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[email protected] Titl Profess First Hira Paul Last Gangnegi Photograph e or Name Name Designation PROFESSOR Address DEPARTMENT OF BUDDHIST STUDIES, FACULTY OF ARTS, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI-110007 Phone No +91-11-27666625 Office Residence C- 18, (29-31) Chatra Marg, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 Mobile +91-9560712608 Email
[email protected] Web-Page www.du.ac.in Educational Qualifications Degree Title and Institution Year Ph.D. ‘Lotsaba Rinchen Zangpo and Sarma 1995 Schoo’. University of Delhi. M. Phil. ‘Ethical and Moral Philosophical of 1983 Nagarjuna’. University of Delhi. M. A. ‘Group (F) Tibetan Studies’. University of 1981 Delhi. Diploma in ‘Tibetan Language and Literature’. 1980 University of Delhi. Certificate in ‘Tibetan Language and Literature’. 1979 University of Delhi. B. A (Shastri) Sampurananda Sanskrit Viswavidayala, 1975 Varanasi. (UP). 1. Uttara Sampurnanda Sanskrit Viswavidayala, 1973 Madhyama Varanasi. (UP). 2. Purva 1971 Madhyama -Do- Career Profile 1. Former Head of Department, Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi from 01.03.2014 – 28.02.2017. (Ref.No: CNC-1/100/1988/BUDH ST/146) 2. Professor, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi from 1.07.2007 onwards. 3. Associate Professor/ Reader, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi from 27.07.1998 – 30.06.2007 4. Senior Lecturer, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi from 10.04.1990 - www.du.ac.in Page 1 26.07.1998. 5. Lecturer, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi from 09.04.1986 - 09.04.1990 6.