, . Crawford County Tau seatl Ellllworth Vines for for F1nt Han Year. CaIIipM'e .... Wimbledon Title. Storr With Tit,*, of 1131. Set " - Pace" IWI 8t..., on Pille .. lO:WA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1938 t. • Outlines in Detail Progra~ ~ ~~ l .. · . : i.~ I ·Three Dead, 12· Missing in Colorado' Flood Raise World Price~; Clarif~~~~--~!. U. S. Position at Conference ~' "BRAIN TRUST" HEAD IN LONDON ,I .t • I If' Waters Race Board Members G"'l! City Council I • ,. 4.' 1' . ~Reti~ing I • • • • • • • • No Seen Adopts New Indicati~n ' ~ ' ol ' \Down Canyon Three Distinct Points 0/ View U. Se Again Wilhdtawfng 'StAnd ... ~ .! , . Carre - ..... .. Three points of view. dilltinct yet Unlverllty or .. taken from Water Rates :~ ~ i Near Denver IOVfa ' ~ Victory at on . .. .ney , ' I in . ,entirely of Iowa, are represented by .. board of r~'ntt and ' veeted In ----- , < -. , . the three members of the IItate the newly cre&tM atate board of WASHINGTON. _ July' , ' (4~A,. board of education whose termll ex- ed tI Ed &rd 8 h tell Van der Zee's Ordinance Conference me_ge olltllnln. In 4.WI t ... :..... ,Viudone1'8 Clamber to plred laet week, uca on. w c oen g n VI B Safety on' Sides of An aggregate of 44 yea.rs of lIerv- caJled to lIerve a. a me'mber. To bls VOled Through by of thl. ,overnmellt for ' all .....,., . to ralae "orld prte. a. &II lID ...... ftce to the state Is the record of Ed- new commil8lon he brought I&. Aldermen Will8 in Prop08al 1· Mountain ward P. 8choentgen of Council knowledge of ehl'lnlerlng lind .robt­ to ate objective for the Lon~ )~. , Continue Money DINVJlR. July 7 (API-Three Blulfs, George W. Godfrey of At- lecture. ' Water rates. which have been slid. nomic conferenCe "A 4~ l.tO': ,.... alJ unidentified, were re· gona, and Mrs. Pauline L. Devitt of After bit I'raduatlon trom ths Ing up and down the scale In council Discussiol18 night 'by Pretldent ~-'f. , tor'.; 08kaloolla, tbe three who completed MUBachueett. lnl\tltute of Tecll- meetinga for the last year. came to . l ~ tonl&ht and authorltlel laid patob to tlie ADlerlcan ~~ . ' their terms a!ter the meeting Of the .nology. Mr. 8Choent,8J) went abroad another stop last night when a new .(iIut U pereone were mll8lng In LONDON. July 7 (API-Frellh Gratified by tbe dec,mon to :eo •.. f which .wept Bear Creek board here last Thurllday. 10 etudy In hi. cboien /leld. When water rale ordinance. Inlt'oduced by trom saving the life of the Interna· . ,,1Iood Engineer and architect. master he rMurned. he had j\lltt ~tarted On tinue thll parley• . Mr. ~".It Alderman Jacob Van del' Zcc. was tional parley. the American delega· ~bOl, & few mile. welt of Denver, tarmer. woman civic worker-from the f08.d to L cat~r: 'I!' archltecturtt. hastened to put his vIe., MfJt. t~ , ~bing one r ••ort town and these three walks of life they came. \When his fttlier died. voted tl1l'0ugh by the council. tlon at the world economic confer· delegation to l'ul48 ,It .In ' I~ ' ~J . la-tt;" another, to turn their experlonce to valu- jump-RETIRING .................... 'rhe new ordinance calls (or exact· cnee waged a strong fight toda.y tu dea.vorl to' bring it. cont,renlllj ~. Ole body. tbat of ... woman. Wal "ble service in the cause of educ&- As tlie only IOn. , be telt It hi. Iy the same rates now In effcct except retain monetary and related mu.tt&rs hind hi.. prloe booetlna pr08'}iill. ~ ', : ". .... near MOrrlaon. Two others, tlon In the state, that the minimum rate Is r duced on the agenda. won a victory In one Ue p~partd bl' ~ ·.plll. ,a,.... aid. bad been found In the In 1909. when the control of the (rom $Ito 75 cents. The council vol· sector and wa. rebufted by II. amall lining hi. ,\,Ie •• an4 I!WifitftJ ,th, : (lllate9 unyon, ed to suspend the rules and give the margin In another. admlnlstratloll', Poaltloft· . ktfr; ' t~, ordinanCe three readings and place It All bridgee and lummer cabins The a.ctlon took place In a com· lengthy eonferenoea with ibN · .... : • on Ita pa.sage. With Alderman S. M. _ tbe creek for tour mllel be· Siren Mystery mlttee at the economic comml8810n dlate advlaore. t· ,. , .~ .· I . , ttt'n Idledale and MorriSOn were T i Hyndma~ Woodward out ot town fOr the sum· and a sub·group of tbe monetary Prue for Act_ ',( :. :' mer. the vote reBulted In a deadlock .....1 aWay, said Ralpb Keeler, cor· division. Mr. Rooaev~lt w.. t+llfT!4.'. 4., i with Aldermen Van dor Zoe. Momler, .-!IdDdent for the Auoclated Pre88 Eight to Seven alrous of I4klnl' adv'n~-, ;O! t-, ':, 1 The 1 Will Study and ;McGuan voting tor Its passage .110... the flrllt perllon through m::e::~ P~:~:e8~:n In the former. the committee on new lilt uatlon at, Loq.tlon ~ 'P~ ~ ~ call shrilling out In the night and at a.nd Aldermen Sybil. Stronks. and .. , \lit &rei. atter the IItorm. MeG)')) commercial polley. a proposu.l to can· action on w)lat . b, ~II". ' "o1ll4 ' brinl'lnJr low& (.~tlan8 forth rrorn AYers voting naY. Assistant Secre,tory of Raymond Moley (left), confidential .. lieler walked from Idledale. ~tate tlnued discussion of tarlff8 and quo­ be the principle ObJectlves:.: : '/J' : : homes And comfortable rront Deciding Vote adviser to President Roosevelt, pictured with Herbert .Bayard tas was vote" down eight lo uyeno 1 wf*h was Virtually swept away by pot'tlh seata chilled with thll The deciding vote was ClUlt by He studied the eontw..,c,~~~~ ti.·IlOMn. to Morrison. He BIlld he Swope, outside the cori£er~nce hall in London where the economic Franee and her gold alllea there thought of dl8ll8ter. was flnaJly pnivel'8ity .Doctor ~ill Mayor aarry D. Breene WhO explain' padeys are being held. Moley is acting as liaison between the joined hands to turn back tbe and tbe latest ~pOr.t' Of .!~~ ~t~: many 1101 vlld at 10 p.m. ),6sterd.,.. ed his vote. "If thO ,Vater company president and 'tho.A:nierican delegatiQn to the conference. United States, Great Britain and tlon at Lon~on In ~,w.o ': 'P~I , =0 !~"':w~~~a ::rtI8~eadt. Shrlnel'l!, about 400 of them. Leave.Toaay for ThOBe who conferred. wlt) . "~ . , 'klek8 on the pl'esent water I'ate '1tnong the mll!8lng were Mrs. SIl, w&re pUlling through. On their ordinanCe the $270, which this watcr others. aotlng eeeretariea PIIIl~r~~o~. ~tllJ~ ~nllda The American victory wall In the state department and .'Ae I'f,8ocI.,man of Denvllr; W, L. lJur· W&)' to convention vIa apeelll ordinance et(ects. will make lltUe ~C)~ ''J" till Of Idledale; three children; three train to Atlantic City. tbe alren difference with them. In view of the Mattern: Safe Factor's Fate sub·commlttee of the monetary the trea.ury; Bernard U. , j{~tH; Dr. Olan R, ' Kyn~an or tbe col· ~ wbo were riding In a ca.r was Just to say "hello." commission dealing wltb Immediate economlo advllor; N'or~1"?~N, lege of mellic/ne 'Wlll-.pelld. a ye",r fact that It will be the small water ~ a New Mexico licenee plate; user that Is benefiting from the meuures for tlnanclal rel:onstruc· ambassador at larga .Iis ' "Il~~ .~. -«.t McGIll, I\lllvers\ty. Montreal, Siberia Still in Doubt ill. four fishermen who were re· change I am In favor of It, as his jn tlon. There, after h~urs Of debate. Frederlok iJniey .s ltate ,' ~*~'t ~ . Canada. In connsetlon with his ''''01')( .o.ted to hll.ve been ,wept Into the "'ater hills wel'e raised by the old the members voted 2 I to 1~ to can· economic ,eXPI. rt.. ' ' ! ."~.. .,! r,:l.i'~i11· j· ,', Arrest Made In neur08Urgflry ,net neuroana.tomy. Unue discussions Of every phase or f :t Wattr near Idledale. ordinance." • U ,;'rlon Waf Itandlng on the bank ltlilcordlng to an announcement made Texas F1yer .Safe After 'Board of Strategy' Says the agenda. "We bave been ,oIn.;,.oY4,:.r ~ last .nlght, ' Alderman Van del' Zee gave hiS These developmentll came during uteful poLnte 'that al"ht..~~ CIt· "\ eI. t/le creek when a 1lI foot wall of in Nash teasons tor the new ordinance as Di84lppe~rance Case Whereabouts Not II day which also II&W: to our dele""Udn,'"...... .:""d .·~ · , ..-' ",I,r raced, uneXpectedly down the At McOIlI. 'Dr. ayn~t\'I&n "III Itudy follow8: "About 150 wa.ter consumerS f June 14 80.000.000 Back to Work "Anytbln~ thai til! ~01I, } or. i< , r . ~ ~ *,"011 after .. cloUdb\lrllt. under Dr. Pentle1d. a ,peI:li"Ult In thIs paid leSe than $1 per monlh under Known field. Senator James Couzens of Amerl. come out throu"h' OU! , ~ _ '." .g~f H~' '.~ children were IIwept Into the he old rales before April 1. 1033. Police Hold Sammons, ~ BULLJ!)TtN ca urg& continuance of endeavorll lJOndoll. • '. ,. '~ I" " ~J ' n' r wltb blm. Nea"",u.~~1'J Since then. they have becn paying W:,ASHINOTON. Ju.ly 7 (AP) OIJULLETINL... along lines wblch would return SO.' Con.aa.r " 1 " .1h~ three penone In the New Public Enemy, for NeurOllur.l9& a til'afl~1f of medl· more- a serioull InjusUce which CHIC" O. oIuly 7 (APr-Leon . ".PObtt~ ' '. ..:.,. ~ :~ car were parked at Idledall\ Const gUard headQuol·terll rehorted 000.000 pereons to work; "We bave- ~ consl r:ri ' ~ Investigation cine asSOCiated with sut,.. !ry o~ the ~holiid be oorrected at once. The Q .... Bleet. personal representative I 4 " .::&1 ~ left .
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