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Data Sheet Data Sheet Sheet#: D9c.2 Title: CLASSIFICATION DATDATAASHEESHEETT OFFREIGHT,GENERAL ©NATIONALMODELRAILROADASSOCIATION SERVICEAND MAINTENANCEOFWAY TOTALFREIGHTTRAINCARS CARS Reformated: October1999 Jan.1,1967:(ClassIRailroads,1,496,579;ClassII FirstIssued: November1953(D9b.01) RailroadsandTerminal&SwitchingCompanies, MyronL.Brown 26,847;PrivatelyOwned,302,758);1,826,184. Originally Compiledby: EdwardA.Young BoxCars-591,601 GondolaCars-13,722 Revised: January1968 FlatCars-102,912 Revisedby: CharlesM.Alberty RackCars-26,474 References: TheOfficialEquipmentRegister TankCars-173,304 (Jan1967) AARCarServiceDivision CoveredHopperCars-130,181 CarBuildersCyclopediaofAmerican Open-TopHopperCars-439,516 Practice(1961) TankCarManual,GeneralAmerican RefrigeratorCars-118,362 TransportationCorporation(1966) StockCars-19,645 Page: 1of11 OtherFreightTrainCars-10,467 TOTALCOMPANYSERVICEEQUIPMENT CLASS"X"-continued Jan.1.1965:78,349 CabooseCars-17,329 andsuitableforgeneralcommodityloading. Ballast&DumpCars-5,541 FormerlyClass"XMC". DerrickCars-793 XL- LoaderEquipped.Ahousecarsimilarin WreckingCars-2,620 designto"XM",eitherfullyorpartiallylined BusinessCars-367 withsteelperforatedsidewallsorequipped BoardingOutfitCars-13,888 withinteriorsiderailsorstanchionsand SnowRemovingCars-1,009 crossbarmembers,forsecurementofcertain OtherServiceEquipmentCars-36,802 typesofladingand/orpermanentlyattached movablebulkheads.FormerlyClass"XML". GENERAL XM -Box.Ahousecarforgeneralserviceand especiallyforladingrequiringprotection Theclassificationslistedbelowarefromthe fromtheweather,withorwithoutladingtie AAR.Individualroadsmayuseother anchors,andequippedwithsideorsideand designations.Thefollowingclassificationsare enddoors. thoseineffectonJanuary1,1967. XP -Ahousecarsimilarindesignto"XM "but speciallyequippedforspecificcommodity FREIGHTCARCLASSIFICATIONS loadingandnotsuitableformiscellaneous CLASS"X"-BOXCARTYPE commodityloading.FormerlyClass"XMP". XR -AutoDeviceCar.Ahousecarsimilarin designto"XM"eitherlinedorunlined,withside orsideandenddoorsandequippedwith loadingracksand/orfloortubeswithtie-down chainsforloadingsetupautomobilesand trucks.FormerlyClasses"XAR"and"XMR". XT -Ahousecarwithorwithoutdoorseither Class"XM"BoxCar metallinedorenclosingoneormoretanks. XU -Ahousecarwithremovable XC -Ahousecarhavingindividual superstructuretobeusedforSpecialLoading. compartmentswithamultiplicityofsidedoors FormerlyClass"XME". Sheet#: D9c.2 Title: CLASSIFICATION DATDATAASHEESHEETT OFFREIGHT,GENERAL ©NATIONALMODELRAILROADASSOCIATION SERVICEAND MAINTENANCEOFWAY CARS CLASS"X"-continued Page: 2of11 OBSOLETECLASSES: "XAP"and"XI". NOTE: WhenanyoftheforegoingClass"X" CLASS"S"-continued carsareinsulated,theletter"I"shouldbe addedtothedesignation. ST -StockCar.Thiscarisfortransportationof livestockonthehoof,andisequippedwith CLASS"S"-STOCKCARTYPE roof,slottedsidesandsidedoors,andfixed tripledeck.Withorwithoutfeedandwater troughs. CLASS"V"--VENTILATORCARTYPE Class"SM"StockCar SA -StockCar.Acarfortransportationof Stockonthehoof(excepthorsesandmules), Class"VA"VentilatedBoxCar equippedwithroof,slattedsidesandside VA -Fruit-VegetableVentilatedBox.Similarin doorsandfixeddoubledecklocatedsufficiently designtogeneralserviceboxcar,butwith hightopermittheloadingofcattleonthelower eitherendand/orsideventilators,andwithor deck.Withorwithoutfeedandwatertroughs. withoutdoubleslidingsidedoorsWhen SC -StockCar.Thiscarisfortransportationof equippedwithdoubledoors,onedoorissolid stockonthehoof,andisequippedwithroof, andtheotherscreened. slattedsidesandsidedoors,andconvertible VM -Fruit-VegetableVentilator.Similarin singleordoubledeck.Withorwithoutfeed designtoventilatedboxcar,exceptthatitis andwatertroughs. partiallyinsulated. SD -StockCar.Compositecarhavingdrop VS -Fruit-VegetableInsulatedVentilator.A doorsinfloorandmeansofhousinginsidesto housecarequippedwithinsulationandhinged makeadropbottomboxcar. swingingsidedoors,andmeansofventilation. SF -StockCar.Thisca risfortransportationof Notequippedforrefrigeration,although stockonthehoofandisequippedwithroof, sometimesprovidedwithshallowboxesunder slattedsidesandsidedoors,andfixeddouble hatches(or ventilatingopenings)toprotect deck.Withorwithoutfeedandwatertroughs. lading,butnottocontainice.Sometimescalled SH -HorseCar.Acarspeciallyfittedforthe "ProduceCar". transportationofhorsesinfreightservice. NOTE: Heating-Anyoftheaboveclassesof SM -StockCar.Thiscarisfortransportationof equipmenthavingspecialheatingappliances stockonthehoof,andisequippedwithroof. fortheprotectionofcommoditiesagainst slattedsidesandsidedoors,andsingledeck. freezing,tobecoveredbyaffixingtheletter Withorwithoutfeedandwatertroughs. "H"tothedesignatingsymbol. SP -StockCar.Usedinpoultrytrade,fitted withroofandsidesusuallyofwirenetting,fitted withshelvesforstoringcratesofpoultryand leavingspaceforpoultrymen,f eedbagand wateringfacilities. Sheet#: D9c.2 Title: CLASSIFICATION DATDATAASHEESHEETT OFFREIGHT,GENERAL ©NATIONALMODELRAILROADASSOCIATION SERVICEAND MAINTENANCEOFWAY CARS CLASS"R"--REFRIGERATORTYPECAR Page: 3of11 CLASS"R"-continued RPM -MechanicalRefrigerator.Similarto Class"RP"butequippedwithbeefrails. RS -BunkerRefrigerator.Afullyinsulated housecarequippedwithicebunkers.Designed Class"RAMH"BrineTankRefrigerationCar primarilyforuseofchunkiceandwithor withoutmeansofventilation. RA -Brine-TankRefrigerator.Ahousecar RSB -BunkerRefrigerator.Afullyinsulated equippedwithinsulationandbrine-tanks. housecarequippedwithicebunkersandair Designedprimarilyforthecombineduseof circulatingfans.Designedprimarilyforusein crushediceandsaltandusuallywithout bulkpotatoorsimilartypeloadingascarsare ventilatingdevices.Usedchieflyformeatsand equippedwithinteriorslopesheetsand packinghouseproducts. conveyorsand/orequipmentformechanical RAM -Brine-TankRefrigerator.Similarto loadingandunloading. Class"RA"carbutequippedwithbeefrails. RSM -BunkerRefrigerator.SimilartoClass RB -BunkerlessRefrigerator.(BeverageIce, "RS"butequippedwithbeef rails. WaterorVinegarRefrigerator).Similarin RSTC -BunkerRefrigerator.Afullyinsulated designtoaClass"RS"carexceptthatitisnot housecarequippedwithoneortwoice equippedwithicebunkersandwithorwithout bunkersorbrinetanks,withorwithoutmeans ventilatingdevicesandwithorwithoutdevices forexteriorventilation,equippedwith forattachingportableheaters.Construct ed thermostaticallycontrolledelectricfanforced withaminimumof3"ofinsulationonsidesand aircirculatingsystem,poweredbyequipment endsand3½"ofinsulationinfloorandroof. locatedoncar. RBL -BunkerlerssRefrigerator.Similarin RSTM -BunkerRefrigerator.SimilartoClass constructiontoaClass"RE"carbutequipped "RSTC"butequippedwithbeefrails. inadditionwithadjustableloadingorstowing NOTE: Anyoftheaboveclassesofequipment device. havingspecialheatingappliancesforthe RCD -SolidCarbonDioxideRefrigerator.A protectionofcommoditiesagainstfreezing,to housecarequippedwithinsulation,withor becoveredbyaffixingtheletter"H"tothe withoutmeansofventilationandprovidedwith designatingsymbols. asystemofrefrigerationinwhichsolidcarbon dioxideisemployedastheprimaryrefrigerant. CLASS"H"--HOPPERCARTYPE RP -MechanicalRefrigerator.Ahousecar equippedwithinsulation,withorwithoutmeans ofventilationandprovidedwithapparatusor otherdeviceforfurnishingprotectionagainst heatand/orcold.Apparatusoperatedbypower generatedinsidecar,butnotthroughthecar axle. Class"HT"--Hopperw/3Hoppers RPL -MechanicalRefrigerator.Similarto Class"RP"butequippedinadditionwith HD -AnOpenTopSelf-ClearingCarhaving adjustableloadingorstowingdevice. fixedsidesandends,andbottomconsistingof twoormoredividedhopperswithdoorshinged lengthwiseofcaranddumpingoutsideofrails. FormerlyClass"HDA". Sheet#: D9c.2 Title: CLASSIFICATION DATDATAASHEESHEETT OFFREIGHT,GENERAL ©NATIONALMODELRAILROADASSOCIATION SERVICEAND MAINTENANCEOFWAY CARS CLASS"H"-continued Page: 4of11 HE -AnOpenTopCar,notself-clearing, havingfixedsidesandends,levelbottomwith CLASS"H"-continued twoormoredividedhopperswithdoorshinged crosswiseofcaranddumpingbetweenrails. HTA -AnOpenTopSelf-ClearingCarhaving HF -AnOpenTopSelf-ClearingCarhaving fixedsidesandends,andbottomconsistingof fixedsidesandendsandbottomconsistingof threeormoredividedhopperswithdoors twoormoredividedhopperswithdoorshinged hingedlengthwiseofcaranddumpingbetween crosswisedumpingbetweenrails,alsotwo rails.FormerlyClass"HTB". dividedhoppersextendingfromendofcarto NOTES: WhenHopperCarsareequippedwith bolster,withdoorshingedlengthwiseofcar anyorallofthemodificationsasprovidedin anddumpingoutsideofrails. thefollowing,thesuffixesasprovidedshallbe HFA -AnOpenTopSelf-ClearingCarhaving addedtotheprimaryclassificationintheorder fixedsidesandendsandbottomconsistingof aslistedbelow: dividedhoppersatcenterwithdoorshinged 1.IfanyoftheseHopperCarsareequipped leng thwise,dumpingoutsideand/orinsideof withcokeracks,theletter"C"shouldbe rails;alsoonedividedhopper,eachend, affixedtotheregularsymboltodesignate extendingfromendofcarbolsterwithdoors itsspecialclassofservice. hingedlengthwiseofcardumpingoutsideof 2.IfanyoftheseHopperCarsareequipped rails. with arooforarecoveredfortheprotection HFB -AnOpenTopSelf-ClearingCarhaving ofcontentstheletter"R"shouldbeaffixedto fixedsidesandendsandbottom,consistingof theregularsymboltodesignateitsspecial oneormoredividedhoppersatcenterofcar classofservice. withdoorshingedlengthwisedumpinginside 3.Wherecarsareequippedwithpermanent rails;alsocrosshoppersatendswithdoors racksforstowingparts,orarespecially dumpingbetween,orbetweenandoutsideof modifiedorequippedtoprovideforloading rails. ofaparticularcommodity,theletter"S" HK -AnOpenTopSelf-ClearingCarhaving shouldbeaffixedtotheapplicable
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