Living Traditions
Re~u CLT I CIH I ITH Le [iAYR. 2!] 1111111111111111111111111 w .........03.-:fo. .. ..... .. .. ... .. 0111200011 "" .I Cultural Survey oj Bangladesh .Series-If LIVING TRADITIONS Henry Glassie Firoz l\tlahn1ud ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BANGLADESH 18 I 1\IAT \YEA\Tl\'G ··rn Ban ,; l.tJ~ , h . th.: n.:ed for studies of k-.:J I e\ -: el k n .: ~ . ,,f t.l: ~ " "! S tbt loc:~ J \ .l!u~ , untuiJ throu;: h l .x :~l rnatatJ: ' · . ' r -tnt,·ularl> intense ... H~n r: G las~ i e \!:J.t we:11 ing i ~ the Jrt of we:11 ing mats. s~n · ed hy an abundam source ,1 f needing almost no tools. and quite without arcane technical skills. m.H '' ea1·ing shares '' ith ba~ k~try and pottery the diqinct itm of being one of the earliest hum :.1 n ~-r :lfl ' . \1:\l s are an indispensable p:.1rt of d a il~ life in Bangladesh. espcciJII y in the . d ..! .:; <> . 1·;;,, ..; ::. ,ut the country on e encounters :1 1 · :~riety of m:H ,,·c:n·in.:; tra JitiPns using indigenously gro\\'n materials :wJ embellishing the crc:Hions '' ith highly imaginati,·e de ~ ign s . \ J,,Je:·n life h ,o complicated th:u '' e do not ,:;lie to understand the Jiffercn,·c between .t rug anJ a : :~rpct. Nor do we care to undastand the difference between a rug and a mat. The ,, . , ,r~' ·ru p: " and ·carpet" are sometimes used intcrchangeabl:·. but !hey refet to different 1_1 :-' e~ of floor coverings. A rug CtW<:rS only part of the fll"l0 f ,)fa room :1 nd .
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