Wesley College Chronicle
1 20 WESLEY COLLEGE CHRONICLE. PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOOTBALL, 1922. 6th July.—Scotch College, 17.25 (127 Wesley College v. Xavier College. points), beat Geelong College, 5.9 (39 Wesley College Team.—(Colours) N. J. • points), on the M.C.C Ground. Abernethy (Captain), T. Standing (Vice- fl 7th July.—Wesley College, 16.19 (115 Captain), C L. P. Lilburne, R. H. Nat points), beat Xavier College, 10.10 (70 trass, H. K. Lang. points), on the M.C.C Ground. K. P. Bladen, W. Carmody, G. M. Cathie, .1. C Code, .L R. M. Crockett, A. W. Fin 7th July.—Melbourne Grammar School, lav, L. E. Fisher, W. I. McKenzie, E. 10.12 (72 points), beat Geelong Grammar Munro, G. G. Mussen, R. N. S. Shiels, E. W. School, 3.8 (26 points), on the Corio Oval. Turnbull, J. F. Williams. 12th July.—Wesley College, 16.16 (122 Our first premiership match of the sea points), beat Scotch College, 8.11 (59 son was played on the Melbourne Cricket points), on the M.C.C Ground. Ground on Friday, 7th July. There had 13th July.—Melbourne Grammar School, been only a month in which to prepare for 15.16 (106 points), beat Geelong College, the game, and it was unfortunate for the 6.12 (48 points), on the M.C.C. Ground. team that two practice matches had had to be abandoned. Yet the weather had ]4tli July.—Xavier College, 13.18 (96 been very favourable for practice, and the points), beat Geelong Grammar School, new members of the team had displayed a 10.9 (69 points), on the M.C.C Ground.
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