Bonello to Be A&L College Fellow
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VOL. XXIII NO. 137 THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S 'More faculty,' says report to Trustees By JOE MOODY Student Government Assistant News Editor Report on: Adding a cofTP!' shop to tlw A2CULTV/STUDENT hookstom as wPII as iJHTPasing tlw UnivPrsity's faculty an~ ~ RELATIONS 00 among tlw rnrommPndations madP to tiH' Board of TrusWPs in a I"I'CPnt StudPnt c;ovPrnnwnt •When tlw older halls arn I"I'JIOI"I.. rnmodelnd, the administration "NotrP J>anH' is now mak eonvnrt span~ for in-rnsidnnee ing a big push to lwronH~ a ri' housing of faculty. SParrh oriPntNI univnrsity. •Tiw departments teach a which is a good thing. But grnatnr numbnr of classes in thPrP's a dangPr whl'n this thn residence halls. 1·omPs at tlw PXJwnsP of quality undPrgraduatP tnaching, and •Student Govnrnment create this could lnad to sonw rnal an office of llall Fellows problnms." said Anthony Lang, Coordinator. studl'nt ehaiqwrson of the Stu dPnt!Faeulty Hdations rnport. •The administration allot An important n~eommnnda space in each dorm for the of tion thn rq)()rt madn is an in lien of a professor. crnasf~ in tlw faculty. If Notrn Damn has morn faculty. it can On why a committee was sprPad out tl'aehing to morn selected to deal with stu pPopll~ as wnll as incrnasing the dent/faculty relations, Lang ex quantity of n~snarch. said plained, "Student Government Lang. decides on certain topics which Lang sees room for im they think are important to the Eyes Right! The Observer/ Eric Bailey provPmfHlt in studnntffaculty campus and which they feel rPiations explaining, "At this students should address to the University President Father Edward Malloy looks on as the Navy midshipmen march by the stand at the Univnrsity, tlwre is an idea of Board of Trustees. This year Presidential Pass in Review yesterday. All three forces participated in this event. fawlty as just gradP-givers and one topic that they decided on studPnts arn just tlwrn to get a was the interaction of students gradP. WlwrPas studnnts and and faculty." faculty should bl' l'ngaged in Bonello to be A&L college fellow tiH' saml' intPih~ctual nndeavor." "We interviewed a lot of Special to The Observer consider anything that will im ConrPrning tlw roll' of stu faculty and students. We prove thn intellectual tiff~ of the dPnt IPadPrs. tlw Committnl' on lookml into a lot of old reports Frank Bonello, associate pro campus: programs, aetivitiPs Studl'ntfl;arulty HPiations rnf: to get a feel for where this is in fessor of economics, has been or anything else." OIIIIlWndations indud('(( the fol the history of intellectual life named the new eollnge fellow in A principal focus for the nPw lowing: on campus and put together the Collegn of Arts and Lntters. college fellow will be to facili •ThP Obsl'rVPr dnlivnr the recommendations that we llis appointment begins in the tate academic advising, with a copiPs of tiH' papPr to Paeh on thought would he helpful," said fall semester of 1990. special concern bPing letters of campus faculty ol'licP. Lang. A member of the Notre Dame recommendations. "I sen stu •Tiw OflkP of StudPnt Ae faculty since 1968, Bmwllo was dents scurrying around to gPt tivitiPs I'Xpand tlH' dutiPs of onP "The rnport is a product of appointed April 30 by Michael professors to write rneomnwn lllPillllf'r to indud1~ tlw activ1~ a long history of people looking Loux, dean of the collegn. lie dations," lw said. "Often they rPnuitnwnt and organization into this along with a lot of sucr.eeds Thomas Swartz, pro find they have to usn letters of faculty intPrart.ion. hard work. Wn're not just com fessor of economics, who Frank Bonello from Core Course or Frnshnwn •StudPlll (;ovPrnmPllt ereatn ing 'out of thn blue' with this. served as the first college fel the community of teachers, Seminar teachers and not pro We hope the Trustees will real a task forrP of govl'rnment low, beginning in 1987. scholars and fellow students," grams begun in tlw first thre1~ IPadPrs. lntnllnrtual Lifn eom izn this," conrluded Lang. The office of the college fel said Loux. "We're confident years of tlw fellow's office, in mittPI' mPmlwrs. and r.onr.nnwd low is intended to enrich intel that Frank Bonello will con cluding subsidies for informal faculty to Pstablish a uniform Tim other Committe!~ mem lectual life of the College of tinue to build the college fel gatherings with students in systPm by whieh studPnts can bers were Matthew Slaughter, Arts and Letters through in low's office as a key element in faculty homes, tickets for cul compiiP and publish thnir Bob llawkins, .Jim Lang, Nancy creased faculty-student inter the life of our undergraduates tural events and a pPer advis classmatp's opinion on eoursns Snyder. Mike Shinnick . .Jessica action, said Loux. and faculty." ing system." and instructors. Haniszeski. Ken McGrath. Karl "Much of the learning within According to Bonello, at the Ile also expects to usc the C:onel'rning rnsidPneP halls, Domangue, Mark 'Gn~dlnr, a university - indeed, some of outset he will be looking for fellow's oflice to help enhance tlw 1:ommiltl'n's rnrommenda Carolyn Hey, Ashley McCourt its most stimulating time - is ideas from both students and tions indudPd: ney, and Erin Lavelle. less formal interactions within faculty in Arts and Letters. ''I'll see BONELLO I page 7 NO salaries rank in top 20 percent of the nation By JAY STONE Notre Dame a 21st ranking, of Pennsylvania (2), and Uni News Writer behind llarvard University (1 ), versity of Chicago ( 13 ). Notre verage Salary for a Notre Dam Yale University (4), and Prince Dame placed above Duke Uni According to f:gures compiled ton University (5). Notre Dame versity (20) and University of Professor annually by the American Asso placed above University of Cali California, Berkeley, (21 ). Ten ciation of University Profes fornia, San Diego, (22) and years ago, Notre Dame ranked 70 sors, faculty salaries at Notre Dartmouth College (35). Ten 90th with a number-three (/) )...! Dame for the current academic years ago, Notre Dame ranked AAUP rating. l1l 60 year continue to be in the top 94th with a number-three .-i .-i 20 percent among the nation's AAUP rating . A report titled "Priorities and 0 doctoral institutions. The average salary of associ Commitments for Excellence" '0 50 The overall average salary ate professors at Notre Dame submitted by Provost Timothy "-! 0 40 was $54,400, placing Notre was $47,000 and ranked 34th, O'Meara in November, 1982, to Dame 22nd with a number-one behind Cal Tech (1 ), MIT (3), former University Prnsident (/) AAUP rating. Notre Dame and University of Southern Father Theodorn llesburgh '0s:: 30 l1l ranked behind Cal Tech (1), California (16). Banked below gave two recommendations to (/) Stanford University (2), and Notre Dame were Dartmouth improve faculty salaries: first, ;:l 20 0 Princeton University (11) and College (41) and Boston College that "standards for promotion ..s:: above University of Michigan, (45). Ten years ago, Notre and tenure must be raised -1-l 10 Ann Arbor, (27) and George Dame ranked 62nd in the asso gradually but steadily as the s:: ·.-I town University (44). Seven ciate professor category with a University continues to devnlop 0 years ago, Notre Dame's rank number-two AAUP rating. as a major university," and 86/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 ing was 43rd with a number For Notre Dame assistant second, that "the University Academic Year two AAUP rating. professors, the average salary achieve a number-one AAUP The American Association of University Professors For full professors, the aver was $40,800 and ranked 16th, The Observer/ Bradford J. Boehm age salary was $69,100, giving behind Cal Tech (1 ), University see SALARIES I page 7 Thursday, May 3, 1990 a e 2 The Observer INSIDE COLUMN WEATHER Forecast for noon, Thursday, May 3. A tribute to Lines show high temperatures. 60 '60 our graduating mentors "These places have Yesterday's high: 66 their moments, with --------- Yesterday's low: 3 8 lovers and friends I Nation's high: 1 00 still can recall. Some (Fort Stewart, Ga.) are dead and some Nation's low:· 1 0 are living. In my life, (Pinedale, Wyo.) I've loved them all. " Forecast: There will be -The Beatles intermittent rain with the It was the beginning possibility of thunder of my freshman year. John O'Brien showers. The high will be My roommate had in the mid to upper 50's, gone home with Managing Editor and there is a 80 percent mono, so for two chance of rain. weeks I was left alone in my room, knowing a few freshmen, and even less of anyone FRONTS: else. If this is college, I thought, it's going • • • to stink. COLD• WARM STATIONARY• • This feeling didn't last for long. Without • ©1990 Accu-Weather, Inc. even having to ask, a group of juniors in my Pressure section started stopping by my room and [;] X talking with me. I felt a little self-conscious, ® © ~ ~ m 0 HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T·STORMS FLURRIES SNOW being a freshman and all, but soon they ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY made me feel at ease, taking me under their Via Associated Press GraphicsNet wing and even taking me out with them. Soon I began to feel at home with these guys, sometimes a little too at home. The guys started taking me out to parties, OF INTEREST to Manor bowling, and I sat with them at dinner.