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[ 395 ] INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, S e r ie s A, V o l . 193. A. Abney (W. de W.). The Colour Sensations in Terms of Luminosity, 259. Atmospheric electricity—experiments in connection with precipitation (Wilson), 289. Bakebian Lectube. See Ewing and Kosenhain. C. Colour-blind, neutral points in spectra found by (Abney), 259. Colour sensations in terms of luminosity (Abney), 259. Condensation nuclei, positively and negatively charged ions as (W ilson), 289. Crystalline aggregates, plasticity in (Ewing and Rosenhain), 353. D. Dawson (H. M.). See Smithells, Dawson, and Wilson VOL. CXCIII.— Ao : S F 396 INDEX. Electric spark, constitution of (Schuster and Hemsalech), 189; potential—variation with pressure (Strutt), 377. Electrical conductivity of flames containing vaporised salts (Smithells, Dawson, and Wilson), 89. Electrocapillary phenomena, relation to potential differences between‘solutions (Smith), 47. Electrometer, capillary, theory of (Smith), 47. Ewing (J. A.) and Rosenhain (W.). The Crystalline Structure of Metals.—Bakerian Lecture, 353. F. Filon (L. N. G ). On the Resistance to Torsion of certain Forms of Shafting, with special Reference to the Effect of Keyways, 309. Flames, electrical conductivity of, and luminosity of salt vapours in (Smithells, Dawson, and Wilson), 89. G. Gravity balance, quartz thread (Threlfall and Pollock), 215. H. Hemsalech (Gustav). See Schuster and Hemsalech. Hertzian oscillator, vibrations in field of (Pearson and Lee), 159. Hysteresis in the relation of extension to stress exhibited by overstrained iron (Muir), 1. I. Ions, diffusion into gases, determination of coefficient (Townsend), 129. Ions positively and negatively charged, as condensation nuclei (Wilson), 289. Iron, recovery of, from overstrain (Muir), 1.
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