO lJ c('rnlng Ih mOlt pCt ol1e m4't d fen e and fOl·thwilh JHll'cha d uirplan(', to nr ('ul'lng thl.' \\'orld's JII ~ . Tbrocedur II til "1Uab1l.1ze" examination MondllY. July 10, In t~)lJm 211 I,.A . ut 2 o'clock. " k to hav intl'rf rNl \\ il II I hi fillfillml'nt curren<'l "', r .. turn to the gOld Btun(lard and restOI' YRENCHD8PARTMENT ot 1I I!ontra·t ent I'

t J iTOR.PAY, JULy 8, 1938 t'RE DAILY IOWAKj IOWA mrr PAGE T-I.... rR-n- ~, ~8iness, Professional ,Women SKIPPY-Takin, A.dvanro,e By PERC.Y L. CROSBY ------~------, 5QUAfl~S'(' LI1'1'LE SHOO1'eR ~------r--~ ON V6SE V 5"'. 8 u"f" "('ME B.eJegates Go to Chicago Meet 8UVS A WMA1'" OOES H€ 1)0 OROeR ()(.O MA~ -I WOOL-ON'''' au1' ~- . "IV€" -rIiA-r 1='0R' HIM! DA'I, AN' WHEN ~6 GUV WAtJ'1'S A QuA~1' OF SeO.,..c.H I ~ City 10 Ha~e Four. Announce 2 '1"0 f)CJ'I OW& IN RE'1'u'HI - Repr.eJentati:l1es PreJent Engagements ri~!~.."! ' ',. ...tet to the national eon· (~~ J/"'-~ ~ of tbe Faderation ot BUBI· Fred A. Solemans Re­ \,~. an4 •Profel.lonal Women's ~ ~1 AI ..' Rankin. Arlot Olaon veal Betrothals 01 ~~ 7~11 '~I' • hnor' Schmidt leave thla Daughters ~.. tor. Chicago. III. Martht. ,Ntldent of tbe local orKan' . leavee tomorrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong 1 . ~ 1/1 ~~nllII f~r leadership" will be Solem an a nnounce the engagement ~ TIp~ t. 't.M~ ~".aJ. rfshll I'fler.rd. f / .trJ. 1V3S, Ill", f.11_ 5,ndleate. Int:. (I [I (II "'Ib- of the convention experts of their daughter Catherine to Rob· 7·8 ,," ~I II ~ ... II wlilal.' diversifIed vocational ert Chandler. BOn of 1\(r. and Mrs. • ..' \IITlng been "cured u apeak. William H. Chandlel' of Cleveland . IJ for tbe ' aelllion. Women whO HeIghts. Ohio. and ot their daughter. Ella Douglas Dies flit .ttaloed fame a. authors or Influence of PERSONALS ..,.. pro Frank Bohn, economlllt; Betty. to Bailey Webber. son of Mrs. Mary LoulllO Gardiner. stenogra· at Home of Sister ~ur E, Beator. president of J ohn F. Webber ot Ottumwa. No Schiller Is pher In the college ot commerce of· After Brief Illness : Cbautauqua Inatitutlon; Ruth date has been set for either wed· flce, returned from a vaoaLion In ~ well.known aviatrix; Judith d1 from- Davenport. and Cblcago. whet'e she Ella II. Douglas. 62. dlcd al the ••!Ior; and Mrll. E. Pearl Warwick ng. Told by Lyle attended the Century ot Progress ..... _t. Catherine Soleman. a member ot home ot her elater. Mrs. ROIICI·t lit amOll8 thOle to appear a. ape ...... · exposItion. wore 5.000 memben ot the ted. Delta Gamma. graduated trom the Old Capitol nogers, at 705 S. Dubuqu" 8tl'('I't, ~ wbo will gather for the con. coJlege ot lIbeml ar18. University ot Professor Says Ufe, Dr. RoY Sommer8 of Des Moines yesterday at 6:20 p.m. Shl' had been ~D Jul, U until July 16. Iowa. class ot lQ28. Before she was by TOM YOSELOFF was a visitor at the "ental college this IlJ tor sevel'al weeks. ~rama and entertainment. a student here. she attended Nation· Character Influenced week. He Is a graduate ot the denlal Miss Douglas w as born In Johnson ~ tbe coperatlon of the Chi, 11.1 Park seminary. Entire World college. class ot 1916. county In 1811. Until comIng to rowa committee, and the Century of Betty Soleman. also a Delta Oam· rJ/Il, When newspaper man meets news· City 10 years ago she lived In nocln ~ y. ~ axpoaltlon have been 8.1" rna, received her B.A. degree In That the Intluence of Schiller'S paper man: R. 0, Orasetleld. who wu Althea Gleon. secretary of the and liv ed wllh hcr sisler atter her ~ The beadquarters of the 1932. Representative I nth e life and character, not only upon editor of The Dally Iowan In the three bureau of dental hygiene. has gone arrl val here. ....nllon 11'111 be located at the Women's Pan-HellenIc council. 1932, his countrymen but upon the world. years from 1911 to 1914. dropped in to her hOme In West Liberty. where She Is survived by her slsLar. Mrs. ~ bot~ 1 durlnt the week of the she was a member of Mortar Boal·d. has become of permanent value, on lhe Unlver81ty ot Iowa yesterday she will spend a two weeks vacation, Rogers. and her twIn elslel', 1011'S. ...,PI, an4 Intereet centered about During her attendance here. she was was the theme of Prot. Herbert O. to see his [.-lends here. Minnie WItcher ot Council ·Blufrs . . ' work of the committee there. cboeen honorary Cadet Colonel. and J,.yte's lecture before an audience ot Edltb Holmatrom. public health The body will be at the Rog I'S home til I\IIl8 Importance with general during the last year served as II· , 100 In lhe house chamber of Old nurse ot the bureau of dental until time for the [unel'al, tor whIch 111'1- at the city of Chicago and brarlan at Iowa Union. Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel in "The Devil's Brother" Capitol last nigh t. In those daYN. Mr. Gl1UJIIfleid hygiene. has returned to her work arrangements have not been com· JIfbIOft., dinner. and the voca,. Mr. Webber received hIs B.A. d&· a musical comedy romance with Dennis King, and Thelma Professor Lyte pointed out the In· recalled, The Dally Iowan was a atter a vacation ot three weeks which pletcd. _ conteren~. gree In 1931. and graduated trom Todd, Opens tomorrow at the VArsity theatre for a three day valuable Inspiration which SchllJer's matter ot comll1erelal interest to ahe spent at her home In Genesco. Ill. " file rlnt bUllnen eesslon will be the law Bchool this June. He af· run, _ strong personality, courageous Jlv· the 8tudents I'e8ponslble for It, __ Tueldar evening with an ad· filiated with Delta Tau Delta, and The editors and buslneas man.. ;..:.=------=------­ Ing. and fearless, Independent think, Geraldina Peterson. Wln(Jeld.ls vis· .... by tbe president. Mrll. Gellne Phi Delta Phi. law fraternIty. He «era bougbt and sold the right to i,=::=::==::::"::'='=':':'::'~&l' Ing mlgbt be to the present age In lUng In the home of Berniece Ostlno Week-Day Matinees .. 15c IIfidlonald Bowman of Richmond. served as President of bls tlrst year Graduate'of Tennis whlcb spiritual thIngs are often for· publish the unlvenlty paper. this week. Miss Peterson g l·aduat· ,. law class. and was selected a memo Play golten or overlooked. ed from the University of Iowa. In 1930 Nights & Sundays ;. .... 25c Iowa LUllCbeon bel' of A.F.I. Mr. Webber also was AU Types and will teach In Elvira thIs ta\1. ",,,Ung I. a group. all IOWa dele. &8soclated wIth the Student Publl· After his co\1ege days. Mr. Grass· S.U.I. to Wed Progressing Schiller dealt with every type ot field started his newspaper work un· Last Times Tonight .. Will Ittend a. epeclal luncheon cations board. and represented Delta theme In poetry. prose.'nd drama. Frances Warner. member or the ,. 'l1telr etate Mon<1ay nOOIl at Tau Delta In the Men's Pan·Hellenlc del' Prot. Fred Lazell. when Professor "Smoke Lightning" aDd In all his works he taught vir· Lazell wae editor of The Cedar Rap· library staU at Iowa State college. JitI 81t'enl, • aSSOCiation. Barbara Miller Will ,1st Round of Women's tue Indirectly by the reflection ot Ames. vlstted yesterday with SarJta "Trick for Trick" " ltptWentatiYes from the entire Ids Uepubllcan. His courso on thlll hIs own living and Idealism. HIs papor was trom reporter lo owner. Robinson, superintendent ot the cata· lIIlInllJ I.ra expected to particIpate Marry New York Tourney Almost fIrst prose play expres8es a plea for loghi l: department of the Univerllity \I !lit convehtlon. the purpolle of Ripley Explanatimll Man Completed justice and a contemPt tor dishon­ o( Iowa. ilWch II to lIurvey tbe development esty. "William Tell," his most no' Arter the demise of The Re­ VARSiTY "wom.ri·, Infiuence In the business table drama, appeals to human publican. he went to Florida. He EXPLANATION OF YES. July 16 h&8 been announced as the The first round of the tennis tour­ Mra. J . L. Luscombe. 1104 Mercy iii profeselonal world during the sympathies because It presents a is nOw «eneral ma.nager ot the TERDAY'S (JARTOON date tor the approaching marrIage ot nament In the pbyslcal education de· street. returned to Iowa CIty Thul'S' Starts Tomorrow lIII bait century. plaIn. practical people In national Florida 8tate Chamber of Com· An Imperial secret: ~[enelll{ Barbara Miller ot and partment tor women Is almost com· day after spending the over-the­ ; il{fi resistance to foreign tYI·anny. merce, at J ackson,1Ue. Mr. GrasII' n, emperor of Ethiopia.. ISH· Ward Ocorge Benson. 0.180 of New pleted, with sIx matches alrcady Fourth weck end with Mr. and Mrs. Professor Lyte spoke at length on field plans to l'etum to his home BOGUS 1913. spent 'a. nfethne In devls· York. The home of the brlde·to·be's played. " Robert H. Luscombe ot Des Moines. tho Intense and lasting friendship a.fter a vi81t to the (Jentury of BANDITS! ~it. Dwight Mathes ing a. secret la.nguage and script brother·ln·law and sister. Mr. and The results at thIs tlmo are: Prot. between Schiller and Goethe. Progress expotlltlon in Chicago. known only to bimseU. 'l1be de· Mrs. George R. Gallup, In New Roeh· I ~onored by Affair at Elizabeth Halsey. head ot thp physl· Through his association with Ferrol Roberta Huyck They .. It'al your d1CAttlon In my cartoon was ad'· el1e. N. Y .• Is to be lhe 8cene of n reo cal education clepartmc\lt tor worn· I,hi Mil Chapter House Ooethe. Schiller came to do In his A partial \l8t ot the University ot Marries Carl Coffman laughs ill a fe.t· dre88ed by the emperor to Ille ceptlon following the wedding cere· en, versus lIllda Parker, Protessor mll~iral poetry wbat he had learned to do Iowa law graduates who arc oponlng ture·lenl:'111 wlte ot the Austrla.n minister mony In St. John's church , in New Halsey won 6·2, 6-3. Mlldrcd Samuel· comedy romance! hlilterses at a. post·nuptlal Hnen In hIs lite. to look at lite squarely new offices In varLous parts of the 0/ Chicago Tuesday and slgnect in his secret script Rochelle. The couple will be at home son, Al ot A ","0 n , v~rsus LOl'ralne i&st evening. Mrs. Erlene and portray human essentialS, or United Stales. Is presented with tbe Mltr which nobody has ever been In New York city after a wedding Frost, Instruclor In the physical edu· _ fond Grace Ettinger entertain· for blm. It was to Idealize. results of the last tew days: t.farrlage claimed another Unlver· able to decipher. trip through Canada. · 'catlon del)artment for women; the "DIM ruests at the Phi Mu soror· i'Truly a MilD" T. F. McDonald. law '18. and George alty of lowa alumna Tuesday when Miss MJIler. daughter ot Mrs. 'Alex score was 4-6. 6-2. 6-2 In MIss Samuel· It, chapter house In honor ot Mrs. Goethe said of Schiller In the D. Thompson. law '25. are now asso· Ferrol Roberta Huyck, daughter ot The I 0 v e proof e d malden: MlIJer. Iowa secretary ot state and son's favor. D!rtht Mathes. later years of Schiller's Ufe that elated with the firm ot McDonald. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Walter S. Huyck of When the BoIange glrl of Be· the late Alex Miller ot Washington, Jane Shurmer, Instructor In the , ronolllng .. n evening of brldge, reo chuanaland attains to a mar· when Goethe had noL lIeen him for Webster. and Thompson, with oftlccs Toledo became the bride ot Cal'l Cotto Ia., received a B.A. degree In ·jour· physical education department for ,Ilt!hment •• tor which the table decor· rlageable fI.&'6, lIbe tlas to under· three daY8 he did not know him. In tho Guardian bulldLng, at Cleve· man ot Chicago at the home ot tho nallsm trom the universIty here In women. versus Gerlrude Sovlk, G ot land, OhIo. bride's parents. The Rev. Roscoe C. ~I were .chemed In pink and go a term of greM ba.rdshIP. to 80 great had been BebllJer'lI progre118 1929. A member of Kal1pa Kappa. 'Northfleld, Minn .. Miss Shurmer took ~ .. were served, J)I"eIlaJ"C her for llIatrlmony. Her In self perfection. But perhaps !Robert H. Klntzlnger, who recelv· Jerrell. pa8tor ot the Methodist Epls· Gamma. she also aWllated wIth the game 7·5, 6·2. Goethe's greatest tribute to SchJ\ler ed his law degree last month, h8.ll 1 copaL church ot Toledo. read the .n, Mathes .... as formerly Lorna face and anus are whitewashed Theta Sigma Pbi. honorary journal· 'l'he results for three other matches: Is his statement. "He was truly a opened his ortlce In the Security double ring coremony In the presence Jti'!nllton of IOWa City, and secre· a.nd an extraordinary annor of Ism sororIty. and Mortar Board. She, Margaret Farrleh. A of Wisconsin man." building at Dubuque. of the members of the Immediate IJir7lln tbe office of Prot Forest En· wicker 18 bound In a. series of 18 at present associated with Rublcam bulky layen around h er chet!t Ra.plds. Wis.. versus Luella Reck· The leeture was the third In a Alden D. Avery. another recent lam Illes. and Young. advertising agency In meyer. G ot Mt. Pleasa.nt; Miss Far· graduate. is now makIng plans to Mrs. Coftman graduated from Iowa I ••Illc luded on the guest list were nexll to the skin to protect Jter serIes under the ausplces of the New York. and formerly W8.S em· heart and soul against the on· rlsh won 6·1. 6·1; Ruth Crew. A of school of letters. The weekly ad· opon his law oftlce In hIs home city State Teachers' college. receiVing her )IIIl.I Delahook. Donna Fottel, Mild. ployed In the editorial department of Btaught or tre Love·Devll . Marlon, vel'SUB Mabel Shirley ot Min· dresses are on subjects related to of Spencer. B.A. degree there. and later her mas· .. Leach. PhyUls Moorcroft. Martha the Mason City Globe·Gazette, Be· Tomorrow: "Primo ()arne.,. Is neapolis. MInn .• resulted In a 6-2. 6·0 language study and are open to the Jack R. Vollerlsen, also a '33 alum· ter's degree at the university here. 1IItru.. Olive Cox. Mrs. Ralph Martin. tore her preesnt occupation. Miss ..... E1mtr Andersen. and Mrs. Joe 9,950 feet t.all." victory for MIss Shirley. Jane Woods. public. nus, Is nOW associated wlLh Louis E. Mr, Cottman 18 the son of Mrs. lone .ta. Miller was a student at Columbia G ot Iowa City. versus Margaret Roddewlg, In the ottlce of this Dav· Cottman ot Hawkeye. and rural sales Ii ' unIversIty In New York city. Woods. G of Iowa City; Jane Woods enport attorney, In the Putnam build· manager for Crowell Publishing com· Mr. Benson. son of Mrs. James R. won 6·3. 6·4. Velmo Hagemeier lng, pany In Illinois. ~ee Awarded . Benson of St. Louis. Mo., is a. se­ The second round ot the tourna· Becomes Bride 0/ ------WbiERE curity analyst and manager ot the ment wllJ be played ort this week end. Unitarian Dance at I" Gol/in, Prizes New York office ot an eaetern Invest· Luther Thompso.n Mrs. Evans, Lifelong ment company. Club Rooms Tonight Elks' Ladies Plan In a Quiet wedding last evening at County Resident, Dies the parsonage ot the Methodlat Epls· A special dance from 8:30 until Il ... :.C=~,CI: T~EY COME Three July Affair, copal church, Velma J. Hagemeier of MfS. H. F. Evans. 69, a llrelong J. W. Longs Give 12 o'clock t his evening will be held OUVER IbntnSboup and Mrs. George F. Kay House Party lor Luverne, Minn .• became the bride of resident In Jobnson county. died yes, In the Unitarian church club rooms ~,"uded prizes at the conclusion FROM:- A series 01 tbree brIdge parties M. Luther Thompson ot Gunnison. terday at her home In Penn township on Iowa avcnue and Gilbert street. HAllDY 't,:. ·bUnd borey con test yeste,rday J. D. Long FamUy will compose the July bridge tourna· Miss .• the Rev. Harry D. Henry per· after a lingering IJinees. Anyone 11 h"'ltcd to attend. '!mar In the ladles day meet at the ment of the Elks' Ladles. Thursday tormlng the ceremony. Hanna FrancIs Ellenberger W&8 Thoro \\'11\ be no cost. DENNIS KING Dllnols ~OIt1 Country club. opening the month's play. Mrs. E. The bride was attired In white or· born In 1871 In Penn townshIp, a.nd Arthur Repke. Kewanee; Ruth E. Among lhe guests at a tamlly house and GorgeouS 1: ~w1nl' made tor the July hand I· M. Hogan was In charge of the a t· gandle, and wore accessories to Rew. Carthage; Helen O. Richard· party given by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Uved there all her lite. Surviving f"""!-;:;;::;::;P;ji;:I;:iiP::;O-' '" tournament. to be conducted talr. and fIrst prize was awarded match. Their only a ttendants were Thelnla Todd son, Decatur; William H. Sellman. Long 1n Des MoInes are Mr. and Mrs. relatives are her husband. one sis· ," , ( .. il ':1 , ~ elimination play. resul ted in 16 Mrs. Martha NickIng. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hamilton. Monmouth; Harry C. Short. Naper· Lewis Long and Mrs, Carroll Wag· tor. Mrs. DaD Pirkl; and two broth· -' • d;I , 1 ' nel' of Iowa City. formerly Marjorie Not only will thero be awards 120 E. HarrIson street. ers. Nathan and William E llenberger,' • - Leroy 8pencer and Mrs. W. ville; Thelma M. Simpson. East *-. Long. The aftair honors Mr. and made at each party, but a cumula· Mr. Thompson Is a graduate aBs.lst· all ot Penn township. Funeral ar' First Times ~ .!Iorr.bln were hostesses tor the PeorIa; Walter D. SImpson, East Ml·S. J. D. Long and daugbt..er. J ~mle' tlve score prIze will be presented ant In the geology department ot the :~~ge ment8 have not been complet· ~r of 1I0if and the luncheon At PeorIa; Edward P. Slaven. Gales· TO DAY ot DavIs. Cal. at the close ot the contest. university. while Mrs. Thompson is dub 1I0use at noon. Mrs. Jack burg. !!'. J. D. Long, who graduated from a bookkeeper at Montgomery·Ward I'll. ot Evanaton was a gueat, Howard E. Sleeter. Napervllle; Ends Tuesday ;\ , Cecil A. Snider, Warsaw; Helen F. Iowa State college, and Is an assIst· store In Iowa City. ant prote88or ot agriculture In the 40 at Installation II;r' Snider. Warsaw; Marie' Sprague, The Stars You '~"er.ity Graduate, Peoria; Walter D. Stephenson. State UnIversity ot Call!ornla. came lor Zion Ladies 'Aid Mrs. George Coon Scales Mound; Elizabeth Sterne. east with his family to attend tho Love to See 25c Anytime I ~ ' Announce Marriage Quincy; Marjorie E, Stotfregcn, national convention of the American Wina Bridge Pri~e The Installation ecrvlces held Mn. George Coan W&8 a1Yafded SXRANO Making Love! Oregon; Harlin Stoltz. Normal; Sam· Association of Agriculture Englneers Thursday afternoon by the Ladles hIgh prize at the concluelon of lhe baa been made of uel B. SullI van. West Frankfort; at Layfayotte, Ind. Coolest Place in All Last Times Today t~uncement Aid ot the ZIon Lutheran church bridge party given yesterday after. ... IIUr~e of MarjorIe Burns of John P. SwO:nson. Lena. In the church parlors were attended noon In the dining room ot the Amerl . ~owa City No Thrill Ever .. t~ Dr, C.. rlton J. Mentzer ot Hazel C. SwIm. Moline; AUI·l\la Beg:ln Tree InllOOt Control by more t han 40 members of the can Legion Community building by ~OpOlJ" Wyo., June 10. The M. Taylor, East St. Louis; Dorabel to Equal Il! ilIES. (AP)-Slx traIned ento. organization. the American Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Anytime ~::: ue now living In Thermopo­ Taylor. Elkhart; Anne Theilen. mologlsts today began tree Insect Mrs. Clarence Ruppert was In6tall· A. G. Derksen held low 1I00re. Hostess ~J lIh.re Dr, Mentzer Is practicing Camp Point; Lawrence T. Wade, -MatIMe 01' 'control work In reforestatIon campa ed presIdent. Mrs. Albert Drews, tor the day wu Mrs. R ex Day. \ lOc,25c Nl,bt ~trr . Wapella; Dorothy L. Waggoner. a~ Boone. Des MoInes. Shenandoah. vice presIdent, Mrs. WillIam Schup· ______:'jIrt, Mentzer II a. graduate of the Macomb; Vaughn C. Wallace. Glen KeosauQuoL, Palisades etate park and - _ t1 of Iowa, college ot com· Ellyn. pert, secretary, and Mrs. Earl Rice. ~---_-_------• • Last Times Today Backbone state park. treasurer. "lillie. N.nb •• I • clau 0( taU. Dr. Mentzer. a Curtord R. Walters, Rockford; Is· .b.rt••• ,.Bead. ro.te .. ~, ~r of Delta SIgma Delta. reo abelle G. Weed. Chicago; LI6wellyn BI.bla•• Park. UNUSUAL 111 •••••r Obi..... ~ "" D.D.S. degree In 1933. RUIl84lIl Wharry. PeorIa; Paul E. White, Lockport; Lowene B. WII· MYSTERY IN IIams. Alton; Roy A, W'IlIlams. Nor­ A MOVIE STUDIO! mal; Sidney A. Wllllam8. Peoria; EI· dro M, Woods, Walerman; Ra.ymond WhalWil1 , V. Zegers. ChIcago. A New Picture Mi riam K. Zel)dt. Oalesburg; You Have? JA":'nclQ4lnr the buslne" of tbe Olenn L. Head, Springfield; Mary in SUNDAY ". IIItmbera of the Business and A. Murphy. Lorlngton; Roy M. Mon., Tues. ~ea.ton&1 Women'a clUb will go Swanberg, Rock Island; Lowell Jil. The Romance Here is a spine· tingling. 8010II Tuead.y for a picnic ,upper Risser. Danvers; John S. RobInson. hair-raising mys tery thrill· t~m by the ladles of St. Normal; Josle M. Rurtln. CaIro; Hel· Th. K.r."e B ...I . .t BI...... Th&t Will Make " church there. Arrange· en L. Sehudcl. Decatur, Park. III.. I. ,... -.IF n... et ... We have all the popular makes 00 •• ",. .0l.. 1 wIL." "F _ •••• are belnr made for about 601------The World Run of BEER and will be glad to ChI"•• o . .1'...... tal ... III.tt nerl.. llbo ...... 10... 1 ...... "50 MUnon Dallal'll Cell" Be t •• and all member. In· D A. NeE p.rk .t 11 IICI..... baYl••• IIr... .. A Temperature I ~IlIr to be prlllent are asked to ~ lend out a mixed case. b.lbl.. beaCIh. Le ••,. .,..n.. .1.... • Wroq" at tbe AlDerlca.n Legion Com· , ••ate pl.,. •••••• f.r .""•••• 1(.r ~ ••If club.. -with­ ~~~ bulldlnl at 5:10. Trane· CI· tv Park PaVl·II·on Smith and Dale ~~'-IIOn VIlli be provided for an. ./ Luncheon b.5c HOLbYOUR by ~errlnr and Rose Mad· TONI"HT Table d'~ote DinneT.1 Slartlng tomorroW' ....£ ..... - with ~ ,Art tile committee In charle of V Tbl. Ia.tel .b•• I ..... p".1 te Obi"••• Ift~ Stuart; Irwin World'. Patr ...... Id ••• ,.'e'. also showing ~- ~ Fred Radloff & Ken Herbster •••".1 ".'••• M. with .u th. adl· Eugene O'Neill's PaiheNews . t' ItI.. ••• ..rYl.., .f Ut. be.. "It,. ~\ RACINE'S ho..... __ r.le. h.·.. bee •••• -Added­ A Cowboy Show . ~ 8upeetilieid presen mg , ...I .. IF ...... te ..."t pre_' ..... "THE CONSTANT 6404-Phone-9558 dltt.s.. A ...... Id .. wUl be MICKEY MOUSE Tom Keene j ~ MOIN&8. (AP) - Sherlft DUSTY KEATON ...... raq ...t. ft. 8b.... _ ..... I WOMAN" "The Ol'lan Grinder" (~ \', D, },flU of eKokuk return. U ...... U ... IIl1aol. 6 •• .-. -with­ in a thrilling western Store No. 1 Store No. 3 011...... ",... ., ...... ,.1.. I. PictAlrlal-"&vue" 1M..""'-, Adler, 41 . and Kurt C. and HIS BAND Mll...... CONRAD NAGEL "Beyond the 1. at lIa.xwel1 . to Keokuk to a. W. LABK., ...... T ...... 1 ...... ParI! .... LEILA HYAMS ." Rockies" .rtriaJ .. JfClr Iln 1l1Pgel\ tnrm rol)o Gents 30 B'.bl... Pari&, III. ~ Adm,- LadieR 20, ..~i "'~ ' ~ K,oll\lll lilt Dec.m~r, --. .. .• _t·4 -- -- - ~PORT~ iPORT~ - --~ ------.--

, ... IOWA CITY, lOW A SATURDAY, JULY"i,1933 q ... Henny Shute.. Craig Wood in Tie for British Open Crown With 292 Stroke " *** . *** *** *** ...... lfJj..Jj. *** ck _Crawford, Australian Net Star, Defeats Ellsworth Vines In• Five Set wih Meet · rT..a1lE7D___ 'a. the Title R9ad With Primo Carnera tollegeS~s RUTH SWATS HOME RUN Titkes M~i1's ~fay Off for in Semifinal Tennis Title Oear Claim of Clay Court ~tWimbledd

Match Tukes 2 Hdl as U. S. Youth ., Ldses .I~l ~ . 1"1 HI A ,JUly 7 {AP)-Two col- .By ....--n-R.-y-JU}-l\tEik I"ge olnrs of the net world. K81'1 (As oelati/ . l'ress S(IOrts \'trill Kamrath ot Tt'~all Rn(l Cpnp ~{ako WIMBLEJ?ON, , Ellgland, ~yi'y ot the Unll'er"lty of Sout hem Call­ (AP) - Jo,Ck 1 . "awford, brll1t t ruin, clime bnck \\'Ilh rousing 6,,­ young AJstl'alian, batte)'ed ht~ ~ Jshp" today to JOin 1"1' nkle Parkt'r to the lop cif the ~ ·s teJ{nla we uf )ll1waukee anI! Junior Coen or today with I\. terl'it~ hve se.t ~ictl ICanl!IlJl City In the Remi-llnals or ov i' ElI~wo,·tli Vines, defend tht> nat,on~ clay court singles ten­ ~hamllion rl'hh-. the United !lta1 nil! champlon"hlp. in ti. Wlmbledcih tina! tnat br6du, 'Vhlle Park(>r and Coen Idled hy some or the g~eHesl ter nl~ !it 1 ,h .. IIJdelin s to gt't rull advantage illstol'Y o'r tl1e fii{nous touHialn'l ot a. day orr. Kamrath llUl'\'lved thol Befol'e Ilaclt was doubtrul. oen BUt­ Nets ~Iatcb ppllil f I' d so Int('neely with a b\tslcred "Babe" Rulh al; he M!ol'ed 011 his own home run in the third in­ The issue WIlS In doubt unt.l1 1 row,lev"n par n foot today that he withdrew trom . I H II' ning of the game between thc stat·s oJ: th American and lational V ry last second when Vines, we of lh mOlt J:.O the doublpg rom petition snd IEAUX,. ' NEW YORK ~ "" ".- 5 In the ~cl\Un4r m thor tht' recent FIlANCE CARNERA AS CAVEMAN AT LONDON BALL eonlldent Pll\y~r, had B"yan at hiq Ryde)" 0111.1 .erie • m£>rcy wllh hilI cannon ball service (.c1 Philadelphia 9 to 1 tOday In the' PrlnlO 'nl'lll')'/l ma£'. !e'l'('nch hOXI [', "ho tallght, him tlH' J'uuiJll<'lIts of tht> manly Hl't alld nrst gamCl of a five.contest serJes. I man trom Brl t ol taliN. like a dOztlll Kamrath lost the tlrst two setg in First Game of liCl'it's Big &1 DUl'ham. nCter leming au others today. to come through !n til paved the way for Iii/; iUYllliioD of t Iw I 'nitl'd •'tate .. This is the '('coml of II of tbree> ph8~!'1l ill lOll lOst th firet three games or the • trelch drive. Utll tln.,1 pult ' tall d the lif!' of til(' new IWllyyw('ight champion. third berore he recovered his game. Roaa Trip A thlclic run across the plate in the Ask firal, was never In difficulty and to dMp nnd. Instea.d 01 thr -corn r· NEW' Y HK. July 1- ]>"lmo '11.1' thut tho; j"1'<'n('\1 boxer wrot!' to his til(' valldl1y uf the~('. for Jo'"p'1<'h nnd Coon, Olhn to Pla.y n1- C)('n was paired wllh Jay Cobn. NEW YORK. July 7 (AP)-ThC' IlOwed only Six. hits over the dist- ~ 11layort, ~,.,.a youlUl' I'm rlcan" ne"Il's debut lUI n.lwI'Cormerll{,tor,' thl' IOllnaa-e,·. Leon ~.~ , re('o mmenelltlK Hnllnn ('on"ul" wnln",I(> Inb'lmlltent· Chicago city champion. In the thIrd opened the western ance. Th~ With cont .....Ung garnet II.Tjd p4\raon· public \\'D.II made with a elr 'u . 'l'lw lhal till' Intlpl' look al the "rind" with 1;- ahout thph' ('ountrlps' "lulm8 on round of th doubles. They wero InvllSlon of the Yankee stadium to­ OpPOSing him. Roy Mahaf'fey gave alltle. will WU ·1Jl. rlr8\~~)'orf "Jnee giant youlh had wanu"''f'd Inlo th fl "I.' w (u riPI','h)plng him . \)u ['n'I"". 'rh~y'lI "eillublllt' HtIIllIlOl'!' pall'ed against Bryan and McDlar­ day by pIa l ring four Yankee pll· Wily to big Jlm PeterSOn In the sev- , Jock llut.en.lnllOD hlppel,\ R ger lot wl),e''e the show was playing and Fate ,,(>cmed lo he :lmilln .. un Ua now Ihnt he' 'warM the wodd'" tisllc Jnld. ah rs to,' IL doz n hils and winning onth. nnd Tony F1:citas tOOk the Men 'V~lh~ l~ tl\,e ,11121 open. wae promptly eLz.ed upun by a bally· 1'1·('('111. fur wh"n See ,.~c('lvl' t1 Jour· crown. J. Gilbert Hal!, New York, and o lo 4. The victory sent lhe Tlgel'S Imound in the eighth to finish u-p, It were an,. 81m.phthle" tor hoo arU"t who In he waH It 'W(,'8 l.'tl(',· h \\'11" In thl' ,·OIllJ.II ny Ii 1.. ,,1 Sh,p to 1,'IUIlP ."~~il I~t(>el J"rltz M('rcll'r. Hethlehl'm. Pa., shot Into t\(lh pIliI,' ahl'lHl of the Idle Between th tl'ln!c hUl'lers, tile So}( .Ith r :.fIle I It). th4 e~"PlI" .. Hentoll "nlLtUI'a1" Crt'n.k . of Walt('r «(luoc1Uml' Churl.,y) ~'I'I('t1 , Cnrnera's flrKt few hout!! In !,'mnco Who Drink" thE'lr waY Into the eeml-nllill round Clov land Indians while it )Jut thp co nnected sarely 15 times. aall ~¥., t l~".Y ~o~lItJy .lIl(tl'<\ to Va .PrCf.'rn "layee! with the drclI~ mUll, \\"('II ·known AII1l' .. ic-nu proll1ul"r. w (On' llll' ulOlIIll setup>! "'Tangeel by uf the doubles wlttl a 6-2. 6-2. 6··1 Yllnks Ull'ec games behind Wash­ A I SI III 0'1 011 fI , to,'mer member of, Sh~ '. no on'f beca.~.or,blil. steacjy, tor the 1lCIUOn, doing Il \'t\rl('ly of tn n st'uullng I':urop(' Cu.' flghtpn.. wily mnllllg€"'" 08 a hullr1·up. Thf'y vl('tory OVe!' Frnnk O' onnell and ington. We A·s. rall his tota1 or runs batted It)lhah ~ ).l\i~ &lRO be~aull of hlw Johs. Som timeR hI' "I'rvl'(l R" 11 ,,'r-I('f\lnan went with Sl't' lo ioslll'cl dlun 'l put muC'h mon(>y In Prlmo'H Iowa Cltfft: Ed I:lhoarr, Chicago. Babe nuth wlllloped his nine- In to 74 , connecting for a. homar 1'1 J 8r1tuh aR'~ ! 1 strong man, Jlftlng takl' wf'la-hts Ilnd Carnl'rll, nnu with lhl.' InHtinct ot Il I)Uci:ul'Olll> lul('" Wl'lll the tot!', Seattle, lind WilbUr Hess, Ft. walked. But the two run lead lallted also blaijted, out a. four-bagger, dhout homlltu d , )l~ ~lJ" I1fter !j4)nTY Got· a t cl as hfUldY'111 n. wr Htl rand CIe- not n wO"ld ·bellt ,. a. a eightl"'. Hu rounds or th new Wlll·ld ·br. when til ell' u ~ a on 'I'll re coJlo\\'('d s~"erlll 111onlh" of mu~t ltlllt!'t1·nbout ftglH l' In the began hilling to coJlect lwo more Score by Inl\lngs: R. H. E. away ~!~ a cJl8a.l!t.r~IU ·' j!1"ht 011 ~he came to an end. Pdmo found hlm- hard work Cor 1'l'lmo. III' had n Vel' wo,·ltl. Ills ~\\'o \JOute Wllh Young .aCtel· Brenna n took the hili jl.n(\ Chicago ...... 110 loa 102-9 16 0 G fourt~t41\01,-~lnx bol4l of the tour· selt back on hl~ b\lr~ UPI)('l'll. HI.' WOI'n Il boxing gloW" Ix>tore binI< StrlhUng. till' G orgln P ach, one of ~vcnt into th J ad. Philadelphia .. .,100 000 000-1 6 0 ~,m","rjlnd lAo PI sel. who mined r l$um~d .hls wllnflerlngs, eventulllly taken up by S , nOLO h~(/ he the whIch Il.ch won on a rOlli, clinched Br nnan WIIS touched for eight or ''It\re~' ~'?RHI\lll 011 the \alit sr en_ ~U ",rrlvlng 1» d a.ux. 1"r.,,('(>, whOA'e vaguest n()tlon ot the n1tlnly Ill't. lIlIt hlR reputatlun here. for Stribling, de· Detroit's blows lind lhe Tigers fln­ thl'~ \~he\\ . " ..troke l)ebhod Shute h acqulr el a job at I 88 than $L a aft ,. ticv£>n months' cOIlchlng by Jour· IlpltC' his fauJtM, Wa.\I nl tho.t tlmc Il !shed up their scoring by sending a.nd ~qoA, ''f!~1l 291. \1ny ~ II. ma.rble qu .. ry. It Will< nt'(' o.t thl' promol "'1\ homs oul"lde Il'tldlng contender lOI' lhe henvy· 'him lo lhe showers In the seventh T'liO cay T(lOI},I bunkers. on .. t Ul pel'e be wall dl ove~ by Pa.ul Jour- PI\TI~. the giant bl'gan 10 1<1 snme

~------~ -- - - -