Radcliffe Chambers T: 020 7831 0081 11 New Square Lincoln’s Inn E:
[email protected] London WC2A 3QB W: radcliffechambers.com Challenging suspicious wills – 08.06.2020 1. SUSPICIOUS WILLS There are a number of classic features common to probate claims where the validity of a Will is challenged. A testator typically executes a new Will in favour of one or more family members (often to the exclusion of others) or in favour of others, such as friends, neighbours or carers. The new Will represents a significant departure from the terms of previous Wills, which may have divided the estate equally between the testator’s children or nearest relatives. The terms of the Will are, therefore, surprising or suspicious, at least to the parties who wish to challenge its Charles Holbech validity. Call: 1988 The testator may have been elderly and/or in failing health, Barrister perhaps in the early stages of dementia, or suffering from the result of a recent bereavement. The golden rule may not have been observed if a doctor did not certify the testator’s capacity Charles Holbech specialises before the Will was executed. in private client work, both contentious and non- The testator is typically vulnerable and susceptible to influence. contentious, often involving The primary beneficiary under the Will may have been in the technical advice on tax, trusts position to influence the testator, by virtue of their dominating and estates. Whether advising personality or position of trust and/or may have been involved in the preparation or execution of the Will. in conference, on paper, or in court, Charles applies a detailed, but clear, analysis to There may, however, be little or no direct evidence that the beneficiary had sought to coerce the testator to execute the Will, complex issues.