Table of Contents Bechamp or Pasteur? Imprint About this book Antoine Bechamp Book One: Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter Author's note The Prior History of the ‘Germ Theory’ Béchamp, Pasteur, and Fermentation Vinous Fermentation Béchamp’s Microzymas or ‘little bodies’ Silkworm Disease: another steal! Pasteur also a Faker – Antisepsis Are Biologicals Injurious? Animal Serology: Anthrax Statistics Real Immunity Photographs Book Two: Bechamp or Pasteur? Author’s preface Introduction Part 1: The Mystery of Fermentation A Babel of Theories Pasteur’s Memoirs of 1857 Béchamp’s ‘Beacon Experiment’ Claims and Contradictions The Soluble Ferment Rival Theories and Workers Part 2: The Microzymas The ‘Little Bodies’ Diseases of Silkworms Laboratory Experiments Nature’s Experiments A Plagiarism Frustrated Microzymas in General Modern Confirmations of Béchamp Part 3: The Cult of the Microbe The Origin of ‘Preventive Medicine’ The International Medical Congress and some Pasteurian Fiascos Hydrophobia A Few Examples of the Cult in Theory and in Practice Some Lessons from World War I and a Few Reflections on World War II The Writing on the Wall Conclusion Imprint BECHAMP OR PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume. First published in 1923. PASTEUR: PLAGIARIST, IMPOSTOR The Germ Theory Exploded by R.B. Pearson. First published in 1942. This edition copyright ©2017 A Distant Mirror A DISTANT MIRROR
[email protected] About this book This volume contains new editions of two books which have been available only sporadically in the decades since their publication. R. Pearson’s Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter was originally published in 1942, and is a succinct introduction to both Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, and the reasons behind the troubled relationship that they shared for their entire working lives.