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G5%Ette Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Vol g5%ette Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Vol. 42 -- No. 108 -- U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, June 9, 1986 Booster rupture blamed for shuttle disaster *'I) -- A four-month The 250-page report was NASA is implementing many estigation of the space delivered Saturday to of the recommendations. shuttle Challenger tragedy President Reagan, and kept But release of the report Around the globe comes to an end today, as the under tight security before does not mean the Challenger Rogers Commission releases an afternoon news conference affair is over. its report on the disaster. today to formally reveal the The report traces the cause panel's findings. Panel chairman William Students Arrested In Korea (UPI) -- Police in of the January 28 space The commission has Rogers and top NASA managers Seoul, South Korea, say they arrested nine militant shuttle disaster to a rupture recommended independent now face a week of hearings college students for trying to occupy the in the shuttle's right-side review U.S. Embassy. boards to oversee the before the House and Senate Police say the students are members of an activist booster. redesign of the booster about the report and its group at Korea University. Tight security is in force It shows how NASA engineers joints. implications. around U.S. facilities in South Korea because of glossed over deep concern It also calls for more growing anti-American sentiment among militant about problems with the participation by astronauts The result promises to students. rocket's faulty fuel-segment in the decision to launch reshape the nation's space joints in a bid to meet a shuttles, and for improved policy and how the shuttle Drug Addicts Raid Poppy Fields (UPI) -- A launch schedule. quality control and safety. program is utilized. Communist Party newspaper in the Soviet Union reports Soviet drug addicts are raiding poppy fields in southern Russia to feed their habits. The article is Waldheim surprising because the Soviet Union rarely admits it has a drug problem. The newspaper describes how some elected youths have turned to drugs since Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev imposed restrictions last year on the sale of president alcohol. in Austria Police Look For Stolen Wastebasket (UPI) -- Police in Rochester, New York, are on the lookout for a (UPI) -- Israel has made its stolen designer wastebasket worth more than $600. first diplomatic response to Someone walked off with the trash can from Rochester's Kurt Waldheim's election Village Gates Arts Center, where it was on display as yesterday as president of part of a show called Trash Appeal Two. The wastebasket Austria. was painted and sculpted by designer Rosemary Disney, Today, Jerusalem ordered best known for creating eggs and jewelry for Cartier. its ambassador in Vienna to return home for "con- San Antonio Water Not Threatened (AP) -- sultations." Foreign Minister Authorities in San Antonio, Texas, say a freight train Yitzhak Shamir made the derailment is not threatening the city's water supply. decision after meeting with But as many as 2,000 people were evacuated from the Prime Minister Shimon Peres area near where the train jumped the track and went to consider a response to over a bridge into a muddy creek bed. At least five Waldheim's election. tank cars carrying chemicals caught fire, triggering an It is not immediately clear explosion. whether the Israeli diplomat will return to the Austrian Radiation Fears Keep Musicians Home (AP) -- capital, or is being recalled Fears about radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear for good to protest the accident are keeping two musicians in the U.S. The two election. had been invited to compete in Moscow's Tchaikovsky The World Jewish Congress Festival. One says she changed her plans to go to charges the former United Moscow after receiving conflicting reports about Nations secretary-general has radiation levels there. covered up his WWII Nazi past. Nicaraguan Rebels Hold Hostages (AP) -- The Congress says Waldheim Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega says there is only participated in Nazi one solution left, besides military action, for freeing atrocities against Jews, as eight West German volunteers held by Nicaraguan rebels. well as Greek and Yugoslav That, he says, is for President Reagan to order the partisans, while serving in rebels to free the Germans. But he warns the Sandinista the German army. army will take military action to free the volunteers Waldheim denies the if they are not released by tonight. charges. Austrians clearly backed Tornado Rips Southeast Denver (UPI) -- A tornado Waldheim, giving him 53.9 cut through southeast Denver yesterday, injuring one percent of the vote in a person and damaging several apartments and two shopping two-candidate runoff centers. The 23-year-old man injured was cut in the election. legs by broken glass as he tried to outrun the tornado. But outraged Jewish leaders Several funnel clouds touched down in northern Denver, worldwide are condemning the but no damage is reported. election results. At New York's Fifth Avenue N Salute To Israel Parade, Mayor Edward Koch echoed the thoughts of many when he said W E News of the bay the election "will be to Austria's eternal shame." S Killer dies Navy Relief Raffle Winners -- During Saturday's Navy Relief grand finale at the Windjamner, the highlight of the evening came with the announcement of Luncheon Preparations -- Mr. Carl Gibson is a waiter the raffle winners. The winners came from as many duties. On this day, he is helping to prepare in Texas cross-sections of the base, from both Windward and t the lunch crowd expected jail in the BOQ Wardroom. (Photo by Leeward. They are: First place, S.R. Nelson, IC-10, Lt. Cmdr. Rick Fischer) (UPI) "Be -- cool. Thank you Honda 250 Elite; second place, Cleveland Ingram, for SIMA, being my friends. Give my 19" color TV; third place, Stacey Byington, Naval love to everybody." Station, CD Player; fourth place, Jane West, Naval Those were the last words Hospital, VCR; and fifth place, Mr. Deacon, Navy of 50-year-old Rudy Ramos Exchange, family portrait. Esquivel, who was executed Captain's Hotline early today at a Texas prison. He was convicted for the Inquiry: Inside Questions have found the stairs to be in 1978 killing of a Houston been brought up Page 2 Motorcycle recently good condition, with proper undercover narcotics agent in -- Safety Awareness Ride about unsafe wooden steps at height of the risers and a shootout over a heroin Page 2 -- May Read-At-Home Winners some Oil Point quarters. width of threads. Handrails deal. Page 3 -- Resolving The POW/MIA Issue Response: The Housing were attached to both sides His was the third execution Page 4 -- Boston Wins! director and the Housing of the stairway. Your stairs in Texas in as many months. Page 4 -- Baseball Scouting Camps Open Facilities branch manager meet or exceed all current The state has put 14 men to have both personally safety requirements for death by lethal injection U.A. inspected your stairs. They residential stairways. since resuming capital I punishment in 1982. Tips help ensure safe boating for children the (AFPS) -- The U.S. Coast o Protect your children relation to the rest of their Guard and the National Safe with properly fitted personal bodies than adults' heads, so Boating Council recommend the flotation devices (life children need special following safety tips to make jackets). Make sure they are child-size life jackets. your children's boating Coast Guard-approved models. o Children should sit experience safe and fun. Children's heads are heavy in inside the boat, not on the transom, gunwales or bow. JCO -I.p o When you return to dock, Motorcycle Safety Awareness Ride do not let children fend the Entry Deadline August 11 boat off the dock with their hands Sac Meeting -- There will be a meeting of the W.T. or feet. This common one, come all, Sampson High School Sac Tuesday, June 10, 3 p.m., in Come and enjoy a day in the sun during practice has resulted in the high school library. the one and only Guantanamo Bay Motorcycle Ride. numerous injuries. There will be a Motorcycle Safety Awareness Ride o Children are among those Attention Leeward Residents -- There will be a Saturday, August 16, 9 a.m. The ride will start at most likely to get seasic community meeting for all Leeward Point residents Phillips Park and end at Windmill Beach with lots of Kids who get carsick and prizes. Wednesday, June 11, 7 - 9 p.m., at the Leeward Point food, drinks, airsick are the stronger Coanunity Center. Registration fee is $10 per person which is payable candidates. The key to to BMC Richard at Port Services or BM1 McGovern at prevention is to take anti- Reflex Photo Club -- The Reflex Photo Club will Occupational Safety and Health Office. seasickness medication before hold a mandatory meeting tonight, June 9, 7 p.m. at In case of rain, this event will be postponed to a setting out in your boat. Ask Hobbyland. All members must attend to pay dues and later date. For more information, call BMC Richard, your doctor to recommend a receive new combination. Anyone not up-to-date will not 4898/4405 or BM1 McGovern, 4526/4529. medication. A variety are get the new number. If you are not able to attend, call Moped and scooter riders are encouraged to attend. available over the counter. Bill Bandura, 3198 or Scott Godbey, 3542. Non-members If the doctor prescribes a are welcome to attend. Name Rank Age medication, do not store it on your oceangoing boat Attention Video Buffs -- Bored with nothing to do? Work Phone Number Home Phone Number unless it is enclosed in a Join the Iguana Video Club and take advantage of the "blister pack." Sea air 450 movies available for checkout.
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