Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47895-3 — the Origins of the Roman Economy Gabriele Cifani Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47895-3 — The Origins of the Roman Economy Gabriele Cifani Index More Information INDEX Abies 320 Akragas 198, 218 Achaean region 72 alabaster 20, 108, 331 Acipenser sturio 17 (see also: sturgeon) alabaster deposits 109 acorns 27, 164 alabaster pyxis 81 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina 13, 31, 38, 42, 43, 46, 52, Alatri 21, 320 58, 63, 64, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 90, 94, 96, Alba Fucens 214 109, 112, 116, 144, 261, 324 Alban Hills 16, 21, 43, 47, 75, 120 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis 244, 273 Alban, volcano 24 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis, tomb 3 323 Albano Lake 21, 27 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis, tomb 46 323 Albulae Aquae 20 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis, tomb 70 323 alder 21 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis, tomb 87 Aleria 175, 186, 187, 216 323 Aleria, necropolis 304 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis, tomb 103 Alessandri, Luca 8 323 Alexander Molossus 230 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, necropolis, tomb B 273 Alexander the Great 211, 230 ad metalla 154 Alföldy, Andreas 4, 6 Adams Holland, Louise E.W. 3, 4 Algeria 183 Adria 189, 196 Allmenden 130 Adriatic coast 66, 226, 231 Alnus 21 Adriatic communities 33 Alosa fallax 17, 168 (see also: twait shad) Adriatic Sea 115, 231 alphabet 56 Aegean area 26, 28 Alsium 336 Aegean importation 27, 33 alumen 18 Aegean objects 28 alunite 17, 18, 19 Aegean trade system 36 Amasis 186 Aegean traders 33 Ambarvalia 159 Aegina 141 amber 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 47, 66, 69, 70, 71, 75, Aegyptiaca 48 76, 115 Aemilia, basilica 217 amber carving 76 Aeolian Islands 25, 26, 186 amber routes 321 Aequi 205, 221 amphora of the Nichostenic type 80 aerarium Populi Romani 148 amphorae “à la brosse” 111, 173 aerarium publicum 210 amphorae “SOS” 111, 173 aerarium Saturni 140, 149 Ampolo, Carmine 6, 118 aes rude 138, 141, 334 Ampurias 216, 300 aes signatum 139 Amyx, Darrell Arlynn 72 Agahocles 217, 218 Anagni 110, 112, 198, 293 ager publicus 130, 132, 204, 215, 221 Anagni, S.
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