Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-3-1997 The BG News September 3, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 3, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6196. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. TODAY Directory SPORTS OPINION 2 Switchboard 372-2601 Classified Ads 372-6977 Natalie: Beware of first impressions Display Ads 372-2605 Women's Soccer Editorial 372-6966 Sports 372-2602 at Dayton cool Entertainment 372-2603 tonight, 7:30 p.m. WORLD 5 *# Story Idea? Give us a call Falcons search for second victory of the and sunny weekdays from I pm. to 5 pm., or season on the road against Flyers Russians trying to blame Mir's team j$f e-mail: "
[email protected]" High: 68 Low: 51 WEDNESDAY September 3,1997 Volume 84, Issue 5 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio n "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" Suspects faced with manslaughter Paparazzi placed under formal investigation The Associated Press PARIS - A French judge de- clared seven paparazzi to be manslaughter suspects Tuesday in the death of Princess Diana, including one aggressive photog- rapher said to have felt the dying princess's pulse while snapping shots of the car wreck.