Predicting the Occurrence of Stunted Bluegill Populations
PREDICTING THE OCCURRENCE OF STUNTED BLUEGILL POPULATIONS FROM WISCONSIN LAKE FEATURES By Jennifer Marie Hurt A Thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements of the degree MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCES (FISHERIES) College of Natural Resources UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Stevens Point, Wisconsin December 2007 Al'l'ROVED BY'l'HECRADU:\TE COM\fiTTF.F. OF: D:. :\.fic,1ac. J. J-fo.u~n, Cormma::e Ch~1n:,~n l)rofcssor ofFish~i~ Collr,gr. ofN°a!'l.uat Resomcei !'j,') !ti,t, IL/ "I>" . -1,_~- Ji?.:v,,:>.- D,. R.ob"1t .'.:Holsm,:o A~,;i~la;1l Pn,feoesor ofCOilServatio."l Lat\• .:.nd '\','jltl!if~ n::lci(C of)1J~t1m1l ltr.SCl'l!J'Qa~ ---~v.1. .O..:."' ...r~/""/,;e.=_- --- ~nc:y A. N~t('\ Fishec jes D;llahH.:;c Coor,!:ruitc1J: ·~V!3co!lSjn De1>arlmc:11l orN;:.(urai Rc:;ou·.-r,r:5 ABSTRACT Bluegill stunting (poor growth and small size) is a fishery management problem in Wisconsin. Wisconsin has over 15,000 lakes and surveying each lake is not feasible due to lack of resources (personnel, money and time). Classifying lakes based on ecological and limnological similarities may provide a way to account for differences among lakes without having to survey all lakes. My objective was to classify stunted and non-stunted bluegill populations using features of Wisconsin lakes. Before I addressed my main objective, two subordinate objectives were addressed to establish data needs and define a stunted bluegill population for Wisconsin lakes. First, I determined if size selectivity of bluegills differed between electrofishing and Fyke netting in Wisconsin lakes.
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