BASILDON LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL MEETING AGENDA Date: 10th July 2017 Time: 14:00 Venue: Committee Room 5, County Hall Chairman: Councillor Richard Moore Panel Members: TBC Officers: Will Price – Highway Liaison Officer David Gollop – Design Manager Secretariat: N/A Page Item Subject Lead Paper 1 Welcome & Introductions Chairman Verbal 2 Apologies for Absence Chairman Verbal Declarations of Interest 1 3 Minutes of meeting held on 21st March 2017 to be agreed as Chairman Report 1 a correct record 1 4 Matters Arising from Minutes of the previous meeting Chairman Verbal 7 5 Approved Works Programme HLO Report 2 11 6 Potential Schemes List HLO Report 3 -Potential Schemes for 18/19 -VAS signs and revenue budget 18 7 Appendix HLO Report 4 - Highways Rangers - Section 106 Schemes 8 Any other business Chairman Verbal 19 Date of next meeting Chairman Verbal Any member of the public wishing to attend the Basildon Local Highways Panel (LHP) must arrange a formal invitation from the Chairman no later than 1 week in advance. Any public questions should be submitted to the Highways Liaison Officer no later than 1 week before the LHP meeting date;
[email protected] [10th July 2017] [Basildon LHP] BASILDON LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL MINUTES 2pm, 21st MARCH 2017 COMMITTEE ROOM 5, COUNTY HALL Chairman: Councillor Keith Bobbin Panel Members: Cllr Kay Twitchen, Cllr Tony Hedley, Cllr Malcolm Buckley, Cllr Kerry Smith, Cllr Frank Ferguson, Cllr Mark Ellis, Cllr Melissa McGeorge, Cllr Nigel Le Gresley Officers: Sonia Church (Highway Liaison Manager), Will Price (Highway Liaison Officer), Jasmine Wiles (Assistant Highway Liaison Officer) Other Bernard Foster – Parish Council Representative Attendees: Item Owner 1.